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JB/T 1829-1997 General technical requirements for forging machinery

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 1829-1997

Standard Name: General technical requirements for forging machinery

Chinese Name: 锻压机械 通用技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1997-08-18

Date of Implementation:1998-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Processing Machinery and Equipment>>J62 Forging Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:JB 1829-86

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1998-01-01

other information

drafter:Wang Lizhong

Drafting unit:Jinan Foundry and Forging Machinery Research Institute, Ministry of Machinery Industry

Focal point unit:National Forging Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Proposing unit:National Forging Machinery Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic requirements for the design, manufacture and acceptance of forging machinery. This standard applies to all types of forging machinery. All types of forging machinery should be specified according to the principles and requirements of this standard and supplemented with corresponding technical conditions. JB/T 1829-1997 General Technical Conditions for Forging Machinery JB/T1829-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Forging Machinery
Published on August 18, 1997
General Technical Conditions
Implemented on January 1, 1998
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
This standard is a revision of JB182986 "General Technical Conditions for Forging Machinery", supplementing the reliability requirements of forging machinery and the life indicators of the machine; revising the gap between fixed joint surfaces; canceling Appendix A "Noise Measurement" and Appendix B "Basic Parameters and Allowable Deviations of Sizes".
This standard will replace JB1829-86 from the date of implementation. This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Forging Machinery Standardization. This standard was drafted by the Jinan Foundry and Forging Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafter of this standard: Wang Lizhong.
1 Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
General Technical Conditions for Forging Machinery
This standard specifies the basic requirements for the design, manufacture and acceptance of forging machinery JB/T1829-1997
Replaces JB1829-86
This standard applies to all types of forging machinery. All types of forging machinery should be specified according to the principles and requirements of this standard, and the corresponding technical conditions should be supplemented.
2 Referenced Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB191 — 90 | | tt | | GB 376683 | | tt | 17120—1997
3 Technical requirements
3.1 General
Packaging, storage and transportation pictorial marking
General technical conditions for hydraulic systems
Technical conditions for mildew-proof packaging
Moisture-proof packaging
Industrial machinery and electrical equipment Part 1: General technical conditions Machine tool lubrication Sliding system
General technical conditions for pneumatic system
Safety technical conditions for forging machinery
Noise measurement method for forging machinery
Technical conditions for grey cast iron parts of forging machinery
Technical conditions for welded parts of forging machinery
General technical conditions for digital control systems of machine tools Technical conditions for painting of machine tools
Technical conditions for rust prevention of machine tools
Technical conditions for packaging of machine tools
Cleanliness of hydraulic system of forging machinery
3.1.1 Forging machinery shall be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, various product standards and technical documents. 3.1.2 The shape and layout of forging machinery shall take into account the requirements of process aesthetics and ergonomics. The appearance shall be beautiful and easy to use, maintain, assemble, disassemble and transport.
3.1.3 When forging machinery is manufactured, installed, transported, stored and used in accordance with the regulations, it shall not cause danger to personnel and must comply with the provisions of GB17120 approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on August 18, 1997
implemented on January 1, 1998
3.2 General requirements
3.2.1 Reliability
JB/T1829-1997 Forging machinery produced in batches shall be sampled for reliability assessment in accordance with the provisions of relevant standards or technical documents. The method, index and index value of reliability assessment shall be specified in the technical conditions of each product. 3.2.2 Life Under the conditions of two-shift operation and compliance with the use rules, the use time of forging machinery before the first planned overhaul shall refer to the provisions of Table 1.
Name of forging machinery
Mechanical press
Hydraulic press
Automatic forging machine
Shearing machine
Bending correction machine
Usage time before the first planned overhaul 5~8
Important guide rails and friction pairs of forging machinery should take wear-resistant measures and comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
3Guide rails, columns (for guidance) and other parts of forging machinery that are easily worn by dust and debris should be equipped with dust-proof devices. 3.2.3Parameters and dimensions
Forging machinery should give priority to the design of parameters and dimensions specified in the standards. parameters and dimensions of forging machinery products must be consistent with the product drawings and technical documents. 3.2.4The geometric accuracy and working accuracy of forging machinery should meet the process requirements and comply with the provisions of relevant standards. 3.2.5 The spare parts and accessories of forging machinery must be interchangeable and comply with the relevant standards or technical documents.
3.2.6 The technical documents of forging machinery include the product certificate, packing list and instruction manual. The contents of the instruction manual should include installation, transportation, storage, use and maintenance, safety and sanitation, etc. 3.3 Requirements for castings, forgings and weldments
3.3.1 Castings and forgings used to manufacture important parts of forging machinery should have a certificate of conformity. 3.3.2 Gray iron castings of forging machinery should comply with the provisions of JB/T5775. 3.3.3 Welded parts of forging machinery should comply with the provisions of JB/T8609. 3.3.4 Important welded metal components and castings and forgings used to manufacture important parts should be heat treated or other stress-reducing methods to eliminate internal stress.
3.3.5 Important forgings should be inspected by flaw detection. 3.4 Requirements for processing
3.4.1 The machined surface of the parts shall not have burrs and shall not have defects that reduce the quality of the forging machine and deteriorate the appearance. 3.4.2 Sharp edges on machined parts that are not shown in the working drawings shall be removed. 3.4.3 The scraped surface shall not have traces of previous processing. The scraped surface of the sleeve, the scraped surface of the rolling guide of the sliding guide, and the scraped surface of the adjusting wedge and plate shall have uniform scraping points throughout the surface. When inspected by the color coating method or by the matching surface, the number of scraping points shall comply with the provisions of Table 22
Plane guides, adjusting wedges and plates Width of bearings, diameter of bearing shells mm
1Except for displacement guides.
The number of scraping points in each 25mm×25mm area shall not be less than
2 points, calculated on average within an area of ​​300cm2. If it is less than 300cm2, it shall be calculated based on the actual area. 3.4.4 The working surfaces of bushings, bearings, sliding guides, rolling guides, adjusting wedges and plates processed by planing, grinding or other processing methods shall have a contact area of ​​not less than 70% in length and not less than 50% in width when inspected by the coloring method. 3.4.5 The rims and control handles of the operating handwheels made of metal shall be polished and chrome-plated, and shall not be painted. 3.5 Requirements for assembly
3.5.1 During subassembly or general assembly, it is not allowed to install gaskets that are not on the working drawings. 3.5.2 If there are no special requirements for the gap between the joint surfaces of important connected parts, the thickness of the feeler gauge allowed to be inserted shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Table 3
Name of forging machinery
Forging machinery with nominal force ≤4000kN
Hammer with striking energy ≤125H (mass of falling part ≤5000kg)Forging machinery with nominal force >4000~20000KNHammer with striking energy >125H (mass of falling part >5000kg)Forging machinery with nominal force >20000KN
Forging machinery with main parameters other than nominal force and striking energyThickness of feeler gauge inserted
Note: The allowable insertion depth of the feeler gauge shall not exceed 1/4 of the contact surface width, and the cumulative length of the feeler gauge portion between the contact surfaces shall not exceed 110 of the circumference3.5.3 For adjustable movable guide rails, the wedges used to adjust the guide rails shall have a margin to compensate for the wear. 3.5.4 The idle travel in the transmission mechanism of the forging machinery operating device, adjusting device, etc. shall not exceed the sum of the standard fit clearance values ​​of each part in the dimension chain of the mechanism.
3.5.5 The allowable residual mass imbalance of the rigid rotating body of the forging machine is calculated as follows: G6.3
Where: U..—allowable residual mass imbalance, g·mm; m is the mass of the rigid rotating body, kg;
G6.3 is the mass balance level of the rigid rotating body, mm·s! The angular velocity of the rigid rotating body at the maximum acceleration, s-1. 3.6 Requirements for electrical equipment
The electrical equipment of forging machinery shall comply with the requirements of GB/T5226.1. 3
3.7 Requirements for digital control systems
The digital control system of forging machinery shall comply with the requirements of ZBJ50002. 3.8 Requirements for hydraulic, pneumatic, lubrication and cooling systems 3.8.1 The hydraulic system of forging machinery shall comply with the requirements of GB3766. 3.8.2 The oil temperature at the oil inlet of the hydraulic system tank of the forging machinery should not exceed 60°C when the forging machinery is working. 3.8.3 An oil filter should be installed in the hydraulic system. 3.8.4 The cleanliness of the hydraulic system shall comply with the provisions of ZBJ62001. 3.8.5 The pneumatic system of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of GB7932. In order to remove condensed water in the pneumatic system pipeline, the installation slope of the pipeline arranged on the side for removing condensed water shall not be less than 1:500. 3.8.6 The lubrication system of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of GB6576. 3.8.7 The lubrication of important friction parts of forging machinery should generally adopt a centralized lubrication system. It can only be adopted when a centralized lubrication system cannot be used. Use a dispersed lubrication device,
3.8.8 Dispersed lubrication should be equipped with a separate lubrication sign, and the lubrication location should be indicated on the sign. 3.8.9 The delivery device for lubricants and coolants (emulsion, water, gas, lubricating oil, etc.) should deliver lubricants and coolants to the specified locations continuously or periodically as needed.
3.8.10 The hydraulic, pneumatic, cooling and lubrication systems must not leak oil, water or air. Coolant must not be mixed into the hydraulic system and lubrication system. 3.9 Requirements for appearance
3.9.1 The appearance and layout of the forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of 3.1.2. 3.9.2
The exposed surface of the forging machinery should not have protrusions, depressions, roughness and other damage not specified in the drawings. 3.9.3 Forging machine The protective cover of the machine should be flat and symmetrical, without warping or dents. 3.9.4 The edges of the exposed joint surfaces of forging machinery parts should be neat and symmetrical, without obvious misalignment, and the misalignment and unevenness should not exceed the requirements of Table 4.
Mating surface edge and
Door cover edge size
Note: Edge size refers to the long side size.
Misalignment and unevenness
The exposed processed surface of the forging machinery should not be bumped, scratched or rusted. 3.9.5
Fitting gap value
3.9.6 Adjusting bolts and nuts that need to be frequently turned, as well as non-metallic pipes, should not be painted. mm
Gap unevenness
3.9.7 The non-machined metal outer surface of the forging machinery shall be painted, or protected by other specified methods. The painting of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of ZBJ50011. 3.9.8
3.9.9 The boundary between different colors of paint shall be clear. The joints of the detachable assembly joint surface shall be cut after painting, and the edges shall not be torn when cutting.
3.9.10 The exposed welds shall be straight and uniform. 4
3.9.11 The head of the countersunk screw shall generally not protrude from the surface of the part, and there shall be no obvious eccentricity between the countersunk hole and the fixing pin shall slightly protrude from the outer surface of the part, the bolt shall slightly protrude from the surface of the nut, and the exposed shaft end shall protrude from the end face of the containing part. The protrusion amount is the chamfer value. 3.9.12 The exposed parts of electrical, lubrication, hydraulic and cooling pipes should be arranged tightly, neatly and fixed with pipe clamps. The pipes should not be twisted or folded, and should be smooth at the bends, and should not be flattened or folded. 3.9.13 The hoses connected to the moving parts should be as short as possible and should not cause friction with other parts. 3.9.14 The nameplates and various signs of forging machinery should be clear and durable, and should be fixed in obvious positions. The fixation should be correct, flat, firm and not skewed.
3.9.15 The signs of forging machinery should comply with the relevant provisions of GB/T13306. 4 Test methods
4.1 General requirements
4.1.1 During the test, care should be taken to prevent the influence of airflow, light and strong magnetic fields. 4.1.2 Before the test, the forging machine should be installed and adjusted. Generally, it should be naturally leveled. Its installation level should not exceed 0.20/1000 in the vertical and horizontal directions. 4.1.3 During the test, the mechanism and parts that affect the performance and accuracy of the forging machine shall not be adjusted, otherwise the affected items shall be re-inspected.
4.1.4 The test shall be carried out on the assembled machine. Except for the parts that need to be disassembled during the test as specified in the standards and technical documents, other parts shall not be disassembled.
4.1.5 The supply of electricity and gas shall be normal during the test. 4.1.6 The actuator of the forging machine shall be connected during the test. 4.1.7 When the forging machine is limited by structure or does not have the test tools specified in the standard, other methods and test tools equivalent to those specified in the standard can be used for inspection.
4.2 Appearance
4.2.1 During the type test, evaluate whether the appearance and layout of the forging machine meet the requirements of 3.1.2. 4.2.2 The inspection of the appearance quality of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of 3.9. 4.3 Accessories and tools
The inspection of the accessories and tools of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of 3.2.5. 4.4 Parameters and dimensions
4.4.1 The measurement of the parameters and dimensions of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of the drawings and technical documents. 4.4.2 The measurement of the dimensions of the connection parts between forging machinery and tools or other devices shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding standards or drawings and technical documents. 4.5 Processing and assembly quality
4.5.1 The inspection of the processing quality of forging machinery parts shall comply with the provisions of the drawings and technical documents. 4.5.2 The assembly quality of forging machinery shall comply with the provisions of 3.5. 4.6 Safety and protection
The safety and protection of forging machinery must comply with the provisions of GB17120 and the safety technical conditions standards of various products. 4.7 Idle operation test
4.7.1 The idle operation test is to operate the forging machinery without external load. 4.7.2 Idle operation test time and action specification 5
a) For forging machinery without single stroke specification, the action specification during the idle operation test is continuous idle operation test, and the test time shall not be less than b) Forging machinery with single stroke specification, the action specification of the idle operation test is continuous idle operation and no-load single stroke. The continuous idle operation test time shall not be less than 2h. The no-load single stroke shall be tested according to the clutch connection frequency specified in Table 5, and the test time shall not be less than 1.5h. Table 5
Actuator stroke times per minute
Clutch connection frequency
1 When the actuator stroke times are greater than 60min-, its single stroke test shall be carried out for 30min. 2 The stroke times not listed in the table shall be calculated by the insertion method. 60
cForging machinery with adjustable actuator speed, the speed shall be increased step by step from the lowest speed during the test, and the running time at each speed shall not be less than 2 minutes, and then the idle running test shall be carried out at the highest speed. d) Forging machinery with stepless speed change of actuator, the lowest speed, medium speed and highest speed shall be run for 2 minutes each during the test, and then the idle running test shall be carried out at the highest speed.
e) The feeding amount of the feeding mechanism shall be changed in sequence, and the feeding amount shall be run for 2 minutes each at the minimum, medium and maximum feeding amount, and then the idle running test shall be carried out at the maximum feeding amount.
4.7.3 Temperature and temperature rise
Operate according to the action specifications specified in 4.7.2, and measure when the temperature reaches stability. a) The temperature and temperature rise of the guide rails and spindle bearings of the forging machinery actuator shall not exceed the provisions of Table 6. Table 6
Measurement Part
Sliding Guide
Sliding Bearing
Rolling Bearing
b) The temperature of friction clutch-brake and band brake shall not exceed 100℃, and the temperature rise shall not exceed 70℃. c) The oil temperature of hydraulic system shall not exceed the provisions of 3.8.2. ℃
Note: After the forging machine has been running for a certain period of time, if the temperature gradient of the measured part is not greater than 5℃/h, it is considered that the temperature has reached a stable value. 4.7.4. Action of each mechanism
a) Operate the forging machine according to the specified specifications and check whether the movement of the actuator is correct and smooth; b) Check whether the various specifications of the actuator, such as start, stop, single, automatic continuous, inch movement, and fast, are correct, flexible, and reliable; whether the action of the auxiliary mechanism is coordinated, accurate, and reliable with the action of the actuator; c) The operating force of the measuring operating handle and handwheel shall not be greater than 40N, the operating force of the lever type and foot pedal device shall not be greater than 60N, the operating force of the foot switch shall not be greater than 40N, and the operating force of the adjustment handwheel and handle shall not be greater than 90N. d) Check the accuracy of feeding by the feeding mechanism; e) Check the accuracy of the counting device:
Check the accuracy of the positioning and stopping device; 6
g) Check whether the adjustment, clamping, locking mechanism and other auxiliary devices are flexible and reliable; h) Check whether each display device is accurate and reliable: i) Check the working stability of the hydraulic and lubrication cooling system: j) Check the idle stroke of the manual control device, which should comply with the provisions of 3.5.4: k) In addition to the above-mentioned inspections, forging machinery controlled by digital programs should also be inspected in accordance with the provisions of ZBJ50002 and product technical conditions. Check whether it complies with the regulations
4.8 Temperature rise and loaded single load test (only for type test 4.8.1 Temperature rise test
a) The action specification of the forging machinery during the test is loaded continuous stroke; b) The external load during the test shall not be less than 70% of the nominal capacity of the forging machinery being tested, and the loading method shall comply with the provisions of the product technical conditions. The test time is 4h;
c) During the test, the auxiliary devices of the forging machinery shall operate as specified: d) During the test, the action of each mechanism shall be checked in accordance with the provisions of 4.7.4: e) During the test, the temperature and temperature rise of each part shall be measured, which shall comply with the provisions of 4.7.3. 4.8.2 Loaded single stroke load test
a) The action specification of the forging machine during the test is a loaded single stroke, and the number of strokes shall comply with the provisions of 4.7.2: b) The external load during the test shall not be less than 70% of the nominal capacity of the forging machine under test, and the loading method shall comply with the provisions of the product technical conditions. The test time shall be specified by the technical conditions standards of each product: c) The forging machine and auxiliary devices shall operate simultaneously during the test: d) During the test, the action of each mechanism shall be checked according to the provisions of 4.7.4. 4.8.3 Forging machines with adjustable speed, the above two tests shall be carried out at the highest speed, and each working mechanism and auxiliary device shall be carried out at the maximum working capacity state.
4.9 Noise
4.9.1 Noise sound power level (for type test) According to the method specified in JB3623, the noise sound power level of the forging machine during the no-load continuous stroke shall be measured, and its value shall not exceed the provisions of the noise limit standard. www.bzxz.net
4.9.2 Noise sound pressure level
According to the method specified in JB3623, the noise sound pressure level of the forging machinery during no-load continuous stroke and the impulse noise sound pressure level during no-load single stroke shall be measured. The value shall not exceed the provisions of the noise limit standard. 4.10 Transmission efficiency
Operate the forging machinery at the specified speed and measure its transmission efficiency. 4.11 Electrical system
Inspect the electrical system of the forging machinery according to GB/T5226.1. 4.12 Hydraulic, pneumatic, lubrication and cooling systems. Inspect the working conditions of the hydraulic, pneumatic, lubrication and cooling systems of the forging machinery. They shall comply with the provisions of 3.8. 4.13 Stiffness
Apply the specified load to the forging machinery and measure its stiffness. Its value shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards and technical documents. 7
4.14 Load test
4.14.1 Use one of the following loading methods to apply load to the forging machine for load testa) Use a loader to form an external load on the actuator of the forging machine;b) Complete one of the forging operations that the forging machine should complete;c) Process rough parts or parts:
d) Install the stopper of the actuator;
e) Hit flexible materials or rigid impact
Other simulated loading methods.
4.14.2 The load during the load test is generally 100% of the nominal capacity of the forging machine4.14.3 The specific method of the load test is specified by the technical conditions and standards of each product4.14.4 The operation of each mechanism and auxiliary device during the load test should be normal. 4.15 Geometric accuracy inspection
Inspect according to the accuracy standards of forging machinery. 4.16 Working accuracy inspection
a) All forging machines equipped with tools and dies when leaving the factory shall be subject to working accuracy inspection; b) If the supply contract stipulates that working accuracy inspection is required, it shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the contract; e) Working accuracy inspection is to process and manufacture rough parts or parts on forging machines, and to conduct full or random inspections of the geometric dimensions, surface quality, etc. of the rough parts or parts processed and manufactured.
4.17 Overload test
Each forging machine shall specify the overload test method and load value according to its characteristics, and inspect the sensitivity and reliability of the overload protection device. 4.18 Reliability test
Carry out reliability test in accordance with the provisions of 3.2.1. 4.19 Life test
Spot-check the forging machines produced in batches at the user factory or production plant, and check their use time before the first planned overhaul when working in two shifts, which shall comply with the provisions of
4.20 Others
Inspect according to other contents listed in the product's technical documents or the contract between the supplier and the buyer. 5 Acceptance rules
The acceptance test of forging machinery is divided into factory inspection and type test. 5.1 Factory inspection
5.1.1 Factory inspection is to assess whether the manufacturing quality of forging machinery meets the requirements of relevant standards, drawings and technical documents. 5.1.2 Each product can only be shipped after passing the factory inspection at the manufacturer. If due to special reasons the inspection cannot be carried out at the manufacturer, it can be inspected at the user's factory and can only be delivered for use after passing the inspection. 5.1.3 The factory inspection contents include:
a) Appearance:
b) Accessories and tools;
) Parameters and dimensions:
d) Processing and assembly quality:
e) Safety protection devices;
f Idle running test;
g) Noise sound pressure level;
h) Electrical system:
i) Hydraulic, pneumatic, lubrication, cooling systems: i) Load test;
k) Geometric accuracy:
1) Working accuracy;
m) Others.
Type test
5.2.1 Type test is to comprehensively evaluate the quality of forging machinery, to evaluate whether its design and manufacturing quality can meet the requirements of processing technology and users, whether it meets the provisions of standards, drawings and technical documents, and to evaluate the technical level of forging machinery. 5.2.2 In any of the following cases, type test should generally be carried out, and formal production can only be carried out after the type test is qualified: a) Trial determination and identification of new products or old products transferred to the factory for production; b) After formal production, if there are major changes in structure, materials, and processes that may affect product performance; during normal production, after regularly accumulating a certain amount of output, a test should be carried out periodically; d) When the product resumes production after a long period of suspension; e) When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type test; when the national quality supervision agency proposes type test requirements. 5.2.3 The contents of type test include:
a) Appearance;
b) Accessories and tools;
c) Parameters and dimensions:
d) Processing and assembly quality:
e) Safety protection device;
f Temperature rise and single load test;
g) Noise sound pressure level and sound power level;
h) Transmission efficiency;
i) Electrical system:
i) Hydraulic, pneumatic, lubrication and cooling systems: k) Stiffness;
1) Geometric accuracy;
m) Working accuracy;
n) Overload test;
o) Others.
6 Marking
6.1 A label should be fastened on the outside of each forging machine, and the label should include the following information: a) the name and address of the manufacturer;
b) the model and basic parameters of the product;
c) the year and number of manufacture.
6.2 There should be a trademark on each forging machine (the trademark can also be printed on the label). 7 Packaging
The packaging of forging machinery should comply with the provisions of ZBJ50014. The packaging method should be listed in the technical conditions of the product and comply with the provisions of relevant standards.
7.2 The working fluid, coolant, etc. should be drained from the box before packaging. 7.3 The sealing should be applied before packaging. The sealing method is selected by each product according to ZBJ50013 and should comply with the provisions of relevant standards. 7.4 According to the climate conditions of the production, transportation and storage areas, the packaging should be moisture-proof and mildew-proof, and should comply with the provisions of GB4768 and GB5048.
8 Transportation and storage
The transportation type, transportation requirements and storage conditions should be listed in the technical conditions of the product, and should comply with the provisions of relevant standards. 9
Manufacturing guarantee
The manufacturer should guarantee that within 12 months from the date of delivery, if the forging machine cannot work normally due to quality problems, the manufacturer should be responsible for repair, replacement and refund. 10
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