title>HG/T 20701.3-2000 Working procedures for the professional engineering design phase of containers and heat exchangers - HG/T 20701.3-2000 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG/T 20701.3-2000 Working procedures for the professional engineering design phase of containers and heat exchangers

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 20701.3-2000

Standard Name: Working procedures for the professional engineering design phase of containers and heat exchangers

Chinese Name: 容器、换热器专业工程设计阶段工作程序

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release2000-11-22

Date of Implementation:2001-06-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:71.010

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Raw Materials Industry, Communications, Broadcasting Engineering>>P72 Petrochemical, Chemical Engineering

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HG/T 20701.3-2000 Container and heat exchanger professional engineering design phase work procedures HG/T20701.3-2000 standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

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Container and heat exchanger professional engineering design phase work procedures HG/T 20701.3-2000
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the container and heat exchanger professional engineering design phase work procedures, applicable to design management work. 2 Reference standards
HG/T 20701.7-2000
HG/T 20701.10-2000
HG/T 20701.11-2000
"Quality Assurance Procedure for Container and Heat Exchanger Design""Key Points for Drawing Review of Container and Heat Exchanger Manufacturers""Format and Preparation Instructions for Container and Heat Exchanger Equipment Data Sheet""Design Regulations for Container and Heat Exchanger Equipment Schematics (Equipment Engineering Drawings)""Preparation Instructions for Engineering Design Regulations for Container, Heat Exchanger and Special Equipment""Preparation Instructions for General Technical Regulations for Container, Heat Exchanger and Special Equipment"
"Format and Preparation Instructions for Equipment/Material (Inquiry, Order) Purchase Requisition and Technical Specification"
"Working Procedures and Instructions for Container, Heat Exchanger and Special Equipment Manufacturer Coordination Meeting"
3 Working Procedures and Instructions
When the container and heat exchanger profession does not undertake the equipment construction drawing design during the engineering design stage, its working procedures are shown in Appendix A, the procedure diagram. The main work includes the preparation of engineering design regulations, equipment procurement (inquiry) technical documents, review of factory (commercial) quotations, participation in the 9
factory (commercial) technical coordination meeting, completion of order version, manufacturing version, construction version of equipment schematics (equipment engineering drawings) and/or data sheets, review of manufacturing drawings, etc.
3.1 Engineering Design Regulations
The engineering design regulations are an important regulatory document in engineering design for this major, and are mainly prepared by this major. The content and format are in accordance with HG/T20701.9-2000 "Explanation on the Preparation of Engineering Design Regulations for Containers, Heat Exchangers and Special Equipment". Because the relevant chapters and clauses will be integrated with the opinions of the material major and other relevant departments. Therefore, the first draft prepared by this major should be submitted to the material major and relevant departments for review in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.4-2000 "Quality Assurance Procedures for Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Design". 3.2 Equipment Procurement (Inquiry) Technical Documents
Equipment procurement (inquiry) technical documents usually include: equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specifications and/or purchase requisitions, general equipment technical regulations, inquiry version equipment diagrams (equipment engineering drawings) and/or data sheets, engineering standards or standard drawings, procedure instructions, etc.
3.2.1 Equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specifications and purchase requisitions Equipment/material (inquiry, order) technical specifications are a procurement (inquiry) technical document expressed in words, and equipment/material (inquiry, order) purchase requisitions are procurement (inquiry) technical documents expressed in tables. In engineering design, one or both can be selected according to the equipment/material procurement situation. This document is mainly written by this major. The content and format are in accordance with HG/T20701.11-2000 "Format and Preparation Instructions for Equipment/Material (Inquiry, Order) Purchase Requisition and Technical Specifications".
3.2.2 General Technical Regulations for Equipment
General technical regulations for equipment are important documents in the technical attachments of equipment procurement (inquiry). They are usually compiled according to the type of equipment. The content and format are in accordance with HG/T20701.10-2000 "Explanation on the compilation of general technical regulations for professional equipment of containers, heat exchangers and special equipment". This document is mainly compiled by this major, and the opinions of the material major will be integrated into the relevant chapters and clauses. Therefore, the first draft compiled by this major should be submitted to the material major and relevant departments for review in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.4-2000 "Design Quality Assurance Procedure". In engineering design, this major can select, revise or re-compile general technical regulations for equipment according to the types and requirements of engineering project equipment.
3.2.3 Engineering Standards
Engineering standards are enterprise technical standards formulated by our company (institute) to meet the special requirements of engineering project equipment design, manufacturing and inspection. According to the content involved in the engineering standards, it can be compiled mainly by this major, or by the material major and other majors. The prepared documents shall be submitted to the relevant disciplines and departments for review in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.4-2000 "Quality Assurance Procedure for Professional Design of Containers and Heat Exchangers". In engineering design, engineering standards can be selected, revised or re-compiled according to the requirements of engineering project equipment. 3.2.4 Procedure Description
The procedure description is the inspection and installation procedure instructions formulated by our company (institute) to meet the special requirements of inspection and installation of engineering project equipment. According to the content involved in the procedure description, it can be mainly compiled by this profession, or by other professions. The prepared documents shall be submitted to the relevant disciplines and departments for review in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.4-2000 "Quality Assurance Procedure for Professional Design of Containers and Heat Exchangers". In engineering design, it can be selected, revised or re-compiled according to the requirements of engineering project equipment.
3.2.5 Equipment Schematic (Equipment Engineering Drawing) and/or Data Sheet Equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet are important documents in the technical attachments of equipment procurement (inquiry) and should be prepared in accordance with HG/T20701.8-2000 and HG/T20701.7-2000. It is a work that is prepared by this major and requires the cooperation of relevant majors. The degree of cooperation of relevant majors varies for different types of equipment. For some key equipment, the design requirements (such as material selection and material inspection requirements, etc.) often involve the material major. Therefore, the above equipment drawings should generally be submitted to the material major for review. The selection of materials for general equipment is based on the engineering material selection regulations, and there are fewer special problems related to materials in the design, so this type of equipment drawings generally do not need to be submitted to the material major for review. 3.3 Review of the technical quotation of the manufacturer (commercial)
Reviewing the technical quotation of the manufacturer (commercial) is an important task of this major. This major should make a technical evaluation of the technical quotation of the manufacturer (commercial) together with the material major (mainly for key equipment). When several manufacturers (commercial companies) offer quotations for the same equipment (set) at the same time, this specialty should complete the technical evaluation table and evaluation opinions of the manufacturer (commercial company) quotations, and submit them to the person in charge of this specialty and department for review in accordance with the requirements of HG/T20701.4-2000 Design Quality Assurance Procedure, and then hand them over to the design manager, who will send them to the purchasing department as the basis for the purchasing department to decide on the manufacturer (commercial company) to order the equipment (set).
3.4 ​​Manufacturer Coordination Meeting
The Manufacturer Coordination Meeting (VCM) is held for key equipment and is an important meeting to discuss and decide on the design, material selection, manufacturing, inspection and other related issues of the equipment with the manufacturer (commercial company). The meeting is mainly prepared by the container and heat exchanger professionals and they participate in the entire process of the meeting from beginning to end. Before the meeting, the engineer and professional person in charge of the equipment design should prepare the detailed agenda (technical part) of the meeting according to HG/T20701.12-2000 "Working Procedures and Instructions for Coordination Meetings of Professional Manufacturers of Containers, Heat Exchangers and Special Equipment" and draft an invitation letter to the manufacturer. During the meeting, records should be kept and the meeting minutes should be sorted out (technical part). Other relevant professionals can participate at any time according to the progress of the meeting and the content of the discussion. The relevant materials and inspection parts in the meeting minutes can also be sorted out by the relevant professionals and then incorporated into the technical part of the meeting minutes. For general equipment orders, the professional designers should also participate when necessary and be responsible for discussing and deciding relevant technical issues with the manufacturer (merchant). Under normal circumstances, it is not necessary to form a separate minutes, and the discussion results of relevant technical issues can be used as a supplementary clause in the order contract.
3.5 Order version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet The order version of equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) and/or data sheet is carried out after the factory (commercial) coordination meeting (VCM) of the equipment and before the signing of the order contract. It is an important part of the technical attachment of the order contract. The relevant agreement reached by the VCM should be reflected on this version. Generally, some supplements and modifications will be made to the inquiry drawing through VCM or when ordering equipment. Therefore, in the case of many changes to the inquiry version of the drawing, it is necessary to publish a new version of the drawing (i.e. the order version) as the formal basis for ordering. 3.6 Review of the advance confirmation (ACF) drawings
The advance confirmation (ACF) drawings are the drawings provided in advance by the manufacturer according to the requirements of the order technical documents. The drawings are signed by the relevant personnel at all levels of the manufacturer (design, verification, and audit). The review of the ACF drawings is generally undertaken by the designer and verifier who completes the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) of this specialty. This work should be carried out in accordance with HG/T20701.6-2000 "Key Points for Review of Drawings of Container and Heat Exchanger Professional Manufacturers". 3.7 Manufacturing version equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The manufacturing version equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is a work that this specialty begins after receiving the ACF drawings of the manufacturer (commercial) and reviewing them. In addition to the need to supplement and modify some graphics and data in this version of the drawing, the supplementary design conditions provided by the relevant professions during the detailed design process should also be supplemented, such as the orientation of the pipe mouth, the orientation and elevation of the support, the supporting structure or reinforcement plate to be pre-welded on the equipment, and the position of the fixed support of the horizontal container or heat exchanger. In addition to being distributed to the relevant disciplines within our company (institute), this version of the drawing should also be sent to the manufacturer as a basis for the manufacturer to complete the final confirmation (CF) drawing. 3.8 Review of the final confirmation (CF) drawing
The final confirmation (CF) drawing completed by the manufacturer is the final drawing delivered by the manufacturer to the production workshop for manufacturing. For the sake of prudence, our company (institute) still needs to conduct a final review to ensure that the manufacturer's drawings fully meet the order requirements. 12
3.9 Construction version equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) The construction version equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing) is made after this specialty receives the CF drawing from the manufacturer (commercial) and is not expected to make any further modifications. If the equipment needs to be modified for some reason before manufacturing (it can only be carried out after obtaining the approval of both the buyer and the seller), these modifications should be reflected in the construction version of the equipment schematic (equipment engineering drawing). If no modifications or changes are made to the manufacturing version, just note "for construction version" in the modification column and sign the date, which means that the construction version has been issued. Table.
Other issues that need to be explained
4.0.1When the contract between our company (institute) and the user clearly states that our company (institute) is responsible for the equipment construction drawing design, the relevant professionals should confirm and sign the inquiry version of the equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing) and/or the order version of the equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing). This professional will design the equipment construction drawing based on the confirmed equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing). The working procedures are shown in Appendix B. Www.bzxZ.net
4.0.2 Design liaison
After the equipment is ordered, in order to facilitate design liaison, After obtaining the consent of the design manager, this department can directly contact the manufacturer for technical matters.
During the detailed engineering design stage, the equipment pipe opening orientation conditions can be proposed by the piping department in the form of a pipe plane design drawing or in the form of a pipe opening orientation drawing. 5 Appendix
Appendix A Working Procedures for Engineering Design Stage of Containers and Heat Exchangers (Equipment Construction Drawing Design is completed by the manufacturer) Appendix B Working Procedures for Engineering Design Stage of Containers and Heat Exchangers (Equipment Construction Drawing Design is completed by our company (institute))
Each Door
Yuan Chenghan prepared with the right of the state
(by the manufacturer)
Pregnancy order/technical specification
Design manager
Quotation evaluation opinion
Purchasing department
Manufacturing quotation technical evaluation
Comparison table and evaluation opinion
Design manager
Review the technical quotation of the imperial factory
Participate in the technical quotation review of the manufacturing plant
Materials and related majors
Manufacturing plant
Gejia meeting related majors
Y CM meeting minutes
Vendor coordination meeting (VCM)
Service company
Materials and related professional
Purchasing department
Equipment order purchase order or
Technical specification
Design manager
Complete the order version equipment
Schematic diagram (equipment engineering diagram) and data sheet
Order version equipment
Schematic diagram (equipment engineering diagram) and data sheet
Process, system, instrumentation, piping,
arrangement, pipe avoidance machinery, piping materials|| Materials, civil engineering, calcium materials, manufacturing plant, manufacturing version equipment diagram (equipment engineering diagram), ACF drawings and materials, process, system, instrumentation, pipeline, layout, pipeline machinery, pipeline materials, civil engineering, materials, reviewed ACF drawings and materials, manufacturing version equipment diagram (equipment engineering diagram), procurement department, review of manufacturing plant ACF drawings, complete manufacturing version equipment diagram (equipment engineering diagram)
Pipeline machinery major
Supporting components or reinforcing plates
Local load table
Location of equipment fixed support
Purchasing department
ACF drawings and materials
Manufacturing plant
Pipeline major
Pipeline plane design drawing
Civil engineering major
Ladder, platform, etc.
Connecting components
Participate in the review of ACR drawings
Materials and related majors
Purchasing department
CE drawings and materials| |tt||Manufacturer
Equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering diagram) and CF drawings and materials
Process, system, instrumentation, pipeline,
Layout, pipeline machinery, pipeline materials, civil engineering, materials
Cr drawings and materials with comments after review
Purchasing department
Review the CF drawings and materials of the manufacturer
Complete the construction version equipment schematic diagram
(equipment engineering drawing)
①Hold a VCM meeting when necessary.
②Complete the order version equipment schematic diagram (equipment engineering drawing) and data sheet. This step is only required when there are more supplements and modifications to the inquiry drawings and data sheets.
?When there are regulations, the container and heat exchanger professionals will contact the manufacturer directly.
①When the contract stipulates that the equipment is purchased by the user.
Design manager
Start-up report and attachments
Chemical process specialty
Process flow chart and process specification
Material balance
Process data sheet
Process system specialty
Equipment takeover summary
Material specialty
Engineering material selection regulations
Engineering standards
Pipeline material specialty
Pipeline material classification table
Pipeline material design regulations
Equipment insulation paint regulations
Equipment insulation summary
Layout specialty
Equipment layout diagram (various versions)
Instrument specialty
Instrument container connection Connection diagram
Heat exchanger analysis major
Heat exchanger data sheet
Design manager
Prepare engineering design regulations
Participate in review or preparation
Material major
Engineering design regulations
Design manager, material
Inquiry version of equipment diagram
(equipment engineering drawing)
Process, system, instrumentation, pipeline,
Pipeline machinery, pipeline materials, layout,
Material, civil engineering
Prepare procurement (inquiry)
Technical documents
Participate in review or preparation
Material major
General technical regulations for equipment, engineering standards.Procedure specification
Design manager, materials
Purchasing department
(equipment construction drawing design completed by the manufacturerUser
Equipment inquiry and purchase order/technical specification
Design manager
Quotation evaluation opinion
Purchasing department
Manufacturer quotation technical evaluation
Comparison table and evaluation opinion
Design manager
Review the manufacturer's technical quotation
Purchasing department
Manufacturer quotation
Related manufacturers
Participate in the manufacturer's technical
Quotation review
|Materials and related majors
Diagnosis and appointment meeting
VCM meeting minutes
Vendor-commercial coordination meeting (VCM)
Simplified diagram (
Meeting management
Materials and related majors
Design manager
Start-up report and attachments
Chemical process major
Process flow chart and process specification
Material balance sheet
Process data sheet
Process system major
Equipment takeover summary sheet
Materials major
Engineering material selection regulations
Engineering standards
Pipeline material major
Pipeline material classification table
Pipeline material design regulations
Equipment insulation paint regulations
Equipment insulation summary table
Layout major
Equipment layout diagram (various editions)
Instrument major
Instrument container connection diagram
Heat exchange analysis major
Heat exchanger data sheet
Design manager
Prepare engineering design regulations
Participate in review or write.
Material major
Engineering design regulations
Design manager, material| |tt||Inquiry version equipment diagram
(Equipment engineering drawing)
Process, system, instrument, pipeline,
Pipeline machinery, pipeline materials, layout,
Materials, civil engineering
Prepare inquiry technical documents
Participate in review or preparation
Material major
General technical regulations for equipment, engineering standards
standards, procedure instructions
Design manager, materials
Container, heat exchanger professional engineering design stage work procedure diagram Appendix B
(Equipment construction drawing design is completed by our company (institute)) car
Purchasing department
Equipment inquiry and purchase order or technical specification
Design manager
Quotation evaluation opinion
Purchasing department
Design manager
Review of technical quotation from manufacturer
Purchasing department
Quotation from manufacturer
Related manufacturers
Participate in manufacturer's technology
Quotation review
Materials and related specialties
VCM meeting minutes
Vendor coordination meeting (VCM)
Participate in manufacturers
Coordination Preparation for the meeting
Materials and related majors
Container, heat exchanger engineering design phase work process diagram Appendix B
(The equipment construction drawing design is completed by our company (institute)) Procurement department
No inquiry purchase order or technical specification
Design manager
Quotation evaluation opinion
Procurement department
Design manager
Review the technical quotation of the manufacturer
Participate in the technical quotation review of the manufacturer
Materials and related majors
Manufacture into the factory
Participate in the meeting related majors||tt| |VCM meeting minutes
Vendor coordination meeting (VCM)
Participate in the Guangshang
coordination meeting preparation
Materials and related specialties
Purchasing department
Equipment construction drawings
Process, system, instrumentation, pipeline,
Layout, pipeline machinery, pipeline materials
Road, civil engineering, materials
Equipment order requisition or technical specifications
Design manager
Complete order service equipment schematic (equipment engineering diagram) and data sheet
Pipeline machinery specialty||tt ||Supporting member or reinforcing plate
Shoulder load table
Location of equipment fixed support
Pipeline specialty
Pipeline plane design
Civil engineering specialty
Ladder, platform, etc.
Connecting member
Complete equipment construction cabinet design
Drawing review and countersign
Process, system, instrument, pipeline,
Layout, pipeline machinery, pipeline materials, civil engineering, materials
Design manager
Purchasing department
①Hold VCM meeting when necessary.
②Complete the order version of equipment cylinder drawing (equipment engineering drawing) and data sheet. This step is only required when there are more supplements and modifications to the inquiry drawings and data sheets.
③When the purchase contract clearly stipulates.
①When the contract stipulates that the user is responsible for purchasing the equipment.
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