CB 1060.8-1987 Standard time quota for steel hull manufacturing - Carbon planing
Some standard content:
China State Shipbuilding Corporation Department Standard
Steel Hull Manufacturing Working Hour Quota
Carbon Planing
1987—08—24 Release
China State Shipbuilding Corporation
1988—01—01 Implementation
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Steel hull manufacturing work time quota
Batch chiseling and carbon planing
Classification number: U02
This standard is applicable to the batch chiseling and carbon planing work time quota in the steel hull manufacturing of different tonnages. The batch chiseling and carbon planing work time quota in the steel structure manufacturing of non-ship products can also be implemented as a reference. Carbon creation in this standard is based on CB/Z67-73 "Conditions for the use of carbon arc gouging". This standard work time quota includes: basic time, auxiliary time, work place layout time, rest and physiological needs time, preparation and end time.
1 Operation content
1.1 Before construction: Be familiar with the drawings and process requirements, and select appropriate tools, equipment and carbon rods according to the thickness, properties and construction process requirements of the steel plate. Before operation, all kinds of oil stains and residues on the steel plate should be removed. 1.2 During construction: Pay attention to the angle of batch chiseling and carbon planing, keep the speed uniform, and keep the center line of the joint seam at any time when planing the weld. When carbon planing or buckling the electric weld, if there are pores or other defects, they should be completely removed. 1.3 After construction: Remove iron slag, burrs, oxide scale and other weld cleaning work. After carbon and buckling, the weld must be polished and submitted for acceptance and meet the quality requirements.
2 Technical requirements
2.1 The batch edge should be guaranteed to be straight. When planing the groove, the width and depth of the entire length should be uniform and smooth, and the size should comply with the process regulations and meet the welding operation requirements.
2.2 When planing the deep groove of thick steel plates, segmented and multi-layer planing should be adopted. 2.3 When planing the welds or "horse feet" protruding from the plate surface, the steel plate should not be damaged. 2.4 When carbon planing thinner plates, they should also be planed in sections to prevent the workpiece from being deformed by air planing. "Horse feet" must be polished after being cut.
3 Various correction factors K
3.1 According to the safety system, K=2.00 for double supervision. 3.2 For shipyard operations, K=1.30.
For the inner keel height of the double bottom lower than 1.0m, K=1.60; for the height lower than 1.5m, K=1.20. 3.4 The working hours for seams and joints in this standard refer to the buckling groove or carbon planing of the butt-sealed bottom welds. For the main weld bevel angle joint bottom welds, K=1.20. 3.5 This standard is for the chiseling and carbon planing of low-carbon steel. Alloy steel chisel and carbon planer, K=1.40. 4 Usage
4.1 If the size of the part to be checked is not specified in the table, the interpolation method or analogy method can be used to calculate the working time quota. 4.2 If a workpiece needs to be corrected with multiple coefficients at the same time, its total correction coefficient K is the product of each correction coefficient K. 4.3 The angle of the batch inclination in this standard is based on 30° (single side). 4.4 Single-piece batching and planing less than 1m is calculated as 1m. 4.5 This standard is based on one person's operation time. If more people are added, the working hours will not increase. 4.6 This standard working time includes the correction of damaged steel chisels and necessary tool repairs. 4.7 In the mathematical model, some influencing factors (X) cannot be directly substituted by specific dimensions. They are replaced by serial numbers, sequence numbers and codes. For those replaced by serial numbers and sequence numbers, the corresponding serial numbers and sequence numbers can be directly found in the rows and columns of the table. When calculating, just substitute the corresponding numbers. For those replaced by codes, the code numbers are generally not shown in the table. Instead, they are numbered from top to bottom or from left to right. China State Shipbuilding Corporation 1987-08-24 Issued 1988-01-01 Implementation
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The numbering method, that is, use 1, 2, 3..., etc., when calculating, the corresponding number should be substituted. 5 Steel plate and joint batching, planing
5.1 Working hours are shown in Table 1
Operation position
5,2 Table 1 Instructions 0.510.570.640.720.800.880.970. .260.290.310.350.370.390.410.440.460.480.510. . 860.95/ 450.510.580.660.740.84/0.951. If the steel plate is rounded (with a fork chisel), the working hours of the button groove are checked, K=0.70; for planing the automatic welding groove, K=0.80; if there is a structural obstruction, K=1.30.
5.2.2 Thick and thin plate joints are checked and planed according to the thickness of thin plates. 5.2.3 Check manually according to this table; check by mathematical model in the vertical direction, horizontal and vertical, K=1.15; vertical direction, K=1.35. 5.2.4 Technical level: Level 2~4.
5.3 Mathematical model
-- Carbon planing working time for steel plate, h/m;
Where: t.
X—steel plate thickness 8, mm.
The working hours for the inclined, grooved and straightened steel plates, h/m; where: t2
X1-the thickness of the steel plate 8, mm;
X2-the codes for inclined, grooved and straightened steel plates are 1~3 respectively. 2
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Slipway joint carbon planer
Working hours quota see Table 2
Operation position
Table 2 Instructions
222426 390.420.440.470.500.530.550.580.610.650.680.300.320.350.380.400.430.460.490.520.550.580.610.650.680.710.750.340.360.390.420.450.480.520.550.580.620.650.680.720.76.0.790.83The groove is cut by gas cutting, and the joint needs to be corrected, K=0.50. The working hours in the table have included the slipway coefficient.
6.2.3 Technical level: 4~5 level.
Mathematical model
Wherein: t-
-Carbon planing time of slipway joint, h/m,
X1-—Plate thickness 8, mmz
-Operation position, serial number.
7 Steel plate batching, planing large bevel
7.1 See Figure 1 for the type
7.2 See Table 3 for the working hours
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7.3 Instructions for use of Table 3
7.3.1 The working hours in this table refer to the pitch direction. Horizontal and vertical working hours, K=1.20. 7.3.2 The width of the bevel (b) is generally four times the thickness difference of the steel plate. Difference
7.3.3 The planed bevel needs to be polished, K=1.70; the patch bevel needs to be polished, K= Technical level: 3~5.
7.4 Mathematical model
t=((.1692096*EXP(.3843835*X2))*EXP((4.642613E-02+2.462651E-02*X2)*X1))In the formula: t thick and thin steel plate patch, planing bevel working hours, h/m; X1-steel plate thickness difference 82, mm;
X2—name, serial number. bzxZ.net
8 Automatic welding panel
8.1 See Figure 2 for the type
See Table 4 for the labor quota
Platform panel
Platform panel
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8.3.1 The labor time in this table is calculated based on the actual weld length of automatic welding. 8.3.2 The labor time in this table includes the removal of panel feet, batching, planing and welding of crooked welds and pores, but does not include the cleaning of the joints. 8.3.3 For new welding processes such as yellow sand backing welding and carbon dioxide soft backing welding, K=1.50. 8.3.4 Technical level: Level 2~3.
8.4 Mathematical model
Management time for automatic welding and panel assembly, h/m;
Where: t
X1 Plate thickness 8, mm
X2—Name, serial number.
Manual welding joints
9.1 See Figure 3 for the type
See Table 5 for the labor quota
Manual platform joints
Manual frame joints
9.3 Instructions for use of Table 5
Manual hours are calculated based on the actual length of the manual weld. 9.3.1
9.3.2 The labor hours in this table include the removal of joint feet. It does not include the cleaning hours of the joints. 9.3.3 Technical level: Level 2~3.
9.4 Mathematical model
t=2.481945E-02+(1.969778E-03)X1+(1.791689E-07)*X1^2+(6.538434E-03)*X2+(4.890121E-04)%X1*X2Manual welding and panel assembly time, h/m;
Where: t
X1Plate thickness 8, mm
X2—name, serial number.
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10. Flat steel butt joint batching, planing
10.1 See Figure 4 for joint type
See Table 6 for labor time quota
10.3 Table 6 Instructions for use
Technical level: Level 2~3.
10.4 Mathematical model
t=((1/(3.477189+2.778095*EXP(-X2)))*EXP((X2/(168.0754*X2+10.95927))*X1))Where: t, one-batch number of flat steel butt joints 1 to 3, deduction time, h/10head; X1-flat steel width B, mm
X2 name, serial number.
t,=.3317746+(-5.908481E-03)*X+(1.511085E-04)*X^2+(-1.307317E-06)*X3+(5.355809E-09)*X^4+(-9.913822E-12)X^5+(6.814156E-15)*X^6In the formula; t2—carbon planing working hours of flat steel butt joint number 4, h/10 heads; x
flat steel width B, mm.
11 Butt joints of bulb flat steel are cut and planed
11.1 See Figure 5 for joint types
Standard information collector www.17bzW.cn Yiqi Standard Network provides free download of 100,000 standard books and information. Can type, build a website by yourself in 5 minutes www.17jzw.com Yiqi website building network provides free website building platform, commercial website is only 60 yuan per year 11.2 Man-hour quota is shown in Table 7
11.3 Instructions for use of Table 7
Technical level: Level 2~3.
11.4 Mathematical model
h/10 head
t=.1365896+(3.420065E-02)*X1+(2.429738E-04)X1^2+(-4.523908E-02)*X2+(1.818184E-02)%X2^2+(6.766267E-03)*X1*X2 In the formula: t:——Ball flat steel butt joint serial number 1~3 batches, deduction working hours, h/10 head; X1-Ball flat steel model;
X2 name, serial number.
t:=2.689349E-02+(7.426404E-02)%X+(-4.950094E-03)*XA2+(2.871319E-04)*X^3+(-5.162583E-06)*X^4In the formula: t2--—Carbon planing hours of bulb flat steel butt joint number 4, h/10 heads; X——bulb flat steel model.
Angle steel butt joints are cut and planed
Joint types are shown in Figure 6
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Management time quota is shown in Table 8
Cut the bevel
Cut the angle ruler
12.3. Instructions for use of Table 8
Technical level: 2~3 level.
12.4 Mathematical model
h/10 head
t;=((,2692192+(-.1497073)/X2)+(1/(350.1054+(-27.24899)*X2))*X1) In the formula: t
Angle steel butt joint serial number 1 to 3 batches, deduct working hours, h/10 head, X1—the sum of the two sides of the angle steel;
X2——name, serial number.
t2=3.094861E-03+(9.836122E-03)%X+(-8.958926E-05)*X^2+(4.405235E-07)*X^3+(-9.13156E-10)*X^4+(6.682493E-13)*X^5Carbon planing time for angle steel butt joint No. 4, h/10 heads; where: t.
the sum of the two sides of the angle steel.
13 Butt joints of T-shaped materials are cut and planed
13.1 See Figure 7 for joint types
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Table 9 Instructions for use
Technical level: Level 2~3. | |tt | 4×100
wide 16×150
h/10 heads
t;=-6.925082E-02+(1.8901 38E03)*X1+(2.030308E-06)*X1^212×600
+(.3444885)*X2+-6.624958E-02)*X2^2+(4.149416E-04)*X1*X2T-shaped fitting butt joint serial number 13 batch, deduction working hours, h/10 head; where: t,.
X1-—T-shaped fitting web height, mm;
X2---name, serial number.
t2=3.287257+(-6.960465E-02)*X+(6,573102E-04)X^2+(-2.911875E-06)*XA3+(6.648696E-09)*X^4+(-7.477114E-12)*X5+(3.27137E-15)*X^6In the formula: t2-T-piece joint number 4 carbon planing working hours, h/10 heads; X--T-piece web height, mm.
14 I-beam butt joint batching and planing
14.1 See Figure 8 for joint types
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See Table 10 for labor time quota
Table 10 Instructions for use
Technical level: Level 2~3.
Mathematical model
t;=(((-3,224627)+1,063133/X2)+(1.679708+(-,5350916)/X2)*LOG(X1))—I-beam butt joint serial number 1 to 3 batches, deduct working hours, h/10head; where: t-
X1-—I-beam model
X2—-name, serial number.
+(-1.358226E-04)*X^4+(1.731299E-06)*X^5+(-8.687356E-09)*X^6In the formula: t2——Carbon planing hours of I-beam butt joint number 4, h/10 head, X——I-beam model.
Channel butt joint batching and planing
Joint type see Figure 9
Standard information collector www.17bzW.cn Yiqi Standard Network provides free download of 100,000 standard books and information. Can type and build a website in 5 minutes quickly www.17jzw.com Yiqi website building network provides free website building platform, commercial website 1 year only 60 yuan925082E-02+(1.890138E03)*X1+(2.030308E-06)*X1^212×600
+(.3444885)*X2+-6.624958E-02)*X2^2+(4.149416E-04)*X1*X2T-shaped fitting butt joint serial number 13 batch, buckle working hours, h/10 head; where: t,.
X1-—T-shaped fitting web height, mm;
X2---name, serial number.
t2=3.287257+(-6.960465E-02)*X+(6,573102E-04)X^2+(-2.911875E-06)*XA3+(6.648696E-09)*X^4+(-7.477114E-12)*X5+(3.27137E-15)*X^6In the formula: t2-T-piece joint number 4 carbon planing working hours, h/10 heads; X--T-piece web height, mm.
14 I-beam butt joint batching and planing
14.1 See Figure 8 for joint types
Standard information collector wwW.17bzW.cn Yiqi Standard Network provides free download of 100,000 standard books and information. Can type, quickly build a website in 5 minutes www.17jzw.com Yiqi website building network provides free website building platform, commercial website 1 year only 60 yuan www.17bzw.cr
See Table 10 for labor time quota
Table 10 Instructions for use
Technical level: Level 2~3.
Mathematical model
t;=(((-3,224627)+1,063133/X2)+(1.679708+(-,5350916)/X2)*LOG(X1))—I-beam butt joint serial number 1 to 3 batches, deduct working hours, h/10head; where: t-
X1-—I-beam model
X2—-name, serial number.
+(-1.358226E-04)*X^4+(1.731299E-06)*X^5+(-8.687356E-09)*X^6In the formula: t2——Carbon planing hours of I-beam butt joint number 4, h/10 head, X——I-beam model.
Channel butt joint batching and planing
Joint type see Figure 9
Standard information collector www.17bzW.cn Yiqi Standard Network provides free download of 100,000 standard books and information. Can type and build a website in 5 minutes quickly www.17jzw.com Yiqi website building network provides free website building platform, commercial website 1 year only 60 yuan925082E-02+(1.890138E03)*X1+(2.030308E-06)*X1^212×600
+(.3444885)*X2+-6.624958E-02)*X2^2+(4.149416E-04)*X1*X2T-shaped fitting butt joint serial number 13 batch, buckle working hours, h/10 head; where: t,.
X1-—T-shaped fitting web height, mm;
X2---name, serial number.
t2=3.287257+(-6.960465E-02)*X+(6,573102E-04)X^2+(-2.911875E-06)*XA3+(6.648696E-09)*X^4+(-7.477114E-12)*X5+(3.27137E-15)*X^6In the formula: t2-T-piece joint number 4 carbon planing working hours, h/10 heads; X--T-piece web height, mm.
14 I-beam butt joint batching and planing
14.1 See Figure 8 for joint types
Standard information collector wwW.17bzW.cn Yiqi Standard Network provides free download of 100,000 standard books and information. Can type, quickly build a website in 5 minutes www.17jzw.com Yiqi website building network provides free website building platform, commercial website 1 year only 60 yuan www.17bzw.cr
See Table 10 for labor time quota
Table 10 Instructions for use
Technical level: Level 2~3.
Mathematical model
t;=(((-3,224627)+1,063133/X2)+(1.679708+(-,5350916)/X2)*LOG(X1))—I-beam butt joint serial number 1 to 3 batches, deduct working hours, h/10head; where: t-
X1-—I-beam model
X2—-name, serial number.
+(-1.358226E-04)*X^4+(1.731299E-06)*X^5+(-8.687356E-09)*X^6In the formula: t2——Carbon planing hours of I-beam butt joint number 4, h/10 head, X——I-beam model.
Channel butt joint batching and planing
Joint type see Figure 9
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