GB/T 15969.1-1995 Programmable controllers Part 1: General information
Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Programmable controllers
Part 1: General information
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the definitions of terms used in programmable controllers and their related peripherals. GB/T15969.1—1995
This standard applies to programmable controllers and their related peripherals, such as programming and debugging tools (PADT), test equipment (TE) and man-machine interface (MMI).
This standard applies to control systems composed of programmable controllers and their related peripherals. 2 Reference standards
GB156 Standard voltage
High voltage test technology, Part 2: Test procedureGB311.3
Information processing Seven-bit coded character set for information interchangeInformation processing Seven-bit and eight-bit coded character set code extension technology Chinese characters for information interchange Basic Collection Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products General Principles Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Terminology GB2423.1
Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test A: Low Temperature Test Method Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test C: Steady State Damp Heat Test Method Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test Db: Alternating Damp Heat Test Method Electrical and Electronic Products Basic environmental test procedures for products Test Ea: Impact test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Ed: Free fall test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal) test method Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products Test N: Temperature change test method GB3453
Basic control procedures for data communication
Determination method of comparative tracking index and resistance tracking index of solid insulating materials under humid conditions Classification of enclosure protection levels
General safety requirements for household and similar electrical appliances GB4728 Graphic symbols for electrical diagrams
GB4793 Safety requirements for electronic measuring instruments
GB4942.2 Protection levels for low-voltage electrical enclosures GB4943 Safety of information technology equipment (including electrical business equipment) GB5261
Text and symbol forming equipment Supplementary control functions Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on December 29, 1995 Implemented on October 1, 1996
Data processing vocabulary
5 Graphic symbols for electrical equipment
GB6988.6 Drawing of control system function tables GB7093.3
Rules for indicating graphic symbols Graphic symbols for equipment Symbolic information processing system data communication-high level data link control protocol-frame structure GB7496
Data communication-high level data link control protocol-principle element assembler design Design language PASCAL
Information processing system Open System Interconnection Basic Reference Model Electromagnetic compatibility of industrial process measurement and control equipment Low voltage switchgear and control equipment
Electrical relay
Information technology Data communication 25-pin DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number allocation Insulation materials for motors, electrical appliances and transformers Heat resistance classification General industrial low voltage electrical appliances Electrical clearance and creepage distance Low voltage contactor
General DC stable power supply Terms and definitions, performance and ratings General DC stable power supply test methods
Guidelines for determining the long-term heat resistance of electrical insulation materials SJ/Z9071
Floating point operation
Working conditions of industrial automation instruments Temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure Working conditions of industrial automation instruments Power
Working conditions of industrial process measurement and control equipment ZB Y207-1.2
3 Terms
Terms defined in this standard are common terms for programmable controllers and related peripherals. 3.1 Absolute time absolutetime
Combination of time and date information.
3.2 Accessible part accessiblepart
a. Parts that can be touched by standard joint test probes. b. Conductive parts that are easy to touch, not energized under normal circumstances, but may be energized under fault conditions. 3.3 Action action
It is a subset of a Boolean variable or operation to be executed and the relevant control structure specified. 3.4 Action block actionblock
Represents a graphic language element that uses a Boolean input variable to determine the value of a Boolean output variable, or gives the occurrence condition for an action according to a predetermined control structure (see GB/T15969.3-1995 clause 4.1.3). 3.5 Aggregate
Structured collection of multiple variables or constants to form a data type. 3.6 Application program A logical collection of programming language elements and structures necessary for the PC system to control machinery or processes and perform the expected signal processing. It is also called a PC program or user program.
3.7 Argument
Synonymous with input parameter or output parameter.
3.8 Array array
A collection of multiple data objects with the same attributes, each of which can be found by subscript. 3.9 Assignment
A method of assigning a value to a variable or a collection. 3.10 Allocation list assignmentlist
A table that represents the correspondence between absolute addresses or logical addresses and the symbolic addresses assigned to them. 3.11 Asymmetric message transfer In the message transmission service, only the participating party (or requesting party) has the right to start the transmission of information. 3.12 availability
the rate of time at which the system can actually complete its tasks. 3.13 Typical configuration for type testing of basic PC systems, see Figure B1 in Appendix B. 3.14 base number
refers to a base number expressed in a non-ten format.
3.15 bidirectional message transfer bidirectional message transfer service in which messages can pass in both directions. 3.16 bistable function block bistable function block with two stable states controlled by one or more inputs. 3.17 bit string
a data element consisting of one or more bits. 3.18 body
the part of a program organization unit that specifies the execution of operations, which, when called, executes the operands specified by the program organization unit. 3.19 call
a language construct used to call the execution of a function or function block. 3.20 character string
a collection of ordered characters.
3.21 Clearance
The shortest distance between two conductive parts or between a conductive part and the interface of a device measured through the air. 3.22 Comment
Text included in the program and a language structure that has no effect on the execution of the program. 3.23 Compile
Translate a program organization unit or data type into its equivalent machine language or an intermediate form of code. 3.24 Component
Any device, unit, or application in an automation system. In this standard, it refers to any device, unit, or application in a PC system.
3.25 Connection connection
A connection established between two or more communication function blocks for data exchange and data synchronization. 3.26 Connection descriptor connectiondescriptor Character that can uniquely identify a connection.
3.27 Connect, disconnect connect, disconnect connection, disconnect a logical link (such as between MMI and MPU, ultimately through the communication device). 3.28 Coupling (for interference) coupling
The way in which an interference source generates interference in a signal circuit. 3.29 Counter function block counterfunctionblock3
A function block that accumulates the number of changes at one or more specified input terminals. 3.30 Coverage factor coveragefactor
The percentage of removed, missing or faulty functions detected by the built-in test function or by a test program with a verification process function for modules, units, external wiring, internal wiring, detachable cables, interconnections, functions. 3.31 Creepage distance The shortest non-leakage distance between two conductive parts or between a conductive part and the conductive interface of a device measured along the insulating surface. 3.32 Cross-reference list A table indicating the location of all units in a PC program. The program selects the data corresponding to the table to run. 3.33 Current sink current sinking
The effect of receiving current.
3.34 Current source current sourcing
The effect of supplying current.
3.35 Data communication equipment data communication equipment (DCE) Equipment that provides signal exchange and encoding functions between digital terminal equipment and digital circuits. 3.36 Digital terminal equipment data terminal equipment (DTE) A device composed of digital instruments that converts user information into data signals for transmission, or converts received data signals into user information.
3.37 Data type datatype
Group allows operations and a set of values related to them. 3.38 Date and time dateandtime
According to GB2809, date refers to one year and time refers to one day. 3.39 Declaration
Used to determine the mode of language objects. Under normal circumstances, the description includes the identifier and allocation characteristics attached to the relevant language objects. 3.40 Delimiter
Character or character combination used to separate program language elements. 3.41 Device
Component of PC system.
3.42 Direct representation method directrepresrntation A method of representing variables in PC programs. This representation method can directly determine the physical address or logical address corresponding to the variable specified by the manufacturer from the program.
3.43 Diversity factor of an output module The ratio of the total current allowed (total output current) to the sum of all maximum rated currents of multi-channel output modules when operating under the worst combination of normal working conditions.
3.44 Categories donains
Categories represent a subset of the capabilities of virtual manufacturing equipment for special purposes. 3.45 Doubleword doubleword
A 32-bit data element.
3.46 Duration duration
The time taken for an event, action, etc.
3.47 Dynamic input dynamicinput
For the input of a function block, its internal "1" state (briefly) coincides with the transition of its external "0" state to "1' state. At other times, the internal state is "0".
3.48 Functional ground earth, funeticional, protective4
For non-safety purposes such as improving noise immunity), a low-impedance path connected between a circuit and the ground. 3.49 Protective earthing protectiveearthing A low impedance path connected in order to reduce the risk to the operator in the event of a fault, including high voltage or high current between the line and the ground.
3.50 Element element
The part of the graphic language that corresponds to an instruction in the text language, whose operation code part and operand part are determined by an appropriate combination of graphic symbols and text symbols.
3.51 End-to-end synchronization end-to-end synchronization The characteristic of the execution service is to make the "requester" believe that the "responder" is ready to start the next execution (if there was an execution action before, the action has been completed).
3.52 Enclosed device enclosed, equipment To prevent operators from accidentally touching the live parts or moving parts in the device, to prevent debris from falling into the device, and to meet the requirements of mechanical strength, flammability and stability. A device with all sides closed except the mounting surface. 3.53 Class I, Class I, Class II equipment (or circuit), class I, class I, class II The category number indicates the measures to provide protection against electric shock in the normal use and possible fault conditions of the installed equipment. a Class I circuit or device
In this type of circuit or device, the protection against electric shock does not rely solely on basic insulation, but also includes additional safety precautions. The precautions include installing fixed wires, that is, connecting the easily accessible conductive parts to the grounding protective conductor of the equipment. Therefore, once the basic insulation fails, the easily accessible conductive parts will not be energized. For devices using flexible wires, this measure includes the protective grounding conductor that is part of the flexible wire. Note: Class I devices may have parts with double insulation or reinforced insulation, or parts operating at a safe extra-low voltage. b. Class I circuit or device
In this type of circuit or device, the protection against electric shock does not rely on basic insulation, there are no protective grounding measures, and it does not rely on installation conditions. Instead, additional safety precautions such as double insulation or reinforced insulation are taken. Such a device may be one of the following types: b.1 Class I device installed in an insulating enclosure: The device has a strong, substantially continuous insulating material enclosure that encloses all conductive parts. Except for small parts such as nameplates, screws, rivets, etc., they are separated from parts with dangerous voltages by insulating materials at least equivalent to reinforced insulation.
b.2 Class 1 device installed in a metal enclosure: The device has a substantially continuous metal enclosure, and double insulation is used inside it except for those parts that use reinforced insulation. b.3 Devices that combine class b.1 and class b.2. Note: ① The insulating enclosure of class 1 devices can be part of the entire supplementary insulation and reinforced insulation. ② If the device uses double insulation or reinforced insulation throughout and has a protective grounding terminal or contact, it is considered to be a class I device. ③ Class 1 devices may have parts that work under safe extra-low voltage. c. Class II lines or devices
In such lines or devices, electric shock protection is powered by safe extra-low voltage (SELV), and the voltage generated by the line does not exceed the SELV limit.
3.54 Fixed equipment equipment fixed A device that is part of a permanent installation. 3.55 Open equipment equipment, open A device that contacts live parts such as a main processing unit. Open equipment is to be installed in other safety components. 3.56 Portable equipment equipment, portable A closed pluggable device that can be carried by hand, such as programming and debugging tools (PADTs) and test equipment (TE) 3.57 Evaluation evaluation
The process of determining a value for an expression or the output of a function, network or function block during program execution. 3.58 Execution execution
The process of completing a specified part of the operation in an application program. 3.59 Execution control elements execution control elements Tasks and sequential function chart elements defined in clause 2.6 of GB/T15969.3. 3.60 Fail-safe shutdown The ability of a PC system with output capability to output a predetermined state within a specified delay time after detecting a power failure or internal fault.
3.61 Function function
A program organization unit that, when executed, produces exactly one data element (which may be multi-valued, such as an array or structure): and in text language, it is called just like operating on operands in an expression. 3.62 Function block functionblock
A data structure that is individually labeled with a name and is related to the function block type. 3.63 Function block type functionblocktype is an element of a PC programming language that includes a. Definitions of data structures divided into inputs, outputs and internal variables. b. A set of operations to be performed by the data structure element when the function block is called. 3.64 Function block diagram functionblockdiagram A graphical representation of functions, function blocks, data elements, labels and one or more networks connecting elements. 3.65 Generic data type genericdatatype A collection of multiple data types.
3.66 Global scope globalscope
Applies to the scope specified in all program organization units, 3.67 Hazardous voltage hazardousvoltage A voltage with a peak value or DC exceeding 42.4V.
3.68 Hierarchical addressing A direct representation of data elements when used as a physical or logical hierarchy. For example, a point contained in a module in a rack is also contained in the cabinet. Etc.
3.69 Identifier identifier
A combination of letters, numbers, and underscore characters that begins with a letter or underscore, used to name a language body. 3.70 Image (input/output image, image register) image (1/oimage, imageregister) The part of the memory that holds the I/O state.
3.71 Immunity immunity
The ability of a PC system to remain unaffected or maintain its operation when subjected to an action. 3.72 Initial value initialvalue
The value assigned to the system when the system starts. 3.73 Input input
The current, voltage, power, or driving force applied to a circuit or device, also known as input value or input data. b.
Terminals or other parts of a circuit or device that can apply current, voltage, power or driving force are called input terminals. c.
Data read by the application from the interface between its execution function unit and other function units of the PC system is called program 3.74 Type 1 digital input type1datainput detects digital input from mechanical contact switch elements (such as relay contacts, buttons, switches, etc.). Type 1 digital input may not be applicable to solid-state devices such as sensors, proximity switches, etc. 3.75 Type 2 digital input type2datainput detects digital input from solid-state switch devices (such as two-wire proximity switch signals). This type of digital input can also be used in the application scope of type 1 digital input.
3.76 Instance name instancename
Names an identifier related to a specific function block instance. 3.77 internal failure internal failure || tt || a failure caused by the hardware or software (except the application program) of the PC system. 3.78 integer literal integer literal || tt || a literal that directly represents a value of type SINT, INT, DINT, LINT, BOOL, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, or LWORD. 3.79 invocation || tt || a process that starts executing the operations specified in the program organization unit. 3.80 isolation (devices, circuits) isolated (devices, circuits) there is no electrical connection between devices and circuits. 3.81 keyword keyword || tt || a lexical unit that characterizes a language structure, such as a positive F. 3.82 label label || tt || a special identifier used to name an instruction, network, or network group. 3.83 Ladder diagram (relay ladder diagram) Ladder diagram (relay ladder diagram) is defined on the left and right sides by power rails (a network formed by one or more contacts, coils, graphical functions, function blocks, data elements, symbols and connection elements, also known as relay ladder diagram. 3.84 PC programming language language
a. Function block diagram (FBD) language functionblockdiagram (FBD) language A programming language that uses function block diagrams to represent PC system applications.
b: Graphical language graphical languageA programming language for PC system applications based on graphical representation. c. Instruction list (IL) languageinstructionlist (IL) languageA textual programming language for PC system applications that uses instructions. d. Ladder diagram (LD) languageladderdiagram(LD) languageA programming language for PC system applications that uses ladder diagrams. e. Text (TL) languagetextuallanguageA system consisting of a well-defined (usually limited) character set, rules for combining characters to form words or other expressions, and assignment of values to certain words or expressions.
f. Structured text (ST) languagestructuredtext(ST) languageA textual programming language for PC system applications that uses assignment, subroutine control, selection, and instruction statements. 3.85 Literal
A lexical unit that directly represents a value.
3.86 Local scopelocalscope
Applies only to program organization units where descriptions or labels have appeared. 3.8 7 Logic control system logic control system A control system that defines the functional relationship between the output signal state and the input signal state is in accordance with the rules of Boolean algebra. 3.88 Logical unit logical location
Refers to the unit of hierarchical addressing variables. It may or may not be related to the physical structure of the PC's input, output and memory. 3.89 Long real number longreal
Real number represented by long word.
3.90 Long word longword
A 64-bit data element.
3.91 Main processing unit (MPU) mainprocessingunit The part of the PC system that interprets or executes the application (main content). The MPU may include power supply, memory and input/output. 3.92 Man-machine interface (MMI) Peripheral equipment equipped with buttons, indicator lights, keyboards, displays or similar devices. The operator interface includes control axes, closed-loop control/monitoring boards, general operator interfaces, etc.
3.93 memory memory
user data storage (userdatastorage) A functional unit for user program access to data. 3.94 message message
is a collection of data in a predetermined format, exchanged among all connections. 3.95 module module
a device inserted into a baseboard or substrate, such as an input/output module. 3.96 multi-circuit module multi-circuit module A module containing multiple isolated circuits. In the case of input/output modules, it is a module containing multiple isolated user signal interfaces. 3.97 multi-channel module multi-channel module A module containing multiple input/output user signal interfaces. A multi-channel module may or may not be a multi-circuit module. 3.98 micro-environment micro-environment
The conditions of the surrounding environment of the electrical clearance or creepage distance to be considered. Note: Because it is the micro-environment of the electrical clearance or creepage distance that determines the insulation effect, not the device environment. The microenvironment may be better or worse than the device environment. It includes all factors that affect insulation, such as climate, electromagnetics, production pollution, etc. 3.99 Element naming namedelement
Name a structural element by its associated identifier. 3.100 network network
a complete set of interconnected graphical elements of a ladder diagram program, excluding the left and right power rails of the ladder diagram. 3.101 off-delay (on-delay) timer function block off-delayl (on-delay) timer functronblock a function block that delays the falling (rising) edge of a Boolean input for a specified duration. 3.102 online online
a PC system is said to be online when it effectively controls a machine or process. 3.103 operation operation
a specified action, that is, an action that obtains a result from one or more operands according to the principle that any combination of operands allows the result to be determined.
output output
sequence output.
the current, voltage, power or driving force provided by a circuit or device is also called an output value. The terminal or other part that can be provided with current, voltage, power or driving force by a circuit or device is also called an output terminal. Data that can be written by the application to the interface between the functional unit it executes and other functional units is also called output, also called process 3.105 Overloaded
For an operation or function, one or more operands or parameters of the same general data type can be used to work. 8
3.106 Overvoltage category overvoltagecategory An agreed number based on limiting (or controlling) the transient overvoltage that may exist in the line (or in an electrical system with different nominal voltages) and based on the measures used to affect the overvoltage. Note: In an electrical system, the reduction from the overvoltage level to a lower level is achieved through appropriate measures that meet the interface requirements, such as overvoltage protectors or series-parallel impedances, to dissipate, absorb or convert the energy of the relevant surge current to reduce the transient overvoltage value to the value of a lower overvoltage category. 3.107 Peripheral peripheral
Permanent internal or external equipment of a PC system, which is used to program, monitor, test and record the operation of the PC system.
a. Permanent peripheral permanent peripheral is a peripheral device that is a permanently installed part of a PC system. b. Transportable peripheral transportable peripheral a peripheral device that is not a permanently installed part. c. Portable peripheral portable peripheral specially designed to be carried. d. Hand-held portable hand-held portable device that can be held in one hand and operated with the other hand. e On-line pluggable on-line pluggable
A device that can be plugged in or out at any time, including when the PC system is working, without interfering with or terminating the normal operation of the PC system and without causing harm to the operator and the application. 3.108 Permanent facilities permanent installation To complete the expected application functions of the PC system, the facilities used on site are shown in Appendix A.
3.109 Power rail powerrail
Two vertical lines on the left side of the ladder diagram that can be selected arbitrarily on the right side. 3.110 Pollution degree pollutiondegree In order to determine the electrical clearance and creepage distance, the pollution degree of the microenvironment is determined as follows: a. Pollution degree 1
No pollution or only dry, non-conductive pollution. This pollution has no effect. b. Pollution degree 2
Under normal circumstances, only non-conductive pollution appears, but temporary conductivity must be expected during condensation. c. Pollution degree 3
Conductive pollution appears, or due to the presence of dry non-conductive pollution, it will become conductive due to condensation. Note: ① The combination of foreign objects and moisture will cause the polluted insulator to conduct electricity. ② The minimum electrical clearance given for pollution degrees 2 and 3 is based on experience rather than raw data. 3.111 Power flow powerflow
In the ladder diagram, it indicates the direction of power supply.
3.112 Program organization unit programming unit refers to a function, function block or program.
3.113 Program invocations program invocations are a dynamic element consistent with the execution route in a multi-tasking environment. 3.114 Programmable controller system (PC system) programmable controller system (PC SYSTEM) The configuration established by the user according to the automation requirements to be completed. It consists of a programmable controller and its corresponding peripherals, cables or plug-in components connecting permanent facilities, and cables or other components connected to portable or transportable peripherals. 9
See Appendix B.
3.115 Programmable controller (PC) programmable controller (PC) A digital electronic system used in industrial environments. This system uses programmable memory as an internal register for user instructions to complete specified functions, such as logic, sequence, timing, counting, calculation, etc., and controls various types of machinery or processes through digital or analog input and output. The design of programmable controllers and their peripherals enables it to be easily integrated into industrial control systems. And it can easily achieve the desired goals. It can be referred to as PC or programmable. 3.116 Programming and debugging tool (PADT) is a peripheral device that supports programming, testing, debugging, troubleshooting, program recording and storage of PC system applications. If the PADT is pluggable, it can be inserted into the relevant interface at any time, and it can also be unplugged without any danger to the operator and the application. In other cases, the PADT is fixed.
3.117 Protective coating protecticecoating is an insulating coating covering the printed circuit board, which isolates the surface of the printed board from the environment and enables the electrical clearance or creepage distance to withstand the required pulses and voltages.
Note: Coatings are generally used to isolate the influence of the atmosphere to improve the dielectric properties of electrical clearances or creepage distances. Without coatings, dielectric requirements will usually not be met. Inefficient coatings can isolate the influence of the atmosphere, but they cannot be relied upon to improve dielectric properties. 3.118 Real literal realliteral
Represents a data literal of real (REAL) or long real (LREAL) type. 3.119 Repetitive peak voltage recuredpeakvoltage The peak voltage that is reproduced within a specified period. This repetitive peak voltage is generally generated in switching power supply lines (such as AC, DC converters).
3.120 Remote input/output station remoteinput/outputstation (RIos) A component of a PC system that includes input/output interfaces that are only allowed to operate in the case of main processing unit (MPU) classification, used for separation of input/output multiplexed signals and data pre-processing or post-processing. RIOS allows only limited autonomous operation. (For example: when the MPU communication network is disconnected or the MPU itself fails or maintenance and troubleshooting are required) 3.121 Removable connector Removable connector A connection device used for PC system operation and maintenance. This device is usually used to connect pluggable modules, peripheral devices, etc. to the rest of the PC system.
3.122 restart restart
a cold restart coldrestart
Restart of the PC system and its applications after all dynamic data (such as I/O images, internal registers, timers, counters and other variables and program content) are reset to a predetermined state. This restart can be automatic (such as after a power failure, the information of the dynamic part of the memory is lost, etc.) or manual (such as a push button reset, etc.). b. hot restart hotrestart
After a power failure, within the maximum allowed time associated with the process, the PC system is restored as if the failure had not occurred. All I/O information and other dynamic data as well as the application are restored or remain unchanged. The restart performance requires an independently powered real-time clock or timer to determine the time after the power failure is detected and disappears, and also requires the user to program the maximum allowed time for the relevant process.
warm restart warmrestart
Restart after a power failure, with dynamic data pre-programmed by the user and the background of the application pre-determined by the system. A warm restart is identified by a status flag or an equivalent method that can indicate that the running PC system has stopped due to a power failure. 3.123 RetentiveData
Keep stored data unchanged before and after power off/on. 3.124 Return
is a language structure that indicates the execution order of the next unit after the execution of a program organization unit ends. 3.125 Branch
A link connecting the left power rail and (optional) the right power rail in the ladder diagram. 3.126 Safety Extra Low Voltage (SELV) A line isolated from the power supply line by a safety isolation transformer or a transformer with independent windings, and the RMS value of the AC voltage between conductors or between any conductor and the ground does not exceed 50V. 3.127 Scopescope
The part of the program that uses instructions or labels. 3.128 Semantics
The relationship between the symbolic elements and meaning, interpretation and use of the programming language. 3.129 Safety extra low voltage circuit SELVcircuit Circuit protection designed so that under normal and single fault conditions, the voltage between any two circuit parts accessible to the operator (one of which may be an easily accessible metal grounded part) does not exceed the safety extra low voltage, and no overvoltage higher than SELV can be generated in the circuit.
semigraphic representationsemigraphicrepresentation3.130
Graphical information represented by a limited set of characters. 3.131 Sequential control systemsequentinalcontrolsystem A control system that processes steps in a predetermined order, proceeding from one sequential step to the next, depending on whether a condition is satisfied. Such a system may be time-dependent (i.e., the transition conditions of a step are functions of time only), or external event-dependent (i.e., the transition conditions of a step are functions of input signals only), or a combination of both conditions and more complex conditions. 3.132 Sequential function chart (SFC)
Graphical representation of a sequential program, consisting of interconnected steps, actions, and guide lines with transition conditions. 3.133 singledataelement a data element that has only a single value.
3.134 sinkmodeoutput a mode of operation of a solid-state output device. In this mode of operation, the device controls the current from the load, that is, the load is connected to the negative terminal of the power supply when the output is energized.
3.135 software software
computer programs, routines, programming languages, and system programs. A collection of application programs, assemblers, and other programs required to provide a machine to the user. Whether it is for writing a computer program or for the operation process of an operator or other person, written down in detail the steps to be followed. Technical documents, including hardware manuals and drawings, computer program listings and diagrams, etc. d.
Items opposite to hardware listed above. 3.136 sourcemodeoutput a mode of operation of a solid-state output device, in this mode of operation, the device controls the current flowing to the load, that is, the load is connected to the positive terminal of the power supply when the output is energized.
3.137 Step
A step is a state in which the actions of a program organization unit with respect to its inputs and outputs shall comply with a set of rules defined by the step.
3.138 Structured data type
is a composite data type used to describe a structure or function block. 3.139 Subscripting
is a method of referencing an array. With it, one or more expressions can be evaluated and used to specify elements. 11
3.140 Symbolic representation uses identifiers to name variables.
3.141 System software system software
Software written by the device manufacturer that specifies whether the device is operated using an application program. Generally, the instructions entered by the user into the application program are converted into a collection of machine code interpretation subroutines required by the device hardware, which is a typical system software. 3.142 Task task
-A control element for program execution. It provides a set of program organization units for periodic or triggered execution. 3.143 Detection Equipment (TE)
A peripheral device equipped with buttons, indicator lights, keyboards, displays or other devices, used for diagnosis and/or control applications of PC systems. If the TE can be plugged into the relevant interface or unplugged at any time without any danger to the operator or application, it is called "pluggable", otherwise it is called "fixed". TE can be permanently installed or not. TE must be operated and used by a dedicated person. 3.144 Test test
a. Anti-interference test
A type test to check whether the operation of the basic PC system can still operate normally after adding a specified amount of interference. (Simulate normal working conditions).
During the test, the basic PC system executes the test program provided by the manufacturer. Some tests can allow temporary changes in the operation of the basic PC system within the limits specified by the manufacturer. b. Endurance test
A type test that verifies whether a more severe impact is applied to the basic PC system, thereby impairing its ability to perform its intended tasks. Unless otherwise specified, the basic PC system is not powered on during the endurance test. After the specified recovery time, the correct function verification steps are completed by visual inspection and/or measurement methods to verify that the test has no harmful effects on the basic PC system. Although the collision test may affect the operability of the basic PC system, the collision test is also included in the endurance test. 3.145 Working ambient air temperature temperaturea: For closed non-ventilated devices cooled by natural air convection, the device ambient temperature refers to the room temperature 1m away from the surface of the shell on the horizontal plane at the vertical midpoint of the shell.
b. For closed ventilated devices, the ambient temperature refers to the temperature of the incoming air. c. For open devices, the ambient temperature refers to the temperature at the bottom of the device entering the tightness. 3.146 Time literal timeliteral
A data literal of type TIME, DATE, TIME-OF-DAY, or DATE-AND-TIME.
3.147 Time time
a. Delay time (DELAYTIME)—Digital input delay time (TID), analog input delay time. (TAID) The delay of the signal through the input filter (bounded from the field input terminal to the input conversion circuit). b. Delay time—Digital output delay time (TQD), analog output delay time (TAQD). The delay of the signal through the output filter. (bounded from the output interface to the field output terminal) c. Analog response time
The time required for the output state to change in the correct direction and reach the set value for the first time after the initial stimulus specified by the system is given. d. Scan time (TSC)
The time that elapses between two consecutive starts of the same application program, including the time required to correct the I/O image table when using the I/O image table.
e.System digital response time (TRT)
The time between a change in the state of the input signal at the field input and the corresponding change in the output signal at the field output. TRT is the sum of the times for the signal (information) to pass from the field input interface through the PC system to the field output interface.
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