Some standard content:
This standard adopts 15031132-1:2000 rolling bearing specification Part 1 Technical theory and definition 3 (English brand). This standard replaces GT4191984 dynamic bearing tolerance specification. This standard is based on ISO1132-1,2UH standard. Since the applicable parts in the standard are not "equivalent" to the corresponding international standards, this standard has made some changes when adopting 191321:2000. The relevant technical differences are marked with a vertical single line (:) in the blanks of the relevant paragraphs. In order to facilitate the use of this standard, the following changes have been made: - "this part" is changed to "this standard"; - the scale and foreword of the international standard are excluded; three of the language texts are deleted from the version including four language texts; - the standard name is collected; - for ease of use, the Hanno version given in alphabetical order is added: This standard recommends GR/T11S Compared with 1981, the main changes are as follows: Chapter 1 "Normative References" is added in the middle (Chapter 1 of 1984 edition; Chapter 1 of this edition); Chapter 2 "Normative References" is added (see Chapter 2); Chapter 3 "General Provisions" is added in the middle (Chapter 3 of 1984 edition; Chapter 3 of this edition); Chapter 4 "Some Terms and Their Definitions" is added (see 91.13); The names and definitions of terms, circles and circles are deleted (see 3.11 of 1984 edition); Chapters 5 and 6 are added with some terms and their equivalents and definitions (see 5.1.3, 5.1.12~6.1.16, 5.2.3, 5.2.12~3, 2, 1f, 5, 3, 6~5. 3. 9, 3. 16~5. 3. 21, 6. 3, 3): The definitions in the two chapters "Outline Dimensions" and "Reversal Accuracy" were reorganized. "Shape", "Surface Perpendicularity", "Micro-Track Parallelism" and "Henry Variation" were classified into the newly added "Geometric Tolerances" chapter (4.3, 5.3--5.6 of the 1954 edition, 6.1~5. 4
In Chapter 1, some terms and their symbols and definitions are added (see 7.1.3, 7.2.5, 7.2.6). The term "runout of the belt surface to the raceway" is revised (5.2 of the 1984 edition, 7.2 of this edition), and the term "runout of the inner surface S" and the variation of the outer surface line to the reference end surface S" and their definitions are revised (5.3, 5.5 of the 1984 edition; 3.3.1, 6. 3.2)
- The original appendix "New H terminology symbol comparison table" was deleted, and the informative appendix "Description of vertical dimension tolerance" was added (see Appendix A). Reference documents were added:
- The reference given by the unused section was added. Appendix A of this standard is an informative appendix.
This standard was proposed by China Machinery Industry Federation: This standard was issued by the National Dynamic Bearing Standardization Technical Committee (CSB1S/TC98). This standard was drafted by Lu Yang The main draft of this standard is:
The previous version of the standard replaced by this standard is: GB/T4199-1984
1 Scope
Rolling bearing tolerance standard
This standard specifies the terms applicable to the outer dimension tolerance, form and position tolerance, rotation tolerance and internal tolerance of rolling bearings, and specifies the general terms used in these tolerances and the symbols of the following concepts defined. The principles and methods of measurement and inspection determined according to the definitions in this standard are shown in GH/307.2-1935. GB/69-2002 is an important supplement to this standard. 2 Normative references
The provisions of the following documents shall become the references of this standard through the use of this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding limited content) or subscribed versions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version applies to this standard. GB/1800.1-1097 Limits and fits Part 1, Intermediate (NE9150286: 1988) GB/T16892-1097 Tolerances of shape and position for non-standard parts (E9VS010579: 1993) 1S1, 1975 Standard for length measurement 3 Total
root tear IS01: 1975, at 20°C, and when the bearing parts are completely unaffected by external forces (including load and self-weight of the parts), the overall dimensions of the bearing or bearing support should not exceed the tolerance range of its nominal dimensions. According to the definition of GB/T16892·1997, it is not applicable to non-standard parts in principle. For example, when checking the size and tolerance of stamped outer roller bearings, restrictions should be imposed on the common parts. Only the lower deviation of the inner diameter and the upper shrinkage difference of the outer diameter are applicable to the inner hole and outer surface of the entire width of the bearing. The definitions in 5.1, 5.2 and .1 are applicable to the surface between the flat sleeve and the sleeve. Unless otherwise specified, the terms "sleeve diameter", "inner diameter" and "outer diameter" in this standard are also referred to as "coil diameter", "shaft diameter" and "outer diameter" respectively. For face cone bearings, the terms "inner diameter" or "inner diameter" are now used to define "circular inner diameter", and "outer diameter" is defined by "outer diameter". In the terminology of dynamic bearings, the term "single" refers to a single inner diameter, a single outer diameter, etc. It has been used for convenience, but in its detection standard, it refers to "local, actual\, and its text is in G0/T1800.1-1997. The subscript format has the following meanings:
Let-: Made for complete sets of bearings or axial micro-original: (——Applicable to external resistance:
·——Inner figure:
Arithmetic mean of the resistance value:
To the salt level:
Applicable to two-break drying:
One...Single or Actual measured value;
Near guard ten Ling moving body:
Straight or width is not a sign symbol, suitable for set deletion or group, GR/T4199-2003
4 Help age, direction, plane, position and decay surface 4.1
Bearing shaft load
The theoretical axis of rotation of the hydrodynamic bearing.
Inner auxiliary war
inoer riog wxiy
Installation of the mesh hole according to the figure cylinder into the basic return hole of the medical forging body axis. 4.3
Outer ring shaft pad
Cylinder ring Hxis
Basic return cylinder outer surface circumscribed return cylinder shaft load. 4.4
Referrer kcefate of aring
The end face specified by the shaft system that can be used as a micro-standard. For bearings that are subjected to radial loads, the datum plane is usually the radial plane. 4.5
Radial plane
Radial plane
The plane perpendicular to the axis
For shaft requirements, the plane parallel to the tangent plane of the sleeve surface can be used as the reference plane. 4, 6
Nadial direclion
Force space through the axis in the radial plane, 4.7
Axial plane
Plane containing the axis.
axi dirceliun
Square space parallel to the axis,
When: For bearing sleeve drawings, the space perpendicular to the tangent plane of the sleeve reference end face can usually be considered as the space, 4.9
Single plane
Any radial perpendicular axial plane that can be measured. 4.10
Single dimension srledimosi
The distance between any two phase points. Explosion: It can be considered that the sound is the actual size of the part inch\ (see GB/T1309.119S7). For example, diameter, width, etc.,
actual size
The size of a case obtained by measuring, for example, diameter, width, etc.
cylindrical surface
·The surface formed by a straight line,
the surface formed by a straight line intersecting the axis
and the axis parallel to the axis. 4.14
The diameter of the contact surface of the contact surface. Properties: The contact point of the contact surface of the contact surface is in the gingiva, 4.15
Aldle of the same diameter
Rolling over the surface, passing through the midpoint or midline between the two edges: 5 Overall dimensions
Note: The dimensions specified in this chapter are the arithmetic mean of the integers of the maximum and minimum single dimensions, not the allowable limits of single dimensions. For detailed descriptions related to dimensions, see Appendix A. 5. Internal diameter
Public internal diameter
EHomlnal bored in Deler
The diameter of the cylinder that contains the theoretical inner surface of the basic circular hole. In a given radial plane, the diameter of the cone that contains the theoretical inner surface of the basic conical hole. Note: The public internal diameter of the rolling bearing is generally used as the reference value of the actual inner surface deviation of the basic three diameters) 5. 1.2
Single internal diameter Blinal bore dlamelerd.
The distance between two parallel lines drawn with the intersection of the actual bore surface and the meridional plane. 5.1.3
Single bore diameter in a single plane
Single bore diameter associated with a specific radial plane. 5.1.4
Single bore diameter difference between a single bore and the nominal bore:. = d, -d, 5.1.5
Inner diameter variation basic national bore diameter Ya.
The difference between the maximum and minimum single bore diameters of a single set of medical. V is a mountain. 5.1.6
Mean inner diameter: basic cylindrical hole: meDboredameterda
Average inner diameter of a single large and small sample, a.=(d.+d.)25.1.7
Basic deviation of mean inner diameter #devlatloofmeanboredaneter GB/T4199—2003
The difference between the mean inner diameter and the nominal inner diameter. 5. 1. 8
mean bore diameter in a single plane
is the difference between the nominal bore diameter and the minimum single plane bore diameter. = (dm+)/25. 1. 9
mean bore diameter in a single plane
is the difference between the nominal bore diameter and the minimum single plane bore diameter. n=dmd. 5. 1. 10
mean bore diameter in a single plane
is the difference between the nominal bore diameter and the minimum single plane bore diameter. Va=dm-5. 1. 11
Variety of mean diameter variation. Variation of mean horediamelerYar
Difference between a single variable and the minimum single plane mean diameter, Vam-mll. 5.1. 12
Nominal diameter of rolling element group without inner circumference bearing: nominalbaredumrierufrolliugelement.coniplenentF
Direct inspection of the theoretical concave inscribed in all rolling elements. 5.1. 13
single burrd inner diameter of rolling element group (radial bearing) single burrd inner diameter of rolling element group F.
The distance between two parallel lines tangent to the intersection of the inner and outer planes of the rolling element group is called the distance between two parallel lines tangent to the inner and outer planes of the rolling element group. 5.1.14
sniallest single horedia meier of rolling element group (radial bearing) The minimum inner diameter of the rolling element group is the minimum inner diameter of the rolling element group, the inner diameter of the rolling element group is the inner hole of the rolling element group, at least in the radial direction, the radial direction can remove the vertical force of the cylinder, the average inner diameter of the rolling element group (without inner centripetal bearing) mean bore diameter of ... 1. 16
Rate bearing group mean inner diameter deviation, Yuanroushai stress bearing: levintinnof meanharediameterofroll elementcmpkement
The difference between the inner diameter of the bearing group and the nominal inner diameter. F-F. 5.2Outer diameter
Nominal outer diameter <base column outer surface> numericalomsldedliametern
The diameter of the cylinder containing the theoretical outer surface. Note: The nominal external weight of a bearing is the basic diameter (basic height) of the actual external surface. 5.2.2
Single outside diameter slngleoutsddedlrmelerD.
The quotient of the tangent lines intersecting the actual external surface and a radial plane. 5.2.3
Single butskde dlameter In a slngle planeD-
The single outside diameter associated with a specific radial plane. 5.2.4
Single outer diameter adjustment difference (base cylinder outer surface)
Difference between single outer diameter and male outer diameter. =,
Outer diameter variation
Difference between single outer diameter and male outer diameter. VD
Single outer diameter difference (base cylinder outer surface)
mean ontsidediupeter
arithmetic mean of the largest and smallest single outer diameter of a single sleeve..-(...+D...)/?5.2.7
mean outer diameter deviation (basic cylindrical outer surface) deviatianofmeanwteidediameterAn.
the difference between the mean outer diameter and the nominal outer diameter: =D, 5.2.8
mean outer diameter in a single plane mean notsidediameter in Blingle planeD
arithmetic mean of the largest and smallest single outer diameter in a single plane. D=(D+D)/25.2.9
mean outer diameter deviation in a single plane (basic cylindrical outer surface) deviation nmean outBidedlameter Iasingleplane2..p
the difference between the mean outer diameter in a single plane and the nominal outer diameter, A=E, -D. 5.2. 10
Single plane outer diameter variationDtidkediameterInslngleplaneWra
The difference between the largest and smallest single half plane outer diameters. =..—..5. 2. 11
Average outer diameter variation (basic cylindrical outer surface variationDtidkediameterInslngleplaneWra
The difference between the largest and smallest single half plane average outer diameters, Y=—GB/T4199—2003
Nominal outer diameter of the moving body cabinet: tomthaoutsidediameternfmllimgHenentconplememtE.
The diameter of all moving parts connected to the outer diameter. 5.2. 13
single outer diameter of rolling element complement E
distance between the parallel tangent line tangent to the intersection of the outer contour of the rolling element and a radial plane. 5.2,14
The maximum single outer diameter of the falling body group <the maximum single outer diameter of the falling body group (after the centripetal beat of the outer figure)largeslgingleoutsldedlameterorrollimgelementcom-plement
The maximum single outer diameter of the falling body group.
Method, the maximum single outer diameter of a single moving body assembly refers to the diameter of the moving body when it is assembled into a cylinder, at least in the aspect of the diameter height, the average outer diameter of the rolling element assembly (without outer ring radial bearing) meanoutsldedlameterofrollingelemenlpnmplementE
The arithmetic average of the maximum and minimum single outer diameters of the moving body assembly, E..一【.「F.>2,5.2. 16
The average outer diameter deviation of the rolling element assembly: without outer ring radial bearing) deviationurmeanoutstdedlameterfrolllngeleuent.tumplemen!
The difference between the average outer diameter of the moving body assembly and the nominal outer diameter. 4m=E一E, 5.3Width and height
Nominal ringwidth
B (inner ring) or C (outer ring)
The distance between the two theoretical end faces of the ring.
The distance between the two theoretical end faces of the ring.
The distance between the two theoretical end faces of the ring and the actual external value (basic size) of the stem. 5.3.2
Single width of the ring
The distance between the intersection points of the two actual ends and the tangent plane of the stem. 5.3.3
Single width difference of the ring
The distance between the two actual ends and the tangent plane of the stem. 5.3.3
Single width difference of the ring
The distance between the two actual ends and the tangent plane of the stem. 5.3.4
hrinliou of ring widlh
V. or V..
The difference between the maximum and minimum width of a single set. Vg-door or V, Cw-Cm5.3.5
Mean width of abandoned map meanringwldth
The arithmetic mean of the width of a single due to the most people and quantity single--. . -(1B,)/2variable=(Cx/
External map convex nominal width uanlnaloulerrlnginngewidtlThe distance between the two theoretical wax surfaces of the external medical door green, 5. 3. 7
Outer ring convex width sngleouterrlnglangewldth The distance between the intersection of the two actual faces of the outer flange and the required self-line of the convex end face (face) of the convex mounting. 5.3.8
Outer ring convex width deviation, deviatinnnfasinglennterringtlangewidth The difference between the outer ring four-dimensional width and the outer ring four-dimensional width, 4c., CI,-C..5.3.9
Outer ring convex width variation FarlatioofouterringnangewidthV..
The difference between the maximum width of a single outer ring and the minimum width. Vm-C.-C5.3.10
Bearing nominal width (radial bearing) nondnalbeurlugwidtBCT
The distance between the two theoretical ends of the fixed width. Note: The nominal width ratio is used as the reference size of the actual size difference. The symbol indicates the nominal height of the inner and outer widths when the bearing is equal. The symbol indicates the nominal outer seat (such as when the symbol H is used): 1 indicates the nominal height of the bearing,
actual width of the bearing (the actual width of the radial bearing is limited by the inner and outer end circumferences).
The distance between the intersection of the bearing axis and the two planes that define the actual end face of the bearing. The following planes are used as the height between the bearing planes: one is the plane of the inner back, and the other is the actual plane of the outer back. At this time, the inner and outer sides and the inner and outer sides are all connected with the limited hand. 5. 3. 12
Actual bearing width deviation (the deviation of tactral hearing width
actual bearing width is determined by the inner wax surface and the outer end surface. 4=1, T. 5. 3. 13
Nominal bearing height thrust) noainalbarinyheigh
limited by the two seat rings of the shaft. Students: temporarily re-measure the actual height to consider the difficulty of the car, the basic less). GB/T 4199—2003
Actual bearing height <Thrust bearing> upper bearing height T.
The distance between the bearing axis and the intersection of the actual back and tangent planes that limit the bearing width: 5.3.15
Actual height difference of auxiliary bearing (thrust bearing> deliat lon of the actual bearing height The difference between the actual bearing height and the nominal height. △u=, T. 5.3.16
Nominal effective width of mner subunit T
The distance between the theoretical back of the inner component and the theoretical reference end face of the standard external component. 5.3.17
Actual effective width of inner component (tapered roller bearing)actualleftectivewidthafmnersubunitTt.
The distance between the inner component axis and the intersection of the inner component actual back plane and the standard outer reference plane. Note: Only when the inner surface and the standard outer circle are recorded and the inner back edge is consistent with all the limit filter single value, the measured value is valid. 5.3.18
Actual effective deviation of inner component (four-dimensional bearing)devlatlanoftheaclalrfleciivewidihnfinnersuhanit41.
The difference between the actual effective width of the inner component and the nominal effective width of the inner component: =I.-I. 5.3.19
Outer nominal effective width: For bearings: ominal effective width is the distance between the outer ring axis and the outer circle actual back surface and the inner component theoretical reference normal surface. Note: For outer single-row bearings, the distance between the outer ring axis and the outer circle actual back surface and the inner component theoretical reference normal surface is the distance between the outer ring axis and the outer circle actual back surface and the inner component theoretical reference normal surface. 5.3.20
Outer actual effective width is the distance between the outer ring axis and the outer circle actual back surface and the inner component theoretical reference normal surface. For the outer side of the convex strip, it is the difference between the back side of the real music and the standard inner component. 5.3.21
The actual effective deviation of the outer surface is the difference between the actual effective width of the outer surface and the nominal effective width of the outer surface. 4, = Work T: 5.2 Set of round chamfer dimensions
The nominal chamfer dimensions are used as the reference angle dimension value. wwW.bzxz.Net
Note: The public dimension corresponds to the smallest single angle measuring ruler. 5. 4.2
Single angle dimension siuglechamfer dincnsiunr
In a single axial plane, the distance between the imaginary sharp angle of the ring and the intersection of the ring surface and the sleeve drawing surface (in the direction >. GB/T 4199-2003
In a single axial plane, the distance between the imaginary sharp angle of the sleeve and the intersection of the ring inner hole or surface and the axial distance, 5.4.3
Single angle dimension <minimum limit dimension) smauestsingdechamferdimenslonFeuin
The minimum allowable single angle dimension. Note: It is the length of the imaginary angle corresponding to the center and the inner hole or sleeve surface in the auxiliary plane, and the material position is left outside. 5. 4. 4
Maximum single chamfer sizeMaximum limit size>largealsinglechunferdimensilanars
Allowed enlargement and axial single angle size6 geometric tolerance
6.1 Shape error method: the deviation of the basic shape of the surface from the inner circle or the outer circle of the circular farm line (inner surface) and the maximum radial distance between the circumscribed column of the surface (inner surface) or the outer circle of the line (outer surface) and any point on the surface in any radial plane. 6.1.2 Shape error: the deviation of the basic shape of the surface from the inner circle or the outer circle of the line (outer surface) and the maximum radial distance between the circumscribed column of the surface (inner surface) or the outer circle of the line (outer surface) and any point on the surface in any radial plane.
Spherical error: the deviation of the basic spherical surface from the inner circle or the outer circle of the line (outer surface) and the maximum radial distance between the circumscribed column of the surface (outer surface) and any point on the surface in any radial plane.
6.2 Parallelism of raceway
Parallelism of inner raceway to end face (inner radial ball bearings parallellsmorinnerrngracewaywlthrespectlothe face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum surface and the middle of the inner raceway. 6.2.2
Parallelism of outer raceway to end face (groove radial ball bearings) punallelismorouterringracewawithresperttothefuce
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum surface and the middle of the outer raceway. 6.3 Perpendicularityof inner ring facewithesper.ttothehnreS
GB/T 4199—2003
At the point where the distance from the index line is equal to half of the front straight line, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the plane of the inner axis and the inner reference potential surface shall be taken.
Note that this parameter is usually referred to as the auxiliary motion of the inner face. Some definitions are also based on this. The quantity is the "account motion of the inner face", which can be converted into the "effective motion of the inner face" by calculation. 6.3.2
Perpendicularity of the outer surface to the end face (basic surface note surface perpadirolarllyofouterringuutsiesurlucewithrspectlatheface
The radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer cabinet base end face - within a single dimension distance from the two outer rings with a magnified axis of 1.2, the total change in the relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface, 6. 3.3
Perpendicularltyofouterrngoutsidesprfacewithrespexl lu the Flatrgr Irack faceSict
The total variation of the relative position of each point on the same tangent line of the outer surface of the bearing in the radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer circumference of the convex back and the distance between the convex back and its opposite side 1.2 times the maximum axial single-sided dimension.6.4 Thickness variation
Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the maximum and minimum axial distances between the inner surface and the middle of the inner case.6.4.2
Variation of the thickness between the outer ring rolling circle and the outer surface (radial bearing) 6.4.3
Variation in thickness between raceway and back face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 6.4.4
Variation in thickness between raceway and back tace
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 7 Rotational movement
7.1 Longitudinal movement
The radial movement of the complete set of auxiliary bearings is Nodoli, the cumulative effect of the west evil, 7. 1. 1
Complete bearing inner circumference radial movement: radial bearing> radial ranout or inner ring otagsenbledhearngK.
The difference in radial distance between the inner circle inner hole surface at different angular positions of the inner circle relative to a fixed point outside. Let, at the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring of the bearing, 7. 1. 2
Complete bearing outer ring diameter is still moving (centripetal bearing: roxthalramtnfnnterringofassembkedbearingK.
The difference in the smallest radial distance between the outer surface of the outer ring at different angular positions relative to the inner ring of a fixed point. Note: At the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring, and the outer ring of the bearing should be found on the back of the bearing. 7, 1, 3
Complete bearing inner ring asynchronous radial movement (centripetal bearing) asynchronous radial run out of nnerrinkuasuembled
When measuring the internal and external space, the maximum and minimum radial distances between any fixed point on the outer surface of the outer figure and a fixed point on the inner surface are measured.
Note 1: The internal and external surfaces of the bearing can be measured according to the detailed surface of the outer and internal figures. 2. Repeated measurements should be made, each time taking different fixed points on the inner and external figures. 3: The movement is non-repetitive. 7.2 Axial runout
Note: The movement of the bearing is very important. 7.2.1
Axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings 3
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (groove type radial ball bearings) axdalrinautovterringorassenbedbearingS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis of the outer ring, the difference between the smallest axial distance between the foreign reference surface and the inner ring is the smallest axial distance between the angular position of the foreign reference surface and the inner ring. Note: The inner and outer rings should be closely connected, all ball bearings, 7.2.4
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (circular roller bearings) wxialrununo fouterrlgnfaemhledhaaringS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis equal to half of the average commutation diameter of the outer raceway, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the outer back surface at different angular positions relative to the inner ring fixed point: inward, the outer line should be connected to the inner back surface with all the rollers, 7.2.5
Complete bearing outer flange back surface axial end moving groove radial ball bearing) axialrunwntnfuterrlngnangebackfsce112
Cylinder error is called column surface) deviatinnfremcylricnfon'm surface (inner surface) or the circumscribed surface of a rigid body or a cable surface (outer surface) is the maximum radial distance between a column and any point on the surface in any radial plane.
Spherical error is called spherical surface (basic spherical surface) dewintionfronspherkalform surface (inner surface) or the circumscribed surface of a rigid body or a cable surface (outer surface) is the maximum radial distance between a column and any point on the surface in any radial plane.
6.2 Parallelism of raceway
Parallelism of inner raceway to end face (inner radial ball bearings parallellsmorinnerrngracewaywlthrespectlothe face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum surface and the middle of the inner raceway. 6.2.2
Parallelism of outer raceway to end face (groove radial ball bearings) punallelismorouterringracewawithresperttothefuce
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum surface and the middle of the outer raceway. 6.3 Perpendicularityof inner ring facewithesper.ttothehnreS
GB/T 4199—2003
At the point where the distance from the index line is equal to half of the front straight line, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the plane of the inner axis and the inner reference potential surface shall be taken.
Note that this parameter is usually referred to as the auxiliary motion of the inner face. Some definitions are also based on this. The quantity is the "account motion of the inner face", which can be converted into the "effective motion of the inner face" by calculation. 6.3.2
Perpendicularity of the outer surface to the end face (basic surface note surface perpadirolarllyofouterringuutsiesurlucewithrspectlatheface
The radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer cabinet base end face - within a single dimension distance from the two outer rings with a magnified axis of 1.2, the total change in the relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface, 6. 3.3
Perpendicularltyofouterrngoutsidesprfacewithrespexl lu the Flatrgr Irack faceSict
The total variation of the relative position of each point on the same tangent line of the outer surface of the bearing in the radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer circumference of the convex back and the distance between the convex back and its opposite side 1.2 times the maximum axial single-sided dimension.6.4 Thickness variation
Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the maximum and minimum axial distances between the inner surface and the middle of the inner case.6.4.2
Variation of the thickness between the outer ring rolling circle and the outer surface (radial bearing) 6.4.3
Variation in thickness between raceway and back face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 6.4.4
Variation in thickness between raceway and back tace
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 7 Rotational movement
7.1 Longitudinal movement
The radial movement of the complete set of auxiliary bearings is Nodoli, the cumulative effect of the west evil, 7. 1. 1
Complete bearing inner circumference radial movement: radial bearing> radial ranout or inner ring otagsenbledhearngK.
The difference in radial distance between the inner circle inner hole surface at different angular positions of the inner circle relative to a fixed point outside. Let, at the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring of the bearing, 7. 1. 2
Complete bearing outer ring diameter is still moving (centripetal bearing: roxthalramtnfnnterringofassembkedbearingK.
The difference in the smallest radial distance between the outer surface of the outer ring at different angular positions relative to the inner ring of a fixed point. Note: At the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring, and the outer ring of the bearing should be found on the back of the bearing. 7, 1, 3
Complete bearing inner ring asynchronous radial movement (centripetal bearing) asynchronous radial run out of nnerrinkuasuembled
When measuring the internal and external space, the maximum and minimum radial distances between any fixed point on the outer surface of the outer figure and a fixed point on the inner surface are measured.
Note 1: The internal and external surfaces of the bearing can be measured according to the detailed surface of the outer and internal figures. 2. Repeated measurements should be made, each time taking different fixed points on the inner and external figures. 3: The movement is non-repetitive. 7.2 Axial runout
Note: The movement of the bearing is very important. 7.2.1
Axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings 3
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (groove type radial ball bearings) axdalrinautovterringorassenbedbearingS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis of the outer ring, the difference between the smallest axial distance between the foreign reference surface and the inner ring is the smallest axial distance between the angular position of the foreign reference surface and the inner ring. Note: The inner and outer rings should be closely connected, all ball bearings, 7.2.4
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (circular roller bearings) wxialrununo fouterrlgnfaemhledhaaringS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis equal to half of the average commutation diameter of the outer raceway, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the outer back surface at different angular positions relative to the inner ring fixed point: inward, the outer line should be connected to the inner back surface with all the rollers, 7.2.5
Complete bearing outer flange back surface axial end moving groove radial ball bearing) axialrunwntnfuterrlngnangebackfsce112
Cylinder error is called column surface) deviatinnfremcylricnfon'm surface (inner surface) or the circumscribed surface of a rigid body or a cable surface (outer surface) is the maximum radial distance between a column and any point on the surface in any radial plane.
Spherical error is called spherical surface (basic spherical surface) dewintionfronspherkalform surface (inner surface) or the circumscribed surface of a rigid body or a cable surface (outer surface) is the maximum radial distance between a column and any point on the surface in any radial plane.
6.2 Parallelism of raceway
Parallelism of inner raceway to end face (inner radial ball bearings parallellsmorinnerrngracewaywlthrespectlothe face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum surface and the middle of the inner raceway. 6.2.2
Parallelism of outer raceway to end face (groove radial ball bearings) punallelismorouterringracewawithresperttothefuce
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum surface and the middle of the outer raceway. 6.3 Perpendicularityof inner ring facewithesper.ttothehnreS
GB/T 4199—2003
At the point where the distance from the index line is equal to half of the front straight line, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the plane of the inner axis and the inner reference potential surface shall be taken.
Note that this parameter is usually referred to as the auxiliary motion of the inner face. Some definitions are also based on this. The quantity is the "account motion of the inner face", which can be converted into the "effective motion of the inner face" by calculation. 6.3.2
Perpendicularity of the outer surface to the end face (basic surface note surface perpadirolarllyofouterringuutsiesurlucewithrspectlatheface
The radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer cabinet base end face - within a single dimension distance from the two outer rings with a magnified axis of 1.2, the total change in the relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface, 6. 3.3
Perpendicularltyofouterrngoutsidesprfacewithrespexl lu the Flatrgr Irack faceSict
The total variation of the relative position of each point on the same tangent line of the outer surface of the bearing in the radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer circumference of the convex back and the distance between the convex back and its opposite side 1.2 times the maximum axial single-sided dimension.6.4 Thickness variation
Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the maximum and minimum axial distances between the inner surface and the middle of the inner case.6.4.2
Variation of the thickness between the outer ring rolling circle and the outer surface (radial bearing) 6.4.3
Variation in thickness between raceway and back face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 6.4.4
Variation in thickness between raceway and back tace
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 7 Rotational movement
7.1 Longitudinal movement
The radial movement of the complete set of auxiliary bearings is Nodoli, the cumulative effect of the west evil, 7. 1. 1
Complete bearing inner circumference radial movement: radial bearing> radial ranout or inner ring otagsenbledhearngK.
The difference in radial distance between the inner circle inner hole surface at different angular positions of the inner circle relative to a fixed point outside. Let, at the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring of the bearing, 7. 1. 2
Complete bearing outer ring diameter is still moving (centripetal bearing: roxthalramtnfnnterringofassembkedbearingK.
The difference in the smallest radial distance between the outer surface of the outer ring at different angular positions relative to the inner ring of a fixed point. Note: At the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring, and the outer ring of the bearing should be found on the back of the bearing. 7, 1, 3
Complete bearing inner ring asynchronous radial movement (centripetal bearing) asynchronous radial run out of nnerrinkuasuembled
When measuring the internal and external space, the maximum and minimum radial distances between any fixed point on the outer surface of the outer figure and a fixed point on the inner surface are measured.
Note 1: The internal and external surfaces of the bearing can be measured according to the detailed surface of the outer and internal figures. 2. Repeated measurements should be made, each time taking different fixed points on the inner and external figures. 3: The movement is non-repetitive. 7.2 Axial runout
Note: The movement of the bearing is very important. 7.2.1
Axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings 3
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (groove type radial ball bearings) axdalrinautovterringorassenbedbearingS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis of the outer ring, the difference between the smallest axial distance between the foreign reference surface and the inner ring is the smallest axial distance between the angular position of the foreign reference surface and the inner ring. Note: The inner and outer rings should be closely connected, all ball bearings, 7.2.4
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (circular roller bearings) wxialrununo fouterrlgnfaemhledhaaringS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis equal to half of the average commutation diameter of the outer raceway, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the outer back surface at different angular positions relative to the inner ring fixed point: inward, the outer line should be connected to the inner back surface with all the rollers, 7.2.5
Complete bearing outer flange back surface axial end moving groove radial ball bearing) axialrunwntnfuterrlngnangebackfsce112. Parallelism of inner raceway to end face (inner radial ball bearings parallelsmore innerrngracewayw lt respectlothe face
the difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum face and the middle of the inner raceway. 6.2.2. Parallelism of outer raceway to end face (groove radial ball bearings) punallelismorouterringracewawithresperttothefuce
the difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum face and the middle of the outer raceway. 6.3. Perpendicularityof inner siagfacewithesper.ttothehnreS
GB/T 4199—2003
At the point where the distance from the index line is equal to half of the front straight line, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the plane of the inner axis and the inner reference potential surface shall be taken.
Note that this parameter is usually referred to as the auxiliary motion of the inner face. Some definitions are also based on this. The quantity is the "account motion of the inner face", which can be converted into the "effective motion of the inner face" by calculation. 6.3.2
Perpendicularity of the outer surface to the end face (basic surface note surface perpadirolarllyofouterringuutsiesurlucewithrspectlatheface
The radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer cabinet base end face - within a single dimension distance from the two outer rings with a magnified axis of 1.2, the total change in the relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface, 6. 3.3
Perpendicularltyofouterrngoutsidesprfacewithrespexl lu the Flatrgr Irack faceSict
The total variation of the relative position of each point on the same tangent line of the outer surface of the bearing in the radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer circumference of the convex back and the distance between the convex back and its opposite side 1.2 times the maximum axial single-sided dimension.6.4 Thickness variation
Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the maximum and minimum axial distances between the inner surface and the middle of the inner case.6.4.2
Variation of the thickness between the outer ring rolling circle and the outer surface (radial bearing) 6.4.3
Variation in thickness between raceway and back face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 6.4.4
Variation in thickness between raceway and back tace
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 7 Rotational movement
7.1 Longitudinal movement
The radial movement of the complete set of auxiliary bearings is Nodoli, the cumulative effect of the west evil, 7. 1. 1
Complete bearing inner circumference radial movement: radial bearing> radial ranout or inner ring otagsenbledhearngK.
The difference in radial distance between the inner circle inner hole surface at different angular positions of the inner circle relative to a fixed point outside. Let, at the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring of the bearing, 7. 1. 2
Complete bearing outer ring diameter is still moving (centripetal bearing: roxthalramtnfnnterringofassembkedbearingK.
The difference in the smallest radial distance between the outer surface of the outer ring at different angular positions relative to the inner ring of a fixed point. Note: At the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring, and the outer ring of the bearing should be found on the back of the bearing. 7, 1, 3
Complete bearing inner ring asynchronous radial movement (centripetal bearing) asynchronous radial run out of nnerrinkuasuembled
When measuring the internal and external space, the maximum and minimum radial distances between any fixed point on the outer surface of the outer figure and a fixed point on the inner surface are measured.
Note 1: The internal and external surfaces of the bearing can be measured according to the detailed surface of the outer and internal figures. 2. Repeated measurements should be made, each time taking different fixed points on the inner and external figures. 3: The movement is non-repetitive. 7.2 Axial runout
Note: The movement of the bearing is very important. 7.2.1
Axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings 3
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (groove type radial ball bearings) axdalrinautovterringorassenbedbearingS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis of the outer ring, the difference between the smallest axial distance between the foreign reference surface and the inner ring is the smallest axial distance between the angular position of the foreign reference surface and the inner ring. Note: The inner and outer rings should be closely connected, all ball bearings, 7.2.4
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (circular roller bearings) wxialrununo fouterrlgnfaemhledhaaringS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis equal to half of the average commutation diameter of the outer raceway, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the outer back surface at different angular positions relative to the inner ring fixed point: inward, the outer line should be connected to the inner back surface with all the rollers, 7.2.5
Complete bearing outer flange back surface axial end moving groove radial ball bearing) axialrunwntnfuterrlngnangebackfsce112. Parallelism of inner raceway to end face (inner radial ball bearings parallelsmore innerrngracewayw lt respectlothe face
the difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum face and the middle of the inner raceway. 6.2.2. Parallelism of outer raceway to end face (groove radial ball bearings) punallelismorouterringracewawithresperttothefuce
the difference between the maximum and minimum axial separation between the tangent plane of the datum face and the middle of the outer raceway. 6.3. Perpendicularityof inner siagfacewithesper.ttothehnreS
GB/T 4199—2003
At the point where the distance from the index line is equal to half of the front straight line, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the plane of the inner axis and the inner reference potential surface shall be taken.
Note that this parameter is usually referred to as the auxiliary motion of the inner face. Some definitions are also based on this. The quantity is the "account motion of the inner face", which can be converted into the "effective motion of the inner face" by calculation. 6.3.2
Perpendicularity of the outer surface to the end face (basic surface note surface perpadirolarllyofouterringuutsiesurlucewithrspectlatheface
The radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer cabinet base end face - within a single dimension distance from the two outer rings with a magnified axis of 1.2, the total change in the relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface, 6. 3.3
Perpendicularltyofouterrngoutsidesprfacewithrespexl lu the Flatrgr Irack faceSict
The total variation of the relative position of each point on the same tangent line of the outer surface of the bearing in the radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer circumference of the convex back and the distance between the convex back and its opposite side 1.2 times the maximum axial single-sided dimension.6.4 Thickness variation
Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the thickness between the inner ring rolling circle and the inner bore (radial bearing): Variation of the maximum and minimum axial distances between the inner surface and the middle of the inner case.6.4.2
Variation of the thickness between the outer ring rolling circle and the outer surface (radial bearing) 6.4.3
Variation in thickness between raceway and back face
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 6.4.4
Variation in thickness between raceway and back tace
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the back of a bearing and the center of its opposite raceway. 7 Rotational movement
7.1 Longitudinal movement
The radial movement of the complete set of auxiliary bearings is Nodoli, the cumulative effect of the west evil, 7. 1. 1
Complete bearing inner circumference radial movement: radial bearing> radial ranout or inner ring otagsenbledhearngK.
The difference in radial distance between the inner circle inner hole surface at different angular positions of the inner circle relative to a fixed point outside. Let, at the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring of the bearing, 7. 1. 2
Complete bearing outer ring diameter is still moving (centripetal bearing: roxthalramtnfnnterringofassembkedbearingK.
The difference in the smallest radial distance between the outer surface of the outer ring at different angular positions relative to the inner ring of a fixed point. Note: At the angular position of the above point, the object should be close to the inner ring, and the outer ring of the bearing should be found on the back of the bearing. 7, 1, 3
Complete bearing inner ring asynchronous radial movement (centripetal bearing) asynchronous radial run out of nnerrinkuasuembled
When measuring the internal and external space, the maximum and minimum radial distances between any fixed point on the outer surface of the outer figure and a fixed point on the inner surface are measured.
Note 1: The internal and external surfaces of the bearing can be measured according to the detailed surface of the outer and internal figures. 2. Repeated measurements should be made, each time taking different fixed points on the inner and external figures. 3: The movement is non-repetitive. 7.2 Axial runout
Note: The movement of the bearing is very important. 7.2.1
Axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial axial runout of a complete set of bearings (groove type ball bearings) axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings axial runout of a complete set of bearings 3
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (groove type radial ball bearings) axdalrinautovterringorassenbedbearingS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis of the outer ring, the difference between the smallest axial distance between the foreign reference surface and the inner ring is the smallest axial distance between the angular position of the foreign reference surface and the inner ring. Note: The inner and outer rings should be closely connected, all ball bearings, 7.2.4
Axial movement of the outer ring of a complete set of bearings (circular roller bearings) wxialrununo fouterrlgnfaemhledhaaringS.
At the radial distance from the outer axis equal to half of the average commutation diameter of the outer raceway, the difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the outer back surface at different angular positions relative to the inner ring fixed point: inward, the outer line should be connected to the inner back surface with all the rollers, 7.2.5
Complete bearing outer flange back surface axial end moving groove radial ball bearing) axialrunwntnfuterrlngnangebackfsce11ttothehnreS
GB/T 4199—2003
The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distances between the plane of the inner axial load and the inner reference potential plane at the point where the distance from the index line is equal to half of the front straight line.
Note that this parameter is usually defined as the auxiliary force of the inner axial load facing the inner turbulence. The amount of position is the "movement of the inner surface to the grid", which can be converted into "movement of the inner surface" by calculation. 6.3.2
Perpendicularity of outer ring to end face (basic surface note: perpendicularity of outer ring to end face) is the total change of relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface within a single dimension distance between the two axes of the outer ring. 6.3.3
Perpendicularity of outer ring to end face (basic surface note: perpendicularity of outer ring to end face) is the total change of relative position of each point on the same line of the outer surface within a single dimension distance between the two axes of the outer ring. faeeSict
The total variation of the relative position of each point on the same tangent line of the outer surface of the bearing in the radial direction parallel to the tangent plane of the outer convex back of the bearing, within a distance of 1.2 times the maximum axial single-side dimension of the convex back and its opposite side. 6.4 Thickness variation
Variation of the thickness of the inner ring rolling contact and the inner bore (radial bearing): varintiominthicknessbetwelinierringrarewayaadbore
The difference between the maximum and minimum radial distances between the inner surface and the middle of the inner case. 6,4.2
Variation of the thickness of the outer ring rolling contact and the outer surface (radial bearing) 6.4.3 Variation in thickness of raceway and back face (flat surface of bearing) Variation in thickness of raceway and back face (flat surface of bearing) The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distance between the back of the bearing and the center of the opposite raceway. 6.4.4 Variation in thickness of raceway and back face (flat surface of bearing) The difference between the maximum and minimum axial distance between the back of the bearing and the center of the opposite raceway. 7.1 The radial movement of the complete set of auxiliary bearings is the result of the cumulative effect ... 1
Inner radial mova
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