GB/T 3886.1-2001 General requirements for semiconductor power converters used in speed-controlled electrical drive systems Part 1: Specifications for DC motor drive ratings
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Semiconductor power converters
General requirements for adjustable speed electric drive systems-Part 1:
Regarding the rated values of DC motorsSemiconductor power converters-Adjustable speed electric drive systems-General requirements-
Part 1:Rating specifications, particularly for dc motor drives
2001-11-02 Issued
People's Republic of China
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
2002-06-01 Implementation
IEC Foreword
1 Overview
1.1 Scope and object
Referenced standards
Rated values
Rated DC voltage
Rated temperature values
System converters and converter groups for determining rated current-time values of semiconductor devices and equipment 3.6
Overload and surge current capability
DC power rating (for converter equipment).
3.8 Conditions of use
4 Duty level for non-repetitive duty cycle…5 Tests on thyristor devices
Appendix A (suggestive appendix) Calculation method for equivalent repetitive duty cycle curve shown in Figure 10 Appendix B (suggestive appendix)
Basis of equivalent repetitive duty cycle method 19
This standard is equivalent to IEC61136-1-1992 "General requirements for semiconductor power converters for speed-regulated electrical drive systems Part 1: Provisions on DC motor drive ratings". This standard has a significant adjustment in content with the original national standard GB/T3886-1983 "Thyristor power converter for DC motor speed regulation", which is mainly reflected in: the content of GB/T3886-1983 includes all technical performance requirements of this type of product, while this standard only involves the provisions of the relevant rated value performance. From the perspective of the composition system of IEC standards, the standards for semiconductor converter products for speed-regulating electrical transmission systems will be a series of standards consisting of several sub-standards, and this standard is only one of them (sub-standard). Therefore, at an appropriate time, it is necessary to establish a separate standard to supplement and improve the provisions of other relevant performance requirements. For now, as stated in the overview of Chapter 1 of IEC61136-1, this standard is an extension and supplement of IEC60146, so the common requirements of this type of product and semiconductor converters can be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T3859-1993. From the date of implementation, this standard will replace GB/T3886-1983 at the same time; Appendix A and Appendix B of this standard are both suggestive appendices; this standard is proposed by the China Electrical Equipment Industry Association. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Power Electronics Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting units of this standard are: Xi'an Power Electronics Technology Research Institute, Tianjin Electric Drive Design Institute. The participating drafting units of this standard are: Automation Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy, Tianshui Electric Drive Research Institute, Beijing Rectifier Factory, Xi'an Electric Rectifier Factory, Shanghai Rectifier General Factory,
The main drafters of this standard are: Zhou Guanyun, Zhao Xiangbin, Li Jihe, Liu Guolin, Dong Shangde, Huang Pengcai, Li Tingting, Li Heping, Hu Rumin, Tu Yongkai, Hu Zhemin;
This standard is entrusted to the National Power Electronics Standardization Technical Committee Speed Electrical Drive System Semiconductor Power Converter Standardization Subcommittee for interpretation.
IEC Foreword
1) The formal resolutions or agreements of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on technical issues are formulated by technical committees participated by all national committees that pay special attention to the issue. It expresses the international consensus on the issues involved as much as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are in the form of recommended standards for international use and are accepted by the National Committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the hope that the National Committees will adopt the contents of the IEC recommended standards as their national provisions to the extent permitted by their national conditions. Any inconsistencies between IEC recommended standards and corresponding national standards should be clearly indicated in the national provisions as far as possible.
This standard was prepared by IEC/TC22 (Power Electronics) Subcommittee 22G (Semiconductor Power Converters for Speed Control Electric Drive Systems).
The contents of this standard are based on the following documents: June Law
Voting Report
February Law
The full voting results for the approval of this standard are indicated in the voting report listed in the table above. Appendices A and B are for reference only.
Voting report
1 Overview
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Semiconductor power converters
General requirements for adjustable speed electric drive systems Part 1:
Specifications for rated values of dc motor drives Semiconductor power converters-Adjustable speed electric drive systems-General requirements
Part 1:Rating specifications, particularly for dc motor drives
1.1 Scope and object
Replaces GB/T3886--1983
This standard specifies the methods that can be used to determine the rated values of semiconductor power converters for adjustable speed electric drive systems, mainly for dc motor drives.
The provisions of this standard are for grid or mechanical commutation converters (but not limited to them), and do not include traction speed drives. This standard is an extension and supplement to GB/T3859-1993. The general requirements for converters for speed-controlled DC motor drives are included in GB/T3859.
The term "semiconductor" used in this standard means reverse blocking triode thyristors. Where appropriate, this standard also applies to converters using other types of semiconductor devices (such as bidirectional thyristors). 1.2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2900.33 1993 Electrical terminology Power electronics technology (eq IEC60050 (551): 1982) GB/T3859-1993 Semiconductor converter (eq IEC60146-1: 1991) GB/T4796—1984 Classification of environmental parameters for electrical and electronic products and their severity classification (neg IEC60721-1 1981) Note: GB/T2900.33 in the referenced standard is added based on my country's situation. 2 Definitions
The relevant definitions given in GB/T2900.33 and GB/T3859 apply to this standard, and the following definitions are supplemented. 2.1 Semiconductor converter equipment (thyristor converter unit or thyristor converter) semiconductorconvectorequipment (thyristor converter unit or thyristor converter) is a functional unit used for power conversion. It consists of one or more semiconductor devices together with converter transformers, necessary switches and other auxiliary equipment (if any), which may include gate devices. 2.2 Classification of semiconductor converters Approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China on November 2, 2001 and implemented on June 1, 2002
The following names are intended to describe the functional characteristics of the converter and do not refer to the circuits or components used. Note: The figures only relate to converters. The direction of rotation of the motor can be changed by reversing the ether field or the armature. 2.3 Reversible converter reversible converter converter in which the DC power flow is reversible.
2.4 Non-reversible converter non-reversible converter converter in which the DC power flow is non-reversible. 2.5 One-quadrant converter onequadrant converter non-reversible converter connected to a DC system, which has only one voltage polarity and current direction (see Figure 1). 2.6 Single converter single converter
variable converter connected to a DC system, whose DC current can only flow in one direction (see Figure 2). 2.7 Double converter
A reversible converter connected to a DC system that absorbs energy from or feeds energy back to an AC power system, and the DC current supplied by the converter can flow in either direction (see Figure 3). A double converter passband consists of two converter groups, each with current flowing in either direction. Note: The converter groups can be supplied by a common winding, separate windings of a common transformer, or separate transformers. 2.8 Semiconductor converter section A section of a semiconductor converter device that contains power semiconductors and their accessories (including dedicated fuses, transformers or windings, circulating reactors, if any). From the DC side of the converter device, the main current of this section always flows in the same direction. A semiconductor converter group can operate as an independent unit, but components such as fuses, reactors, absorbers and/or heat sinks may be shared by the two converter groups. 2.8.1 Forward section (of a double converter unit) of a forward group (bidirectional converter) The part of the semiconductor converter that operates in the 1st and 4th quadrants of voltage and current (see Figure 2). 2.8.2 Reverse section (of a double converter unit) of a reverse group (bidirectional converter) The part of the semiconductor converter that operates in the 2nd and 3rd quadrants of voltage and current (see Figure 3). 2.9 Converter transformer The main transformer device of a semiconductor converter, including one or more transformers or transformer windings, used to provide the required AC voltage, and together with all its auxiliary equipment, constitutes a converter circuit. 2.10 Common converter transformer Common converter transformer A common transformer that can excite common or independent windings separately or simultaneously to supply power to two or more independent converter devices. 2.11 Equilibrium temperature Equilibrium temperature The steady-state temperature reached by converter components under specified load and cooling conditions. Note: Normally, the steady-state temperature of different components is different, and the time required to establish a steady-state overflow is also different and proportional to the thermal time constant. Figure 1 One-quadrant converter: DC current can only flow in one direction and cannot feed energy from the load to the power supply. This type of converter can only operate in the first quadrant. 2
Figure 2 Single converter, DC current can only flow in one direction and can feed energy from the load to the AC power supply. This type of converter can only operate in quadrants 1 and 4. Uat
Figure 3 Dual converter, DC current can flow in either direction and can feed energy from the load to the AC power supply. This type of converter can operate in quadrants 1, 2, 3, and 4. Note: Quadrant 1 means that the torque is consistent with the positive direction of motor rotation. 2.12 Rated direct current (Ia) rateddirectcurrent The average value of the DC current specified by the manufacturer under specified load and operating conditions. It can be used as a base value to compare with other DC current values of the converter.
Note: The rated continuous DC current (IJvM) defined in GB/T3859 is generally not applicable to converters for speed control transmission. 2.13 Rated DC voltage rateddirectvoltage The specified value of the DC voltage between the DC terminals of a device or equipment under rated DC current conditions. It is the average value of the DC voltage. 2.14 Rated AC voltage rateda.c.voltage The rated root mean square value of the AC power supply voltage on the power supply terminals of the converter equipment (including transformers if any). It can be used as a base value to compare with other values of the AC power supply voltage. 2.15 Load current-time curve
H current-time load chart
The recorded curve of the load current relative to time. 2.16 Constant load duty uniformloadduty For this duty, the converter equipment is subjected to a fixed DC current for a sufficiently long time, and the converter components reach the equilibrium temperature corresponding to the current. Figure 4 illustrates this duty. etta
Figure 4 Typical current-time curve of constant load duty2.17 Intermittent peak load dutyThis type of duty is to apply a high-amplitude and short-duration load, followed by no load, and reach thermal equilibrium between two consecutive loads. Figure 5 illustrates this duty. e,
Figure 5 Typical current-time curve of intermittent peak load duty2.18 Intermittent load dutyThis type of duty is to superimpose an intermittent load on a constant basic load, and reach thermal equilibrium between two consecutive intermittent loads. Figure 6 illustrates this intermittent duty. e
Figure 6 Typical current-time curve of repetitive load duty
2.19 Repetitive load duty
This type of duty changes periodically and cannot reach thermal equilibrium within the cycle. Figure 7 illustrates this duty cycle. e,tia
Figure 7 Typical current-time curve of repetitive load duty dnon-repetitive load duty
2.20 Non-repetitive load duty
This duty cycle is to apply a peak load after a constant load cycle reaches thermal equilibrium. Figure 8 illustrates this load. e,tta
t-Basic load cycle
Figure 8 Typical current-time curve of non-repetitive load duty Chart 1 Explanation of symbols
t,-Duration of load cycle (duration) t. = - no-load period
t - duration of peak load
1=basic load current value
1, - peak load current value
Iv=t, minimum load current value within the cycle
I.=1. average value of load current within the cycle
1.=t. root mean square value of load current within the cyclelay=rated DC current
la - DC current output by the converter group
9, the temperature considered by the converter, usually refers to the junction temperature of the semiconductor device IpMo=rated peak current of the equivalent load working system when Iv=0 (see rN is used to evaluate the coefficient of the average power loss per unit value of the semiconductor junction, and is a function of the DC current per unit value, calculated by the following formula: Where: R = Resistance value of semiconductor device in on-state, F = threshold voltage value of semiconductor device in on-state, 3 Rated values
3.1 Overview
rN = (RX IN)/T.
The rated value definitions given in this section apply to 2.1, including components such as connecting conductors, switchgear, reactors and transformers.
The ratings of reversible converters are based on the fact that the converter meets all specified load conditions, whether operating in the rectifier or inverter mode.
The thermal time constant of semiconductors (including their cooling devices) is much smaller than that of converter transformers and drive motors. For this reason, the high short-term spike currents that occur in various types of normal load duty in variable speed DC motor drives are more important to semiconductor converters themselves than to converter transformers and motors. Short-term spike currents cause semiconductors to have a faster and relatively high temperature rise compared to transformers and motors. For semiconductor devices, the maximum junction temperature given by the manufacturer is the critical temperature, exceeding which will cause loss of control, failure or damage. The junction temperature cannot be measured directly, but can be calculated from any load current-time curve. If the user can determine the load current-time curve, the manufacturer can calculate the junction temperature of the semiconductor based on this to ensure that the maximum junction temperature is not exceeded.
The load current-time curve can always be used as the basis for the rating. Two types of applications should be considered in this standard, one is the case where the load condition of the converter is to obtain a balanced temperature between all superimposed loads; the other is a periodic variable load that does not reach thermal equilibrium during the cycle. The first type of application is defined by the following types of working systems: a) Steady load working system (see Figure 4);
b) Peak intermittent load working system (see Figure 5); c) Intermittent load working system (see Figure 6);
The second type of application is defined by the following types of working systems: d) Repetitive load working system (see Figure 7);
e) Non-repetitive load working system (see Figure 8). To avoid confusion, it is necessary to carefully distinguish between the converter group rating and the converter equipment rating. Therefore, except the rated dc current IN, all ratings apply only to the semiconductor converter group as defined in 2.8, including components such as connecting conductors, switchgear, reactors and transformers. It should be noted that some components may be common to more than one converter group, in which case their ratings should be determined accordingly. This situation does not affect the fact that the ratings determined are those of the equipment (system) rather than the components. The rated dc current applies to the converter equipment and is used as the basis for the per-unit value of all ratings of the converter group. 3.2 Rated dc voltage
The dc voltage of the designed converter must be higher than the rated dc voltage to accommodate control requirements, additional margins for regulation and ac voltage fluctuations. Therefore, the rated apparent power of the converter transformer may greatly exceed the rated power of the converter device (see Note). Unless otherwise specified, the ideal no-load voltage should be calculated to meet the requirements of 3.2.1. NOTE For various converters used for excitation, the designed dc voltage is usually higher than the rated dc voltage in order to increase the rate of change of the excitation current. 3.2.1 Operating voltage limits Voltage limits for rated performance
When the steady-state fundamental component of the AC supply voltage measured at the terminals of the converter equipment or converter transformer (if included) is greater than or equal to 100% of the rated value and equal to or less than 110% of the rated value, the rated performance of the converter shall be guaranteed. Rated operation at less than 100% of the rated voltage shall be agreed upon between the user and the supplier/manufacturer. Voltage limits for uninterrupted operation
When the fundamental component of the AC supply voltage is equal to or greater than 90% of the rated voltage and equal to or less than 110% of the rated voltage, the converter shall ensure continuous operation even during inverter operation. Because the good commutation of the inverter is a function of both the AC supply voltage and the transient DC current, the rated performance may not be achieved at this supply voltage.
3.3 Rated temperature values
The maximum and minimum limits of the ambient temperature or the temperature of the cooling medium shall be specified by the user or by the manufacturer in his tender. These temperatures are set to be determined in increments of 5°C.
If not otherwise specified, the semiconductor converter shall be able to operate under the following conditions. 3.3.1 Rated values of semiconductor devices and equipment Temperature limits of ambient air
a) State
1) According to GB/T4796 (idtIEC60721).
The limits shown apply to the exclusion of coolant.
**If electronic capacitors or batteries are used in the equipment, this value shall be -25°C. 6
Equipped with air conditioning
b) Daily average ambient air temperature does not exceed 30℃c) Annual average ambient air temperature does not exceed 20℃3K1
Note: If low temperatures are likely to occur during storage, preventive measures should be taken to avoid condensation of moisture on the machine parts and prevent freezing. Temperature limits of cooling fluid during operation (including no-load)Fluid
Note: The specified maximum humidity value refers to the temperature value of the cooling medium provided by the user, not the temperature of the heat transfer circulation medium included in the converter.
3.3.2 Rated value of transformer
For air-cooled equipment, the designed transformer should operate at an ambient air temperature not exceeding 40°C and an average temperature of no more than 30°C in any 24 hours, and an annual average temperature not exceeding 20°C. For air-cooled indoor equipment, the designed transformer should be able to operate at an ambient air temperature below 40°C. For water-cooled equipment, the transformer should be able to operate at an inlet cooling water temperature not exceeding 30°C and an inlet average water temperature of no more than 25°C in any 24 hours.
The permissible temperature rise of the transformer windings, measured by the change in resistance, shall not exceed the following values: Liquid-filled
Insulation grade
Temperature rise (K)
1) Insulation grade 120 means that the permissible temperature of the hottest point of thermally enhanced paper insulation is 120°C; 220
2) Currents exceeding 1.0 pu may only be applied on the basis of a load cycle so that the RMS value of the load does not exceed the transformer rating, taking into account the fact that one transformer may supply several converters. 3) When loaded in accordance with paragraph 2) above, the transformer shall be able to withstand the rating specified by the converter associated with it. 3.4 System for determining rated current-time values for semiconductor devices and equipment All converters, whether or not they have transformers, shall be rated for one of the following five duty cycles: 1) Steady load duty cycle (see Figure 4)
2) Peak intermittent load duty cycle (see Figure 5); 3) Intermittent load duty cycle (see Figure 6);
4) Repetitive load duty cycle (see Figure 7);
5) Non-repetitive load duty cycle (see Figure 8). All rated current values are for a specific duty cycle. If a semiconductor device or equipment is designed to operate under different types of duty cycles, the current and time values shall be specified separately. It should be noted that the above rated values apply equally to the equipment as a complete system for a specific purpose, and not to any particular part of the system.
3.4.1 Common converter transformer rated current Even though individual converters may be specified on an intermittent duty cycle basis, a common transformer supplying two or more converter units may be specified with a rated DC current. Where appropriate, it may also be specified on the basis of the ratings given in 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.4 or 3.5.5.
3.4.2 Ratings of dual converters
Different ratings may be specified for each converter group of a dual semiconductor converter, unless the duty cycle of each converter group is the same. The ratings of each converter group shall be determined in accordance with, or 3.5.5. 3.4.3 Determination of duty type
In applications of variable speed DC motor drives, the current-time curve of the load is often very complex due to changes in the current value, duration and repetition frequency. However, analysis of the current-time curve of the load will usually yield the most appropriate load duty type, which can be used as the basis for the rated current.
If the load duty cycle changes, the impact of this change on all system components should be checked, and the control device and protection expansion components may need to be adjusted.
3.5 Rated currents of converters and converter groups All current ratings apply over the entire specified DC voltage control range. 3.5.1 Rated currents for constant duty For this case, the basic current value of the load is usually specified as the rated DC current (Is-Iv). Other basic values are subject to agreement between the supplier and the user. See 2.16 and Figure 4.
3.5.2 Rated currents for peak intermittent duty In this case, the rated DC current does not apply. The current ratings for peak intermittent duty shall be agreed upon between the supplier and the user and shall specify the duration of the peak current (tp), the amplitude of the peak current (I,) and the minimum off-load time (t.). See 2.17 and Figure 5.
3.5.3 Rated currents for intermittent duty For this case, the basic current of the load is usually specified as the rated DC current (I-Iav). The current ratings for intermittent duty shall be subject to agreement between the supplier and the user. The duration (t) of the peak current, the amplitude (I) of the peak current and the base load current (I) and the minimum time (t) of operation under base load shall be specified. The duration (t,) of the peak current (I,) shall be such that the temperature of the semiconductor junction does not exceed the maximum permissible temperature. See 2.18 and Figure 6.
Intermittent duty may be specified by the family of phase-to-phase curves for non-repetitive duty as shown in Figure 11. In this case, t, represents the duration of the intermittent load application.
3.5.4 Rated current for repetitive duty The rated DC current of the converter equipment shall be specified as the RMS value of the load current calculated over the entire cycle of the heaviest duty. Normally, this current is equivalent to the rated continuous current of the DC motor or supplied by the converter equipment to the motor. The load current is shared by the converter groups.
Rated DC current (1.0 pu) refers to the rated DC current of the converter equipment and, for dual converters, may significantly exceed the RMS current rating of the converter groups.
For repetitive duty. In addition to the rated dc current, there are two other ways of defining the rating. The first method is given in and the second method is given in Load-time diagrams for repetitive duty Wherever possible, the repetitive duty of the converter group shall be specified by the user on the basis of one or several suitable current-time diagrams, as this will result in the most economical design. These current-time diagrams will then become part of the specification between the user and the supplier and will in fact be the current rating of the converter group for the repetitive duty in a given application. In any case, each converter group shall be specified with the duration of the duty cycle (t,), the peak value (I,), the minimum value (I,) the average value (Im), and the RMS value (Im) of the load current calculated over the entire duty cycle period (t) (see Figure 7 and Table 1). NOTE The load-time diagrams do not have to include margins for abnormal conditions, as the converter design otherwise provides adequate protection against such abnormal conditions.
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