title>GB 11085-1989 Loss of bulk liquid petroleum products - GB 11085-1989 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB 11085-1989 Loss of bulk liquid petroleum products

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB 11085-1989

Standard Name: Loss of bulk liquid petroleum products

Chinese Name: 散装液态石油产品损耗

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1989-02-10

Date of Implementation:1990-03-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Petroleum and Related Technologies>>75.080 Petroleum Products Comprehensive

Standard Classification Number:Petroleum>>Petroleum Comprehensive>>E08 marking, packaging, transportation and storage

associated standards

Publication information

publishing house:China Standard Press

other information

Release date:1989-03-31

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Sinopec East China Sales Company

Focal point unit:China Petrochemical Corporation

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:China Petrochemical Corporation

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies losses in the handling, storage, transportation and retail of bulk liquid petroleum products. This standard applies to market vehicle gasoline, lamp kerosene, diesel and lubricating oils, but does not include aviation gasoline, jet fuel, liquefied gas and other military oils. GB 11085-1989 Losses of bulk liquid petroleum products GB11085-1989 Standard download and decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Loss of bulk liquid petroleum products
Loss of bulk liquid petroleum products1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the bulk liquid petroleum products (hereinafter referred to as (Petroleum products) unloading, storage, transportation (including railway, road, waterway transportation) retail losses.
This standard applies to market vehicle gasoline, lamp kerosene, diesel and lubricating oils, but does not include aviation gasoline, jet fuel, liquefied gas and other military oils.
When calculating the losses of various items in this standard, in addition to the containers and measuring tools must be certified and qualified, the relevant regulations of GB1884 and GB1885 should also be followed.
2 Reference Standards
GB1884 Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products Density Determination Method (Densitometer Method) GB1885 Petroleum Density Measurement Conversion Table
3 Nouns and Terminology
3.1 Loss| |tt||Loss is the general term for evaporation loss and residual leakage loss. The former refers to the phenomenon of quantity reduction due to surface vaporization of petroleum products when loading, unloading, storage, transportation and other operations are carried out in accordance with prescribed operating procedures in containers with good airtightness, or when retailing according to prescribed methods; the latter refers to the phenomenon of quantity reduction due to surface vaporization of petroleum products during storage During transportation and sales, due to the adhesion of the inner walls of containers such as vehicles and ships, the small amount of residual oil in the container cannot be discharged cleanly, and the unavoidable dripping and trace leakage cause quantitative losses.
3.2 Loss
The amount reduced due to loss.
3.3 Loss rate
The loss of petroleum products during a certain production and operation is the percentage of the weight involved in the production and operation. 3.4 Storage loss rate
During the static storage period of petroleum products, the monthly cumulative storage loss is the percentage of the average monthly storage amount. The monthly cumulative storage loss is the algebraic sum of the daily storage losses in the month; the monthly average storage is the cumulative number of daily oil storage in the month divided by the actual number of storage days in the month. When a certain oil tank has receiving and discharging operations during the storage period, the losses that occur during the receiving and discharging operations of the tank are not storage losses. 3.5 Transmission loss rate
When petroleum products are transferred between oil tanks through closed pipelines, the difference between the output volume and the received volume is the percentage of the output volume. 3.6 Loading (ship) loss rate
When loading petroleum products into a vehicle or ship, the difference between the output volume and the revenue volume is the percentage of the output volume, Note; Since there is currently no unified calibration method for the volume of oil tankers, Therefore, the measurement of shore tanks shall prevail: the loss rate of shipment is tentatively set as a fixed value. China Petrochemical Corporation approved on 1989-02-10 and implemented on 1990-03-01
3.7 Unloading truck (ship) loss rate
Unloading oil from trucks and ships product, the difference between the unloaded oil volume and the revenue volume is the percentage of the unloaded oil volume. Note: Since there is currently no unified verification method for the volume of oil tankers, the measurement of shore tanks shall prevail; the loss rate of unloaded ships is tentatively set as a fixed value. 3.8 Transportation loss rate
When transporting petroleum products from place A to place B, the difference between the loading volume of the truck and ship before departure and after arrival is the percentage of the loading volume before departure. When two or more railway tank cars are transported in a batch, the loading capacity before departure is the sum of the loading capacity of each tank car before departure; the transportation loss is calculated based on one batch, which is equal to the algebraic sum of the losses of each car after arrival. 3.9 Barrel filling loss rate
The difference between the container output volume and the filling volume is the same as the percentage of the container output volume. 3.10 Retail loss rate
The difference between the reduction in inventory and the total retail volume during inventory counting is the percentage of the total retail volume. 3.11 Vertical metal tank
refers to a vertical metal fixed-roof tank built on the ground. 3.12 Floating roof tank
External floating roof and internal floating roof are approved.
3.13 Concealed fin tanks
refers to oil tanks built underground, semi-underground, soil and caves. Division of 4 regions
4.1A category areas
Jiangxi, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Yunnan, Sichuan, Hunan, Guizhou, Taiwan Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 4.2B type areas
Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Gansu Province, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai. 4.3C category areas
Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Qinghai Province, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and Tibet Autonomous Region. 5. Division of seasons
In Class A and Class B areas, January to March, October to December are spring and winter, and April to September are summer and autumn. In Category C areas, spring and winter are from January to April and November to December, and summer and autumn are from May to October. 6 Loss standards
6.1 Storage loss rate and altitude corrected loss rate 6.1.1 Storage loss rate (calculated on a monthly basis), see Table 1. Table 1 Storage loss rate
Vertical metal cans
Class A
Class B
Class C
Spring and winter|| tt||0.11
0. 05
0. 03
summer and autumn
0. 09
Note: The storage loss rate of horizontal tanks is negligible. Other oils
regardless of season
0. 01
6.1.2 Plateau areas. The storage loss rate is corrected according to the following range according to the altitude of the oil depot, see Table 2. Concealed fin, floating roof tank
regardless of oil type and season
Altitude, m
4001 and above
Loading (ship) loss rate
Region| |tt||Railway tank car
Class A
Class B
Class c
Unloading truck (ship) loss rate
A Class
Class B
Class c
0. 08
Floating roof tank
0.01| |tt||GB11085-89
Table 2 Altitude Corrected Loss Rate
Table 3 Loading (Ship) Loss Rate
Cars, tank trucks
0. 08
0. 05
Table 4
Unloading truck (ship) loss rate
Automobile| |tt||Oil
Other seams
0. 23
0. 20
Note: Other tanks include vertical metal and concealed tanks and horizontal fins. 6.4 Transmission loss rate
Table 5 Transmission loss rate
Class A
Class B
Class c| |tt||Floating roof tank
0. 01
Spring and winter
Other tanks
0.06||tt ||Note: The tank types in this table all refer to the tank type of the input tank. 6.5www.bzxz.net
5 Barrel filling loss rate
Floating roof tank
0. 01
Table 6 Barrel filling loss rate
Oil Product
Loss rate
6 Retail loss rate
Increase loss, %
Tanker, oil barge
0. 07
Coal, diesel oil
No distinction Fin type
Summer and Autumn
0. 22
Other oils| |tt||Regardless of container
Lubricating oil
Other oils
Regardless of season, tank type
0. 01
Other oils
0. 01
6.7||tt ||Retail method
Oil products
.Loss rate
Transportation loss rate
Transportation method
Oil| |tt||pinpin
other oils
water transportation
0.15 | |tt | 0. 08
Table 8 Transportation loss rate
Railway transportation
0. 24
Quantity payment of oil
Kerosene|| tt | | 0.16 | and additional explanation for the conversion of excess days:
This standard is proposed by the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Sales Company. This standard is under the technical jurisdiction of the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Sales Company. This standard is drafted by East China Company, Sales Company of China Petrochemical Corporation. The drafters of this standard are Shen Yuansun, Li Yinghua, and You Longzhou. Weigh and pay oil
Lubricating oil
0. 47
Road transportation
Every additional
50km increase
increase 0.01,
less than 50||tt ||km is calculated as 50
Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.