title>JB/T 6488.3-1992 Mica tape epoxy glass powder mica tape - JB/T 6488.3-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 6488.3-1992 Mica tape epoxy glass powder mica tape

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 6488.3-1992

Standard Name: Mica tape epoxy glass powder mica tape

Chinese Name: 云母带 环氧玻璃粉云母带

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-08-06

Date of Implementation:1993-01-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>Electrical Materials and General Parts>>K15 Electrical Insulation Materials and Products

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:Mechanical Industry Press

Publication date:1993-01-01

other information

drafter:Li Yuanzhang, Xie Weimin, Han Zhengxiang

Drafting unit:Shanghai Mica Insulation Material Factory

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulation Materials

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulation Materials

Publishing department:Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of epoxy glass powder mica tape for electrical insulation. JB/T 6488.3-1992 Mica tape epoxy glass powder mica tape JB/T6488.3-1992 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Mica tape
Epoxy glass powder mica tape
Published on August 6, 1992
Standards Download Network of Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China (www.bzxzw.com)
Implementation on January 1, 1993
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinaWww.bzxZ.net
Mica tape
Epoxy glass powder mica tape
Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of epoxy glass powder mica tape for electrical insulation.
This standard applies to mica tape with mica paper as the base material, epoxy adhesive paint as the adhesive, electrical alkali-free glass cloth as the reinforcement material on both sides, which is soft under normal conditions and contains B-stage adhesive that is finally cured after application. Reference standards
Electrical insulation mica products
Electrical insulation mica products
Product classification
Test method
Definition and general requirements
Guidelines for determining the heat resistance of electrical insulation materials
General procedures for formulating aging test methods and evaluating test results This standard divides the models according to the heat resistance of the products. The product models are shown in Table 1. Table 1
Product model
Technical requirements
Epoxy tung oil anhydride adhesive paint
Epoxy tung oil anhydride adhesive paint
Powdered mica tape is not allowed to have foreign impurities.
Scope of use
Applicable to various motors and electrical insulation with working temperature of 130℃Applicable to various motors and electrical insulation with working temperature of 155℃Powdered mica tape adhesive should be evenly distributed, and no bubbles, pinholes, adhesion, delamination, mica paper breakage, glass cloth filaments and tape reel loosening are allowed.
4.2 Size
4.2.1 Thickness
Nominal thickness and allowable deviation are shown in Table 2.
1992-08-06 Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China Standard Download Network (www.bzxzw.com)
1993-01-01 Implementation
Nominal thickness
4.2.2 Width
Deviation between median value and nominal thickness
Deviation between individual value and nominal thickness
The width of the mica tape reel is: (15±1); (20±1); (25±1); (30 1); (35±1) mm. The width and deviation of the mica tape roll can be agreed upon by the supply and demand parties. 4.2.3 Edge curvature
The edge curvature of the mica tape shall not exceed 1mm. 4.2.4 Length
The length of the mica tape is expressed by the diameter of its roll and reel. The diameter of the mica tape roll and reel is (95±5) mm or (115±5) mm, with no more than 2 joints and the shortest length of not less than 5m. The mica tape roll or reel with joints shall be marked. 4.3 Composition
The composition of the mica tape is shown in Table 3.
Mica content
Nominal thickness
Nominal value
Glass cloth content
Nominal value
Total amount of adhesive
Nominal value
Note: Mica tapes with other compositions can be agreed upon by the supply and demand parties. 4.4
Performance requirements of mica tape before curing
The performance of mica tape before curing shall comply with the requirements of Table 4. Table 4
Indicator name
Flowability of glue
Gelation time
Tensile strength
Dielectric strength
Performance requirements of powder mica tape after curing
Reference value
Total mass of dry coal material unit
Nominal value
Volatile content
Indicator value
Agreed by both parties
Agreed by both parties
The performance of powder mica tape after curing shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. For sample preparation, see Appendix A. Table 5
Bending strength
Indicator name
Bending elastic modulus
Dielectric strength
|Temperature characteristics of dielectric loss factor at power frequency
4.6 Temperature index
The temperature index of mica tape is shown in Table 6.
Test method
5.1 Appearance
Evaluate by visual observation.
5.2 Thickness
Perform in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 1 of GB5019.
5.3 Width
Use a ruler with a scale of 0.5mm to measure at least three places and report the average value. 5.4
Edge curvature
Perform the provisions of Chapter 13 of GB5019.
5.5 Length
Use a ruler with a scale of 0.5mm to measure the diameter of the end surface of the powder mica tape roll and disk. 5 Composition
Perform the provisions of Chapter 3 of GB5019.
The fluidity of the glue
Indicator value
According to the provisions of Chapter 10 of GB5019. The test temperature is (170±2)℃, and the hot pressing time is 30min. 5.8
Gelation time
According to the provisions of Chapter 11 of GB5019.
5.9Tensile strength
According to the provisions of Chapter 5 of GB5019.
According to the provisions of Chapter 12 of GB5019.
5.11 Dielectric strength
According to the provisions of Chapter 16 of GB5019.
5.12 Flexural strength
According to the provisions of Chapter 6 of GB5019.
5.13 Flexural modulus
According to the provisions of Chapter 6 of GB5019.
5.14 Density
According to the provisions of Chapter 2 of GB5019.
5.15 The temperature characteristics of dielectric loss factor at power frequency shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17 of GB5019.
5.16 Temperature index
According to the provisions of GB11026.1. The flexural strength at (23±2)℃ is used as the diagnostic performance, and its decline to 50% of the initial value is used as the end-of-life standard.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 The same raw materials and processes, continuous production of mica tapes for no more than 24 hours is a batch, and each batch of mica tapes should have the same performance. Each batch of mica tapes must be tested before delivery. The factory test items are Articles 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 of this standard. 6.2 Take samples from no less than 5% of the total number of packaging tubes (bags) in a batch, with a minimum of no less than 3 tubes (bags), and take one plate from each tube (bag) for inspection according to Articles 4.1 and 4.2 of this standard. Take one plate from the same batch and inspect it according to Articles 4.3 and 4.4 of this standard. 6.3 Article 4.5 should be inspected at least once a year, and its sample preparation should be sampled from the same batch of materials. 6.4 Article 4.6 is a product identification and evaluation test item. 6.5 Others should comply with the provisions of Chapter 2 of GB5020. 7
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
The powder mica tape should be rolled on a tube core with an inner diameter of (40±2) mm or agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. The storage period of the powder mica tape from the date of leaving the factory is shown in Table 7. Table 7
Product model
Below 5℃
7.3Others should comply with the provisions of Chapter 3 of GB5020. Storage period, d
Appendix A
Preparation of Mica Tape Laminated Sheet Samples
A1.1 Cut the mica tape according to the required size of the mica tape laminate sample, and stack the materials layer by layer in a parallel half-lap manner, so that the lap joints of each layer are staggered, until the number of layers required for the sample thickness is reached. The compression amount of the stack thickness is about 20%. A1.2 Place the stack between two polished steel plates with a thickness not exceeding 2 mm and an area larger than the sample area, and use a suitable isolation layer or release agent as a release material between the steel plates and the stack. A1.3 To obtain the required thickness of the sample, a pad corresponding to the sample thickness can be placed around the stack. A2 Pressing
The pressing steps of the mica tape laminate are as follows. If necessary, it can also be agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. A2.1 After the stack is fed into the press, start the press to close it, and keep the stack in good contact with the upper and lower iron plates of the press. A2.2 Slowly heat up to (160±5)℃ at a heating rate of (2~3)℃/min, and keep at this temperature for (10~30)min (depending on the gelling time of the powder mica tape), then increase the pressure to 3MPa and heat to (170±5)℃. A2.3 Keep at a pressure of 3MPa and a temperature of (170±5)℃ for 1.5h, then cool to below 40℃ under pressure and remove from the mold. A3 Post-treatment
The powder mica tape laminate is treated at (170±5)℃ for 8h. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Insulating Materials and is under the jurisdiction of the Guilin Electric Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by Shanghai Mica Insulating Material Factory. The main drafters of this standard are Li Yuanzhang, Xie Weimin and Han Zhengxiang. 5
People's Republic of China
Mechanical Industry Standard
Mica Tape
Epoxy Glass Powder Mica Tape
JB/T 6488.31992
Published and issued by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
Printed by the China Academy of Mechanical Science
(No. 2 Shouti South Road, Beijing
Postal Code 100044)
Sheet X/X
K Number of words XXXXXX
Format 880×1230
Edition X, XX, 19XX
Xth printing, XX, 19XX
Number of copies 1-xXX
Price XXX.XX Yuan
Mechanical Industry Standard Service Network: http://www.JB.ac.cn661_889
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