GB 4706.74-2004 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for sewing machines
Some standard content:
ICS 97. 180
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB4706.74—2004/IRC60335-2-28-1994Safety of household and similar electrical appliancesParticuiar requirements for sewing mauchines(IEC 60335-2-28:1991.IDT)
Published on 2004-05-10
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2005-02-01
GH 4706.74—2004/1KC 60335-2-28,1994 Foreword
IEC Foreword
General requirements
General parts to be tested
? Marking and instructions
Protection against overload and transient electrical parts
Dynamic of overload devices
Input power flow
Block current at one operating temperature
Tree and earth
Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits
Non-normal operation
Stability And machine-related dangerous goods
machine strength
internal wiring
power supply connection and external flexible cord
external wire with reporting device..
fuel order and product
power supply and penetration insulation distance heat resistance, flame retardant matching leakage current tracking
double rust resistance
vehicle and similar hazards
CB 4706 All technical contents of this part are mandatory. G4706.74——2004/1FX:60335-2-28:1994 This part is equivalent to the International Electrotechnical Commission 1FC0335-2-29:1991 (Safety of household and general purpose appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for sewing machines). This part should be used together with GB4706.11S98% Household and general purpose electrical appliances - Safety - Part - General requirements 3.
The part marked with "applicable" in this part indicates that the corresponding clauses in GB4706.1-998 are applicable to this part! The part marked with "replacement" in this part shall be subject to the clauses in the vehicle part. The part marked with "additional" in this part indicates that in addition to the corresponding clauses in GB4706.11998, the additional clauses in this clause must also be met. This part was proposed by China National Light Industry Federation. This part is under the jurisdiction and interpretation of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Household Electrical Appliances. This part was drafted by Yu Gui of China Household Electrical Appliance Research Institute. The main drafters of this part are Li Yi, Ma Dejun and Lu Mei. :B47(6.742004,IEC60335-2-28,1994EC Foreword
:) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide standardization organization composed of all national technical committees (TEC National Committees) at the national level: the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is responsible for the publication of standards and for promoting international cooperation on all issues related to standardization in the electrical and electronic fields: for the purpose of this and other activities, the IEC publishes international standards. The preparation of standards is entrusted to the IEC national committees responsible for the work. Technical Committees. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations shall liaise with the International Working Committee in this work: The Interstate Electrotechnical Commission (ISU) shall cooperate closely on terms and conditions determined by the two organizations. 1. Formal decisions or agreements on technical matters are taken by all interested parties. 2. The Committees shall formulate, as far as possible, an international view on the issues involved. The documents shall be produced in a form acceptable to the national committees of the IE region and shall be in the form of standards, technical specifications, technical approvals or recommendations. 3. Recommendations shall not be used internationally. 4. In order to promote international coordination, the National Committees are encouraged to adopt, to the greatest extent possible, the international standards adopted by the National Committees in their national and regional standards. Note. Any differences between IEC international standards and corresponding national or regional standards shall be clarified in the following. IEC does not provide a procedure for the recognition of the mark. It is not possible for any device to be claimed as complying with the TFC mark. The TF is not responsible for this. The standard is also part of the IEC International Standard IL 6-Technical Committee: Safety of Household and Similar Electrical Appliances Technical Committee 1EC6C335228 The first acceptance of the second acceptance standard is replaced by the following text: DIS 6RCO)78: SI (CO)8U) This standard is available for submission as shown above. The corresponding clauses of IEC605-1 shall be supplemented and modified to make this part or the IEC standard: Safety requirements for electric chain drives. The clauses of the first part not mentioned in this standard shall be reasonably guaranteed as far as possible. The contents marked with "addition", "modification" or "replacement" in the part are the changes to the corresponding contents of the first part. Note 1: Use the following fonts: one should use lowercase letters, the other should use lowercase letters; the other should use small letters. Note 2 to entry: 1. The following are some of the following differences:
Chapter 1: The heartbeat device is not suitable for installation on non-electric household appliances (USA). Chapter 3: The neutral conductor of a DC appliance is limited to the following: Australia), e.1 Class I motor controllers, Class I US station structure? Fun! .1 Only Class II appliances and Class I appliances are allowed to be used together in the home. Netherlands. 11,? Required energy cycle (region: 19.7 household appliances are not allowed to be tested (group), 25.? Allowed to deactivate the power cord (USA) 1 scope
CB 4706.74—2004/1EC 60335-2-28:1994 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances
Particular requirements for sewing pillows
GB4706.118 S8 is replaced by the following. This part of GB4706 deals with electric chain machines used in household and similar occasions. The single-phase rated voltage shall not exceed CV. The voltage of the switch shall not exceed 430V.
Machines and single-energy parts are also within the scope of this part: machines that are not used in the home, but are used to make public hazards. In order to avoid the use of single-mode machines by non-professional personnel in shops and light industrial enterprises, this part deals with the public hazards to all persons in the family environment caused by the use of closed machines. This part does not cover the following situations:
The use of chain machines by children and the situation of children playing with chain machines. ||t 1: This specification covers the following conditions: For military use in vehicles, aircraft or aviation, some requirements may be required. For sewing machines intended for use in tropical environments, additional requirements may be required: - In some countries, additional requirements may be specified by the national health department, the user and the animal protection department. Note 2: This specification covers,
specially designed for industrial use:
sewing machines intended for use in environments with light fusible or explosive gases such as dust, hot filling or special air. 2 Definitions
GB47:36.1-1008 This chapter applies except for the following, 2.2.9 This clause is replaced by the following,
Normal operation morHiAlemlkot
Correction Kai without thread and milk, the pedal is in the starting position and the spool is empty if the winding device is relatively empty. The length of the zigzag pin and the degree of the zigzag pin are adjusted to the maximum negative position. Note: The maximum negative charge is obtained by adjusting the length of the zigzag pin and the degree of the zigzag pin to the maximum time. 2. 101 Electric components lertriclsel Assembly with a motor controller installed on a non-electric machine: The electric components can be equipped with electric lights, including overlock machines and have more than one needle. It is called a chain material, repaired and close sewing machine. 3 General requirements G470f, 1-1993. GH 4706.74—2004/1FC 60335-2-28:19944 General conditions for testing
GB4706.1-1998 except the following contents of this chapter apply. 4.101 For electric devices mounted on chain-type machines, the most unfavorable conditions in the instruction manual shall apply. 4.102 For sewing machines used on tables, the contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 apply. 5 Empty covers
6 Classification
6. 7 Marking and instructions This chapter of GB 1706,1-1999 shall apply except as follows. 7.1 This clause adds the following content: The electrical equipment shall mark the maximum input power of replaceable lamps on or near the lamp holder as shown below: "Lamp rated voltage" or "One rated voltage". If the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the equipment, the rated voltage of the lamp shall be indicated. The following contents shall be marked on the power module:
Rated voltage (unit: V)
Rated current (unit: A)
The manufacturer, distributor, trademark, model or specification shall be marked.
7.10 The following contents are added to this policy:
This clause does not apply to the parallel connection of lamps.
7.11 The following contents are added to this policy:
This clause does not apply to the control solution of dry electric machines.
7.12 The following contents are added to this policy:
The input power of each lamp shall be given in the instruction manual. If the rated power of the lamp is The rated voltage is lower than the rated voltage of the single-phase machine. The rated voltage of the lamp is marked on the power supply.
The instruction manual shall include the following contents:
When the sewing machine is out of service, the switch shall be turned off or the power plug shall be unplugged. 7.12.1 This clause adds the following contents:
The instruction manual shall include the following contents. wwW.bzxz.Net
Before maintaining the machine or replacing the lamp, the power plug shall be unplugged. The instruction manual shall explain the function of the electric component in the machine and the correct installation method. 8 Protection against touching live parts
The contents of GB471)6 and GB471-1998 are applicable. 9 Starting of electric appliances
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-199H are not applicable. 2
10 Input power and electrical barriers
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 are applicable. 11 Heat
This clause of 4706.1-1998 shall apply except for the following contents. 11.7 The following contents shall be used instead:
GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-2B;1994 The controller of the motor shall be cycled periodically until the appliance reaches a stable state. Each period shall include starting from start to full speed operation 2.5g:
Full speed operation 5.0R!
11.8 This clause adds the following contents:
, the control of the motor shall be considered as: a handle held for a short time, 12 Empty
13 The contents of the slip resistance and electrical strength under working conditions of GB170G.1-199A shall apply. 14 Air halo
Moisture resistance
GB4706.1--1998 is applicable to this rate. 16 Adjustable current and electrical strength
B4706.11998 is applicable to this rate. 17 Overvoltage protection of voltage stations and related circuits is applicable to this rate. 3 Durability
The contents of this section of GB4706.1-1998 are not applicable. 19 Abnormal operation
(This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 19.7 The contents of this case are modified as follows:
The sewing machine locks the rotor and runs for 15s
19.9 The contents of this article are used for small stations,
20 Spaciousness and mechanical hazards
The reading rate of GB4706.11998 is applicable except for the following contents. 20.1 This article adds the following content
In, for example, using the most common method as a way to transport short and fine machines can be considered the most unfavorable situation, GB 4706.74-2004/EC 60335-2-28 :199420.2 This article adds the following content: The wheel, the cutting blade of the whole machine, and the driving belt and the hand wheel should be properly protected. 21 Mechanical strength The content of GB4705.11998 is applicable. 22 The content of GB4705.1-198 is applicable except for the following. 22.14 This article adds the following content, Note 1, considering the danger of zigzag needle feeding, it can be considered as safe if the bend between the plates is less than 6mm or a metal light protection net is added. Note 2: The requirements for sewing machines are not applicable to special parts such as locks and buttons. The parts that are not used include moving parts such as needles, needle bars, winding shafts, adhesives, and elastics. These parts are energized during operation and maintenance of the sewing machine. When the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the sewing machine, a commercial inverter should be used for power supply. 22.101 Check its suitability through visual inspection. 23. The internal parts of GB47U6.1-1988 are applicable. 24. Components GB1706.1-199 Except for the following contents, this chapter of GB4706.11998 shall apply: 24.1.1 This article adds the following contents:
The coupler connecting the wall machine and the motor control screen shall comply with TFC6C320-2-1. 24.1.3 This article adds the following contents:
The motor control panel shall not be considered as a quality control. 25: Power supply connection and external wiring
This chapter of GB4706.11998 shall apply except for the following contents. 25.5 This article adds the following contents:
The connection between the motor controller and the terminal is allowed to adopt 2-way connection. 25.7 This article adds the following contents Content:
Lightweight ethylene sheathed flexible wire (No. 52 of IEC60227) can be used, and the quality of the small appliance must be considered. 26 Connection terminals for external wires
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.11998 are applicable. 27 Grounding measures
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1U8 are applicable. 28 Screws and connections
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 are applicable. 29 Electrical distance, electrical barrier and penetration insulation distance
30 Heat resistance, flammability and tracking resistance
This chapter of GB4706.-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 30.2.3 This clause is not applicable.
This clause of GR4715.1-1998 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter of GB4706.1-198 is applicable. GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-28:1994 GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-26,1894 GB 4706.1
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. Appendix
Normative Annex)
Applicable Standard
Household and similar purpose appliances and their couplings
Part 3: Relay couplings12 The following content is added to this clause:
The user manual shall give the input power of each lamp. If the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the machine, the rated voltage of the lamp shall be marked.
The user manual shall include the following content:
When the sewing machine is not in service, the power switch shall be turned off or the power plug shall be unplugged. 7.12.1 This clause adds the following content:
The user manual shall include the following content.
Before maintaining the machine or replacing the lamp, the power plug shall be unplugged. The function of the electric component in the machine and the correct installation method shall be explained in the manual. 8 Protection against touching live parts
The contents of the equipment chapters of GB471-1998 are applicable. 9 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is not applicable. 2
10 Input power and fault
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable. 11 Heating
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 11.7 is replaced by the following contents:
GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-2B;1994 The controller of the motor shall be cycled periodically until the appliance returns to a stable state. Each period includes starting from start to full speed operation 2.5g:
Full speed operation 5.0R!
11.8 This clause adds the following content:
, the control of the discharge machine can be considered as: a short-time grip handle, 12 empty chapter
13 The sliding current and electrical strength under working flow GB170G.1-199A are applicable. 14 empty
moisture resistance
GB4706.1--1998 are applicable. 16 adjustable current and electrical strength
B4706.11998 are applicable, 17 voltage station and related circuit overcharge protection GB17CG.1-1998 are applicable. 3 Durability
The contents of this section of GB4706.1-1998 are not applicable. 19 Abnormal operation
(This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 19.7 The contents of this case are modified as follows:
The sewing machine locks the rotor and runs for 15s
19.9 The contents of this article are used for small stations,
20 Spaciousness and mechanical hazards
The reading rate of GB4706.11998 is applicable except for the following contents. 20.1 This article adds the following content
In, for example, using the most common method as a way to transport short and fine machines can be considered the most unfavorable situation, GB 4706.74-2004/EC 60335-2-28 :199420.2 This article adds the following content: The wheel, the cutting blade of the whole machine, and the driving belt and the hand wheel should be properly protected. 21 Mechanical strength The content of GB4705.11998 is applicable. 22 The content of GB4705.1-198 is applicable except for the following. 22.14 This article adds the following content, Note 1, considering the danger of zigzag needle feeding, it can be considered as safe if the bend between the plates is less than 6mm or a metal light protection net is added. Note 2: The requirements for sewing machines are not applicable to special parts such as locks and buttons. The parts that are not used include moving parts such as needles, needle bars, winding shafts, adhesives, and elastics. These parts are energized during operation and maintenance of the sewing machine. When the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the sewing machine, a commercial inverter should be used for power supply. 22.101 Check its suitability through visual inspection. 23. The internal parts of GB47U6.1-1988 are applicable. 24. Components GB1706.1-199 Except for the following contents, this chapter of GB4706.11998 shall apply: 24.1.1 This article adds the following contents:
The coupler connecting the wall machine and the motor control screen shall comply with TFC6C320-2-1. 24.1.3 This article adds the following contents:
The motor control panel shall not be considered as a quality control. 25: Power supply connection and external wiring
This chapter of GB4706.11998 shall apply except for the following contents. 25.5 This article adds the following contents:
The connection between the motor controller and the terminal is allowed to adopt 2-way connection. 25.7 This article adds the following contents Content:
Lightweight ethylene sheathed flexible wire (No. 52 of IEC60227) can be used, and the quality of the small appliance must be considered. 26 Connection terminals for external wires
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.11998 are applicable. 27 Grounding measures
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1U8 are applicable. 28 Screws and connections
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 are applicable. 29 Electrical distance, electrical barrier and penetration insulation distance
30 Heat resistance, flammability and tracking resistance
This chapter of GB4706.-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 30.2.3 This clause is not applicable.
This clause of GR4715.1-1998 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter of GB4706.1-198 is applicable. GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-28:1994 GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-26,1894 GB 4706.1
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. Appendix
Normative Annex)
Applicable Standard
Household and similar purpose appliances and their couplings
Part 3: Relay couplings12 The following content is added to this clause:
The user manual shall give the input power of each lamp. If the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the machine, the rated voltage of the lamp shall be marked.
The user manual shall include the following content:
When the sewing machine is not in service, the power switch shall be turned off or the power plug shall be unplugged. 7.12.1 This clause adds the following content:
The user manual shall include the following content.
Before maintaining the machine or replacing the lamp, the power plug shall be unplugged. The function of the electric component in the machine and the correct installation method shall be explained in the manual. 8 Protection against touching live parts
The contents of the equipment chapters of GB471-1998 are applicable. 9 Starting of electric appliances
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is not applicable. 2
10 Input power and fault
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable. 11 Heating
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 11.7 is replaced by the following contents:
GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-2B;1994 The controller of the motor shall be cycled periodically until the appliance returns to a stable state. Each period includes starting from start to full speed operation 2.5g:
Full speed operation 5.0R!
11.8 This clause adds the following content:
, the control of the discharge machine can be considered as: a short-time grip handle, 12 empty chapter
13 The sliding current and electrical strength under working flow GB170G.1-199A are applicable. 14 empty
moisture resistance
GB4706.1--1998 are applicable. 16 adjustable current and electrical strength
B4706.11998 are applicable, 17 voltage station and related circuit overcharge protection GB17CG.1-1998 are applicable. 3 Durability
The contents of this section of GB4706.1-1998 are not applicable. 19 Abnormal operation
(This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 19.7 The contents of this case are modified as follows:
The sewing machine locks the rotor and runs for 15s
19.9 The contents of this article are used for small stations,
20 Spaciousness and mechanical hazards
The reading rate of GB4706.11998 is applicable except for the following contents. 20.1 This article adds the following content
In, for example, using the most common method as a way to transport short and fine machines can be considered the most unfavorable situation, GB 4706.74-2004/EC 60335-2-28 :199420.2 This article adds the following content: The wheel, the cutting blade of the whole machine, and the driving belt and the hand wheel should be properly protected. 21 Mechanical strength The content of GB4705.11998 is applicable. 22 The content of GB4705.1-198 is applicable except for the following. 22.14 This article adds the following content, Note 1, considering the danger of zigzag needle feeding, it can be considered as safe if the bend between the plates is less than 6mm or a metal light protection net is added. Note 2: The requirements for sewing machines are not applicable to special parts such as locks and buttons. The parts that are not used include moving parts such as needles, needle bars, winding shafts, adhesives, and elastics. These parts are energized during operation and maintenance of the sewing machine. When the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the sewing machine, a commercial inverter should be used for power supply. 22.101 Check its suitability through visual inspection. 23. The internal parts of GB47U6.1-1988 are applicable. 24. Components GB1706.1-199 Except for the following contents, this chapter of GB4706.11998 shall apply: 24.1.1 This article adds the following contents:
The coupler connecting the wall machine and the motor control screen shall comply with TFC6C320-2-1. 24.1.3 This article adds the following contents:
The motor control panel shall not be considered as a quality control. 25: Power supply connection and external wiring
This chapter of GB4706.11998 shall apply except for the following contents. 25.5 This article adds the following contents:
The connection between the motor controller and the terminal is allowed to adopt 2-way connection. 25.7 This article adds the following contents Content:
Lightweight ethylene sheathed flexible wire (No. 52 of IEC60227) can be used, and the quality of the small appliance must be considered. 26 Connection terminals for external wires
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.11998 are applicable. 27 Grounding measures
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1U8 are applicable. 28 Screws and connections
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 are applicable. 29 Electrical distance, electrical barrier and penetration insulation distance
30 Heat resistance, flammability and tracking resistance
This chapter of GB4706.-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 30.2.3 This clause is not applicable.
This clause of GR4715.1-1998 is applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
This chapter of GB4706.1-198 is applicable. GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-28:1994 GB 4706.74-2004/IEC 60335-2-26,1894 GB 4706.1
This chapter of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. Appendix
Normative Annex)
Applicable Standard
Household and similar purpose appliances and their couplings
Part 3: Relay couplings2 This article adds the following content: The wheel, including the cutting blade of the whole machine, and the driving belt and hand wheel must be properly protected. 21 Mechanical strength The content of GB4705.11998 is applicable. 22.14 This clause adds the following substitutions: Note 1: Taking into account the danger of zigzag needle feeding, it can be considered safe if the bend between the plates is less than 6mm or a metal light protective net is added. Note 2: The sewing requirements are not applicable to special versions such as locks, and this requirement does not apply to moving parts such as needles, needle bars, winding shafts, and elastics. These parts are activated during operation and maintenance of the sewing machine. When the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the sewing machine, a commercial inverter should be used to supply power. 22.101
Check its suitability through visual inspection.
23 Internal wiring
This clause of GB47U6.1-1998 is applicable. 24. Components
This clause of GB1706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents: 24.1.1 This clause adds the following contents:
The coupler connecting the wall unit and the motor control screen shall comply with TFC6C320-2-1. 24.1.3 This clause adds the following contents:
Compatibility: The motor is not a quality control. 25: Power supply connection and external wiring
This clause of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 25.5 The following content is added to this clause:
The thin connection between the motor controller and the terminal is allowed to adopt 2-way connection. 25.7 This clause adds the following content:
Lightweight ethylene sheathed soft wire (No. 52 of 1EC60227) can be used, but the quality of the equipment must be considered. 26 Terminals for external wires
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 are applicable. 27 Grounding measures
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1U8 are applicable. 28 Screws and connections
GR47CF, \ —1998, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 29 Electrical distance, electrical barrier and penetration insulation distance GB4706.1-1998, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 4
30 Heat resistance, ignition resistance and tracking resistance
GH4706.—1998, except for the following contents, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 30.2.3 This clause does not apply.
GR4715.1-1998, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
GB4706.1—198, all the contents of this chapter are applicable 4706.74—2004/1EC 60335-2-28:1994GB 4706.74—2004/IEC 60335-2-26,1894GB 4706.1
The additions of 1998 are applicable except for the following contents. Annex
《Normative Annex》
Material Standard
Household and similar purpose appliances and their related couplings
Part 3: Relay couplings2 This article adds the following content: The wheel, including the cutting blade of the whole machine, and the driving belt and hand wheel must be properly protected. 21 Mechanical strength The content of GB4705.11998 is applicable. 22.14 This clause adds the following substitutions: Note 1: Taking into account the danger of zigzag needle feeding, it can be considered safe if the bend between the plates is less than 6mm or a metal light protective net is added. Note 2: The sewing requirements are not applicable to special versions such as locks, and this requirement does not apply to moving parts such as needles, needle bars, winding shafts, and elastics. These parts are activated during operation and maintenance of the sewing machine. When the rated voltage of the lamp is lower than the rated voltage of the sewing machine, a commercial inverter should be used to supply power. 22.101
Check its suitability through visual inspection.
23 Internal wiring
This clause of GB47U6.1-1998 is applicable. 24. Components
This clause of GB1706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents: 24.1.1 This clause adds the following contents:
The coupler connecting the wall unit and the motor control screen shall comply with TFC6C320-2-1. 24.1.3 This clause adds the following contents:
Compatibility: The motor is not a quality control. 25: Power supply connection and external wiring
This clause of GB4706.1-1998 is applicable except for the following contents. 25.5 The following content is added to this clause:
The thin connection between the motor controller and the terminal is allowed to adopt 2-way connection. 25.7 This clause adds the following content:
Lightweight ethylene sheathed soft wire (No. 52 of 1EC60227) can be used, but the quality of the equipment must be considered. 26 Terminals for external wires
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1998 are applicable. 27 Grounding measures
The contents of this chapter of GB4706.1-1U8 are applicable. 28 Screws and connections
GR47CF, \ —1998, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 29 Electrical distance, electrical barrier and penetration insulation distance GB4706.1-1998, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 4
30 Heat resistance, flammability and tracking resistance
GH4706.—1998, except for the following contents, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 30.2.3 This clause does not apply.
GR4715.1-1998, all the contents of this chapter are applicable. 32 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards
GB4706.1—198, all the contents of this chapter are applicable 4706.74—2004/1EC 60335-2-28:1994GB 4706.74—2004/IEC 60335-2-26,1894GB 4706.1
The additions of 1998 are applicable except for the following contents. Annex
《Normative Annex》
Material Standard
Household and similar purpose appliances and their related couplings
Part 3: Relay couplings
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