title>GB 13548-1992 General principles for safety evaluation of production equipment for phosgene and phosgenation products - GB 13548-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 13548-1992 General principles for safety evaluation of production equipment for phosgene and phosgenation products

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 13548-1992

Standard Name: General principles for safety evaluation of production equipment for phosgene and phosgenation products

Chinese Name: 光气及光气化产品生产装置安全评价通则

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-06-29

Date of Implementation:1993-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.20 Industrial Gases

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Industry Comprehensive>>G09 Health, Safety, Labor Protection

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Release date:1992-06-29

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Labor Insurance Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry

Focal point unit:State Administration of Work Safety

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:State Administration of Work Safety

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the basic principles, requirements and methods for safety evaluation of phosgene and phosgenation product production equipment. This standard is applicable to the safety evaluation of the design and production stages of phosgene and phosgenation product production equipment. GB 13548-1992 General principles for safety evaluation of production equipment for phosgene and phosgenation products GB13548-1992 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standards of the People's Republic of China
Phosgene and phosgenation products
General principle of safety assessment for phosgene and its products plant1Theme content and scope of application||tt ||GB 13548--92
This standard specifies the basic principles, requirements and methods for safety evaluation of phosgene and phosgenation product production equipment. This standard is applicable to the safety evaluation of the design and production stages of phosgene and phosgenation product production equipment. 2 Reference standards
GB3840 Technical principles and methods for formulating local air pollutant emission standards GB7829 Fault tree analysis program
GBJ4 Industrial "three wastes" emission trial standards GBJ16 Building design fire protection regulations
GBJ58 Specifications for the design of electrical installations in explosion- and fire-hazardous locations Specifications for the construction and acceptance of industrial pipeline projects
GBT16 Code for fire protection in building design
TJ36 Hygiene standards for industrial enterprise design
3 terms
3.1 unit unit
is a part of the production device and is relatively independent in process layout. 3.2 Material factor material factor (MF) represents the scale of the potential energy release of the material in a fire or explosion caused by combustion or other chemical reactions. 3.3 Hazard index hazard index
represents the inherent hazard of the production process or device, including fire, explosion hazard index and toxicity hazard index. 3.4 Fire and explosion risk index fire and explosion index (F&EI) is a measure of the relative risk of fire and explosion occurring in a unit. 3.5 Toxicity index (TI) is a measure of the relative risk of toxicity when toxic substances are leaked in the unit. 3.6 Safety checklist Safety checklist is a list of unsafe factors in the system based on relevant standards, procedures, specifications and experience, in the form of questions. 3.7 Preliminary hazard analysis (PHA) System safety analysis completed in the preliminary design stage of the system Work. Identify the main hazards in the system, find out the causes, estimate the effects, and classify them for design use.
State Bureau of Technical Supervision approved on 1992-06-29 for implementation on 1993-05-01
GB 13548—92
3.8 operability study (OS ) is a method to use keywords as a guide to find out the changes in status during the process, ascertain the dangers and their causes in the production equipment or process, and seek necessary countermeasures.
3.9 Event tree analysis event tree analysis (ETA) uses event trees to analyze the occurrence process of an initial event leading to various final events under different conditions and to calculate the probability.
3.10 Fault tree analysis fault tree analysis (FTA) is an analysis method that uses fault trees to find out all possible and main ways for the top event to occur and calculate the probability of occurrence. 4 Evaluation method
4.1 Evaluation basis
When conducting safety evaluation, the following information is required: 4.1.1 Production process flow chart, process operating procedures, safety production technical regulations, and relevant regulations. 4.1.2 Factory floor plan, equipment plan and elevation layout, building plan and elevation, piping diagram, equipment diagram, equipment schedule, automatic control diagram and process design instructions.
4.1.3 The range of changes in power source characteristics and environmental conditions under normal, abnormal and accident conditions. 4.1.4 Emergency capabilities and rescue measures in the event of an accident. 4.1.5 Past accident cases.
4.2 Evaluation Procedure
adopts the three-stage evaluation procedure of "use safety checklist inspection
hazard index evaluation-
system safety analysis". 4.2.1 Design stage safety evaluation procedure (see Figure 1) 香
design document
safety checklist inspection
1 is| |tt||Fire, explosion and toxicity hazard
Index calculation and hazard level
After compensation, whether the hazard rating of the compensated fire
disaster, explosion and toxicity hazard index is less than &V\ Level
Data and current situation
Field situation
System safety analysis
Conclusions and suggestions
Figure 1 Design stage safety evaluation program diagram
In the first stage, use the safety checklist to check the design documents. As long as one of the "△" inspection clauses in the safety checklist is not met, the design will not pass and the design should be modified. , until all clauses with "" are met. The second stage of risk index evaluation is to calculate the fire and explosion hazard index (F&EI) and toxicity hazard index (TI) in the unit, classify the fire and explosion hazard levels and toxicity hazard levels, and determine the risk level. . As long as the risk (fire, explosion or toxicity risk) of any unit is "very large", the design will not pass. The design should be modified to compensate for the fire, explosion risk index and toxicity risk index so that the fire, explosion and toxicity risk index in the unit are "very high". The explosion and toxicity risks are both less than the "very large" third stage. Based on the information obtained from the risk index evaluation and the investigation of past accidents, system safety analysis is carried out to predict and analyze major disaster accidents, propose preventive measures, and further improve the design. . Draw evaluation conclusions and suggestions based on the three-stage method. 4.2.2 Production stage safety evaluation procedure (see Figure 2) Production equipment
Safety checklist
Fire, butterfly explosion and toxicity hazards| | tt | And whether the toxicity risk level
is less than "level
System safety analysis
Conclusions and suggestions
Figure 2 Production stage safety evaluation program chart|| tt||Emergency Countermeasures
Tight Total Countermeasures
The safety evaluation procedure for existing production equipment is roughly the same as the design stage. Since the production equipment has been built and used, the first and second stages of safety evaluation are as follows If it is unqualified, the third stage evaluation still needs to be carried out, and the modification items will be listed in the conclusions and suggestions. 4.3 Safety Assessment Method
4.3.1 Safety Checklist Inspection
The phosgene safety checklist is divided into design stage and production stage safety checklists. See Appendix A for the safety checklist. 4.3.2 Hazard index evaluation
Divide units, calculate the fire and explosion hazard index (F&EI) and toxicity hazard index of each unit, and determine the fire and explosion hazard level and toxicity hazard level.
21 Fire and explosion hazard index (F&EI) calculation formula:
GB 13548-92
where : MF—substance coefficient of important substances in the unit; sum of general process hazard coefficients;
S—sum of special process hazard coefficients.
See Appendix B for the calculation table, and see Appendix C for the selection of risk coefficient. Toxicity hazard index (TI)
Calculation formula:
TI - Th/100 |tt||3
The sum of hazard coefficients of general processes;
-the sum of hazard coefficients of special processes;
the sum of toxicity coefficients of processes.
See Appendix B for the calculation table and Appendix C for coefficient selection. Fire, explosion and toxicity hazard index compensation 100+s
(2 )
Determine the compensation coefficient to reduce or eliminate hazards based on the safety measures and methods adopted during the design or production process. The calculation table of compensated fire, explosion hazard index and toxicity hazard index is shown in Appendix B, Table B3. 4.3.3 System safety analysis
Use the hazard analysis method to further identify various hazards in the system and identify possible accidents Make predictions, conduct detailed analysis of the causes of major potential hazards, and propose preventive measures. Analysis methods and selection
System safety analysis includes five methods: estimation of hazardous areas when toxic substances leak, pre-hazard analysis, operability study, event tree and fault tree analysis methods.
When analyzing system security, select the method according to Table 1. Table 1 System safety analysis method selection table
Phosgene and phosgenation products
Enterprise safety evaluation
Design stage safety evaluation
Production stage safety evaluation||tt| |Estimation of hazardous area
In the table: A—the analysis method that must be used, B-—the recommended analysis method,
C— No analytical method is required.
Preliminary hazard analysis
c System safety analysis method for estimating hazardous areas when severe phosgene leakage
Operability research
Event tree analysis
Fault tree analysis
A||tt| |A
Through hazard analysis, determine the maximum possible leakage volume and leakage time, select appropriate formulas for calculation, and determine the dangerous area. Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA)
Preliminary Hazard Analysis Steps
Understand the basic purpose of the system, process, control conditions and environmental factors, etc., and divide the entire system for several subsystems. Refer to the accident lessons and experiences of the same 22
products or similar systems to identify possible dangerous situations in the analyzed subsystem, determine the cause of the hazard, and propose ways to eliminate or control the hazard. countermeasures.
b. Please see Appendix D for the advance hazard analysis table. Operability Study (OS)
a. Fully understand the process, prepare relevant information, and divide the process into several parts. In the continuous process, the system is dominated by pipelines, and in the intermittent process, the system is dominated by equipment. According to keywords, analyze possible deviations in each part one by one, analyze the causes and consequences of deviations, and seek necessary countermeasures.
b.. The operability study analysis table is shown in Appendix E. Event tree analysis
Determine the starting event to be analyzed, design its safety function according to the starting event, describe the sequence of events leading to the accident, and draw the event tree. Fault tree analysis
Fault tree analysis can be divided into qualitative and quantitative analysis. In qualitative analysis, it is important to use Boolean algebra to simplify the fault tree and obtain the minimum cut (path) set and make the structure. degree analysis. During quantitative analysis, failure rate data are collected and the minimum (path) set is used to obtain the probability of occurrence of the top event. The steps and methods of fault tree analysis can be found in GB7829. 4.4 Conclusions and suggestions of safety evaluation
4.4.1 Conclusions and suggestions of safety evaluation in design stage As long as the first and second stages of the evaluation are passed, the design is It is qualified and meets the safety design requirements. After the three-stage safety assessment, measures and suggestions to eliminate or reduce hazards are proposed, which include two parts: items that must be rectified and safety measures. a.
b. Suggested added security measures.
4.4.2 Conclusions and Suggestions of Production Stage Safety Assessment After passing the three-stage safety assessment, conduct a detailed analysis and prediction of risk factors in the production process, and find out measures to eliminate or reduce risks. Its content includes two parts:
Projects that must undergo safety technical transformation and safety measures that should be taken. a.
b. Recommended safety measures and means. 23
Principles for constructing A1 safety checklist
Appendix A
Phosgene and phosgenation product production and assembly safety checklist (supplementary Parts)
The safety inspection list for phosgene and phosgenation product production equipment is mainly compiled based on the relevant laws and regulations of our country, the actual situation of the manufacturer, and with reference to relevant foreign data. Its main content is content that has a greater impact on the overall project. Inspection clauses are divided into two types: must-achieve and should-achieve. The must-achieve clauses are marked with "△". Contents of the A2 safety checklist
The safety checklist for phosgene and phosgenation product production equipment is divided into two types of safety checklists: design stage and production stage. The contents of the safety checklist during the design stage mainly consider the following aspects: site conditions and safety design. The contents of the safety checklist during the production stage consider the following aspects: site conditions, safety design, operation management, and safety management. How to use the A3 safety checklist
When conducting safety evaluations in the design stage and production stage, check item by item according to the content specified in the safety checklist. Answer the inspection terms with "yes" or "no" . "Yes" means that the conditions are met, represented by ""; "No" means that there is a problem and needs further improvement, represented by "". Contents not covered by this factory are indicated by “○”. Clause 1.1 in Table A1 refers to the geographical conditions that must be met for newly built, expanded, and rebuilt factories in other places. Table A1 Safety Checklist
Inspection Items

(1) Phosgene and phosgenation production equipment should not be located in densely populated towns and residents Within 2000 square meters of the upwind side of the district’s annual maximum frequency wind direction.
(2) It should not be installed in areas with earth capsule intensity above eight degrees (excluding eight degree areas). (3) The safety protection distance of phosgene and phosgenation production equipment should not be less than 1000m. Among them: the new construction is in 1.


There are no factories, shops, or residents within a radius of 500m. Other factories within a 500m radius of the expansion and reconstruction project of the old factory can maintain their status quo, but other factories should not be built, and shops and residents must move out. Regardless of new construction, expansion, or renovation projects, there should be no more than 200 scattered residents within the 500~~1000m safety protection range (including family dormitories, single dormitories, shift dormitories and nurseries in other factories and mines). (4) There should be no ports, docks, or railway stations within the 1000m safety protection distance. (5) The construction project unit applies to the local government, and upon approval and formal notification below, it is not allowed to build living areas, residential areas and private houses within the 1000m safety protection distance. (6) The production plant area should have a fence, and the distance between the phosgene and phosgenation production equipment and the fence should not be less than 100m.
(7) The safety protection distance between the device and the main traffic artery should not be less than 500m
?|| tt | ||An
Continued Table A1||tt ||Item

(1) Is the occurrence of liquid phosgene at abnormally low temperatures considered in the production of gaseous phosgene? (2) Have the effects of other natural disasters (floods, typhoons, lightning strikes, etc.) been considered? (1) The phosgene production device should be close to the production device of phosgenation products. It is strictly prohibited to transport liquid phosgene, methyl isoate, etc. from other places. Methyl chloroformate is used for product production. (2) Is the drainage adequate? | | tt | wait)? (2) Are the chemical properties of the substance clear? (3) Are the fire and explosion hazards of the substance clear? (4) Are the toxicity and allowable concentration of the substance clear? (5) Is the corrosiveness of the substance clear?
(6) Are the effects of impurities on fire, explosion, toxicity, corrosiveness and instability clear? (7) Are the potential hazards of processes, equipment and substances in the production process clear? (1) The workshops and gas concentrations of phosgene and phosgene products must comply with the "Design Hygienic Standards for Industrial Enterprises", that is, the maximum allowable concentration of phosgene is 0.5mg/ m2, fluorine gas 1mg/m2, carbon monoxide 30mg/m2, methanol 50 mg/m2, methyl isocyanate 0.05mg/m2, methyl chloroformate is temporarily implemented as 3.5mg/m2. (2) Waste residue, waste water and waste gas containing residual phosgene and other highly toxic compounds must be treated and are not allowed to be discharged casually. The discharge should comply with the current GBJ4 regulations. (3) Both phosgene and phosgenation devices must be equipped with an isolation operation room. The isolation operation room should be well ventilated. The isolation operation room of the new plant must be isolated from the production equipment, and the operators operate and control in the isolation room. (4) When the phosgene synthesis and phosgenation reaction device is in a closed factory building, it should have good ventilation facilities and maintain a slight negative pressure.
(5) Strictly control the moisture content of CO and Cl2, the raw materials for phosgene synthesis. Both carbon monoxide and chlorine should be dried, and their moisture content should be less than 50mg/m2.

Prepare|| tt||Note
安||tt ||Full
GB 13548-92
Continuation Table A1
Inspection items

(6) Can equipment that stores or produces flammable and explosive gases and liquids be thoroughly purged and replaced during maintenance?
(7) Can equipment that stores or produces toxic gases or liquids be thoroughly purged and replaced during maintenance? (8) During the processing, transportation and storage of flammable and explosive gases or liquids, are precautions taken to prevent the possibility of combustion or explosion?
(9) Does the design of machinery and equipment adopt nationally recognized standards? (10) The design, manufacture, management and use of pressure vessels should strictly comply with the "Design Regulations for Steel Petrochemical Vessels" and "Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels" (11) Liquid phosgene storage tanks and methyl isocyanate storage tanks As well as other highly toxic and volatile liquid storage tanks, the discharge pipe is strictly prohibited from side or bottom connection. Explosion-proof discs and safety valves must be installed. The outlet pipes of the explosion-proof discs and safety valves must be connected to the exhaust gas recovery and destruction system.
(12) The tanks for various highly toxic materials should be equipped with backup storage tanks of corresponding capacity, just in case. (13) The storage tank for liquid phosgene and low-boiling methyl isocyanate (or other highly toxic phosgenation intermediate materials) must be located in a closed single room, and a cofferdam should be set up in the room. Its height should not be less than 20 cm. The capacity should be equivalent to the capacity of the tank, and there should be an anti-seepage layer. Mechanical ventilation should be installed in the room, and the exhaust gas should be directed to the emergency damage system.
(14) It is strictly forbidden to use steam or open flame for direct heating of liquid chlorine cylinders. Warm water below 45℃ can be used for heating. (15) A check valve and a buffer of sufficient volume should be installed between the liquid nitrogen cylinder and the reactor to prevent materials from falling over. (1) The pipelines that transport liquid phosgene from the liquid nitrogen storage tank to each production process should not be used in the same pipeline. Each pipeline should be equipped with a distribution cylinder to transport it to users respectively to prevent phosgene from entering other devices. (2) Phosgene pipelines are strictly prohibited from passing through offices, lounges, living rooms, or other factories that do not use phosgene.
(3) Slit steel pipes are strictly prohibited for pipelines in the process of phosgene and phosgenation reactions; thick-walled seamless steel pipes must be used for pipelines transporting liquid phosgene.
(4) Phosgene and phosgene-containing material pipelines should be shortened as much as possible and reduce joints. The pipelines are connected by welding, and 100% flaw detection and air tightness tests must be performed on the welds to meet the requirements of GBI235. (5) When pipes must be connected by flanges, flanges with rod grooves or flat welding flanges with concave and convex surfaces should be used, and the nominal pressure should not be less than 1.6MPa.
(6) The nominal pressure of valves on equipment and pipelines is not less than 1.6MPa. (7) Check whether the design of the exhaust gas discharge pipeline is suitable | |Preparation
! |

Continuation Table A1
Check items
Item||tt| |(1) It is strictly prohibited to use glass tube level gauges in liquid light, MIC, and methyl chloroformate storage tanks. (2) A carbon monoxide flow meter must be installed. (3) A fluorine gas flow meter must be installed.
(4) A fluorine gas and carbon monoxide ratio regulator must be installed. (5) A liquid level gauge for the liquid phosgene storage tank must be installed (should be equipped with an upper limit alarm device). (6) A detection instrument for carbon monoxide and trace moisture must be installed. (7) Instruments for detecting the gas and oxygen content in carbon monoxide must be installed. (8) A gas generator jacket temperature detection instrument must be installed (it should be equipped with an alarm device) (9) The carbon monoxide gas tank should have a volume indication and a limit alarm. (10) The liquid chlorine vaporizer should be equipped with a pressure detection and alarm device. (11) phosgene synthesizer pressure and cooling medium outlet temperature detection instruments must be installed. (12) Phosgene synthesizer temperature and cooling medium outlet pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (13) Phosgenation reaction temperature and pressure detection instruments must be installed. (14) Phosgenation reactor jacket temperature and pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (15) The liquid phosgene storage tank must have a pressure over-limit (0.3MPa) alarm and temperature detection instrument. (16) Carbon monoxide production rooms and phosgene synthesis rooms should be equipped with carbon monoxide concentration measurement and alarm devices. (17) The phosgene operation site should have an alarm device for exceeding the phosgene concentration limit. (18) Exhaust gas pressure detection instruments should be installed. (19) An interlocking device for emergency damage should be installed. (20) Respond to the monitoring of phosgene content in exhaust gas (1) Does the building clearly define the fire hazard classification of the production and the fire resistance grade of the structure in accordance with the requirements of GBT16?
(2) Do the safety exits and safe evacuation distances comply with the regulations of GBJ16? (3) Do the fire separation distances of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks and combustible and combustion-supporting gas storage tanks comply with the regulations of GBJ16?
(4) Does the fire separation distance in the workshop comply with the regulations of GBI16? (5) Are the hazard levels of electrical facilities determined in accordance with GBJ58? (6) The gas system must be equipped with lightning rods and static electricity elimination facilities. The ground resistance for anti-static purposes should not be greater than 100Q. (1) Safety protection measures for production plants with liquid phosgene and low boiling point isocyanates or other highly toxic materials. Electricity should be used Equipped with dual power supplies or diesel generator sets with corresponding capacity. (2) Emergency lighting should be installed in the production plant area. (3) Key parts should have measures to prevent misoperation (such as opening and closing marks of valves). (4) When there is a sudden water outage, there should be a backup water source at key parts. ?


A| |tt||A

GB 13548-92
Continuation Table A1
Check items
tt|| (6) Can equipment that stores or produces flammable and explosive gases and liquids be thoroughly purged and replaced during maintenance?
(7) Can equipment that stores or produces toxic gases or liquids be thoroughly purged and replaced during maintenance? (8) During the handling, transportation and storage of flammable and explosive gases or liquids, are precautions taken to prevent the possibility of combustion or explosion?
(9) Does the design of machinery and equipment adopt nationally recognized standards? (10) The design, manufacture, management and use of pressure vessels should strictly comply with the "Design Regulations for Steel Petrochemical Vessels" and "Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels" (11) Liquid phosgene storage tanks and methyl isocyanate storage tanks As well as other highly toxic and volatile liquid storage tanks, the discharge pipe is strictly prohibited from side or bottom connection. Explosion-proof discs and safety valves must be installed. The outlet pipes of the explosion-proof discs and safety valves must be connected to the exhaust gas recovery and destruction system.
(12) The tanks for various highly toxic materials should be equipped with backup storage tanks of corresponding capacity, just in case. (13) The storage tank for liquid phosgene and low-boiling methyl isocyanate (or other highly toxic phosgenation intermediate materials) must be located in a closed single room, and a cofferdam should be set up in the room, and its height should not be less than 20 cm. The capacity should be equivalent to the capacity of the tank, and there should be an anti-seepage layer. Mechanical ventilation should be installed in the room, and the exhaust gas should be directed to the emergency damage system.
(14) It is strictly forbidden to use steam or open flame for direct heating of liquid chlorine cylinders. Warm water below 45℃ can be used for heating. (15) A check valve and a buffer of sufficient volume should be installed between the liquid nitrogen cylinder and the reactor to prevent materials from falling over. (1) The pipelines that transport liquid phosgene from the liquid nitrogen storage tank to each production process should not be used in the same pipeline. Each pipeline should be equipped with a distribution cylinder to transport it to users respectively to prevent phosgene from entering other devices. (2) Phosgene pipelines are strictly prohibited from passing through offices, lounges, living rooms, or other factories that do not use phosgene.
(3) Slit steel pipes are strictly prohibited for pipelines in the process of phosgene and phosgenation reactions; thick-walled seamless steel pipes must be used for pipelines transporting liquid phosgene.
(4) Phosgene and phosgene-containing material pipelines should be shortened as much as possible and reduce joints. The pipelines are connected by welding, and 100% flaw detection and air tightness tests must be performed on the welds to meet the requirements of GBI235. (5) When pipes must be connected by flanges, flanges with rod grooves or flat welding flanges with concave and convex surfaces should be used, and the nominal pressure should not be less than 1.6MPa.
(6) The nominal pressure of valves on equipment and pipelines is not less than 1.6MPa. (7) Check whether the design of the exhaust gas discharge pipeline is suitable | |Preparation
! |

Continuation Table A1
Check items
Item||tt| |(1) It is strictly prohibited to use glass tube level gauges in liquid light, MIC, and methyl chloroformate storage tanks. (2) A carbon monoxide flow meter must be installed. (3) A fluorine gas flow meter must be installed.
(4) A fluorine gas and carbon monoxide ratio regulator must be installed. (5) A liquid level gauge for the liquid phosgene storage tank must be installed (should be equipped with an upper limit alarm device). (6) A detection instrument for carbon monoxide and trace moisture must be installed. (7) Instruments for detecting the gas and oxygen content in carbon monoxide must be installed. (8) A gas generator jacket temperature detection instrument must be installed (it should be equipped with an alarm device) (9) The carbon monoxide gas tank should have a volume indication and a limit alarm. (10) The liquid chlorine vaporizer should be equipped with a pressure detection and alarm device. (11) phosgene synthesizer pressure and cooling medium outlet temperature detection instruments must be installed. (12) Phosgene synthesizer temperature and cooling medium outlet pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (13) Phosgenation reaction temperature and pressure detection instruments must be installed. (14) Phosgenation reactor jacket temperature and pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (15) The liquid phosgene storage tank must have a pressure over-limit (0.3MPa) alarm and temperature detection instrument. (16) Carbon monoxide production rooms and phosgene synthesis rooms should be equipped with carbon monoxide concentration measurement and alarm devices. (17) The phosgene operation site should have an alarm device for exceeding the phosgene concentration limit. (18) Exhaust gas pressure detection instruments should be installed. (19) An interlocking device for emergency damage should be installed. (20) Respond to the monitoring of phosgene content in exhaust gas (1) Does the building clearly define the fire hazard classification of the production and the fire resistance grade of the structure in accordance with the requirements of GBT16?
(2) Do the safety exits and safe evacuation distances comply with the regulations of GBJ16? (3) Do the fire separation distances of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks and combustible and combustion-supporting gas storage tanks comply with the requirements of GBJ16?
(4) Does the fire separation distance in the workshop comply with the regulations of GBI16? (5) Are the hazard levels of electrical facilities determined in accordance with GBJ58? (6) The gas system must be equipped with lightning rods and static electricity elimination facilities. The ground resistance for anti-static purposes should not be greater than 100Q. (1) Safety protection measures for production plants with liquid phosgene and low boiling point isocyanates or other highly toxic materials. Electricity should be used Equipped with dual power supplies or diesel generator sets with corresponding capacity. (2) Emergency lighting should be installed in the production plant area. (3) Key parts should have measures to prevent misoperation (such as opening and closing marks of valves). (4) When there is a sudden water outage, there should be a backup water source at key parts. ?


A| |tt||A

GB 13548-92
Continuation Table A1
Check items
tt|| (6) Can equipment that stores or produces flammable and explosive gases and liquids be thoroughly purged and replaced during maintenance?
(7) Can equipment that stores or produces toxic gases or liquids be thoroughly purged and replaced during maintenance? (8) During the handling, transportation and storage of flammable and explosive gases or liquids, are precautions taken to prevent the possibility of combustion or explosion?
(9) Does the design of machinery and equipment adopt nationally recognized standards? (10) The design, manufacture, management and use of pressure vessels should strictly comply with the "Design Regulations for Steel Petrochemical Vessels" and "Safety Supervision Regulations for Pressure Vessels" (11) Liquid phosgene storage tanks and methyl isocyanate storage tanks As well as other highly toxic and volatile liquid storage tanks, the discharge pipe is strictly prohibited from side or bottom connection. Explosion-proof discs and safety valves must be installed. The outlet pipes of the explosion-proof discs and safety valves must be connected to the exhaust gas recovery and destruction system.
(12) The tanks for various highly toxic materials should be equipped with backup storage tanks of corresponding capacity, just in case. (13) The storage tank for liquid phosgene and low-boiling methyl isocyanate (or other highly toxic phosgenation intermediate materials) must be located in a closed single room, and a cofferdam should be installed in the room, and its height should not be less than 20 cm. The capacity should be equivalent to the capacity of the tank, and there should be an anti-seepage layer. Mechanical ventilation should be installed in the room, and the exhaust gas should be directed to the emergency damage system.
(14) It is strictly forbidden to use steam or open flame for direct heating of liquid chlorine cylinders. Warm water below 45℃ can be used for heating. (15) A check valve and a buffer of sufficient volume should be installed between the liquid nitrogen cylinder and the reactor to prevent materials from falling over. (1) The pipelines that transport liquid phosgene from the liquid nitrogen storage tank to each production process should not be used in the same pipeline. Each pipeline should be equipped with a distribution cylinder to transport it to users respectively to prevent phosgene from entering other devices. (2) Phosgene pipelines are strictly prohibited from passing through offices, lounges, living rooms, or other factories that do not use phosgene.
(3) Slit steel pipes are strictly prohibited for pipes in the process of phosgene and phosgenation reactions; thick-walled seamless steel pipes must be used for pipes transporting liquid phosgene.
(4) Phosgene and phosgene-containing material pipelines should be shortened as much as possible and reduce joints. The pipelines are connected by welding, and 100% flaw detection and air tightness tests must be performed on the welds to meet the requirements of GBI235. (5) When pipes must be connected by flanges, flanges with rod grooves or flat welding flanges with concave and convex surfaces should be used, and the nominal pressure should not be less than 1.6MPa.
(6) The nominal pressure of valves on equipment and pipelines is not less than 1.6MPa. (7) Check whether the design of the exhaust gas discharge pipeline is suitable | |Preparation
! |

Continuation Table A1
Check items
Item||tt| |(1) It is strictly prohibited to use glass tube level gauges in liquid light, MIC, and methyl chloroformate storage tanks. (2) A carbon monoxide flow meter must be installed. (3) A fluorine gas flow meter must be installed.
(4) A fluorine gas and carbon monoxide ratio regulator must be installed. (5) A liquid level gauge for the liquid phosgene storage tank must be installed (should be equipped with an upper limit alarm device). (6) A detection instrument for carbon monoxide and trace moisture must be installed. (7) Instruments for detecting the gas and oxygen content in carbon monoxide must be installed. (8) A gas generator jacket temperature detection instrument must be installed (it should be equipped with an alarm device) (9) The carbon monoxide gas tank should have a volume indication and a limit alarm. (10) The liquid chlorine vaporizer should be equipped with a pressure detection and alarm device. (11) phosgene synthesizer pressure and cooling medium outlet temperature detection instruments must be installed. (12) Phosgene synthesizer temperature and cooling medium outlet pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (13) Phosgenation reaction temperature and pressure detection instruments must be installed. (14) Phosgenation reactor jacket temperature and pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (15) The liquid phosgene storage tank must have a pressure over-limit (0.3MPa) alarm and temperature detection instrument. (16) Carbon monoxide production rooms and phosgene synthesis rooms should be equipped with carbon monoxide concentration measurement and alarm devices. (17) The phosgene operation site should have an alarm device for exceeding the phosgene concentration limit. (18) Exhaust gas pressure detection instruments should be installed. (19) An interlocking device for emergency damage should be installed. (20) Respond to the monitoring of phosgene content in exhaust gas (1) Does the building clearly define the fire hazard classification of the production and the fire resistance grade of the structure in accordance with the requirements of GBT16?
(2) Do the safety exits and safe evacuation distances comply with the regulations of GBJ16? (3) Do the fire separation distances of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks and combustible and combustion-supporting gas storage tanks comply with the requirements of GBJ16?
(4) Does the fire separation distance in the workshop comply with the regulations of GBI16? (5) Are the hazard levels of electrical facilities determined in accordance with GBJ58? (6) The gas system must be equipped with lightning rods and static electricity elimination facilities. The ground resistance for anti-static purposes should not be greater than 100Q. (1) Safety protection measures for production plants with liquid phosgene and low boiling point isocyanates or other highly toxic materials. Electricity should be used Equipped with dual power supplies or diesel generator sets with corresponding capacity. (2) Emergency lighting should be installed in the production plant area. (3) Key parts should have measures to prevent misoperation (such as valve opening and closing marks). (4) When there is a sudden water outage, there should be a backup water source at key parts. ?


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(6) The nominal pressure of valves on equipment and pipelines is not less than 1.6MPa. (7) Check whether the design of the exhaust gas discharge pipeline is suitable | |Preparation
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Continuation Table A1
Check items
Item||tt| |(1) It is strictly prohibited to use glass tube level gauges in liquid light, MIC, and methyl chloroformate storage tanks. (2) A carbon monoxide flow meter must be installed. (3) A fluorine gas flow meter must be installed.
(4) A fluorine gas and carbon monoxide ratio regulator must be installed. (5) A liquid level gauge for the liquid phosgene storage tank must be installed (should be equipped with an upper limit alarm device). (6) A detection instrument for carbon monoxide and trace moisture must be installed. (7) Instruments for detecting the gas and oxygen content in carbon monoxide must be installed. (8) A gas generator jacket temperature detection instrument must be installed (it should be equipped with an alarm device) (9) The carbon monoxide gas tank should have a volume indication and a limit alarm. (10) The liquid chlorine vaporizer should be equipped with a pressure detection and alarm device. (11) phosgene synthesizer pressure and cooling medium outlet temperature detection instruments must be installed. (12) Phosgene synthesizer temperature and cooling medium outlet pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (13) Phosgenation reaction temperature and pressure detection instruments must be installed. (14) Phosgenation reactor jacket temperature and pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (15) The liquid phosgene storage tank must have a pressure over-limit (0.3MPa) alarm and temperature detection instrument. (16) Carbon monoxide production rooms and phosgene synthesis rooms should be equipped with carbon monoxide concentration measurement and alarm devices. (17) The phosgene operation site should have an alarm device for exceeding the phosgene concentration limit. (18) Exhaust gas pressure detection instruments should be installed. (19) An interlocking device for emergency damage should be installed. (20) Respond to the monitoring of phosgene content in exhaust gas (1) Does the building clearly define the fire hazard classification of the production and the fire resistance grade of the structure in accordance with the requirements of GBT16?
(2) Do the safety exits and safe evacuation distances comply with the regulations of GBJ16? (3) Do the fire separation distances of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks and combustible and combustion-supporting gas storage tanks comply with the requirements of GBJ16?
(4) Does the fire separation distance in the workshop comply with the regulations of GBI16? (5) Are the hazard levels of electrical facilities determined in accordance with GBJ58? (6) The gas system must be equipped with lightning rods and static electricity elimination facilities. The ground resistance for anti-static purposes should not be greater than 100Q. (1) Safety protection measures for production plants with liquid phosgene and low boiling point isocyanates or other highly toxic materials. Electricity should be used Equipped with dual power supplies or diesel generator sets with corresponding capacity. (2) Emergency lighting should be installed in the production plant area. (3) Key parts should have measures to prevent misoperation (such as valve opening and closing marks). (4) When there is a sudden water outage, there should be a backup water source at key parts. ?


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(6) The nominal pressure of valves on equipment and pipelines is not less than 1.6MPa. (7) Check whether the design of the exhaust gas discharge pipeline is suitable | |Preparation
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Continuation Table A1
Check items
Item||tt| |(1) It is strictly prohibited to use glass tube level gauges in liquid light, MIC, and methyl chloroformate storage tanks. (2) A carbon monoxide flow meter must be installed. (3) A fluorine gas flow meter must be installed.
(4) A fluorine gas and carbon monoxide ratio regulator must be installed. (5) A liquid level gauge for the liquid phosgene storage tank must be installed (should be equipped with an upper limit alarm device). (6) A detection instrument for carbon monoxide and trace moisture must be installed. (7) Instruments for detecting the gas and oxygen content in carbon monoxide must be installed. (8) A gas generator jacket temperature detection instrument must be installed (should be equipped with an alarm device) (9) The carbon monoxide gas cabinet should have a volume indication and a limit alarm. (10) The liquid chlorine vaporizer should be equipped with a pressure detection and alarm device. (11) phosgene synthesizer pressure and cooling medium outlet temperature detection instruments must be installed. (12) Phosgene synthesizer temperature and cooling medium outlet pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (13) Phosgenation reaction temperature and pressure detection instruments must be installed. (14) Phosgenation reactor jacket temperature and pressure detection instruments (with alarm devices) should be installed. (15) The liquid phosgene storage tank must have a pressure over-limit (0.3MPa) alarm device and a temperature detection instrument. (16) Carbon monoxide production rooms and phosgene synthesis rooms should be equipped with carbon monoxide concentration measurement and alarm devices. (17) The phosgene operation site should have an alarm device for exceeding the phosgene concentration limit. (18) Exhaust gas pressure detection instruments should be installed. (19) An interlocking device for emergency damage should be installed. (20) Respond to the monitoring of phosgene content in exhaust gas (1) Does the building clearly define the fire hazard classification of the production and the fire resistance grade of the structure in accordance with the requirements of GBT16?
(2) Do the safety exits and safe evacuation distances comply with the regulations of GBJ16? (3) Do the fire separation distances of flammable and combustible liquid storage tanks and combustible and combustion-supporting gas storage tanks comply with the requirements of GBJ16?
(4) Does the fire separation distance in the workshop comply with the regulations of GBI16? (5) Are the hazard levels of electrical facilities determined in accordance with GBJ58? (6) The gas system must be equipped with lightning rods and static electricity elimination facilities. The ground resistance for anti-static purposes should not be greater than 100Q. (1) Safety protection measures for production plants with liquid phosgene and low boiling point isocyanates or other highly toxic materials. Electricity should be used Equipped with dual power supplies or diesel generator sets with corresponding capacity. (2) Emergency lighting should be installed in the production plant area. (3) Key parts should have measures to prevent misoperation (such as valve opening and closing marks). (4) When there is a sudden water outage, there should be a backup water source at key parts. ?


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