title>GB/T 4269.1-2000 Symbols for operator controls and other display devices on tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, lawn and gardening - Part 1: General symbols - GB/T 4269.1-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
Home > GB > GB/T 4269.1-2000 Symbols for operator controls and other display devices on tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, lawn and gardening - Part 1: General symbols
GB/T 4269.1-2000 Symbols for operator controls and other display devices on tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, lawn and gardening - Part 1: General symbols
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 4269.1-2000
Standard Name: Symbols for operator controls and other display devices on tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, lawn and gardening - Part 1: General symbols
Standard ICS number:Agriculture>>Agricultural machinery, tools and equipment>>65.060.10 Agricultural tractors and towing vehicles
Standard Classification Number:Agriculture, Forestry>>Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment>>B90Agricultural and Forestry Machinery and Equipment
This standard specifies the general symbols for operator controls and other display devices of agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery, lawn and garden power machinery. This standard applies to agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery, lawn and garden power machinery, and also to other self-propelled engineering machinery that does not travel on roads, such as earth-moving machinery, industrial power trucks and cranes. GB/T 4269.1-2000 Symbols for operator controls and other display devices of agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery, lawn and garden power machinery Part 1: General symbols GB/T4269.1-2000 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
[CS 65. 060. 10 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T 4269. 1—2000 idt Iso3767-1:1991 Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestrypowered Jawn and garden eguipment... Symbols foroperator controls and other displays-Part 1:Common symbols 2000- 06 - 05 Issued 2000-11-01 Implementation Issued by the State Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau GB/T4269.1200D This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISU37-1:1991 Forestry and tractor, horticultural power machinery operator's control mechanisms and other display devices - Symbols Part 1: Applicable symbols 3, and is a revision of the original GB/T4269.1-184 Forestry and tractor, horticultural power machinery operator's control mechanisms and other general symbols 3. This standard has three differences from the revised standard in the following aspects: 1. The revised standard has major adjustments to the content of the standard: 2. The standard has added compliance and 3. The revised standard has modified the characteristics of the revised standard: 3. The revised standard includes 132 symbols in total: 9 new symbols, 25 symbols that have been modified from the original standard; 20 equal signs that have been modified from the original standard, and 17 symbols that have been cancelled from the original standard. This standard is part of the state standard for agricultural tractors and machinery, turf and power machines, magnetic operation digital display and other display symbols. This series of standards includes: Part 1: Application symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery, turf and power machines; Part 2: Application symbols for agricultural tractors; Part 3: Application symbols for turf and power machines. This standard will replace GH/T4259.1-1984. The standard is proposed by the National Agricultural Machinery Industry Association. This standard is managed by the National Agricultural Machinery Standardization Technical Committee. The originating unit of this standard is the National Agricultural Mechanization Research Institute, China Agricultural Machinery Research Institute. The main contributors to this standard are Zhang Gansheng, Liu Jian'e and Shang Xiangsheng. GB/T4269.1-2000 ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a national standard group (ISO member group) in the international standardization field. The formulation of international standards is usually carried out by the technical committee of ISO. Each member group has the right to join the signing committee. The national standard group, government non-governmental organizations that are the contact points of ISO can also participate in its work. ISO International Electrical Standards Committee (EC) in all the city of electrical standards must work closely, by the technical committee of the International Standard draft distribution of the body is no vote, as a national standard publication requires at least 7 members to participate in the war. International Standard 1SC) S767-1 is a technical committee IS () / TC23 agricultural and forestry tractors and machinery subcommittee SC14 operator control mechanism potential power search and other identification number, the author of the semi-component, through the technical standard of the second edition of the first (1S3767-1: 1982), the first edition of the same time. JS) 3767 in the general standard for agricultural machinery, grass and craft power machinery and other dynamic shearing mechanisms are divided into the following categories: - Part 1: General symbols: - Part 2: General symbols for agricultural machinery and machinery; Part 3: General symbols for horticultural power machinery; Part 4: Special symbols for forestry machinery F - Part 5: Manual shifting forestry machinery box numbers. Thanks to A for the appendix, 1 Sample diagram National Standard of the People's Republic of China Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered machinery for lawn and gardening-Symbols for operating mechanisms and other displays Part 1: Common symbols Tractorg,machinery tor agrlculture and foresury,powered machineryaad garden equipmentSymbols foruperafor controlsandotherdisplaysPart1.Common symbolsg GB/T 4269.12000 idt ISO 3767-1.1991 The H/R43R.1-.984 standard specifies the symbols for the operator and other display devices of agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery, and horticultural machinery, as well as self-propelled industrial machinery, industrial power vehicles, and office cranes that are not traveling on highways. 2 The provisions newly included in the standards cited in the standard become the provisions of the standard through their use in this standard. When the standard is published, the versions shown are all valid. All standard departments will be subject to the use of this standard. The parties should discuss the use of the following standards and new interpretations of this standard. 4. G/T-252-1989 Graphic symbols and their application (C150416, 1984) GB/T5465.21UR: Gas spare graphic symbols (IDT1EC417: 1994 GB/T: 6273.1-1996 Equipment graphic symbols General number (EG15 (370CCI9) GB/T_5273.2-1996 Equipment graphic symbols Machine end bottle number (N61507300.1989) G0/T16273.3-1995||TT||No spare graphic symbols General number for welding equipment (0CG1507000.1589) GB/T 1602.1 185? Graphic effect machine equipment color code No. 1: Graphic Shu number shape city (egv1S0 3461 t:1ssG) 3 Definition This standard adopts the following examples: 3.1 Symbols Use plain language to convey visual information. Others are obtained by drawing, printing or other means. 4 General requirements 4.1 The lightness shall comply with the provisions of the relevant provisions of the standard. Except for those indicated as special symbols, the special numbers and combination symbols represented by wheel diagrams in the standard shall be selected. In order to reproduce the visual effect of the smoothness and elasticity of the film, the original pressure mouth is allowed to be painted. 4.2 The inherent basic system and product display technology are limited. The service needs to add lines and details. However, minor changes are required as long as they do not change the national quality display technology supervision week 2000-06-05 approved 2000-11-07 implementation G/T 4269.12000 The basic use of the symbol is to understand the operator, and it is permitted to make such modifications. 4.3 In order to improve the appearance of the graphic symbol, or to coordinate with the equipment used, it may be necessary to change the line length or change the right angle of the symbol to a right angle. Generally, as long as the main characteristics of the symbol are retained, the user can make such modifications to the symbol at will. See the provisions of 7.2 in G/T1692.11997. 4.4 In actual use, All special symbols should be copied large enough to be easily recognized by the operator: the appropriate size of the symbol should be in accordance with GB 116902.1. Except for special symbols, all symbols should be used in accordance with the provisions of this standard. 4.5 Most special symbols are combination symbols, that is, they are formed by combining various symbols and symbols in a logical way to form a new symbol. For example: symbol 8.4 engine oil filter is composed of symbol 6.1 engine, symbol 6.5 oil and symbol 6.13 filter.6. If the symbol shows a machine or machine part in side view, it is assumed that the direction of travel of the machine in the symbol is from right to left. If the symbol shows a machine part in side view, it is assumed that the direction of travel of the machine in the symbol is from bottom to top. 47. The symbols on the control and display devices should be clearly contrasted with their backgrounds. Most control symbols are preferably in original color. The display device can use dark backgrounds or dark backgrounds. The choice can be made according to the best visual effect. If a symbol image is fully transformable (for example, changing color or black), the entire symbol should be transformable. 4. The symbol should be located on the operating mechanism or display device it represents, or should be positioned outside their range. If an operating mechanism requires a different symbol, the position of the equal sign should be connected to the operating mechanism so that the moving force of the operating mechanism is in the direction indicated by the symbol. 4.9 The prefix used in the symbol should comply with the provisions of GB/T1252, and the base of the initial symbol should comply with the provisions of B/T16S62.1. 4.10 This standard gives the IS0/IEC registration number for the equal sign. The registration number below = can be found in GR/T6273.1~1627. The registration number above = can be found in GB/T5465.2. 4.11 Words and numbers can be used as equal signs, but they are not marked in 9.8~17 by IS0/IEC. Words and numbers related to the control structure and display device of the engine and transmission box have only specific meanings. There are no restrictions on the use of other fonts and mathematical specifications. Other fonts can be used, but they must be clear. 4.12 The symbols given in this standard are 32 times the original symbol size. The superscript 1 represents the net of a square with a side length of ?5. The following colors are used to indicate special functions: Blue: Headlamp/high beam: Red: Hazard warning signal: A: Turn signal. 5.3 When colors are used in symbols for braking/reduction systems, red indicates heat and blue indicates cold: 2 6 Basic symbols Derivative number Shape Personnel GD/T 4269.1- 2000 Symbol meaning/application Engine Size Special system Cold drop (water) Instrument and other symbols (such as, Passenger engine) must be used as symbol elements in the combined symbol , in the fast ISO/IEC registration number Symbol serial number Symbol guide form/shape GB/T4269.1—2000 Symbol meaning and application| |tt|| (only used together with other symbols (blood: engine) in the combination symbol as a reference. In all , the plate is solid (the pressure-bearing body is uncertain and is used to draw the pressure-bearing object; the combination is determined by the pressure-bearing object, and the rectangle is used to represent the pressure-bearing object! flow position indicator liquid level seat [used to draw the measured salt secretion body determined combination symbol, the spiral rectangle Shape should be replaced by liquid parts symbol) Through the device ISU/IEC registration number Application example not registered Application of 915 Apply to the actual book Symbol serial number General symbol Number Symbol form/shape Symbol form/shape GB/T4269.1—20DD Symbol meaning/application Failure/malfunction||tt ||【Only used with other equal signs in combination symbols for convenience Start switch/machine Symbol simplified application Australia Start Disconnect Stop Avoid and disconnect For a clear visual effect, the equal sign can be converted to 0\) ISO/IEC registration number 150EC registration number Symbol number Derivative symbol format/shape CE/T 4269.1—2000 Text/Edition (To obtain a clear visual effect This symbol can be used to convert Positive sign/increase/positive pole Number/decrease/negative dial Cigarette lighter Electric filter charging status Clock/timer/timer ISO/IEC note number No. 500 Symbol number Sub-14 Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269. 1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Hour ratio running timer Seat belts Overlapping belts Speed change - linear Only Stepless speed rotary ISO/IEC registration number Application example Technical registration Application example Symbol number Symbol form/shape GR/T 4269.1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Machine half-speed Machine full speed Machine running direction - forward (Use appropriate symbols to indicate ). The forward direction can be indicated by a side view rotating counterclockwise. The machine running direction - the reverse direction can be indicated by an appropriate symbol. The reverse direction can be indicated by a side view rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise. The joystick force can be applied in both directions. [Add appropriate special symbols at the end of the word "rectangle"! The joystick can be swung in multiple directions (add appropriate symbols in front of the blank) Clockwise 1SO/IEC serial number Application example not registered Application example not registered Symbol serial number Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269.1—2000 To be guided Meaning/application Counterclockwise Lubrication point Lubrication point Lifting point And lifting or supporting point Draining/draining TSO/IEC registration number3 When colors are used in symbols for reducing/resistance systems, red indicates heat and blue indicates cold: 2 6 Basic symbols Derivative number Charge shape Engine System Special power system Cold dripping (water) Instrument and other symbols (such as, Passenger engine) must be used as symbol elements in the combined symbol and in the fast ISO/IEC registration number Symbol number Symbol form/shape GB/T4269.1—2000 Symbol meaning| |tt|| (only used together with other symbols (blood: engine) in the combination symbol as a reference. In all , the plate is solid (the pressure-bearing body is uncertain and is used to draw the pressure-bearing object; the combination is determined by the pressure-bearing object, and the rectangle is used to represent the pressure-bearing object! flow position indicator liquid level seat [used to draw the measured salt secretion body determined combination symbol, the spiral rectangle Shape should be replaced by liquid parts symbol) Through the device ISU/IEC registration number Application example not registered Application of 915 Apply to the actual book Symbol serial number General symbol Number Symbol form/shapeWww.bzxZ.net Symbol form/shape GB/T4269.1—20DD Symbol meaning/application Failure/malfunction||tt ||【Only used with other equal signs in combination symbols for convenience Start switch/machine Symbol simplified application Australia Start Disconnect Stop Avoid and disconnect For a clear visual effect, the equal sign can be converted to 0\) ISO/IEC registration number 150EC registration number Symbol number Derivative symbol format/shape CE/T 4269.1—2000 Text/Edition (To obtain a clear visual effect This symbol can be used to convert Positive sign/increase/positive pole Number/decrease/negative dial Cigarette lighter Electric filter charging status Clock/timer/timer ISO/IEC note number No. 500 Symbol number Sub-14 Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269. 1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Hour ratio running timer Seat belts Overlapping belts Speed change - linear Only Stepless speed rotary ISO/IEC registration number Application example Technical registration Application example Symbol number Symbol form/shape GR/T 4269.1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Machine half-speed Machine full speed Machine running direction - forward (Use appropriate symbols to indicate ). The forward direction can be indicated by the side view rotating counterclockwise) The machine running direction - the reverse direction can be indicated by the appropriate symbol. The reverse direction can be indicated by the side view rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise. The joystick force is also bidirectional. [Add appropriate special symbols at the end of the word in front of the square! The joystick can be swung in multiple directions (add appropriate symbols in front of the blank) Clockwise 1SO/IEC serial number Application example not registered Application example not registered Symbol serial number Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269.1—2000 To be guided Meaning/application Counterclockwise Lubrication point Lubrication point Lifting point And lifting or supporting point Draining/draining TSO/IEC registration number3 When colors are used in symbols for reducing/resistance systems, red indicates heat and blue indicates cold: 2 6 Basic symbols Derivative number Charge shape Engine System Special power system Cold dripping (water) Instrument and other symbols (such as, Passenger engine) must be used as symbol elements in the combined symbol and in the fast ISO/IEC registration number Symbol number Symbol form/shape GB/T4269.1—2000 Symbol meaning| |tt|| (only used together with other symbols (blood: engine) in the combination symbol as a reference. In all , the plate is solid (the pressure-bearing body is uncertain and is used to draw the pressure-bearing object; the combination is determined by the pressure-bearing object, and the rectangle is used to represent the pressure-bearing object! flow position indicator liquid level seat [used to draw the measured salt secretion body determined combination symbol, the spiral rectangle Shape should be replaced by liquid parts symbol) Through the device ISU/IEC registration number Application example not registered Application of 915 Apply to the actual book Symbol serial number General symbol Number Symbol form/shape Symbol form/shape GB/T4269.1—20DD Symbol meaning/application Failure/malfunction||tt ||【Only used with other equal signs in combination symbols for convenience Start switch/machine Symbol simplified application Australia Start Disconnect Stop Avoid and disconnect For a clear visual effect, the equal sign can be converted to 0\) ISO/IEC registration number 150EC registration number Symbol number Derivative symbol format/shape CE/T 4269.1—2000 Text/Edition (To obtain a clear visual effect This symbol can be used to convert Positive sign/increase/positive pole Number/decrease/negative dial Cigarette lighter Electric filter charging status Clock/timer/timer ISO/IEC note number No. 500 Symbol number Sub-14 Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269. 1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Hour ratio running timer Seat belts Overlapping belts Speed change - linear Only Stepless speed rotary ISO/IEC registration number Application example Technical registration Application example Symbol number Symbol form/shape GR/T 4269.1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Machine half-speed Machine full speed Machine running direction - forward (Use appropriate symbols to indicate ). The forward direction can be indicated by the side view rotating counterclockwise) The machine running direction - the reverse direction can be indicated by the appropriate symbol. The reverse direction can be indicated by the side view rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise. The joystick force is also bidirectional. [Add appropriate special symbols at the end of the word in front of the square! The joystick can be swung in multiple directions (add appropriate symbols in front of the blank) Clockwise 1SO/IEC serial number Application example not registered Application example not registered Symbol serial number Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269.1—2000 To be guided Meaning/application Counterclockwise Lubrication point Lubrication point Lifting point And lifting or supporting point Draining/draining TSO/IEC registration number1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Half of the machine Full of the machine Direction of machine operation - forward (Use appropriate symbols to indicate the forward direction can be indicated by a side view rotating counterclockwise) Direction of machine operation - reverse With appropriate symbols, the reverse direction can be indicated by a side view rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise. Joystick force - bidirectional 【Add appropriate special symbols at the end of the word in front of the square! The joystick can be swung in multiple directions (add appropriate symbols in front of the blank) Clockwise 1SO/IEC serial number Application example not registered Application example not registered Symbol serial number Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269.1—2000 To be guided Meaning/application Counterclockwise Lubrication point Lubrication point Lifting point And lifting or supporting point Draining/draining TSO/IEC registration number1—2000 Symbol meaning/application Half of the machine Full of the machine Direction of machine operation - forward (Use appropriate symbols to indicate the forward direction can be indicated by a side view rotating counterclockwise) Direction of machine operation - reverse With appropriate symbols, the reverse direction can be indicated by a side view rotating 90 degrees counterclockwise. Joystick force - bidirectional 【Add appropriate special symbols at the end of the word in front of the square! The joystick can be swung in multiple directions (add appropriate symbols in front of the blank) Clockwise 1SO/IEC serial number Application example not registered Application example not registered Symbol serial number Symbol form/shape GB/T 4269.1—2000 To be guided Meaning/application Counterclockwise Lubrication point Lubrication point Lifting point And lifting or supporting point Draining/draining TSO/IEC registration number Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.