title>HG 3099-1989(1997) Specification for materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural rubber gaskets for construction - HG 3099-1989(1997) - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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HG 3099-1989(1997) Specification for materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural rubber gaskets for construction

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 3099-1989(1997)

Standard Name: Specification for materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural rubber gaskets for construction

Chinese Name: 建筑橡胶密封垫预成型实心硫化的结构密封垫用材料规范

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1989-02-21

Date of Implementation:1989-12-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Chemicals>>Rubber Products and Auxiliary Materials>>G43 Rubber Seals

associated standards

alternative situation:Replacement GB 10711-1989 replaced by HG/T 3099-2004

Procurement status:EQV ISO 5892-1981

Publication information

Publication date:1989-12-01

other information

Introduction to standards:

This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO 5892;1981 "Material Specification for Preformed Solid Vulcanized Structural Sealing Gaskets for Building Rubber Gaskets". HG 3099-1989 (1997) Material Specification for Preformed Solid Vulcanized Structural Sealing Gaskets for Building Rubber Gaskets HG3099-1989 (1997) Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

UDC 678.4:621-762:69
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Adjusted to: H/t30-89
Rubber building gaskets-Materials for preformedsolid vulcanized structural gaskets-Specification1989-03-31Promulgated
Implementation on 1989-12-01
Promulgated by the State Administration of Technical Supervision
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Rubber building gaskets-Materials for preformedsolid vulcanized structural gaskets-Specification.sS The standard is equivalent to the international standard S.O5892-1981 "Building Rubber Sealing Materials - Specifications"
1 Subject content and scope of application
GB 10711--89
Neck-formed solid vulcanized rubber structural sealing gaskets This standard specifies the requirements for building quality molded solid vulcanized rubber structural sealing materials. In particular, the lock-type sealing is regulated. This standard is not applicable to the sealing materials of glass panels for building. 2 Reference standards GB 528 (H 531 GB 1682 GH 2828 GB3512 Determination of tensile strength of rubber Test method for type A bursting strength of rubber Test method for temperature of rubber sparseness Test method for batch inspection of rubber counting and group sampling table (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) Test method for thermal aging of rubber GB3672 GB 5721 GB 5722 CB 6031 GB7529 GB 7759
Rubber, solid molded and extruded products, size, marking, packaging, transportation, general specifications for rubber sealing products, general provisions for rubber sealing products
Determination of hardness of vulcanized rubber (30~85IRHT)) Standard test for the appearance of molded and extruded rubber products. Standard for the determination of the constant deformation of vulcanized rubber under normal humidity and high temperature. Determination of the shrinkage resistance of vulcanized rubber under constant deformation under normal humidity and high temperature. Static batch test method for ozone resistance of vulcanized rubber. GB 7762
GH10710 Specification for compression ratio of preformed vulcanized rubber for concrete road shrinkage joints. 3 Classification
3.1 The hardness of the materials in this standard is divided into two grades: E and 1, and the corresponding preferred nominal hardness is 75 and 85. 1RHDF type is used for sealing and lock strip type. F type is only used for lock strip type sealing. 3.2 Marking information
3.2.1 Use Chinese pinyin initials and numbers for marking, i.e. product code, degree, manufacturing unit code, standard number. Dong Bin:
Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on February 21, 1989, and implemented on December 1, 1989
GB 10711-B9
GB × ×.x ×
9.2.2 If the standard number is known, it shall be marked as "×××". 4 Technical requirements
4.1 Materials and processes
Standard number
Manufacturing unit code
Hardness grade code
Building rubber sealing gasket
4.1.1 The rubber used to make the sealing gasket must be made of ozone-resistant rubber, and the raw materials and manufacturing process used shall comply with the requirements of relevant technical specifications.
4.1.2. The rubber compound shall be mixed evenly, and there shall be no visible rubber particles and impurities larger than 0.2 mm. 4.1.3 The gasket, especially the sealing surface, shall be free of pores and surface defects. 4.2 Size
The size of the gasket shall be agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. The tolerance shall comply with the provisions of GB3672. 4.3-General requirements
4.3.1 Sample
The sample shall be cut from the gasket. If the sample cannot be cut from the gasket, it shall be cut by From the same batch of rubber materials used to produce the gasket, prepare vulcanized sheets of suitable size using the same process conditions as the raw gasket, and cut the specimens from these sheets. 4.3.2 Physical properties
The physical properties of the material shall meet the requirements of the following table.
Hardness (RHI)
Basic physical properties
Tear elongation at break
Compression set (100, 22h)
||Naibin (200pphm, tensile 20%, 40℃ hold for 100h) low temperature hardness (IRHI) increase (-10℃ hold for 7d) hot air (aging (100℃ aging for 14d store): hardness (IRIID) change
My strength change
Tear strength change
Low temperature brittleness
Read the temperature selection according to the climate conditions of the area where the sealing gasket is used:
No cracking,
+ 10 ~ 0
F class"
The sample does not break
Note: 1), 2) When using 70 and 80 degree grade materials, their performance indicators are respectively in accordance with the requirements of F and F classes. 2
Test methods
GB 6031
GB 528
GB 7762
GB10710 Annex A
GR 528
4.4 Special requirements
GB 10711—89
If there are special requirements for materials, such as contact and spray box pollution, flame retardancy, low temperature compression permanent deformation, low temperature brittleness, etc., the supply and demand parties shall agree.
5 Test methods
The appearance of the rubber material shall be inspected by daylight, and the appearance requirements of the sealing gasket shall be inspected according to GB7529. 5.11
The hardness shall be measured according to GB6031.
When it is difficult to measure according to GBB31, GB531 can be used for source measurement, and CB6031 is used as the arbitration test method. 5.8 The tensile strength and tear elongation shall be measured according to G3528, using a type 1 dumbbell-shaped test piece. 5.4 The compression water permanent deformation shall be measured according to GB7759, using a type B specimen. The ozone resistance shall be measured according to GB7762.
Hot air aging shall be tested according to GB3512. 5.6
The low-temperature hardness change shall be measured by the method described in Appendix A of GB10710. The low-temperature compression permanent deformation shall be tested by the method described in Appendix A. 5.8
It is recommended that after compression for 22 hours at -25, the compression permanent deformation of Class F shall not be greater than 80% and the compression permanent deformation of Class F shall not be greater than 90%. 5.9 Contact and frost pollution shall be tested according to the method described in Appendix B. 5.10 The lip seal pressure shall be measured according to the method described in Appendix C. This method is mentioned as an example. Its detailed method and specific requirements depend on the cross-sectional shape of the gasket and should be agreed upon by the relevant parties.
5.11 Low temperature brittleness shall be tested in accordance with GB1682. 5.12 Flame resistance shall be tested in accordance with the method agreed upon by the supply and demand parties. 6
Inspection rules
6.1 Rubber material
The same type of rubber material produced by the same shift and the same machine is considered a batch. 6.1.1
6.1.2 The appearance of the rubber material shall be inspected roll by roll. 6.1.3 Samples from each batch shall be tested for basic physical properties. 6.1.4 The hot air aging, low temperature brittleness, ozone resistance, low temperature hardness increase, etc. of the rubber material shall be sampled at least once every quarter. 6.1.5 When the test result is unqualified, double the sample should be taken for retesting the unqualified items. If the retest is unqualified, the material is allowed to be repaired once. The repair must be carried out on all performance tests. If one of the items is still unqualified, the rubber material of the roller is unqualified. At the same time, the batch of rubber materials should be inspected roll by roll.
6.2 Sealing gaskets
6.2.1 The number of sealing gaskets per batch shall not exceed 500. 6.2.2 The appearance of the sealing gaskets shall be inspected piece by piece. 6.2.34
The size of each batch of gaskets is sampled according to the general inspection level II (H) of GB2828, and the qualified quality level (AQL) is 4.
Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
7.1 The marking, packaging, transportation and storage of materials refer to the requirements of GB5721 and GB5722. 7.2 The materials should be packed in suitable packaging boxes, and the weight of each box shall not exceed 50kg. 7.3 Under the condition of complying with GB572, the storage period of the rubber compound is three months, calculated from the date of manufacture. The rubber compound that exceeds the storage period shall be re-tested for performance according to the specific requirements specified in the table, and can only be used after passing the test. The storage period of the gasket is two years.
A1 Principle of the method
Appendix A
Determination of compression set of vulcanized rubber at low temperature and constant deformation (reference)
A specimen of known thickness is compressed to a specified deformation at room temperature, and then kept constant at a certain low temperature for a specified time. Then relax at the test temperature, and measure the thickness from time to time after compression and relaxation. The compression set characteristics are evaluated by the recovery curve corresponding to the time. A2 Test equipment
A2.1 Compression device
The main part of the compression device consists of a pair of parallel, flat and highly polished chrome-plated steel plates or stainless steel plates. The surface roughness of the shrink plate is not more than 0.2μm, and its size is recommended to be 75mm×50mm×10mm in length, width and thickness. The size of the ring limiter made of cold-rolled steel should be such that it does not come into contact with the compressed specimen. Its height should be adapted to the size of the specimen, 9.38 ± 0.01 mm and 4.72 = 0.01 mm respectively. The practical compression amount is about 25% of the initial height of the specimen. A2.2 Fastening device
Use a quick release device, a groove wheel or a pneumatic filter, or a vise to fix the steel plate and the compressed specimen. A2.3 Low temperature box
The low temperature box in which the specimen is placed can be a mechanical refrigeration type or can be directly cooled by dry ice or liquid nitrogen, but the temperature of the low temperature box must be controlled within + [℃ of the fixed temperature.
AS specimen
A3.1 Specimen preparation
A3.1.1 Large specimen: a disc-shaped specimen with a diameter of 29.0 ± 0.5 mm and a thickness of 12.5 ± 0.5 mm, prepared by molding or cutting. When cutting, use a sharp rotating circular punch or rotary knife. A8.1.2 Small specimen: a disc-shaped specimen with a diameter of 13.0 ± 0.5 mm and a thickness of 6.3 ± 0.3 mm, prepared according to the provisions of A3.1.1.
A3.,2 Measurement of thickness
The thickness of the specimen is measured with a thickness gauge.
A3.3 Number of specimens
One specimen should be tested per month. bZxz.net
A4 Test temperature and test time
A4.1 Test temperature
The test shall be conducted at one of the following temperatures:
10 = 1℃
-25 = 1 C
40 = 1℃
-55 ± 1 C
-75± 1
A4.2 Test time
The test time shall be either 24-2h or 72-2h from the moment the compressed device is placed in the low temperature box. A5 Test procedure
A5.1 At the standard test room temperature, measure the initial thickness at the center of the specimen to an accuracy of 0.01mm. A5.2 Keep the cleaned compressed device at the standard test room temperature. If lubrication is required, a thin layer of oil that does not work on rubber base wood can be used for lubrication.
Place the specimen and the limiter together between a pair of compression plates, tighten the clamping device, and bring the three compression plates closer to each other halfway until the limiter contacts.
A5.3 Apply the pressure to the compression device for about 30 minutes, and place it in a low humidity box at the specified temperature. A5.4 After the test time is reached, relax the clamping device as soon as possible and start the stopwatch to let the time. In the low humidity box, read the thickness at the center of the specimen at time intervals (the recommended time interval is 10.30s = 1, 3, 10, 30min; 2 h).
A6 Evaluation and expression of results
The compression deformation (C) is expressed as a percentage of the initial compression amount, such as or (A1). da-d2
The initial thickness of the specimen, mt
The height of the limiter, mm;
The height of the specimen after recovery, mm.
The compression set is usually calculated after a recovery time of 105 (cm) and 1800s (cm). The test results of the two specimens should be within 5 of the average value of the compression set, otherwise the test should be repeated. Appendix B
Test method for vulcanized rubber contact with organic contamination (reference)
B1 Principle of method
The rubber specimen is clamped between two painted metal or plastic plates. After being placed in an air circulation drying oven at a specified temperature for a certain period of time, the degree of contamination of the metal plate or plastic plate is checked. B2 Terminology
|B2.1 Contact pollution Pollution that occurs on the surface that is in direct contact with the rubber. B2.2 Migration pollution Pollution that occurs on the surface around the contact angle B3 Test equipment
The air circulation drying oven should meet the requirements of GB3512. B4 Test specimen
B4.1 Rubber test specimen
The test specimen should be a known square with uniform thickness. It is best to cut it from a film with a thickness of 2±0.2mm, and its minimum size is 25mm×12mm. The test specimen can also be cut from the finished product. It needs to be cleaned with a non-alkaline soap solution before testing. 5
B4.2 Metal or plastic plate
GB 10.711—89
Metal or plastic panels shall be painted with a coating agreed upon by the supplier and the buyer. If not specifically specified, a white acrylic-based baking enamel shall be used. This paint shall be dried in an air-circulating drying oven at 125°C for 30 min. The test shall be started between 24 and 28 h after drying. B4.3 Blank and reference samples
B4.8.1 Blank sample
Blank sample is a kind of inert material used to replace the rubber sample, and its preparation and processing methods should be the same as those of the test sample. The inert material used to replace the rubber sample is generally an aluminum sheet with a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 mm. B4.3.2 Reference sample
The difference between the reference sample and the blank sample is that although they have the same structure as the test sample and are prepared in the same way as the test sample, they require certain measures to prevent light exposure, that is, appropriate covering during exposure. B4.4 Parking of samples
The minimum parking time between vulcanization and testing should be 16 hours. B4.5 Number of samples
Usually 1 sample is used.
B5 Test procedure
B5.1 Place the rubber sample Between two painted gold chips or plastic plates, the size of the plates should be such that at least 20mm wide edges are left around the specimen. A pressure of ±1kPa (calculated according to the specimen area) is applied to the assembly. B5.2 Place the assembly with the specimen in an air circulation oven at a temperature of 70±2℃ for 24-2h (no other volatile substances or substances that may cause contamination or generate steam should be allowed in the oven). B5.3 After the assembly is taken out of the drying oven, wash one of the plates with distilled water containing about 2% non-alkaline detergent, and check for contact contamination and migration contamination according to B6. B6 Assessment of contamination degree
Assess the contamination degree according to the above method and contamination level: monthly assessment of the contamination degree relative to the empty cavity or reference specimen. The contamination level is divided into the following levels:
No contamination; slight contamination; moderate contamination; severe contamination. Appendix C
Method for measuring lip seal pressure
This appendix is ​​equivalent to the appendix of the international standard ISO5892-1981 "Building rubber gaskets--preformed solid vulcanized structural gasket materials--specification".
C1. Principle of the method
This test method measures the pressure exerted by the gasket on the material placed in its groove adjacent to it. The method simulates actual service conditions and measures the force required to open the gasket to a distance expressed by the thickness of the material it seals. In the case of double groove seals, the method is completed by inserting a solid material of a specified thickness in the appropriate position in the groove opposite to the groove of the gasket being tested. Therefore, these measurements reflect the forces encountered during use. C2 Equipment
C2.1 The testing machine should be an electric tensile testing machine with a detachable crosshead. The testing machine shall be equipped with an adjustable crosshead speed controller and a suitable dynamometer, accurate to 2% of full scale reading, and an indicating and recording device for measuring the applied force. C2.2 and C2.1. The test machine described above shall be similar to the type shown in Figure C1. Figure C1. Lip Seal Tester
C2.3 The lip separator used to separate the test piece shall be made of curved steel, as shown in Figure C2a. C2.4 The separator used to press the test piece shall be made of stainless steel, as shown in Figure C2b. C2.5 When testing double groove seals as shown in Figure C1, the width of the metal limiter used should be the same as the width of the test piece, its thickness should be the same as the thickness of the material to be installed, and at least 13mm wider than the depth of the groove. 0.8mm inner chamfer
b, mold (press) (with side)
C3 test piece
Huizheng products
Kun joint
b mold (with) (outside)
Figure C2 lip separator
C3.1 The compression test piece should be at least 20mm in length and not more than 305mm in actual rate. At least four test pieces are tested for each batch of gaskets.
c3.2 The first test piece shall be two corners with a length of 25 mm measured from the inside of the bend. At least four test pieces shall be tested for each batch. 8
C4 Test procedure
C4.1 Place the test piece on the test machine shown in Figure C! If it is a double groove bend seal, a specific type of limiter shall be placed in the groove of the test groove to ensure that it is positioned. Tools shall be provided to support the test device so that when tension is applied to the groove, the test piece will remain in position during the test. It is important to ensure that the lip separator is firmly grasped, otherwise the clamp of the test machine will not be able to withstand the test. Carry out the test under the standard experimental width. (4.2) At an average speed of 5.0=0.1mm:min, separate the length of the sealing force, the distance from the virtual to the question, etc., which is intended to be used to install the material. C4.3 When the separation has reached the specified distance, turn off the testing machine and record the force produced by this distance. C4.4 Repeat the operations of C4.1 to (4.3) until the test is completed. C4.5 Take the total pressure (>/m) as the total pressure, and use formula (1) to calculate the pressure drop (PLs) of each test groove: pts-f/l
Where: F is the tension of the test piece! To the required distance! ,; a test length (in case o.002m), m.
Run: Liu Yumo in the model, the length of the outer side of the bend. Additional remarks:
This standard is issued by the Northwest Rubber Industry Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard is the responsibility of the Shandong Rubber Industry Research Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The author of this standard is Li Zongfu.
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Structural Rubber Gaskets
Preformed Solid Vulcanized
Structural Gaskets Material Specification
GB 10711--89
Published by China Standards Press
(Beijing Fuwai Sanlihe)
Printed by Beijing Printing Factory of China Standards Publishing House
Distributed by Xinhua Store Beijing Distribution Office Sold by Xinhua Stores in all regions Copyright reserved, no reproduction allowed
Format 880×120 1/16 Printing sheet 3/4
Word count 18000
First edition July 1990 First printing July 1990 Number of copies 1-3000
Book number: 155066·1-7222 Price 0.75 yuan*
Standard H 10-11
do- Ioe yon
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