Standard ICS number:Test >> 19.060 Mechanical test
Standard Classification Number:Instruments and meters>>Testing machines and nondestructive testing instruments>>N73 mechanical vibration, impact equipment and dynamic balancing machine
This standard specifies the symbols used on balancing machines, including balancing instruments. These symbols are a supplement to the graphic symbols used for mechanical and electrical equipment in my country. This standard applies to the representation of the functions and uses of the components of balancing machines, such as indicators and controllers. GB/T 9238-1998 Graphical symbols for balancing machines and their instruments GB/T9238-1998 Standard download decompression password:
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ICS 19.060 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T9238—1998 Idt Is0 3719:1994 Graphical symbols for balancing machines and associated instrumentation Published on November 2, 1998 Implemented on May 1, 1999 Published by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision CB/T 9238—1998 Fan Si· Introduction to the standard Definition and symbols Basic symbols Recommended Examples of basic symbols used for horizontal balancing machinesExamples of basic symbols used for vertical balancing machines3 Symbols for computer external use* Appendix A (Standard Appendix) Appendix B (Suggestive Appendix) Appendix C (Suggestive Appendix) Appendix Suggestive Appendix) Selected machine tool and electrical symbols Recommended colors for color displays Chinese reference English reference CB/T 9238 The 1998 standard was formulated on the basis of the revision of GB/T9236-1988 Balancing Machine Panel Symbols and B/T6149-1999 Symbols and Color Displays for Computerized Balancing Machines, and was equivalent to IS03719:1994 Vibration Machines - Symbols for Balancing Machines and Their Instruments. The hierarchical division, writing method and technical content of the standard are consistent with IS03719, and conform to the provisions of GB/T1.1-1993. The minor differences between this standard and IS03719 in terms of editing are as follows: a) The international standards cited in Chapter 2 "References" of IS03719 have been converted into Chinese standards, so this standard only quotes the Chinese standards corresponding to these international standards in Chapter 2 "References"; b) The "References" of 1S03719 are omitted. 371 Time Record \ Equivalent Terms "(German, Italian and English corresponding to the fire language), and removed the notes in Chapter 3: omitted French, general text, and added Chinese text. This standard made the following revisions to GB/T9238-1988 and JB/T6149-1592:) merged the technical contents of GB/T9238-1988 and JT/T6149-1992: and slightly adjusted the overall structure of the standard. Adjustment: b) Added the date, the previous 1S and Chinese version:) According to 1503119:1904, some graphic codes were added, and one purple embossing material was cancelled. This standard shall be implemented from the date of publication. At the same time, it replaces G3/T9238-1998; JB/T6149-1992. Appendix A of this standard is the appendix of the standard. Appendix B, Appendix C and Appendix D of this standard are the appendices with the instructions. This standard is proposed by the Machinery Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Testing Machine Standardization Technical Committee, and the responsible drafting unit of this standard is the Changchun Testing Machine Research Institute of the Machinery Industry. The drafting units of this standard are Beijing Shengyun Aviation Instrument Co., Ltd., Shanghai Schenck Testing Machine Co., Ltd., Shanghai Meisongyun International Measuring Instrument Co., Ltd., Shangyou Zhonglian Testing Machine Factory, Ligan Testing Machine Factory, People's Liberation Army Guangzhou Air Force Xiaogan Testing Equipment, and Xikou Transportation Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are: GBT9238—1998 IS Foreword [5 The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of standardization bodies (responsible bodies) from various countries. The work of preparing international standards is usually done by technical committees of ISO. If a member body is interested in the standards established by the technical committee, it has the right to participate in the work of the committee. International groups (official or non-official) that maintain contact with ISO may also participate in the relevant work. ISO maintains close cooperation with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all aspects of the internationalization of electrical technology. Draft international standards formally adopted by the technical committee are submitted to the member bodies for voting. The international standard needs the approval of at least 7 members who participated in the voting to be formally adopted: International Standard 1S) 3119 was prepared by JS01G8 Machinery Vibration and Shock \ Technical Committee. C1 Balance and Balancing Machine Subcommittee This standard replaces ISO 37151982, except for the first paragraph. Appendix A is the effective part of this international standard, and Appendix B and Appendix C are reminder appendices. 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Graphic symbols for balancing machines and associated instruments GB/T9238—1998 idi 150 3719:1994 Generation/19368-1383 This standard specifies balancing machines, including balancing instruments, which are only used for the indication of the functions and uses of the components of balancing machines, such as indicators and controls. This standard is applicable to the indication of the functions and uses of the components of balancing machines, such as indicators and controls. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards become the provisions of this standard through reference in the established standards. When this standard is revised, the version indicated shall be valid. All parts of the standard may be revised, and the use of the standard name should explore the possibility of using the new version of the standard. GB/T22981991 Extension of operating and technical requirements (HE91S02041:1930) GB/F4728.2:1998 Pictograms for electrical schematics Part 2, Key symbols, limiting symbols and other used symbols (IDTEC6172:1996) GB/T5455.2--1936 Graphic symbols for electrical equipment (IL:[FC417:1594) GB/T6444-1995 Electrical equipment technical requirements (ERJS1925:1990) GB/T16273 Graphic symbols for equipment 3 Definitions and symbols This standard uses the general definitions of GB/2299 and G3/T6444. All the pipe numbers specified in this standard (including symbols for computer peripherals) are shown in the form of a table, and the Chinese and English names of the graphic numbers are indicated. The appendix is a summary of TG/478.2, G5.G1627 + the supplementary drawing number submitted, and the recommended colors for color displays are specified in Appendix B. The Chinese text of this standard is referenced in Appendix C, and the English index is referenced in Appendix D. Graphical symbols The graphics shown in this standard are correctly represented. The reading of the image or the rotation of the shape does not conform to the standard. 4 Basic symbols Rotor end view Enci view of rotor Approval statement of the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on 1998-11-02 IS 7000-0GG5 Implementation on 1959-05-01 Graphical symbols GR/T 9238:1998 Rotor side view (horizante.axis) Rotor side view (axis must be true) Unbalance (rotor radial view) Unbalance (rotor radial view) Unbalance (rotor end view) Unbalance (rotor radial view) unbalance (rotor side view) uabeluncctrnlnr aide view) compensation (front head inner pointing) compenzalor.(arrow directed inwards) Component indication comujousit indication Coordinate indication pclar indication IS0 700G-1091 IS07000-1786 IS0 7060-1789 I$Q7000-17R ISQ750-175C ISO7000-1791 TS07000-1792 Graphical symbols GO/T9238—1998 indexing Unbalance degree Engleof unbelaace bearing position bearing Pasition turned correction plane and correctior plane in a rotor rltinlicatin position 1-2 position 1.-2 calibraliu 13C00-1793 ISO 700G-1791 :ISO 700(-0542 TS() 7000-1788 1S47 7000-0664 150 20(10-1795 15 7000-0163 Drawing number GR/T928—1938 id:nalerial rerove masterial test inspection tus: sehruk everifly photoelectric inspection end photoeleciric scanner new flash strubs:jie-larp sine as reference signal generator sire wave angle referenze gencretor ! square retreat reference Kai number generator srjuare wave angle refereacegeacrEton 150 7990-1746 130 77 1797 IS() 70G-0121 1S0 7000-1347wwW.bzxz.Net :1SO 7000-1798 ISU ?000-179s S0 01800 GB/T9238—1998 Reading number to help maintain resc-out retentinn support vibration bi-sring vihazaior filter static unbalance static ur.balence improve unbalance cotple unhelsace dynamic unbalance dynrnic unbatanve ISO 70GG -CU13 50 7:0 1801 IFC 417-5185 S0 70-18 [SO7000-1803 IS) 7000-1G4 5Recommended character Graphic service number GH/T 9238—1998 ! By positive radius cnrrection radius lengthneasuremcrts function selection fanelikn sel+:linn Basic symbols for horizontal balancing machinesExampleSeat number Graphic symbol Left correction plane leftplane Right correction plane riglit plane Central correction plane centralplane Graphic symbol CB/T 9238 -- 1998 Left phase angl+,left pl:ne And phase angle,right plane Left unbalance amounsof unbalance, left left-hand unbalanced plane,right plane,amount of unbalanced plane.vertical component of unbalanced rotor (on horizontal-axis rotor).vertical component of unbalanced rotor (on horizontal-axis rotor).0 1801 IFC 417-5185 S0 70-18 [SO7000-1803 IS) 7000-1G4 5Recommended character Graphic service number GH/T 9238—1998 ! By positive radius cnrrection radius lengthneasuremcrts function selection fanelikn sel+:linn Basic symbols for horizontal balancing machinesExampleSeat number Graphic symbol Left correction plane leftplane Right correction plane riglit plane Central correction plane centralplane Graphic symbol CB/T 9238 -- 1998 Left phase angl+,left pl:ne And phase angle,right plane Left unbalance amounsof unbalance, left left-hand unbalanced plane,right plane,amount of unbalanced plane.vertical component of unbalanced rotor (on horizontal-axis rotor).vertical component of unbalanced rotor (on horizontal-axis rotor).0 1801 IFC 417-5185 S0 70-18 [SO7000-1803 IS) 7000-1G4 5Recommended character Graphic service number GH/T 9238—1998 ! By positive radius cnrrection radius lengthneasuremcrts function selection fanelikn sel+:linn Basic symbols for horizontal balancing machinesExampleSeat number Graphic symbol Left correction plane leftplane Right correction plane riglit plane Central correction plane centralplane Graphic symbol CB/T 9238 -- 1998 Left phase angl+,left pl:ne And phase angle,right plane Left unbalance amounsof unbalance, left left-hand unbalanced plane,right plane,amount of unbalanced plane.vertical component of unbalanced rotor (on horizontal-axis rotor).vertical component of unbalanced rotor (on horizontal-axis rotor). Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.