JB/T 8408-1996 Test methods for air filters for construction machinery
Some standard content:
JB/T 8408 Air filter for construction machinery Test method Published in March 1996 Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China Implementation on July 1, 1997 JB/T 84BS-96
This standard is based on reference to SAJ72C-75 Air filter test specification and JSD16127 Automobile air filter test method, and reference to NJ33784 Internal combustion air filter test method> JP//3528-868 Bulldozer air filter test method. When making modifications to it, some internal customers are added, such as the maximum air flow and intake force standard, the assembly test room life test age and test device single part mud determination (calculation formula", etc.), the technical standard is more complete than the original standard, and the change is more practical. This standard includes 14 tests, including small vibration test, ejector efficiency test, water washing test, and bubbling test. , all the small and medium-sized tests are special requirements of the engineering machinery industry. This standard is suitable for various types of engineering machinery, so that my country's engineering machinery air filter test methods will be consistent with those of advanced foreign countries, and it can provide guidance for improving the quality of air filters used in engineering machinery. Non-standard requirements are the appendix of the standard. This standard was proposed by the Machinery Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China. The drafting units of this standard are: Dajin Machinery Research Institute, Pingyuan Air Filter Co., Ltd. The main person in charge of this standard is Zhang Mingdao. Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of ChinaWww.bzxZ.net
Air filter for engineering machinery
Test method
JB/T 8408-96
does not specify the test method for the decompression of air in the machine, and is suitable for air filtration. 2 The standard contains the following documents, which are used in this standard or are technical standards. This standard is issued, and the versions shown are valid. All international standards will be revised through this standard! All parties can use the latest version of the standard as much as possible. 2n24-95
Flow measurement throttling device with orifice, nozzle and single tube to measure the flow of the filling body N133284
3 Definition
Internal combustion engine air filter group test method
This standard adopts one document,
3.1 Test method
refers to the test method ", state method, chamber, gas pool, eliminator assembly (hereinafter referred to as the assembly) 3.2 Mad method device
The flow rate is a centrifugal method that involves the core of the device before the cloud removes the part that plays the role of the core 3.1 Absolute filter
The number of test pieces to be tested is shown in Figure 1. 3.4 Test rated air flow
The air flow rate in the unit room can be completely cleared. The air flow should reach the standard weather conditions.
3.5 The rated air flow
is the air flow rate in the room determined by the test center. It can be used as the test air flow rate. 3. Look at the air flow through the filter. The air flow rate is only half of the air flow rate of the test filter. The ratio is shown on the left. 3.7 Resistance
The resistance measured directly downstream of the test piece is shown in 1 kPa. 3.8 Total filter original figure
When the rated air flow is subjected to the fast flow force through the new method center assembly. 3.9 Initial resistance of the filter element
The difference between the new filter element and the ideal sludge distribution and the measured pressure of the group test pipe at the end of the dust collection capacity test. 3.10 The final wind resistance
The total resistance at the end of the dust collection capacity test. 3.11. Ejector resistance
The back pressure of the ejector island during the engine calibration test. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry in 1996[13
Implemented on July 1, 1997
3.12 Road cleaning efficiency
JH/R 8408-96
The dust removal capacity of the air filter or test piece shall be calculated according to the formula () and expressed as a percentage, (1 ..
Wherein, the efficiency of the filtration system
M is the absolute energy gain of the filtration system
: dust collector·&.
3.13 Total inductance test chamber
Under rated air flow, with specified dust loading, the dust in the total inductance of the test chamber is continuously averaged with the total inductance of the test chamber. When the total resistance reaches the end of the increase or decrease or the total filtration efficiency drops to the specified value, the cumulative time added to the total resistance is calculated using formula (2" or 3) and is expressed in h
Wherein -
When the total resistance reaches the end of the blockage chamber, the total resistance is equal to the total weight gain of the test chamber. The power of the test chamber is as follows: when the gas elimination efficiency of the assembly drops to the specified value, the total air consumption of the test chamber is: when the gas elimination efficiency of the assembly drops to the specified value, the total air consumption of the test chamber is: m, when the gas elimination efficiency of the assembly drops to the specified value, the total amount of dust added to the assembly is calculated! Q. Rated air flow m:
N-dust concentration.g/ml.
3.14 The dust screening method
reaches the final power of the gas filter, and the total requirement of the test dust on the entire test device or test piece is recorded, expressed in multiples of 3. 15 Origin
Environmental dust resistance test or laboratory life test The ratio of the total power test to the resistance after the test is expressed as a percentage.
In atmospheric conditions
Air pressure: 100kP.
Environmental source: 257,
Test items
Assembly original resistance test.
Select the original resistance test.
Assembly environmental efficiency test
4.4Assembly laboratory life test. ||tt ||Test method for new efficiency test.
Ejector efficiency test,
4.7 Storage test.
Recovery test.
4.9 Time test.
4.14 Destruction test:
Water washability test:
4.12 Test,
4.13 Request test.
4.14 Travel test.
5 Reading and testing equipment
5.1 Air purifier test bench
JR/T 8408-96
The air cleaner test bench is composed of vacuum system or other oil and gas equipment), dangerous pressure box, flow plate meter, pressure gauge, differential pressure gauge and absolute eliminator.
The test bench for air cleaner without exhaust injection device is shown in Figure 1, the air eliminator test piece with standard air injection device is shown in Figure 2, and the installation test is shown in Figure 3. 1
! The test press is: one core, 3 one room air inlet: one plus life road, one retreat ticket, one model after the meter! One-time adjustment: 9 exhaust machine, 10-electric: flow meter: _2-type chain H meter, one for the test of air cleaner without exhaust injection air cleaner test bench 1-system buds medical equipment, 2-object seat grab, 3-Beijing gas, 4-addition device, 5, free cleaner: 6-flow low meter: 7-adjustment; 9-air machine; self-motor: 10-U-type jade, 11-first filter 2, 12 for the test of Yi Nan object gas method, 23--1: type hydraulic meter 2 with exhaust injection device air filter test bench 1) open GD/T262433.
5.2 automatic cutting seat
JB/T 8408-96
complete machine
1-extinguishing, etc.: 2 exhaust injection energy; 3-flammable device! A pneumatic transmission device National 3 engine expansion test bench
mouth dynamic dust addition installation according to N33784 Section 4 provisions, 5.3 resistance measurement equipment
quickly according to N13378 Section 4 provisions:
5. 4 storage sticky drying box.
5. 5 balance.
5.6 dynamic test bench.
6 Test case
6.1 Test room atmosphere state
relative humidity is 35%~55%,
6.2 Test dust
6.2.1 This standard recommends that the right inflammatory substances be used as test substances. The bacteria are dried in a coal box at 105℃ for 2 hours before use. 6.2.2 The filtration efficiency test uses dust micro-particles N, which are double (multi) induced air floaters with energy flow width: N=10g/m2: good air floaters with energy flow tubes, V=1.5g/m2/m2.2.3 The dust concentration in the test room is vN,tI=U. U)/m*
6. 2. According to the filtration efficiency test, the additional dust will be calculated according to the formula (6> = t(O.: Q.3Nr
In the formula, M—amount of material added
t-adding time: =1/6h;
This is the test air flow, n is the minimum
air flow basis.n/h
For each test seat,
7 Test fertilization
7.1 Reach air pressure: +).P.
7.2 Temperature: -0. : C.
Y.3 Relative limit, 2%
7.4 Air flow: within 2% of the measured value
7.5 Force, within Fa of the measured value.
Specification: weighing relative efficiency 1.
Each pair of dust cores
Total dust core)
8 Test procedure
Total point original capacity test
Table 1 Weighing centrifuge
Child standard total skin method to measure filtration efficiency
All things are absolutely welcome to the core to reach the station
5 ./1coco
81.1 Connect the test point with the air purification test pipe, and connect the dust outlet of the instrument with the pipeline of the flow meter of the discharge device. 8.1.2 Adjust the air flow so that the air volume at the air outlet of the assembly is 50%, 0%, 70%, 80%, 90% and 110% of the rated room air volume, measure and record the air flow under each condition. %13 For the assembly with exhaust jet, the air flow through the coarse filter media should be adjusted to a certain percentage of the air flow through the assembly outlet. During the test, there should be no air flow restriction under the filter: before the air flow of the assembly outlet, the induced air flow should be stopped or stopped after the air flow at the assembly outlet is stopped when the assembly air flow is discharged. B.1.4 The test air flow and the measured air flow of the assembly should be corrected to the standard atmosphere according to (4) and (5), and then the total air flow-pressure curve is set (see Figure A1).
In the formula, Q is the test air flow in m/h;
ohms. - Standard atmospheric conditions, test piece resistance, kPa... Sedimentation excitation
Air expansion coefficient
d——Building meter orifice plate hole diameter, mm:
-Test condition atmospheric three forces P:
T\-Test condition environmental end, K;
Induction a
P——Standard atmospheric pressure, kPa:
Work. -Standard conditions, K:
----Flowmeter lead plate pressure difference before and after, k?:
JD/T 84U8-96
Air tightness under standard point gas condition. 格/tn; -Test atmosphere release to test piece resistance P. 8.2 Core original resistance test
8.2.1 Install the core as shown in Figure 1 on the special plate. 8.2 The air flow rate shall be approximately 10%, 615.%, 1%, and 113% respectively. The air flow resistance shall be as shown in 8.2.3. Take out the new filter element and go to the content of 8.2.2. 3
1, · level, 2, installation, installation: award Ting type core installation
8.2.4 The measured front connection type 5 to the filter element. Then try to make the filter element as the research and development flow characteristics of the filter element as shown in the figure A to A1: B.3 The total maximum purification efficiency test will be
B.3.1 For a real non-ordinary assembly with automatic emptying characteristics 2 collected by the city,
8.3. Test flow, with the concentration in the air as 1. Calculate the need for the test product within [0m 8.3.3
Take the test piece under the standard killing piece of 6.1, and take the small point as the table. 8.3.4
Weigh the weight of the 10513 electric heating box, and see that the box temperature is 3.018. 3.5
Put the total amount of air in the micro-eliminator on the test device: hit all the cross-connections to let the gas leak out. Verify the overflow humidity.
Weigh the dust volume, and add the specified number of powders to the product. Before the powder in the dust process is fully supplied, the powder generation limit should be maintained. 8.3. For assemblies with exhaust and inlet ports, the requirements of 8.1.3 shall be met during the test. 8.3.9 The test shall be carried out at the beginning and end of the test. The test air shall be set at normal temperature. After the test, the test piece may be carefully cut off and weighed. The dust in the device shall be marked. The dust in the device shall be collected from the exhaust or exhaust gas to the exhaust gas and the dust attached to the connection between the exhaust and the burner. 8.3.11 The filtration efficiency shall be calculated according to the formula 1 minus the dust: absolute dust weight + absolute dust weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight + test piece weight 8408-96
8.4.1 The life test of the whole assembly room shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of 8d. 8.4.2 When the resistance of the whole assembly increases by .2~kPa, compare and record the resistance of the whole assembly, 0 times the effective saw, and the whole assembly method is as follows: use force to end the test, calculate the efficiency of the assembly after the two times of exhaust resistance treatment, 8.4.3 The total discharge of the three garbage in B.1. is small according to the standard atmospheric condition 84.4 The calculation formula (2 or formula (calculate the total life of the test home), and the number of the total test cold car life is calculated according to the table A room AR
5 particle efficiency test
8.5.1 There are five types of exhaust devices that need to be tested. The test air system shall be used for the main 10 gas. 8.5.2 In the additional air flow or the test piece, the critical standard is 1g/m-0.05 F/r special dust concentration powder two, for dressing: to 10 min, 8.5.3 efficiency
rental efficiency:
× 100%
sex organ simple training
North can be on.
3.5. Draw the market efficiency mountain city map (see chart). 5 injection efficiency test
8.6.1. The test method of the suction efficiency of the injector is Dala 8. Full see, 8. Look at 2 should control formula 0) calculate the mountain gas efficiency.
Wu Yu, the growth of the filter car Xin,
added dust formation:
: the limit formation can increase the filter pollution capacity by more layers: 4
8.7 with Lannengdao
8.7! This test is to confirm the resistance of the test to the total dust in the potential. The test can be carried out at the same time as the test.
8..2 8.7.5 rated air flow, there are five measuring pieces of 1Cm: the resistance of the table is 8.74 once to the visual value, the test will be completed before the dust is left, and the air will be completely cleaned and adjusted: and the air will be completely eliminated. The powder cow will collect all the powder cows and get up. The company also calls it to the total amount of dust in the air. The total amount of the main storage agent of the organ is the main storage agent.
8. 8 Bean trace rotten test aggregation
RF in 3. H.7 test, the vapor layer will be eliminated or pulled. Make it close to the state before the test! 8.8.2 In rated room air, 5m, 1.1 seconds, measure the intake resistance, calculate the recovery rate, R, according to formula 11, a:
i. Test return force, ka.
8.9 Bendability
8.9. This test determines the seal of the air filter element. 8.9.2 Install the energy core between two transparent flat points (see figure) and tighten until the specified requirement is reached. The test is performed in position 1, and the measurement is in Figure 5. 8.3 Measure the flatness and space of the cellar surface. Usually, the fish will judge whether it has good sealing performance according to the signs of continuous lack of light and moisture. 8.94 Make a report on the quality of the sealing and the judgment rate of the county. 8. Damage test
3, and 8. After the test, place the air filter in the water, and add air flow at a high speed. When the air resistance reaches the same blocking torque, the test is complete.
8.11 Washing test
After the test in 8.4 and 8.7, place the filter in the water, and wait for the medium to flow out. Then, proceed to the resistance test in 8.1 to check whether the resistance increases.
3.12 Foaming test
Put the filter element after the test in 8.1 in water, add 2CkFa pressure in the center of the filter, and check whether the surface of the element is affected by bubbles: 8.13 Water test
Add 20kPa air reaction force to the shell of the air cleaner, and observe whether there is air generation in the sealing plate and other joints.
8.14 Dynamic test
8.14.1 Test device
The air cleaner is installed on the vibration test bench as shown in the figure. 5
8.14. 2 Dynamic test
Dynamic test bench
JB/T 8408-96
Explain dynamic test
Figure 6 Dynamic test bench
New product features
Air cleaner
As shown in Figure 7, the air filter is tested in the vertical direction of front and back. The installation nut and the combustion control of the air filter are used for the type of control before tightening and close to the state of use. The tightening torque is specified as 3~-5N·Ⅱ. 5.14.3 Calculate the vibration rate
According to the provisions of Table 2, increase the frequency from small to large in the same proportion. After reaching the maximum frequency, reduce the vibration frequency from large to small in the same proportion until the minimum vibration rate is reached. Detect the vibration rate of the air filter. The vibration rate in Table 2 is
and the vibration rate
8.14.4 No vibration frequency test
If the product
is not in resonance frequency, the driving test is carried out according to the attenuation 3. The vibration number in Table 3
and the vibration rate
will In the city, there is a resonance rate test. The vibration frequency is 8. When there is a common alarm probability, according to the vibration rate or the problem rate, the vibration test is carried out in the upper and lower, left and right and front and rear directions for 12.5h respectively according to the full range of Figure 7, and then the vibration test is carried out according to the provisions of the attenuation reduction. According to the dynamic poison Dun
Jinbang Xiang
short vibration time
vibration intensity
? The vibration frequency is 66. 5 91. 1
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