title>HG/T 3683.1-2000 Industrial porcelain balls Inert porcelain balls - HG/T 3683.1-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 3683.1-2000 Industrial porcelain balls Inert porcelain balls

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 3683.1-2000

Standard Name: Industrial porcelain balls Inert porcelain balls

Chinese Name: 工业瓷球 惰性瓷球

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-06-30

Date of Implementation:2001-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Glass and ceramic industry>>Ceramics>>81.060.30 Advanced ceramics

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G94 Non-metallic Chemical Machinery and Equipment

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HG/T 3683.1-2000 Industrial Ceramic Ball Inert Ceramic Ball HG/T3683.1-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
HG/T Zone XXX·-999
Standard sharing netizens kindly remind: informal standards are for reference only Industrial ceramic balls -
—Nervous ceramic balls
Industrial Ceramics (Ball -@nert Ceramics Bali (draft for approval)
1999-06-30 Release
People's Republic of China Wenwen Wenwen District
National Bureau of Petrochemical Industry
HG/T ××××· 1-(999
Inert ceramic ball is a ceramic ball made of industrial alumina and high-cold ug as the main raw materials, which is formed and fired at high temperature. It has sufficient chemical stability and thermal stability. It is used as a support for catalysts in reactors, process materials and tower fillers. It is widely used in petroleum, chemical, fertilizer, natural gas and environmental protection industries. There is no corresponding foreign standard for the above standard. There are two foreign standards related to this standard, namely Japanese Industrial Standard JISR1532-81 "Acid-resistant ceramic spherical fillers for chemical industry" and American Society for Testing and Materials Standard ASTMC515-8 5. "Technical Conditions for Ceramic Tower Packings Subject to Chemical Corrosion". JIS R1532 is mainly for acid-resistant ceramics with A120a containing less than 30% discs, and ASTM C515 is mainly for annular materials. Although it includes spherical packings, it does not specify relevant strength indicators.
This standard refers to the technical requirements of JIS R1532 and ASTM C515, and is formulated in combination with domestic production and application conditions on the premise that the technical indicators are not lower than foreign advanced standards. This standard also includes the following parts:
Part 2 (i.e. HG/T××××·2): Active ceramic balls; Part Different part (ie IX:3): Open hole ball. China National Chemical Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as the "China Chemical Industry Association") proposed this standard. This standard is issued by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Non-metallic Chemical Equipment. Drafting unit of this standard: Pingxiang Chemical Packing (Group) Company, China Petrochemical Corporation Beijing Design Institute, China National Petroleum Corporation Jinzhou Petrochemical Company. The main drafters of this standard are: Chen Feng, Liu Jiaming, Wang Qiang, Wang Aihuai, Li Riyan. 1
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Industrial Ceramic Balls—||tt| |Inert Ceramic Ball
Industrial@eramicsBall-@hert@eramics(Ball Scope
This standard specifies the product classification, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging and storage and transportation of inert ceramic balls.
This standard applies to inert ceramic balls used as cushion materials and tower packings for supporting and covering catalysts in reactors of petroleum, petrochemical and other related industries. 2
Cited Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards.
Chemical analysis methods for ceramic materials and products
Test methods for acid and alkali resistance of daily-use ceramic materials Test methods for acid-resistant ceramics
This standard adopts the following definitions:
Inert ceramicsball
Ceramicsballs with sufficient chemical and thermal stability made of industrial alumina and kaolin as the main raw materials through molding and high-temperature sintering.
4.1 Category
Inert ceramicsballs are divided into five categories according to their A1z03 meaning and the composition of the main crystal phase, as shown in Table 1. Table 1 Classification of inert porcelain balls
Al2Og content, %
Approved by the People's Republic of China on June 30, 1999 Qo00
Approved by the Chemical Industry Bureau of Shengshidimu
1 999-0-0/Implementation
4.2 Specifications
HG/T.Region xXx·1-4999#e441
According to their diameter, the inert porcelain balls are divided into 12 specifications, namely Φ3, Φ6, Φ8, Φ10, @13, Φ16, Φ20Φ25, 30, Φ38, ±50, @75 (mm). Other specifications of inert porcelain balls can be manufactured by negotiation between the supplier and the doctor. Except for the special provisions in the contract, their quality requirements shall still comply with the provisions of this standard.
5.1 Appearance quality
The appearance of inert porcelain balls shall be a regular sphere, and its surface quality shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. Table 2 Surface quality requirements of inert porcelain ball
Signs of cracks penetrating into the body
Iron spots,
Melting pits and slag on the surface
Hollow bubbles protruding on the surface
Length greater than 3mm, less than 5mm
Width greater than 0.5mm, less than 1mm
Diameter greater than 1mm, less than 2mm
Diameter greater than 1mm, less than 2mm
Height greater than 1mm, less than 2mm
5.2 Dimensional deviation
The diameter deviation of inert porcelain ball shall comply with the provisions of Table 3. Table 3
Allowable deviation
Requirements for diameter deviation of inert porcelain ball
5.3°Chemical composition
The A1203 content of inert porcelain ball shall not be lower than the nominal value, determined.
Allowable number of defects
Not allowed
Other components can be negotiated by both parties when necessary. 6.4 Physical and chemical properties
HG/T area xxx81-1999
The physical and chemical properties of inert porcelain balls shall comply with the requirements of Table 4. Table 4
Physical and chemical properties of inert porcelain balls
Main product
Water absorption,
Acid resistance,
Alkali resistance,
Resistance to sudden temperature change,
Compressive strength
KNI particle
Bulk density, Kg/m23
Note: The bulk density data is for reference only and is not used as the basis for acceptance. Mullite
Test method
3.683. /- 2000
HG/T Zone XXX1-1999
6.1 Appearance quality
Use conventional tools and visual inspection.
6.2 Dimensional deviation
Use a vernier caliper with an accuracy of 0.02mm to measure the disc. Measure the three diameters in the x, y and z axes, and take the average value as the measurement result.
6.3 Chemical composition
Perform in accordance with GB/T4734.
6.4 Water absorption, acid resistance and temperature shock resistance shall be carried out in accordance with HG/T3210.
6.5 Alkali resistance
Perform according to GB4738·2.
6.6 Compressive strength
Use a test machine with sufficient pressure. Use a test machine with a force measurement accuracy of level 1, and take five porcelain balls as the test sample. Place the sample in the center of the test machine pressure plate, and pad 1-2m of oil-absorbing paper between the sample and the upper and lower pressure plates. Load steadily and evenly at a speed of 5-20 twists/min or 0.5-2.5KN/min. Read the pressure value when the sample is destroyed, and calculate its arithmetic mean as the final test result.
Inspection rules
7.1 Inspection classification
Product inspection is divided into type inspection and factory inspection. 7.1.1 Type inspection
Type inspection of products is conducted once a year, and the inspection items are all the items specified in Chapter 5 of this standard. Type inspection should be conducted in any of the following situations: a) When there are major changes in the structure, raw materials or process of the product, which may affect the product performance; b) When the factory inspection results are significantly different from the last type inspection; c) When the product production is changed, the factory is transferred, or the production is resumed after shutdown; d) When required by relevant national laws and regulations; e) When stipulated in the contract.
7.1.2 Factory inspection
All products must be inspected before leaving the factory. The inspection items are the appearance quality, dimensional deviation, A120a content, water absorption and compressive strength specified in Chapter 5 of this standard. 7.2 Batch rules
Inert porcelain balls should be inspected by batch. 50 tons of products of the same specification made under the same raw materials, processes and equipment conditions are considered as a batch, and less than 50 tons are also considered as a batch4
HG/T District xxX.1-4999
7.3 Sampling rules
Each batch of products should be sampled in a representative and random manner. Different numbers of samples are taken according to the provisions of Table 5 according to the different specifications of the products. Mix the samples evenly, and select one fourth of them for appearance quality and size inspection according to the quartering method, and then randomly select the corresponding number of samples for physical and chemical performance inspection. Table 5 Inspection sampling plan for different specifications of inflexible porcelain balls Specification Φ (mm)
Number of samples (pieces)
7.4 Judgment rules
7.4.1 For the inspection of appearance quality and external dimensions of inflexible porcelain balls, when the unqualified rate does not exceed 10%, the batch of products is judged to be qualified; if the unqualified rate exceeds 10%, double-effective samples should be taken from the same batch of products for re-inspection, and the re-inspection results shall be taken as the final results. If the unqualified rate of the re-inspection results still exceeds 10%, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified: when the unqualified rate of the first inspection exceeds 20%, the batch of products is judged to be unqualified. 7.4.2 For the physical and chemical performance test of inert porcelain balls, if all items are qualified, the batch of products is judged to be qualified; if one indicator is unqualified, the same number of samples shall be drawn from the same batch of products to retest the item, and the average of the retest result and the first test result shall be taken as the final result. If it is still unqualified, the batch of products shall be judged to be unqualified; if more than two indicators are unqualified at the same time, the batch of products shall be judged to be unqualified. 7.4.3 For any batch of products judged to be unqualified due to appearance quality or size deviation, the supplier is allowed to remove the unqualified products and re-batch them for inspection.
Mark, label, instruction manual
Inert porcelain ball products shall be equipped with product certificate label and instruction manual when leaving the factory, and the following contents shall be indicated: a) Product name, standard number, trademark; b) Product specifications, Ala0s content;
c) Product production batch number and factory date;
d) Manufacturer name and detailed address.
Packaging, transportation, storage
9.1 The inert porcelain balls must be packed securely to ensure that they will not be damaged during transportation. 9.2 The inert porcelain balls must be placed steadily and gently during transportation, loading and unloading. Throwing is strictly prohibited. 9.8 The inert porcelain balls must be stored in a clean warehouse or covered shed.
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