Some standard content:
ICS 77. 140. 50
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 8165--- 1997
Stainless steel clad plates and strips1997-11-11 Issued
1998-05-01 Implementation
State Bureau of Technical Supervision Issued
GB/F 8165 —1997
This standard adopts Japanese standard ITSG3SC1-1990 stainless clad steel. The differences between this standard and JSC360 are as follows: Product thickness range: This standard specifies 4mm; J1SC360! The standard currently stipulates 8mm: Types of composite steel plates: This standard stipulates lathe-made composite steel plates, explosively rolled composite steel plates, and explosively rolled composite steel plates. In addition to the above types specified in the TISG3601 standard, there are also types such as cast rolled composite steel plates and buried welded rolled composite hook plates. Due to their small actual application, they are not included in this standard: Stainless steel composite types: This standard stipulates ferrite, austenite, ferrite + martensite elastic ferrite Dai Ao and body valve types of stainless steel, which will be 590Ma~80MPa Duplex stainless steels such as 0Cr18Ni5Mu3Si2 are included in the summer steel grades; one category has been expanded in the standard:
Composite steel plate classification: This standard divides composite steel plates into Grade 1, Grade T and Grade T according to the ratio of unbonded area to total area, as well as the size and number of single unbonded surfaces. Grade 1 composite steel plates are suitable for structural parts that do not allow unbonded areas and have strict requirements when adding T, and Grade 2 composite steel plates are suitable for structural parts that allow a small amount of bonding areas. Grade 1 composite steel plates are suitable for composite materials. For structural parts used only as anti-corrosion layer, this standard only stipulates that 1, 2, and 3 types of composite steel plates are not subjected to tensile test;
Special test method: This standard stipulates that when the plasticity of composite stainless steel is low, in order to ensure that the composite plate type index value must reach the standard value requirements of the base material, the special test method adopted is: Interface shear strength: This standard stipulates that the composite interface shear strength of special grade is 210M Fc, and the 200M Fc of grade II is 200M Fc; this standard stipulates that the 3601 standard stipulates that the thickness deviation of the composite layer is stricter than that of JISG 3601. In accordance with the corresponding requirements of B6CI standard, this revision of this standard has revised the following technical contents: - grinding and blasting composite steel - stricter roughness index: - expanding steel categories and steel grades; - adjusting the grading sequence of cold inspection performance - increasing thickness specification test methods: - supplementing and modifying the test items and test methods. From the implementation of this standard, Appendix A of C8165-87 stainless steel composite plate is the appendix of this agreement. This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry of the People's Republic of China. The standard is formulated by the National Steel Standardization Technical Committee. The standard was drafted by Taiyuan Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. and Beijing Iron and Steel Bureau. The main drafters of this standard are Du Wei, Tu Lixin, Sen Youqing, Ma Huibao, → Jianjun, Li Wenda, and Xi Xiao. This standard was first issued in July 1987.
1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Stainless steel clad plates and strips
Stainless steel clad plates and stripsGBT 81651997
Replaces GB 51687
This standard specifies the classification, size, technical requirements, acceptance rules, test methods, packaging, marking and quality certificates of stainless steel clad plates and strips produced by explosion method, explosion rolling method and rolling method. This standard is applicable to clad plates and strips with a thickness of 4nn with stainless steel as clad layer and carbon steel and low alloy steel as base layer. The clad steel plates are used to manufacture various pressure vessels, tanks and other structural parts in the petroleum, chemical light industry, seawater decontamination and nuclear industry. 2
Cited Standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the versions shown are all valid. All standards are subject to revision. Parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards: GB/T 229-94 Metal Charpy notch erosion test method (B/T 247-1997 General provisions for acceptance packaging, marking and quality certification of steel plates and strips GB709-88 Dimensions, shape, weight and allowable deviations of hot-rolled steel plates and strips G713-1997 Boiler steel plates GB 2975824 Sampling regulations for mechanical and process performance tests of steel GB 3274-88 Hot-rolled thick steel plates and strips of carbon structural steel and low-alloy structural steel GB/T 3280-92 Cold-rolled stainless steel plates GB 3531-1996 Low-alloy steel plates for cryogenic pressure vessels GB 4229-84 Calculation method for weight of stainless steel plates G3/T 4237
GB 1334. 3—84
GB 4334.5—90
Hot-rolled stainless steel plate
65% nitric acid corrosion test method for stainless steel
Stainless steel sulfuric acid-copper sulfate corrosion test method G3/T6396—1995 Composite steel plate performance test method GB 6654—1996
Steel plate for positive force container
YB(T) 40-87
Carbon steel and low alloy steel plate for jade force container YB(T) 41--87
Carbon steel and low alloy steel thick plate for boiler manufacturing ZB Y 230
84. General Technical Conditions for Type A Pulse Reflection Ultrasonic Flaw Detector 3 Definitions
This standard adopts the following definitions.
3.1 Stainless steel composite steel plate and steel strip: A composite material with carbon steel or low alloy steel as the missing layer, and a certain thickness of stainless steel is continuously coated on one or both sides by explosion method or other methods. 3.2 Composite layer: The stainless steel layer in the composite steel plate that contacts the working medium and plays a corrosion-resistant role. Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on November 11, 1997, May 1, 1998 Implementation
3.3 Base layer: Carbon steel or low alloy steel that mainly bears the structural strength of the composite plate. 3.4 Explosion method: A composite method that realizes the metallurgical welding of the composite and base layers by explosion. 3.5 Explosion rolling method: A composite method that performs the initial bonding of the composite base material by explosion and then performs rolling welding. 3.6 Composite method: A composite method that realizes the bonding only during the rolling process without explosion. 3.7 Composite interface: The interface between the composite layer and the base layer of the composite steel plate. 3.8 Bonding rate: The percentage of the area of the composite steel plate and the base layer in the metallurgical welding state to the total interface area. 39 Repair welding: The operation of removing the composite layer of the composite layer according to certain requirements, surfacing stainless steel on the base layer, and then performing various treatments to keep the original performance of the composite steel layer. 3.10 Inner bending, evening: The cold bending test of the stainless steel composite layer on the inner side of the curved arc is called meat sleeve. The composite layer outside is called external bending. 4 Varieties and classifications
4.1 Manufacturing method
4.1.1 Composite steel plates and stainless steel composite layers can be composited on one side or the opposite side of the carbon steel or low alloy steel layer
4.1.2 Composite steel plates and steel strips can be manufactured by explosion method (code B), wheel scraping method (code R) or explosion rolling method (code BR): 4.2 Classification and level
According to the manufacturing method and purpose, the classification level and code of composite steel plates and steel strips are shown in the table! .
Dimensions, shape, weight
5.1 Dimensions
Composite steel plate thickness is not small, etc.
Assembly method
Classification and code of composite steel plate
Under the condition, unbonded area is allowed to exist. On the structural parts with strict processing requirements
It is allowed to have a small amount of surface bonding area. It is suitable for general structural parts where the composite material is only used for the anti-saturation layer
mn, and the composite steel strip thickness is 4nm-gmm.
5.12 The width of the composite steel plate is 450mm~300gmm, and the width of the composite steel strip is 100mm~140cmm5.1.3 The length of the composite steel plate and steel strip is 4000mm10000mm. 5.1.4 The thickness of the composite layer is 0.5mm~14mt. It is usually 2mm~3mm. It can also be determined by negotiation between the supply and demand parties according to the needs of the demander. 5.1.5 Minimum thickness of base layer: When the total thickness of the composite steel plate is greater than 8mm, the minimum thickness of the base layer is 6mm. The minimum thickness of the base layer of the composite steel strip shall be negotiated by the supplier and the buyer.
5.2 Allowable deviation of size
5.2.1 The thickness tolerance of composite steel and steel strip shall comply with the requirements of Table 2. The thickness tolerance of composite layer shall not exceed +9% of the nominal dimension of composite layer and not exceed 0% of the nominal dimension of composite layer. Not more than 1mm. GB/T8165-1997 Table 2 Thickness tolerance Total thickness tolerance of composite steel plate and strip Total thickness tolerance of composite steel plate 8~15% Allowable deviation Grade 5, Grade 6 5.2.2 The allowable deviation of composite steel plate and steel strip width shall comply with the requirements of Table 3. The allowable deviation of composite steel plate length shall comply with the requirements of base steel plate standard cabinet. Special coating shall be negotiated between the supply and demand parties.
Table 3 Allowable deviation of width
Allowable deviation of width
Nominal height
5.3 Unevenness
Technical GR709
The unevenness of composite steel plates and steel strips shall comply with the requirements of Table 4. No obvious convexity or unevenness is allowed Table 4 Roughness of composite steel plate
Total thickness of composite plate
Allowable unevenness within specified width
5.4 Composite steel plates and steel strips are delivered according to theoretical weight. The density of base layer is 7.85g/cm3 and the density of composite layer is in accordance with GB4229. 6 Technical requirements
6.1 The chemical composition of composite layer and base material of composite steel plate shall comply with the provisions of relevant standards (Table 5). When produced by explosion method, the composite layer and GB/T 8165 1997
The base steel plates shall be qualified steel plates that meet their respective standards and shall have quality certificates or copies. Without the consent of the purchaser, the composite stainless calcium plates shall not be connected
Complex and base material standards
Complex material
Standard number
Typical steel grade
6.2 Interface bonding rate
G1/T 325C
Standard number
British steel number
1G 5274
6.2.1 The area bonding ratio between the composite layer and the base layer of the composite steel plate and steel strip shall comply with the requirements of Table 6. Table 6
Boundary bonding level
Area bonding rate of composite steel plate
Bound rate, station
Gh 71s
G 8654
Unbonded state
No unbonded area allowed
"The length of a single unbonded area is not more than"
50mm, the area is not more than 20cm
The length of a single unbonded area is not more than"
175mm, the area is not more than 45cm
6.2.2 When the bonding rate of the composite steel plate does not meet the requirements of Table 6, it is allowed to perform fusion welding repair on the composite defect layer. This repair meets the following requirements. After removing the defective part of the composite layer, dig 0.2mm~0.5mm below the base layer. The welding process should be evaluated and qualified by the welding T. The welding record should be submitted to the purchaser. The welding must be inspected by ultrasonic flaw detection before color inspection. There should be no cracks or pores on the welding surface. The composite steel plate used for the pressure vessel is specified in the contract. The defective part is allowed to be repaired twice at most. The surface must be polished and the minimum thickness of the steel must be guaranteed. 6. 3 Mechanical properties
The mechanical properties of the composite steel plate and the steel should meet the requirements of Table 7. Grade
Boundary and shear strength
GB/F 8165—1997
Table 7 Mechanical properties of composite sawn plate
Feeling point. ,
not less than the lower limit value of the base steel plate
standard tensile strength 0
not less than the lower limit value of the base steel plate
standard, and not
greater than the sub-limit value
1) The upper limit value of the service point of the composite plate and steel strip can also be calculated according to the following formula (1): tin. + taoe
i -↓ t2
武宁: c
-the lower limit value of the initial service point of the composite steel plate, MPa; the lower limit value of the service point of the base steel plate, M.Pa; the thickness of the composite sawn plate + m111
the thickness of the base steel plate, mm.
2) The lower limit of tensile strength of composite steel plate and steel strip is calculated by the following formula (2): c
Formula: h-
lower limit of tensile strength of composite steel plate, MPa; - lower limit of tensile strength of base steel plate, MPa: t,, thickness of composite steel plate, mms
thickness of base steel plate, mm.
td: + ta062
not less than the standard value of base steel plate
The impulse A
should comply with the provisions of base steel plate
3) When the standard value of elongation of composite layer is less than the standard value of base layer, and the elongation of composite steel plate is less than the standard value of base layer, but not less than the standard value of composite layer, it is allowed to cut off the composite layer and only conduct tensile test on the base layer, and its elongation should not be less than the standard value of base layer. ) The composite steel plate layer is not subjected to cold impact test. 6.4 Cold bending performance
The bending test conditions and results of composite steel plates and steel strips shall comply with the provisions of Table 8. 6.4.1
8 Composite steel plate bending test
Specimen thickness
Bending angle
Note, α is the total thickness of the composite plate
6.5 Surface quality
Bending core diameter d
a.20 mm d-2a
a20 mm d-3a
Processing layer thickness is within
25 mm, the bending core diameter is according to the
base steel plate standard
u-2u mm d=2a
a22u mm d=3a
Processing base thickness is up to
25 mm, bending core diameter according to
base steel plate standard
Test results
No cracks shall be generated on the outside of the bending part: composite interface is not allowed to be delaminated
The composite steel plate (strip) composite surface shall not have bubbles, scars, cracks, inclusions, folds and other defects, and grinding is allowed to remove the above defects. After removal, the minimum thickness should be guaranteed, otherwise welding should be performed. The surface quality of the base layer should meet the requirements of the relevant standards. 6.6 Composite intergranular corrosion test
Composite steel plate: Stainless steel composite layer should be laminated after passing the intergranular corrosion test according to GB/T3280 and GB/T4237 standards. The finished composite steel plate can be inspected for intergranular corrosion according to the requirements of the relevant standards according to the requirements of the purchaser. 5
67 Delivery status
The composite steel plate should be heat treated and the composite surface should be pickled, passivated or polished for delivery. According to the agreement between the supply and demand parties, it can also be delivered in hot-rolled state. 4mm~8um: Hot-rolled steel strip can be delivered without pickling 7 Acceptance rules
7.1 Inspection items
The inspection items of composite steel plates and steel strips are specified in the table! Composite steel plate inspection items
Inspection items
Tensile test
Outer bending test
Inner bending test
Shear strength
Impact test
Ultrasonic detection
Quality test
Surface cleaning
Composite room Phoenix Court
Indicates inspection items that must be selected
Indicates inspection items that need to be changed
7.2 Sample quantity and test methods
The number and test methods of composite closed plates and steel strips shall be as specified in Table 10. Composite
10 Samples and test methods
Inspection items
Shear strength
Ultrasonic flaw detection
Maximum corrosion resistance
Overall dimensions
Surface quality
Thickness of composite layer
Number of samples, pieces
Sampling method
2S75 GB/T 6396
GB/T 2975
Each pallet longitudinal
7.3 The inspection and acceptance of composite steel plates and steel strips shall be carried out by the supplier's quality supervision department. 7.4 Batch
Test method
GB/T 6356
GR/T 6396
GB/T 639:
GB/T 6308
GB 4334. 3,GB 4334. 5
Composite steel plates and strips shall be inspected and delivered in batches. Each batch shall consist of steel plates and strips with the same production process and heat treatment system. The base and the composite layer of each batch of special grade and grade 1 composite steel plates and strips shall be of the same grade, the same furnace number and the same heat treatment system. The base and the composite layer of grade 1 composite steel plates and strips shall be of the same grade and the same specification. 5
7.5 Re-test
If there are any unqualified items in the inspection of composite steel plates and steel strips, double the number of test bars should be taken from other steel plates in the batch for re-test (impact test bars shall be carried out in accordance with relevant standards). If the re-test fails, they shall not be shipped out of the factory. At this time, samples can be taken one by one and delivered by sheet. 8 Packaging, marking and quality certificate
8.: The packaging, marking and quality certificate of composite steel plates and steel strips shall comply with the provisions of GB/T247 standard. 8.? The packaging, marking and quality certificate of composite steel plates and steel strips shall also comply with the following specific provisions. 8.2.1 The packaging of composite steel plates and steel strips should be carried out in an appropriate manner to avoid scratches and scrapes on the composite plates. 8.2.2 The composite steel plates and steel strips should be marked with product marks at the same position of each composite layer of each steel plate. The product marks must indicate: a) Batch number: b) Brand: composite layer brand + base layer brand s) Specification: (composite layer thickness × base layer thickness) × width × length s) Manufacturing method (specification and welding state level) Standard number: s) Trademark and factory name: Ex-factory date A1 Scope GB/T 8165-1997 Appendix A (Appendix to the standard) Ultrasonic testing method for stainless steel composite steel plates This testing method is applicable to ultrasonic testing of stainless steel composite steel plates to determine the welding state of composite steel plates. A2 General requirements
A2.1 Testers
The personnel who conduct ultrasonic testing of composite steel plates shall undergo technical training and obtain the corresponding non-destructive testing personnel qualification certificate. The personnel who issue the test report shall have Grade "or sub-grade" qualification. A2.2 Testing instrument
Use A-type pulse reflection ultrasonic detector. The flaw detector shall comply with the provisions of ZBY230. 42.3 Probe
The probe diameter is 20 mm~30 mm and the frequency is 2.5 MHz~5 MHz. A2.4 Contact method
Direct contact method or water immersion method
A2.5 Coupling agent
Coupling agent with good sound permeability such as engine oil, glycerin, water, etc. that does not damage the test surface shall be selected. 42.6 Test surface
The test surface shall not have other dirt such as oxide scale, oil stains and rust that affect the test. A2.7 Scanning speed
The scanning speed of the probe shall not exceed 150 mI/. This limitation does not apply when scanning with an automatic alarm device. A3 Detection time
Ultra-precious wave detection should be carried out after the composite steel plate is compounded, heat treated, leveled, sheared or cut. 44 Testing method
Use the bottom wave reflection method.
A5 Testing surface
Generally, the detection is carried out from the composite surface. When necessary, the detection can be carried out from the base surface. A6 Testing sensitivity
Use the composite steel plate itself to adjust the detection sensitivity, place the probe at the fully bonded position of the composite steel plate, and adjust the bottom wave height to 80% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen.
A7 Determination of unbonded area
When the first The part where the height of the secondary bottom wave is not more than 5% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen and the defect wave is more than 5% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen is the unbonded part. Move the unbonded part in the probe to the surroundings until the bottom wave height rises to 40% of the full scale rate. The boundary of the unbonded area is determined by the center of the probe. Mark all the unbonded areas on the surface of the composite steel plate and record them. 8
Bonding rate
The bonding rate calculation formula (AI) is as
Where: -Bonding rate, %;
S -Area of composite steel plate, cm\;
S -Total area of unbonded area, t:rn. Standard 9 test report
GB/T 81651997
The ultrasonic inspection report of composite steel plate shall include the following contents:a) Commissioning unit, inspection report number:
b) Steel grade and thickness of composite material and base material;
c) Grade code, batch number, plate number and size of composite steel plate;d) Flaw detector model, probe diameter and frequency, coupling agent:) Inspection standard:
f) Inspection result: Use a schematic diagram to show the location, shape and size (length and area, bonding rate value) of the unfinished area, and make a conclusion on whether each steel plate is qualified or not according to the corresponding standard:) Inspection date:
V) Signature of the inspection personnel and review personnel.
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Stainless steel composite steel plate and steel strip
G3,T $165—1957
Ningyi Standard Press Edition
No. 16 Sanlizhou Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 106045
Tel: 68522112
China Standard Press, Beijing New Publishing House, distributed by Xinhua Bookstore, all regions, copyright exclusive, no reproduction allowed
Format 88:×1230
1 page, 19,000 words
First edition in April 1998
Second reprint in April 1998
Number 1 3000
Book number: 155066:[4793
Price 10.0 yuan2 Composite steel plates and steel strips should be marked with product marks at the same position of each composite layer of each steel plate. The product marks must indicate: a) Batch number: b) Brand: composite layer brand + base layer brand s) Specification: (composite layer thickness × base layer thickness) × width × length s) Manufacturing method (specification and welding state level) Standard number: ) Trademark and factory name: Date of export
A1 Scope
GB/T 8165 - 1997
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Ultrasonic testing method for stainless steel composite steel plates This testing method is applicable to ultrasonic testing of stainless steel composite steel plates to determine the welding state of composite steel plates. A2 General requirements
A2.1 Testers
The personnel who conduct ultrasonic testing of composite steel plates shall undergo technical training and obtain the corresponding non-destructive testing personnel qualification certificate. The personnel who issue the test report shall have Grade "or sub-grade" qualification. A2.2 Testing instrument
Use A-type pulse reflection ultrasonic detector. The flaw detector shall comply with the provisions of ZBY230. 42.3 Probe
The probe diameter is 20 mm~30 mm and the frequency is 2.5 MHz~5 MHz. A2.4 Contact method
Direct contact method or water immersion method
A2.5 Coupling agent
Coupling agent with good sound permeability such as engine oil, glycerin, water, etc. that does not damage the test surface shall be selected. 42.6 Test surface
The test surface shall not have other dirt such as oxide scale, oil stains and rust that affect the test. A2.7 Scanning speed
The scanning speed of the probe shall not exceed 150 mI/. This limitation does not apply when scanning with an automatic alarm device. A3 Detection time
Ultra-precious wave detection should be carried out after the composite steel plate is compounded, heat treated, leveled, sheared or cut. 44 Testing method
Use the bottom wave reflection method.
A5 Testing surface
Generally, the detection is carried out from the composite surface. When necessary, the detection can be carried out from the base surface. A6 Testing sensitivity
Use the composite steel plate itself to adjust the detection sensitivity, place the probe at the fully bonded position of the composite steel plate, and adjust the bottom wave height to 80% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen.
A7 Determination of unbonded area
When the first The part where the height of the secondary bottom wave is not more than 5% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen and the defect wave is more than 5% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen is the unbonded part. Move the unbonded part in the probe to the surroundings until the bottom wave height rises to 40% of the full scale rate. The boundary of the unbonded area is determined by the center of the probe. Mark all the unbonded areas on the surface of the composite steel plate and record them. 8
Bonding rate
The bonding rate calculation formula (AI) is as follows:
Where: -Bonding rate, %;
S -Area of composite steel plate, cm\;
S -Total area of unbonded area, t:rn. Standard 9 test report
GB/T 81651997
The ultrasonic inspection report of composite steel plate shall include the following contents:a) Commissioning unit, inspection report number:
b) Steel grade and thickness of composite material and base material;
c) Grade code, batch number, plate number and size of composite steel plate;d) Flaw detector model, probe diameter and frequency, coupling agent:) Inspection standard:
f) Inspection result: Use a schematic diagram to show the location, shape and size (length and area, bonding rate value) of the unfinished area, and make a conclusion on whether each steel plate is qualified or not according to the corresponding standard:) Inspection date:
V) Signature of the inspection personnel and review personnel.
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Stainless steel composite steel plate and steel strip
G3,T $165—1957
Ningyi Standard Press Edition
No. 16 Sanlizhou Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 106045
Tel: 68522112
China Standard Press, Beijing New Publishing House, distributed by Xinhua Bookstore, all regions, copyright exclusive, no reproduction allowed
Format 88:×1230
1 page, 19,000 words
First edition in April 1998
Second reprint in April 1998
Number 1 3000
Book number: 155066:[4793
Price 10.0 yuan2 Composite steel plates and steel strips should be marked with product marks at the same position of each composite layer of each steel plate. The product marks must indicate: a) Batch number: b) Brand: composite layer brand + base layer brand s) Specification: (composite layer thickness × base layer thickness) × width × length s) Manufacturing method (specification and welding state level) Standard number: ) Trademark and factory name: Date of export
A1 Scope
GB/T 8165 - 1997
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Ultrasonic testing method for stainless steel composite steel plates This testing method is applicable to ultrasonic testing of stainless steel composite steel plates to determine the welding state of composite steel plates. A2 General requirements
A2.1 Testers
The personnel who conduct ultrasonic testing of composite steel plates shall undergo technical training and obtain the corresponding non-destructive testing personnel qualification certificate. The personnel who issue the test report shall have Grade "or sub-grade" qualification. A2.2 Testing instrument
Use A-type pulse reflection ultrasonic detector. The flaw detector shall comply with the provisions of ZBY230. 42.3 Probe
The probe diameter is 20 mm~30 mm and the frequency is 2.5 MHz~5 MHz. A2.4 Contact method
Direct contact method or water immersion method
A2.5 Coupling agent
Coupling agent with good sound permeability such as engine oil, glycerin, water, etc. that does not damage the test surface shall be selected. 42.6 Test surface
The test surface shall not have other dirt such as oxide scale, oil stains and rust that affect the test. A2.7 Scanning speed
The scanning speed of the probe shall not exceed 150 mI/. This limitation does not apply when scanning with an automatic alarm device. A3 Detection time
Ultra-precious wave detection should be carried out after the composite steel plate is compounded, heat treated, leveled, sheared or cut. 44 Testing method
Use the bottom wave reflection method.
A5 Testing surface
Generally, the detection is carried out from the composite surface. When necessary, the detection can be carried out from the base surface. A6 Testing sensitivity
Use the composite steel plate itself to adjust the detection sensitivity, place the probe at the fully bonded position of the composite steel plate, and adjust the bottom wave height to 80% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen.
A7 Determination of unbonded area
When the first The part where the height of the secondary bottom wave is not more than 5% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen and the defect wave is more than 5% of the full scale of the fluorescent screen is the unbonded part. Move the unbonded part in the probe to the surroundings until the bottom wave height rises to 40% of the full scale rate. The boundary of the unbonded area is determined by the center of the probe. Mark all the unbonded areas on the surface of the composite steel plate and record them. 8
Bonding rate
The bonding rate calculation formula (AI) is as follows:
Where: -Bonding rate, %;
S -Area of composite steel plate, cm\;
S -Total area of unbonded area, t:rn. Standard 9 test report
GB/T 81651997
The ultrasonic inspection report of composite steel plate shall include the following contents:a) Commissioning unit, inspection report number:
b) Steel grade and thickness of composite material and base material;
c) Grade code, batch number, plate number and size of composite steel plate;d) Flaw detector model, probe diameter and frequency, coupling agent:) Inspection standard:
f) Inspection result: Use a schematic diagram to show the location, shape and size (length and area, bonding rate value) of the unfinished area, and make a conclusion on whether each steel plate is qualified or not according to the corresponding standard:) Inspection date:
V) Signature of the inspection personnel and review personnel.
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Stainless steel composite steel plate and steel strip
G3,T $165—1957
Ningyi Standard Press Edition
No. 16 Sanlizhou Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 106045
Tel: 68522112
China Standard Press, Beijing New Publishing House, distributed by Xinhua Bookstore, all regions, copyright exclusive, no reproduction allowed
Format 88:×1230
1 page, 19,000 words
First edition in April 1998
Second reprint in April 1998
Number 1 3000
Book number: 155066:[4793
Price 10.0 yuan
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