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Basic terms of service in tourism

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 16766-1997

Standard Name:Basic terms of service in tourism

Chinese Name: 旅游服务基础术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)


Date of Release1997-04-01

Date of Implementation:1997-10-01

Date of Expiration:2011-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Sociology, Services, Organization and management of companies (enterprises), Administration, Transport>>Services>>03.080.30 Consumer services

Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A12 Supply and Use Relationship

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by GB/T 16766-2010

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1997-04-01

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:National Tourism Administration, Tourism Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Focal point unit:National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Tourism Bureau

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions in the field of tourism services. This standard is mainly applicable to the Chinese tourism industry. GB/T 16766-1997 Basic Terms of Tourism Services GB/T16766-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions in the field of tourism services. This standard is mainly applicable to the Chinese tourism industry.

Some standard content:

GB/T 16766--1997
This standard refers to existing national standards, industry standards and relevant documents, publications, as well as documents of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the World Tourism Organization (WTO), and determines the scope, entries and definitions of terms. Terms have special meanings and uses, rather than general definitions that appear in dictionaries. It is necessary to stipulate the basic terms and definitions of tourism services and standardize their use in the tourism industry. This standard gives corresponding definitions based on the actual situation of the use of basic terms of tourism services in the international service industry, the international tourism industry and my country's tourism industry. The implementation of this standard is conducive to the industry management of the tourism industry and the construction of the service quality system of tourism enterprises.
Other standards in the tourism industry and standards related to the tourism industry should adopt the terms defined in this standard as much as possible. This standard is proposed by the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is under the jurisdiction and interpretation of the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee. The responsible drafting units of this standard: National Tourism Administration, Tourism Research Center of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. The main drafters of this standard: Wang Dawu, Bi Lugui, Liu Hanqi, Peng Decheng, Zhang Guangrui, Wu Zhihong, Jiang Yifan. 139
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Basic terms of service in tourism
Basic terms of service in tourism This standard specifies the basic terms and definitions in the field of tourism services. This standard is mainly applicable to the tourism industry in China. 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T6583--1994 Quality management and quality assurance terms (idtISO8402:1994) GB/T19004.2-1994 Quality management and quality system elements Part 2: Service guide (idtISO9004-2:1991) GB/T14308-1993 Classification and evaluation of star ratings of foreign-related hotels 3 Demand and supply of tourism services
3.1 Demanders of tourism services; customers Business second party of tourist service, customer The recipient of tourism products or services. They can be the final consumer, purchaser, second party or other beneficiary. Note 1: See GB/T 19004.2, GB/T 6583. 3.1.1 Tourist
The subject of tourism consumption activities to meet material and spiritual and cultural needs, and the demander and service object of tourism service activities. 3.1.2 Independent traveler Independent traveler Travel consumers who arrange their own travel itinerary and pay for various travel expenses sporadically. 3.1.3 tour group
A group of tourists who pay a comprehensive package or part of a package through a travel agency or tourism service intermediary and who are organized to carry out tourism consumption activities according to a predetermined itinerary. 3.2 service supplier in tourism An organization that provides tourism products or services to the demander. Note 2: See GB/T 6583, GB/T19004.2. 3.2.1 service organization in tourism A company, association, business, enterprise or combination, or part of them, that has its own tourism service functions and tourism service management agencies, whether it is a joint venture or a sole proprietorship, public or private. Note 3: See GB/T 19004.2.
3.2.2 enterprise of service in tourism An operating entity that uses funds, sites, equipment, technology and labor as production factors to provide products or services to tourism consumers. Note 4: See GB/T6583 for the concept of "entity". Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on April 1, 1997 140
Implementation on October 1, 1997
GB/T 16766-1997
3.2.3 Designated tourism enterprises Designated tourism enterprises Enterprises that are recognized by the national or provincial, autonomous region or municipal tourism authorities, or recognized by them in conjunction with relevant industry authorities, and are qualified to provide targeted products or special services to tourists at home and abroad. Characteristics of service in tourism 3.2.4
Signs and indicators of the quality of tourism services. They include: a) characteristics that can be observed and evaluated by the demander; b) characteristics that cannot be often observed by customers but directly affect the quality of services. Note
5 Both types of characteristics must be able to be evaluated by the tourism service organization against the specified acceptance criteria. 6 Tourism service characteristics can be quantitative (measurable) or qualitative (comparable), depending on how the evaluation is conducted and whether it is conducted by the service organization or the customer.
7See GB/T19004.2.
3.2.5Service delivery in tourismService delivery in tourismThe activities of suppliers that are necessary to provide a tourism service. Note 8: See GB/T19004.2.
3.2.6Service grade in tourismClassification or grading of tourism products or services with the same functions and uses according to their characteristics that meet different needs.Star
A way of indicating the grade of tourism service facilities using specific star symbols and their numbers.Star-rating
The grade of tourism facilities, products or services determined by the tourism administrative department of the state or province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government according to the corresponding star standards.
Note 9: See GB/T 6583, GB/T 14308.3.3Product of serviceIntourismA tourism project that is a combination of physical objects and services and is sold to tourists. Its characteristic is that services become the main component of products, and its specific displays mainly include routes, activities, and accommodation. Tourists can purchase overall products (such as comprehensive package tours) or purchase a single tourism product (such as flight seats, hotel rooms). 3.3.1 Sightseeing tour sightseeing tour Tourism consumption activities with the main purpose and content of visiting and appreciating natural landscapes and folk customs. 3.3.2 Vacation tour vacation tour a tourism consumption activity with vacation and leisure as the main purpose and content. 3.3.3 Specific tour specific tour a tourism activity for a specific purpose such as social, economic, cultural, scientific research, study, religion, health care, etc. 3.3.4 conference tour convention tour a tourism activity with the main purpose of organizing and participating in conferences and providing sightseeing services, which is participated by people from different countries or regions.
3.3.5 Incentive travel
incentive travel
A type of travel activity funded by enterprises or social groups for the purpose of rewarding. 3.3.6 Special interest tours Special interest tours are travel activities with competitive and intense personal experience, specially approved by the tourism administrative department and relevant competent departments, and coordinated as a whole. Generally, it is necessary to declare the plan in advance. Such as exploration, hunting, diving, mountaineering, car rally, intercontinental and cross-border car travel, etc.
4 Tourism service elements
GB/T 16766-1997
Basic services such as transportation, sightseeing, accommodation, catering, shopping, and entertainment provided by various tourism enterprises to ensure that tourists have a smooth journey and obtain satisfactory results from the visit. 4.1 Travel agency travel service; travel agency is an enterprise established in accordance with the law and has legal person status, mainly engaged in attracting and receiving tourists, organizing tourism activities, and implementing independent accounting. 4.1.1 Tour guides are staff members who hold the tour guide qualification certificate and the tour guide certificate of the People's Republic of China, are assigned by travel agencies, and are engaged in accompanying tour groups (personnel) on visits and excursions according to the reception plan. Note 10: Tour guides are divided into full-time accompanying tour guides, local accompanying tour guides, and scenic spot tour guides. 4.1.2 Overseas escort is a staff member appointed by an overseas travel agency who represents the travel agency in leading the tour group to engage in travel activities. 4.2 Tourist communications provides transportation tools and supporting service systems for tourists during their travels. 4.2.1 Tourist automobile is a passenger car provided by the tourist group (or group) and generally requires reservation. 4.2.2 Cruise ship
A passenger ship with a continuous shipping capacity of more than 24 hours (including 24 hours), mainly engaged in receiving tourists, and providing tourists with entertainment, accommodation and tour guide services.
4.2.3 Sightseeing boat, sightseeing ship A passenger ship mainly engaged in receiving tourists, mainly providing tourists with sightseeing along the way, tour guide interpretation and other services. 4.2.4 Star-rated cruise ship A cruise ship that has been rated by the national or provincial, autonomous region or municipal tourism administrative department in accordance with relevant national standards and regulations and has been awarded a star title.
4.3 Tourist lodging
The sum of accommodation facilities and services provided to tourists during their travels. 4.3.1 Hotels catering to overseas tourists Hotels approved by relevant administrative departments to receive overseas tourists in China. 4.3.2 Star-rated hotels Hotel A tourist hotel for aliens that has been awarded a star rating by the national or provincial, autonomous region, or municipal tourism administrative department in accordance with relevant national standards and regulations.
4.3.3 Apartment for aliens A high-end residence that can be rented or sold to overseas people for residence in China with the approval of the relevant administrative department and provides supporting living service facilities. 4.3.4 Star-rated apartment A tourist apartment that has been awarded a star rating by the national or provincial, autonomous region, or municipal tourism administrative department in accordance with relevant national standards and regulations.
4.3.5 Office building for aliens An office and living facility with complete services and supporting functions that can be rented or purchased by overseas organizations, enterprises, or offices with the approval of the relevant administrative department.
4.4 Tourist catering
Catering services provided to tourists during their travels. 4.4.1 Designated tourist restaurants Designated tourist restaurants The restaurant is approved by the tourism administrative department and issued with a designated sign, and is recommended as a dining place for receiving domestic and foreign tourist groups. 142
4.4.2 Meals for tour group A designated tourist restaurant provides ordinary meals for tourist groups in accordance with the price, quality and quantity of meals agreed in advance with the travel agency, generally excluding team-style meals. 4.5 Place of sightseeing A geographical area where tourists carry out sightseeing activities. 4.5.1 Sightseeing district A geographical area with relatively rich and concentrated tourism resources, high viewing and sightseeing value, relatively complete facilities and a certain reception capacity.
4.5.2 Holiday resort A comprehensive functional area with a good natural environment and supporting tourism infrastructure, integrating accommodation, vacation, leisure, sightseeing and entertainment.
4.5.3 Sightseeing spot A sightseeing spot with tourist attractions and supporting services. 4.5.4 Visiting spot
A place for tourists to understand society, increase knowledge and enrich experience. Generally, only explanation service is provided. 4.6 Tourist shopping Tourists buy goods during the tour. These goods generally have the meaning of commemoration, appreciation, value preservation, gift or practical value. They mainly include five categories: tourist souvenirs, tourist handicrafts, tourist supplies, tourist food and other goods. 4.6.1 Designated tourist shop A store approved by the tourism administrative department and issued with a designated sign, which is recommended to receive overseas tourists to China for shopping. 4.7 Tourist recreation Tourist recreation Various types of entertainment activities that tourists enjoy or participate in during the tour. 4.7.1 Cultural tourist recreation spot Tourist recreational spot of cuitural kind Tourist recreational spot with cultural appreciation or cultural participation. Such as theaters, dance halls, karaoke halls, etc. 4.7.2
Tourist recreational spot of health and pleasure kind4.7.2
Tourist recreational spot with recreational, health and fitness facilities and supporting services. Such as amusement parks, gyms, bowling alleys, etc. 5. Tourism service quality management
The quality goals set by tourism administrative departments and tourism enterprises to improve the service quality of the tourism industry and the various means taken to achieve the goals.
5.1 Serviceservice
The results of the supplier's activities in contact with customers and the supplier's internal activities in order to meet the needs of customers (GB/T19004.2). Note
11 At the contact surface, the supplier or customer may be represented by personnel or equipment. 12 For service provision, the customer's activities at the contact surface with the supplier may be the essence. 13 The provision or use of tangible products may become a part of the service. 14 The service may be combined with the manufacture and supply of tangible products. 5.2 Tourism service qualityservicequality in tourismThe ability and degree to which tourism service activities can achieve the specified results and meet the needs of tourists. 5.3 Service specification in tourism A scientific method that is mainly procedural, quantitative and institutionalized to achieve a certain service standard. 5.4 Service quality standards in tourism Standards of service quality in tourism A unified regulation of the quantity and quality requirements that tourism service quality should meet, which is agreed upon by all parties concerned, approved by the national standardization management department or the tourism administration department, and issued in a specific form, as a common criterion for tourism service suppliers to follow. 5.5 Evaluation of service quality in tourism A comprehensive evaluation of the service quality of tourism enterprises conducted by the tourism administration department in accordance with the requirements of the tourism service quality standards, organized by tourists, professional quality assessment personnel and relevant experts. 5.6 Validation of service quality in tourism Validation of service quality in tourism Activities in which the tourism administration department certifies the qualifications of tourism service enterprises that meet the requirements according to the tourism service quality standards and issues corresponding quality certificates.
5.7 Management of tourist safety Management of tourist safety Activities in which the tourism administrative department takes various effective measures to protect the personal and property safety of tourists during their visits. Such as formulating and implementing safety systems, inspecting safety facilities and handling accidents. 5.8 Management of tourist complaints The acceptance and handling of tourist complaints by the tourism administrative department. 5.8.1 Tourist complaint Oral or written expression by tourists to the tourism administrative department of dissatisfaction with the quality of tourism services. 5.8.2
Settlement of tourist complaint The process of the tourism administrative department handling tourism complaints and making compensation decisions for the responsible party. 144
Term name
Sightseeing spots·
Tour guides.
Vacation tourism
Resort area
Sightseeing tourism
Overseas tour leaders
Conference tourism·
Incentive tourism·
Recreation and entertainment venues
Travel agencies
Tourism safety management.
Tourism catering….
Tourism ships·
Tourism designated restaurants
Tourism designated enterprises·
Tourism designated stores
Tourism service products.
Tourism service levels·
Tourism service providers….
Tourism service specifications
Tourism service enterprises·
Tourism service characteristics
Tourism service provision
Tourism service demanders
Tourism service quality·
Tourism service quality standards
Tourism service quality assessment··
GB/T 16766-1997
Appendix A
(Suggestive appendix)
Chinese index
: 4.1, 1
Zhongzhong Anxin
Term name
Tourism service quality certification·
Tourism service organization·
Tourism shopping.
Tourism transportation
Tourism buses
Individual tourists·
Tourism hotels involving foreigners·
Tourism complaints
Tourism complaint management
Tourism complaint claims
Tourism groups·
Tourism group meals·
Tourism entertainment…
Tourism accommodation…
Foreign apartments·
Foreign offices
Special tourism
Cultural tourism and entertainment venues
Star-rated hotels
Star-rated apartments
Star-rated rating.
Star-rated cruise ships
Sightseeing ships
Tourist destinations. | |tt | ated tourism enterprises.......
designated tourist restaurant ....designated tourist shop
enterprise of service in tourism tourism evaluation of service quality inhandling of tourist complaintholiday resort .....
hotels catering to overseas touristsincentive travel ...
independent traveler
GB/T 16766-—1997
Appendix B
(Appendix of Prompt)
English Index
National Center Professional Industry National Business Center Specialized Zero Business Specialized Product Product Product National Center++*nnooee*c
Center China Center
.. 3. 3.4
...·.. ​​4.2.2
... 4.6.1
+******** 4. 5. 2 | | tt | t||edoeo++++++oe+++ -eeee?
.·· 3.3.5
o*oee* 5.7
+++++-++0+++++++-* +-+++e+++++++++product of service in tourism .......service
service delivery in tourism | |tt | +p+++0**+++-*++.00++0+*.
service specification in tourismc000.000.....
service supplier in tourism complaint ....settlement of tourist complaint ..................sightseeing boat
sightseeing district
sightseeing ship
sightseeing spot
sightseeing tour
special interest tour
specific tour
Center China Electric Power Huanxin
Huandian Electric Guodian Huandian Electric
... 5.1
... 3.2. 6
o*o0oo00.o 5.8.2
++++++++++++++++++++++++++..Business Center
Center China Center Center National Center Center North Center
Center China Center ... 4.2.3
ec*+e 4.5. 1
star-rated apartment
star-rated cruise ship
star-rated hotel
tour group ....|| tt||tour guide
tourist automobile
tourist catering
tourist communications
tourist complaint
tourist lodging||tt| |tourist recreation .
GB/T 16766--1997bzxz.net
center中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中中over cultural kind++
tourist recreational spot of health and pleasure kindtourist shopping
travel agency ..
travel service *-
vacation tour
validation of service quality in tourismvisiting spot
....... 4.2. 1
China Electric Power
Electric Power
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