This standard specifies the terms and definitions of the concepts of image quality, readability and inspection, as well as the relationship between the terms. This standard applies to microfilm technology and related fields. GB/T 6159.5-2000 Microfilm Vocabulary Part 5: Image quality, readability and inspection GB/T6159.5-2000 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the terms and definitions of the concepts of image quality, readability and inspection, as well as the relationship between the terms. This standard applies to microfilm technology and related fields.
Some standard content:
CB/T 6159.5 2000 This standard is formulated based on the international standard ISO6196-5:1987 "Microfilm Technology - Vocabulary 1: Part 5: Image quality, readability and inspection" issued by the International Organization for Standardization. It is equivalent to the international standard in terms of technical content to meet the needs of technical exchanges and cooperation at home and abroad; in terms of compilation rules, it complies with the national standard GB/T1.1-1993 Guidelines for Standardization Work Unit 1: Rules for Drafting and Expression of Standards Part 1: Basic Provisions for Standard Writing". This standard is a component of the national standard "Microfilm Technology Vocabulary". The national standard "Microfilm Technology Vocabulary" includes the following parts: Microfilm Technology Vocabulary Part 1: General Terms (GI 6159.1--1085) Microfilming Technology Part 2: Layout and Recording Methods of Images ((H/6159.22-2000), Vocabulary Part 3: Film Processing (GB/T6159.3-1994); Microfilming Technology Microfilming Technology Microfilming Technology Part 4: Materials and Packaging (GR6159.2--1989): Vocabulary Microfilming Technology Part 5: Quality, Readability and Inspection of Images (GH/I6159.52000); Terminology Part 6: Equipment (GB/T6159.41994); Microfilming Technology Microfilming Technology Part 7: Materials and Packaging (GR6159.2--1989); Photographic technology Part 7: Computer microfilm technology (GB/T6159.7~-2000); This standard equivalently adopts the technical content of the international standard IS0)61565:1987, and has made corresponding revisions to some clauses revised by the International Standardization Organization in recent years in accordance with the international standard IS0116:1991 "Microfilm technology - Characteristics and use of IS0 characters and ISO1 test images": In addition, the contents of Chapter 1 Overview and Chapter 2 Principles and Rules in the corresponding international standard have been deleted. Appendix A of this standard is a suggestive appendix. This standard was proposed by the National Technical Committee for Microfilm Technology Standardization. This standard was submitted by the National Documentation Committee. The Technical Committee for Standardization of Imaging Technology is responsible. The drafting units of this standard are: School of Archives, Renmin University of China, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, and Beijing Institute of Electrical Machinery. The main authors of this standard are: Zhang Zhanhui, Wang Qingfu, Lv Puren, and Xu Hedi. GB/T6159.5--2000 ISO Foreword The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide alliance organization of national standards organizations (ISO member organizations) in various countries. The formulation of international standards is usually completed by ISO technical committees. ISO has set up technical committees according to major professions. Each member organization has the right to send representatives to express its own views in the technical committees of related professions of common interest. Governmental and non-governmental organizations related to ISO International organizations outside the government can also participate in the formulation of international standards. The draft international standard approved by the technical committee must be circulated among all member organizations, and indicate whether they agree or not, and then be submitted to the ISO committee for approval before it can become an international standard: According to ISO procedures, at least 75% of the member organizations vote in favor before it can be approved. International Standard ISO6196-5 was developed by ISO/TC171, Microfilm and Optical Recording Technical Committee for Recording, Storage and Use of Documents and Images. Standard users should know that all international standards have been revised again and again, and the contents of any other international standards cited in this standard are from the latest version unless otherwise stated. 1 Model map National Standard of the People's Republic of China Micrographic Technology Part 5: Quality of images Jegibility ,inspeetion Micrographies-Vocabulary Part O5: Quality of images Jegibility ,inspeetion GR/T 6159.5--2000 eqr IS0 6196-5:1987 This standard specifies the terms and definitions of the concepts of image quality, readability and inspection, as well as the relationship between the terms. This standard is applicable to micrographic technology and related fields. 2 Referenced standards The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown were valid. All standards will be revised. Those who use this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. ISO416:1991 Microfilming - Characteristics and use of ISO characters and ISO No. 1 test charts 3 Technical terms and definitions 3.1 Resolution 3.1.1 Resolution The ability of a photographic system (mechanical equipment, optical components, photosensitive materials and processing conditions) to record the details of an original. 3.1.2 Resolution The ability of an optical system to express the details of an original. 3.2 Resolution The numerical value indicates the resolution limit of an optical system or a camera system. The numerical value is the number of line pairs that can be distinguished within 1 mm of the test image. Note that due to the incompleteness of the optical system, the resolution of the image will be uneven. 3.3 Acutance Objective value of photographic image performance, expressed as the degree of sudden change in the boundary between adjacent light and dark parts of the image. 3.4 Sharpness Subjective visual perception of the sharpness of the boundary between two areas of different density in a photographic image. 3.5 Gruin Metallic silver particles accumulated in an image. 3.6 Graininess Subjective feeling of uneven image structure caused by inconsistent distribution of particles (3.5). 3.7 Granularity An objective measure of the degree of uneven image structure after uniform illumination. 3.8 Poarity Refers to the relationship between the brightness of the image line, the characters and the background. Used to indicate the change or maintenance of the brightness of an image relative to the original image. Approved by the State Administration of Quality and Technical Supervision on January 3, 2000 and implemented on August 1, 2000 WGB/T 6159.5-2000 For example: if the first generation is a negative image and the second generation is a positive image, it is called polarity change; if the first generation is a negative image and the second generation is also a negative image, it is called polarity retention. 3.9 Legibility Image interpretation performance. 3.10 Contrast (referring to a tone image) contrast (af an image) The difference between the maximum density and the minimum density of a lazy image. 3.11 Net density The difference between the density of the image and the density of the film base plus fog (3.12) after positive band processing. 3.12 Fog Useless image density. 3.13 Grey level Difference between the density of film base plus grey fog (3.12) and the density of the base. 3.14 Test chart Standard form used to evaluate the resolution (3.2) and image readability of a photographic system. 3.15 ISO character ISO character A conventional graphic symbol consisting of a regular octagon and two parallel lines that meet (see Figure 1). Figure 1150 Character 3.16 ISO word group Consists of four ISO characters (3.15) of the same size and in any orientation arranged in a square format (see Figure 2). Figure 2 ISO word group 3.17 Iso No. 1 test chart Iso No. 1 test chart A test chart (3.14) consisting of a number of ISO character groups (3.16) (see Figure 3). The marking numbers of each ISO character group (3.16) are arranged according to the R20 priority number system, and the intervals should comply with relevant regulations. The height of the ISO character (3.15) in each ISO character group (3.16) is measured as one hundredth of a millimeter of its marking number. GB/T 6159.5—2000 Figure 3ISO No. 1 test pattern 3.18Iso No. 2 test pattern 1SoNo.2testpattrnA pattern consisting of five parallel lines of equal width and length that are separated by two buttons and perpendicular to each other (see Figure 1). Figure 4ISO No. 2 test pattern 3.19-line pair A combination of a line and adjacent spaces of equal width. 3.20 ISO No. 2 test chart ISo No. 2 test chart A test chart (3.14) consisting of a number of ISO No. 2 test chart patterns (3.18) (see Figure 5). The numbers of the patterns are arranged in the R20 priority number system and indicate the number of line pairs per millimeter of the pattern. 10 Figure 51502 test chart 3.21 Microtest chart microtes1 chart A small standard consisting of the ISO character group (3.16) or the No. 2 test chart pattern (3.18) used to evaluate the imaging quality of microfilm equipment. 3.22 Test target GB/T6159.5—2000 It is composed of test chart (3.14), standard scale, reflectivity gray plate and other parts, and is used to evaluate the quality of microfilm system. Sensitometric curve sensory curve 3.23 Characteristic curve Characteristic curve The relationship between the image density and the logarithm of the amount of light produced after exposure and development (see Figure 6). dhkus Straight line Foot part) Film base + gray Logarithm of the amount of light Figure 6 Sensitometric curve 3.24 Gamma The slope of the straight line part of the sensitometric curve (3.23), the size of which is the value of the tangent angle function (see Figure 7). In the past, if the sensitometric curve has no straight section, the contrast coefficient is the value of the tangent trigonometric function of the maximum slope of the curve. d... Straight section (this section) On film Photometric logarithm Figure 7 Contrast coefficient 5 Average gradient average gradient The slope of the straight line connecting two specific points on the sensitometric curve (3.23). Note: In microfilm technology, two specific points are points on the curve corresponding to image density 0.1 and density 1.2 of high-dry film base plus gray base, respectively. 3.26 Underdevelopment Development defect caused by too short development time, too low liquid temperature, too weak liquid activity or insufficient stirring. It can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.27 Overdevelopment overdevelopment GB/T 6159. 52000 Development defects caused by too long development time, too high temperature of the chemical, too strong activity of the chemical solution or excessive stirring: can cause a decrease in image contrast: 3.28 Underexposure Underexposure Exposure defects caused by too short twilight time or too small lens aperture. Can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.29 Overexposure Exposure defects caused by too long twilight time or too small lens aperture. Can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.30 Focusing Adjust the relative positions of the object, lens and imaging surface so that the object forms a clear image on the photosensitive layer or imaging surface. 3.31 Depth of field The distance between the nearest object point and the farthest object point that can form a clear image on the imaging surface under the conditions of given focal length and aperture. residualthiosulfateiontest Residualthiosulfateiontest The residualthiosulfateion test Use the specified chemical analysis method to measure the thiosulfate ion content in the washed film. Note: If the dead thiosulfate ion in the washed film contains too much, it will reduce the storage life of the image and cause stains. acutance average gradient characteristic curve contrast (of an image) depth of field focusing fog level graininess granularity ISO character ISO No. 1 test rhart ISO No. 2 test chart Iso No.2testpattern ISOword legibility linepair microtest chart GB/T 6159.5- 2 (Appendix to Prompt) Term Index (Arranged Alphabetically)A Average slope Characteristic curve Contrast (referring to a single-tone image) Fog Contrast coefficient Graininess Graininess ISO character ISO No. 1 test chart IS0 No. 2 test chart IS0 No. 2 test chart pattern ISO character group Readability Micro test chart net denslty overdevelupment overexpostre polarity residual thiosulfate ion testresolution resolving power sensitomeric curve sharpness test chart test target underdevelopment underexposure GB/T6159.5—2000 Pure density Overdevelopment Overexposure Test of residual amount of carboxylic acid radical ion Resolution Photographic determination curve Test chart Test target Underdevelopment UnderexposureThe two specific points are points on the curve corresponding to the image density of 0.1 and the density of the high-dry film base plus gray base of 1.2 respectively. 3.26 Underdevelopment Underdevelopment Development defects caused by too short development time, too low chemical solution temperature, too weak chemical solution activity or insufficient stirring. Can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.27 Overdevelopment overdevelopment GB/T 6159. 52000 Development defects caused by too long development time, too high chemical temperature, too strong chemical solution activity or excessive stirring: Can cause a decrease in image contrast: 3.28 Underexposure Exposure defects caused by too short twilight time or too small lens aperture. Can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.29 Overexposure Exposure defect caused by too long a flash time or too large a lens aperture. It can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.30Focusing Adjusting the relative positions of the subject, lens and imaging surface so that the subject forms a clear image on the photosensitive layer or imaging surface. 3.31Depth of field The distance between the nearest object point and the farthest object point that can form a clear image on the imaging surface under the conditions of given focal length and aperture. residualthiosulfateiontest Residualthiosulfateiontest The test of residualthiosulfate ion Using the prescribed chemical analysis method, the content of thiosulfate ion in the washed film is measured. Note: If the residualthiosulfate ion in the washed film contains too much, it will reduce the storage life of the image and cause stains. acutance average gradient characteristic curve contrast (of an image) depth of field focusing fog level graininess granularity ISO character ISO No. 1 test rhart ISO No. 2 test chart Iso No.2testpattern ISOword legibility linepair microtest chart GB/T 6159.5- 2 (Appendix to Prompt) Term Index (Arranged Alphabetically)A Average slope Characteristic curve Contrast (referring to a single-tone image) Fog Contrast coefficient Graininess Graininess ISO character ISO No. 1 test chart IS0 No. 2 test chart IS0 No. 2 test chart pattern ISO character group Readability Micro test chart net denslty overdevelupment overexpostre polarity residual thiosulfate ion testresolution resolving power sensitomeric curve sharpness test chart test target underdevelopment underexposure GB/T6159.5—2000 Pure density Overdevelopment Overexposure Test of residual amount of carboxylic acid radical ion Resolution Photographic determination curve Test chart Test target Underdevelopment UnderexposureThe two specific points are points on the curve corresponding to the image density of 0.1 and the density of the high-dry film base plus gray base of 1.2 respectively. 3.26 Underdevelopment Underdevelopment Development defects caused by too short development time, too low chemical solution temperature, too weak chemical solution activity or insufficient stirring. Can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.27 Overdevelopment overdevelopment GB/T 6159. 52000 Development defects caused by too long development time, too high chemical temperature, too strong chemical solution activity or excessive stirring: Can cause a decrease in image contrast: 3.28 Underexposure Exposure defects caused by too short twilight time or too small lens aperture. Can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.29 Overexposure Exposure defect caused by too long a flash time or too large a lens aperture. It can cause a decrease in image contrast. 3.30Focusing Adjusting the relative positions of the subject, lens and imaging surface so that the subject forms a clear image on the photosensitive layer or imaging surface. 3.31Depth of field The distance between the nearest object point and the farthest object point that can form a clear image on the imaging surface under the conditions of given focal length and aperture. residualthiosulfateiontest Residualthiosulfateiontest The test of residualthiosulfate ion Using the prescribed chemical analysis method, the content of thiosulfate ion in the washed film is measured. Note: If the residualthiosulfate ion in the washed film contains too much, it will reduce the storage life of the image and cause stains. acutance average gradient characteristic curve contrast (of an image) depth of field focusing fog level graininess granularity ISO character ISO No. 1 test rhart ISO No. 2 test chart Iso No.2testpattern ISOword legibility linepair microtest chart GB/T 6159.5- 2 (Appendix to Prompt) Term Index (Arranged Alphabetically)A Average slope Characteristic curve Contrast (referring to a single-tone image) Fog Contrast coefficient Graininess Graininess ISO character ISO No. 1 test chart IS0 No. 2 test chart IS0 No. 2 test chart pattern ISO character group Readability Micro test chart net denslty overdevelupment overexpostre polarity residual thiosulfate ion testresolution resolving power sensitomeric curve sharpness test chart test target underdevelopment underexposure GB/T6159.5—2000 Pure density Overdevelopment Overexposure Test of residual amount of carboxylic acid radical ion Resolution Photographic determination curve Test chart Test target Underdevelopment Underexposure5—2000 Pure density Overdevelopment Overexposure Test of residual amount of carboxylic acid radical Resolution Photographic determination curve Test chart Test standard board Underdevelopment Underexposure5—2000 Pure density Overdevelopment Overexposure Test of residual amount of carboxylic acid radical Resolution Photographic determination curve Test chart Test standard board Underdevelopment Underexposure Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.