title>GB/T 4092.8-1992 Programming language COBOL Report preparation module - GB/T 4092.8-1992 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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GB/T 4092.8-1992 Programming language COBOL Report preparation module

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 4092.8-1992

Standard Name: Programming language COBOL Report preparation module

Chinese Name: 程序设计语言COBOL 报表编制模块

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-08-04

Date of Implementation:1993-05-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment >> 35.060 Languages ​​for information technology

Standard Classification Number:Electronic Components and Information Technology>>Information Processing Technology>>L74 Programming Language

associated standards

alternative situation:GB 4092.8-1983 GB 4092.3-1983

Procurement status:ISO 1989-13-1985,EQV

Publication information

other information

Release date:1983-12-26

Review date:2004-10-14

Drafting unit:Nanjing University

Focal point unit:National Information Technology Standardization Technical Committee

Publishing department:State Bureau of Technical Supervision

competent authority:National Standardization Administration

Introduction to standards:

GB/T 4092.8-1992 Programming Language COBOL Report Preparation Module GB/T4092.8-1992 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

1.1 Function
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Programming language COBOL
Report writer module
GB/T 4092.8—92
Replaces GB 4092.8·--83
The report writer module provides the function of generating reports. It specifies the physical appearance of a report, rather than the detailed process required to generate a report.
The hierarchy is used to define the logical organization of a report. Each report is divided into a number of report columns, which in turn are divided into a sequence of items. Such a hierarchy allows a report column to be used directly and to indirectly reference other levels in the hierarchy. A report column contains one or more items that appear on zero, one, or more lines. 1-2 Language Concepts
1.2.1 Report File
A report file has a sequentially organized output file. A report file has a file description clause that includes a REPORT clause. The contents of a report file consist of a number of records compiled under the control of a report compilation control system (RWCS). A report file is named by a file control clause and described by a file description clause that includes a REPORT clause. Report files are accessed and stored by the OPEN, GENERATE, INITIATE, SUPPRESS, TERMINATE, USE AFTER STANDARD EXCEPTION PROCEDURE, USEBEFOREREPORTING, and CLOSE statements. 1.2.2 Special Register PAGE-COUNTER
The reserved word PAGE-COUNTER is the name of a page counter, one of which is generated for each report description clause in a data section. The implicit description must be an unsigned integer that can represent a value in the range 1 to 999999. Its usage is defined by the implementer. The value in PAGE-COUNTER is provided by the Report Format Control System (RWCS) and is used by the program to count the number of pages in the report. PAGE-COUNTER can only be referenced in the SOURCE clause and procedure statements of a report section (see 3.5.5 PAGE.COUNTER rules).
1.2.3 Special Registers L.TINE-COUNTER The reserved word LINE-COUNTER is the name of a line counter that is generated for each report description in a data report section. The implicit description must be an unsigned integer that can represent a value in the range 0 to 999999. Its usage is defined by the implementer. The value in LINE-COUNTER is provided by the Report Format Control System (RWCS) and is used to determine the vertical positioning of the report. LINE-COUNTER can only be referenced in the SOURCE clause and procedure statements of a report section. However, only the Report Format Control System (RWCS) can change the value of LINE-COUNTER (see 3.5.6 LINE-COUNTER rules). 3-2.4 Use as subscript
In the report section, the sum counter and the special registers LINE-COUNTER and PAGE-COUNTER cannot be used as subscripts. bZxz.net
Approved by the State Administration of Technical Supervision on 1992-D8-04 and implemented on 1993-05-01
2 Environmental Department of Report Reduction Horizontal Block
2.1 Input-Output Section
CB/T 4092. 8-92
For information on the input-output section, see 2.1 of GB/T 4092.4. 2.2 FILE-CONTROL Section
For information on the FILE.CONTROL section, see 2.2 of GB/T 4092. 4. 2.3 File Control Section
2.3.1 Function
The file control section describes the physical properties related to the report document. 2.3.2 General format
[Implementation name 1]
[Character value 1
[RESERVE integer][AREA]
(Data name 11
Character value 2
Implementation name 2
2.3.3 Syntax rules
(1) The SELECT clause must be specified at the beginning of the file control clause! The clauses after the SELECT clause can appear in any order.
(2) Each report file described in the data section must be specified only once in the file control segment. Each report file specified in the SFI.ECT clause must have a file description clause including a REPORT clause in the data section of a program. (3) Word value 1 must be a non-numeric word value and not a symbolic constant. The meaning and rules of the content allowed by implementation name 1 and the value of word value 1 are defined by the implementer.
(4) The availability of specific clauses in the file control clause for report files depends on the level of sequential 1-0 modules supported by the implementation (see GB/T 4092. 4).
2.3.4 General rules
(1) If the file connector referenced by file name 1 is an external file connector (see the EXTERNAL clause), all file control clauses in the execution unit that reference the file connector must: 8. Have the same description of the OPTIONAL phrase. b. Have a consistent description of implementation name 1 or value 1 in the ASSICN clause. The implementer specifies consistent rules for implementation name 1 or value 1.
c. Have a consistent description of implementation name 2 in the RECORDDELIMITER clause. The implementer specifies consistent rules for implementation name 2. d. Have the same value for integer 1 in the RESERVE clause. e. Have the same organization.
f. Have the same access method.
GB/T 4092-8-92
g. The same statement applies to the PADDINGCHARACTER clause. (2) The OPTIONAL phrase applies only to report files opened in extended mode. This phrase is necessary for report files that are not used every time the target program is run. (3) The ASSIGN clause specifies the association between the report file referenced by file name 1 and the storage medium referenced by implementation name 1 or value 1.
(4) Report files have a sequential organization. Therefore, for report files given in a general format, the sub-files in the corresponding file control clause are introduced in the sequential I-0 module.
2.41-O-CONTROL segment
2.4.1 Function
The IO-CONTROL segment specifies the storage area shared by different files and the bitmap of each file on multiple files. 2.4.2 General format
E[SAME AREA FOR filename1{filename2..[MULTIPLEFILETAPE.CONTAINS(filename3[POSITION integer1J]].]2.4.3 Syntax rules
(1) The order in which the clauses appear is immaterial.<2) The filename representing the report file can appear in the MULTIPLEFILETAPE clause or in a SAME clause that does not specify a RECORD phrase.
(3) For report files, the availability of specific clauses in the IO-CONTROL section depends on the level of the sequential IO module supported by the implementation (see GB/T 4092.4).
2.4.4 General rules
(1) The MULTIPLEFILETAPE clause is introduced in 2.11 of the sequential IO module. (2) The SAME clause is introduced in 2.13 of the Sequence I-{) module. 3 Data section of the report change compilation module
3.1 File Section
The file section is located in the data section of the source file. The file section defines the structure of the report file. Each report file is defined by a file description clause including a REPORT clause. The file description clause corresponding to the report file is not followed by a record description clause. The general format of the file section of the report compilation module is given below:FILE SECTKON.
[Report file description clause]
In the COBDI. program, the file description clause (FD clause) represents the highest level of organization in the file section. Following the file description clause header is a file description clause consisting of a level indicator (FD), a file name, and a series of independent clauses. The file description clause of a report file must include a REPORT clause. The REPORT clause specifies the name of the report to be output on the report file. The description clause corresponding to the report file may not be followed by a record description clause.
3.2 Document Description
3.2.1 Function
The document description provides all the information such as the physical structure, identification and table name of a given report document. 3.2.2 General format
FD file name1
GB/T 4092. 8--92
BLOCK CONTAINS [integer 1 TO] integer 2RECORD
【data name1
VALUE OF|implementation name IS「
【word value】
[CODE-SET IS alphabet name1]
3.2.3 Syntax rules
{report name 1)
(1) The level indicator \I) marks the beginning of the file description clause for the corresponding report file and must precede the file name. (2) The order in which the clauses following file name 1 appear is irrelevant. (3) File name 1 can only reference sequential files. (4) The file description clause corresponding to the report file may not be followed by a record description clause. (5) In the transition section, only a USE statement, a CLOSE statement, or an OPEN statement with an OUTPUT or EXTEND phrase may reference the body of the file description clause that specifies the REPORT clause. (6) The availability of specific clauses in the file description clause depends on the level of the sequential IO module supported by the implementation (see GB/T 4092. 4). 3.2.4 General Rules
(1) The document description clause associates document name 1 with the document connector. (2) The implementer defines the logical record structure for the report compilation of the document associated with document name 1. (3) Except for the REPORT clause, all clauses in the document summary clause corresponding to the report document are found in the content of the sequential IO module.
(4) The REPORT clause is introduced in 3.3. 3.3 REPORT Sentence
3.3.1 Function
The REPORT clause indicates the names of several reports that constitute the report document. 3.3.2 General Format
3.3.3 Syntax Rules
{report name1}
(1) Each report name specified in a REPORT clause must be the body of a report description clause in the report section of the same procedure. The order in which the report names appear is not important.
(2) A report name must appear in only one REPORT clause.(3) In a procedure section, only a USE statement, a CLOSE statement, or an OPEN statement with an OUTPUT or EXTEND clause may reference the body of a document description clause that specifies a REPORT clause. 3.3.4 General Rules
(1) The presence of more than one report name in a REPORT clause indicates that the document contains more than one report.(2) For the same report document, after the execution of the INITIATE statement and before the execution of the TERMINATE statement, the report document is under the control of the Report Writing Control System (RWCS). When a report document is under the control of an RWCS, input and output statements that refer to that report document cannot be executed.
GB/T 4092.892
(3) If the file connector in question is an external file connector, then each file description clause associated with that file connector in the run unit must describe it as a report document. 3.4 Report Section
The report section is located in the data section of the source program. The report section describes the report to be output to the report document. Each report description must begin with a report description clause (RD clause) followed by one or more report column description clauses. The general format of a report section is given below:
[Report Description Clause
Report Column Description Clause}}
3.4.1 Report Description Clause
In addition to naming the report, the report description clause (RD clause) defines the format of each page of the report by specifying the vertical boundaries of the area in which each type of report column is printed. The report description clause also specifies certain control data items. When a report is generated, changes in the values ​​of the control data items cause the detailed information of the report to be processed on a control column by control column basis. Each report named in the REPORT clause of the document description clause of the report section must be the subject of a report description clause in the report section. Furthermore, each report in the report section must be named in one and only one report description clause. 3.4.2 Report Column Description Clause
The report columns that make up the report are described after the report description clause. Each report column description begins with a report column description clause; it is a description clause with a level number of 01 and a TYPE clause. Subordinate to the report column description clause may be description clauses that further describe the characteristics of the report column and certain primary item description clauses.
3.5 Report Description Clause
3.5.1 Function
The report description clause names a report, specifies the identification characters to be attached to each printed line in the report, and describes the physical structure and organization of that report.
3. 5. 2 General format
RD report name 1
[ CODE word value 1 ]
data name l
{FINAL[data name 1]
integer 1
[HEADING integer 2]
FFIRSTDETAIL integer 31[LASTDETAIL integer 4[FOOTING integer 5 ]-
3. 5. 3 Syntax rules
(1) Report name 1 must appear once and only once in a REPORT clause. (2) The order in which the clauses following report name 1 appear is irrelevant. (3) Report name 1 is the highest permissible qualifier and can be used as a qualifier for LINE-COUNTER, PAGECOUNTER, and all data names defined in a report section. : 3.5.4 Stock Rules
(1) Starting from 3.6, the CODE clause, CONTROL clause, and PAGE clause are introduced in alphabetical order. 3.5.5 PAGE-COUNTER rules
(1) PAGE-COUNTER is a reserved word that is used as a special register. It is automatically generated for each report specified in the report section (see Special registers in GB/T4092.1 and 1.2.2 Special register PAGE-COUNTER in this module).
(2) References to PAGE-COUNTER in the report section can only appear in the SOURCE clause. In the procedure section, PAGE-COUNTER can be used in any context where an integer-valued data item can appear. (3) If there are multiple PAGE-COUNTERs in a program,Whenever the PAGE-COUNTER is used in a procedure section, it must be qualified by the report name.
In a report section, an unqualified reference to the PAGE-COUNTER is implicitly qualified by the report name from which the PAGE-COUNTER is referenced. When the PAGE-COUNTER of a different report is referenced, the PAGE-COUNTER must be explicitly qualified by that report name:
(4) The execution of the INITIATE statement causes the report compilation control system to set the PAGE-COUNTER of the report being referenced. (5) Whenever the report compilation control system executes a page change action, the PAGE-COUNTER is automatically increased by 1. (6) The PAGE-COUNTER can be changed by statements in the procedure section. 3.5.6 LINE-COUNTER Rules
(1) LINE-COUNTER is a reserved word that references a special register. It is automatically generated for each report specified in the report section (see Special registers in GB/T 4092.1 and 1.2.3 Special registers in this module)
(2) In the report section, references to LINE-COUNTER can only appear in the SOURCE clause. In the procedure section, I.INE-COUNTER can be used in any context where an integer-valued data item can appear. However, only the report compilation control system can change the contents of LINE-COUNTER.
(3) If there are multiple LINE COUNTERs in a program, each reference to I.INE-COUNTER in the procedure section must be qualified with the report name.
In a report section, an unqualified reference to a LINE-COUNTER is implicitly qualified by the name of the table in which the LINE-COUNTER is referenced. When a LINE-COUNTER of a different report is referenced, the LINE-COUNTER must be explicitly qualified by that report name.
(4) The execution of the INITIATE statement causes the report compilation control system to reset the LINE-COUNTER of the report being referenced to zero. The report compilation control system also automatically resets the LINE-COUNTER to zero each time a page break is executed. (5) The value of the LINE-COUNTER is not affected by the processing of a non-printable report column, nor by the processing of a report column whose printing is suppressed by the SUPPRESS statement. (6) The value of LINE-OUNTER indicates the line number of each printed line as it appears. The value of the LINE-COUNTER after a report column is rendered is determined by the column's presence rule (see 3.10 Presentation rule table). 3.6 CODE Clause
3.6.1 Function
The CODE clause specifies a two-character value that identifies each print line belonging to the specified report. 3-6.2 General Format
CODE Value 1
3.6.3 Syntax Rules
(1) Value 1 is a two-character non-numeric value. (2) If the (ODE-F sentence is specified for any report in a document, it must also be specified for all reports in the same document.
3.6.4 General rules
(1) When the (ODE-F sentence is specified, the character value 1 is automatically effective in the first two character positions of each report compilation logical record. (2) The position of the character value 1 data is not included in the description of the print line, but is included in the length of the logical record. 3.7 CONTROL clause
3. 7.1 Function
GB/T 4092. 8--92
The CONTROL clause determines the control level of the report. 3.7.2 General format
3.7.3 Syntax Rules
(1) Dataname1 shall not be defined in a report section. Dataname1 may be qualified. (2) Each recurrence of dataname1 shall identify a different data item. (3) Dataname1 shall have no variable-length data items subordinate to it. 3.7.4 General Rules
(1) Dataname1 and the word FINAL specify a level of the control hierarchy. If FINAL is specified, it is the top-level control, dataname1 is a higher-level control, the next occurrence of dataname1 is a middle-level control, and so on. The last occurrence of dataname1 is the lowest-level control. (2) The execution of the first GENERATE statement in sequence for a given report causes the RWCS to save the values ​​of all control data items for that report. In all subsequent executions of GENERATE statements for that report, the RWCS tests the values ​​of control data items for changes. Any control Any change in the value of a data item causes a control break to occur. Control breaks are associated with the top level and record changes in values ​​(see 4.3 GENERATE statement).
(3) The report compilation control system (RWCS) compares the contents of each control data item with the contents saved by the previous GENERATE statement to test a gradient. The RWCS applies the inequality relationship test as follows: 8: If the control data item is a numeric data item, the relationship test is to compare two numeric operands. If the control data item is a bitwise data item, the relationship test is to compare two bitwise data items. b.
If the control data item is a data item other than that described in paragraphs 3a and 3b, the relationship test is to compare two non-numeric operands.
The inequality relationship test is explained in detail in the appropriate paragraph (see Relationship conditions in GB/T 4092.2). (4) Use FINAL when the most contained control column in the report is not related to the control data name. 3.8 PAGE clause
3.8.1 Function
The PAGE clause defines the length of a page, and the vertical section in which report columns appear on that page: 3.8.2 General format
Integer 1
[HEADING integer 2][FIRSTDETAIL integer 3][LASTDETAIL integer 4][FOOTING integer S] 3.B.3 Syntax rules
(1) The HEADING.FIRSTDETAIL, LASTDETAIL, and FOOTING phrases may be written in any order. (2) Integer 1 shall not exceed three significant figures in length. (3) Integer 2 must be greater than or equal to 1.
(4) Integer 3 must be greater than or equal to integer 2. (5) Integer 4 must be greater than or equal to integer 3. (6) Integer 5 must be greater than or equal to integer 4. (7) The integer 1 must be greater than or equal to the integer 5. (8) The following rules indicate that when the PAGE clause is specified, the various report columns can appear in the vertical portion of the page (see 3.8.5 Page Boundary Table).
a. A REPORTHEADING report column that appears on a page by itself, if defined, must be defined as follows: it can appear on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by integer 2 to the line number specified by integer 1. A REPRTHEADING report column that does not appear on a page by itself, if defined, must be defined as follows: it can appear on the negative vertical portion from the line number specified by integer 2 to the line number specified by integer 3 minus 1. b. A PAGEHEAIING report column, if defined, must be defined as follows: it can appear on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by integer 2 to the line number specified by integer 3 minus 1. C. If a CONTROLHEADING or TDFTAIL column is defined, it must be defined so that it can be displayed on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by the integer 3 to the line number specified by the integer 4. d. If a CONTROLFOOTING column is defined, it must be defined so that it can be displayed on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by the integer 3 to the line number specified by the integer 5. e. If a PAGEFOOTING column is defined, it must be defined so that it can be displayed on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by the integer 5 plus 1 to the line number specified by the integer 1. f.If a REPORTFOOTING column is defined and is presented on a separate page, it must be defined so that it can be presented on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by the integer 2 to the line number specified by the integer 1. If a REPORTFOOTING column is not defined and is not presented on a separate page, it must be defined so that it can be presented on the vertical portion of the page from the line number specified by the integer 5 plus 1 to the line number specified by the integer 1. (9) All report columns must be described in such a way that they can be presented on a single page. The RWCS will never split a multi-line report column across a page boundary.
3.8.4 General Rules
(1) The vertical format of a report column is determined by the integer value specified in the PAGE clause. a. Integer 1 defines the length of a report page by specifying the number of rows available per page. b. HEADING Integer 2 defines the line number of the first line on which a REPORTHEADING or PAGEHEADING report column can be presented.
c: FIRSTDETAIL Integer 3 defines the line number of the first line on which a report column can be presented. The HEADING (without NEXTGROUPNEXTPAGE) and PAGEHEADING columns must not appear on or above the line number specified by integer 3.
d.LASTDETAIL The integer 4 defines the line number of the last line above which a CONTROLHEADING or DETAIL column can appear.
e.FOOTING The integer 5 defines the line number of the last line above which a CONTROLFOOITING column can appear. The PAGEFOOTING and REPORTFOOTING (without LINE integer 1NEXTPAGE) columns must appear after the line number specified by integer 5.
(2) If the PA(GF clause is specified, the following implicit values ​​are assumed for any omitted phrases: If the HEADING phrase is omitted, the integer 2 has the value 1. a.
If the FIRSTDETAIL phrase is omitted, the integer 3 is equal to the integer 2. h.
If both the I.ASTIETAIL and FOOTING phrases are omitted, the integer 4 and the integer 5 are both equal to the integer 1. d. If the FOOTING phrase is specified and the I.ASTDETAIL phrase is omitted, the integer 4 has the value 5. If the LASTDETAIL phrase is specified and the FOOTING phrase is omitted, the integer 5 has the value 4. e
(3) If the PAGE clause is omitted, the report consists of a single page of undefined length. (1) The rendering rules for each type of report column are specified in the appropriate paragraph (see the rendering rules table in 3.10). 3.8.5 Page boundaries
Table 1 below describes the boundaries determined by the PAGE clause. Report columns that can appear within the page boundaries
with LINE integer 1 NEXT PAGE REPORT FUXOTING described
not described with NEXT GROUP NEXT
not described with LINE integer 1 NEXT
3.9 Report column description
3. 9.1 Function
GB/T 4092. 8—92
The row number of the first row of the page boundary
Integer 2
Integer 2
Integer 5 plus 1
The row number of the last row of the page boundary
Integer 1
Integer 3 minus 1
Integer 4
Integer 5
Integer 1
The report column description specifies the characteristics of a report column and the characteristics of each data item in a photo table column. 3.9.2 General format
Format 1:
[Data Name 21
[Data Name 3]
Format 2:
Layer Number [Data Name 1]
「Integer 1 [ONNEXTPAGE]]
[PLUS Integer 2
Format 3:
Layer Number [Data Name 1]
IS String
integer1 [ON NEXT PAGE]
PLUS integer2
SOLRCE IS identifier1
VALUEIS word value1
(SUM ↑identifier2}[UPON data name2}J).RESETON|data name3
3.9.3 Syntax Rules
(1) A column description clause can appear only in a report section. (2) Except for the data name clause, which must immediately follow the level number when it appears, the other clauses can be written in any order. (3) In format 2, the level number can be any integer from 02 to 48. In format 3, the level number can be any integer from 02 to 49.
(4) A column description can consist of one, two, or three levels. a.
The first column description clause that describes a column must be a Format 1 description clause. Both Format 2 and Format 3 description clauses can be directly subordinate to a Format 1 description clause. At least one Format 3 description clause must be directly subordinate to a Format 2 description clause. A Format 3 description clause must define primary data items. (5) In a Format 1 description clause, data name 1 is required only in the following cases: a.
The DETAIL column is referenced by a GENERATE statement. DETAI. The report column is referenced by the UPON phrase of the SUM clause. The report column is referenced in the USEBEFOREREPORTING sentence. The name of the CONTROLFOOTING report column is used to qualify the reference to the sum counter. GB/T 4092. 8—92
If specified, then data name 1 can only be referenced by the GENERATE statement, the LPON phrase of the SUM clause, the USEBEFOREREPORTING sentence, or as a qualifier of the sum counter. (6) The format 2 description clause must contain at least one optional clause. (7) In the format 2 summary clause, data name 1 is optional. If it appears, it can only be used to qualify the reference to the sum counter. (8) In the report section, the USAGE clause can be used to specify the usage of the print item. If the USAGE clause appears in the format 3 description clause, the clause must define a print item. b.
If a USAGE clause appears in a format 1 or 2 statement, at least one subordinate statement must define a print item.
(9) A statement containing a LINENCMBER clause must not contain any subordinate statements containing a LINENUMBER clause. (10) In format 3:
A GROUP INDICATE clause can only appear in a TYPE DETAIL statement column.
A SUM clause can only appear in a TYPE CONTROL FOOTING statement column. A statement containing a COLUMNNUMBER clause but no LINENUMBER clause must be subordinate to a statement containing a LINENUMBER clause.
d. Dataname1 is optional but may be specified in any statement. However, dataname1 may be referenced only if the statement defines a sum counter.
é. A statement containing a VALUE clause must also contain a COLUMNNLMBER clause. (11) Table 2 below shows all the permissible combinations of clauses in the Format 3 description clause. The table is read from left to right along the selected line.
“M' indicates that the clause must appear;
“P\ indicates that the clause is permitted but not required. Blank indicates that the clause is not permitted.
Table 2 Permissible combinations of clauses in Format 3 description clauses LLANK
3.9.4 General rules
(1) Format 1 is a report column description clause. The report column is defined by this description clause and all its subordinate description clauses. LINE
(2) The BI.ANKWHFNZERO) clause, JUSTIFIED clause, and PICTURE clause in the report compilation module are interspersed with the BLANK WHENZERO clause, JUSTIFIED clause, and PICTURE clause in the core module. Therefore, the provisions for these clauses are separately found in the contents of the core module. The other clauses of the report column description are introduced in alphabetical order starting from 3.11. 3.10 Presentation rule tables
3-10. 1 Description
The tables and layout provisions on the following pages:
(i) For each type of report column, the allowed combinations of LINENUMBER and NEXTGROUP clauses, (2) the requirements for using these clauses, and (3) the RWCS interpretation of these clauses.
3.10.2 Organization
There is a separate presentation rule table for each of the following report column types: REPORTHEADING, PAGE HEADING, PAGEFOOTING, REPORTFOOTING. In addition, the DETAIL report column, the CONTROLHEADING report column and the CONTROLFOOTING report column are processed together in the report body column rendering rule table (see 3.10.8 Report body column rendering rule table). For the specified report column type, the first and second columns of the rendering rule table list all the permissible combinations of LINENUMBER and NEXTCROUP clauses. Therefore, in order to identify the rendering rules that apply to the LINENUMBER and NEXTCROUP clauses, the rendering rule table is read from left to right along the selected row. The applicable rules column of the rendering rule table is divided into two parts. The first part specifies those rules that apply when the report description contains a PAGE clause. The second part specifies those rules that apply when the PAGE clause is specified. Rules that apply when the PAGE clause is omitted. The purpose of the rules named in the applicable rules column is discussed below.
(1) Upper and lower limit rules.
These rules define the vertical subsections of the report body on which each specified report column can be presented. In the absence of a PAGE clause, it is not considered that the printed report is divided into subsections vertically. Therefore, for a report description in which the PAGE clause is omitted, no upper and lower limit rules are specified in this table. (2) Fit detection rules:
Fit detection rules apply only to report body columns. Therefore, fit detection rules are specified only in the report body column presentation rules table. When the target is run, RWCS applies the fit detection rules to determine whether the specified report body column can be presented in the report.
However, when the PAGE clause is omitted in the report description, there are no matching detection rules even for the report body column. (3) Positioning rules for the first print line:
The positioning rules for the first print line specify the position of the report media where the RWCS presents the first print line of a given report column. The presentation rule table does not specify the position of the report media where the RWCS will present the second and subsequent print lines (if any) of a report column. Certain general rules determine the position where the first and subsequent print lines of a report column can be presented. For this, see the general rules of the LINENUMBER clause (see 3.15I.INENUMBER clause). (4) Secondary rules:
The secondary column rules are the same as those used normally for NE XTGROUP clause. (5) Final LINE-COUNTER placement rule: After the columns are presented, the final value that RWCS places in LINE-COUNTER is specified by the final I.INE-COLINTER placement rule:
3.10.3 Notation for LINENUMBER clauses
The first column of the early rule table uses an abbreviated notation to describe the sequence of LIVENUMBER clauses that may appear in the column description. The abbreviations used in the first column have the following meanings: (1) The letter "A' represents one or more absolute LINE-NUMBER clauses, none of which have a NEXTGROUP phrase. They appear in sequence in the sequence of LINENUMBER clauses in the column description. (2) The letters "R" indicate one or more relative LINENUMBER clauses: they appear in sequence in the sequence of LINE NUMBHR clauses in the column description.
(3) The letters "NP" indicate one or more absolute LINENUMBER clauses: they appear in sequence in the sequence of LINENUMBER clauses in the column description, with the NEXT-10 Presentation Rule Tables
3-10. 1 Description
Tables and layout rules for the following pages:
(i) For each type of report column, the permitted combinations of LINENUMBER and NEXTGROUP clauses, (2) the requirements for using these clauses, and (3) the RWCS interpretation of these clauses.
3.10.2 Organization
There is a presentation rule table for each of the following report columns: REPORTHEADING, PAGE HEADING, PAGEFOOTING, REPORTFOOTING. In addition, the DETAIL report column, the CONTROLHEADING report column and the CONTROLFOOTING report column are processed together in the report body column rendering rule table (see 3.10.8 Report body column rendering rule table). For the specified report column type, the first and second columns of the rendering rule table list all the permissible combinations of LINENUMBER and NEXTCROUP clauses. Therefore, in order to identify the rendering rules that apply to the LINENUMBER and NEXTCROUP clauses, the rendering rule table is read from left to right along the selected row. The applicable rules column of the rendering rule table is divided into two parts. The first part specifies those rules that apply when the report description contains a PAGE clause. The second part specifies those rules that apply when the PAGE clause is specified. Rules that apply when the PAGE clause is omitted. The purpose of the rules named in the applicable rules column is discussed below.
(1) Upper and lower limit rules.
These rules define the vertical subsections of the report body on which each specified report column can be presented. In the absence of a PAGE clause, it is not considered that the printed report is divided into subsections vertically. Therefore, for a report description in which the PAGE clause is omitted, no upper and lower limit rules are specified in this table. (2) Fit detection rules:
Fit detection rules apply only to report body columns. Therefore, fit detection rules are specified only in the report body column presentation rules table. When the target is run, RWCS applies the fit detection rules to determine whether the specified report body column can be presented in the report.
However, when the PAGE clause is omitted in the report description, there are no matching detection rules even for the report body column. (3) Positioning rules for the first print line:
The positioning rules for the first print line specify the position of the report media where the RWCS presents the first print line of a given report column. The presentation rule table does not specify the position of the report media where the RWCS will present the second and subsequent print lines (if any) of a report column. Certain general rules determine the position where the first and subsequent print lines of a report column can be presented. For this, see the general rules of the LINENUMBER clause (see 3.15I.INENUMBER clause). (4) Secondary rules:
The secondary column rules are the same as those used normally for NE XTGROUP clause. (5) Final LINE-COUNTER placement rule: After the columns are presented, the final value that RWCS places in LINE-COUNTER is specified by the final I.INE-COLINTER placement rule:
3.10.3 Notation for LINENUMBER clauses
The first column of the early rule table uses an abbreviated notation to describe the sequence of LIVENUMBER clauses that may appear in the column description. The abbreviations used in the first column have the following meanings: (1) The letter "A' represents one or more absolute LINE-NUMBER clauses, none of which have a NEXTGROUP phrase. They appear in sequence in the sequence of LINENUMBER clauses in the column description. (2) The letters "R" indicate one or more relative LINENUMBER clauses: they appear in sequence in the sequence of LINE NUMBHR clauses in the column description.
(3) The letters "NP" indicate one or more absolute LINENUMBER clauses: they appear in sequence in the sequence of LINENUMBER clauses in the column description, with the NEXT-10 Presentation Rule Tables
3-10. 1 Description
Tables and layout rules for the following pages:
(i) For each type of report column, the permitted combinations of LINENUMBER and NEXTGROUP clauses, (2) the requirements for using these clauses, and (3) the RWCS interpretation of these clauses.
3.10.2 Organization
There is a presentation rule table for each of the following report columns: REPORTHEADING, PAGE HEADING, PAGEFOOTING, REPORTFOOTING. In addition, the DETAIL report column, the CONTROLHEADING report column and the CONTROLFOOTING report column are processed together in the report body column rendering rule table (see 3.10.8 Report body column rendering rule table). For the specified report column type, the first and second columns of the rendering rule table list all the permissible combinations of LINENUMBER and NEXTCROUP clauses. Therefore, in order to identify the rendering rules that apply to the LINENUMBER and NEXTCROUP clauses, the rendering rule table is read from left to right along the selected row. The applicable rules column of the rendering rule table is divided into two parts. The first part specifies those rules that apply when the report description contains a PAGE clause. The second part specifies those rules that apply when the PAGE clause is specified. Rules that apply when the PAGE clause is omitted. The purpose of the rules named in the applicable rules column is discussed below.
(1) Upper and lower limit rules.
These rules define the vertical subsections of the report body on which each specified report column can be presented. In the absence of a PAGE clause, it is not considered that the printed report is divided into subsections vertically. Therefore, for a report description in which the PAGE clause is omitted, no upper and lower limit rules are specified in this table. (2) Fit detection rules:
Fit detection rules apply only to report body columns. Therefore, fit detection rules are specified only in the report body column presentation rules table. When the target is run, RWCS applies the fit detection rules to determine whether the specified report body column can be presented in the report.
However, when the PAGE clause is omitted in the report description, there are no matching detection rules even for the report body column. (3) Positioning rules for the first print line:
The positioning rules for the first print line specify the position of the report media where the RWCS presents the first print line of a given report column. The presentation rule table does not specify the position of the report media where the RWCS will present the second and subsequent print lines (if any) of a report column. Certain general rules determine the position where the first and subsequent print lines of a report column can be presented. For this, see the general rules of the LINENUMBER clause (see 3.15I.INENUMBER clause). (4) Secondary rules:
The secondary column rules are the same as those used normally for NE XTGROUP clause. (5) Final LINE-COUNTER placement rule: After the columns are presented, the final value that RWCS places in LINE-COUNTER is specified by the final I.INE-COLINTER placement rule:
3.10.3 Notation for LINENUMBER clauses
The first column of the early rule table uses an abbreviated notation to describe the sequence of LIVENUMBER clauses that may appear in the column description. The abbreviations used in the first column have the following meanings: (1) The letter "A' represents one or more absolute LINE-NUMBER clauses, none of which have a NEXTGROUP phrase. They appear in sequence in the sequence of LINENUMBER clauses in the column description. (2) The letters "R" indicate one or more relative LINENUMBER clauses: they appear in sequence in the sequence of LINE NUMBHR clauses in the column description.
(3) The letters "NP" indicate one or more absolute LINENUMBER clauses: they appear in sequence in the sequence of LINENUMBER clauses in the column description, with the NEXT-
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