Some standard content:
UDC 535.3: 001.4 + 003.6
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB 4315.1—84
Optical transfer
Terminology, symbol
Published on April 12, 1984
Implemented on February 1, 1985
National Standard Approved
1 Fuze
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Optical transfer function
Terminology, symbol
UDC 535.3
1.1This standard starts from the relationship between the optical transfer function and the point spread function of the imaging system, specifies the terms related to the optical transfer function and the mathematical relationship between them, and also specifies the various important parameters that need to be explained in the measurement of the optical transfer function, and lists the symbols and units of the main parameters.
1.2In order to avoid the problems caused by different magnifications, all objects and images in this standard are attributed to the same reference plane. 1.3This standard is the first part of the optical transfer function standard. The other parts of the optical transfer function standard should also include the measurement and representation methods of the optical transfer function and the application of the optical transfer function in various special systems. 1.4This standard is mainly formulated with reference to the first part of ISO/DP8436 "Optical Transfer Function", the technical proof and symbol standards. Reference is also made to ISO/DP7979 "Optical transfer function" and ISO/IP7184 "Photography - Optical transfer function - Terminology". 2 Definitions and relationships of basic terms
2.1 Linearity
An imaging system is linear only when the intensity distribution of the image produced by the addition of any two object patterns is equal to the sum of the intensity distributions of the individual images.
2.2 Linear range
Linear range
An imaging system is operating within the linear range only when its response to the intensity of the input signal is linear within the measurement accuracy. This range defines the minimum and maximum intensities of the sum of the input signals. 2.3 Incoherent illumination
Incoherent illumination is a type of illumination in which the intensity of the reflected or transmitted light from any two points on the illuminated object can be added. 2.4 The imaging state
The imaging state
The imaging state of a system is the set of all parameters that affect the point spread function (see 2.5). These parameters include imaging spectrum, aperture, field of view, magnification, defocus, azimuth, reference angle, etc. 2.5 Point spread function
Point spread function (PSF)
The point spread function PSF (u, U) of an imaging system operating in the linear range and under a specified imaging state is the normalized irradiance distribution of the point source image F(u, ).
Published by the National Bureau of Standards on April 12, 1984
Implemented on February 1, 1985
GB 4315.1—84
F(u, u)
F(u, v) dudv
Here (u, v) is the Cartesian coordinate of each point on the reference plane. 2.6 Isoplanatic region
Isoplanatic region
The region where the point spread function can be considered constant within the measurement accuracy is the isoplanatic region of an imaging system. If the imaging device is a sampling or scanning device, the isoplanatic region is the region where the Fourier transform of the point spread function can be considered constant within the specified tolerance range.
2.7 Isoplanatic system
Isoplanatic system
If the point spread function of an imaging system is independent of the position of the corresponding point source in the object plane, then the system is an isoplanatic system. 2.8. Spatial frequency
Spatial frequency
Spatial frequency (r, s) is the variable in Fourier space corresponding to the real space position variable (u, v). It can be expressed as the reciprocal of the period of a sinusoidal spatial distribution on a straight line or an angular coordinate. The unit names of spatial frequency are defined as 1/mm, 1/milliradian, 1/degree. 2.9 Optical transfer function
Optical transfer function (OTF) When the optical imaging system operates in the linear range, in its isoplanatic region, the optical transfer function OTF (r, s) is the Fourier transform of the corresponding point spread function PSF (u, ). OTF(r, $) = J+mf+ PSF(u, V) exp (-i2# (ur +us)Jdudu ..*+++**+(2)
The optical transfer function is a complex function. Its relationship with the modulation transfer function (see 2.10) and the phase transfer function (see 2.11) is OTF(r, s) =MTF(r, s)expE-iPTF(r, s)). At the piano spatial frequency, its value is equal to 1. 2.10 Modulation transfer function
Modulationtransferiunetion(MTF) The modulation transfer function MTF (r, s) is the modulus of the optical transfer function OTF (r, s). 2.11 Phase transfer function
Phasc transfer function (PTF)(3)
The phase transfer function PTF (r, 3) is the amplitude angle of the optical transfer function OTF (r, s). The phase transfer function is equal to zero at zero spatial frequency. The value of the phase transfer function is related to the origin of the reference coordinate system of the point spread function. The displacement of the origin will cause the phase transfer function to produce an additional parameter that is linear with the spatial frequency. 2.12 Line spread function
Line spread function (LSF)
For an imaging system operating within the linear range and under a specified imaging state, in its isoplanets, the line spread function LSF(u) is the normalized irradiance distribution of the incoherent line source image. It is related to the point spread function PSF (z, u) as LSF(u) = 「
2.13 Edge spread function
\ PSF (u, u) du .-
Edge spread function (ESF)
-An imaging system working within the linear range and under the specified imaging state, in its isochromatic zone, the edge spread function ESF (u) GB 4315.1—84
is the irradiance distribution of a knife edge image. It is related to the line spread function LSF (u) as ESF(u)_\ LSF(u') du*
2.14-dimensional transfer function
One-dimensional transfer The function-dimensional optical transfer function is a one-dimensional expression of the transmission point E number. The "one-dimensional optical transfer function with a single spatial frequency variable" and an azimuth variable are obtained by
is the Fourier transform of the line spread function LSF(u). 2.15 Grating
A line pattern with periodic variations in transmittance or reflectance. 2.16 Sinusoidal grating
Sinusoidal grating
A grating with a sinusoidal variation in transmittance or reflectance in only one direction and a constant in the perpendicular direction. 2.17 Modulation (M)
The modulation of a periodic radiation (1) is defined as M:
Imax -Imin
Imax +Imin
Here, 1mx and Iin are the maximum and minimum values of the emitted or irradiated radiation respectively. 2.18 Modulation transfer coefficient
Modulation transfer coefficient
The modulation transfer coefficient of a certain spatial frequency is the value of the modulation transfer function at that spatial frequency. When the object is a sinusoidal grating of a certain spatial frequency, and is within the linear range and the limited isochromatic zone, the modulation transfer coefficient M (?) is the ratio of the modulation degree of the image to the modulation degree of the object.
2.19 Phase transfer value
Fhase transfer value
The phase transfer value of a certain spatial frequency is the value of the phase transfer function at that spatial frequency. Within the linear range and the isochromatic zone. When the image of a sinusoidal pattern and the position of the image for geometric optics (Gaussian optics) produce a misaligned displacement, the ratio of this displacement to the spatial phase of the object multiplied by 2 radians is the phase transfer value. 2.20 Wavefront aberration function
Wavefront aberration function (α, ) represents the optical path difference between the wavefront from an object point, after passing through the optical system and arriving at the exit pupil surface, and a spherical distance centered on the image point (called the reference sphere). 2.21 Pupil function
Pupil function
The pupil function P (, ) represents the amplitude distribution of the wavefront on the pupil surface of an optical system. It is valid for the image point in question. The light and dark function can be expressed as
GB 4815.1--84
-(, exp[i(a,] Inside the exit pupil
Outside the exit pupil
Here (, 9) are the Pucard coordinates of each point on the parametric sphere, is the wavelength of the radiation emitted by the object point, A(x,) is the amplitude, W(,\) is the wave aberration function of the point,
The phase of the optical function is determined by the wave aberration function. 2.22 Amplitude spread function
Amplitudespreadfunction(ASF) The amplitude spread function ASF(u,\)is the relative distribution of the point image amplitude. After adopting an appropriate normalization constant, it is very close to the Fourier transform of the pupil function P(,). +m P(z, y)exp[-i2
ASF(u, U)-C +a ++*
-(ur +vy)Jdady
Here (u, V) are the Cartesian coordinates with the optical image of the object point as the origin, and the u and V axes are taken to be parallel to the i and y axes respectively. (are the normalized constants.
2.23 Autocorrelation integral
Except for the case where the imaging system has a special aperture ratio or field angle, the two-dimensional optical transfer function can be expressed as the correlation integral of the * function P(a, y).
+Jf p*(α -F, u-)P(a, y)dady(10)
Here S is the exit pupil product, R is the reduced spatial coefficient, and are = Rr and Rs respectively, and R represents the wavelength and the reference sphere diameter respectively, G represents the common x domain where the light beams overlap, and *(r, y) is the complex integral of P(c,). The autocorrelation integral is also called the Duffieux integral. 2.24 Polychromatic oplical transfer function
Polychromatic oplical transfer function The polychromatic optical transfer function OTF (r, s) is the weighted average of the monochromatic optical transfer functions OTFp(r,s)
FF()UTF (r, Ss A)da
In this case, the radiation distribution of all monochromatic images must be relative to the same coordinate system. The weight function F() is determined by the spectral characteristics of the actual system, that is, the spectral distribution of the radiation, the light transmittance or reflectance of the optical system, the spectral sensitivity of the photosensitive material or detector, etc.
2.25 Optical transfer function of combined imaging system When a combined imaging system is composed of several incoherently coupled subsystems, its optical transfer function is equal to the product of the optical transfer functions of each subsystem. For systems where the subsystems are coupled (such as a telescope system composed of an objective lens and an eyepiece), the "product rule" can only be used, and only when the entire system is considered can its optical transfer function be determined. 3 Terms in measurement
3.1 Object pattern, Image pattern
Object pattern is the spatial distribution of radiation that can be imaged by the test system; image pattern is the spatial distribution of radiation that can be detected at the output end of the imaging system corresponding to the object pattern. 4
3.2 Object field and image field
Object field, Image field
GB 4315,1—84
The object field determines the allowable range of the object pattern, and the image field determines the range of the image pattern. The center of the object field and the center of the image field should correspond to each other. 3.3 Analyzed area
Analyzed area is the area analyzed when determining the optical transfer function of a certain position in the image field. 3.4 Reference axis
Reference axis
A reference axis is a straight line defined by an appropriate characteristic that can be uniquely calibrated. "It is usually the rotational symmetry axis of a component, or the symmetry axis of a certain actual part in the test system (such as the lens barrel, mounting flange, etc.). For a specific system, the reference axis is usually the optical axis or a mechanical axis equivalent to the optical axis. The square of the reference axis is defined as the direction of radiation propagation from the center of the object field to the center of the image field is positive. 3.5 Aperture stop, entrance pupil, exit pupil The pupil is a real part or a group of parts that geometrically restricts the amount of radiation from the center of the object field through the system to the center of the image field.
For an inseparable system, the pupil is the image formed by the aperture stop on the object side of the system; the exit pupil is the image formed by the aperture stop on the image side of the system.
When the system is composed of several uncoupled subsystems, it is noted that there are two actual pupils in effect. "One affects only the radiation emitted from the object side pattern and is usually designated as the pupil; the other affects only the radiation emitted from the image side pattern and is usually designated as the pupil. 3.6 Pattern vector
Pattern vector
The pattern vector is the direction of radiation propagation from the center of the entrance pupil (or exit pupil) to the center of the object side (or image side) pattern (see figure). Reference mark vector
Instrumentation system
Reference mark vector
Reference mark vector
GB 4315.1-84
The reference mark vector is the direction of a reference mark perpendicular to the reference axis and pointing to the system under test (see figure). 8.8 Reference angle (0)
Reference angle
The reference angle is the angle between the plane formed by the reference mark vector and the reference axis and the plane formed by the sample vector and the reference axis. 3.9 Field of view angle (20°)
Field of view angle is the absolute value of the angle between the sample vector and the reference axis. 3.10 Object height and image height (h)
Object height, Image height
Object height is the distance between the center of the object pattern and the reference axis, and image height is the distance between the center of the image pattern and the reference axis. Object height and image height are called radial distances.
3.11 Reference surface, Reference plane
Reference surface, Reference plane: A reference surface is a surface orthogonal to the reference axis, and it is usually a plane. In the measurement, all position parameters and spatial ratios are based on the reference surface. The reference surface can be determined according to a certain actual requirement, or it can be set at a specified position of the measured system. When the reference surface is a plane, it becomes a reference plane. 8.12 Azimuth
In optical transfer function measurements, the test pattern can be selected at a specific azimuth. When the extension of the slit, edge, or grating line passes through the reference axis, it is defined as the sagittal azimuth. When the direction of the slit, edge, or grating line is at right angles to the above, it is defined as the azimuth azimuth. Other azimuths are given by the angle from the meridian azimuth to the slit, edge, or grating line. When the test pattern is on axis and the direction of the slit, edge, or grating line is toward the reference mark, it is defined as the meridian azimuth. At this time, the lens should be installed so that the reference mark is at the uppermost position.
3.13 Focusing
Focusing means adjusting the focal plane to a certain optimal position so that the optical transfer function on the focal plane can reach the specified index. 3.14 Datum surface, Datum plane
The datum plane is an image plane used to compare and cite the measurement results of the optical transfer function. This plane is represented by the specified focal plane position. Unless otherwise specified, the datum plane is usually a plane perpendicular to the reference axis and is called the datum plane. 3.15 Local scaling factor
Local scaling factor is a coefficient used to calculate the spatial frequency. It is multiplied by the spatial frequency on a given plane to obtain the spatial frequency in the analysis area on the reference plane, including the magnification and distortion effects of the measured system and the auxiliary imaging system. 3.16 Image scale
Image scale
When the reference plane is on the object plane, the image scale is equal to the area scale factor on the axis. The image scale can also be expressed as the absolute value of the ratio of the image height to the object height at the axis limit. In the case of an infinitely distant object and a finitely distant image being conjugate, the image scale is zero. When both the object and the image are infinitely conjugate, the image scale is the angular magnification of the system. 6
Symbols and unit names
Reference surface coordinates
Present angle
Object height, image height
Reference angle
Spatial frequency coordinates
Pupil coordinates
Point sensitivity function
Line sensitivity number
Edge spread function
Optical transfer function
One-dimensional optical transfer function
Modulation transfer function
One-dimensional modulation transfer function
Position transfer function
One-dimensional phase transfer function
Degree of modulation
Pupil number
Wave aberration function
Output amplitude
Analysis area
Reference sphere radius
Additional instructions:
GB 4315.1-84
Pta, y)
Wea, )
A(r, u)
Unit name
radian, degree (at infinity)
degree, milliradian
1/millimeter, 1/square milliradian, 1/degree
1/millimeter square, 1/square milliradian
1/millimeter water, 1/miradian
No disk
No imperial velvet
Dimensionless|| tt||Diameter, degree
degree, degree
is a unit
meter, nanometer
micrometer, millimeter
square millimeter
. old meter
This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China and is under the jurisdiction of Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. This standard is drafted by Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments. The main drafters of this standard are Qian Zhenbang, Liu Yemu, Sha Dingguo, and Li Minshi. This standard is entrusted to Shanghai Institute of Optical Instruments for interpretation. National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Science and Technology Transfer
Terms and Symbols
GB 4315.1-84
Published by Zhongkuo Standard Press
(Beijing Fuwai Sanli Temple)
Printed by the Printing and Cutting Workshop of China Standard Press
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office Xinhua Bookstores in various places Jingfu Huanben 880×12301/16
Qiu Zhang 3/4
Word count 18.000
First printing in October 1984
First edition in October 1984
Print run 1-6,000
Price 0.30 yuan
Book number: 151691-2616
181'518+Lao Mi
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China and is under the jurisdiction of Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute. Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute is responsible for drafting this standard. The main drafters of this standard are Qian Zhenbang, Liu Yemu, Sha Dingguo, and Li Minshi. Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute is entrusted with the interpretation of this standard. National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Science and Technology Transfer
Terms and Symbols
GB 4315.1-84
Published by Zhongkuo Standard Press
(Beijing Fuwai Sanli Temple)
Printed by the Printing and Cutting Workshop of China Standard Press
Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places Jingfu Huanben 880×12301/16
Qiu Zhang 3/4
Word count 18.000
First printing in October 1984
First edition in October 1984
Print run 1-6,000
Price 0.30 yuan
Book number: 151691-2616
181'518+Lao Mi
This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China and is under the jurisdiction of Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute. Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute is responsible for drafting this standard. The main drafters of this standard are Qian Zhenbang, Liu Yemu, Sha Dingguo, and Li Minshi. Shanghai Optical Instrument Research Institute is entrusted with the interpretation of this standard. National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Science and Technology Transfer
Terms and Symbols
GB 4315.1-84
Published by Zhongkuo Standard Press
(Beijing Fuwai Sanli Temple)
Printed by the Printing and Cutting Workshop of China Standard Press
Xinhua Bookstore Beijing Distribution Office Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places Jingfu Huanben 880×12301/16
Qiu Zhang 3/4
Word count 18.000
First printing in October 1984
First edition in October 1984
Print run 1-6,000
Price 0.30 yuan
Book number: 151691-2616
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