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Classification and terminology of meetings

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 30520-2014

Standard Name:Classification and terminology of meetings

Chinese Name: 会议分类和术语

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release2014-02-19

Date of Implementation:2014-08-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:General, Terminology, Standardization, Documentation >> 01.020 Terminology (Principles and Coordination)

Standard Classification Number:General>>Basic Standards>>A22 Terms and Symbols

associated standards

Procurement status:Drafted according to the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009 and GB/T20001.1-2001

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press

Publication date:2014-08-01

other information

drafter:Liu Haiying, Tang Xue, Xu Feng, Ma Na, Yan Shaoqing, Li Mei, Gu Junjian

Drafting unit:National Convention Center, Shanghai Institute of Standardization

Focal point unit:National Exhibition Industry Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC348)

Proposing unit:National Exhibition Industry Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC348)

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 30520-2014 Classification and terminology of conferences GB/T30520-2014 |tt||Standard compression package decompression password: www.bzxz.net
This standard specifies the classification and common terminology of conferences. This standard is applicable to conference management, research and practical activities
Foreword This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009 and GB/T20001.1-2001. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Exhibition Industry (SAC/TC348). The drafting units of this standard are: China National Convention Center, Shanghai Institute of Standardization. The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Haiying, Tang Xue, Xu Feng, Ma Na, Yan Shaoqing, Li Mei, Gu Junjian.

1 Scope1
2 Classification1
3 Terminology1
3.1 Basic terminology1
3.2 Conference-related organizations2
3.3 Conference-related personnel3
3.4 Conference documents4
3.5 Conference activities5
3.6 Conference venue7
3.7 Conference room layout7
3.8 Conference facilities and equipment8
3.9 Conference format8
3.10 Conference theme10

Some standard content:

ICS 01.020
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Classification and terminology of meetings2014-2-19 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
2014-08-01 Implementation
1 Scope
Basic terms
Meetings and related organizations
Meeting related personnel
Meeting documents
Meeting activities
Meeting venue
Meeting room layout
Meeting facilities and equipment
Meeting format
Meeting theme
This standard was drafted in accordance with the rules given in GB/T1.1-2009 and GB/T20001.1—2001. This standard was proposed and approved by the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Exhibition Industry (SAC/TC348). This standard was drafted by: China National Convention Center, Shanghai Institute of Standardization. The main drafters of this standard are: Liu Haiying, Kang Xue, Xu Feng, Ma Na, Yan Shaoqing, Li Mei, Gu Junjian. G/T30520—2014
1 Scope
Classification and terminology of conferences
This standard specifies the classification and common terminology of conferences. This standard is applicable to conference management, research and practical activities: 2 Classification
GB/T 30520—2D14
2.1 Conferences exist in various industries such as politics, economy, culture, sports, education, Zongdun, and military. They can be divided into different types from different angles and using different standards.
2.2 According to the different hosting locations, they can be divided into four categories: corporate meetings, community meetings, government meetings, and institutional meetings. 2.3 According to the different scales, they can be divided into four categories: small meetings, medium-sized meetings, large meetings, and extra-large meetings. 2.4 According to the direction of the meeting cycle, it can be divided into regular meetings and irregular meetings. 2.5 The classification indicators of meetings under different classification criteria are shown in Table 1. Table
Category of public institutions
Classification by scale
Different holding cycles
3 Terminology
3.1 Basic terminology
Type of meeting
Enterprise meeting
Community meeting
Government meeting
Institutional meeting
Small meeting
Medium-sized meeting
Large meeting
Extra-large meeting
Regular meeting
Irregular meeting setting
Indicator requirements
By the enterprise's office, management The conference is mainly sponsored by associations and guilds, such as the Federation of Students, Societies, Chambers of Commerce, foundations, research groups and other social groups, with the aim of promoting the development of old enterprises. It is also sponsored by domestic government agencies. It is sponsored by schools, hospitals, scientific research institutions, literary and art groups and other public institutions, with culture, education, sports, science and technology as the main contents. The number of delegates attending the conference is less than 199 people. The number of delegates attending the conference is between 290 and 300. 799 people or moreThe number of delegates is between 800 and 1999The number of delegates is over 2 000
A group activity with a certain number of people held at a fixed time interval; the holding time is not fixed or it is held temporarily due to unexpected events. meeting;confarence:conventian;cnngrcssA group activity with a certain number of people held at a fixed time and place to achieve the purposes of coordination, exchange of information, dissemination of knowledge, promotion and contact through speeches, discussions, demonstrations, consultations, voting and other forms. 3.1.2
international conference;international conference
Conferences attended by representatives from 3 or more countries or regions (including Manchuria, Macao and Taiwan), or meetings where representatives from overseas account for 40% (inclusive) or more of all participants.
3.2 Conference-related organizations
Organizer independently or jointly initiates, organizes the conference and bears the main legal responsibility. 3.2.2
Organizer with certain qualifications, accepts the entrustment of the organizer, is specifically responsible for all or part of the conference affairs, and can independently bear civil liability.
Note: The organizer is designated and entrusted by the Changshan card office. Sometimes the right to host is obtained through a bidding process. 3.2.3
an organization that assists the host or organizer and provides necessary guarantees and support. 3.2.4
supporting organization
supporting organization
an organization that provides effective resources for the conference or its related activities. 3.2.5
sponsor organization
an organization that provides funds, materials, services, technology, personnel and other forms of support for the conference in order to achieve publicity effects and expand influence. 3.2.6
organizing committee
organizing committee
the highest leadership body for preparing and organizing the conference. Note 1: The functions of the organizing committee usually include: being fully responsible for the planning, preparation and implementation of the conference, studying and deciding on important matters in the conference organization; arranging and deploying the work in the administrative stage; monitoring the progress and quality of various tasks; setting up the internal work department of the organizing committee! and appointing and dismissing people and financial management, etc. Note 2: The organizing committee often includes the international organizing committee and the national (local) organizing committee. 3.2.7
International organizing committee internal organizing committee is the leading body in the organizing committee that coordinates, decides and supervises important matters in international conferences. 2
National (local) organizing committee Lucal host committce (LHC), local organizing committee The leading body in the organizing committee responsible for conference affairs within the country (or the host city) Note: Usually composed of the local sponsoring unit’s personnel management personnel, government officials, airlines, hotels, ground service providers or recommended professionals, coordinate and contact the public security, airports, customs, industry, fire departments and other departments, and coordinate the organization of conference affairs in the country (or the host city). 3.2.9
Academic committee
sientificcommilee; technical committee: program committer The organization specially set up in the academic conference to be responsible for the academic agenda and academic review, Note: Its duties include: researching and formulating the academic content such as the purpose and topic of the conference, preparing the presentations and discussing the presentations, collecting and appraising the conference papers, evaluating the academic level and achievements, and reviewing the contents of academic exchanges and inspections. 3.2.10
Advisory committee
A consulting organization established by the organizing committee, usually composed of well-known people, mostly honorary organizations. Note: Sometimes also called a celebrity committee.
Professional conference organizer (PCO) Professional conference service companywwW.bzxz.Net
An enterprise that earns income by organizing and managing conference projects for clients and providing comprehensive and professional conference services. Note: The services it provides usually include conference planning, registration, conference cleaning and reservation, logistics, lighting and sound, IT solutions, advertising, inviting speakers, special sponsors, social activities and budget control, etc. Some also act as consultants to the province that organizes the conference and provide conference information services to it. 3.2.12
Destination Management Company (DMC) is an enterprise that provides professional reception services for conference organizers or professional conference organizations entrusted by them at the conference venue. Note: It usually has good local resources and conference service management, and is responsible for implementing some conference activities such as transportation, shuttle bus activities, hotel reservations, etc. 3.3 Conference related personnel
Meeting delegate
Formal delegate
Person who has completed all registration procedures and obtained formal conference qualifications in accordance with the requirements of the organizer. 3.3.2
Invited delegate
Meeting participants specially invited by the local organizer or the organizing committee. Note: Invited delegates do not have the same rights and benefits as formal delegates, such as the right to vote and voting rights, which may be subject to certain restrictions. 3.3.3
Domestic delegatesdomestic delegates who have a valid communication address or identity certificate in China. 3.3.4
overseas delegates
delegates whose registered and valid correspondence address or identity documents are outside the country; 3.3.5
accompanying person: accompanying persons
accompanying persons
persons who accompany delegates to the conference but usually do not have the same rights and treatment as delegates, including assistants, translators, co-hosts and female delegates.
Moderator moderator;chair;chairpcrsonA person who is entrusted by the conference organizer or sponsor to guide the conference procedure and the order of speeches. Note: The moderator sometimes comments on the speaker's speech after the speaker has concluded his or her speech on a certain topic. He or she is also called a commentator: 3.3.7
Keynule speaker
Keynote speaker
Keynote speaker
An important speaker who gives a leading report on a certain topic of the conference; 3.3.8
Official photographerofficialphotographcrA photographer designated by the conference organizer or sponsor who is qualified to shoot activities at all conference venues. 3.4 Meeting documents
The meeting agenda
contains the program table of meeting arrangements such as meeting time, location, topics, speakers' social activities, etc. 3.4.2
meeting kit
a document package containing various meeting materials such as conference brochure, speaker list, participant list, paper collection or abstracts, sponsor information, local tourism information, etc.
Note: Sometimes the meeting kit also contains gifts for participating representatives. 3.4.3
Conference handbook;coniercncc guide A printed material prepared before the conference and distributed to participants and journalists at the appointed time, containing detailed conference information such as conference agenda, speaker profiles, venue floor plan, and social activities. 3.4.4
Publicly release various relevant information of the conference in the form of advertising pages, brochures, newsletters, emails or web pages, etc., in order to attract potential conference participants to attend the conference. 3.4.5
Call for papers (CFP) Before the academic conference is held, the organizer requires participants to submit papers or paper abstracts and publicly releases the document containing paper writing requirements, deadlines, etc.
Conference pruceedings
Conference proceedings
Important conference documents formed by editing and arranging the speeches of invited speakers or other high-quality conference papers. Note: Generally, it is divided into complete collections of papers and collections of abstracts of papers according to the form. 3.4.7
Participants select the essence of the paper, print it in text form or text combined with charts, and post it in the designated area of ​​the conference organizer for others to read and discuss. B/T30520—2014
Note: There are often titles, author introductions and author units at the top, and the content includes four parts: introduction, materials and methods, results, and conclusions. 3.4.8
Press release
Information issued to the media by the conference organizer, secretariat or authorized agency for news publicity. Note: usually released by fax, instant mail, e-mail, website announcement, etc. 3.4.9
Press kit;[nedia kit] A package of documents containing all conference information issued by the conference organizer, secretariat or authorized agency to the media reporters. 3.4.10
A certificate worn by people entering the conference area or social activity area during the conference to indicate their identity and rights. Note: usually distinguished by categories such as guests, speakers, delegates, media, dealers, and staff. 3.4.11
Request for proposal (RRP)
A standard text of request for quotation and service proposal issued by the organizer, the organizer or its authorized agency to the government agencies, associations, institutions or enterprises that intend to host the conference or provide services for the conference. 3.4.12
Project Proposal
Government agencies, social organizations, public institutions or enterprises that intend to host a conference or provide services for a conference shall submit a standard text of quotation and service plan within the current time in response to the invitation of the conference organizer, the organizer or its authorized agency in accordance with the bidding requirements and conditions. 3.5 Conference Activities
The process of filling in personal relevant information in accordance with the unified requirements issued by the organizer and obtaining the qualification to attend the conference after the organizer reviews and approves it.
Early Bird Registration; Advanced Registration is a registration method that collects registrations before the base date specified by the organizer and can enjoy a certain degree of registration fee discount. Note: Early registration usually also gives priority to the nearest class seat, the second seat, and the free trip. 3.5.3
coffe break;tea brenk
Coffee, tea, snacks and fruits are provided to the participants during the meeting, and the activities are combined with rest, communication and socializing. 3.5.4
opening ceremonyopening ceremonyollicial openingsinaugural ceremonya ceremony held before the formal start of the meeting.
opening speechwopening speech
At the beginning of an important meeting or major event, the leader of the host unit, the chairman of the meeting, the secretary-general or the distinguished guest invited by the host unit of the meeting gives a speech to all the participants.
GB/T 30520—2014
opening sessionopening session;opening gcncral session;opening plenary sessionuA meeting held after the opening ceremony for all the participants. 3.5.7
closing ceremonyclosing ceremony
A ceremony held at the end of the meeting.
Closing speech
At the end of the meeting, the leader of the organizing unit, the chairman of the meeting, the secretary-general or the distinguished guest invited by the conference organizer gives a summary, evaluation and appeal speech to all participants. 3.5.9
Closing meeting; Closing scssionA summary meeting held before the closing ceremony. 3.5.10
A ceremony arranged by the organizing unit, the organizer or the sponsor to provide wine, drinks, fruits and snacks for the participants to enhance feelings and promote connections:
Note: Receptions are usually in the form of a single decoration, without seating arrangements. 3.5.11
welcome reception; welcoming reception: a reception held by the organizer, sponsor or sponsor to welcome the participants on the day before or on the day of the formal meeting. 3.5.12
welcome dinner: a banquet arranged by the organizer, sponsor or sponsor to welcome the participants, usually held on the evening of the day of the formal meeting. 3.5.13
farewell dinner: a banquet arranged by the organizer, sponsor or sponsor to send off and thank the participants and partners on the day or the evening before the end of the meeting. 3.5.14
gala dinner: a formal banquet with a theme, artistic performances and special venue decoration, and participants wearing formal clothes or matching the theme. 3.5.15
Keynote speech; keynote eddrcss; kcynotlepresentationKeynote speech
An important speech on a certain topic of a national conference to all the delegates. 3.5.16
Panel discussion:pencl sessionGroup discussion
A meeting format in which guests with professional knowledge or different viewpoints are invited to discuss a certain topic publicly on the podium, and the audience can also participate. It is part of a large conference. Note: There is always a host.
Technical inspectionfield trip:technical visit;technical tourAcademic visit and inspection
B/T 30520—2014
Academic visit and inspection activities related to the conference plan arranged by the conference host or organizer in the conference venue or surrounding areas for the participants
Site inspectionsite visitThe organizer or organizer visits the conference venue city, service providers and conference venue to obtain information and communicate with each other.
9.6 Conference venue
Conference centercongress centerconference center:Main function"Concentrate on holding conferences of various sizes and forms. It includes multiple meeting rooms and banquet halls of different sizes, lecture halls, parking lots, business centers and indoor exhibition areas required for conferences and exhibitions. 3.6.2
Convention and exhibition centerconference center cuier is used to hold conferences and exhibitions of various sizes and forms, including professional exhibition halls, conference rooms, parking lots, business centers and other facilities.
meeting hall
A place for holding meetings or activities.
main venue
A venue for holding plenary meetings,
breakout room; sub-venueA venue outside the main venue for holding small meetings for group discussions. 3.7 Meeting room layout
Theater style; auditorium style The layout of the meeting place is similar to that of a theater, with the audience seats facing the stage and no desks. 3.7.2
Teaching style Classroom style
The tables and chairs in the meeting room are arranged vertically and horizontally, and the layout is similar to the layout of classroom teaching. 3.7.3
Hollow square set-up The conference tables are connected together to form a hollow shape, rectangle or polygon. The holders are placed outside the conference table. Note: The "回" shape is an example of a hollow shape, in which the inner table is arranged into a square hollow, and the outer table is arranged into another square hollow, shaped like the Chinese character "回".
L-shaped seating; U shape style The conference tables are connected and arranged in a rectangular shape, but one short side is left empty, and the chairs are placed outside the table, which looks like the English letter "U". 7
GB/T 30520—2014
Boardroom style The conference table is placed in the middle of the conference room, and the chairs are placed outside the conference table. Note: According to the shape of the conference table, it can be divided into two types: boardroom rectangular table and boardroom round table. 3.7.6
Fishbone style;fish hnnc stylc;chevron styleFishbone style
Facing the rostrum, the conference table is placed in a fishbone shape. 3.7.7
Stepped style;ticred seating A seating style with a certain height difference set up to reduce the sight obstruction between seats. Note: The staircase layout is often used for performances, debates or plenary meetings. 3.7.8
Banquel style
Place the chairs outside the round table in a banquet-like setting. Note: Banquet style is more casual, which is conducive to motivating participants to speak and is suitable for group discussions. 3.7.9
Cocktail party style
Only high tables for cocktail parties are placed, without chairs, and it is a setting mainly for communication. 3.7.10
Special shape
Arrange the venue into special shapes such as horse kneeling, T-shaped, E-shaped, etc. as needed. 3.8 Conference facilities and equipment
Preview room; preview area; try-out roomPreview room
A room provided by the conference unit or the organizer for speakers to preview, upload, and modify reports and presentations. Note: The preview area is sometimes also used as a speaker lounge in order to save the time of copying documents at the venue, avoid compatibility and technical problems caused by temporary copying of documents by individual participants, and facilitate the unified management of conference documents. 3.8.2
Registration deskRegistration desk
A workbench for on-site registration.
Nameplate nameplate
A card on the podium, conference fountain or dining table to display the name of the speaker, conference delegate or diner or the name of the organization where he/she is located. 3.9 Meeting format
A meeting where a designated speaker gives a special report on a specific topic. 3.9.2
A meeting where two or more speakers present their own opinions and elaborate on a specific topic to the audience rather than to each other. 8
Note: Generally, the subject is raised by the audience, and the speaker leads the discussion and summarizes the opinions of all parties. The characteristics are that the discussion area is in-depth, and the interaction between the speaker and the audience is strong:
Symposiumstminar;symposium;wurkshoA meeting attended by professionals in the industry to conduct research, discussion and exchange on a specific topic. 3.9.4
Lecture; Symposium
A form of conference organization that uses expert speeches to impart certain knowledge, skills, or improve certain abilities and mentalities. Note: Lectures often have a Q&A session. 3.9.5
Breakfast meeting
A meeting where guests exchange ideas and discuss issues while having breakfast. Note: The atmosphere of a breakfast meeting is more relaxed than other meetings.6
Luncheon meeting; lunchcon combines meeting and dining together, including keynote speech and interlude, or award ceremony, promotion and other functions and lunch:
Satellite conference: 5atellitc confercnccA small academic conference sponsored by enterprises or organized by societies before the start of a formal academic conference, during the lunch time of the conference or after the formal academic agenda.
Note: Satellite conference is a component of a large academic conference, not a conference academic agenda, and is often accompanied by lectures, seminars, non-commercial meetings, etc.
Roundtable conference: roundtable participants sit around a round table, and the purpose is to reflect the principle of equality and the spirit of consultation. 3.9.9
Video conference
Based on network communication technology, it uses remote video equipment to bring together people from different locations without the need for physical movement. 3.9.10
Web conferenceWeb confercnce,webinarA conference that connects computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices through the network, and participants listen to and watch conference speech, images or conduct live discussions.
User conferenceUser conference;uscrs'mcetir.gA conference attended by user groups of a certain product or a certain type of product to share and exchange usage experience and discuss solutions to problems.
A group-level meeting held regularly, attended by formal representatives to discuss specific topics, including a full conference and multiple group meetings held simultaneously.
Note: People's Congress, CPPCC, Party Congress, District Congress, Student Congress and other departments and congresses usually last more than one day.
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