title>GB/T 39017-2020 General principles for traceability of consumer products - GB/T 39017-2020 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 39017-2020 General principles for traceability of consumer products

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 39017-2020

Standard Name: General principles for traceability of consumer products

Chinese Name: 消费品追溯 追溯体系通则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

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Introduction to standards:

GB/T 39017-2020.Consumer product traceability-General requirements for traceability systerm.
GB/T 39017 specifies the principles, requirements, processes, components and implementation of the consumer product traceability system.
GB/T 39017 is suitable for the design and implementation of the traceability system in the entire process and any stage of the supply chain in the field of consumer goods.
2 Normative references
The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated reference documents, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 22760 General Principles for Safety Risk Assessment of Consumer Products
GB/T 36061 General Specification for Traceability of E-commerce Transaction Products
GB/T 36431 Classification and Code of Consumer Products
GB/T 39011 Guidelines for Identification of Safety Hazards in Consumer Products.
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Consumer product
Products designed and produced mainly but not limited to for personal use, including product components, parts, accessories, instructions for use and packaging.
[GB/T 35248-2017, Definition 2.2]
Safety safety
The state of being free from unacceptable risks.
[GB/T 20002.4-2015, Definition 3.14]
Traceability system
Supports the maintenance of products and their ingredients throughout the entire supply chain or part of production and A set of coherent or interactive elements that are expected to be obtained during the use phase, including information such as product history, application, or location.
[GB/T 38155-2019, definition 2.9]
?? Traceability management platform
is managed by the government (or government-authorized agency) and has The functions of traceability information collection, processing and comprehensive analysis and utilization support the monitoring and evaluation of the operation of the connected traceability system, and are used to implement the collection of information systems for the implementation of production and operation subject responsibilities and product quality and safety supervision.
[GB/T 38155-2019, definition 2.8]

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Consumer Goods Traceability
General Principles of Traceability System
Consumer product traceabilityGeneral requirements for traceability systerm2020-07-21 Released
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration Committee
2020-07 -21 Implementation
This standard is drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009. This standard is proposed and centralized by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Consumer Product Safety (SAC/TC508). GB/T39017—2020
This standard was drafted by: China Institute of Standardization, Guangdong Provincial Institute of Standardization, Guangdong Guoche Digital Economy Science Research Institute Co., Ltd., Jiumu Kitchen and Bathroom Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Longstar Household Products Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Mihuang Clothing Co., Ltd., China Machinery Productivity Promotion Center, Shandong Provincial Institute of Standardization, Mona Lisa Group Co., Ltd., Shijiazhuang Guochuang Minghui Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd., Foshan Quality Measurement Supervision and Inspection Center, Guangdong Shengyu Cable Industrial Co., Ltd., Foshan Sheng Sanitary Products Co., Ltd., Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., Luzhou Laojiao Co., Ltd., Anhui Yingjia Gong Liquor Co., Ltd., Guangdong Province Shantou City Quality and Technical Supervision Standards and Coding Institute , Shenzhen Institute of Standards and Technology, Jinka Zhilian (Shenzhen) Technology Development Co., Ltd., University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangdong Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Institute, Shandong Product Quality Inspection Institute. The main drafters of this standard: Liu Xia, Chen Xuezhang, Pei Fei, Fu Huiqing, Wang, Chen Qianwen, Guo Xinfeng, Lin Xiaowei, Li Zhenxi, Zhang Qikang, Wu Jinhai, Liu Surui, Ou Zhuokun, Fang Yongdong, Guan Jintian, Wang Li, He Cheng , Ni Yongpei, Gao Cuiling, Wang Yiqun, Li Jin, Lin Shubao, Yang Zhongguo, Chen Liangquan, Chi Luqiang, Xiao Libiao, Wen Wanliang, Wang Ming, Wang Shaolei, Wang Tian, ??Cha Shuti, Zhang Ke, Wang Guoqing, Meng Zhaoyun, Wang Lizhi, Duan Qi, Zhao Weiwei, Zhao Yan, Ye Ruyi, Zheng Kejun,
General Principles of Consumer Goods Traceability System
This standard specifies the principles, requirements, and Process, components and implementation. GB/T39017—2020
This standard is applicable to the design and implementation of the traceability system in the entire process and any stage of the supply chain in the field of consumer goods. Normative reference documents
The following documents are necessary for the application of this document Indispensable. For dated references, only the dated version applies to this document. For undated referenced documents, the latest version (including all amendments) shall apply to this document GB/T22760 General principles for consumer product safety risk assessment GB/T36061
General specifications for traceability of e-commerce transaction products Consumer goods classification and Code
3 Terms and Definitions
Guidelines for Identification of Consumer Product Safety Hazards
The following terms and definitions apply to this document . 3.1
Consumer products
Products designed and produced mainly but not limited to for personal use, including product components, parts, accessories, instructions for use and packaging [GB/T35248 —2017 Definition 2.2]
The state of being free from unacceptable risks. [GB/T20002.4-2015, definition 3.14] 3.3
Traceability system
Supports and maintains the expected access to products and their components throughout the entire supply chain or part of the production and use links, including product history, application A coherent set of elements that relate or interact with each other, such as a situation or location. [GB/T38155—2019, Definition 2.9]
The traceability management platform is managed by the government (or an agency authorized by the government) and has functions such as traceability information collection, processing, and comprehensive analysis and utilization. It supports Monitor and evaluate the operation of the traceability system of the contact person, and use it to implement the information system collection of production and operation subject responsibilities and product quality and safety supervision. [GB/T38155—2019, definition 2.8]
The traceability service platform provides traceability services such as basic information on products and traceability entities, product traceability code services, etc. to governments, industries, enterprises, and consumers. Information system GB/T39017—2020
system collection.
[GB/T38155-2019, definition 2.7]
The traceability system for product is based on traceability codes, file records, related software and hardware equipment and communication networks to achieve modern information management and Integration of relevant data in the product traceability process can be obtained.
[GB/T38155—2019, Definition 2.6]
The traceable unit traceableunit
needs to record relevant information about its history, application or location , identify and trace a single product, the same batch of products or the same category of products.
[GB/T38155—2019, definition 2.4]
Supply chain
Design, manufacture, import, distribute and sell products network. [GB/T35248—2017, Definition 2.25]
Entities, groups and entities with certain responsibilities, authorities, relationships and specific goals Institutions [GB/T35248—2017, Definition 2.12]
4 Principles
4.1 Openness
System co-construction and sharing, especially related data sharing, unified optimization of public services, and encouragement of traceability systems Integration of design, operation and other systems
The system should cover but not be limited to all aspects of the supply chain. From raw materials to the use, scrapping and recycling of finished products, all aspects such as use, scrapping and recycling are included in the scope of traceability, focusing on production. The authenticity of the source traceability information, the continuity of the intermediate link information chain, and the convenience of obtaining traceability information at the consumer end. 4.3 Dynamics
The traceability system can be dynamically adjusted according to the actual situation such as the risk level of consumer product hazards, financial resources, and technical means. . For the risk level content of consumer product hazards, see GB/T22760.
4.4 Uniqueness
Uniquely encode and identify the basic information, location and other information of traceability units at all levels of consumer goods, 5 Economy
The traceability system should Fully consider the costs and benefits of system construction, and rationally determine traceability units based on the characteristics and traceability requirements of traceable products.
5 requirements
5.1 General requirements
Participants in each link of the traceability system should be able to report to the supply chain The previous link can be traced back to the consumer product traceability unit and the source of its components, and the recipient of the next link can be identified and recorded at the same time, ensuring the effective link of traceability information within the organization and between upstream and downstream organizations, and restoring consumer products, application history and place of occurrence. , discover and promptly correct problems existing in various links in the consumer goods supply chain. 5.2 Traceability system requirements
5.2.1 Traceability information of the traceability system includes but is not limited to consumer product source and destination information, consumer product production information, consumer product quality or safety information, and consumer product transaction information.
5.2.2 The data in the traceability system should be stored using electronic information means to meet the storage time limit requirements of relevant regulations. Information recording and data management should adopt unified specification requirements.
5.2.3 The consumer product traceability system, traceability management platform and traceability service platform should reserve data exchange interfaces. 5.3 Personnel and facility requirements
5.3.1 The consumer goods supply chain organization should set up consumer product traceability management personnel for each link within the organization, who are responsible for the implementation of the consumer product traceability system for each link within the organization.
5.3.2 The consumer goods supply chain organization should conduct systematic training for the organization’s consumer product traceability management personnel. The training content includes but is not limited to traceability operating procedures, evaluation and improvement of the traceability system, etc., so that they can master the relevant requirements for consumer product traceability; other aspects of each link should be appropriately trained. Staff are trained to understand the relevant requirements for traceability of consumer products. 5.3.3 The consumer goods supply chain organization should provide necessary facilities for the collection, storage and sharing of consumer product traceability information. 5.4 Document management requirements
Consumer product supply chain organizations should formulate and improve consumer product traceability management systems, including but not limited to consumer product quality traceability systems, consumer product traceability label management systems, consumer product recall management systems, consumer product traceability flow charts, etc. Consumer product supply chain organizations should implement the following controls on management documents:
a) Review and approve documents before they are released; b) Ensure that valid versions of corresponding documents are available where the documents are used; c) Ensure that documents are effectively implemented; | |tt||d) Update files when necessary and clearly mark changes and revision status of files. 6 Process
6.1 General traceability process
The schematic diagram of the general traceability process for consumer goods is shown in Figure 1. raw materials
logistics and warehousing
service providers
raw materials
suppliers| |tt||Logistics and warehousing
Service provider
Consumer goods design
Design and production
Logistics and warehousing
Service provider|| tt||Sales service provider
Service platform
Physical store
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of the general traceability process for consumer goods
Logistics and warehousing
Service provider
3||tt| | GB/T39017—2020 | Traceability information; truly record the events, time, location and responsible person that occurred in the internal business process that can affect the quality or safety of consumer products.
6.2.2 The design, production and processing of consumer products should focus on the sources of hazards that affect the quality or safety of consumer products, see GB/T39011. 6.2.3 Logistics and warehousing service providers should determine the links that need to be recorded during the traceability process. , including but not limited to raw materials (components, consumer goods), warehousing, sub-packaging, inspection, and outbound delivery, and checking the traceability record information of the upper-level distribution and the consumer goods accepted by the lower-level 6.2.4 Sales service provider response Keep data records of buyers, products, transaction information, logistics information, etc. to determine the flow of consumer goods. For e-commerce transaction product traceability requirements, see GB/T360616.2.5 Consumers should pay attention to important content that affects the quality or safety of consumer products during use, record and retain key information when consumer product quality and safety incidents occur, in order to prepare for traceability management of consumer products. 7 Components
7.1 The system and platform of the consumer product traceability system can be composed of a traceability system, a traceability service platform and a traceability management platform. 7.2 Consumer product traceability systems may include children’s products traceability systems, household appliances and electrical accessories traceability systems, electronic and information technology product traceability systems, transportation equipment and related product traceability systems, furniture and building decoration materials traceability systems, clothing, shoes, hats, and home textiles. Traceability system, daily sundries traceability system, cultural, educational and sporting goods traceability system, daily chemicals and sanitary products traceability system, etc. The system can include product design, production, packaging, storage and transportation, use, recycling and other links. For the classification of consumer goods, see GB/T36431. 7.3 Traceability service platforms can include government service platforms, industry enterprise service platforms, public service platforms, etc. 7.4 Traceability management platforms can include national-level traceability management platforms, provincial-level traceability management platforms, prefecture-level traceability management platforms, etc. 8 Implementation
8.1 Develop a traceability plan
The consumer goods supply chain organization should develop a traceability plan based on the characteristics of the traceability unit, and consider the compatibility of the plan with other management systems of the supply chain organization. The traceability plan should include the objectives of the traceability system, applicable consumer products, traceability scope and extent, traceability unit identification and carrier, etc. 8.2 Personnel and training
The consumer goods supply chain organization should clearly define the list of traceability working group personnel and their responsibilities, and communicate them effectively. A training plan should be designated and implemented to train traceability working group personnel, organize learning of traceability related technologies and systems, and record the training process. 8.3 Traceability drills
The consumer product traceability system should implement traceability drills according to its own functions and its own prescribed time intervals to ensure that the traceability system operates effectively and problems are discovered.
8.4 Evaluation and Improvement
The consumer product supply chain organization should determine the evaluation content and key indicators of the traceability system, evaluate the consumer product traceability system, and correct the problems found in the evaluation to ensure that consumer products follow the traceability system Continuous improvement 4
[6 ]
GB/T22005 —2009
GB /T35248—2017
Reference Documentation
Drafting of specific content in the standard
Part 4: Content related to safety in the standard Traceability of feed and food chain
General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Guidelines for consumer product safety risk management
Establishment and implementation procedures for quality traceability systems for potato commodities Toy product quality traceability management requirements and guidelines Guidelines for consumer product safety suppliers||tt ||Wine Production Traceability Implementation Guide
Important Product Traceability
Important Product Traceability
Traceability Terminology
General Requirements for Traceability Systems
1 Suppliers should provide true identity and qualification information to downstream users, as well as basic product traceability information such as product name, raw materials and product structure, country/region of origin, etc.; truly record events and times that occur in internal business processes that can affect the quality or safety of consumer products. , location and responsible person.
6.2.2 The design, production and processing of consumer products should focus on the sources of hazards that affect the quality or safety of consumer products, see GB/T39011. 6.2.3 Logistics and warehousing service providers should determine the links that need to be recorded during the traceability process. , including but not limited to raw materials (components, consumer goods), warehousing, sub-packaging, inspection, and outbound delivery, and checking the traceability record information of the upper-level distribution and the consumer goods accepted by the lower-level 6.2.4 Sales service provider response Keep data records of buyers, products, transaction information, logistics information, etc. to determine the flow of consumer goods. For e-commerce transaction product traceability requirements, see GB/T360616.2.5 Consumers should pay attention to important content that affects the quality or safety of consumer products during use, record and retain key information when consumer product quality and safety incidents occur, in order to prepare for traceability management of consumer products. 7 Components
7.1 The system and platform of the consumer product traceability system can be composed of a traceability system, a traceability service platform and a traceability management platform. 7.2 Consumer product traceability systems may include children’s products traceability systems, household appliances and electrical accessories traceability systems, electronic and information technology product traceability systems, transportation equipment and related product traceability systems, furniture and building decoration materials traceability systems, clothing, shoes, hats, and home textiles. Traceability system, daily sundries traceability system, cultural, educational and sporting goods traceability system, daily chemicals and sanitary products traceability system, etc. The system can include product design, production, packaging, storage and transportation, use, recycling and other links. For the classification of consumer goods, see GB/T36431. 7.3 Traceability service platforms can include government service platforms, industry enterprise service platforms, public service platforms, etc. 7.4 Traceability management platforms can include national-level traceability management platforms, provincial-level traceability management platforms, prefecture-level traceability management platforms, etc. 8 Implementation
8.1 Develop a traceability plan
The consumer goods supply chain organization should develop a traceability plan based on the characteristics of the traceability unit, and consider the compatibility of the plan with other management systems of the supply chain organization. The traceability plan should include the objectives of the traceability system, applicable consumer products, traceability scope and extent, traceability unit identification and carrier, etc. 8.2 Personnel and training
The consumer goods supply chain organization should clearly define the list of traceability working group members and their responsibilities, and communicate them effectively. A training plan should be designated and implemented to train traceability working group personnel, organize learning of traceability related technologies and systems, and record the training process. 8.3 Traceability drills
The consumer product traceability system should implement traceability drills according to its own functions and its own prescribed time intervals to ensure that the traceability system operates effectively and problems are discovered.
8.4 Evaluation and Improvement
The consumer product supply chain organization should determine the evaluation content and key indicators of the traceability system, evaluate the consumer product traceability system, and correct the problems found in the evaluation to ensure that consumer products follow the traceability system Continuous improvement 4
[6 ]
GB/T22005 —2009
GB /T35248—2017
Reference Documentation
Drafting of specific content in the standard
Part 4: Content related to safety in the standard Traceability of feed and food chain
General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Guidelines for consumer product safety risk management
Establishment and implementation procedures for quality traceability systems for potato commodities Toy product quality traceability management requirements and guidelines Guidelines for consumer product safety suppliers||tt ||Wine Production Traceability Implementation Guide
Important Product Traceability
Important Product Traceability
Traceability Terminology
General Requirements for Traceability Systems
1 Suppliers should provide true identity and qualification information to downstream users, as well as basic product traceability information such as product name, raw materials and product structure, country/region of origin, etc.; truly record events and times that occur in internal business processes that can affect the quality or safety of consumer products. , location and responsible person.
6.2.2 The design, production and processing of consumer products should focus on the sources of hazards that affect the quality or safety of consumer products, see GB/T39011. 6.2.3 Logistics and warehousing service providers should determine the links that need to be recorded during the traceability process. , including but not limited to raw materials (components, consumer goods), warehousing, sub-packaging, inspection, and outbound delivery, and checking the traceability record information of the upper-level distribution and the consumer goods accepted by the lower-level 6.2.4 Sales service provider response Keep data records of buyers, products, transaction information, logistics information, etc. to determine the flow of consumer goods. For e-commerce transaction product traceability requirements, see GB/T360616.2.5 Consumers should pay attention to important content that affects the quality or safety of consumer products during use, record and retain key information when consumer product quality and safety incidents occur, in order to prepare for traceability management of consumer products. 7 Components
7.1 The system and platform of the consumer product traceability system can be composed of a traceability system, a traceability service platform and a traceability management platform. 7.2 Consumer product traceability systems may include children’s products traceability systems, household appliances and electrical accessories traceability systems, electronic and information technology product traceability systems, transportation equipment and related product traceability systems, furniture and building decoration materials traceability systems, clothing, shoes, hats, and home textiles. Traceability system, daily sundries traceability system, cultural, educational and sporting goods traceability system, daily chemicals and sanitary products traceability system, etc. The system can include product design, production, packaging, storage and transportation, use, recycling and other links. For the classification of consumer goods, see GB/T36431. 7.3 Traceability service platforms can include government service platforms, industry enterprise service platforms, public service platforms, etc. 7.4 Traceability management platforms can include national-level traceability management platforms, provincial-level traceability management platforms, prefecture-level traceability management platforms, etc. 8 Implementation bZxz.net
8.1 Develop a traceability plan
The consumer goods supply chain organization should develop a traceability plan based on the characteristics of the traceability unit, and consider the compatibility of the plan with other management systems of the supply chain organization. The traceability plan should include the objectives of the traceability system, applicable consumer products, traceability scope and extent, traceability unit identification and carrier, etc. 8.2 Personnel and training
The consumer goods supply chain organization should clearly define the list of traceability working group members and their responsibilities, and communicate them effectively. A training plan should be designated and implemented to train traceability working group personnel, organize learning of traceability related technologies and systems, and record the training process. 8.3 Traceability drills
The consumer product traceability system should implement traceability drills according to its own functions and its own prescribed time intervals to ensure that the traceability system operates effectively and problems are discovered.
8.4 Evaluation and Improvement
The consumer product supply chain organization should determine the evaluation content and key indicators of the traceability system, evaluate the consumer product traceability system, and correct the problems found in the evaluation to ensure that consumer products follow the traceability system Continuous improvement 4
[6 ]
GB/T22005 —2009
GB /T35248—2017
Reference Documentation
Drafting of specific content in the standard
Part 4: Content related to safety in the standard Traceability of feed and food chain
General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Guidelines for consumer product safety risk management
Establishment and implementation procedures for quality traceability systems for potato commodities Toy product quality traceability management requirements and guidelines Guidelines for consumer product safety suppliers||tt ||Wine Production Traceability Implementation Guide
Important Product Traceability
Important Product Traceability
Traceability Terminology
General Requirements for Traceability Systems
Drafting of specific content in the standard
Part 4: Involved in the standard Safe content Traceability of feed and food chain
General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Guidelines for consumer product safety risk management
Establishment and implementation procedures of quality traceability system for potato commodities Toy products Quality Traceability Management Requirements and Guidelines Consumer Product Safety Supplier Guide
Wine Production Traceability Implementation Guide
Important Product Traceability
Important Product Traceability
Traceability Terminology||tt| |General requirements for traceability systems
Drafting of specific content in the standard
Part 4: Involved in the standard Safe content Traceability of feed and food chain
General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Guidelines for consumer product safety risk management
Establishment and implementation procedures of quality traceability system for potato commodities Toy products Quality Traceability Management Requirements and Guidelines Consumer Product Safety Supplier Guide
Wine Production Traceability Implementation Guide
Important Product Traceability
Important Product Traceability
Traceability Terminology||tt| |General requirements for traceability systems
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