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Quality control of surface meteorological observational data

Basic Information

Standard ID: QX/T 118-2010

Standard Name:Quality control of surface meteorological observational data

Chinese Name: 地面气象观测资料质量控制

Standard category:Meteorological Industry Standard (QX)


Date of Release2010-01-20

Date of Implementation:2010-06-01

Date of Expiration:2020-07-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mathematics, Natural Sciences >> 07.060 Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology

Standard Classification Number:Comprehensive>>Basic Subjects>>A47 Meteorology

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaced by QX/T 118-2020

Publication information

publishing house:Meteorological Press

Publication date:2010-06-01

other information

Review date:2017-04-19

drafter:National Weather Information Center

Drafting unit:National Weather Information Center

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information

Proposing unit:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information

Publishing department:China Meteorological Administration

competent authority:National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the content and methods of quality control of surface meteorological observation data. This standard applies to the quality control of surface meteorological observation data. QX/T 118-2010 Quality Control of Surface Meteorological Observation Data QX/T118-2010 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the content and methods of quality control of surface meteorological observation data. This standard applies to the quality control of surface meteorological observation data.

Some standard content:

Meteorological Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Quality control of surface meteorological observational data
Quality control of surface meteorological observational data2010-01-20 Issued
China Meteorological Administration
Implementation on 2010-06-01
Appendix A, Appendix B and Appendix C of this standard are all informative appendices. This standard is proposed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information (SAC/TC346). This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Basic Meteorological Information (SAC/TC346). The drafting unit of this standard: National Meteorological Information Center. The main drafters of this standard: Ren Zhihua, Wang Bomin, Liu Xiaoning. QX/T118—2010
1 Scope
Quality control of surface meteorological observation data
This standard specifies the content and methods of quality control of surface meteorological observation data. This standard applies to the quality control of surface meteorological observation data. 2
Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 2.1
Surface meteorological observation data surfacemeteorologicalobservationaldata Observational data reflecting the meteorological conditions and their changing processes within a certain range from the earth's land surface QX/T118—2010
Note: The surface meteorological observation data involved in this standard include: clouds, visibility, weather phenomena, air pressure, air temperature and humidity, wind direction and wind speed, precipitation, sunshine, evaporation, surface temperature, grass temperature, shallow and deep ground temperature, snow depth and snow pressure, frozen soil, and ice accumulation on wires. 2.2
Quality controlqualitycontrol
Operational techniques and activities to ensure that observation records meet the required quality. [QX/T66—2007, definition 3.1]
Format checkformatcheck
Check whether the data conforms to the specified format. 2.4
Check whether the meteorological record is within its numericalrange. 2.5
Climatological limit valueclimaticrange
Critical value of a meteorological element that cannot occur from a climatological point of view. [QX/T66—2007, definition 3.2]
Climatological limit value checkclimaticrangecheckCheck whether the meteorological record exceeds its climatological limit value. 2.7
Main change range checkmainchangerangecheckCheck whether the element data is within its main change range within the specified geographical and temporal range. 2.8
Internal consistency checkinternalconsistencycheckThe relationship between the records of meteorological elements observed at the same time should conform to a certain physical connection. [QX/T66—2007, definition 3.5]
Temporal consistency checkTemporalconsistencycheckThe change of meteorological records within a certain time range has a specific regularity. QX/T118—2010
[QX/T66—2007, definition 3.6]
Spatial consistency checkSpatialconsistencycheckThe change of meteorological records within a certain spatial range conforms to its spatial regularity. 2.11
Quality control codequalitycontrolflagA number that identifies the quality of the data.
[QX/T93—2008, definition 3.2]
Corrected datacorrecteddata
When the original observation data is suspected of being wrong or missing, it is calculated or estimated by certain statistical methods and can be used to replace the original suspected or missing data.
[QX/T93-2098, definition 3.3]
Revised data
When the original observation data is suspected to be erroneous or missing, the data used to replace the original suspected erroneous or missing data after inquiry [QX/T93+
908, definition 3.4
3 Quality control content and methods
Quality control content
The quality control content of ground meteorological observation data includes format check, missing check, limit value check, and change range check , internal consistency check, time consistency check, spatial consistency check, quality control comprehensive analysis and data quality identification 3.2 Quality control methods
3.2.1 Format check
The structure of the observation data and the length of each data record should be checked 3.2.2 Missing data check
Check whether a certain observation data is missing data. If it is missing data, no other checks will be performed. 3.2.3 Boundary value check
Boundary value check includes range check and climatological boundary value check. Range check
Data beyond the range is erroneous data. The range of relevant elements is as follows: a) 0≤ total cloud cover≤10%;
b) 0≤ low cloud cover≤10%:
c) 0< relative humidity≤100%;
d) 0≤ wind direction≤360 degrees or use the abbreviations of sixteen directions and calm wind: NNE, NE, ENE, E, ESE, SE, SSE, S, SSW, SW, WSW, W, WNW, NW, NNW, N, C; e) 0≤ daily sunshine hours, the number of hours available for sunshine on that day; f) 0≤ hourly sunshine hours≤1h.
Note: Other elements are not subject to range check for the time being. Climatological limit value check
Data beyond the climatological limit value is erroneous data. See Appendix A for the climatological limit values ​​of relevant elements. 3.2.4 Check on the main range of changes
In the specified area and time domain, data beyond the main range of changes of elements are suspicious data and should be further checked to determine whether the data is correct.
3.2.5 Internal consistency check
Element observation data should pass the following checks. If a certain check fails, the corresponding data is suspicious data, and at least one of the data is wrong data:
a) Daily minimum air pressure ≤ scheduled air pressure ≤ daily maximum air pressure; b) Daily minimum temperature ≤ scheduled temperature ≤ daily maximum temperature: c) Daily minimum ground temperature ≤ scheduled ground temperature ≤ daily maximum ground temperature; d) Daily minimum relative humidity ≤ scheduled relative humidity; e) Dry bulb temperature ≥ wet bulb temperature (except when the wet bulb is frozen); f) Air temperature ≥ dew point temperature; g) )10min average wind speed ≤ maximum wind speed; h) 2min average wind speed ≤ maximum wind speed
i) Maximum wind speed ≥ maximum wind speed
j) When the maximum wind speed ≥17.%m, there should be strong wind weather phenomenon; when there is strong wind weather phenomenon, the maximum wind speed ≥17.0m/s; k) When the altitude>0, the sea level pressure> the station pressure; when the altitude=0m, the sea level pressure=the station pressure; when the altitude<0m, the sea level pressure<the station pressure, 1) Total cloud cover ≥ low (volume
m) When there is a non-zero total cloud cover record, there should be a cloud record; n) When there is a non-zero low volume record, there should be a low cloud record Record; 0) When there is blowing snow, snowstorm, fog or light fog in the cloud record, the total cloud amount and low cloud amount should be 10%; P) When there is smoke, haze, floating dust, sandstorm or blowing sand in the cloud record, the total cloud amount and low cloud amount should be "q) When visibility <1.0km, there should be fog or sandstorm, snowstorm, blowing snow, floating dust, smoke, haze, precipitation weather phenomenon r) When 1.0km≤visibility<10.0km, there should be light fog or blowing snow, blowing sand, floating dust smoke, haze, precipitation weather phenomenon; s) When precipitation>0.0
h or is a trace amount, there should be precipitation or snowstorm weather phenomenon: t) When the snow depth>0cm, there should be snow weather phenomenon; u) Every On the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th of the month and the last day of the month, when the snow depth is ≥5cm, there should be a shield pressure value; v) When the diameter of the wire ice accumulation is ≥8 (≥15) mm, there should be a weight value; w) When the diameter of the wire ice accumulation is 1mm, there should be frost or fog weather phenomena; x) The thickness of the wire ice accumulation and the diameter of the wire ice accumulation
y) The upper limit of the frozen soil depth < the lower limit (except when the frozen soil is trace). 3.2.6 Time consistency check
Data that does not conform to the time change law of the elements is suspicious data. For minute interval data and the data change limit within a given time range, refer to Appendix B.
3.2.7 Spatial consistency check
Use the observation data of one or more neighboring stations with similar underlying surface and surrounding environment to the inspected station to calculate the temperature value of the inspected station, and compare the observed value and calculated value of the inspected station. If the comparison result exceeds the given threshold, the temperature observation data of the inspected station is considered to be suspicious data. Note: Under the condition that the technology is not mature, other elements will not be subject to spatial consistency check for the time being. 3.2.8 Comprehensive analysis of quality control
Carry out a comprehensive analysis of the suspicious data after the above check to determine whether it is correct or not; analyze the causes of the data found to be wrong to facilitate the correction of the wrong data and improve the quality of data in the future. 3.2.9 Quality control identification
The data after quality control should be marked with quality. The identifications indicating data quality are: correct, suspicious, wrong, corrected data, modified data, missing measurement, and no quality control. The data quality identification is represented by the quality control code. The quality control code and its meaning are shown in Table 1. 3
Quality control code
Quality control code and its meaning
Corrected data
Modified data
No quality control
Sea level pressure
Station pressure
Dew point temperature
Grass surface temperature
Ground temperature
Soil temperature
Wind speed (2min or 10min average)
Instantaneous wind speed
Precipitation intensity
(Informative Appendix)
Climatological limit value
Climatological limit value range
870 hPa~1100hPa
300 hPa~1100 hPa
Note: The data in the table are from Guide on the Global Data-Processing System (WMO, 1993) and (Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations)(WMO, 2004)5
Dew point temperature
Ground temperature
5cm ground temperature
10cm ground temperature
15cm ground temperature
20cm ground temperature
50cm ground temperature
100cm ground
Relative humidity
2min average
Note: The data in the table are mainly
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Minute interval data and data change limit within a given time range Maximum change value allowed within 1min
Minimum value of change range (time range)
0.1 hPa (past 60 min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0℃(past 120min)
0.1t(past 120min)
a.1℃(past 120min)
0.C(past 120min)
0.10(past 120min)
0.1℃(past 240min)
1%(past 60min)
(past 60min)
《Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from AutomaticE
Appendix c
(Informative Appendix)
Quality Control Steps
When quality control is performed on ground meteorological observation data, it is generally carried out in the following order: format check, missing measurement check, limit value check, main change range check, internal consistency check, time consistency check, spatial consistency check, quality control comprehensive analysis, and finally data quality identification. During the quality control process, the above links can be increased or decreased according to the differences in the types of ground meteorological observation data and user needs. 50
China Meteorological Administration, Specification for Surface Meteorological Observation, Beijing: Meteorological Press.2003QX/T66—2007
Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observation Part 22: Quality Control of Observation Records Archiving Format of Meteorological Data Surface Meteorological RadiationWMO.Guide to Meteorological Instrument and Methods of Observation.2o08WMO.Guide on the Global Observing System.1989WMO.Guide on the Global Data Processing System.1993WMO. Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations.2004People's Republic of China
Earth Industry
Surface Meteorological Observation Data Quality Control
Published and Distributed by Meteorological Press
No.46 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing Postal Code: 100081
Website: http://www.cmp.cma.gov.cn Distribution Department: 010-68409198
Beijing Jingke Printing Co., Ltd. Printed by the company
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 880X1230
First edition in May 2010
Printing sheet: 1 Number of words: 30,000 words
First printing in May 2010
Book number: 135029-5465
If there is any printing error
Replaced by the publishing department of our company
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Report phone number: (010)684063019 Quality Control Identification
Data after quality control should be marked with quality. The identifications indicating data quality are: correct, suspicious, wrong, corrected data, modified data, missing data, and no quality control. Data quality identification is indicated by quality control code. The quality control code and its meaning are shown in Table 1. 3
Quality control code
Quality control code and its meaning
Corrected data
Modified data
No quality control
Sea level pressure
Station pressure
Dew point temperature
Grass surface temperature
Ground temperature
Soil temperature
Wind speed (2min or 10min average)
Instantaneous wind speed
Precipitation intensity
(Informative Appendix)
Climatological limit value
Climatological limit value range
870 hPa~1100hPa
300 hPa~1100 hPa
Note: The data in the table are from Guide on the Global Data-Processing System (WMO, 1993) and (Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations)(WMO, 2004)5
Dew point temperature
Ground temperature
5cm ground temperature
10cm ground temperature
15cm ground temperature
20cm ground temperature
50cm ground temperature
100cm ground
Relative humidity
2min average
Note: The data in the table are mainly
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Minute interval data and data change limit within a given time range Maximum change value allowed within 1min
Minimum value of change range (time range)
0.1 hPa (past 60 min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0℃(past 120min)
0.1t(past 120min)
a.1℃(past 120min)
0.C(past 120min)
0.10(past 120min)
0.1℃(past 240min)
1%(past 60min)
(past 60min)
《Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from AutomaticE
Appendix c
(Informative Appendix)
Quality Control Steps
When quality control is performed on ground meteorological observation data, it is generally carried out in the following order: format check, missing measurement check, limit value check, main change range check, internal consistency check, time consistency check, spatial consistency check, quality control comprehensive analysis, and finally data quality identification. During the quality control process, the above links can be increased or decreased according to the differences in the types of ground meteorological observation data and user needs. 50
China Meteorological Administration, Specification for Surface Meteorological Observation, Beijing: Meteorological Press.2003QX/T66—2007
Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observation Part 22: Quality Control of Observation Records Archiving Format of Meteorological Data Surface Meteorological RadiationWMO.Guide to Meteorological Instrument and Methods of Observation.2o08WMO.Guide on the Global Observing System.1989WMO.Guide on the Global Data Processing System.1993WMO. Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations.2004People's Republic of China
Earth Industry
Surface Meteorological Observation Data Quality Control
Published and Distributed by Meteorological Press
No.46 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing Postal Code: 100081
Website: http://www.cmp.cma.gov.cn Distribution Department: 010-68409198
Beijing Jingke Printing Co., Ltd. Printed by the company
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 880X1230
First edition in May 2010
Printing sheet: 1 Number of words: 30,000 words
First printing in May 2010
Book number: 135029-5465
If there is any printing error
Replaced by the publishing department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringements must be investigated
Report phone number: (010)684063019 Quality Control Identification
Data after quality control should be marked with quality. The identifications indicating data quality are: correct, suspicious, wrong, corrected data, modified data, missing data, and no quality control. Data quality identification is indicated by quality control code. The quality control code and its meaning are shown in Table 1. 3
Quality control code
Quality control code and its meaning
Corrected databZxz.net
Modified data
No quality control
Sea level pressure
Station pressure
Dew point temperature
Grass surface temperature
Ground temperature
Soil temperature
Wind speed (2min or 10min average)
Instantaneous wind speed
Precipitation intensity
(Informative Appendix)
Climatological limit value
Climatological limit value range
870 hPa~1100hPa
300 hPa~1100 hPa
Note: The data in the table are from Guide on the Global Data-Processing System (WMO, 1993) and (Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations)(WMO, 2004)5
Dew point temperature
Ground temperature
5cm ground temperature
10cm ground temperature
15cm ground temperature
20cm ground temperature
50cm ground temperature
100cm ground
Relative humidity
2min average
Note: The data in the table are mainly
Appendix B
(Informative Appendix)
Minute interval data and data change limit within a given time range Maximum change value allowed within 1min
Minimum value of change range (time range)
0.1 hPa (past 60 min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0.1℃(past 60min)
0℃(past 120min)
0.1t(past 120min)
a.1℃(past 120min)
0.C(past 120min)
0.10(past 120min)
0.1℃(past 240min)
1%(past 60min)
(past 60min)
《Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from AutomaticE
Appendix c
(Informative Appendix)
Quality Control Steps
When quality control is performed on ground meteorological observation data, it is generally carried out in the following order: format check, missing measurement check, limit value check, main change range check, internal consistency check, time consistency check, spatial consistency check, quality control comprehensive analysis, and finally data quality identification. During the quality control process, the above links can be increased or decreased according to the differences in the types of ground meteorological observation data and user needs. 50
China Meteorological Administration, Specification for Surface Meteorological Observation, Beijing: Meteorological Press.2003QX/T66—2007
Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observation Part 22: Quality Control of Observation Records Archiving Format of Meteorological Data Surface Meteorological RadiationWMO.Guide to Meteorological Instrument and Methods of Observation.2o08WMO.Guide on the Global Observing System.1989WMO.Guide on the Global Data Processing System.1993WMO. Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations.2004People's Republic of China
Earth Industry
Surface Meteorological Observation Data Quality Control
Published and Distributed by Meteorological Press
No.46 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing Postal Code: 100081
Website: http://www.cmp.cma.gov.cn Distribution Department: 010-68409198
Beijing Jingke Printing Co., Ltd. Printed by the company
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 880X1230
First edition in May 2010
Printing sheet: 1 Number of words: 30,000 words
First printing in May 2010
Book number: 135029-5465
If there is any printing error
Replaced by the publishing department of our company
Copyright reserved
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Report phone number: (010)684063011℃ in the past 240 minutes)
1% (in the past 60 minutes)
(in the past 60 minutes)
《Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from AutomaticE
Appendix c
(Informative Appendix)
Quality Control Steps
When quality control is performed on surface meteorological observation data, the following sequence is generally followed: format check, missing measurement check, limit value check, main change range check, internal consistency check, time consistency check, spatial consistency check, quality control comprehensive analysis, and finally data quality identification. During the quality control process, the above steps can be increased or decreased according to the differences in the types of surface meteorological observation data and user needs. 50
China Meteorological Administration, Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observations, Beijing: Meteorological Press.2003QX/T66—2007
Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observations Part 22: Quality Control of Observation Records Archiving Format of Meteorological Data Surface Meteorological Radiation WMO.Guide to Meteorological Instrument and Methods of Observation.2o08WMO.Guide on the Global Observing System.1989WMO.Guide on the Global Data Processing System.1993WMO. Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations.2004People's Republic of China
Earth Industry
Quality Control of Surface Meteorological Observation Data
Published and distributed by Meteorological Press
No.46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Postal Code: 100081
Website: http://www.cmp.cma.gov.cnDistribution Department: 010-68409198
Beijing Jingke Printing Co., Ltd. Printed by the company
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 880X1230
First edition in May 2010
Printing sheet: 1 Number of words: 30,000 words
First printing in May 2010
Book number: 135029-5465
If there is any printing error
Replaced by the publishing department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringements must be investigated
Report phone number: (010)684063011℃ in the past 240 minutes)
1% (in the past 60 minutes)
(in the past 60 minutes)
《Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from AutomaticE
Appendix c
(Informative Appendix)
Quality Control Steps
When quality control is performed on surface meteorological observation data, the following sequence is generally followed: format check, missing measurement check, limit value check, main change range check, internal consistency check, time consistency check, spatial consistency check, quality control comprehensive analysis, and finally data quality identification. During the quality control process, the above steps can be increased or decreased according to the differences in the types of surface meteorological observation data and user needs. 50
China Meteorological Administration, Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observations, Beijing: Meteorological Press.2003QX/T66—2007
Specifications for Surface Meteorological Observations Part 22: Quality Control of Observation Records Archiving Format of Meteorological Data Surface Meteorological Radiation WMO.Guide to Meteorological Instrument and Methods of Observation.2o08WMO.Guide on the Global Observing System.1989WMO.Guide on the Global Data Processing System.1993WMO. Guide on Quality Control Procedures for Data from Automatic Weather Stations.2004People's Republic of China
Elephant Industry
Quality Control of Surface Meteorological Observation Data
Published and distributed by Meteorological Press
No.46, Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing, Postal Code: 100081
Website: http://www.cmp.cma.gov.cnDistribution Department: 010-68409198
Beijing Jingke Printing Co., Ltd. Printed by the company
Distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 880X1230
First edition in May 2010
Printing sheet: 1 Number of words: 30,000 words
First printing in May 2010
Book number: 135029-5465
If there is any printing error
Replaced by the publishing department of our company
Copyright reserved
Infringements must be investigated
Report phone number: (010)68406301
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