JB/T 9961-1999 This standard is a revision of ZB J62 021-89 "Precision of open transfer presses". This standard specifies the basic requirements, geometric accuracy and inspection methods for precision inspection of open transfer presses. This standard is applicable to open transfer presses. This standard was first issued in March 1989. JB/T 9961-1999 Precision of open transfer presses JB/T9961-1999 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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ICS 25.120.10 Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China JB/T9961-1999 Open multi-station press Published on 1999-05-14 State Bureau of Machinery Industry Implementation on 2000-01-01 3B/T 9961-—1999 This standard is a revision of ZBJ62021—89 "Precision of open multi-station presses". This standard is basically consistent with the technical content of ZBJ62021-89, and is only re-edited according to relevant regulations. This standard will be implemented on January 1, 2000. This standard replaces ZB J62021-89 from the date of implementation. This standard was proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Forging Machinery Standardization. The responsible drafting unit of this standard is Hefei Forging Machine Tool Factory. This standard was first issued in March 1989. 1 Scope Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Open Multi-station Press JB/T 9961-1999 Replaces BJ62 021—89 This standard specifies the basic requirements, geometric accuracy and inspection methods for the precision inspection of open multi-station presses. This standard is applicable to open multi-station presses (hereinafter referred to as presses). 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are all effective. All standards will be revised, and the parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T 8170—1987 GB/T10923—1989 3 Basic requirements Numerical rounding ruleswww.bzxz.net General rules for precision inspection of forging machinery 3.1 The upper plane of the worktable is the standard surface for precision inspection of the press. If the press machine does not have a worktable, the second worktable surface is used as the base surface for precision inspection. 3.2 Before precision inspection, the press should be adjusted to a level, and the longitudinal and transverse level gauge readings of the inspection reference surface should not exceed 0.20/1000. 3. 3 The edge size of the measured plane without accuracy is 110 of the measured length, and the edge size of the hole on the plane without accuracy is 1/20 of the measured length. 3.4 The accuracy tolerance value of each inspection item should be calculated according to the actual inspection length, and the calculation result should be rounded to the micron digit according to GB 8170. Approved by the State Machinery Industry Bureau on May 14, 1999 and January 1, 2000 Implementation 4 Geometric sugar content test Test items Flatness of the plane on the plate Contact points should be evenly checked, and the average number of contact points in each 25mm×25 mm area should be no less than six points: individual each 25mm×25mm area no less than three points Test tools flat ruler, high gauge block, water level instrument, bridge Plates, other auxiliary tools Pick up the test plate Testing method (Refer to the relevant provisions of GB10923-1989),, Use a flat ruler and a gauge block to test. Put a gauge block of equal height on each of the three points a, b, and c on the plane of the workbench to be tested, and use the plane formed by the upper surface of the gauge block as the test reference surface, and determine the other extension points of the reference surface (such as e, f, &, d points) through the adjustable gauge block. Place a flat ruler on two of the blocks at points a, b, c, and d respectively, and use the gauge block to measure the deviation of each point under the flat ruler to the reference surface in the direction of the dotted line shown in the figure. The error is calculated as the maximum algebraic difference. Use a level to test. The plane of points A, B and D on the plane to be inspected is used as the reference plane, and a level and a bridge plate (span dL/4, d Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.