Some standard content:
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Supercharged Turboexpander||tt ||Technical Conditions
Specifications forboosterturbo-expanders2000-08-31 Release
National Machinery Industry Bureau
Implementation on 2000-12-01
JB /T6894-2000
This standard is a revision of JB/T6894-93 "Technical Conditions for Supercharged Turboexpanders". Compared with JB/T6894-93, the main technical content of this standard has changed as follows: Chapter 1 stipulates that this standard is applicable when air and hydrogen are used as the medium, the inlet pressure is ≤5.0MPa (absolute pressure), and natural gas (petroleum gas) is used as the medium. Turbine expansion machine braked by a supercharger with an inlet pressure of ≤7.0MPa (absolute pressure) when the medium is used: The expansion efficiency of the expander in Figure 1 is improved compared with the original standard; - It is specified in 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 There is no limit to the type of medium, and the performance test can be carried out at the user's site according to the situation; clarifies that when the contract requires it, type inspection should be carried out; clarifies that no matter what kind of medium, according to the situation (not in the factory) When conditions are met), its performance test can be carried out at the user's site;
- 6.2.3 clarifies that all signs should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191: 6.2.4b) adds delivery technical requirements, Leli containers Instructions: 6.2.4c) Added installation drawings and pressure vessel completion drawings. This standard replaces JB/T6894-93 from the date of implementation. Appendix A of this standard is an appendix to the standard.
This standard is proposed and managed by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Gas Separation and Liquefaction Equipment of the Mechanical Industry. This standard was drafted by: Sichuan Air Separation Equipment (Group) Co., Ltd. Drafters of this standard: Guoyi, Zhang Jialei. 1Scope
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Boost Turbo-Expander,
Technical Conditions
Specifications for boosterturbo-expandersJB/T6894—2000||tt| |Replaces JB/T6894-93
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation and storage of supercharged turboexpanders. This standard is applicable to turboexpanders (turboexpanders) braked by a booster with an inlet pressure of ≤5.0MPa (absolute pressure) when air or chlorine is used as the medium, and an inlet pressure of ≤7.0MPa (absolute pressure) when natural gas (petroleum gas) is used as the medium. Hereinafter referred to as supercharger expander). 2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the standard listed below. GB1911990
GB/T 2888—1991
GB/T 133061991
JB/T 3165—1999
JB/T5904 .1—1999
3 Technical requirements
Packaging, storage and transportation pictorial mark
Fan and Roots blower noise measurement method label| |tt||General technical conditions for mechanical and electrical product packaging
Thermal performance test of centrifugal and axial flow blowers and compressors Technical conditions for low-pressure turbine expanders
Technical requirements for manufacturing low-pressure turbine expanders||tt ||3.1 The booster expander shall comply with the provisions of this standard and be manufactured in accordance with the drawings and technical documents approved by the prescribed procedures. 3.2 The medium entering the booster expander should be dry, clean, non-corrosive and liquid-free gas (special circumstances shall be stipulated in the contract). 3.3 The manufacturer should determine the design flow rate and allowable working range of the supercharged expander products and deformed products. The upper deviation of the flow rate in the design T condition is 10% of the design T condition, and the lower deviation is -5% of the design T condition. 3.4 Constant extraction efficiency
3.4.1 For the pressurized expander used for air separation equipment for the production of gaseous oxygen and ammonia products, the equal extraction efficiency of the expander in the design condition T shall not be lower than that shown in Figure 1 According to the regulations, the standard flow conversion is carried out according to formula (1), and should meet the supporting requirements of complete sets of air separation equipment. q -(IP'XZRT,/Z'RT,)g
where: g, the standard flow rate of the expansion machine in the base state (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; p——density of working medium (0℃, 101.325kPa), kg/m; p°_——air density (0℃, 101.325kPa), kg/m; Z--expansion account Compressibility coefficient of the working medium under the design working conditions of the expansion machine: Approved by the National Machinery Industry Bureau on 2000-08-31 (1)
Implemented on 2000-12-01
JB/ T6894—2000
Z°—Air compressibility coefficient of the base machine: R--gas constant of working medium, N·m/(kg·K); R-gas constant of air, N ·m/(kgK);T. The inlet temperature of the expander design working condition, K; T - the inlet temperature of the expander's base state, K; po | The inlet pressure, MPa;kT is the isohuan index of the medium; wwW.bzxz.Net
&°—the isohuan index of air;
80||tt| |70
Standard flow rate under the design working conditions of the expander (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h. 81.3
Basic difficulty state
Medium, air
5x16||tt| |103
Inlet pressure: 0.9MPa
Outlet pressure: 0.15MP
Inlet temperature: 170K
Figure 1 Expander efficiency curve for air separation equipment 3×10*
3.4.2 Using natural gas (petroleum gas) as the medium, the booster expander used for natural gas (petroleum gas) separation equipment expands under the design working conditions The equal screening efficiency of the machine calculated according to Equation (2) ~ Equation (4) shall not be lower than the requirements in Figure 2, and meet the supporting requirements for complete sets of natural gas (petroleum gas) separation equipment.
7. 0
6. 5
6. 0
5. 5
5. 0
4. 5|| tt||4. 0
3. 0
2. 0
JB/T6894—2000 | |tt | ,,Inlet and outlet medium flame value;
4——Exact value of outlet medium and so on.
where: 0.
Inlet medium volume flow rate, m\/h;
Medium mass flow rate, kg/s;
p. Imported medium density, kg/m.
In the formula: e - inlet and outlet pressure ratio:
- inlet and outlet pressure, MPa.
(3)|| tt||(4)
3.4.3. For the booster in the booster expander used in air and natural gas separation equipment, the extraction efficiency at the design condition T is calculated according to Equation (5) and Equation (6) and shall not be lower than the requirements in Figure 3, and shall meet the requirements of the complete set of equipment. Process requirements for the booster. 75
One supercharger and other picking efficiency; ||tt| |fe.i
JB/T 6894—2000
Figure 3 Supercharger, etc. Picking efficiency curve
, -
The actual total value of the inlet and outlet media, kJ/kg; the total initial value of the outlet medium for i and other processes, kJ/kg . 0.
Where: 0 - inlet medium volume flow, m\/h; G - medium mass flow, kg/s;
density of inlet medium, kg/m.
(5)||tt ||(6)
The medium components entering the supercharger are similar to those entering the expander. The calculation of the values, density and other parameters in the above formula is the same as the algorithm of the aforementioned expander.
3.5 Critical speed
Under operating conditions, the actual first critical speed of the rotor should be 26% higher than the maximum allowable continuous speed. 3.6 Noise
Under working conditions, the noise value of the pressurized energy expansion machine shall not exceed 85dB (A). Sound insulation measures are allowed. The measurement method can refer to the regulations of GB/T2888.
3.7 Explosion-proof
The working environment of the supercharger expander using natural gas (petroleum gas) as the medium must be well ventilated, and the All motors, electrical components and live instruments must comply with relevant standards. 3.8 Vibration
3.8.1 The vibration of the shaft is measured close to the bearing with a non-contact instrument. The amplitude value (allowable range) is shown in Appendix A (standard appendix). 3.8.2 The vibration of the bearing box is measured with a contact instrument fixed on the bearing box. The root mean square vibration speed (vibration intensity) μm value should be lower than 4.5mm/s. The corresponding amplitude value is shown in Appendix A. 3.9 Operation cycle
The booster expansion machine must operate reliably, adjust freely, and the continuous operation period is not less than the operation period specified for the complete set of equipment. 3.10 The supply scope of the complete set of booster expander should comply with the following regulations or be stipulated in the contract: a) booster expander host;
b) lubrication system;
c) local instrument panel (including all primary instruments) ) or equipped according to the product technical documents: d) sealed air piping system;
e) chassis and other accessories;
0 spare wearing parts:
g) special tools.
The control, switching, heating, anti-surge device and safety protection device of the booster expander shall be provided by the complete set of equipment provided. If the above scope changes, it shall be supplied according to the provisions of the contract. 3.11 Quality guarantee period
Provided that the user complies with the conditions stipulated in the instruction manual, within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer (the oil seal is valid for no more than 12 months), the monthly use period shall not exceed 12 months. When a product is damaged or fails to work properly due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing (excluding wearing parts) or replacing it free of charge for the user. 4 Test methods
4.1 No-load operation test
4.1.1 The supercharged expander should operate without load for 2 hours at the design speed. 4.1.2 At the design speed, the bearing temperature of the supercharging expander shall not be greater than that specified in the design drawing, and its amplitude shall comply with the provisions of 3.8. 4.1.3 After 2 hours of no-load operation, perform an overspeed test for 1 minute at 120% of the design speed or the value specified in the technical document, and measure the residual deformation of the impeller. The value must comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.2, and should be recalibrated after overspeeding. dynamic balance. 4.1.4 After the test, the expander and supercharger are disassembled and inspected. The friction surfaces of the main shaft, bearings, seals and other parts are not allowed to have defects that affect the quality. 4.2 Performance test
The expander and supercharger should conduct separate performance tests and joint performance tests. 4.2.1 The expander performance test shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T5904.1, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.2 The performance test of the supercharger shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T3165, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.3 On the basis of completing the performance test of the expander and supercharger in accordance with the provisions of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, the fully assembled unit shall be jointly tested according to the requirements of the product drawing. The joint test can Conducted at the user's site. 4.2.4 The accuracy and usage requirements of test instruments shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The supercharger expander shall undergo factory inspection and type inspection. 5.2 Factory inspection
5.2.1 The supercharging expander shall undergo factory inspection in accordance with the regulations. 5.2.2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d )Visual inspection.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), the performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 Oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
In the formula: 0-inlet medium volume flow rate, m\/h; G-medium mass flow rate, kg/s;
inlet medium density, kg/m.
(5)||tt ||(6)
The medium components entering the supercharger are similar to those entering the expander. The calculation of the values, density and other parameters in the above formula is the same as the algorithm of the aforementioned expander.
3.5 Critical speed
Under operating conditions, the actual first critical speed of the rotor should be 26% higher than the maximum allowable continuous speed. 3.6 Noise
Under working conditions, the noise value of the pressurized energy expansion machine shall not exceed 85dB (A). Sound insulation measures are allowed. The measurement method can refer to the regulations of GB/T2888.
3.7 Explosion-proof
The working environment of the supercharger expander using natural gas (petroleum gas) as the medium must be well ventilated, and the All motors, electrical components and live instruments must comply with relevant standards. 3.8 Vibration
3.8.1 The vibration of the shaft is measured close to the bearing with a non-contact instrument. The amplitude value (allowable range) is shown in Appendix A (standard appendix). 3.8.2 The vibration of the bearing box is measured with a contact instrument fixed on the bearing box. The root mean square vibration speed (vibration intensity) μm value should be lower than 4.5mm/s. The corresponding amplitude value is shown in Appendix A. 3.9 Operation cycle
The booster expansion machine must operate reliably, adjust freely, and the continuous operation period is not less than the operation period specified for the complete set of equipment. 3.10 The supply scope of the complete set of booster expander should comply with the following regulations or be stipulated in the contract: a) booster expander host;
b) lubrication system;
c) local instrument panel (including all primary instruments) ) or equipped according to the product technical documents: d) sealed air piping system;
e) chassis and other accessories;
0 spare wearing parts:
g) special tools.
The control, switching, heating, anti-surge device and safety protection device of the booster expander shall be provided by the complete set of equipment provided. If the above scope changes, it shall be supplied according to the provisions of the contract. 3.11 Quality guarantee period
Provided that the user complies with the conditions stipulated in the instruction manual, within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer (the oil seal is valid for no more than 12 months), the monthly use period shall not exceed 12 months. When a product is damaged or fails to work properly due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing (excluding wearing parts) or replacing it free of charge for the user. 4 Test methods
4.1 No-load operation test
4.1.1 The supercharged expander should operate without load for 2 hours at the design speed. 4.1.2 At the design speed, the bearing temperature of the supercharging expander shall not be greater than that specified in the design drawing, and its amplitude shall comply with the provisions of 3.8. 4.1.3 After 2 hours of no-load operation, perform an overspeed test for 1 minute at 120% of the design speed or the value specified in the technical document, and measure the residual deformation of the impeller. The value must comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.2, and should be recalibrated after overspeeding. dynamic balance. 4.1.4 After the test, the expander and supercharger are disassembled and inspected. The friction surfaces of the main shaft, bearings, seals and other parts are not allowed to have defects that affect the quality. 4.2 Performance test
The expander and supercharger should conduct separate performance tests and joint performance tests. 4.2.1 The expander performance test shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T5904.1, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.2 The performance test of the supercharger shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T3165, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.3 On the basis of completing the performance test of the expander and supercharger in accordance with the provisions of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, the fully assembled unit shall be jointly tested according to the requirements of the product drawing. The joint test can Conducted at the user's site. 4.2.4 The accuracy and usage requirements of test instruments shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The supercharger expander shall undergo factory inspection and type inspection. 5.2 Factory inspection
5.2.1 The supercharging expander shall undergo factory inspection in accordance with the regulations. 5.2.2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d )Visual inspection.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), the performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 Oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
In the formula: 0-inlet medium volume flow rate, m\/h; G-medium mass flow rate, kg/s;
inlet medium density, kg/m.
(5)||tt ||(6)
The medium components entering the supercharger are similar to those entering the expander. The calculation of the values, density and other parameters in the above formula is the same as the algorithm of the aforementioned expander.
3.5 Critical speed
Under operating conditions, the actual first critical speed of the rotor should be 26% higher than the maximum allowable continuous speed. 3.6 Noise
Under working conditions, the noise value of the pressurized energy expansion machine shall not exceed 85dB (A). Sound insulation measures are allowed. The measurement method can refer to the regulations of GB/T2888.
3.7 Explosion-proof
The working environment of the supercharger expander using natural gas (petroleum gas) as the medium must be well ventilated, and the All motors, electrical components and live instruments must comply with relevant standards. 3.8 Vibration
3.8.1 The vibration of the shaft is measured close to the bearing with a non-contact instrument. The amplitude value (allowable range) is shown in Appendix A (standard appendix). 3.8.2 The vibration of the bearing box is measured with a contact instrument fixed on the bearing box. The root mean square vibration speed (vibration intensity) μm value should be lower than 4.5mm/s. The corresponding amplitude value is shown in Appendix A. 3.9 Operation cycle
The booster expansion machine must operate reliably, adjust freely, and the continuous operation period is not less than the operation period specified for the complete set of equipment. 3.10 The supply scope of the complete set of booster expander should comply with the following regulations or be stipulated in the contract: a) booster expander host;
b) lubrication system;
c) local instrument panel (including all primary instruments) ) or equipped according to the product technical documents: d) sealed air piping system;
e) chassis and other accessories;
0 spare wearing parts:
g) special tools.
The control, switching, heating, anti-surge device and safety protection device of the booster expander shall be provided by the complete set of equipment provided. If the above scope changes, it shall be supplied according to the provisions of the contract. 3.11 Quality guarantee period
Provided that the user complies with the conditions stipulated in the instruction manual, within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer (the oil seal is valid for no more than 12 months), the monthly use period shall not exceed 12 months. When a product is damaged or fails to work properly due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing (excluding wearing parts) or replacing it free of charge for the user. 4 Test methods
4.1 No-load operation test
4.1.1 The supercharged expander should operate without load for 2 hours at the design speed. 4.1.2 At the design speed, the bearing temperature of the supercharging expander shall not be greater than that specified in the design drawing, and its amplitude shall comply with the provisions of 3.8. 4.1.3 After 2 hours of no-load operation, perform an overspeed test for 1 minute at 120% of the design speed or the value specified in the technical document, and measure the residual deformation of the impeller. The value must comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.2, and should be recalibrated after overspeeding. dynamic balance. 4.1.4 After the test, the expander and supercharger are disassembled and inspected. The friction surfaces of the main shaft, bearings, seals and other parts are not allowed to have defects that affect the quality. 4.2 Performance test
The expander and supercharger should conduct separate performance tests and joint performance tests. 4.2.1 The expander performance test shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T5904.1, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.2 The performance test of the supercharger shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T3165, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.3 On the basis of completing the performance test of the expander and supercharger in accordance with the provisions of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, the fully assembled unit shall be jointly tested according to the requirements of the product drawing. The joint test can Conducted at user site. 4.2.4 The accuracy and usage requirements of test instruments shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The supercharger expander shall undergo factory inspection and type inspection. 5.2 Factory inspection
5.2.1 The supercharging expander shall undergo factory inspection in accordance with the regulations. 5.2.2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d )Visual inspection.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), its performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 The oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
5mm/s, please see Appendix A for the corresponding amplitude values. 3.9 Operation cycle
The booster expansion machine must operate reliably, adjust freely, and the continuous operation period is not less than the operation period specified for the complete set of equipment. 3.10 The supply scope of the complete set of booster expander should comply with the following regulations or be stipulated in the contract: a) booster expander host;
b) lubrication system;
c) local instrument panel (including all primary instruments) ) or equipped according to the product technical documents: d) sealed air piping system;
e) chassis and other accessories;
0 spare wearing parts:
g) special tools.
The control, switching, heating, anti-surge device and safety protection device of the booster expander shall be provided by the complete set of equipment provided. If the above scope changes, it shall be supplied according to the provisions of the contract. 3.11 Quality guarantee period
Provided that the user complies with the conditions stipulated in the instruction manual, within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer (the oil seal is valid for no more than 12 months), the monthly use period shall not exceed 12 months. When a product is damaged or fails to work properly due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing (excluding wearing parts) or replacing it free of charge for the user. 4 Test methods
4.1 No-load operation test
4.1.1 The supercharged expander should operate without load for 2 hours at the design speed. 4.1.2 At the design speed, the bearing temperature of the supercharging expander shall not be greater than that specified in the design drawing, and its amplitude shall comply with the provisions of 3.8. 4.1.3 After 2 hours of no-load operation, perform an overspeed test for 1 minute at 120% of the design speed or the value specified in the technical document, and measure the residual deformation of the impeller. The value must comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.2, and should be recalibrated after overspeeding. dynamic balance. 4.1.4 After the test, the expander and supercharger are disassembled and inspected. The friction surfaces of the main shaft, bearings, seals and other parts are not allowed to have defects that affect the quality. 4.2 Performance test
The expander and the supercharger should conduct separate performance tests and joint performance tests. 4.2.1 The expander performance test shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T5904.1, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.2 The performance test of the supercharger shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T3165, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.3 On the basis of completing the performance test of the expander and supercharger in accordance with the provisions of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, the fully assembled unit shall be jointly tested according to the requirements of the product drawing. The joint test can Conducted at user site. 4.2.4 The accuracy and usage requirements of test instruments shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The supercharger expander shall undergo factory inspection and type inspection. 5.2 Factory inspection
5.2.1 The supercharging expander shall undergo factory inspection in accordance with the regulations. 5.2.2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d )Visual inspection.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), the performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 The oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
5mm/s, please see Appendix A for the corresponding amplitude values. 3.9 Operation cycle
The booster expansion machine must operate reliably, adjust freely, and the continuous operation period is not less than the operation period specified for the complete set of equipment. 3.10 The supply scope of the complete set of booster expander should comply with the following regulations or be stipulated in the contract: a) booster expander host;
b) lubrication system;
c) local instrument panel (including all primary instruments) ) or equipped according to the product technical documents: d) sealed air piping system;
e) chassis and other accessories;
0 spare wearing parts:
g) special tools.
The control, switching, heating, anti-surge device and safety protection device of the booster expander shall be provided by the complete set of equipment provided. If the above scope changes, it shall be supplied according to the provisions of the contract. 3.11 Quality guarantee period
Provided that the user complies with the conditions stipulated in the instruction manual, within 18 months from the date of shipment from the manufacturer (the oil seal is valid for no more than 12 months), the monthly use period shall not exceed 12 months. When a product is damaged or fails to work properly due to poor manufacturing quality, the manufacturer shall be responsible for repairing (excluding wearing parts) or replacing it free of charge for the user. 4 Test methods
4.1 No-load operation test
4.1.1 The supercharged expander should operate without load for 2 hours at the design speed. 4.1.2 At the design speed, the bearing temperature of the supercharging expander shall not be greater than that specified in the design drawing, and its amplitude shall comply with the provisions of 3.8. 4.1.3 After 2 hours of no-load operation, perform an overspeed test for 1 minute at 120% of the design speed or the value specified in the technical document, and measure the residual deformation of the impeller. The value must comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.2, and should be recalibrated after overspeeding. dynamic balance. 4.1.4 After the test, the expander and supercharger are disassembled and inspected. The friction surfaces of the main shaft, bearings, seals and other parts are not allowed to have defects that affect the quality. 4.2 Performance test
The expander and supercharger should conduct separate performance tests and joint performance tests. 4.2.1 The expander performance test shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T5904.1, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.2 The performance test of the supercharger shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions of JB/T3165, and may be carried out at the user's site according to circumstances. 4.2.3 On the basis of completing the performance test of the expander and supercharger in accordance with the provisions of 4.2.1 and 4.2.2, the fully assembled unit shall be jointly tested according to the requirements of the product drawing. The joint test can Conducted at the user's site. 4.2.4 The accuracy and usage requirements of test instruments shall comply with the provisions of JB/T5904.1. 5 Inspection rules
5.1 The supercharger expander shall undergo factory inspection and type inspection. 5.2 Factory inspection
5.2.1 The supercharging expander shall undergo factory inspection in accordance with the regulations. 5.2.2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d )Visual inspection.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), the performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 The oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d) Appearance test.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), the performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 The oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
2 Factory inspection content
a) Quality inspection of product parts;
b) No-load operation test:
c) Internal inspection after the test;
d) Appearance test.
5.3 Type inspection
5.3.1 Type inspection should be carried out when trial products are transferred to factory for production, when the structural design of old products is significantly modified, and when the contract requires it. 5.3.2 Type inspection content:
a)) the product passes factory inspection;
b) performs performance testing. Regardless of the medium, depending on the situation (when conditions are not met in the factory), the performance test can be conducted at the user's site. 5.4 Judgment rules
The supercharged expander must pass the inspection by the quality inspection department of the manufacturer and be accompanied by a product quality certificate before leaving the factory. 6 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
6.1 Mark
6.1.1 Each booster expander should be nailed with a product label in a prominent position. The size and technical requirements of the label should comply with GB/T13306 The relevant provisions.
6.1.2 Sign content:
a) Manufacturer name:
b) Booster expander name and model:
c) Booster expander technical parameters (Design working condition) Technical parameters of expander:
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m\/h; inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa: inlet temperature, K: technical parameters of supercharger :
Flow rate (0℃, 101.325kPa), m/h: inlet/outlet pressure (gauge pressure), MPa; inlet temperature, K; rotation speed, r/min: d) Factory number: ||tt| |e) Year and month of manufacture.
6.2 Packaging
6.2.1 The packaging of the booster expander should comply with the regulations of GB/T13384. 6.2.2 Oil, water and other impurities accumulated in each part of the product should be removed before packaging. Exposed product parts and unpainted T-added surfaces (except non-ferrous metals) need to be coated with rust inhibitors or properly protected. 6.2.3 The packaging of the booster expansion machine should ensure that it is protected from damage or loss of accessories, documents, etc. during transportation. Rainproof, moisture-proof, energy-proof, and do not turn upside down signs are printed on the outside of the packaging box. All signs must be Should comply with the relevant provisions of GB191. 6
6.2.4 Each booster expander shall be accompanied by at least the following technical documents when leaving the factory, and shall be sealed in a watertight bag: a) Factory certificate;| |tt||b) Instructions for use, delivery technical requirements, Leli container instructions; c) Random drawings (flow chart, general drawing, host surface drawing, main component drawing, installation drawing and pressure vessel completion drawing); d ) Spare parts list, special tools list;
e) Packing list.
6.3 Transportation and Storage
6.3.1 Transportation should avoid damage to the product and loss of technical documents, accessories, etc. 6.3.2 Booster expander products should be stored in a dry, ventilated warehouse or covered place. During storage, anti-corrosion and anti-damage inspections should be performed frequently.
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