title>HG/T 20636.8-1998 Quality Assurance Procedure for Automation Engineering Design - HG/T 20636.8-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20636.8-1998 Quality Assurance Procedure for Automation Engineering Design

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20636.8-1998

Standard Name: Quality Assurance Procedure for Automation Engineering Design

Chinese Name: 自控专业工程设计质量保证程序

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-06-22

Date of Implementation:1999-01-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical Manufacturing>>Industrial Automation Systems>>25.040.40 Measurement and Control of Industrial Processes 71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Industrial Equipment Installation Engineering>>P94 Metal Equipment and Process Pipeline Installation Engineering

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Publication information

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HG/T 20636.8-1998 Quality Assurance Procedure for Automation Engineering Design HG/T20636.8-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Procedure of Quality Assurance for Engineering Design of InstrumentationHG/T20636.8—1998
Compiled by: China Chengda Chemical Engineering Company Approved by: State Administration of Petroleum and Chemical Industry Implementation date: January 1, 1999 Compiled by:
Yuan Jinjin
Ji Ronggao, Xie Changjie, Li Nenghai, Cai Dongzhu
1 General
1.0.1. This regulation is the quality assurance procedure to be followed by the automatic control specialty when implementing design control and compiling (drawing) engineering design documents during the engineering design stage. It is a guideline for the implementation of quality assurance work and a basic measure to ensure design quality.
1.0.2 This regulation applies to the work process of designers, checkers, auditors, professional heads, professional office directors or chief engineers, etc. in carrying out relevant quality activities in engineering design and fulfilling their respective quality responsibilities. This regulation also applies to quality assurance work in basic design/preliminary design. 1.0.3 The relevant standards are as follows:
"Tasks of Automatic Control Engineering Design"
"Summary of Automatic Control Engineering Design" "Composition and Preparation of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" "Deep Provisions of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" When implementing these regulations, they should also comply with the provisions of the relevant national standards in force. 87
2 Quality responsibilities of personnel at all levels
2.1 Quality responsibilities of design, verification and audit 2.1.1 The quality responsibilities of designers should include the following: Design (preparation) personnel shall be automatic control professionals, and shall carry out design work in accordance with the relevant basis for carrying out engineering design, strictly abide by the relevant design procedures, design standards and specifications, and be responsible for the quality of their design. 2.1.2 The quality responsibilities of the checkers shall include the following: The checkers shall be qualified engineers of the automatic control industry. 1
2 The checkers shall participate in the review of the design plan, check the engineering design documents in accordance with the provisions of the "Summary of the Review of the Design Documents of the Automatic Control Industry Engineering" (HG/T20636.9), do a good job in the design quality assessment, and be responsible for the quality of the check results.
The quality responsibilities of the auditors shall include the following: 2.1.3
The auditors shall be persons with senior professional titles and approved by the functional departments of the unit and qualified for auditing.
2 The auditors shall participate in the review of the design plan, check the engineering design documents in accordance with the provisions of the "Summary of the Review of the Design Documents of the Automatic Control Industry Engineering" (HG/T20636.9), do a good job in the design quality assessment, and be responsible for the quality of the audit results.
2.1.4 The division of responsibilities for design, verification and audit shall comply with the following provisions: For any engineering design document, one person shall not concurrently perform more than one type of design, verification and audit work.
2.2 Quality responsibilities of professional person in charge, professional office director or chief engineer The quality responsibilities of the professional person in charge shall include the following: 2.2.1
1 Review the design conditions accepted and proposed.
2 Responsible for the formulation of "Instrument Design Regulations".
3 Organize the formulation of design plans and implement key technical issues. 88
4 Implement the quality assurance procedures for engineering design documents. 5 Responsible for the design quality of this engineering project.
2.2.2 The quality responsibilities of the professional office director or chief engineer shall include the following: The office director is responsible for arranging qualified personnel whose professional qualities meet the requirements of the engineering project to perform professional responsibility, design, verification and audit work.
2 Participate in the formulation and review of design plans for large-scale engineering projects, and be responsible for the implementation of major technical issues (including interlocking and safety parking systems).
3 Responsible for organizing the intermediate inspection of the design quality of the engineering project and supervising the implementation of the design quality assurance procedure. 4 Perform the audit work of the engineering project as needed. Do a good job in the design quality assessment.
3 Quality assurance of design control
3.1 Design control scope
3.1.1 The design control scope includes design technical interface, design review, design verification and design change. Controlling these links is the main quality assurance work in the design process. 3.2 Design technical interface
3.2.1 The design technical interface is divided into two aspects: the design conditions accepted by this profession and the design conditions submitted. 3.2.2 The acceptance conditions should comply with the following provisions
1 The professional person in charge should urge the professional or department that provides the conditions to obtain documents and data according to the design master schedule and network diagram, distribute them to relevant personnel, and establish engineering files in accordance with the provisions of "Control Procedures for Various Design Documents of Automatic Control Professional Engineering" (HG/T20636.10) for management and reference. 2 All conditions accepted by the professional person in charge must be conditions that have been reviewed and signed by the review personnel of the professional or department that proposed the conditions.
3 The designers and professional persons in charge shall review the design conditions item by item. For example, whether the design interface conditions are complete and whether the depth meets the design requirements. If the conditions do not meet the requirements of the relevant regulations, the professional person in charge shall fill in the review opinions, return to the original professional that proposed the conditions to supplement and modify them into a new version and resubmit them, and report to the design manager if necessary. 4 The professional person in charge shall pay attention to checking the version of the accepted conditions to ensure that the conditions accepted by the relevant personnel are the latest version of the conditions.
3.2.3 The submitted conditions shall comply with the following provisions: 1 The conditions proposed by the professional person in charge must be conditions that have been reviewed, reviewed and signed according to the design quality assurance procedures;
2 The documents submitted by the automatic control major to the external major shall be checked and reviewed. The reviewer shall be responsible for the correctness and rationality of the proposed conditions;
3 All proposed conditions shall be managed by the professional person in charge (or a designated person). The original manuscript of the proposed conditions, as well as a copy of the proposed conditions and the document delivery sheet shall be kept well. 90
3.3 Design Review
3.3.1 Design review is a formal and systematic review of the design results of a certain stage to identify and predict problems and deficiencies, and to propose and take improvement measures. Design review should include the review of automatic control design plan, basic design/preliminary design, and engineering design.
3.3.2 The design plan should be reviewed by the director of the department or the chief engineer, and the reliability, rationality, advancement, economy and whether it can meet the contract requirements should be reviewed. For major technical plans such as the adoption or development of new technologies and new equipment, the design manager and the technical department in charge shall organize relevant personnel to conduct demonstration and review when necessary, and shall make minutes based on the review results. The minutes shall be signed by the review participants. The relevant designers shall supplement or modify the plan based on the minutes.
3.3.3 When the basic design/preliminary design documents are completed, the director of the department or the chief engineer shall organize the review of the finished design. It is mainly to conduct a comprehensive review on whether the design meets the contract and regulatory requirements. After the review, a minutes shall be made and issued by the chief reviewer. The designer shall make corrections and supplements according to the minutes, and re-complete the review and sign. 3.3.4 When the engineering design is completed, after the design documents are reviewed and signed, the director of the department or the chief engineer shall conduct an evaluation before entering the warehouse, and then the relevant departments (design manager, technical department, planning management department, archives and information room, etc. shall conduct the review by signing) shall process the warehouse and send it after the review is qualified. The engineering design review shall review whether the engineering design meets the requirements of the design input, the design depth, the integrity of the design documents, the standards and specifications, and whether the design document identification complies with the regulations. 3.4 Design Verification
3.4.1 Design verification shall be implemented through step-by-step verification and review to ensure that the design output meets the requirements of the design input. Design verification shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures of this regulation. 3.4.2 Verification work such as verification and review must be carried out after the designer completes the unit/stage design documents. 3.4.3 Design verification can be carried out through the following activities. 1 Compare with the design that has been accepted or confirmed by the start-up. 2 Confirm the design with experimental results.
3 Change the method for calculation or accounting when necessary. 4 Review the design documents before release. 91
3.4.4 During verification and review, in addition to making verification marks on the documents, the design document verification records should also be filled in. Before the design documents are put into the warehouse, the verification records must be checked and signed by the quality assurance department before they are put into the warehouse. The verification records shall be coded, marked, filed and stored by the department.
3.5 Design changes
3.5.1 Design changes are design modifications that must be made after the finished design has been output due to improper design, design improvements, changes in equipment supply, changes in laws and regulations, changes in design interface conditions, etc. The designer completes the changes and makes corresponding marks in the documents according to the provisions of the drawing modification. After review, the revised version is issued.
3.5.2 On-site design changes should comply with the following provisions: 1 When the authorized automatic control professional representative finds that the design needs to be changed on site, he/she shall notify the owner or subcontractor of the modification in the form of a "design change notice":
2 For questions raised by the subcontractor (such as installation difficulties, requirements for substitute materials, etc.), it should first be determined whether the problem really exists. When the authorized person confirms that the change is possible, it is a design problem and shall be implemented in accordance with the previous paragraph. Subcontractor issues should be raised by the subcontractor. The technical change approval form shall be confirmed by the site manager and the professional site representative. If necessary, it shall be implemented after approval by the owner.
3 "Design change notice" shall be raised by the professional manager or the authorized site representative, and shall be approved and issued by the design manager or the site general representative after verification;
4 Major issues in the "design change notice" shall be compiled by the site representative and returned to the design department for analysis, and the director of the department or the chief engineer shall report the analysis conclusion to the company's quality assurance department. 3.5.3 The design changes required by the owner shall be proposed by the owner in the form of documents, and after confirmation by the project manager/design manager, they shall be changed according to the design procedure. A supplementary contract or modified contract shall be signed when necessary. 92
Quality assurance procedures for design documents
4.1 Quality assurance of design documents
4.1. 1The quality assurance of design documents is achieved through procedural operations of major links such as acceptance (submission) of design conditions, preparation (drawing) of design documents, and review of finished designs. Compliance with the procedural steps in carrying out design work is a basic requirement for ensuring design quality.
4.2 Arrangements for review of design documents
4.2.1 Various design documents have different requirements for verification and review. Various design documents should be verified; design documents involving control plans, production safety, investment costs, and the use of advanced technologies and equipment need to be reviewed. The arrangements for verification and review of design documents are shown in Table 4.2.1. 4.3 Quality Assurance Procedure Table for Design Documents
4.3.1 The quality assurance procedures for each type of design document are represented by a quality assurance procedure table, but the quality assurance procedures for some documents with the same content are also the same, so they are combined in one quality assurance procedure table. On. The catalog of the engineering design document quality assurance procedure table is shown in Table 4.3.1. 4.3.2 This procedure table mainly reflects the procedural steps for carrying out quality assurance work in design documents, and does not include the specific practices and requirements for each step. Its specific practices and requirements should comply with the "Tasks of Automatic Control Engineering Design" (HG/T20636.6), "Regulations on the Depth of Content of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" (HG/T20638), "Summary of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" (HG/T20636.9) and other regulations. The engineering design document quality assurance procedure table is shown in Tables 4.3.2-1~41. Www.bzxZ.net
Table 4.2.1 Automatic Control Engineering Design Document Verification and Audit Arrangement Table File Code
1. Text files
2. Table files
INST.200B|| tt||INST.200C
III. Drawings
File name
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical specifications
Instrument construction and installation requirements
Design file directory
(Design file) Home
(Design file) Index
Instrument index
Instrument data table
Alarm interlock setting value table
Cable table
Pipe and cable table
Nameplate table
Instrument insulation and heating table
Instrument air distributor table
Instrument installation material table
Control room cable table
Cable distribution panel table
Instrument purchase order
Automatic control design condition table
Interlock system logic diagram
Sequential control system Sequence diagram
Relay interlocking schematic diagram
Instrument circuit diagram
Control room layout
Instrument panel layout
Flash alarm light screen layout
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout
Verification and audit
Only audit important instrument parts
Audit according to content
Only audit part of the content
Audit part of the documents
File code
Terminal wiring diagram
Continued Table 4.2.1
File name
Semi-simulation panel wiring diagram
Instrument power supply system diagram
Power supply box wiring diagram
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room cable (pipe cable) layout
Instrument location diagram
Instrument cable bridge General layout of rack
Instrument cable and bridge layout
On-site instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
.Instrument installation diagram
IV. DCS engineering design documents (including configuration files)INST.401
DCS technical specifications
DCS—1/0 table
DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout
DCS configuration file
Review some documents
Review only some contents
Complete as needed
Engineering design document quality assuranceProgram table directoryProgram table name
Process control diagram (PCD)|| tt||Pipeline instrument flow chart (P&ID)
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical specifications
Instrument construction and installation requirements
DCS technical specifications
Instrument index
Instrument data table
Alarm interlock setting value table
Cable table, pipe and cable table, cable table in control room nameplate table
Instrument insulation and heating table
Instrument air distributor table
Instrument installation material table, cable distribution table
Instrument purchase order
Automatic control design condition table
Interlock system logic diagram
Sequential control system timing diagram
Relay interlock principle diagram
Instrument loop diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout Figure
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout
Terminal wiring diagram, flat panel wiring diagram, power supply box wiring diagramInstrument power supply system diagram
Program table name
Instrument through-panel connector diagram
Control room cable (pipe cable) layout diagram
Instrument location diagram
Instrument cable tray layout general diagram
Instrument cable and tray layout diagram
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
Instrument installation diagram
DCS—I/O table, DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout diagram
Design file directory
(Design file) homepage, (Design file) indexDCS configuration file3 The design changes required by the owner shall be proposed by the owner in the form of documents, and after confirmation by the project manager/design manager, they shall be changed according to the design procedures. A supplementary contract or modified contract shall be signed when necessary. 92
Quality assurance procedures for design documents
4.1 Quality assurance of design documents
4.1.1 The quality assurance of design documents is achieved through procedural operations of the main links such as acceptance (submission) of design conditions, preparation (drawing) of design documents, and review of finished design products. Carrying out design work in accordance with the procedures is a basic requirement to ensure design quality.
4.2 Arrangements for review of design documents
4.2.1 The requirements for review and audit of various design documents are different. Various design documents shall be reviewed; design documents involving control schemes, production safety, investment costs, and the use of advanced technologies and equipment shall be reviewed. The arrangement of design document verification and examination is shown in Table 4.2.1. 4.3 Design document quality assurance procedure table
4.3.1 The quality assurance procedure of each design document is represented by a quality assurance procedure table, but the quality assurance procedures of some documents with the same content are also the same, so they are combined in one quality assurance procedure table. The directory of the engineering design document quality assurance procedure table is shown in Table 4.3.1. 4.3.2 This procedure table mainly reflects the procedural steps of the design document quality assurance work, but does not include the specific practices and requirements of each step. Its specific practices and requirements should comply with the "Tasks of Automatic Control Engineering Design" (HG/T20636.6), "Deep Content Regulations of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" (HG/T20638), "Summary of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" (HG/T20636.9) and other regulations. The engineering design document quality assurance procedure table is shown in Tables 4.3.2-1~41.
Table 4.2.1 Check and review schedule for design documents of automatic control engineering File code
1. Text files
2. Table files
3. Drawing files
File name
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical manual
Instrument construction and installation requirements
Design file directory
(Design file) Home page
(Design Document) Index
Instrument Index
Instrument Data Table
Alarm Interlock Setting Value Table
Cable Table
Pipe and Cable Table
Nameplate Table
Instrument Insulation and Heating Table
Instrument Air Distributor Table
Instrument Installation Material Table
Control Room Cable Table
Cable Distribution Panel Table
Instrument Purchase Order
Automatic Control Design Condition Table
Interlocking System Logic Diagram
Sequential Control System Timing Diagram| |tt||Relay interlocking schematic
Instrument circuit diagram
Control room layout
Instrument panel layout
Flash alarm light screen layout
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout
Verification and audit
Only audit important instrument parts
Audit according to content
Only audit part of the content
Audit part of the documents
Document code
Terminal wiring diagram
Continued Table 4.2.1
Document Part name
Semi-analog panel wiring diagram
Instrument power supply system diagram
Power supply box wiring diagram
Instrument through-panel connector diagram
Control room cable (pipe cable) layout diagram
Instrument location diagram
Instrument cable tray layout diagram
Instrument cable and tray layout diagram
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
.Instrument installation diagram
IV. DCS engineering design documents (including configuration files) IN ST.401
DCS technical specification
DCS—1/0 table
DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout diagram
DCS configuration file
Review some files
Review only some contents
Complete as needed
Engineering design file quality assurance program table directory program table name
Process control diagram (PCD)||tt ||Pipeline instrument flow chart (P&ID)
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical specifications
Instrument construction and installation requirements
DCS technical specifications
Instrument index
Instrument data table
Alarm interlock setting value table
Cable table, pipe and cable table, cable table in control room nameplate table
Instrument insulation and heating table
Instrument air distributor table
Instrument installation material table, cable distribution table
Instrument purchase order
Automatic control equipment Condition table
Interlocking system logic diagram
Sequential control system timing diagram
Relay interlocking principle diagram
Instrument loop diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout diagram
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout diagram
Terminal wiring diagram, flat panel wiring diagram, power supply box wiring diagram Instrument power supply system diagram
Program table name
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room cable (tube cable ) layout drawing
Instrument location and diagram
Instrument cable tray layout drawing
Instrument cable and tray layout drawing
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
Instrument installation diagram
DCS—I/O table, DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout drawing
Design file directory
(Design file) home page, (Design file) indexDCS configuration file3 The design changes required by the owner shall be proposed by the owner in the form of documents, and after confirmation by the project manager/design manager, they shall be changed according to the design procedures. A supplementary contract or modified contract shall be signed when necessary. 92
Quality assurance procedures for design documents
4.1 Quality assurance of design documents
4.1.1 The quality assurance of design documents is achieved through procedural operations of the main links such as acceptance (submission) of design conditions, preparation (drawing) of design documents, and review of finished design products. Carrying out design work in accordance with the procedures is a basic requirement to ensure design quality.
4.2 Arrangements for review of design documents
4.2.1 The requirements for review and audit of various design documents are different. Various design documents shall be reviewed; design documents involving control schemes, production safety, investment costs, and the use of advanced technologies and equipment shall be reviewed. The arrangement of design document verification and examination is shown in Table 4.2.1. 4.3 Design document quality assurance procedure table
4.3.1 The quality assurance procedure of each design document is represented by a quality assurance procedure table, but the quality assurance procedures of some documents with the same content are also the same, so they are combined in one quality assurance procedure table. The directory of the engineering design document quality assurance procedure table is shown in Table 4.3.1. 4.3.2 This procedure table mainly reflects the procedural steps of the design document quality assurance work, but does not include the specific practices and requirements of each step. Its specific practices and requirements should comply with the "Tasks of Automatic Control Engineering Design" (HG/T20636.6), "Regulations on the Depth of Content of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" (HG/T20638), "Summary of Automatic Control Engineering Design Documents" (HG/T20636.9) and other regulations. The engineering design document quality assurance procedure table is shown in Tables 4.3.2-1~41.
Table 4.2.1 Check and review schedule for design documents of automatic control engineering File code
1. Text files
2. Table files
3. Drawing files
File name
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical manual
Instrument construction and installation requirements
Design file directory
(Design file) Home page
(Design Document) Index
Instrument Index
Instrument Data Table
Alarm Interlock Setting Value Table
Cable Table
Pipe and Cable Table
Nameplate Table
Instrument Insulation and Heating Table
Instrument Air Distributor Table
Instrument Installation Material Table
Control Room Cable Table
Cable Distribution Panel Table
Instrument Purchase Order
Automatic Control Design Condition Table
Interlocking System Logic Diagram
Sequential Control System Timing Diagram| |tt||Relay interlocking schematic
Instrument circuit diagram
Control room layout
Instrument panel layout
Flash alarm light screen layout
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout
Verification and audit
Only audit important instrument parts
Audit according to content
Only audit part of the content
Audit part of the documents
Document code
Terminal wiring diagram
Continued Table 4.2.1
Document Part name
Semi-analog panel wiring diagram
Instrument power supply system diagram
Power supply box wiring diagram
Instrument through-panel connector diagram
Control room cable (pipe cable) layout diagram
Instrument location diagram
Instrument cable tray layout diagram
Instrument cable and tray layout diagram
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
.Instrument installation diagram
IV. DCS engineering design documents (including configuration files) IN ST.401
DCS technical specification
DCS—1/0 table
DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout diagram
DCS configuration file
Review some files
Review only some contents
Complete as needed
Engineering design file quality assurance program table directory program table name
Process control diagram (PCD)||tt ||Pipeline instrument flow chart (P&ID)
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical specifications
Instrument construction and installation requirements
DCS technical specifications
Instrument index
Instrument data table
Alarm interlock setting value table
Cable table, pipe and cable table, cable table in control room nameplate table
Instrument insulation and heating table
Instrument air distributor table
Instrument installation material table, cable distribution table
Instrument purchase order
Automatic control equipment Condition table
Interlocking system logic diagram
Sequential control system timing diagram
Relay interlocking principle diagram
Instrument loop diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout diagram
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout diagram
Terminal wiring diagram, flat panel wiring diagram, power supply box wiring diagram Instrument power supply system diagram
Program table name
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room cable (tube cable ) layout drawing
Instrument location and diagram
Instrument cable tray layout drawing
Instrument cable and tray layout drawing
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
Instrument installation diagram
DCS—I/O table, DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout drawing
Design file directory
(Design file) home page, (Design file) indexDCS configuration file200C
3. Drawings
File name
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical specifications
Instrument construction and installation requirements
Design file directory
(Design file) Home
(Design file) Index
Instrument index
Instrument data table
Alarm interlock setting value table
Cable table
Pipe and cable table
Nameplate table
Instrument insulation and heating Table
Instrument air distributor table
Instrument installation material table
Control room cable table
Cable distribution panel table
Instrument purchase order
Automatic control design condition table
Interlocking system logic diagram
Sequential control system timing diagram
Relay interlocking principle diagram
Instrument loop diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout diagram
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout
Verification and audit
Only audit important instrument parts
Audit according to content
Only audit part of the content
Audit some documents
File code
Terminal wiring diagram
Continued table 4.2.1
File name
Semi-analog panel wiring diagram
Instrument power supply system diagram
Power supply box wiring diagram
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room Cable (tube) layout drawing
Instrument location drawing
Instrument cable tray layout drawing
Instrument cable and tray layout drawing
On-site instrument wiring drawing
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
.Instrument installation drawing
IV. DCS engineering design documents (including configuration files)INST.401
DCS technical specifications
DCS—1/ 0 table
DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout diagram
DCS configuration file
Review some documents
Review only some contents
Complete as needed
Engineering design document quality assurance program table directory program table name
Process control diagram (PCD)
Pipeline instrument flow diagram (P&ID)
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technology Instruction Manual
Instrument Construction and Installation Requirements
DCS Technical Specifications
Instrument Index
Instrument Data Sheet
Alarm Interlock Setting Value Sheet
Cable Sheet, Pipe and Cable Sheet, Cable Sheet in Control Room Nameplate Sheet
Instrument Insulation and Heating Sheet
Instrument Air Distributor Sheet
Instrument Installation Material Sheet, Cable Distribution Sheet
Instrument Purchase Requisition
Automatic Control Design Condition Sheet
Interlocking System Logic Diagram
Sequence Control system timing diagram
Relay interlocking principle diagram
Instrument circuit diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout diagram
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout diagram
Terminal wiring diagram, flat panel wiring diagram, power supply box wiring diagramInstrument power supply system diagram
Program table name
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room cable (pipe cable) layout diagram
Instrument position Attached diagram
General layout of instrument cable tray
Layout of instrument cable and tray
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram) Instrument grounding system diagram
Instrument installation diagram
DCS—I/O table, DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout
Design file directory
(Design file) homepage, (design file) index DCS configuration file200C
3. Drawings
File name
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technical specifications
Instrument construction and installation requirements
Design file directory
(Design file) Home
(Design file) Index
Instrument index
Instrument data table
Alarm interlock setting value table
Cable table
Pipe and cable table
Nameplate table
Instrument insulation and heating Table
Instrument air distributor table
Instrument installation material table
Control room cable table
Cable distribution panel table
Instrument purchase order
Automatic control design condition table
Interlocking system logic diagram
Sequential control system timing diagram
Relay interlocking principle diagram
Instrument loop diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout diagram
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout
Verification and audit
Only audit important instrument parts
Audit according to content
Only audit part of the content
Audit some documents
File code
Terminal wiring diagram
Continued table 4.2.1
File name
Semi-analog panel wiring diagram
Instrument power supply system diagram
Power supply box wiring diagram
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room Cable (tube) layout drawing
Instrument location drawing
Instrument cable tray layout drawing
Instrument cable and tray layout drawing
On-site instrument wiring drawing
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram)Instrument grounding system diagram
.Instrument installation drawing
IV. DCS engineering design documents (including configuration files)INST.401
DCS technical specifications
DCS—1/ 0 table
DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout diagram
DCS configuration file
Review some documents
Review only some contents
Complete as needed
Engineering design document quality assurance program table directory program table name
Process control diagram (PCD)
Pipeline instrument flow diagram (P&ID)
Instrument design regulations
Instrument technology Instruction Manual
Instrument Construction and Installation Requirements
DCS Technical Specifications
Instrument Index
Instrument Data Sheet
Alarm Interlock Setting Value Sheet
Cable Sheet, Pipe and Cable Sheet, Cable Sheet in Control Room Nameplate Sheet
Instrument Insulation and Heating Sheet
Instrument Air Distributor Sheet
Instrument Installation Material Sheet, Cable Distribution Sheet
Instrument Purchase Requisition
Automatic Control Design Condition Sheet
Interlocking System Logic Diagram
Sequence Control system timing diagram
Relay interlocking principle diagram
Instrument circuit diagram
Control room layout diagram
Instrument panel layout diagram
Flash alarm light screen layout diagram
Semi-simulation flow chart
Relay box layout diagram
Terminal wiring diagram, flat panel wiring diagram, power supply box wiring diagramInstrument power supply system diagram
Program table name
Instrument through-board connector diagram
Control room cable (pipe cable) layout diagram
Instrument position Attached diagram
General layout of instrument cable tray
Layout of instrument cable and tray
Field instrument wiring diagram
Instrument air duct plan (system diagram) Instrument grounding system diagram
Instrument installation diagram
DCS—I/O table, DCS monitoring data table
DCS system configuration diagram
Terminal cabinet (safety barrier cabinet) layout
Design file directory
(Design file) homepage, (Design file) index DCS configuration file
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.