GB/T 4880-1991 Language name code GB/T4880-1991 standard download decompression password:
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National Standard of the People's Republic of China Code for the representation of names of Janguage GB 4880.-91 Replaces GB 488C-35 This standard equivalently adopts the code for names of languages in ISO639--1988, and the language code is represented by two-letter small letters. Subject content and scope of application This standard is now extended! This standard is applicable to technical and phonetic studies, as well as any processing and any field of work that requires the expression of language in code form. 2 Terminology Language codes: symbols representing languages 3 Compilation and structure 3.1 Compilation This standard includes a language code table and three indexes, which are composed of four parts: Chinese name, English name (original name), code, and International Decimal Classification (UC) classification number. The three indexes are language code index (language name, English name), English name index (classic name, code Chinese name), and EDC classification index (ULX number, Chinese name, code). The language codes are sorted in alphabetical order of the Chinese name and the language pinyin. If the original text (or the transliterated text in Latin) is the same as the English text, the original text in brackets is omitted. The language code is sorted in alphabetical order. The English name index is sorted in alphabetical order. The UDC classification index is represented by the classification number. 3.2 Code Code This language code is derived from the original language name in Latin, or the language name converted into Latin. The language code is represented by lowercase letters, such as: fr for French, e for Spanish, and n for English. When the language code and the country code are used together, they are separated by a space, such as: decH for Swiss German, cnUS for American English, and frBE for Belgian French. 4 Language Code Table The language code table (sorted in alphabetical order of Chinese name pinyin) is shown in the following table. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on May 17, 1991 and implemented on January 7, 1992 Chinese name Abkhaz Albanian Afar Afang Olu's speech African Arabic Amharic Assamese Azerbaijani Fimara Irish Estonian Occitan Oriya Bapuki Basque Belarusian Pauli Bihari Bislama Icelandic Polish GB 4880-91 | | tt | bajganga) Aynura Irish(Gaelige) Estonian (Eesti) Occitan Bashkir Basgue (Euskera) Byelorussian (Bejaruskaja) Bulgarian(Balgarski) Bihari Bislama Icelandic (islenzk) Polish (Polski) UDC number —393. 6 Persian Bhutanese Chinese name Breton Korean Pianmai Zhuros Tsweji Finnish Frisian Greenlandic Georgian Gujarati Guarani Interlingua English name (original name) Persian (Farsi) Bhutani (Dzongkha) Breton (Brez) Korcan Danish (Dansk) Gcrman (Dcutsch) Rugsian (Russkij) French(Francais) Faroese (Faeroysk) tt||Interlingua UDC number -- 395. 8 =- 089. 7 Interlingual E Kazakh Chinese name Chinese (Chinese) Inecringue Gurgus Kinihalida Kenjiangdi Czech Kechu Kannada Croatian Chongqingmil Xhosa Corsican La Lexie G3 4880--91 English name (Chinese name) Inecringue Kazukh (Kazak) Chinese (Zhongwen) Dutch (Ncderlands) Kirghiz(Kyrsyz) Kinyarwande Kirundi Gaiician(Galego). i Catalan(Catala) (ambdian (Khmer) Czech(Cesky)||tt| |uechua 1 Kannata Croatian(Hrvatska) Kashmiri CarsicantCorsi) Kurdish(Zimany Karfy) LatiniLatina UDC No. 966, 8 :963. 518 1 =-918. 141 963.572.1 Chinese name Latvian Laotian Taoist Lito-Romance Lingala Romanian Malagasy Maltese Marathi Malayalam||tt ||Malay Macedonian Maori Mongol Bengali Burmese Moldavian Norwegian Naushu Nepali Punjabi GB488091 English name (original name) i Latvian,Lettish(Latviesu) Laotian(Pha Xu Lio) Lithuanian(Lietuviu) Rhteto-Romance (Romontsch) !Lingala Romanian(Romana ) I Malagusy(Melagast) Maltese (Malti ) Marathi(Marati) Mitlayalam Malay(Pahasa Maluysia) Macedonian (Makedonski) Mongolian (Mongal) Iiengali, Bangla Burmese (Myanmasa) Moidavian (Moldoveana) Norwcgian(Norsk) Nepali Punjabi (Pinjubi) LC:No. -=927. 15 —948. 12 992. 321. 1 := 914. 4 Pashto Portuguese Other languages Swedish Chinese name Setswana|| tt||Serbian Serbo-Croatian Swati Sesotho Sinhalese|| tt||Shemoyan Shona Esperanto Svāk Slovene Swahid||tt ||Scotland Somali GB 4880--91 English name (original name) Pashto, Pushto Portugucse (Portugues) Other anguages Japanese(Nihongo) Swedish(Svenska) Setswana : Serbian(Stpski) Serbo -Croatian (Srpskorvatski)Siswati Sesotho Sangho(Singo) Singhalese(Sinhala) Samoan(Samat) Esjeranto Slovak (Slovensky) Slavenlan (Slovensci) Swahili(Kiswahili) Scots Gaelic(Gaidhilge) Somali(Soonaali) 963. 573. 1 -861/862 - 966. 231 -- 089. 2 Tagalog Tajik Tatar Telai Telugu Tonga| |tt||Twi Chinese name Tigrinya Turkish Turkmen Welsh||tt| |Jiur Volapuk Celojian Urdu Ukyid Uzbek| |tt||Spanish Hebrew Greek Sindhi Hungarian Tagalog GB 4880-91 English name (original name) Tajik (Togiki) Telugu Tisrinya (Tigrina) Tutkish(Turkce)||tt ||Turkmen Welsh(Cymraeg) Volapuk Ukralnian (Ukrainska) Uzbek(Uzbek) Spanish (Espanol) Hebrew(lwrith) Greek (Elinika) Sirdhi Hμngarian(Magyar) UDC number = 992. 111 963,743 = 966. 711 Dungan Chinese name Armenian Italian Yiddish Inupiaq Hindi Indonesian Yogaba Vietnamese Guangdong Wa Zonga Zucun 5 Index 5.1 Language Code Element Index Afar Abu Bahasa G8 4880—91 English name (original name) 1 Sundanese(Bahasa Sunda) Armenian(Hayeren) ltalian(italiano) Yiddish ( Jiddish) Tnupiak Tndonesian(Lndonesi) English Yoruba Vietnamese(Tieng Vie t-nam) Tibetan (Bodskad) Javanese (Bahasa Jawa) Zhaang Tsonga Korean name Abkhazian Afrikaans Amharic| |tt||Afrikeans Amharic UDC No. -30-088 - 992. 210 -966. 323 963.573.2 Text name Arabic Assamese Aima Azerbaijani|| tt||Bashkir from Russian Bulgarian Bihari Bislama Sugara Breton Catalan Corsican Czech Welsh Danish| |tt||Bhutanese GB 4880--91 Chinese name Arabic Assamese Aymare Hashkir Byelkarussian||tt ||Bulgarilan Bihari Fislama English name Bengall,Bangla Tibetan Breton Catalan Corsican Danish Getman Bhutani Non-nasal Spanish Español Basque Persian Finnish Fijian Faroese Fogucan Irish Scotch Galitian Guarani Gujarati Croatian Hungarian Armenian CB4880 Chinese Name English Esperanto Spenlsh Estonian Basque Persian Finnish Fatoese French Frisian Scots Gaelic Galician Guarani Gujatati Ceoatian Hungatian Armenian Interlingua A Interlingua E Inupunk Chowne Icelandic Italian Greek Yiddish Georgian Kazakh Greenlandic Cambodian Kannada Kashmiri Kurdish Kyrgyz Latin GB 4880—91 | | tt | Kez akh Greenilandic Cambodian Kaanada Korean Kashmiri Kaurdish Kirghiz English name Lingala Laotian Lithuanian Latvian Malagasy, Maori Macedonian Malayalam Moldavian Marathi Malay Maltese Nauru Nepali Dutch Norwegian Occitan Afang Oromo Oriya 488097 Lingala Laotian Lithuanian Latvian, Lettish ||tt | Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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