GB/T 9324-1996 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Sectional specification Multilayer ceramic chip capacitors
Some standard content:
GB/T 9324—1996
This standard is equivalent to the international standard IEC384-10.1989 "Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Sectional specification: Multilayer chip ceramic capacitors" and its Order No. 1 (1993). The multilayer chip ceramic capacitors included in this standard have been produced in my country for several years and several production lines have been put into use. They have reached the international standard level in terms of technical indicators, test severity and quality assurance. The formulation of this standard has laid a good foundation for promoting international trade and technical exchanges of such products and participating in international quality certification. This standard replaces GB9324-88, because GB9324-88 is the central office document equivalent to IEC384-10. The International Electrotechnical Commission issued the official version, namely IEC384-10 (QC301900) in 1989. There are certain differences in the arrangement of clauses and technical content between the two. This revision of GB9324-88 makes it consistent with the official version of IEC384-10. The test methods and severity levels specified in the standard are selected from GR269390 Electronic Equipment Used as Capacitors Part 1: General Specifications (IDTIer384-1: 1982, Amendment2 (1987), Amendment3 (1989)). This standard is compiled by the Ministry of Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. This standard was drafted by the Standardization Research Institute of the Ministry of Electronics Industry. The main drafter of this standard is Huo Guang.
This standard was first published in June 1988. GB/T 93241996
IEC Introduction
1) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission)'s final resolutions or agreements on technical issues are formulated by technical committees participated by national committees with special concerns about these issues, and represent the international consensus on the issues involved as much as possible. 2) These resolutions or agreements are provided for international use in the form of recommended standards and are recognized by national committees in this sense. 3) In order to promote international unification, IFC hopes that national committees will adopt the text of IEC standards as their national standards if their national conditions permit. The differences between IEC standards and corresponding national standards should be indicated in national standards as much as possible. Foreword
This standard was formulated by the 40th Technical Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission (Electronic Equipment and Electronic Devices). This standard text is based on the following documents: Eight-month method
40(C.0. 1629
More detailed information can be found in the voting reports listed in the table above. Voting report
20(C.1). 3665
The QC number on the cover of this standard is the specification number of the IEC electronic component quality assessment system (IECQ). This standard replaces IEC384-10 (1979): Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment Part 10: Sectional specification: Selection of test methods and general requirements for multilayer ceramic chip capacitors. 1 General
1.1 Scope
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment
Part 10: Sectional specificationFixed capacitors foruse in electronic equipmentPart 10: Sectional specificationFixed multikayer ceramic chip capacitorsChapter 1 General
GB/T 9324—1996
idt IFC 384-10: 1989
Find G9324-88
This standard applies to Class 1 and Class 2 non-reversible multilayer ceramic capacitors for electronic equipment with a rated voltage not exceeding 200V. When necessary, higher voltages may be specified in the detailed specifications. These capacitors have metallized soldering areas or strip leads to enable direct mounting on substrates or printed boards of hybrid circuits. 1.2 The purpose of this standard is to specify preferred ratings and characteristics for such capacitors: and to select applicable quality assessment procedures, test and measurement methods from (B2693), as well as to give general characteristic requirements. The test severity and requirements specified in the detailed specifications should have the same or higher performance level as this standard. Because reduced performance levels are not allowed. 1. 3 Related documents
The clauses contained in the following standards constitute the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards will be revised, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards. GB/T2471-1995 Resistors and capacitors priority number system (ilt.IECG3, 1963) GB/T2601-94 Resistors and capacitors marking code (idt1EC62:1971) GR269390 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 1: General specification (idtTEC384-1:1982) GB/9325-1996 Fixed capacitors for electronic equipment Part 10: Blank detailed specification Multilayer ceramic capacitors Assessment level E (itlt 1EC 384-10-1:1989) IEC68 Basic environmental test procedures
IEC410;1973 Sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes IFCQ/QC001001:1986 IFC. Basic regulations for the quality assessment system (IECQ) for electronic components 1ECQ/QC001002:1986 IEC: Rules of procedures for the quality assessment system (IECQ) for electronic components IS03:1973 Priority numbers and priority number systems
Note: Except for the version specified in the corresponding test clause of the general specification, the other documents of IEC 68 must be used. The current version shall be used for the rest: 1.4 Contents to be given in the detailed specification
The detailed specification shall be formulated in accordance with the relevant blank detailed specification. The detailed specification shall not specify requirements lower than those specified in the general specification, sub-specification or blank detailed specification. When more stringent requirements are involved, they shall be listed in 1.9 of the detail specification and shall be indicated in the test schedule, for example with an asterisk. Note: For convenience, the contents of 1.4.1 may be presented in tabular form. The following shall be specified in each detail specification and the values quoted shall be selected in preference to the values given in the corresponding clauses of this standard. 1.4.1 Outline drawings and dimensions There shall be an outline drawing of each chip capacitor as an aid to easy identification and comparison with other chip capacitors. Dimensions affecting interchangeability and mounting and their permissible deviations shall be given in the detail specification. All dimensions shall be marked in millimeters. The length, width and thickness of the vessel shall also be given. When necessary, for example, when the number of items (size, capacitance/voltage range) included in the detailed specification is more than one, the dimensions and permissible deviations shall be listed in the table below the figure. When the shape is not as described above, the detailed specification shall give dimensional data sufficient to describe the chip capacitor. 1.4.2 Installation
The detailed specification shall specify the installation method for normal use. The installation method for testing and measurement (when required) shall comply with the provisions of 4.4 of this standard.
1.4.3 Rated values and characteristics
The rated values and characteristics shall comply with the relevant provisions of this standard and the following provisions: 1.4.3-1 Nominal capacitance range
Note: When the product approved according to the detailed specification has different specifications, the following statement shall be added: "The range of various values in each voltage range is given in the list of qualified products". Special Characteristics
For design and application purposes, special characteristics of components may be listed as additional characteristics when it is deemed necessary to appropriately specify them. Welding
For solderability and welding heat, the detailed specification shall specify the applicable test methods, severity and requirements. 1.4.4 Marking
The detailed specification shall specify the content of the marking on the chip capacitor and on the packaging. Differences from 1.6 of this standard shall be specifically stated. 1.5 Terminology
In addition to the applicable terms and definitions of GB2693, the following definitions are also used: 1.5.1 Chip capacitors are small capacitors whose terminals are shaped and constructed for surface mounting on hybrid circuits or printed circuit boards. 1.5.2 Class 1 Ceramic dielectric capacitors Fixed caps A capacitor of ceramic dicctrice, clasyl A capacitor designed and used in resonant circuits with low losses, high capacitance stability or where a well-defined temperature coefficient is required, e.g. for temperature compensation in circuits. Ceramic dielectrics are identified by their nominal temperature coefficient (α). Class suh-clas5
The given nominal temperature coefficient class is determined by the nominal temperature coefficient tolerance (see, Table 3). Note: The nominal temperature coefficient and its tolerance refer to temperatures between 20°C and &T. However, because in practice the temperature coefficient curve is not a strict straight line, the limits of capacitance drift (4C/) must be specified for other temperatures (see 4). 1.5.32 Class Ceramic Dielectric Capacitors Fixcd Capacitor of Ccramic Dielectric, Class 2 A capacitor with a high dielectric constant suitable for use as a bypass, coupling or in circuits where loss and capacitance stability are not required. This class of ceramic dielectrics (see 2.2.6, Table 5) is characterized by a nonlinear change in capacitance within the class temperature range. Class sub-class
The class is determined by the maximum permissible change in capacitance relative to the capacitance at 20°C within the class temperature range. The class can be expressed in code form (see 2.2.6, Table 5). 1.5.4 Rated Voltage (UR) ratcdvoltagec (1/)..comGB/T9324-1996
The rated voltage is the maximum DC voltage that can be continuously applied to the capacitor at the rated temperature. Note: The sum of the DC voltage applied to the capacitor and the positive peak value of the AC voltage should not exceed the rated voltage. The peak value of the AC voltage should not exceed the value determined by the permissible reactive power.
1.6 Marking
GH2693-90 2.1 and the following instructions:
1.6.1 The content given in the marking is usually selected from the following items. The relative importance of each item is indicated by its position in the order of items:
a) Nominal capacitance:
b) Rated voltage (DC voltage can be represented by the symbol or one) c) Nominal capacitance filling and deduction tolerance
d) Temperature coefficient and its allowable deviation (Class 1) or dielectric grade (Class 2), as applicable (see 2.2.5 or 2.2.6) e) Year and month of manufacture (or months);
{) Manufacturer's name or trademark:
g) Climate category
h) Product model name of the manufacturer;
i) Detailed specifications based on.
1.6.2 Generally, no marking is made on the body of the chip capacitor. If some marking can be made on the capacitor, it should be clearly marked and the above useful items should be considered as much as possible. The marking on the capacitor should avoid any repeated content. 1.6.3 Any marking should be easy to read and not easy to erase or wipe off with fingers. 1.6.4 All items in 1.6.1 should be clearly marked on the packaging of the capacitor. 1.6.5 Any additional marking that does not cause confusion is allowed. Chapter 2 Preferred Ratings and Characteristics
2 Preferred Ratings and Characteristics
2.1 Preferred Characteristics
The values given in the detailed specifications should be selected from the following values in priority. 2.1.1 Preferred Climate Category
The chip capacitors covered by this standard are classified into climate categories according to the provisions of the general rules of IEC68-1. The lower and upper category temperatures and the duration of the steady-state damp heat test should be selected from the following values. Lower category temperature: -55°C, -40°C, 25°C, -10°C and 10°C. Upper category temperature: 70°C, 85°C, 100°C and 125°C. Duration of steady-state damp heat test: 4d, 10d, 21d and 56d. The severity of the cold and heat tests is the lower and upper category temperature respectively. NOTE: In the non-mounted state, the humidity resistance of the chip capacitor is selected from the above climatic categories. The mounting substrate, the mounting method (see 4.4) and the final layer have a significant impact on the climatic characteristics of the chip or capacitor after mounting. 2.2 Preferred rated values
2.2.1 Rated temperature
Capacitors covered by this standard have a rated temperature equal to the upper category temperature, unless the lower category temperature exceeds 125°C. 2.2.2 Rated voltage (UR)
The preferred value of the rated voltage is the value of the R5 number system of ISO3. If other values must be used, they should be selected from the R10 number system: 2.2.3 Category voltage (0)
According to the definition of 2.2.18 in GB2693-90, because the rated temperature is specified as the upper category temperature, the category voltage is equal to the rated voltage.
2.2.4 Preferred values and allowable deviations of nominal capacitance Preferred estimation of nominal capacitance
The nominal capacitance should be selected from the E3.E6, E12 and F24 series in GH2471. Preferred nominal capacitance allowable deviations of 1-class capacitors Table 1
Preferred series
CR10 pF
土5次 Class 2 capacitors Priority nominal capacitance allowable deviation Priority series
E3 and E6
E6 and E12
2.2.5 Temperature coefficient (4)
Class 1 capacitors
Allowable deviation.
—20/ 150
Minimum allowable deviation
Ck10 pF
+ 0. 25 pF
Letter code
Letter code
2-2.5.1 Table 3 specifies the preferred nominal temperature coefficients and their allowable deviations in parts per million per degree Celsius (10-5/℃) and the corresponding class codes
The detailed specification shall specify the minimum capacitance for each tolerance coefficient. For the minimum capacitance with a given allowable deviation of the temperature coefficient, the verification can be carried out, but the accuracy of the specified capacitance measurement method must be considered. For capacitance less than the minimum capacitance:
a) The detailed specification shall specify the allowable deviation of the temperature coefficient and the multiplication factor of the allowable capacitance change at the lower and upper category temperatures: b) Where necessary, special measurement methods may be used. If required, they should be specified in the detailed specification. Table 4 specifies the temperature coefficient and allowable deviation for each of the following groups of dielectrics and the relative change in capacitance allowed at the lower and upper category temperatures (expressed in 10\). The temperature coefficient and allowable deviation are expressed in units of one millionth per degree Celsius (10-/C). Nominal temperature
-- 100
Temperature coefficient
Allowable deviation
1The underlined ones are the preferred temperature coefficients.
Temperature coefficient.
Letter code
2The nominal temperature coefficient and the allowable deviation are determined by the capacitance change between 20℃ and 85℃. The allowable deviation is
3For example, a capacitor with a temperature coefficient of 0×10/C and a temperature coefficient allowable deviation of ±30×IC/C is indicated as a CG grade capacitor (grade [B].
4These temperature coefficients are not tested because no limit values for capacitance change are specified in Table 4. 2.2.6Capacitance temperature characteristics
Table 5 indicates the preferred values of capacitance temperature characteristics when DC voltage is applied and not applied, and gives the grade code method. For example, a dielectric with a relative change of more than 20% when no DC voltage is applied in the temperature range from -55℃ to 125℃ is called a 2C:1 grade dielectric. 9324-1996
s' -/0'
62 0-/29*9—
68 *6-/1-
88 168-
0° 1k: /9*9s
9 :2T -- /f *g2 —-
082 111-
86 '2-/ER'9-
$610:/0t *-
S6*1/s6 1-
*8/55*| |tt||9 79—/8 *68 --
'02—/ 22
'55 *22
65 *1/06 *0 -
26 */s10||tt ||198—/5*5
6*62/2 *91
T'6/+ -Th
60 '8/08 -1-
86 * -/08 2-
.0 —
01 /s *6
(H)09 in
3/. ot
000 T-||tt ||GB/T 9324—1996
Maximum relative change of capacitance measured at 20°C within the category temperature range when voltage is applied and not applied, %
No voltage applied DC voltage
Apply rated DC voltage
-10/- 15
F 30/---90
Category intensity range and corresponding digital code55/ 85
Note: When the upper category temperature exceeds 125°C, the detailed specification shall specify the two conditions when DC voltage is applied and not applied. The temperature range for dry dielectric temperature characteristics is defined in the same way as the category temperature range. 2.2.7 Dimensions
The recommended rules for size combinations and codes are given in Appendix A. Chapter 3 Quality Assessment Procedures
3 Quality Assessment Procedures
3.1 Initial Manufacturing Stage
The initial manufacturing stage is the stage after the dielectric-electrode assembly. The first co-sintering. 3.2 Structurally similar components
Capacitors manufactured with the same process and materials can be considered to be structurally similar capacitors even if their dimensions and values may be different.
3-3 Release batch certification record
When the detailed specifications have provisions and the user has requirements, it should be carried out according to the requirements of 3.5.1 in GB2693--90. After the durability test, the requirements for variable parameter data are also capacity changes, 3.4 Approval
The procedure for the approval test is specified in 3.4 of the general specification GB2693-90. The list of approval tests based on batch and periodic tests is in this standard. 3.5 The procedures for sampling using a fixed sample size are specified in 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 below. 3.4.1 Sampling procedures for identification and approval based on a fixed sample size 3.4.2b of GB2693-90 specifies the fixed sample size. Sampling procedure. The sample should represent the range of capacitors for which approval is sought. This range may or may not be the full range covered by the detailed specification. The sample should consist of each temperature coefficient of the Class 1 capacitors for which approval is sought, each temperature characteristic of the Class 2 capacitors, and each voltage The capacitors with the highest and lowest rated voltages, the largest and smallest sizes, and the maximum capacitance of these sizes are combined. When there are more than 4 rated voltages, one of the intermediate voltages should also be tested. Approval requires testing of one of the four values or six values (capacitance/capacitance combination) for each temperature coefficient of Class 1 capacitors or each temperature characteristic of Class 2 capacitors. T 9324-.-1996
When the range is less than 4 values, the number of test samples shall be tested according to the requirements of 4 values. However, the capacitors in the application for approval have more than one temperature coefficient or For temperature characteristics, see 3.4.2. The use of backup samples is permitted in the following circumstances: a) One sample of each value may be used to replace samples in the group that are allowed to fail; b) One sample of each value may be used to replace samples that are not allowed to fail due to non-manufacturing reasons. Unqualified samples. "0\ The sample size specified for group is the sum of the sample sizes used for all test groups. If this is not the case, the sample size may be reduced accordingly.
Add to the list of approved tests When adding test groups, the sample size required for the "0\ group test" should be increased according to the sample size required for the additional test groups. Table 6 specifies the sample size for each group or subgroup of the identification and approval test. 3.4.2 Tests
For the approval of capacitors covered by a detail specification, a series of tests as specified in Tables 6 and 7 are required. Each set of tests shall be carried out in the order specified. All samples should be tested in group 0 before being assigned to other groups. Samples found to be unqualified in the test of group 0 cannot be used in other groups. A capacitor that does not meet all or part of a test condition is considered a nonconforming product. When more than one temperature coefficient is applied for approval of a Class 1 capacitor at the same time, the effect of the melting temperature coefficient shall be The required sample size and test procedure are for Groups 1, 2 and 3. For each other temperature coefficient, the detailed sample size and test are as per 3.3 Grouping and Group 4.
Approved Based on a temperature coefficient, the number of unqualified products allowed is specified in Table 6. In addition to the minimum temperature coefficient, in order to calculate the total, The actual number of defectives, the number of defectives in the minimum temperature coefficient of groups 1, 2 and 3 shall be increased to the number of defectives in each other temperature coefficient of group 3.3 and group 4. Note: Tables 6 and 7 together constitute a list of fixed sample size tests. Table 6 includes sampling for different tests or test groups. Table 7 and Chapter 1 contain the test details, which specify a complete summary of the test conditions and performance requirements.and indicate the test methods and test conditions that must be selected in the detailed specification.
The test conditions and performance requirements for fixed sample size tests shall be consistent with those specified in the detailed specification for quality consistency inspection.
Sampling plan for identification and approval test and the allowable number of nonconforming products Sample size (n) and the allowable number of nonconforming products (pl) Test group
Appearance inspection
Electrical capacity
Vibration loss tangent
Insulation resistance
Withstand voltage
Allowed group
Clause of this specification
4 or less Tests for 6 values
Test group
Terminal strength"
Resistance to soldering heat
Component margin
1B inflammability
Marking solvent
Terminal electrode bonding strength
: Appearance inspection
Electrical angle cut
Insulation resistance
Kitchen appliance store
Rapid temperature change
: Climate sequence
Steady-state damp heat
Humidity coefficient (1 pair)
Temperature characteristics (2 types)
GB/T 9324—1996
Table 6 (complete)
Sample size () and number of permissible nonconforming products (d) Clauses of this specification
1) The measured values for the third group of tests shall be used as the initial measurement base values. 2) No more than one nonconforming product shall be allowed in any test of the "4-value or less" value
6 Test of the "product value"
3 If a capacitor is found to have nonconforming products after installation, it shall not be considered when the original nonconforming products are allowed for the following tests. The nonconforming products shall be replaced with backup capacitors.
4 Not applicable to strip-terminal capacitors.
5> Applicable to strip-terminal capacitors.
6) Chip capacitors mounted on an alumina substrate shall not be applicable as specified in the detailed specification. 7) Capacitor crown/voltage combination, see 3.4. 1.8) If there is a requirement in the detailed specification, the clause section of the test item performance requirements of GB/T9324-1996 "Approval Test Schedule" is quoted from Chapter 4: Test and measurement procedures. In the table: D--destructive
Clause number and test item are as follows
(See Note 1)
1.5 Visual inspection
4.5 Dimensions (detailed)
4.6.1 Capacitance
4.6.2 Dissipation angle tangent
1.6.3 Insulation resistance
4.6.4 Withstand voltage
4.16 Terminal strength
(if applicable)
4.10.2 Initial measurement
4.10 Soldering resistance
4.10 .4 Final measurement
4.17 Component resistance to solvents
(if applicable)
1.11 Solderability
Test conditions
(Note 1)
Turnover rate. Hz
Measurement voltage
Frequency and measurement voltage are the same as in 4.6.1
Method see detailed specification
Method see detailed specification
Test Ua force 2.5N
Test b, method 1, force 2.5, Li
Drinking number: 1
External inspection
Special treatment according to 4. 1 item
(Class 2)
Method 1A
Recovery 124+2h
Visual inspection
Solvent temperature.
Method 1
Wipe material, absorbent cotton
Method 1
Sample size (n)
And allowed non-existence
Number of items (pt)
See Table 6
See Table 6
See Table 6
Performance requirements
(See Note 1)
According to 4.5.2. The marking is clear and in accordance with the detailed specifications. See the detailed specifications. Within the specified allowable deviation range. According to 4. B.2. According to No puncture or flying. No visible damage. According to 4.10.4. According to 4.10.4. See the detailed specifications.
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