Introduction to standards:
GB/T 39619-2020.Basic terms of hydrographic survey.
1 Scope
GB/T 39619 defines the basic terms and definitions within the scope of hydrographic survey, including general terms, positioning, water depth measurement, coastline topography measurement, hydrographic observation, navigation mark/bottom quality, nautical chart, instruments and equipment, and other basic terms and definitions.
GB/T 39619 is applicable to the formulation of standards related to hydrographic survey, as well as the compilation of technical documents, teaching materials, books and periodicals, and literature.
2 General terms
Hydrographic survey
Measurement of ocean (including inland waters) and coastal features for the main purpose of ensuring navigation safety and obtaining information on seabed topography, landforms, bottom quality, navigation aids and obstacles. Mainly includes control measurement, water depth measurement, coastal topography measurement, etc.
Maritime surveying and mapping
Surveying and mapping work that provides technical support and services for maritime activities. Including surveying and mapping of port and waterway charts, water emergency surveying, navigation scale verification and measurement, ship public routes and route system surveying, navigation depth monitoring, etc., as well as compiling and issuing official navigation books and materials, providing and publishing related navigation security information services, etc.
Control survey
Surveying work carried out in a certain area to establish a control network for hydrographic surveying. Including plane control surveying and elevation control surveying, etc.
Note: Modify the definition 3.8 of GB/T 14911-2008.
technology and methods for determining the vertical height difference between two points on the ground or the elevation of a ground point relative to a certain equipotential surface.
Note: Modify the definition 3.12 of GB/T 14911-2008.
Topographic survey
Surveying techniques and methods for mapping the plane positions and elevations of features and landforms on the earth's surface according to a certain scale and with symbols.
Surveying techniques and methods for determining the vertical distance from a point on the water surface to the bottom of the water and the plane position of a point.
Hydrological observation
Surveying techniques and methods for observing various hydrological elements at a certain point or section of an ocean, lake or river, and analyzing and collating the observed data.
This standard defines the basic terms and definitions within the scope of hydrographic survey, including general terms, positioning, water depth measurement, shoreline topography, hydrographic observation, navigation marks/bottom quality, nautical charts, instruments and equipment, etc.
This standard is applicable to the formulation of standards related to hydrographic survey, as well as the compilation of technical documents, teaching materials, books and periodicals, and literature.
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Basic terms of hydrographic survey2020-12-14Issued
State Administration for Market Regulation
National Standardization Administration
Implementation on 2021-07-01
General terms
Bath measurement
Coastline and topography measurement
Hydrological observation·
Navigation aids/bottom quality
Instruments and equipment
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1—2009. This standard was proposed and managed by the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China. GB/T39619—2020
This standard was drafted by: North Sea Navigation Support Center of the Ministry of Transport, Shanghai Navigation Center of the East China Sea Navigation Support Center of the Ministry of Transport. The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Runcheng, Xu Binsheng, Nie Qianzhen, Li Shubing, Huang Yongjun, Wu Lingzhi, Dong Jiang, Wang Zhiyun, Liu Lei, Lv Yingjiong, Sang Jin, Zhang Moqi, Wang Zhao, Dong Yulei, Huang Dongwu, 1
Basic terms of hydrographic survey
This standard defines the basic terms and definitions within the scope of hydrographic survey, including general terms, positioning, water depth measurement, shoreline topography measurement, hydrological observation, navigation mark/bottom quality, nautical chart, instrumentation and other basic terms and definitions. This standard is applicable to the formulation of standards related to hydrographic survey, as well as the compilation of technical documents, teaching materials, books and periodicals, and literature. 2 General terms
Hydrographic survey
Measurement of ocean (including inland waters) and coastal features to obtain information on seabed topography, landforms, bottom quality, aids to navigation and obstacles with the main purpose of ensuring navigation safety. Mainly includes control survey, water depth survey, coastal topography survey, etc. 2.2
Maritime surveying and mapping
Maritime surveying and mapping
Surveying and mapping work that provides technical support and services for maritime activities. Including port channel chart surveying, water emergency surveying, navigation scale verification surveying, ship public routes and route system surveying, navigation depth monitoring, etc., as well as compiling and issuing official navigation books and materials, providing and publishing related navigation security information services, etc.
control survey
Control survey
Surveying work carried out in a certain area to establish a control network for hydrographic surveying. Including plane control measurement and elevation control measurement, etc. Note: Modify the definition 3.8 of GB/T14911-2008. 2.4
The measurement technology and method for determining the vertical height difference between two points on the ground or the elevation of a ground point relative to a certain equipotential surface. Note: Modify the definition 3.12 of GB/T 14911-2008. 2.5
topographic survey
Topographic survey
Surveying techniques and methods for mapping the plane positions and elevations of features and landforms on the earth's surface according to a certain scale and with symbols 2.6
Body measurement
Surveying techniques and methods for determining the vertical distance from a water surface point to the bottom of the water and the plane position of a point 2.7
Hydrological observationHydrological observationTechniques and methods for observing various hydrological elements at a certain point or section of the ocean, lake or river, and analyzing and collating the observation data.
measurement of the location, elevation, and layout environment of navigational aids GB/T39619—2020
detection of the exact location, shallowest depth, extension range, and properties of obstacles such as reefs, shoals, sunken ships, and sunken objects that hinder the safety of ship navigation.
bottomcharacteristicdetectionbottomcharacteristicdetectionDetection and analysis of the types, properties, and thickness of the materials that make up the seabed surface. 2.11
surveyofcheckdimensionsofnavigationmeasurement ofthemeasurementoftheelementsofthenavigationscale. Note: Modify definition 4.1 of JT/T1192-2018. 2.12 Survey of coastal port and fairway Survey of chart elements such as water depth, tidal current, bottom quality, aids to navigation and coastal topography in the waters near coastal ports and in inland seas and territorial waters for ship navigation channels. [Definition 3.1 of JT/T954-2014] Basic survey Comprehensive and systematic survey of navigation elements within a certain map sheet or sea area. [Definition 3.2 of JT/T954-2014] Revisory survey Revisory survey Survey of coastal port and fairway for specific navigation elements within a certain map sheet or sea area, especially those with changes. Usually, the main content is the depth measurement of harbors, channels and routes [JT/T954-2014, definition 3.3]
sweeping survey
sweeping survey
A full coverage survey of a certain sea area to find out whether there are obstacles in the area or to determine the measurement of navigable water depth. Note: Modify the definition 3.4 of JT/T954-2014. 2.16
emergency survey
Emergency sweeping survey
Emergency search, sweeping survey or real-time monitoring of wreckage caused by marine accidents, underwater unknown obstacles causing marine accidents, sudden changes in navigable water depth caused by marine disasters, and relevant waters for major events. 2.17
Marine Positioning Marine Position Fixing is a technology that uses instruments to determine the position of the measured point on the ocean. The main methods include optical instrument positioning, radio positioning, underwater sound beacon positioning and satellite positioning.
Water transport engineering surveywater transport engineering survey; marine transport engineering survey is the measurement implemented for port projects, waterway projects, navigation projects, navigation construction projects, ship repair and construction hydraulic construction projects, prefabricated structure installation projects and support systems and their auxiliary ancillary projects. 2
Navigable depth survey navigable depth survey GB/T39619—2020
The technology of measuring the vertical distance from the navigable silt gravity interface to the depth reference plane. It mainly uses surface ships as carriers, comprehensively applies positioning equipment, depth sounding equipment and density meters, and adopts two methods of fixed point or navigation to measure. 2.20
Dredging engineering survey dredge engineering survey is a measurement activity carried out for the project of planned excavation and transportation of underwater mud, sand and stone. It is an important part of dredging engineering and plays an important role in the planning and design of the project, construction quality control and completion acceptance. 2.21
Island-mainland datum connections survey is a survey to unify the coordinate datum and vertical datum of the island and the mainland. 2.22
Hydraulic deformation survey is a technology to obtain the characteristics and values of the spatial position changing over time through continuous observation of the shape and position of hydraulic structures. It is an integral part of hydraulic structure monitoring and provides monitoring data for the construction and operation safety of buildings. Contents include: horizontal displacement, vertical displacement (settlement), inclination and shape observation, etc. 2.23
Coordinate system coordinate system
A reference system that describes the spatial position (coordinates) of a substance, which is achieved by defining a specific datum and its parameter form.24
A number or a set of numbers that can determine the position of a point in space. 2.25
Vertical datum
The starting surface for vertical calculation, which can be an actual physical surface or an assumed mathematical surface. Generally divided into height datum and depth datum.
Height datumheightdatum
The starting surface for measuring elevation determined by the average sea level at a specific tide gauge station and the elevation of the leveling origin determined based on this surface. [GB/T14911—2008, definition 2.20
Depth datumsoundingdatum
The starting surface for depth calculation of nautical charts and various water depth data. [GB/T14911-2008, definition 2.21] 2.28
Sea surface
The sea surface whose height is constantly changing due to factors such as tidal force, wind, air pressure, runoff and hydrology. 2.29
Survey accuracy
The quantity used to evaluate the error of observation results and estimation results (or adjustment results) in measurement, which can be subdivided into accuracy, precision and accuracy. 2.30
Error erron
The difference between the observed or calculated value of a quantity and its true value GB/T39619—2020
Measurement error
True error
The difference between a measurement value and its true value, including random error, systematic error and gross error [GB/T14911—2008, definition 4.2]
Random error
Accidental error
In a sequence of measurements under the same measurement conditions, the measurement error of each measurement value conforms to a random law. [GB/T14911—2008. definition 4.3]
Systematic error
In a sequence of measurements under the same measurement conditions, the measurement error of each measurement value remains unchanged in value or changes according to a certain law.
[GB/T14911—2008, Definition 4.3]
Average error
average error
The mathematical expectation of the absolute values of a group of independent random errors that occur under certain measurement conditions. [GB/T14911—2008, Definition 4.12]2.35
Mean square error
Standard deviation
mean square error
The square root of the variance of a random variable.
[GB/T14911—2008. Definition 4.15]
Absolute error
absolute error
The absolute size of the deviation of the measured value from the accurate value. GB/T50228—2011.Definition 2.0.29 2.37
Relative error
relative error
ratio of the absolute value of a measurement error to its corresponding measured value. [GB/T50228—2011.Definition 2.0.30 2.38
mutual difference
the difference between two observed values of a certain quantity. 2.39
a measurement error in a sequence of measured values under the same measurement conditions that exceeds a certain multiple (usually 3 times) of the standard deviation of the measurement error. [GB/T14911—2008, Definition 4.5]
the limit of the absolute value of the measurement error specified under certain measurement conditions. [GB/T14911—2008.Definition 4.11]
surveyed justment
Measurement adjustment
The theory and method of using certain estimation principles to process various measurement data, obtain the best estimate of the quantity to be determined and perform precision estimation. [GB/T14911—2008, Definition 4.22] Precision estimation
In the adjustment calculation, the process and method of estimating the variance of the measurement value, the adjustment value of the measurement value, and the adjustment value of the unknown parameter from the residual of the measurement value.
[GB/ T14911--2008, definition 4.32] 2.43
The probability that the true value of a quantity appears in the confidence interval. Note: Modify the definition 2.0.33 of GB/T50228-2011. 2.44
Redundant observation redundantobservation Observations that exceed the number of observations required to determine the unknown quantity. Note: Modify the definition 3.1.13 of GB/T50228-2011. 2.45
e-Navigation||tt ||e-navigation
Coordinate the collection, integration, exchange, display and analysis of navigation information from ships and shores by electronic means. 2.46
On-site survey of the main elements or certain specific elements of a region before hydrographic surveying. 2.47
Maps that mainly depict the ocean. According to the content, they are divided into nautical charts, ordinary charts and thematic charts. 2.48
result of surveying and mapping
result of surveying and mapping data, information, drawings and related technical information generated through surveying and mapping activities Note: Modify the definition 3.3 of JT/T952-2014. 2.49
quality inspection
Activities to inspect and verify whether the quality of hydrographic survey products or services meets relevant regulations and standards. Note: Modify the definition 4.1 of JT/T952—2014. 2.50
Quality element
Describe the quantitative and qualitative components of quality. That is, the basic characteristics of the results to meet the specified requirements and the purpose of use. JT/T952—2014, definition 3.4
Quality fault
The difference between the inspection results and the requirements of the inspection items. Note: Modify the definition 3.13 of GB/T24356—2009. GB/T39619—2020
3 Positioning
Optical positioningopticalpositioning
Measurement technology and method for determining the position of the point to be determined by optical instruments3.2
Radio positioningradiopositioning
Measurement technology and method for determining the position of the point to be determined by measuring the propagation time, phase difference or Doppler frequency shift of radio waves. [GB/T17159—2009. Definition 7.63]
Hyperbolic positioning is the measurement technology and method for determining the position of a point to be determined by measuring the distance difference between the point to be determined and at least two of the three known control points. Note: Modify the definition 7.65 of GB/T17159—2009. 3.4
Polar coordinate positioning is the measurement technology and method for determining the position of a point to be determined by measuring the distance and orientation of the point to be determined relative to the known control points. Note: Modify the definition 7.67 of GB/T17159—2009. 3.5
Acoustic positioning is the measurement technology and method for determining the position of a point to be determined by measuring the propagation time or phase difference of the acoustic wave signal.
satellite positioning
Satellite positioning
Measurement technology and method for determining the position of a point to be determined by using satellites 3.7
Global Navigation Satellite Systemglobalnavigationsatellitesystem; GNSSa system that uses satellites for navigation and positioning on a global scale, BeiDou Navigation Satellite SystemBeiDounavigation satellite system; BDSa satellite system independently developed and established by China for global navigation and positioningGlobal Positioning Systemglobalpositioningsystem; GPSa satellite system developed and established by the United States for navigation, positioning and timing on a global scale, GLONASSa satellite system developed and established by Russia for global navigation and positioningSingle point positioningsingle point positioningA satellite positioning method that uses the observation data of a single receiver to determine the position of an observation point. Precise point positioning precise point positioning; PPP uses the precise satellite orbits and satellite clock errors calculated by GNSS observation data from several ground tracking stations around the world to perform positioning solutions for the phase and pseudorange observations collected by a single GPS receiver 6
Differential positioning differential positioning GB/T39619—2020
The method and technology of using the correction information provided by the base station to improve the positioning accuracy of nearby mobile stations is divided into position differential, pseudorange differential and phase differential. The existing differential systems include differential satellite positioning (DGNSS), differential Loran and differential Omega. Commonly used DGNSS include RBN-DGNSS, SBAS, RTK, GBAS, etc. 3.14
Radio beacon differential positioning system
radio beacon-differential global navigation satellite systemRBN-DGNSS
A differential positioning system that uses radio beacons to broadcast pseudorange correction values to improve the positioning accuracy of GNSS users in a local area. Note: Modify the definition 2.5 of JT/T377-1998. 3.15
satellite-based augmentation system;SBAS Satellite-based augmentation system
An improved differential positioning system that improves GNSS positioning accuracy by broadcasting multiple correction information such as ephemeris error, satellite clock error, ionospheric delay, etc. from geostationary orbit (GEO) satellites. 3.16
real-time kinematic;RTK
Real-time kinematic measurement
The carrier phase real-time kinematic differential positioning technology that combines GNSS technology with digital communication technology can provide real-time three-dimensional positioning coordinates of the measuring station in a specified coordinate system.
Note: Modify the definition 3.1 of CHT-2009-2010. 3.17
Network RTKnetworkRTK
Establish multiple GNSS reference stations with mesh coverage in a certain area, and conduct continuous tracking observations. Through the network solution of the satellite positioning observations composed of these stations, the RTK correction parameters of the area and a certain time period are obtained, which are used for the differential positioning method of real-time RTK correction for RTK users in the area.
Ground-based augmentation systemsgroundbasedaugmentationsystems; GBAs are mainly composed of reference stations, communication network systems, data processing centers, data broadcasting systems, user terminals, etc., and are systems that broadcast navigation satellite augmentation signals to improve the accuracy and integrity of satellite navigation positioning [GB/T37018-2018, definition 3.1]
Continuous operation reference stationcontinuousoperationalreferencestation; CoRS has the ability to continuously track, observe and record satellite signals for a long time, and transmit observation data to the data center in a regular or real-time manner through the data communication network. It is generally composed of GNSS equipment, meteorological equipment, power supply equipment, communication equipment, computers and other equipment as well as infrastructure such as observation towers, observation rooms and studios. 3.20
Integrated positioning is a method of determining the position of a point to be determined by comprehensively utilizing multiple positioning technologies. 3.21
Parameter of earth ellipsoid represents the geometric and physical parameters related to the shape, size, mass, rotation rate and gravity field of the earth ellipsoid [GB/T17159—2009, definition 3.16]
semimajor axis of ellipsoid
semimajor axis of ellipsoid
The major radius of the meridian ellipse of the ellipsoid, also known as the semimajor axis of the earth. [GB/T50228—2011, definition 3.2.30]GB/T39619—2020
semiminor axis of ellipsoid
ellipsoid semi-minor axis
ellipsoid meridian ellipse short radius, also known as the earth's semi-minor axis. [GB/T50228—2011, definition 3.2.31]3.24
ellipsoid flattening
ellipsoid major and minor semi-axis ratio to the major radius. [GB/T17159—2009. definition 4.10]
geodetic coordinate systemgeodetic coordinate systemThe earth's coordinate system with the center of the reference ellipsoid as the origin and the initial meridian plane and the equatorial plane as the reference planes. [GB/T17159—2009, definition 3.67] 3.26
geocentric coordinate system
The origin O coincides with the center of mass of the earth. The Z axis points to the North Pole of the earth, the X axis points to the intersection E of the Greenwich mean meridian plane and the equator of the earth, and the Y axis is perpendicular to the plane of XOZ to form a right-handed coordinate system. 3.27
reference-ellipsoid-centric coordinate system
The coordinate system with the geometric center of the reference ellipsoid as its origin. [GB/T17159—2009. definition 3.65]
geodetic longitude
geodetic longitude
The angle between the starting geodetic meridian plane and the geodetic meridian plane at a point on the ellipsoid. [GB/T17159—2009, definition 4.27]
geodetic latitude
geodetic latitude
the angle between the equatorial plane of the ellipsoid and the normal of a point on the ellipsoid. [GB/T17159—2009, definition 4.28]3.30
geodetic height
the distance from a point to the ellipsoidal surface along the ellipsoidal normal
[GB/T17159—2009. definition 4.30]
central meridian
Central meridian
Meridian in the center of the projection zone in a map projection Note: Modify the definition 4.70 of GB/T14911—2008. 3.32
Beijing coordinate system in 1954
beijinggeodeticcoordinatesystem1954 uses the Krasovsky ellipsoid to connect the Chinese geodetic control network with the Soviet Union's 1942 Pulkovo geodetic coordinate system. The transitional geodetic coordinate system of China established after linking the Chinese geodetic control network with the Soviet Union's 1942 Pulkovo geodetic coordinate system
Note: Modify GB/T50228— 2011 definition
1980 Xi'an coordinate system xi'angeodeticco0rdinatesystem1980GB/T39619—2020
Using the 1975 international ellipsoid, the Chinese polar origin JYD1968.0 system is used as the ellipsoid orientation reference, and the geodetic origin is set in Yongle Town, Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province. It is a national geodetic coordinate system established by using multi-point positioning, making comprehensive use of the results of astronomical, geodetic and gravity measurements, and taking the earth's ellipsoid surface as the best match with the geoid in China. Note: Modify GB/T50228—2011 definition
1984 world geodetic coordinate system worldgeodeticsystem1984; WGS-84 uses the 1980 geodetic reference system and BIH1984.An international earth reference system and geocentric coordinate system established by the pole pointing to 0. The origin is located at the center of mass of the earth, the Z axis points to the direction of the agreed earth pole (CTP) defined by BIH1984.0, the X axis points to the intersection of the zero meridian plane of BIH1984.0 and the CTP equator, and the Y axis is perpendicular to the Z axis and the X axis to form a right-handed coordinate system pointing to the intersection of the zero meridian plane of BIH1984.0 and the CTP equator.
Note: Modify the definition 3.70 of GB/T17159-2009. 3.35
2000 National Geodetic Coordinate System Chinese Geodetic Co0rdinate System 2000; CGCS2000 right-handed earth-fixed rectangular coordinate system with the origin at the center of the earth. The Z axis is the reference pole direction defined by the International Earth Rotation Bureau (IERS), and the X axis is the intersection of the reference meridian plane defined by the International Earth Rotation Bureau and the equatorial plane perpendicular to the Z axis. The Y axis, Z axis and X axis form a right-handed orthogonal coordinate system. The major radius of the Earth's normal ellipsoid is 6378137m, the gravitational constant is 3.986004418X1014m2:s-2, and the flattening is 1/298.257222101. The angular velocity of the Earth's rotation is 7.292115×10-5rad·sT[GB/T17159—2009.Definition 3.80]
Gaussian plane coordinate system
Gaussian plane coordinate system is a plane rectangular coordinate system formed by Gauss-Kruger projection, with the central meridian as the vertical axis and the equatorial projection as the horizontal axis. GB/T17159—2009.Definition 3.71
Plane coordinate
The coordinate components of a point in the plane coordinate system, namely the vertical coordinate (X) and the horizontal coordinate (Y). 3.38
Coordinate transformation
coordinate transformation
The process of converting the coordinates of a point from one coordinate system to another [GB/T50228—2011. Definition 3.2.11] 3.39
Coarse code coarse/acquisition code; C/A code A pseudo-random noise code broadcast by satellite for coarse ranging and rapid acquisition of precise code, [GB/T17159—2009, Definition 6.64]
Precise code precise code; P code
A pseudo-random noise code broadcast by satellite for precise ranging [GB/T17159—2009. Definition 6.63]
broadcast ephemeris
broadcast ephemeris
A message broadcast by satellite predicting the number of satellite orbit elements within a certain period of time
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