title>GB/T 2423.51-2000 Environmental testing for electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test - GB/T 2423.51-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 2423.51-2000 Environmental testing for electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 2423.51-2000

Standard Name: Environmental testing for electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test

Chinese Name: 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ke:流动混合气体腐蚀试验

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-10-17

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Test >> 19.040 Environmental Test

Standard Classification Number:Electrical Engineering>>General Electrical Engineering>>K04 Basic Standards and General Methods

associated standards

Procurement status:ide IEC 68-2-60:1995

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Publication date:2004-04-02

other information

Release date:2000-10-17

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:The Fifth Electronic Research Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Testing for Electrical and Electronic Products

Publishing department:State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Electrical Equipment Industry Association

Introduction to standards:

This standard is used to determine the corrosion effects of the indoor working or storage environment on electrical and electronic products, equipment and materials, especially contacts and connectors. They can also be assembled into a subsystem or assembled into a complete device for assessment. The information provided by the test methods provided in this standard can help select materials, manufacturing processes and component designs based on the comparison of corrosion resistance. GB/T 2423.51-2000 Environmental testing for electrical and electronic products Part 2: Test methods Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test GB/T2423.51-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Test equipment
Severity level
Initial test
8Final test
9Information to be given in relevant specifications
10Information to be given in the test report
Appendix A (standard appendix) Copper sheet specimen for corrosion monitoring Appendix B (suggestive appendix) Description of test equipment Appendix C (suggestive appendix) Selection of test method and duration
This standard is equivalent to the International Electrotechnical Commission standard IEC68-2-60 "Environmental test dynamic mixed gas corrosion test" (second edition in 1995). Part 2: Test method Test Ke: Flow
Appendix A of this standard is a standard appendix, and Appendix B and Appendix C are suggestive appendices. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Information Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Environmental Conditions and Environmental Tests for Electrical and Electronic Products. The drafting unit of this standard is the Fifth Electronic Research Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry. The main drafters of this standard are Deng Guohua, Wang Zhong and Yang Wensheng. This standard is entrusted to the Fifth Electronic Research Institute of the Ministry of Information Industry for interpretation. Wa
IEC Foreword
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide standardization organization composed of all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The purpose of IEC is to promote international cooperation on standardization issues in the field of electrical and electronic engineering. To this end, IEC, in addition to other activities, also publishes international standards. The drafting of international standards is entrusted to technical committees, and any national committee interested in the standard project involved can participate in the drafting of this standard. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations that have liaison relations with IEC can also participate in this work. IEC and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) work closely under the conditions stipulated in the agreement between the two. 2) Since the technical committees are represented by all interested national committees, formal decisions or agreements on technical issues, as far as possible, express international consensus on the issues involved. 3) The documents produced are accepted by the national committees in the sense that they are recommended for international use and published in the form of standards, technical reports or guidelines.
4) In order to promote international unification, the IEC national committees agree to adopt IEC standards to the greatest extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any differences between IEC standards and corresponding national or regional standards shall be clearly stated in the latter. 5) IEC does not provide a marking procedure to indicate its approval and, therefore, does not assume any responsibility for any equipment claiming to conform to IEC standards. 6) It should be noted that some parts of this international standard may be proprietary and the EC is not responsible for identifying any or all of these proprietary issues. International Standard IEC68-2-60 was prepared by IEC Technical Committee 50 (Environmental Testing) of Subcommittee 50B (Climatic Testing);
This second edition of the standard replaces IEC68-2-60 (TTD) (1990) and constitutes a technical revision report. The text of this standard is based on IEC68-2-60 (TTD) (1990) and the following documents: FDIS
The full voting information for the approval of this standard can be found in the voting report in the table above. According to IEC Guide 104, it has the status of a basic safety publication. Under the general title of environmental testing, IEC68 consists of the following parts: Part 1: General
- Part 2: Tests
- Part 3: Background information
- Part 4: Information for standard developers-- Test overview
Part 5: Guidelines for the preparation of test methods
Appendix A is an integral part of this standard. Appendix B and Appendix C are for reference only.
Voting report
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Environmental testing for electric and electronic products
Part 2: Test methods
Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion testEnvironmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2:Test methods-Test Ke:Flowing mixed gas corrosion test1 Overview
1.1 Scope
This standard is used to determine the corrosion effects of the indoor working or storage environment on the components, equipment and materials of electric and electronic products, especially contacts and connectors. They can also be assembled into a subsystem or assembled into a complete equipment for assessment. The information given by the test methods provided in this standard can help to select materials, manufacturing processes and component designs based on comparative corrosion resistance. Guidance on the selection of test methods and their duration is given in Appendix C. 1.2 Referenced standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T5095.2—1997 Basic test procedures and measurement methods for electromechanical components for electronic equipment Part 2: General inspection, electrical continuity and contact resistance test, insulation test and voltage stress test (idtIEC512-2:1994) ISO431:1981 Refined copper profiles
2 Test equipment
The test equipment includes a climate system, a sample chamber, a gas delivery system and a gas concentration detection device. The design and construction details of the equipment are optional, but the conditions specified in each test method should be met throughout its working space and should meet the following requirements:
- Water droplets or suspended particles should not be introduced into the sample chamber; - The air and water used should be clean enough to avoid affecting the test results. When the test gas passes through the sample chamber, the test conditions in the working space should be consistent. The gas sampling point for gas analysis should be in the working space of the sample chamber; - The discharged gas should be handled in accordance with relevant legal provisions. The working space is defined as follows: the maximum corrosion weight gain of a single copper sample at each point in the working space does not exceed 15% of the average corrosion weight gain of all copper samples (according to Appendix A, the corrosion weight gain of copper samples is expressed in mg/dm2·d). 3 Severity level
The severity level for the test is given by the relevant specifications. The severity level is determined by the following factors: the test method selected from Table 1;
Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on October 17, 2000 Www.bzxZ.net
Implementation on June 1, 2001
Test duration.
The preferred test durations are 4, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days. There are 4 test methods, the test parameters are shown in Table 1, and the application guide for each test method is shown in Appendix C C3. Table 1
Test parameters
Relative humidity(%)
Number of experimental gas volume changes per hour
Weight gain of copper sheet sample obtained according to Appendix A(mg/(dm·d))1) H,S:1 μg/m*=0. 71 mm/m. 2)NO2:1μg/m=0.53mm/m.
4)S02:1 μg/m2=0.38mm/m
(10-9vol/vol is equivalent to 1μg/m.) Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Method 4
Note: Because the corrosiveness of methods 1 to 4 is different, the numbering sequence of the methods and the corrosion weight gain of the corresponding copper sheet specimens do not reflect their severity levels. Pretreatment
The relevant specifications may require pretreatment of the test samples, such as cleaning or mechanical operation. 5
Initial inspection
The initial inspection should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant specifications. Usually these tests are:
Test of contact resistance of components of electrical and electronic products (GB/T5095.2, test 2a); - Insulation resistance test (GB/T5095.2, test 3a). 6 Tests
The samples used in the test should be:
- Samples to be evaluated:
Corrosion monitoring materials.
6.1 Test samples
The relevant product specifications should specify the state of the test samples during the test, such as whether the connector is connected or not connected: whether the contact points of the switch are open or closed, whether it is in working or electrical load state. The time when the heat dissipating test sample is in working or electrical load state should keep the temperature and relative humidity of the working space within the specified tolerance.
When the test sample is sent into the test chamber, the state of the test sample and the test chamber should not cause condensation on the surface of the test sample. 6.2 Corrosion monitoring materials
The copper sheet sample as corrosion monitoring material should be tested together with the test sample to check the consistency of the test sample. 2
The copper coupons shall be prepared in accordance with Appendix A, with a minimum of 5 pieces. They shall be exposed for the same time as the test specimens. Their weight increase during the test, weighed with appropriate sensitivity, shall be used as a measure of the degree of corrosion and as a monitor of the reproducibility and repeatability of the test.
In addition to the copper coupons, other materials, such as gold-plated coupons or other types of test pieces (see B6.3) may also be used as corrosion monitoring materials.
6.3 Test Procedure
One of the following test procedures may be used for the test: Test Procedure 1
When the test gas does not contain chlorine (method 1) or the method for measuring the chlorine concentration is not interfered by other gases in the test gas, the following steps shall be used:
Initially, humid air shall be injected, and the temperature and humidity shall be adjusted and stabilized. Initially, various corrosive gases shall be introduced into the humid air to stabilize it. - Measure and adjust the gas concentration to stabilize it. When the chlorine concentration needs to be measured, the total amount of chlorine present in the test gas (not only chlorine Cl2) is used as the chlorine concentration value in the test gas. However, chlorine is still added to the test gas only in the form of chlorine gas. - Place the test sample and corrosion monitoring material in accordance with the requirements of 6.2. The copper coupons should be exposed together with the test sample during the entire test period. The test sample and corrosion monitoring material should be evenly distributed in the working space. They should not touch each other or shield each other from the test gas. The test sample should be in the state specified in the relevant specifications (such as connected/unconnected state, electrical load or working state). The test duration is calculated from the moment the test sample and corrosion monitoring material are placed. - Allow the test conditions to stabilize, which may take a considerable time. If necessary, measure and adjust the temperature, humidity and gas concentration. During the adjustment process, any excess of the gas concentration should be avoided. The maximum duration of adjustment and stabilization required to achieve the specified values ​​is limited to 24h.
During the test, the temperature, humidity and gas concentration should be kept within the specified limits. It is allowed to open the test chamber during the test. However, the number of times the box is opened should be limited.
Tests lasting less than 4 days are not allowed to be opened. Tests lasting 4 to 10 days are allowed to be opened once. Tests lasting more than 10 days are allowed to be opened once a week. The duration of the unpacking state is limited to the time required to remove and put in the test sample. At the end of the test, take out the test sample and corrosion monitoring material. Test procedure 2
When the test gas contains chlorine (methods 2 to 4) and the method for measuring the chlorine content is interfered by other gases in the test gas, the following steps should be used:
Start injecting humid air, and adjust and stabilize the temperature and humidity. - Introduce chlorine into the humid air flow to stabilize it. - Measure and adjust the chlorine concentration to stabilize it. - Place the test sample and corrosion monitoring material in accordance with the requirements of 6.2. During the entire test period, the copper sheet specimen should be exposed at the same time as the test sample. The test sample and corrosion monitoring material should be evenly distributed in the working space. They cannot contact each other or block the test gas from each other. The test sample shall be in the state specified in the relevant specifications (e.g. connected/unconnected state, electrical load or working state). 1 Wait for the temperature, humidity and chlorine concentration to stabilize, which may take a considerable period of time because chlorine has a high initial chemical reaction and adsorption rate with various surfaces. If necessary, measure and adjust the chlorine concentration. During the adjustment process, any excess of gas concentration should be avoided. The chlorine concentration should remain stable for at least 2 hours. The maximum duration of adjustment and stabilization required to reach the specified value is limited to 24 hours. 1 Pass other gases to stabilize. If necessary, measure and adjust the temperature, humidity and gas concentration (except chlorine). During the adjustment process, any excess of gas concentration should be avoided. The maximum duration of adjustment and stabilization required to reach the specified value is limited to 24 hours. The test duration is calculated from the moment when all gases contained in the test gas are fully introduced. 3
1 During the test, the temperature, humidity and gas concentration should be kept within the specified range. However, the chlorine concentration cannot be controlled during the test. The method to ensure that the chlorine concentration is within the specified range is to measure the chlorine content according to the specified method after the test (see below). The test chamber is allowed to be opened during the test.
However, the number of openings should be limited.
Tests lasting less than 4 days are not allowed to be opened. Tests lasting 4 to 10 days are allowed to be opened once a week. Tests lasting more than 10 days are allowed to be opened once a week. The duration of the open state is limited to the time necessary to remove and put in the test samples. - At the end of the test, stop the flow of any gas other than chlorine, and the chlorine gas is still flowing. Wait enough time for other gases to be exhausted from the test chamber to a level that does not affect the analysis of chlorine. - Measure the chlorine concentration, which must be within the specified limits to ensure the effectiveness of the test. At the end of the test, remove the test samples and corrosion monitoring materials. 7 Recovery
After the test samples are removed from the test chamber, they should be stored in accordance with the requirements of the relevant specifications before the final inspection. 8 Final testing
Final testing shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant specifications, which may require a visual inspection of the test samples after the test. The relevant specifications shall provide criteria for passing or failing the test samples. If the necessary tests cannot be completed within the specified time, the storage time under recovery conditions can be extended to a maximum of one week. This extension of storage time should be stated in the test report. 9 Information to be given in the relevant specifications
When this test is included in the relevant specifications, the following details should be given to ensure their operability. The relevant specifications shall provide the information required by the following clauses, paying special attention to the items marked with an asterisk (*), as this information is always required. Chapter number
a) Method*
b) Test duration
c) Pretreatment of test samples
d) Initial test*
e) Conditions of samples during the test*
f) Working and electrical load status of samples during the testg) Recovery and its duration*
h) Final test* and possible visual inspectioni) Criteria for acceptance and rejection*
10 Information to be given in the test report
Test method;
Test duration;
Method and results of initial test,
-Test conditions and duration;
Working and load status of samples during the test;3
-Recovery and its duration;
-Method and results of final test,
--Weight gain of each copper coupon (expressed in mg/(dm2·d))---Any inconsistency with this standard. http://万.com
Appendix A
(Standard Appendix)
Copper coupons for corrosion monitoring
Copper coupons are subjected to exposure corrosion tests together with test specimens to confirm the compliance of the tests with the various limiting parameters specified in this standard. The weight gain of the copper coupons will be used as a measure of such compliance. A1 Material and size
The copper coupons shall be made of semi-hard OFHC copper plate (Cu-OF in accordance with ISO431) with a maximum thickness of 0.5 mm and a total surface area of ​​0.1 dm2~0.2 dm2 for each coupon.
A2 Cleaning Procedure
Before starting the test, the copper sample should be cleaned as follows, weighed on a balance of appropriate sensitivity, and stored in a desiccator containing a non-corrosive desiccant for 120 h. The copper sample should be cleaned as follows: - cathodic degreasing in 1 mol/L NaOH solution for 15s~30s with a stainless steel electrode or platinum electrode as anode and an electrolysis voltage of 5V~10V
Rinse with tap water;
Rinse with deionized water;
- immerse in 10% HSO solution for activation for 20s~30s # Rinse with tap water,
- Rinse with deionized water,
Rinse with alcohol solution (modified ethanol or isopropanol solution): dry with hot air (about 50°C).
All solutions should be prepared with deionized water, at least the same quality as the water used in the climate system. Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Description of the test equipment
B1 Overview
The test equipment includes a climate system, a sample chamber, a gas supply system and a gas analysis system. Examples of the test equipment are shown in Figures B1, B2 and B3.
The gas supply system
Gas analysis
Gas analysis
Oil pressure/oil pressure transmitter
Gas supply from a low-concentration gas cylinder.
The external space in the test chamber contains humid air. The corrosive gas is premixed with dry air. The sample chamber is negatively pressurized.
Figure B1 Schematic diagram of test equipment
Wa Zi http://Zi.com
Chemical process
Mixed medium
Gas analysis
Industrial end
The external space in the test chamber contains humid air. Corrosive gas mixes with humid air.
Positive pressure in the sample chamber.
Chemical chamber
Working center
Note: Test equipment with positive pressure should be managed and controlled very carefully. If there is a leak, the air in the laboratory will be contaminated by the gas escaping from the test chamber.
Figure B2 Schematic diagram of test equipment
Permeation tube
Volume analysis
Required case
Wet gas
The test chamber has only a sample chamber (with heated wall). The permeation tube transports the gas.
Corrosive gas is premixed with humid air
Positive pressure in the sample chamber.
Cake/oil filter
Injection type
Chemical filter
Working room
Note: Test equipment with positive pressure should be managed and controlled very carefully. If there is a leak, the air in the laboratory will be contaminated by the gas escaping from the test chamber.
Figure B3 Schematic diagram of the test apparatus
B2 Climate system
The climate system introduces humid air into the sample chamber. A common method is to bubble compressed air through a water bath having a temperature greater than the dew point of the humid air. Any additional dry air added to the test gas should be taken into account in calculating this temperature. The relative humidity of the air in the sample chamber should be checked regularly and the temperature of the water bath adjusted accordingly. The compressed air should be free of oil and contaminants. One or more oil traps, oil filters and chemical filtration devices, such as a combination of dry activated carbon and molecular sieves, should be used and should be replaced or activated regularly. Synthetic air can also be used. The water used should be distilled or deionized water. The humid air can be introduced into the sample chamber as shown in Figure B1. In this case, the air in the sample chamber is removed by suction, which creates a low pressure in the sample chamber (compared to the space outside the sample chamber in the test chamber). The humid air outside the sample chamber is drawn into the sample chamber through an orifice, the size of which affects the pressure difference. The flow rate of air drawn from the sample chamber is adjusted to obtain the specified number of gas volume changes per hour. The low pressure in the sample chamber compared to the ambient pressure may make it difficult to use some gas analysis instruments. In Figure B2, humid air is introduced into the space outside the sample chamber in the test chamber and flows into the sample chamber through holes in the sample chamber wall. When using this method, a higher pressure than the ambient atmospheric pressure can be obtained in the sample chamber, which makes it easier to sample the test gas and reduces the risk of external atmospheric influence. However, the interior of the sample chamber still has a lower pressure than the external space. Figure B2 illustrates the mixing of various gases with humid air. Using this method, more air is consumed, so lower gas concentrations can be obtained when the gases are mixed.
In order to achieve the requirement of humidity stability, the temperature fluctuation range should be less than ±0.5°C. In order to achieve the required temperature stability, it is necessary to set up a water or air layer around the sample chamber. The equipment shown in Figures B1 and B2 uses an air layer, while the equipment shown in Figure B3 can choose to use an air layer, a water layer or an electric heating wall. 9
Industrial steam end
The external space in the test chamber is filled with humid air. Corrosive gas is mixed with humid air.
Positive pressure in the sample chamber.
Chemical instrument
Working heart
Note: Test equipment with positive pressure should be managed and controlled very carefully. If there is a leak, the air in the laboratory will be contaminated by the gas escaping from the test chamber.
Figure B2 Schematic diagram of test equipment
Interesting permeation tube
Volume analysis
Required permeation tube
Wet gas
The test chamber has only the sample chamber (with heated wall). The permeation tube delivers gas.
Corrosive gas is premixed with humid air
Positive pressure in the sample chamber.
Cake/Oil Pass
Injection Type
Chemical Filter
Note: Test equipment with positive pressure should be managed and controlled very carefully. If there is a leak, the air in the laboratory will be contaminated by the gas escaping from the test chamber.
Figure B3 Schematic diagram of test equipment
B2 Climate system
The climate system delivers humid air to the sample chamber. A common method is to bubble compressed air through a water bath with a temperature greater than the dew point of the humid air. In calculating this temperature, any additional dry air added to the test gas should be taken into account. The relative humidity of the air in the sample chamber should be checked regularly and the water temperature in the water bath should be adjusted accordingly. The compressed air should be free of oil and contaminants. One or more oil traps, oil filters and chemical filtration devices, such as a combination of dry activated carbon and molecular sieves, should be used and should be replaced or activated regularly. Synthetic air can also be used. The water used should be distilled or deionized water. The humid air can be introduced into the sample chamber as shown in Figure B1. In this case, the air in the sample chamber is exhausted by suction, which results in a lower pressure in the sample chamber (compared to the space outside the sample chamber in the test chamber). The humid air outside the sample chamber is drawn into the sample chamber through a hole, the size of the hole affecting the pressure difference. The flow rate of the air drawn from the sample chamber is adjusted to obtain the specified number of gas volume changes per hour. The low pressure in the sample chamber compared to the ambient pressure may cause difficulties in the use of some gas analysis instruments. In Figure B2, the humid air is introduced into the space outside the sample chamber in the test chamber and flows into the sample chamber through holes in the sample chamber wall. When using this method, a higher pressure than the ambient atmospheric pressure can be obtained in the sample chamber, making it easier to sample the test gas and reducing the risk of external atmospheric influence on it. However, the interior of the sample chamber still has a lower pressure than the external space. Figure B2 illustrates the mixing of various gases with humid air. Using this method, more air is consumed, so lower gas concentrations can be obtained when the gases are mixed.
In order to achieve the requirement of humidity stability, the temperature fluctuation range should be less than ±0.5℃. In order to obtain the required temperature stability, it is necessary to set up a water or air layer around the sample chamber. The equipment shown in Figures B1 and B2 uses an air layer, while the equipment shown in Figure B3 can choose an air layer, a water layer or an electric heating wall. 9
Ji Wa Ying http://.com51—2000
Industrial steam end
The external space in the test chamber is filled with humid air. Corrosive gas is mixed with humid air.
Positive pressure in the sample chamber.
Chemical instrument
Working heart
Note: Test equipment with positive pressure should be managed and controlled very carefully. If there is a leak, the air in the laboratory will be contaminated by the gas escaping from the test chamber.
Figure B2 Schematic diagram of test equipment
Interesting permeation tube
Volume analysis
Required permeation tube
Wet gas
The test chamber has only the sample chamber (with heated wall). The permeation tube delivers gas.
Corrosive gas is premixed with humid air
Positive pressure in the sample chamber.
Cake/Oil Pass
Injection Type
Chemical Filter
Note: Test equipment with positive pressure should be managed and controlled very carefully. If there is a leak, the air in the laboratory will be contaminated by the gas escaping from the test chamber.
Figure B3 Schematic diagram of test equipment
B2 Climate system
The climate system delivers humid air to the sample chamber. A common method is to bubble compressed air through a water bath with a temperature greater than the dew point of the humid air. In calculating this temperature, any additional dry air added to the test gas should be taken into account. The relative humidity of the air in the sample chamber should be checked regularly and the water temperature in the water bath should be adjusted accordingly. The compressed air should be free of oil and contaminants. One or more oil traps, oil filters and chemical filtration devices, such as a combination of dry activated carbon and molecular sieves, should be used and should be replaced or activated regularly. Synthetic air can also be used. The water used should be distilled or deionized water. The humid air can be introduced into the sample chamber as shown in Figure B1. In this case, the air in the sample chamber is exhausted by suction, which results in a lower pressure in the sample chamber (compared to the space outside the sample chamber in the test chamber). The humid air outside the sample chamber is drawn into the sample chamber through a hole, the size of the hole affecting the pressure difference. The flow rate of the air drawn from the sample chamber is adjusted to obtain the specified number of gas volume changes per hour. The low pressure in the sample chamber compared to the ambient pressure may cause difficulties in the use of some gas analysis instruments. In Figure B2, the humid air is introduced into the space outside the sample chamber in the test chamber and flows into the sample chamber through holes in the sample chamber wall. When using this method, a higher pressure than the ambient atmospheric pressure can be obtained in the sample chamber, making it easier to sample the test gas and reducing the risk of external atmospheric influence on it. However, the interior of the sample chamber still has a lower pressure than the external space. Figure B2 illustrates the mixing of various gases with humid air. Using this method, more air is consumed, so lower gas concentrations can be obtained when the gases are mixed.
In order to achieve the requirement of humidity stability, the temperature fluctuation range should be less than ±0.5℃. In order to obtain the required temperature stability, it is necessary to set up a water or air layer around the sample chamber. The equipment shown in Figures B1 and B2 uses an air layer, while the equipment shown in Figure B3 can choose an air layer, a water layer or an electric heating wall. 9
Ji Wa Ying http://.com
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