title>GB/T 2900.59-2002 Electrical terminology - Power generation, transmission and distribution substations - GB/T 2900.59-2002 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 2900.59-2002 Electrical terminology - Power generation, transmission and distribution substations
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Standard ID:
GB/T 2900.59-2002
Standard Name: Electrical terminology - Power generation, transmission and distribution substations
This part of GB/T 2900 specifies the terms related to substations in the field of power generation, transmission and distribution. This part is applicable to the planning, management, design, power generation, transmission and distribution of power systems. GB/T 2900.59-2002 Electrical terminology Power generation, transmission and distribution substation GB/T2900.59-2002 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net
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ECS: 01. C43. 29 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/R 2900.59—2002/1E 60050(605):1983 Electrical Terminology Generation, transmission and distribution ofelectricity-Substation EC 50050(605J:1683,T 20020805 Issued People's Republic of China National Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine General 2003-01-01 Implementation G8/T 2590,59—2002/1F: 6005026052:1983 2 Terms and definitions 2.1 Types of substations - substations 2.2 Primary types of substations 3.3 Primary circuits of substations Chinese reference Standard reference This part of G129 Electrical Engineering is composed of 3 parts, GR/T 290.50-1598 GB/T 2030.52-2000 GR/ 2903.57--2402 CB/T 250D. 58—2U03 GR/T2900.59—2002 Electric Power Technology Electrical Engineering G0/T2900.59—2002/IFC:60050r605>:1983 Electricity, electricity and power transmission and distribution Generation, transmission and distribution General terminology 3| |tt||Power system planning and management Substation This part adopts the International Electrical Union (International Electrical Union) ...:1963 Electrical terminology Generation, transmission and distribution Substation This part of GR/T2910 stipulates the technical specifications of substations in the field of power generation, transmission and distribution. Part of it is applicable to the management, design, modification, transmission and distribution of power systems and the field of trams. 2 Terms and definitions Substation typeSubstation layout typennfsubstationssubstallonlayouleNote, there are many substations and new ones in the exchange. Substation of power systemA (ofe) It is a part of a power system: it is located in a designated place: it mainly includes the entire building of transmission or distribution load switch equipment: it may also include transformers, and often includes the equipment required for power system safety and control (such as protection devices). Drop: The suction contains the nature of the drop bed, the company notes that the substation is defined as above, the blood: (a model current transformer substation distribution station, substation switch station swilchigsuhata1ton in the switchgear, usually also over the years, but there is no small transformer at the end of the transformer. 2. 1. 3 transformer substation transfarmeryubstatipn transformer to use transformers to transfer two or more power grids of different voltages. 2. 1. 4 step-up station step-upsuhstelion transformer output from the receiving station, 2. 1. 5 Step-down station sirpluwosuisaticn The transformer output voltage is lower than the input voltage. 2.1.6 The power supply substation mainly receives the power from the system. Converter station onvertxrsuhstation A substation equipped with a converter and mainly used to convert AC into DC or convert it into DC: 2..8 Frequency conversion station frequencyconverteryutgtation1 GB/T2900.592002/1H:60050c605>:1983A substation that can convert AC into another frequency at a predetermined rate, 2. 1. 9 Manned substation maedsin A substation manned by operating personnel. Unmanned substation A fixed substation manned by operating personnel. Permanent duty substation permanentlymanedsuhstatlouA substation monitored and controlled by staff stationed in the station. 2. 1. 12 Allended substation A substation manned by personnel 2- 1. 13 An unmanned substation controlled by a remote control device, 2. , 12 matersuhslatiun master substation manned substation that can control remote substation. 2.1.15 subsubstationsutelltesubalation a remote substation controlled by a transformer. 2.1.16 single busbar substationsinghehisharsubstatinn me substation with only one busbar connected to it 2.1.17 double busbar substationloubileUusburkuhsintion circuit breaker and transformer can be connected to two groups of loads through the selector switch: 2.1.18 lriplebusharsllbslulin line and fixed instrument can be connected to two groups of busbars through the selector switch 2. .19 Ring-shaped busbar (i substation rinsulstation) is set in the middle to form a flashing circuit, which can be connected within the road and followed by the switch station 2. 1.20 Polygonal (line substation eshsubsati year busbar forms a closed road, and if there are ten circuit breakers in the road, the switch substation rour-switclshstation and the lines are all quadrilateral, with Taiyang Shangyuan switch or Tai breaker or switch station on the side. 2. 1. 22 Three-switch mesh with bypass busbar substation thrrr-switehmcshubstnlionwitthtuxUsually two-circuit and two-transformer multi-type (Dan line substation: the four-way power station is equipped with a 2 or two-way network general service circuit breaker (Figure 1) degree sound-trap switch GD/T2900.592002/IEC 50050.6C53,1983's benefit Figure 1 Three-switch (bridge type) with bypass busbar substation 2..23 Four-switch mesh with disconnector substation four-saitch meshahstnttoa withnesh epcningdisconnectors Multi-directional busbar substation with disconnector and disconnector on the motherboard! Small 2! . x Double circuit breaker building Disconnector belt Two disconnectors Polygonal busbar substation with four switches and disconnector 2 tw-eakerrrangemeni GB/T 2930.592002/1EC 60050.6052:1983 Double busbar substation with disconnector and disconnector. 2.1.25 nne-nnd-a-halt hreaker arrogement core and half circuit breaker wiring no double line, a circuit breaker is connected in series between the two groups of books, and the two small drops are connected to the middle of the two normal double-use line bends from the station (see Figure 3) Figure 3 a half circuit breaker connected aswuciatedphaselayout the same circuit in the substation is not arranged in one phase conductor (see Figure 》) 2.1.27 separatedphaselayout the same phase conductor of the same circuit in the substation is arranged side by side (see Figure 46)) 2-1.28 mud phase arrangement mixed phase The busbars in the transformer substation are arranged in a phase-by-phase manner, but the branch circuits are arranged in phases (see Figure 4). 2.2 Primary equipment of substation 2.2. 1 Busbar A low-impedance conductor that can connect multiple electrical circuits. 2.2.2 A/T2900.592002/[EC60050:6051.1983] Busbar (usually referred to as busbar) Busbar (co-romanulled busnur) is a busbar group that is required to connect several circuits or public connections in a substation. Example: three-phase system busbars. 2.2.3 nuinbushn working busbar double busbar or one busbar transformer substation under normal operation 2.2.4 reserve busbar any busbar or two busbar transformer substation under normal operation, "generally not as good as" working busbar, 2.2.5 Iransferhslar bypass can be connected with any kind of spare busbar, and the equipment (such as the equipment, equipment) is required between any circuits. The control of this circuit needs to be protected by the blade and the use of the time. Note: In the case of power supply method (three-way power supply method 2.1.5), the number of lines or busbars is not counted: 2.2. 6 with a sectioned busbar>witehablehusbhr includes a switch or circuit breaker for separating the busbar sections. 2.2.7 Number of branch busbars dismmnneciahlehushar5 CT290059—2002/C600506605)1983 includes one or more busbars that are connected, disconnected and closed at the two ends of the busbar: 2.2.8 busbrurselion The part of the busbar between the two switchgears (or the part between the two switchgears that leave the state), 2.2.9 substation bay (ofasubstation) is a part of a substation that is equipped with switchgear and control devices corresponding to the specified circuits contained therein, and the output and return devices are included in the transformer. The transformer needs to be registered with the same isolation. 2. 2. 10 Teederbay Internal line used for connecting generators, transformers or transformers in substations. 2.2.71 Feeder for feeding the remote power system in substations. 2.2.12 Iacvuningfeeder The line receiving power from the power system in substations. 2.2.13Www.bzxZ.net Point apen-typesuhstalian Open substations Insulation to ground and insulation between cabinets mainly rely on air interruption under atmospheric pressure, and the substations with live parts are closed. Open substations can be divided into open-type or open-type 2.2. 14 Gas-insulated metal-enclosed substations are substations that use gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear (combined electrical equipment). 2.2. 15 Indoor substations are substations installed inside buildings to avoid the influence of outdoor weather conditions. 2.2. 16 Outdoor substations are substations that can withstand the influence of outdoor weather conditions. 2.2. 17 Distribution cubicles are usually small substations that are used only for power distribution. 2.2. 18 Underground substation: underground substation, pole-mounted distribution station or multiple poles for external power distribution. 2. 2. 2 Substation structure smbestalianstrurtures are used to support non-vehicle, special rigid structure combination of equipment and other electrical equipment. 2. 2. 21 Busbar rigidhashar G/T2900.59—2002/1EC69050:605):1983 The busbar is composed of a layer of metal tube or a four-type metal support. : With a structure without self-contained, flexible hayhar flexible fast wire, phase-to-phase clearance is the minimum distance between two rows of power supply parts under various operating conditions. 2.2.24 relative increase in the clearance phage-tn-earth thelearance is the minimum distance between the power supply part and the ground potential. 2.2.25 working clearance wurking clarance the minimum safety distance that should be maintained between the workers in the substation on the live parts of the live parts 2.2.26 cable traugh (in an substation) is the passage for secondary outgoing cables, push cables and control cables in the station. 2.2-27 The cable (substation) is a conductor on the ground inside the substation, which can pass through the secondary demand, auxiliary cables and control cables. 2.2.28 The cable can be connected to the core line of a large number of cables not on the power system frame or along the test structure. 2. 2, 29 cable rackeublerack placement requires explosive support, cable passage and arrangement on the document 2. 2. 3F oil leukagesump oil sump of transformer and other filling equipment.2. 2. 31 fireproof fireprotectoall change center, the enterprise shall establish a visit room between two equipments to prevent the fire from spreading from one equipment to another. 2.2.32 Silencer enclosure Made of absorbent material, it is an integral part of the transformer to reduce the impact of the complete set of protection, 2.2.33 earth circuit connector earth circuit connector The device that connects the substation to the various parts of the system, and the device also includes the working terminal. 2. 2. 34 subgtatlon cantrnl ronn substation control room The room with the monitoring and control equipment of the substation. CB/T 2950.592002/TRC: 60050:605>,19832.2. 35 Substation relay room is a room with the equipment required for sending and receiving the relevant communication and control information. 2.2.36 Substation relay room is a room with protection and automation equipment. 2-2.37 Substation relay room is a small room or distribution box with a control compartment separating the switching and control equipment. It is equipped with protection equipment and automation related to the compartment. Feeder circuit breaker is a circuit breaker installed in the same feeder circuit and can supply power to the fast circuit through it. 2. 2. 39 Transformerci-cuit-breaker The transformer in the substation is not required to measure the voltage level of each transformer. The voltage level of the transformer should be measured by the transformer side. 2.2. 40 Bus-tie breaker bus compherrlrcuit-hreaker The busbar can be connected between two busbars in a transformer substation. In the case of more than two busbars, the busbar can be used in conjunction with the busbar. Bus-tie breaker switehel busbar cirecuit-hrenker In a transformer substation, it is connected in series with a busbar and placed between two busbars. 2. 2. 42 [Selector] Switching ring switch srlectorswilehdiycuniteclur double ear line: used in the substation to move the secondary line (carrying line, transformer, etc.) to one of the busbars: 2.2.43 earthing switch earthingawitch in the substation, for safety, used to separate the special quality of the conductor from the ground: 2. 2. 24 Line switch A switch installed in the substation and used to isolate the line from the system. 2.2.45 Busbars are used to separate the busbars from the system. 2.2.46 Substation transformers are transformers installed in the substation for auxiliary supply. 2.3 Secondary devices of substations2. 3.1 control panelonlralbunrd is equipped with the complete system and display equipment required for the operation of small substation or system operation. 8 Control desk GBT2900.592002/TEC60050)(605):1983 A console equipped with control and display equipment of the substation system 2.3.3 Mimiediagram mimiediagramiwall diagram Symbols of substation circuit and switchgear real-time status, with control function 2.3.4 yisunl (lisplayundi Screen display Used to display the required information and may also have a complete set of equipment for the case: 2.3.5 Display switch disepaneyswilch displays the actual status of the monitoring equipment and has a response step. 2.3. 6 Control does not correspond to the display controldiscrepancyswiich its seat function does not correspond to the store display switch. 2.3.7 Secondary wiring (sccoadarywiring) The transformer is connected to the single protection of the output station, and the control and reduction parts are connected together as a level circuit, 2-3 8 Terminal block jumrer hnard Mountain stepping user and note the connection board, so that it can be connected in any way required: 2. 3.9 dedicated secondary wiring dedicatedluwvultagewlring transformer station "secondary equipment for the use of the secondary circuit, the designated period of the primary circuit (line, transformer, etc.) related. 2.3.10 inter-tireuitwirlng circuit part of the transformer primary circuit used to transmit information between different circuits, 2.3.11 substation power distribution panel ausillarygwlichboard equipped with other single station power supply direct source of control and distribution equipment required for the panel (or extension). 2.3. 12 non-essentialauxilinrycircuits when the system power supply is interrupted, the power supply can be stopped in the power station. 2. 3. 13 Essential station circuit essential ac circuit When the system power supply is interrupted, the substation still maintains the power supply of the station AC circuit, for example, from the backup power supply, 2.3. 14 Common battery group commanhaitery Battery for powering all the control equipment, monitoring equipment and protection equipment in the substation: 2.3. 15 Dedicated battery group dedicatedbattery The battery group for powering the control equipment, monitoring equipment and protection equipment of one or more circuits in the substation. 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