title>GB/T 3780.20-1997 Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract of carbon black for rubber - Product identification method - GB/T 3780.20-1997 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 3780.20-1997 Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract of carbon black for rubber - Product identification method
Basic Information
Standard ID:
GB/T 3780.20-1997
Standard Name: Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract of carbon black for rubber - Product identification method
This standard specifies the determination of the light transmittance of toluene extract of carbon black for rubber. This standard is applicable to the identification of carbon black products for rubber. GB/T 3780.20-1997 Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract of carbon black for rubber Product identification method GB/T3780.20-1997 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
Some standard content:
CB/T 3780.20 This standard is a product identification method for carbon black for rubber. It is a revision of GB/T3780.20-88 product identification method for carbon black extracts based on the international standard IS03858-2:1990 "Determination of light transmittance of carbon black for rubber-Part 2: Product identification method". This standard adopts the international standard IS03858-2:1990. The main differences between this standard and GB/13780.2088 are as follows: 1. Added the introduction of ISO 1858-2:1990. 2. Added the introduction of Chapter 2 Reference Standards. Added the year of reference standards. The number of reference standards increased from 1 to 3. 3. Added Article 6.1. Added the revision rules of the third chapter. This standard shall replace GB/13780.20-88 from the date of entry into force. This standard was proposed by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard was drafted by the Carbon Black Industry Research and Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, which is responsible for the preparation of this standard. This standard was first issued in June 1983 and revised for the first time in April 1988. GB/T 3780 was revised in 1997. 20 ISO Foreword 1S (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide association of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of developing international standards is usually carried out by ISO technical committees: Members of an established technical committee with an interest in a particular field have the right to participate in the committee. International organizations, domestic or non-governmental organizations, which may have links with 1S, may also participate in this work. 1S (International Organization for Standardization) cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on electrotechnical standardization matters. Proposals for international standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the registered bodies for approval before being approved as international standards by the ISO committee. According to the 150) procedure The procedure requires at least 75% of the members or groups to vote in favor (to be deemed to be passed by the International Standards Council IS0/TC15 Rubber and Rubber Products Committee to formulate this version with minor revisions. Shareholders eliminate and propose the second version (TS0388-1383). [S3858 The general title is Lingfa -Part! Rapid method Part 2 Product evaluation method Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract of carbon black for rubber Product identification method Carbon This standard specifies the determination of the light transmittance of rubber carbon products. This standard is applicable to the following carbon products for rubber. 2 Referenced standards GB/T 3780.20 IDT ISO 3858-2:1990 (F/T 375c.208) The following clauses are included in the standard and become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the indicated paragraphs are valid. All standards are subject to revision. The latest edition of the following standards shall apply to the relevant provisions of this standard. E377894 Gelled black GB/T 3780.8-22 Determination of heating loss of carbon black (nec 1S0) :153:85) GB/1817087 Numerical revision rules 3 Principle Weigh a certain amount of yellow and black sample, mix it with a certain volume of benzene at room temperature, and transfer the filtrate into a colorimetric spectrophotometer. Determine the transmittance of the filter at a given wavelength with pure toluene as a blank source. 4 Reagents Chinese: pure, 5 Instruments 5.1 Analytical method: accurate to 0.01: 5.2 Viscosity can be controlled at 105r+2℃ under constant humidity 5.3 Spectrophotometer wavelength 360nm600nm, accuracy +3nm, transmittance can be read directly at a wavelength of 125nm, power supply voltage changes greatly >4V, need to be equipped with pressure group. juice: the flat width of the colorimetric juice, when compared with the spectrophotometer with a length accuracy of 4252±2, 1 by 5.4 colorimetric trough: the flatness of the light should be within 10 nm, the inner penetration time (i.e. the optical path) is 10.00zmm on the parallel query space and 0.0%mm1 on the parallel query space. When using a 13.0mn0.c5m drug mesh colorimetric trough, the correction line must be made with the square colorimetric trough so that the center of the light is 10 mm. When comparing the light transmittance with the corresponding 10 mm, use the lower or higher calculation method. Approved by the State Technical Supervision Commission on September 26, 1997 Implementation on April 1, 1998 GB/T 3780.20—1997 1 = ×1 gr - Where: t.---The light bar is 10 mm. The light transmittance can be divided into: The light path is L. The light transmittance measured by the colorimetric method is: The light block used: The light transmittance of the three samples may not be exactly the same as the standard. It is necessary to set up a single camera to calibrate the spectrophotometer for actual testing. 5.5 Conical bottle: 100 cm\ or 125 cm, with a ground stopper, 5.6 Quantity: 30 cm. The minimum division is 1 cm. 5.7 Pulverizer: a grinding device with grinding teeth or bamboo. 5.8 Filter paper: diameter 130 rm does not contain kraft paper; the material is not permeable to the filter. 5.9: made of glass with a diameter of 7 rim and chemical corrosion resistance. 5.10: optical mirror silk: does not contain cotton and linen. 6. Preparation of test specimens 6.1 Mix carbon black according to the provisions of 6.3 in GB/T 3778. 6.2 Use a mortar and pestle to grind the hot carbon black. 6.3 Weigh 1g of the powdered carbon black and simmer it at 105:-2℃ according to the provisions of GB/T 3780.8. Remove the cold part and dry it in the room. Juice: The drying temperature of carbon black shall not be higher than the specified temperature, nor can it be dried in the hot zone! The material may volatilize at a higher temperature and affect the moisture. 8. Test conditions The test should be carried out at a temperature of 23:2, a relative density of 50% or a room temperature of 27℃:12 C, and the humidity is close to -=. The reagents and the receptors should reach the ambient temperature before use. The test should be carried out in a fume hood. The motor used must be explosion-proof. The hood is not allowed to be filled with mold or steam that may affect the test results. 8 Steps 8.1 Before calibrating the spectrophotometer (<.3), preheat for at least 10 min. Filter about 3 cm of benzene (4.1) into a conical flask (5.51) and cover it with a stopper. Use a piece of methyl methacrylate to clean the colorimetric tank three times. The amount of methyl methacrylate used each time is 1/4 of the volume of the colorimetric tank. Only the two glass surfaces of the colorimetric filter can be touched. Do not touch the polishing surface of the colorimetric filter. Fill the colorimetric tank with the filtered methyl methacrylate. Wipe it with a thin cloth (5.50) and place it in the spectrophotometer. Under the condition of 4251, adjust the spectrophotometer so that the toluene transmittance indicates 0! 8. 2 Weigh 2 g 0. 01 8.4 Cut into 35 cm2 of 1.05 mm2 of toluene and shake the filter by hand (0.5). Alternatively, use a probe that oscillates 20 times per minute: 8.5 Immediately filter the mixture into another conical flask (5.5) and cover it. If there is nitrogen black permeating through the filter, the test is invalid and a new test is required. Use new filter paper for each sample. Dosage: 8.6 Wash the 1 cm2 filter paper (8.5) every week. Wash three times in total. 8.7 Filter the disc for 1 min. Inject the filtrate (8.5) into the spectrophotometer (8.6) and clean the surface with a thin silk cloth. B.8 Place the colorimetric sample into the adjusted spectrophotometer (8.1) and read the transmittance H fraction at a wavelength of 425 nm. B.9 Immediately after the test, rinse the colorimetric sample with clean benzene. 9 Results are expressed GB/T3780.20 From 8.8 The reading obtained is the transmittance of the sample, expressed as a fraction. The result is rounded to an integer (1%) as specified in GB/T3170. Test report The test report contains the following contents: a) Indicate the standard method number used: b) The complete number of the sample; ) Spectrophotometer model: bzxZ.net d) Test results; e) Test period. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.