JB/T 8905.3-1999 JB/T 8905.3-1999 Vertical reducer for crane JB/T8905.3-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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JB/T8905.3 This standard is part of the series of standards for reducers for cranes, which include: JB/T 8905.1 1999 JB/T 8905.2---1999 JB/T 8905. .-- 1999 JB3/T 8905. 4 ---.1999 Three-point reducer for crane Base reducer for crane Lifting reducer for crane Set reducer for crane Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard This standard is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Hoisting Machinery. The drafting unit of this standard: Beijing Hoisting and Conveying Machinery Research Institute of the Ministry of Machinery Industry. The main drafters of this standard: Li Peng, Zhao Guangde 1 Scope Mechanical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Vertical gear reducers for cranes JB/T 8905.3-1 This standard specifies the types, basic parameters, dimensions and technical requirements of vertical helical cylindrical gear reducers (QJ-I. type) (hereinafter referred to as reducers) for cranes. The reducers specified in this standard are mainly suitable for the operating mechanism of cranes, and can also be used for the transmission mechanism of mechanical equipment such as transportation, metallurgy, mining, chemical industry and light industry. The working conditions should meet the following requirements: a) The circumferential speed of the gear is not more than 16m/s; b) The speed of the high-speed shaft is not more than 1500r/min; c) The working environment temperature is 40 (~+45C); d) It can run in both forward and reverse directions. 2 Referenced Standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. The versions shown are valid when this standard is published. All standards will be revised. All parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB 191---1990 Pictographic marking for packaging, storage and transportation GB3/T 1031---1995 GP/T 1095 -- 1979 GB/T 1184 1996 GB/T 1356--1988 GB/T 1357.--1987 GB/T 1801 1979 GB/T 3811 ---1983 GB/T 5903--- 1995 G13/T 6404 -- 1986 G3/T 9439--- 1988 GB/T 10095--1988 GB/T 13306--1991 Surface roughness parameters and their values Flat keySectional dimensions of keys and keyways Shape and position tolerancesUnspecified tolerance values Basic tooth profile of involute cylindrical gears Module of involute cylindrical gears Tolerances and fitsDimensions up to 500 mmTolerance zones and fits for holes and shaftsDesign specification for cranes Industrial closed gear oils Determination of sound power levels of gear unit noiseGrey cast iron partsbzxz.net Precision of involute cylindrical gears GB/T 13384---1992 JB/T 7929.-- 1995 JB/T 9050.3 3 Type General technical conditions for packaging of electromechanical products Cleanliness of gear transmission device Cylindrical gear reducer Loading test method Structural type: QJ-I type reducer is a vertical base type reducer with three-stage transmission. 3.1 3.2 There are six assembly types. See Figure 1 Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on June 28, 1999 and implemented on October 1, 20000 JB/T 8905.3 Figure]Reducer assembly type 3.3 Shaft end type: Both the high-speed shaft and the low-speed shaft use cylindrical shaft extensions and are connected with flat keys. 3.4 Model and marking Model representation method: Assembly type Nominal transmission ratio Nominal center distance Crane reducer Marking example: Nominal center distance 4, = 200. Nominal transmission ratio /=40, assembly type III crane vertical reducer, marked as: JB/T 8905.3---1999 Reducer Q11200-10 4 Basic parameters and dimensions 4.1 Center distance The output stage center distance of the reducer is the nominal center distance. Its value should comply with the provisions of Table 1. Table 1 " (nominal center) " (total center) 4.2 Transmission ratio The nominal transmission ratio and actual transmission ratio of the reducer shall comply with the provisions of Table 2. The limit deviation shall not be greater than 10%298 4.3 Basic tooth profile of gear JB/T 8905.3 The basic tooth profile of the reducer gear shall comply with the provisions of GB/T13564.4 Gear module and helix angle The normal module m of the reducer gear shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1357, and its value is shown in Table 3. The helix angle of the gear, 3-12°3 4.5 Outline dimensions and installation dimensions The outline dimensions and installation dimensions of the QJL reducer are shown in Figure 2 and Table 4.5 Load capacity 4.6.1 The load capacity of the reducer with the working level of M5 shall comply with the provisions of Table 5. 4.6.2 The load capacity of the continuous duty type reducer shall comply with the provisions of Table 6. This type of working reducer is recommended for use in the transmission of various mechanical equipment other than cranes. 4.6.3 The instantaneous allowable torque at the output shaft end of the reducer is 2.7 times the rated torque. 4.6.4 The selection method of vertical reducers for cranes is shown in Appendix A (Standard Appendix). 299 Q 1140 QI-1280 QI-1110 QI-1335 QJ 1100 1701118 236170 118524| ||335 236 170 7-11 JB/T 8905.3 - QJ-L type reducer 1 1110/255 280200880 13812601 1681290 193310 110285 130:200 1301200 335 21 105 230 Parameter n 0sfo0t 998 Nominal center New person disappears 081091 Nominal center distance Input relay Nominal center distance Input shaft speed, 6:061 008 10991009 O'sFofs 0s1o91 Nominal China Association for Fraud 5 Technical Requirements 5.1 Box and Cover JB/T 8905.3 5.11 Box and cover are cast iron parts. Their mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of H260 in (13/19139). Other materials with mechanical properties higher than HT200 or welded box are allowed. 5.1.2 Box and cover shall not have defects such as slag, shrinkage, looseness, pores and cracks. 5.1.3 Box and cover shall be treated to eliminate internal stress. After roughing 1, secondary aging treatment shall be carried out. 5.1.4 After the box and cover are closed, the edges shall be flush. The misalignment of each side shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. 5.15 After the box body and the box cover are connected, their contact tightness shall comply with the provisions of Table 7. Use a corresponding ruler to check the contact tightness of the separation and connection. The depth of the ruler shall not be greater than one-third of the width of the separation surface. 5.1.6 The surface roughness Rα of the fine processing is 6.3um. Total length of the box body The offset between the box body and the box cover Contact tightness of the box body and the box cover after connection 1600 The center line of the bearing shall coincide with the separation surface. The deviation shall not exceed 0.3mm5.1.8 2-60-- 1 200 The size tolerance zone, shape and position tolerance and surface roughness of the bearing hole shall comply with the provisions of Table 8 Table 8 Bearing hole Limited tolerance zone GB/T1801 Columnarity Coaxiality GB/T 1184 The center distance limit deviation of the bearing hole shall comply with the provisions of Table 9 Table 9 Center distance 50--80 280120 [20-- 180 Straightness of auxiliary line 180---250 230~313 ) The parallelism tolerance of the center line of the bearing hole and the tolerance of the center line of the bearing hole shall comply with the requirements of Table 10 when measuring the bearing span. 5.1.10 Axis span 1 Parallelism tolerance 5.2 Gears, gear shafts and shafts 2100160 2160~~250 Surface roughness R GB/T1031 5.2.1 The gear shaft is made of forgings, the material is 42rMo, quenched and tempered. The hardness is 291323HI3. Other materials with equivalent or higher mechanical properties are allowed. Castings are not allowed. 5.2.2 Gears are forged, made of 35CrMo, quenched and tempered, with a hardness of 255291H13. Other materials with equivalent or higher mechanical properties are allowed. 5.2.3 The broken parts must be inspected. No defects such as points, cracks, inclusions, etc. are allowed. 3 JB/T 8905.3 ·1999 5.2.4 The material of the shaft is 10Cr. After quenching and tempering, the hardness is 241~286HB. Other materials with equivalent or higher mechanical properties can be used instead of castings. 5.2.5 The plus 1 size tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the gear reference hole and reference end shall comply with the specifications in Table 11. Table 11 Gear reference hole Gear reference end face Fine size tolerance zone GB/T 1801 End face runout GB/T 184 Surface roughness R GR2T 1031 5.2.6 The machining tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the reference journal and shoulder of the gear auxiliary shaft and bearing shall comply with the provisions of Table 1 Standard journal Dimension tolerance zone GB/T 1801 Radial runout G13/T 1184 End face runout Surface roughness R GB/T 10S1 The shaft extension diameter, shaft extension shoulder machining tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the gear shaft and shaft shall comply with the provisions of Table 13 Shaft extension diameter Shaft extension shaft bottom Dimension tolerance zone GB/T 1801 The fit between the gear shaft and the shaft and the inner hole of the gear shall comply with the provisions of Table 14. Table 14 Gear shaft and shaft Gear inner hole Radial runout GB/T 1184 GB/T1801 5.2.9 The size tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the keyway shall comply with the provisions of Table 15. Table 15 Tolerance zone of keyway width GB7T 1095 Wheel Jso Symmetry of keyway width relative to the auxiliary centerline GB/T 1184 Roughness R GB/T 1031 Surface roughness Re GB,『 1031 Side 6 JB/T 8905.3 5.2.10 The roughness Ra of the gear surface is 3.2um5.2.11 The gear accuracy is 8-8-7 level specified in GB/T100955.2. 12 The combination of gear inspection items shall comply with the provisions of Table 16. Table 16 Accuracy grade Inspection items 5.2.13 The cumulative tolerance F of the gear tooth pitch and the cumulative tolerance F of the individual gear tooth pitch shall comply with the provisions of Table 17 Table 17 Introduction arc length 1 When the feed is taken $3; when Fμ, take 1 2 80-- 160 Contact spot and [m/cos3 (an integer from 2 to less than/2) The gear tooth profile tolerance and pitch limit deviation shall comply with the provisions of Table 18 Table 18 Introduction diameter d 125~~ 400 -400---800 Normal module m 3. 5 6. 3 23. 5 ~ 6.3 3.5 ~ 6.3 The gear tooth tolerance F shall comply with the provisions of Table 19. Length 19 Gear width F7 grade) 5.3 Assembly 40-180 5.3.1 The inner ring of the bearing must be close to the shaft shoulder or the distance ring. The 0.05mm feeler gauge inspection shall not pass. 8 grade 5.3.2 The axial clearance of the tapered roller bearing (contact angle β-10°~~16°) is 0.0.1~0.07mm. The axial clearance of the self-aligning roller is 0.2mm0.3mm 5.3.3 All parts should be carefully cleaned. The untreated parts of the housing and other parts should be primed and painted with impact-resistant paint. The housing should be primed.6 The reference journal, shoulder machining dimension tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the gear auxiliary, shaft and bearing shall conform to the provisions of Table 1. Standard journal Dimension tolerance zone GB/T 1801 Radial runout G13/T 1184 End runout Surface roughness R GB/T 10S1 The shaft extension diameter, shaft extension shoulder machining dimension tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the gear shaft and shaft shall conform to Table 13. The shaft extension diameter Shaft extension bottom Dimension tolerance zone GB/T 1801 The fit of the gear shaft and shaft with the gear inner hole shall conform to the provisions of Table 14. Table 14 Gear shaft and shaft Gear hole Radial runout GB/T 1184 GB/T1801 5.2.9 The dimensional tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the keyway shall comply with the provisions of Length 15. Table 15 Tolerance zone of keyway width GB7T 1095 Wheel Jso Symmetry of keyway width relative to the auxiliary centerline GB/T 1184 Roughness R GB/T 1031 Surface roughness Re GB,『 1031 Side 6 JB/T 8905.3 5.2.10 The roughness Ra of the gear surface is 3.2um5.2.11 The gear accuracy is 8-8-7 level specified in GB/T100955.2. 12 The combination of gear inspection items shall comply with the provisions of Table 16. Table 16 Accuracy grade Inspection items 5.2.13 The cumulative tolerance F of the gear tooth pitch and the cumulative tolerance F of the individual gear tooth pitch shall comply with the provisions of Table 17 Table 17 Introduction arc length 1 When the feed is taken $3; when Fμ, take 1 2 80-- 160 Contact spot and [m/cos3 (an integer from 2 to less than/2) The gear tooth profile tolerance and pitch limit deviation shall comply with the provisions of Table 18 Table 18 Introduction diameter d 125~~ 400 -400---800 Normal module m 3. 5 6. 3 23. 5 ~ 6.3 3.5 ~ 6.3 The gear tooth tolerance F shall comply with the provisions of Table 19. Length 19 Gear width F7 grade) 5.3 Assembly 40-180 5.3.1 The inner ring of the bearing must be close to the shaft shoulder or the distance ring. The 0.05mm feeler gauge inspection shall not pass. 8 grade 5.3.2 The axial clearance of the tapered roller bearing (contact angle β-10°~~16°) is 0.0.1~0.07mm. The axial clearance of the self-aligning roller is 0.2mm0.3mm 5.3.3 All parts should be carefully cleaned. The untreated surfaces of the housing and other parts are primed and painted with impact-resistant paint. The housing is primed6 The reference journal and shoulder machining dimension tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the gear auxiliary, shaft and bearing shall conform to the provisions of Table 1. Standard journal Dimension tolerance zone GB/T 1801 Radial runout G13/T 1184 End runout Surface roughness R GB/T 10S1 The shaft extension diameter, shaft extension shoulder machining dimension tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the gear shaft and shaft shall conform to Table 13. The shaft extension diameter Shaft extension bottom Dimension tolerance zone GB/T 1801 The fit between the gear shaft and shaft and the inner hole of the gear shall conform to the provisions of Table 14. Table 14 Gear shaft and shaft Gear hole Radial runout GB/T 1184 GB/T1801 5.2.9 The dimensional tolerance zone, position tolerance and surface roughness of the keyway shall comply with the provisions of Length 15. Table 15 Tolerance zone of keyway width GB7T 1095 Wheel Jso Symmetry of keyway width relative to the auxiliary centerline GB/T 1184 Long run phase roughness R GB/T 1031 Surface roughness Re GB,『 1031 Side 6 JB/T 8905.3 5.2.10 The roughness Ra of the gear surface is 3.2um5.2.11 The gear accuracy is 8-8-7 level specified in GB/T100955.2. 12 The combination of gear inspection items shall comply with the provisions of Table 16. Table 16 Accuracy grade Inspection items 5.2.13 The cumulative tolerance F of the gear tooth pitch and the cumulative tolerance F of the individual gear tooth pitch shall comply with the provisions of Table 17 Table 17 Introduction arc length 1 When the feed is taken $3; when Fμ, take 1 2 80-- 160 Contact spot and [m/cos3 (an integer from 2 to less than/2) The gear tooth profile tolerance and pitch limit deviation shall comply with the provisions of Table 18 Table 18 Introduction diameter d 125~~ 400 -400---800 Normal module m 3. 5 6. 3 23. 5 ~ 6.3 3.5 ~ 6.3 The gear tooth tolerance F shall comply with the provisions of Table 19. Length 19 Gear width F7 grade) 5.3 Assembly 40-180 5.3.1 The inner ring of the bearing must be close to the shaft shoulder or the distance ring. The 0.05mm feeler gauge inspection shall not pass. 8 grade 5.3.2 The axial clearance of the tapered roller bearing (contact angle β-10°~~16°) is 0.0.1~0.07mm. The axial clearance of the self-aligning roller is 0.2mm0.3mm 5.3.3 All parts should be carefully cleaned. The untreated parts of the housing and other parts should be primed and painted with impact-resistant paint. The housing should be primed. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.