GB/T 14548-1993 General technical requirements for marine semiconductor converters
Some standard content:
UDC629.12·621.382:621.314.5U 61
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General specification for marine semiconductor convertors1993-07-31Promulgated
Implementation on 1994-02-01
Promulgated by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision
W.National Standard of the People's Republic of China
General specification for marine semiconductor converters GB/T 14548—93
This standard refers to the International Electrotechnical Commission EC 92—304 publication Marine electrical equipment - Semiconductor converters (1980 edition).
1 Content and applicable scope
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods and inspection specifications of marine semiconductor converters (hereinafter referred to as converters). This standard is applicable to marine static converters composed of semiconductor rectifier diodes, various types of transistors and other power electronic devices.
The converter can convert AC to DC, current to AC, DC to DC and AC to AC. 2 Reference standards
GB156--80 Rated voltage
G 762—80
Rated current of electrical equipment
GB1980-80 Rated frequency of electrical equipment
GH290033—82 Electrical terminology Converter GB3859—83 Semiconductor power converter
GB 6994-86 General provisions for shipboard electrical equipment Semiconductor direct current converter
GB 7677-87
GB 7678-87 Semiconductor phase-commutated converter GB 10250—88
Electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic equipment for ships JB1505—75 Method for compiling models of semiconductor power converters CB 1146. 2--83
CH 1146.3--85
CB 1146. 5--85
CH 1146. 8—85
Environmental test methods for ship equipment Test A: Low temperature environmental test methods for ship equipment
Environmental test methods for ship equipment
Test B: High temperature
Test Ob: Alternating damp heat
Environmental test methods for ship equipment
: Test Ec: Tilt and roll
Environmental test methods for ship equipment
CB 1146. 9-85
CB 1146. 11--85
CB E146. 12—85
CB 1146. 15- 85
3 Terminology
Test Fe: Vibration
Environmental test methods for ship equipment Test! :Long-exposure marine equipment environmental test method Test Ka:Salt spray marine equipment environmental test method Test R;Shell water This standard directly uses the terms and definitions specified in GB 2900.33, GB 3859, GB 7677, GB7678 and GB 6994. 4 Model, basic parameters
4.1 Model
State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine 1993-07-3 1 Approved 1994-02-01 Implementation
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The product model of the converter shall comply with the provisions of JB1505. 4.2 Basic parameters
4.2.1 The rated input voltage level of the converter shall comply with the provisions of GB156 on the rated voltage of the receiving equipment. 4.2.2 The rated output voltage level of the converter shall comply with the provisions of GB156 on the rated voltage of power supply equipment. 4.2.3 The rated output current level of the converter shall comply with the provisions of GB762, and 4.2.4 The rated output current of the converter shall comply with the provisions of GB1980. 4.2.5 The output waveform of the converter is vertical current or alternating current, and the specific indicators of the waveform shall be given in the product technical documents. 5 Technical requirements
5.1 Conditions of use
Unless otherwise specified, the converter shall be able to work normally under the following conditions. 5.1.1 Environmental conditions Ambient air temperature
High temperature 55℃,
Low temperature: -10℃. Tilt, swing
Tilt: 22.5° Tilt: 22.5,
Trimming: 10° Trimming: 10°
5.1.1. 3 Vibration and impact generated during normal operation of the ship. Humid air, salt spray, oil mist and mold. 5.1.2 Input power Voltage fluctuation range
The voltage change of DC power supply is +6% to -10% of the rated voltage: the voltage change of AC power supply is +6% to -10% of the rated voltage, and the frequency change is ±5% of the rated frequency; the voltage change of battery power supply is +20% of the rated voltage. The bee-valley value of DC voltage ripple shall not exceed 15% of the rated value. The waveform is sinusoidal, and the waveform distortion rate is not greater than 5%. Voltage symmetry
For multiphase systems, the negative sequence component or zero sequence component shall not exceed 5% of the positive sequence component. For converters with different pulse numbers evenly connected, the minimum short-circuit ratio (R) required at different acceptable waveform maximum distortions is shown in Table 1.
Acceptable maximum distortion
Usually: 1) P is the number of pulses.
5.2 Connection mode of main circuit, calculation factors and marking symbols The connection mode, calculation factors and marking symbols of the converter main circuit shall comply with the provisions of Article 4.3 of CB3859. 2
W.5.3 Performance
GB/T 14548--93
This standard gives the technical performance items and relevant calculation methods that the converter should be evaluated, and its physical parameters should be specified in the product technical documents.
5.3.1 Power efficiency
The power efficiency of the converter is the ratio of output power to input power, that is: Power efficiency
Where: W, converter input power, W or kW; W,
converter output power, W or kW.
5.3.2 Voltage regulation under rated conditions
5. 3. 2. 1 Total voltage regulation
The total voltage regulation d of the converter includes the inherent voltage regulation d and the DC output voltage regulation dL caused by the AC system impedance, that is:
dn =des+din
The total voltage regulation can only be guaranteed when the requirements are put forward in the relevant technical documents or contracts and the short-circuit capacity and impedance ratio of the AC system are given. Inherent voltage regulation
The inherent voltage regulation d of the converter is the voltage regulation caused by the DC voltage drop of the converter transformer, reactor and other devices and semiconductor components. The inherent voltage regulation should be given in the technical documents, but it is only guaranteed when it is stipulated in the technical documents or the contract. Um-Um × 100%
Where: Uai--the agreed no-load DC voltage of the converter, V; Ua
-the rated DC voltage of the converter, V,
U--the ideal no-load DC voltage of the converter, V; For detailed calculation method, see of GB3859. DC voltage regulation caused by the impedance of the AC system (3)
The DC voltage regulation d caused by the impedance of the converter AC system can be determined by calculation and measurement. Figure 1 is dLN given by reference.
W.- indicates that the ratio of the resistance to the reactance of the AC power grid is equal to 0.2 inch. GB/T 14548-93
- indicates that the ratio of the resistance to the reactance of the AC power grid is equal to 0.2 inch. Figure 1dy
Relationship line
Su—AC system circuit capacity, VA, Ua—ideal air direct current, V; Iur—rated DC current of the converter, A; P—spherical wave number, inherent delay angle ds—inductive DC repulsion adjustment rate generated by the converter transformer and the balancing reactor, d—inductive DC voltage adjustment rate generated by the reactor at rated current 5.3.3 Power factor
The power factor of the converter is the ratio of the active power on the grid side to the apparent power. The power factor should be given in the technical documents, but it is only guaranteed when required by the contract or other technical agreement. When giving the power factor W.GB/T14548-93
, if there is no other provision, the data under the rated output voltage shall be taken. The power factor 1 of the converter is related to the delay angle (including the fixed line delay angle), the inductive reactance on the AC side (including the valve side and the grid side) and the current waveform. The first two factors can be reflected by the displacement factor cos, and the last factor can be reflected by the distortion factor √. Their relationship is expressed by formula (4):
a wcusg
Where: V and eu8 should be determined according to the relevant provisions of Article 1.5.3 of GB3859. 5.3.4 Balance of current and voltage Current balance (current sharing coefficient) The steady-state current balance K of each parallel branch of the converter is expressed by the formula (): l.
Wu Zhong,
The average current shared by each branch component, A: -Number of parallel branches:
I.—The average forward current borne by the nth parallel branch component, A: 1a—The average forward current borne by the component that shares the largest current share among all parallel components, A. Voltage balance (voltage balancing coefficient) The steady-state voltage balance K between the components of the converter interconnect circuit is expressed by formula (6): U
is the average value of the positive (negative) peak voltage that the interconnect components bear, V: V is the positive (negative) peak voltage that the series components bear, V: ... - the number of series components in the circuit;
is the positive (negative) peak voltage that the component that shares the maximum voltage quota in the interconnect components bears, V. 5.3.5 Static and dynamic characteristics
**-( 6 )
The converter may have an internal closed-loop control system or other devices used to stabilize its output (for example: voltage, current, power). If the converter has an internal closed-loop control system (whose reference value can be introduced by electrical, mechanical or other means), the converter's stabilization system should be regarded as part of the converter. In this case, its stability characteristics should be clearly specified in the technical conditions. If the converter is part of an external closed-loop system, the control signal input to the converter is from the loop. In this case, the converter can be regarded as an amplifier of the external closed-loop system (complete set of equipment). Static characteristics
The static characteristics of a stabilizing device refer to the stability that only takes effect after the alternating process caused by a sudden change in the stability value or the countermeasure disappears. If the converter has an internal stabilizing device, The static characteristics are determined for all antagonistic quantities, such as grid-side voltage, AC system conditions, and the specified range of variation of load characteristics. The setting range of the converter's stability record should be given in the technical conditions. If the converter is a part of an external closed-loop system, the static characteristics refer to the relationship between the input signal and the converter output under specified conditions for certain quantities. The certain quantities referred to are the quantities that may affect the above relationship (such as grid-side voltage, AC system conditions, and load characteristics).
Whether it is a converter with an internal closed-loop control system or a converter that is part of an external closed-loop control system, its stability accuracy is calculated according to formula (7):
Stability accuracy = output limit value - specified value specified value Dynamic characteristics
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The dynamic characteristics of a stable device are expressed by the response time or rate of the device to the cascade change, or by any method agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user.
The provisions on dynamic characteristics are limited to changes that have a significant impact on the output, especially changes with set values or control signals: and changes in load. Changes that have little impact on the output can be ignored. 5.3.6 Protection
In addition to setting general overcurrent protection, fault current protection and overvoltage protection measures should also be considered for the semiconductor components of the converter. Fault current protection
Fault current protection measures include the following three types and their reasonable combinations, namely: a. Reduce the use capacity of semiconductor components; h. Use time-limited devices;
c. Use current-limiting devices.
The selection of fault current protection measures depends on the expected type of fault current, the method used to make the converter work again, the economic effect of safety, and the cost of the protection device. There are two types of fault short circuits in converters: internal short circuits and external short circuits. The former is caused by converter faults such as commutation faults, direct-through, spike-through and breakdown. The short-circuit current is generally supplied by the AC power supply, but in some cases, such as when the dual converter is inverting under reverse potential, the residual short circuit current is supplied by the AC power grid and the DC circuit at the same time. At this time, its protection measures should be considered accordingly. When taking protection measures for external short circuits, the following different situations should be distinguished: a. The short-circuit situation where the short-circuit impedance is negligible compared to the internal impedance of the converter, that is, a complete short circuit; b. The situation where the short-circuit impedance is large enough to limit the fault current, that is, a limited short circuit; c. The short-circuit situation in the load branch (the rated DC current of the branch is much smaller than the capacity of the converter and has a separate protection device) is called a branch short circuit.
When designing the converter: appropriate protection measures should be selected for the short-circuit forms that may occur during operation and the methods (if any) required for the converter to resume normal operation. The supplier should specify in detail in the contract or relevant technical documents what kind of fault current the measures adopted are for according to the above concepts. Overvoltage protection
Since the semiconductor devices in the converter have a very low tolerance to overcurrent, it is necessary to pay attention to the matching of the voltage capacity of the overvoltage protection device and the power semiconductor device.
The overvoltage protection measures of the converter depend on the internal surge current of the converter and the external surge voltage. The internal surge voltage is caused by reasons such as the recombination phenomenon of residual holes after the fuse is blown. This type of voltage can generally be controlled when designing the converter. The external surge voltage is caused by atmospheric discharge, circuit breaker operation, load switching, etc., and appears on the AC grid side or DC side surge voltage.
The measures taken for the above overvoltage mainly include the following types: a. Overvoltage protection caused by opening and closing, b. Overvoltage protection caused by fast switching; c. Overvoltage protection caused by switching: d. Atmospheric overvoltage protection
The overvoltage protection device of the converter should be able to protect the converter from various possible surge voltages and work safely. For converters that frequently withstand non-periodic surge voltages, converters with overvoltage protection and other special requirements should be stated in the contract or relevant technical documents.
5.3.7 Electromagnetic compatibility
The electromagnetic compatibility of the converter should comply with the provisions of Group B equipment in GB10250. 5.3.8 Noise
In the technical documents, appropriate indicators should be specified according to the specific installation location of the converter on the ship. 6
W5.3.9 Shell protection form
CB/T 14548---93
The shell protection form of the converter is generally IP23. Special requirements should be specified separately in the product technical documents. 5.3.10 Other indicators
The specific requirements of other indicators shall be specified in the product technical documents. 5.4 Structure and installation
5.4.1 Accessibility
The components or semiconductor components of the converter should be installed so that they can be taken out of the device without disassembling the entire installation. 5.4.2 Cooling method
The cooling plate type of the converter is preferably a dry air cooling radiator. 5.4.3 Installation The components or equipment of the converter should ensure that the circulating cooling air entering the components, supporting equipment or casing (if any) will not be blocked, and the temperature of the cooling air entering the converter components should not exceed the ambient temperature allowed by the component components. Air-cooled enclosures should be designed with adequate ventilation openings and, for fully enclosed converters, with adequate radiating surfaces so that the operating temperature does not exceed the permissible limit. Converter components and their associated equipment should not be installed near heat radiating sources such as resistors, steam pipes, engine exhaust pipes, etc. 5.5 Application
5.5.1 Forced cooling
For converters using forced cooling, the circuit should be designed so that power cannot be applied to or maintained on the converter if effective cooling cannot be maintained.
5.5.2 Interaction with power or load systems Preventive measures should be taken to prevent the harmful effects of overcurrent or overvoltage (including feedback power if the load can be fed back) caused by disturbances in the power or load system on the converter. Preventive measures should be taken to prevent the harmful effects of disturbances in the converter itself on the power and load systems. 5.5.3 Diagram
The converter should have a schematic diagram and wiring diagram.Or it should be accompanied by a manual. 6 Test methods
6.1 General inspection
6.1.1 Component inspection
The models, specifications and certificate records of the thyristors, rectifiers and various electrical parts used in the converter should all comply with the relevant standards or technical conditions.
If there are thyristors and diodes in series and parallel in the converter, the electrical performance parameters of these thyristors and diodes (attached to the product factory certificate in the form of a table) should be checked to see if they are complete. 6.1.2 Cabinet inspection
The dimensions, welds, installation hole spacing, etc. of the converter cabinet structure should all comply with the relevant standards or technical documents. The metal parts bond layer, the installation of fastening parts (screws, bolts, washers), etc. should all comply with the relevant standards or technical documents. 6.1.3 Assembly inspection
The installation of the converter electrical components should not endanger personal safety under normal use. The wearing parts should be easily replaced and repaired. The connection between the main circuit electrical components and nuts of the converter, the phase sequence arrangement and paint color of the busbar, and the terminal markings shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards or technical documents.
The wiring, welding, connectors, markings and numbers of the secondary circuit shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards and technical documents. 6.1.4 Inspection of cooling system
For liquid cooling system, apply a water pressure of twice the rated value and maintain it for 30 minutes. There should be no leakage. For oil-immersed oil coolers, apply an oil pressure of 35±5kPa7
W.GB/T 14548-93
and maintain it for 12 hours. There should be no leakage or deformation of the oil pin. For the cold air system, the installation and operation of the air duct filter and other components should be checked. 6.2 Insulation test
6.2.1 Insulation resistance measurement
Before the insulation test, use a 500V DC megger to measure the insulation resistance of the test part. When the ambient temperature is 20±5℃ and the relative humidity is 90%, its value should not be less than 1Mn. 6.2.2 Dielectric strength test Test method
The converter should be subjected to the power frequency voltage calculated according to formula (8) for 1min: U, = 2×
When it is not greater than 90V, 1000V can be used; where: U, - effective value of insulation test voltage, V is not less than 2000V. But when U is the highest peak voltage between any pair of terminals without load, V; if the voltage between any terminal and ground is higher than this value (for example, when the converter is connected in parallel), a higher voltage value should be used. When it is inconvenient to apply AC test voltage to the converter, a DC test voltage equal to the above-mentioned rated voltage can be applied. The test voltage can be any frequency of 15-100Hz. The time for the test voltage to rise to the full voltage value should be no less than 10s: or it starts from 50% of the full value and rises to the full value in a step-by-step adjustment method with each step being 5% of the full value. After reaching the full value, it is maintained for 1m to ensure that there is no breakdown or flashover. Dielectric strength test of main circuit system During the test, the main terminals of the converter and the anode, cathode and gate terminals of all semiconductor devices shall be connected together, and the switching devices and control devices in the main circuit shall be in a closed state or short-circuited. According to the provisions of, the dielectric strength test circuit shall be connected between the terminals connected together in the converter and the cabinet. Dielectric strength test of auxiliary devices If the auxiliary devices (such as the control device, fan, and measuring instrument of the system) are electrically connected to the main circuit system, or if there is no electrical connection but the insulation is damaged, the voltage may pass to the human body accessible parts not connected to the cabinet, or the high-voltage side potential may pass to the low-voltage side, and may cause the main circuit to trip due to fault (such as in auxiliary transformers, pulse transformers, reactors, and measuring transformers), the auxiliary devices shall be subjected to the test specified in together with the main circuit system. Except for the above cases, the dielectric strength test voltage of the auxiliary device is lower than the test voltage specified in Article, and its value may be specified in the relevant auxiliary device standards. During the test, the test voltage is applied between the terminals connected together in the auxiliary device and the cabinet. When the main circuit dielectric strength test is performed, its terminals should be connected to the cabinet. Power supply test of components
When the components of the device are electrically connected to the main circuit, the dielectric strength test should also be carried out between the components and the rail body, and between the components and the grid side winding of the double-winding transformer (if any). The test voltage is in accordance with the provisions of Article The test voltage is applied between the terminals connected to the components and the cabinet (the terminals connected to the grid side of the transformer are connected to the cabinet). When the components are not connected to the grid, and the transformer is a double-winding, the dielectric strength test should be carried out between the components and the cabinet, and between the connected grid terminals and the cabinet. The test voltage is in accordance with the relevant provisions of the converter transformer. 1min, there should be no breakdown or flashover. At this time, the DC terminals should be connected and connected to the cabinet. 6-2.2.5 Dielectric strength test of converters installed in several cabinets The dielectric strength test of converters installed in several cabinets can be carried out after the complete set of equipment is installed, as long as the insulation of the electrical connection parts between each cabinet is tested.
6.3 Light load test
The purpose of the light load test is to check whether the connection of the converter circuit is correct and whether the static on-demand characteristics meet the specified requirements. 8
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If the converter is subjected to a load cut-off test, the requirements for the light load test can be combined in the load test. The light load test can also be carried out simultaneously with the light power loss test in the power loss determination. During the light load test, the converter is connected to an AC power supply with a positive voltage equal to the rated value plus a specified range of variation. During the test, the base AC voltage, DC current, AC voltage and DC current shall be measured; in addition, the signals and indications related to voltage regulation (such as signals for stabilizing or regulating current and voltage) shall be measured within the full range of DC voltage regulation. The functions of the trigger system (limited to inter-transistor converters) and auxiliary devices shall also be checked. The linked data and control characteristics shall comply with the provisions of the product technical conditions. At the same time, verify whether the converter circuit connection is correct. 6.4 Voltage balancing test
The purpose of voltage balancing is to test the voltage balancing coefficient of the crystalline tubes or diodes connected in series with the converter. The voltage balancing test can be carried out simultaneously with the light load test. When measuring the transient or steady-state voltage balancing, the reverse blocking voltage and forward blocking voltage (limited to inter-crystalline tubes) of the semiconductor devices connected in series can be measured with a transient voltage tester, peak voltage meter or cathode ray oscilloscope to calculate the voltage balancing. For inter-crystalline tube converters, the voltage balancing measurement should be carried out under the most unfavorable phase control conditions. Generally corresponds to the phase angle of the maximum control rate, but not greater than 90° electrical angle. When the repeated reverse or forward blocking voltage generated by the commutation process exceeds the working reverse peak voltage, the balance of the larger voltage value should be checked. The measured data should be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Article 3.4.2 of the company, and the calculated voltage balance should comply with the product technical conditions. 6.5 Low-voltage current test
6.5.1 The purpose of the low-voltage current test is to check whether the converter can work normally at the rated current. The requirements for the low-voltage current test can be combined in the load test and carried out simultaneously. The low-voltage current test can also be carried out simultaneously with the determination of the short-circuit power loss in the power loss determination.
6.5.2 During the test, the DC terminal of the converter should be short-circuited, and an AC voltage sufficient to generate not less than the rated DC current should be applied to the AC terminal of the converter. The control device (or auxiliary devices) should be connected to a power supply with a rated voltage. During the test, phase control (limited to thyristor arm converters) or external AC voltage should be adjusted to make the rated DC current flow continuously through the DC terminals. The operation of each part of the converter should be checked to meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. 6.6 Current sharing test
The purpose of the current balance test is to check the current balance of the thyristor and diode converter arms connected in parallel. The current sharing test can be carried out simultaneously with the low-voltage current test or load test. The current balance can be determined by measuring the maximum current (for example, using a clamp-on ammeter), measuring the steady-state voltage drop (for example, measuring the fuse voltage drop, and when using this method, attention should be paid to the difference in the resistance value of each fuse) or determining the temperature rise of the specified part of the device. For thyristor converters, if the product's heat generation under a larger control rate is likely to exceed the rated load condition, the converter should be placed at a DC current value near the larger control rate to achieve the most severe heat generation, and then measure the current balance. The measured data should be calculated according to the provisions of The calculated result should comply with the provisions of the product technical conditions for current balance. 6.7 Power loss measurement
The purpose of power loss measurement is mainly to determine the efficiency of the converter. The measured data should be calculated according to 5.3.1. The power loss test can be carried out at normal ambient temperature, and the converter should be operated in the rectifier state and in reverse. The forward loss measurement should be carried out after the temperature of all parts in the device reaches the equilibrium temperature corresponding to the rated value. The test can be carried out using a converter transformer or a test transformer. If a converter transformer is used, the power loss of the set of equipment is measured. At this time, the power loss of the converter transformer should be corrected to the value at 75 ℃. If a test transformer is used, the test transformer is required to have the same number of pulses and commutation as the source design transformer. 6.7.1 Determination of light-load power loss
The determination of light-load power loss shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.9, 2 of GB3859. 6.7.2 Determination of short-circuit power loss
The determination of short-circuit power loss shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 5.9.3 of GB 3859. W.CB/T 14548—93
6.8 Temperature rise test
The purpose of the temperature rise test is to determine whether the temperature rise of each component of the converter exceeds the temperature rise limit when it is running under rated conditions. The temperature rise test of semiconductor devices in the converter can be carried out simultaneously with the 6.5 tea low-voltage current test. If a load test is carried out, the temperature rise test can be carried out simultaneously with the load test under rated conditions. During the test, the temperature measuring element used can be a thermometer, a thermocouple, infrared measurement of thermistor devices and other equivalent methods. The temperature should be measured at the specified position on each component of the converter. For semiconductor devices, ten devices should be measured: among them, those with the worst temperature conditions must be included. For phase-controlled thyristor converters, the test current should be measured under different continuous DC current control rates as specified in the product technical conditions, and the maximum value should be taken. When a converter consists of multiple devices connected in parallel and it is difficult to test them at the same time, the parallel devices can be tested separately. The test current should be the rated current of a single device divided by the current balance degree of the device specified in the product technical conditions. The temperature rise of each component of the converter should not exceed the provisions of the relevant component standards in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 Temperature rise limit of each component of the converter
Part or device
Thyristor outer shell
Rectifier shell
The place where the copper busbar connected to the semiconductor device is fixed with the gingival nail
The remote connection of the steel busbar
Electric components
Plastic insulated wires and rubber insulated wires connected to semiconductor devices
Transformer category
Temperature rise limit
Standard provisions for thyristor
According to the standard provisions for rectifier
35℃ ( Steel)
45℃(with nickel plating)
60℃(with silver bonding layer)
25℃(silver coating)
15℃(gas at 30mm from the surface)
Table 3 Limit temperature rise of converter transformer
Pressure level
Limit temperature rise of coil
Thermocouple or thermistor method
Thermocouple method, thermistor, thermometer method or other methods
Fast core surface temperature rise
Technical damage to insulating parts in contact
Measurement method
Wire diagram temperature rise can be measured by resistance method.
The surface temperature rise of the missing core can be measured by the disc
meter method
6.9 Load test
The purpose of the load test is to check whether the converter can withstand the specified load level without exceeding the specified limit temperature of the converter components.
If the load test is carried out, the low voltage current test and the temperature rise test can be carried out at the same time. The converter is continuously powered on under rated load conditions for testing. During the test, the power supply voltage is adjusted to the minimum value, rated value and maximum value in turn, and the relevant parameters and characteristics are measured, which should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. 10
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The measured temperature rise of each part of the converter should not exceed the limit temperature rise specified in Table 2, Table 3 and the relevant component standards. 6.9.1 Output voltage and voltage regulation rate measurement The purpose of the test is to check whether the output voltage and voltage regulation rate of the converter meet the specified requirements. For a converter with a constant output voltage, when the power supply voltage changes within the specified range under light load and rated continuous load conditions, measure the change in output voltage. For a converter with a variable output voltage, measure the change range of output current. The measured voltage change value should be within the tolerance range of the product technical conditions. If required, the tolerance range test should also be carried out for changes in other conditions such as temperature. The instrument for measuring the output voltage of the converter is the root mean square value of the sine wave (fundamental wave) current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave voltage, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC voltmeter. 6.9.2 Output current measurement
The instrument for measuring the AC output current generally indicates the root mean square value of the fundamental wave current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave current, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC ammeter.
Measure the output current within the specified input voltage range. 6.9.3 Output frequency measurement
Within the specified power supply voltage range, in the light load, continuous rated load or specified load current range, use a frequency meter to measure the output frequency.
When necessary, the change of output frequency should be measured at different ambient temperatures. 6.9.4 Measurement of ripple and wave For converters with DC output, make the power supply voltage the rated value and the ripple within the specified range. Measure the ripple parameters of the power supply current and load current under light load and rated continuous load. The current relative peak-to-valley ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope and the DC current. The current ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope. The current waveform coefficient is determined by the RMS value and DC value of the current. The calculated ripple coefficients should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. For converters with AC output, under the specified DC power supply conditions, under light load and continuous rated load or specified load current, determine the RMS value of the fundamental wave and each harmonic from the waveform analysis readings. The relative harmonic content is determined by the total RMS value of the output voltage and the reading after the fundamental wave is filtered out by the waveform analyzer. The waveform analyzer can be a distortion meter or a wideband voltmeter with a suppression filter and a bandpass filter. Unless otherwise specified, this test measures the spectral components of the voltage under a resistive load. During the test, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement, care should be taken to maintain the waveform and measurement conditions unchanged.
6.9.5 Power efficiency measurement
The power efficiency can be measured by a power meter to obtain the input and output power of the converter. Then it can be calculated according to formula (1). The test is carried out under the input voltage, frequency and load specified in the product technical requirements. The input DC power should include the ripple in the DC (the power generated by the AC component of the input). The output AC power is the fundamental power. If the no-load power consumption needs to be measured, the load is disconnected and the input power is read when the output current is zero. 6.9.6 Output voltage asymmetry measurement
For inverters with multi-phase output, the voltage of each phase is measured under the specified balanced and unbalanced conditions, and the voltage asymmetry coefficient table is calculated according to Figure 2 and formula (9). In the figure, AB, BC, and CA are the measured single-phase line voltages. O and P are two points of two equilateral triangles with CA as the common side.
Where: U,——positive sequence component of output voltage Un
——negative sequence component of output voltage.
For balanced load, the test should be carried out under no-load and full-load conditions. For unbalanced load, if the unbalanced load and voltage 11
W are required.5. The low-voltage current test shall be carried out at the same time as the load test. If a load test is carried out, the temperature rise test can be carried out simultaneously with the load test under rated conditions. During the test, the temperature measuring elements used can be thermometers, thermocouples, infrared measurement of thermistors and other equivalent methods. The temperature should be measured at the specified locations on each component of the converter. For semiconductor devices, several devices should be measured: those devices with the worst temperature conditions must be included. For phase-controlled thyristor converters, they should also be measured under continuous DC currents of different control rates as specified in the product technical conditions, and the maximum value should be taken.
When a converter consists of multiple devices connected in parallel and it is difficult to test them at the same time, the parallel devices can be tested separately. The test current should be the rated current of a single device divided by the current balance of the device specified in the product technical conditions. The temperature rise of each component of the converter should not exceed the provisions of the relevant component standards in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 Temperature rise limit of each component of the converter
Part or device
Thyristor outer shell
Rectifier shell
The place where the copper busbar connected to the semiconductor device is fixed with the gingival nail
The remote connection of the steel busbar
Electric components
Plastic insulated wires and rubber insulated wires connected to semiconductor devices
Transformer category
Temperature rise limit
Standard provisions for thyristor
According to the standard provisions for rectifier
35℃ ( Steel)
45℃(with nickel plating)
60℃(with silver bonding layer)
25℃(silver coating)
15℃(gas at 30mm from the surface)
Table 3 Limit temperature rise of converter transformer
Pressure level
Limit temperature rise of coil
Thermocouple or thermistor method
Thermocouple method, thermistor, thermometer method or other methods
Fast core surface temperature rise
Technical damage to insulating parts in contact
Measurement method
Wire diagram temperature rise can be measured by resistance method.
The surface temperature rise of the missing core can be measured by the disc
meter method
6.9 Load test
The purpose of the load test is to check whether the converter can withstand the specified load level without exceeding the specified limit temperature of the converter components.
If the load test is carried out, the low voltage current test and the temperature rise test can be carried out at the same time. The converter is continuously powered on under rated load conditions for testing. During the test, the power supply voltage is adjusted to the minimum value, rated value and maximum value in turn, and the relevant parameters and characteristics are measured, which should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. 10
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The measured temperature rise of each part of the converter should not exceed the limit temperature rise specified in Table 2, Table 3 and the relevant component standards. 6.9.1 Output voltage and voltage regulation rate measurement The purpose of the test is to check whether the output voltage and voltage regulation rate of the converter meet the specified requirements. For a converter with a constant output voltage, when the power supply voltage changes within the specified range under light load and rated continuous load, measure the change in output voltage. For a converter with a variable output voltage, measure the change range of output current. The measured voltage change value should be within the tolerance range of the product technical conditions. If required, the tolerance range test should also be carried out for changes in other conditions such as temperature. The instrument for measuring the output voltage of the converter is the root mean square value of the sine wave (fundamental wave) current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave voltage, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC voltmeter. 6.9.2 Output current measurement
The instrument for measuring the AC output current generally indicates the root mean square value of the fundamental wave current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave current, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC ammeter.
Measure the output current within the specified input voltage range. 6.9.3 Output frequency measurement
Within the specified power supply voltage range, in the light load, continuous rated load or specified load current range, use a frequency meter to measure the output frequency.
When necessary, the change of output frequency should be measured at different ambient temperatures. 6.9.4 Measurement of ripple and wave For converters with DC output, make the power supply voltage the rated value and the ripple within the specified range. Measure the ripple parameters of the power supply current and load current under light load and rated continuous load. The current relative peak-to-valley ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope and the DC current. The current ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope. The current waveform coefficient is determined by the RMS value and DC value of the current. The calculated ripple coefficients should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. For converters with AC output, under the specified DC power supply conditions, under light load and continuous rated load or specified load current, determine the RMS value of the fundamental wave and each harmonic from the waveform analysis readings. The relative harmonic content is determined by the total RMS value of the output voltage and the reading after the fundamental wave is filtered out by the waveform analyzer. The waveform analyzer can be a distortion meter or a wideband voltmeter with a suppression filter and a bandpass filter. Unless otherwise specified, this test measures the spectral components of the voltage under a resistive load. During the test, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement, care should be taken to maintain the waveform and measurement conditions unchanged.
6.9.5 Power efficiency measurement
The power efficiency can be measured by a power meter to obtain the input and output power of the converter. Then it can be calculated according to formula (1). The test is carried out under the input voltage, frequency and load specified in the product technical requirements. The input DC power should include the ripple in the DC (the power generated by the AC component of the input). The output AC power is the fundamental power. If the no-load power consumption needs to be measured, the load is disconnected and the input power is read when the output current is zero. 6.9.6 Output voltage asymmetry measurement
For inverters with multi-phase output, the voltage of each phase is measured under the specified balanced and unbalanced conditions, and the voltage asymmetry coefficient table is calculated according to Figure 2 and formula (9). In the figure, AB, BC, and CA are the measured single-phase line voltages. O and P are two points of two equilateral triangles with CA as the common side.
Where: U,——positive sequence component of output voltage Un
——negative sequence component of output voltage.
For balanced load, the test should be carried out under no-load and full-load conditions. For unbalanced load, if the unbalanced load and voltage 11
W are required.5. The low-voltage current test shall be carried out at the same time as the load test. If a load test is carried out, the temperature rise test can be carried out simultaneously with the load test under rated conditions. During the test, the temperature measuring elements used can be thermometers, thermocouples, infrared measurement of thermistors and other equivalent methods. The temperature should be measured at the specified locations on each component of the converter. For semiconductor devices, several devices should be measured: those devices with the worst temperature conditions must be included. For phase-controlled thyristor converters, they should also be measured under continuous DC currents of different control rates as specified in the product technical conditions, and the maximum value should be taken.
When a converter consists of multiple devices connected in parallel and it is difficult to test them at the same time, the parallel devices can be tested separately. The test current should be the rated current of a single device divided by the current balance of the device specified in the product technical conditions. The temperature rise of each component of the converter should not exceed the provisions of the relevant component standards in Table 2 and Table 3. Table 2 Temperature rise limit of each component of the converter
Part or device
Thyristor outer shell
Rectifier shell
The place where the copper busbar connected to the semiconductor device is fixed with the gingival nail
The remote connection of the steel
Electric components
Plastic insulated wires and rubber insulated wires connected to semiconductor devices
Transformer category
Temperature rise limit
Standard provisions for thyristor
According to the standard provisions for rectifier
35℃ ( Steel)
45℃(with nickel plating)
60℃(with silver bonding layer)
25℃(silver coating)
15℃(gas at 30mm from the surface)
Table 3 Limit temperature rise of converter transformer
Pressure level
Limit temperature rise of coil
Thermocouple or thermistor method
Thermocouple method, thermistor, thermometer method or other methods
Fast core surface temperature rise
Technical damage to insulating parts in contact
Measurement method
Wire diagram temperature rise can be measured by resistance method.
The surface temperature rise of the missing core can be measured by the disc
meter method
6.9 Load test
The purpose of the load test is to check whether the converter can withstand the specified load level without exceeding the specified limit temperature of the converter components.
If the load test is carried out, the low voltage current test and the temperature rise test can be carried out at the same time. The converter is continuously powered on under rated load conditions for testing. During the test, the power supply voltage is adjusted to the minimum value, rated value and maximum value in turn, and the relevant parameters and characteristics are measured, which should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. 10
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The measured temperature rise of each part of the converter should not exceed the limit temperature rise specified in Table 2, Table 3 and the relevant component standards. 6.9.1 Output voltage and voltage regulation rate measurement The purpose of the test is to check whether the output voltage and voltage regulation rate of the converter meet the specified requirements. For a converter with a constant output voltage, when the power supply voltage changes within the specified range under light load and rated continuous load, measure the change in output voltage. For a converter with a variable output voltage, measure the change range of output current. The measured voltage change value should be within the tolerance range of the product technical conditions. If required, the tolerance range test should also be carried out for changes in other conditions such as temperature. The instrument for measuring the output voltage of the converter is the root mean square value of the sine wave (fundamental wave) current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave voltage, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC voltmeter. 6.9.2 Output current measurement
The instrument for measuring the AC output current generally indicates the root mean square value of the fundamental wave current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave current, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC ammeter.
Measure the output current within the specified input voltage range. 6.9.3 Output frequency measurement
Within the specified power supply voltage range, in the light load, continuous rated load or specified load current range, use a frequency meter to measure the output frequency.
When necessary, the change of output frequency should be measured at different ambient temperatures. 6.9.4 Measurement of ripple and wave For converters with DC output, make the power supply voltage the rated value and the ripple within the specified range. Measure the ripple parameters of the power supply current and load current under light load and rated continuous load. The current relative peak-to-valley ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope and the DC current. The current ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope. The current waveform coefficient is determined by the RMS value and DC value of the current. The calculated ripple coefficients should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. For converters with AC output, under the specified DC power supply conditions, under light load and continuous rated load or specified load current, determine the RMS value of the fundamental wave and each harmonic from the waveform analysis readings. The relative harmonic content is determined by the total RMS value of the output voltage and the reading after the fundamental wave is filtered out by the waveform analyzer. The waveform analyzer can be a distortion meter or a wideband voltmeter with a suppression filter and a bandpass filter. Unless otherwise specified, this test measures the spectral components of the voltage under a resistive load. During the test, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement, care should be taken to maintain the waveform and measurement conditions unchanged.
6.9.5 Power efficiency measurement
The power efficiency can be measured by a power meter to obtain the input and output power of the converter. Then it can be calculated according to formula (1). The test is carried out under the input voltage, frequency and load specified in the product technical requirements. The input DC power should include the ripple in the DC (the power generated by the AC component of the input). The output AC power is the fundamental power. If the no-load power consumption needs to be measured, the load is disconnected and the input power is read when the output current is zero. 6.9.6 Output voltage asymmetry measurement
For inverters with multi-phase output, the voltage of each phase is measured under the specified balanced and unbalanced conditions, and the voltage asymmetry coefficient table is calculated according to Figure 2 and formula (9). In the figure, AB, BC, and CA are the measured single-phase line voltages. O and P are two points of two equilateral triangles with CA as the common side.
Where: U,——positive sequence component of output voltage Un
——negative sequence component of output voltage.
For balanced load, the test should be carried out under no-load and full-load conditions. For unbalanced load, if the unbalanced load and voltage 11
W are required.1 The purpose of the output voltage and voltage regulation test is to check whether the output voltage and voltage regulation of the converter meet the specified requirements. For converters with a fixed output voltage, when the power supply voltage changes within the entire specified range under light load and rated continuous load conditions, the output voltage change is measured. For converters with variable output voltage, the output voltage change range is measured. The measured voltage change value should be within the tolerance range of the product technical conditions. If required, the tolerance range test should also be carried out for changes in other conditions such as temperature. The instrument for measuring the output voltage of the converter is the root mean square value of the sine wave (fundamental wave) current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave voltage, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC voltmeter. 6.9.2 Output current measurement
The instrument for measuring the AC output current generally indicates the root mean square value of the fundamental wave current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave current, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC ammeter.
Measure the output current within the specified input voltage range. 6.9.3 Output frequency measurement
Within the specified power supply voltage range, under light load, continuous rated load or specified load current range, use a frequency meter to measure the output frequency.
When necessary, the change of output frequency should be measured at different ambient temperatures. 6.9.4 Measurement of ripple and wave For the converter with DC output, make the power supply voltage as rated value and the ripple within the specified range. Measure the ripple parameters of power supply current and load current under light load and rated continuous load. The current relative peak-to-valley ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope and the current DC. The current waveform coefficient is determined by the RMS value and DC value of the current. The calculated ripple coefficients should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. For converters with AC output, under specified DC power supply conditions, under light load and continuous rated load or specified load current, the root mean square value of the fundamental wave and each harmonic is determined by the waveform analysis readings. The relative harmonic content is determined by the total root mean square value of the output current and the reading after the fundamental wave is filtered out by the waveform analyzer. The waveform analyzer can be a distortion meter or a wide-band voltmeter with suppression filter and bandpass filter. Unless otherwise specified, this test measures the spectral components of the voltage under resistive load. During the test, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement, care should be taken to maintain the waveform and measurement conditions unchanged.
6.9.5 Power efficiency measurement
The power efficiency can be measured by a power meter to obtain the input and output power of the converter. Then it is calculated according to formula (1). The test is carried out under the input voltage, frequency and load specified in the product technical requirements. The input DC power should include the ripple in the DC (the power generated by the AC component of the input). The output AC power is the fundamental power. If the no-load power consumption needs to be measured, the load is disconnected and the input power is read when the output current is zero. 6.9.6 Output voltage asymmetry measurement
For inverters with multi-phase output, the voltage of each phase is measured under the specified balanced and unbalanced conditions, and the voltage asymmetry coefficient table is calculated according to Figure 2 and formula (9). In the figure, AB, BC, and CA are the measured single-phase line voltages. O and P are two points of two equilateral triangles with CA as the common side.
Where: U,——positive sequence component of output voltage Un
——negative sequence component of output voltage.
For balanced load, the test should be carried out under no-load and full-load conditions. For unbalanced load, if the unbalanced load and voltage 11
W are required.1 The purpose of the output voltage and voltage regulation test is to check whether the output voltage and voltage regulation of the converter meet the specified requirements. For converters with a fixed output voltage, when the power supply voltage changes within the entire specified range under light load and rated continuous load conditions, the output voltage change is measured. For converters with variable output voltage, the output voltage change range is measured. The measured voltage change value should be within the tolerance range of the product technical conditions. If required, the tolerance range test should also be carried out for changes in other conditions such as temperature. The instrument for measuring the output voltage of the converter is the root mean square value of the sine wave (fundamental wave) current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave voltage, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC voltmeter. 6.9.2 Output current measurement
The instrument for measuring the AC output current generally indicates the root mean square value of the fundamental wave current. For the test of the output non-sinusoidal wave current, attention should be paid to the selection of a suitable AC ammeter.
Measure the output current within the specified input voltage range. 6.9.3 Output frequency measurement
Within the specified power supply voltage range, under light load, continuous rated load or specified load current range, use a frequency meter to measure the output frequency.
When necessary, the change of output frequency should be measured at different ambient temperatures. 6.9.4 Measurement of ripple and wave For the converter with DC output, make the power supply voltage as rated value and the ripple within the specified range. Measure the ripple parameters of power supply current and load current under light load and rated continuous load. The current relative peak-to-valley ripple coefficient is determined by the maximum and minimum values measured by the oscilloscope and the current DC. The current waveform coefficient is determined by the RMS value and DC value of the current. The calculated ripple coefficients should meet the requirements of the product technical conditions. For converters with AC output, under specified DC power supply conditions, under light load and continuous rated load or specified load current, the root mean square value of the fundamental wave and each harmonic is determined by the waveform analysis readings. The relative harmonic content is determined by the total root mean square value of the output current and the reading after the fundamental wave is filtered out by the waveform analyzer. The waveform analyzer can be a distortion meter or a wide-band voltmeter with suppression filter and bandpass filter. Unless otherwise specified, this test measures the spectral components of the voltage under resistive load. During the test, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement, care should be taken to maintain the waveform and measurement conditions unchanged.
6.9.5 Power efficiency measurement
The power efficiency can be measured by a power meter to obtain the input and output power of the converter. Then it is calculated according to formula (1). The test is carried out under the input voltage, frequency and load specified in the product technical requirements. The input DC power should include the ripple in the DC (the power generated by the AC component of the input). The output AC power is the fundamental power. If the no-load power consumption needs to be measured, the load is disconnected and the input power is read when the output current is zero. 6.9.6 Output voltage asymmetry measurement
For inverters with multi-phase output, the voltage of each phase is measured under the specified balanced and unbalanced conditions, and the voltage asymmetry coefficient table is calculated according to Figure 2 and formula (9). In the figure, AB, BC, and CA are the measured single-phase line voltages. O and P are two points of two equilateral triangles with CA as the common side.
Where: U,——positive sequence component of output voltage Un
——negative sequence component of output voltage.
For balanced load, the test should be carried out under no-load and full-load conditions. For unbalanced load, if the unbalanced load and voltage 11
W are required.
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