Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.040 Character sets and information coding
Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Standards>>A24 Classification Code
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Publication information
publishing house:China Standard Press
Publication date:2020-11-01
other information
drafter:Luo Qiuke, Zhong Tingkuan, Shi Yupeng, Zhou Zhihuan, Zheng Kai, Wang Pei, Li Ying, Liu Zhi, Jia Shuangwen, Gu Haitao, Cao Zhiwei, Li Yansong, Zhao Chen, Sui Guanglin, Zhuo Zhuo, Zhou Jie, Liu Wen
Drafting unit:China Article Coding Center, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation 714th Research Institute, Joint Service College of National Defense University of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Military Law Institute of the Chinese People's Liberation Arm
Focal point unit:National Logistics Information Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 267)
Proposing unit:National Logistics Information Management Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 267)
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 39316.6-2020.General resource of military and civilian-Meta Data-Part 6: Facilities.
1 Scope
This part of GB/T 39316 specifies metadata and identifiers for military and civilian general resource facilities.
GB/T 39316.6 applies to information processing and information exchange for military and civilian general resource facilities.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB3097Seawater quality standard
GB 3838Surface water environmental quality standard
GB/T 17296-2009China soil classification and code
GB/T 17297-1998China climate division name and codeClimate zone and climate zone
GB/T 18190Oceanographic terminologyMarine geology
GB/T 18208.2Seismic field work Part 2:Building safety assessment
GB/T 21072General warehouse grade
GB/T 37936Requirements for classification and coding of military and civilian general resource information
GB/T 37948Requirements for compilation of military and civilian general resource data element
GB 50016-2014Code for fire protection design of buildings
GB 50074-2014Petroleum depot design specification
GB 50156Automobile gas station design and construction specification
GB 50223Classification standard for earthquake-resistant construction engineering
GB/T 38003.6Classification and coding of military and civilian general resources Part 6:Facility category.
GA/T 1001-2012Terrain type code.
JGJ 64Food building design standard
SL 261Lake code
3Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 37948 apply to this document.
4General requirements
Select the data elements corresponding to the facilities in the range given in GB/T 38003.6. The compilation of data elements shall comply with the provisions of GB/T 37948, and the compilation of code tables shall comply with the provisions of GB/T37936. The metadata of facilities include the identifier of data element, data element name, data element abbreviation, data element definition, data type of data element value, representation form of data element value, parameters of data element value, measurement unit of data element value, composition mode code of data element value, exchange format of data element value, value range of data element and multi-value identification of data element.
This standard specifies metadata and identifiers for military and civilian common resource facilities.
This part applies to information processing and information exchange of military and civilian common resource facilities.
Some standard content:
ICS35.040 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T39316.6—2020 General resource of military and civilianMetadata Part 6: Facilities General resource of military and civilianMeta Data-Part6:Facilities Release date: 2020-11-19 State Administration for Market Regulation Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China Release date: 2021-06-01Implementation date: 2021-06-01Foreword Scope Normative references Terms and definitions General requirements Facilities metadata Facilities metadata value range code table GB/T39316.6—2020 GB/T39316 "Common military and civilian resources Part 1: Materials Category Part 2: Equipment category Part 3: Materials category Part 4: Materials category —Part 5: Personnel category; -Part 6: Facility category Foreword "Metadata" is divided into the following 6 parts: Oil products; Civil transport ships; Aviation materials; Sanitary equipment; This part is Part 6 of GB/T 39316 This part is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1-2009. This part is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Logistics Information Management (SAC/TC267). GB/T39316.6—2020 Drafting organizations of this part: China Article Numbering Center, 114th Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Joint Service College of National Defense University of the People's Liberation Army, Military Law Institute of the Academy of Military Sciences of the People's Liberation Army, and Standardization Institute of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region The main drafters of this part: Luo Qiuke, Zhong Tingkuan, Shi Yupeng, Zhou Zhihuan, Zheng Kai, Gan Pei, Li Ying, Liu Zhi, Jia Shuangwen, Gu Haitao, Cao Zhiwei, Li Yansong, Zhao Chen, Sui Guanglin, Zhuo Zhuo, Zhou Jie, and Liu Wen. m 1 Scope Common military and civilian resources Original metadata Part 6: Facilities This part of GB/T39316 specifies metadata and identifiers for common military and civilian resources and facilities. This part applies to information processing and information exchange of military and civilian general resource facilities 2 Normative reference documents GB/T39316.6—2020 The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB3097 Seawater Quality Standard GB3838 Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard GB/T17296—2009 China Soil Classification and Code GB/T17297-1998 China Climate Zoning Name and Code Climate Zone and Climate Region GB/T18190 Oceanographic Terminology Marine Geology GB/T18208.2 GB/T21072|| tt||GB/T37936 Seismic field work 3 Part 2: Building safety assessment General warehouse grade Military and civilian general resources GB/T37948 Military and civilian general resources Information classification and coding compilation requirements Data element compilation requirements GB50016—2014 Code for fire protection design of buildings||tt ||Petroleum depot design specification GB50074—2014 Design and construction specification for automobile gasoline and gas stations GB50156 Classification standard for seismic fortification of building engineering GB50223 GB/T38003.6 Classification and coding of general military and civilian resources Part 6: Facility category GA/T1001—2012 Terrain type code JGJ64 Food building design standard Lake code SL261 3 Terms and definitions The terms and definitions defined in GB/T37948 apply to this document General requirements Select the data elements corresponding to the facilities within the range given in GB/T38003.6. The compilation of data elements shall comply with the provisions of GB/T37948, and the compilation of code tables shall comply with the provisions of GB/T37936. The metadata of a facility includes the identifier of the data element, the name of the data element, the abbreviation of the data element, the definition of the data element, the data type of the data element value, the representation form of the data element value, the parameters of the data element value, the measurement unit of the data element value, the composition mode code of the data element value, the exchange format of the data element value, the value range of the data element and the multi-value identification of the data element. 1 GB/T39316.6—2020 Facility metadata Facility data element index table The index table of facility data elements is shown in Table 1. Sequence number Data element identifier E0001A0000 ZO005G0000 Z0006G0000 Z0007G0000 E0002A0000 E0003A000 0 E0004A0000 E0005A0000 E0006A0000 E0007A0000 E0008A0000 E0009A0000 E0010A0000 E0011A0000||t t||E0012A0000 E0023A0000 E0024A0000 E0025A0000 E0026A0000 E0027A0000 E0028A0000 E0029A0000 E0030A0000 E0042A0000 E0043A0000 Table 1 Facility data element index table Data element name Facility Chinese name Military and civilian general resource classification code Military and civilian general resource classification name Military and civilian general resource Benchmark name Code for military and civilian general resource benchmark name Basic introduction of facilities Construction status of facilities Date of completion of facilities Status of use of facilities Latitude and longitude coordinates of geometric center of facilities Location of facilities Name of facility owner Name of facility user Name of facility manager Contact information Other matters to be explained Area of ??use of ten places Average altitude Name of climate zone and climate region of ten places Code of climate zone and climate region of ten places + name of soil category Code of ten soil categories Name of terrain type Terrain type Code Name of the climate zone and climate region to which the water area belongsValue range of the code data element of the climate zone and climate region to which the water area belongs (DEF) (TAB1|E01001) (TAB1|E01002) (TAB1/E01002) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) (DEF) [O,MAX] (DEF) (TAB1|E00003) (TAB1|E00003) (TAB1|E00004) (TAB1E00004) (TAB1|E00005) (TAB1|E00005) (TAB1|E00003) TAB1E00003) Sequence number Data element identifier E0044A0000 E0045A0000 E0046A0000 E0047A0000 E0048A0000 E0049A0000 E0050A000 0 E0051A0000 E0052A0000 E0053A0000 E0054A0000 E0061A0000 E0062A0000 E0063A0000 E0064A0000 E0065A0000|| tt||E0066A0000 E0067A0000 E0068A0000 E0069A0000 E0077A0000 E0078A0000 E0079A0000 E0080A0000 E0081A0000 E0082A0000 E0083A0000 E0084A0000 E0085A0000 E0086A0000 Table 1 (continued) Data element name Water area Average water level of water area Water volume of water area Maximum flow of water area Water Flood season period Average thickness of frozen surface water in water area Average period of frozen surface water in water area Functional classification of water area Functional classification code of water area Chemical property classification of lake Chemical property classification code of lake Name of marine geomorphology classification Water depth of sea area pH value of seawater Annual average temperature of seawater||tt| |Maximum wind speed in the sea area Maximum wave height in the sea area Name of water quality classification in the sea area Code of water quality classification in the sea area Height of sea area from the shore Building area Building area Building height Number of floors of the building Name of building structure type Code of building structure type Name of earthquake-resistant fortification category of the building Code of earthquake-resistant fortification category of the building Name of fire resistance grade of the building Code of fire resistance grade of the building GB/T39316.6—2020 Value range of data element [O,MAX] (DEF) [0,MAX] [o,MAX] (DEF) [O,MAX] (DEF) (TAB1E00006) (TAB1E00006) TAB1E00007 (TAB1E00007) (DEF) [O,MAX] [0,14] (DEF) [O,MAX ] [0,MAX] (TAB1E00008) (TAB1E00008) [O,MAX] [O,MAX] [O,MAX] [O,MAX] [O,MAX] (TAB1|E00009) TAB1E000 09) (TABI|E00010) (TAB1|E00010) (TAB1|E00011) (TAB1|E00011) GB/T39316.6—2020 Serial number Data element identifier E0087A0000 E008 8A0000 E0089A0000 E0093A0000 E0094A0000 E0095A0000 E0096A0000 E0100A0000 E0101A0000 E0102A0000 E0103A00 00 E0104A0000 E0105A0000 E0106A0000 E0113A0000 E0114A0000 E0115A0000 E0116A0000 E0117A0000 E0117A0000| |tt||E0118A0000 E0119A0000 E0120A0000 Facility metadata attribute description table Table 1 (continued) Data element name Maximum height of building exit Maximum width of building exit Water, electricity, gas and other facilities in the building Gas station grade name| |tt||Gas station grade code Name of oil product type at gas station Situation of traffic facilities around gas station Service area area Service area road square and parking lot areaService area restaurant building scale grade name Service area restaurant building scale grade code Whether equipped with charging station Whether equipped with auto repair station Service area ancillary service functions Warehouse type name Warehouse type code General warehouse grade name General warehouse grade code Oil depot grade name Oil depot grade code Warehouse area Warehouse storage capacity description Warehouse receiving and sending operation capacity description The metadata attribute description of facility class in military and civilian general resources is shown in Table 2. SG Value range of data element [0,MAX [O,MAX (DEF) (TAB1E00012) (TAB1|E00012) (DEF) (DEF) [O,MAX] [O,MAX (TAB1|E00013) (TAB1E00013) (Yes; No)|| tt||《Yes; No) (DEF) (TAB1|E00014) (TAB1/E00014) (TAB1|E00015) (TAB1|E00015) (TAB1E00016) (TAB1E00016) [O,MAX] (DEF) (DEF) GB/T39316.6—2020 (aaa) (XOS*)) (x0o1*) (WWAAAA) (X0S*) X0S*) (X0o1*) oof\0 00s0 oofo oot*o Kangxue Chuanji Haichuanji Return to Japan Chuanji Chuanji Haichuandi Haichuanji Sui Lian Town A0009000 000O0 00000 000000 0000080000 000200 000009000Z 00000SO0ON|| tt||GB/T39316.6—2020 No Xiang Multiple Towns [xWo] (daa) (daa) (9/NI) (OLINI) (X0OS*) (XOS*) (x0S*) (X0o1*) (x0o1*)||t t||(X0S*) 00g0 ooro ()乙 海串 串吉 申此 海串吉 海串地吉 发理 一首不生·理 000000 近车 00000 000060000 00080000 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.