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JB/T 7675-1995 Reciprocating vacuum pump

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 7675-1995

Standard Name: Reciprocating vacuum pump

Chinese Name: 往复真空泵

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)


Date of Implementation:2001-10-01

Date of Expiration:2005-11-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Machinery and Equipment>>J78 Vacuum Technology and Equipment

associated standards

alternative situation:ZB J78014.1-1989 ZB J78014.2-1989 ZB J78014.3-1989; replaced by JB/T 7675-2005

Publication information

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JB/T 7675-1995 Reciprocating Vacuum Pump JB/T7675-1995 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Reciprocating Vacuum Pump
Published on June 16, 1995
Ministry of Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China
Implementation on July 1, 1996
Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Reciprocating Vacuum Pump
Subject Content and Scope of Application
JB/T 767595
Generation ZBJ78014.1~,3-89
This standard specifies the type and basic parameters, technical requirements, test methods, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of single-stage reciprocating vacuum pumps. This standard applies to single-stage reciprocating vacuum pumps (hereinafter referred to as "reciprocating vacuum pumps") that are used to extract gases that do not contain particles and are basically non-corrosive. 2
Reference standards
Packaging storage and transportation pictorial signs
Vacuum flange
Vacuum equipment model compilation method
Type and basic parameters
The basic type of the series is a single-stage vertical or horizontal reciprocating vacuum pump. The model representation method should comply with the provisions of JB/T7673. Table 1W series (fixed valve type)
Pumping rate
The basic parameters of the pump should comply with the provisions of Table 1 and Table 2. The inlet and outlet flanges should comply with the provisions of GB6070. Ultimate pressure kPa
Equipped motor power
Table 2WY series (mobile reading type)
Gas drag rate
Approved by the Ministry of Machinery Industry on 1995-06-16
Ultimate pressure
kwInner diameter of inlet and outlet flanges
Equipped motor power
kwInner diameter of inlet and outlet flanges
Implemented on 1996-07-01
4 Technical requirements
4.1 The pump shall comply with the requirements of this standard and be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 4.2 The pump is not suitable for pumping oxidizing, explosive, corrosive to the pump, chemically reactive with oil, and containing particles and dust. 4.3 The difference between the actual speed of the pump and the design speed shall not exceed ±3%. 4.4 The pumping efficiency (the ratio of the measured maximum pumping rate to the geometric pumping rate) of the pump shall not be less than 70% for pumps less than or equal to 150L/s, and not less than 80% for pumps greater than 150L/s. 4.5 The power consumption shall not be greater than the power of the motors in Table 1 and Table 2. 4.6 The average trouble-free working time of the pump shall not be less than 2500h for pumps with a pumping rate less than or equal to 150L/s; and shall not be less than 2000h for pumps with a pumping rate greater than 150L/s
4.7 The temperature rise shall not be higher than 40℃.
4.8 The pump shall not leak oil.
The outer surface of the pump shall be painted, smooth, and uniform in color, and the chain layer and blackened surface shall not be free of shedding and scratches. 4.9
4.10 The pump must be accompanied by necessary spare parts and special tools when it leaves the factory. 4.11 If the user complies with the transportation, custody, storage, installation, use and maintenance of the system, the manufacturer shall repair or replace the system free of charge within one year from the date of shipment from the manufacturer if the system is damaged or fails to work properly due to poor manufacturing quality. 5 Test methods and inspection rules
5.1 Test methods
5.1.1 Measurement conditions The ambient temperature during measurement shall be 20±5℃, the temperature fluctuation during measurement shall not exceed 1℃, and the relative humidity shall not exceed 75%. The test gas shall be dry air at room temperature. 5.1.2 Measuring device
The measuring device is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Measuring device
1-Nozzle: 2-Differential pressure gauge (H): 3-Mercury thermometer (T,); 4-Test system: 5-Adjustment valve (fine adjustment); 6-Regulating valve 7-Gas storage tank: 8-Drain valve + 9-Safety valve: 16-Mercury thermometer (T.): 11-Mercury pressure gauge (pe), 12-Cylinder Test device
Diameter of test cover d>4D (D is the inner diameter of the nozzle): Length L≥10d2
Minimum size:
JB/T 767595 The volume of the gas storage tank shall not be less than 20 times the volume of the cavity. Instruments Nozzles, thermometers, tachometers, and barometers shall be calibrated by the metrology department and within the validity period. Flow nozzles shall be manufactured in accordance with Appendix A (supplements). The accuracy of a single-tube mercury pressure gauge or a U-shaped mercury pressure gauge is ±5%; the accuracy of a thermometer shall not be less than 0.5°C: the accuracy of a power meter shall not be less than 0.5 grade, and the accuracy of a barometer shall not be less than ±1.0 hPa. 5.1.3 Measurement of the ultimate pressure of the pump
The pump is connected to the measuring device shown in Figure 1, the air inlet nozzle is closed, and after 2 hours of operation, the lowest stable pressure measured by the pressure gauge is the ultimate pressure. If the pressure is unstable, the pump may continue to operate, but not for more than 8 hours, and the pressure shall be recorded every 15 minutes. When the pressure does not change after three consecutive measurements, the pressure is the ultimate pressure, and the measured ultimate pressure is expressed in two significant digits. 5.1.4 Measurement of Pumping Rate Principle
The pumping rate of the pump is measured by the "constant pressure method". That is, the pressure in the test hood remains unchanged during the flow measurement. Measurement Steps
First, assemble the test hood, various measuring instruments, pump, flow nozzle, etc. onto the measuring device, as shown in Figure 1. Start the vacuum pump, and after it runs normally and reaches the limit pressure, start measuring the pumping rate. The pressures at each point for measuring the pumping rate are: a.
The time interval for measuring the pressure at each point is not less than 10 minutes, and the data should be read after the pressure stabilizes. According to the measured data at each point, the pumping rate at each point is calculated according to formula (1) to formula (3), and the relationship curve between the suction pressure and the pumping rate is plotted. S1.8809×10°CDT
S.-1.8809 X10-*CD-T
Wherein: S.
The air ejection rate of a vacuum pump under suction pressure conditions, L/s: Nozzle coefficient:
Nozzle diameter, mm;
Thermodynamic temperature of the suction gas, K:
The pressure of the suction gas, Pa;
The pressure difference before and after the nozzle, Pa;
The pressure of the gas in the duct, Pa;
Atmospheric pressure during measurement, Pa;
Thermodynamic temperature of the gas before the nozzle, K. 5.1.5 Measurement of power consumption
JB/T 767595 Use a power meter to measure the motor input power at each pressure point when the pump is in normal operation, and then use formula (4) to calculate the motor output power, which is the power consumption of the pump.
Where: Nm*
--the power consumption of the pump, kW;
N---the input power of the motor, kW;
--the efficiency of the motor, %. The power consumption of the pump can be measured simultaneously with the pumping rate measurement. 5.1.6 Measurement of pump temperature rise
Measure the bearing temperature on the bearing shell. The difference between the stable temperature measured at the maximum power consumption and the ambient temperature is the temperature rise. 5.2 Inspection rules
5.2.1 Each pump must be inspected and can only be shipped after passing the inspection. 5.2.2 The inspection of the pump is divided into factory inspection and type inspection. Factory inspection, the inspection items are: a, limit pressure:
b. Pump temperature rise.、Type inspection inspection shall be conducted in any of the following cases: 4,
When trial-producing new products;
When there are major changes in the design, process or materials of the pump that may affect the performance of the ticket: during mass production. Items for type inspection:
Ultimate pressure;
Vacuuming rate;
Power consumption;
Temperature rise. type inspection, 5% of each batch shall be sampled, but not less than 2 units; if unqualified, double sampling shall be conducted, and if unqualified again, the batch of products shall be inspected one by one.
6Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1A product label shall be nailed on each pump in a conspicuous position, and its size shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13306. It is stated on it: a.
Pump model and name:
Manufacturer name:
Pump technical parameters: ultimate pressure (Pa), pumping rate (L/s), speed (r/min), motor power (kW): d
Series number and manufacturing date.
6.2 Each unit should be coated with anti-rust oil before being sent to the user to ensure that it will not rust for 6 months from the date of shipment: a cover plate should be installed at the air inlet to protect the cylinder.
6.3 Spare parts, tools and accessories of the pump should be packaged after being coated with anti-rust oil and fixed in the box to avoid damage and moisture during transportation and storage.
6.4 If the pump cannot be transported in a complete package due to its size and weight, it is allowed to be packaged and sent in the form of individual components: large parts can be sent without packaging under the condition that they can be guaranteed not to be damaged during transportation. 6.5 The packaging of the ticket shall comply with the provisions of GB191. The following clear words and marks shall be on the outside of the packaging box: a. Manufacturer name, pump name, model and number; b. Name and address of the consignee;
Packing size and weight·Total × boxes. and words such as "handle with care" and "not allowed to be placed as usual". Large pumps shall be marked with "lifting position\; the markings on the packaging box shall not be blurred due to heavy rain or long time. d.
6.6 The pump shall be accompanied by the following documents when leaving the factory:
Packing list;
Product certificate:
Product instruction manual.
6.7 The pump and its spare parts and accessories should be stored in a dry and covered place. 5
Appendix A
A1 Nozzle size is in accordance with the provisions of Figure A1, Table A1, Figure A2 and Table A2. 1.2
Minimum measurable suction rate, L/s
Maximum measurable suction rate, L/s
Standard nozzle
JB/T 767595
Figure A2Standard nozzle
98.3050, 80135.wwW.bzxz.Net
Nozzle coefficient, according to Figure A3, from Table A3, 14710.0
Gas selectivity before the night barrier,
Nozzle sustainability curve
Minimum measurable
Gas velocity, L/s
Maximum measurable
Gas velocity, L/s
Additional notes:
Nozzle coefficient
This standard is proposed by the National Vacuum Technology Standardization Technical Committee. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Shenyang Vacuum Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. 965
This standard was drafted by the Shenyang Vacuum Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Yu Fanying and Li Yuying. This standard was first issued in 1981.
This standard was first revised in 1989
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