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HG 20640-1997 Plastic Equipment

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG 20640-1997

Standard Name: Plastic Equipment

Chinese Name: 塑料设备

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-01-12

Date of Implementation:1998-04-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical technology>>71.120 Chemical equipment Rubber and plastics industry>>83.200 Rubber and plastics industry equipment

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Machinery and Equipment>>G92 Chemical Machinery

associated standards

alternative situation:CD 130A17-85 CD 130A18-85

Publication information

other information

Publishing department:Ministry of Chemical Industry

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance requirements for stationary equipment made of rigid polyvinyl chloride laminates, modified polypropylene laminates and stationary equipment with steel shell lined with soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheets. HG 20640-1997 Plastic Equipment HG20640-1997 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Plastic Equipment
Plastic Equipment
1998 - 01 - 12
1998 04 - 01
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Ministry of Chemical Industry Document
Hua Jian Fa (1998) No. 1
Notice on Issuing the Industry Standard of "Plastic Equipment" To all provincial, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, and independently planned cities, and all relevant design units: The "Plastic Equipment" standard compiled by the Equipment Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Third Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry has been reviewed by our ministry and approved as a mandatory standard for the chemical industry. The standard is numbered HG20640--1997 and will be implemented from April 1, 1998.
From the date of implementation of this standard, the original "Technical Regulations for Design of Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Equipment" (CD130A17-85) and "Technical Conditions for Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Equipment" (CD130A18-85) will be abolished. The "Plastic Equipment" standard will be interpreted and managed by the Equipment Design Technology Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and published and distributed by the Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry.
Ministry of Chemical Industry
January 12, 1998
Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Plastic EquipmentwwW.bzxz.Net
HG 20640-97
Editor: The Third Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
Approval Department: Ministry of Chemical Industry
Implementation Date: April 1, 1998 Engineering Construction Standard Editing Center of the Ministry of Chemical Industry
1998 Beijing
According to the arrangement of the Construction Coordination Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, the Equipment Design Technology Center Station of the Ministry of Chemical Industry organized the compilation of the "Plastic Equipment" (HG20640-1997) standard.
This standard is compiled by adding and deleting some contents on the basis of the original "Technical Regulations for Design of Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Equipment" (CD130A17-85) and "Technical Conditions for Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic Equipment" (CD130A18-85). This standard specifically stipulates the scope of use, calculation content, manufacturing technical requirements and equipment inspection and acceptance of plastic equipment. The main text includes five parts: general principles, materials, design calculation, design structure and equipment manufacturing, inspection and acceptance, and there are seven appendices and compilation instructions.
This standard adds the following main contents on the basis of the original CD standard: 1. Added the design, calculation, structure, manufacturing and inspection and acceptance of modified polypropylene plastic equipment. 2. Added the design and calculation content of plastic equipment flanges and pipe flanges, as well as the flange specification series table. 3. Added the plastic manhole specification series table. 4. Simplified the calculation of conical heads, and added the calculation method of conical heads under external pressure. 5. Added the content that it is not necessary to check the shell stress during pressure test. 6. The parameters related to design calculations have been revised. This standard has deleted some of the contents of the original CD standard as follows: 1. The contents that belong to the scope of the design manual, such as material standards, calculation examples, and calculation tables, have been deleted. 2. The contents of specific operations in construction have been deleted: such as plate heating, molding, molds, assembly, etc. 3. Six design technical regulations for plastic equipment, such as "Design Technical Regulations for All-Plastic Equipment", "Design Technical Regulations for Lining Equipment", "Design Technical Regulations for Plastic Towers", "Design Technical Regulations for Electrostatic Demisters", "Design Technical Regulations for Vacuum Containers", and "Design Technical Regulations for Storage Tanks", have been deleted.
4. Design structures that are not commonly used in design have been deleted. Such as birdcage-type reinforced structures, group structures, etc. The specific contents of the seven appendices of this standard are as follows: Four appendices in the appendix are reference parts of this standard, and three appendices are supplementary parts of this standard. The reference appendices are: Appendix A Corrosion Resistance of Plastics Appendix B Plastic Pipe Flanges; Appendix C Plastic Equipment Flanges; Appendix D Plastic Manholes. The three supplementary appendices are Appendix E5603 Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride Welding Rods; Appendix F Polypropylene Welding Rods; Appendix G Elastic Modulus of Plastics.
This standard is prepared by the Third Design Institute of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the compilers are Kong Fanchen, Chen De and Fan Yimin. 2
1.1 Overview
1.2 Scope of application
Equipment not applicable to this standard
1.6 Reference standards··
1.7 Thickness
1.8 Allowable stress
Weld coefficient
Pressure test
Welding materials
Design calculation
3.1 Calculation of circular cylinder
3.2 Calculation of end cover
3.3 Calculation of legal benefits
Calculation of vertical container
Horizontal Calculation of type container
Structural design:
Weld structure
Cylinder structure
Head structure
Lining equipment structure
Connection structure
4.7 Component structure
Manufacturing, inspection and acceptance
5.2 Inspection and acceptance of materials
5.3 Processing and molding·
Equipment lining list
典鼎自典自典电电国国服昌动助国国服鼎国品电(1)|| tt||(2)
Inspection and acceptance
Lifting, transportation
Foundation and installation
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Quality certificate, marking, packaging
Plastic corrosion resistance (ref. Reference part)
Plastic pipe flange (reference part)
Plastic equipment flange (reference part)
Plastic manhole (reference part)
5603 Rigid polyvinyl chloride welding rod (supplement) Polypropylene welding rod (supplement)
Elastic modulus of plastic (supplement)
Preparation instructions
This standard specifies the requirements for the design, manufacture, inspection and acceptance of stationary equipment made of rigid polyvinyl chloride laminates, modified polypropylene laminates and stationary equipment with steel shell lined with soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheets. 1.2 Scope of application
1.2.1 Allowable working pressure This standard stipulates that the allowable working internal pressure of rigid polyvinyl chloride plastic equipment shall meet the following requirements: (1) D ≤ 2. 0
D + 13.5642
(2) 2.0D ≤ 4.0
Where D -
-Inner diameter of equipment, m.
(1.2.1-2) This standard stipulates that the allowable working internal pressure of modified polypropylene equipment shall meet the following requirements: (DD ≤ 1.0
(2) 1.0D, ≤ 4.0
Where D is the inner diameter of equipment, m.
(1. 2.1—4) The allowable working internal pressure of steel shell lined soft polyvinyl chloride plastic equipment shall not exceed 0.2MPa (when the shell design pressure is greater than or equal to 0.1MPa, it shall be designed as a pressure vessel). The vacuum degree of plastic vacuum containers shall not exceed 0.091MPa, and the lined equipment shall not be used under vacuum conditions. 1 The maximum internal and external pressure difference of external pressure vessels shall not exceed 0.091MPa. 1.2.2 Allowable working temperature The allowable working temperature of rigid polyvinyl chloride plastic welding equipment is -10~60℃. The allowable working temperature of modified polyolefin plastic welding equipment is 10~80℃. The allowable working temperature of steel shell lined soft polyvinyl chloride plastic equipment is -1 0~60C. 1.2.3 Working medium
1.2.3.I The working medium shall meet the requirements of the material's corrosion resistance. The material's corrosion resistance is shown in Appendix A "Plastic Corrosion Resistance" This standard does not apply to containers whose storage media are extremely and highly hazardous. When plastic equipment stores flammable liquid media, fire prevention, explosion prevention, anti-static and other safety measures must be taken. 1.2.4 Working volume
The working volume of plastic welding equipment shall not exceed 50m3, and the working volume of steel shell lined soft polyvinyl chloride plastic equipment shall not exceed 100m3.
1.2.5 Anti-aging requirements
When plastic equipment is used for outdoor work, anti-"aging" measures shall be taken, and the anti-"aging" measures shall comply with the requirements of 5.9.2 of these regulations. 1.3 Equipment to which this standard does not apply
This standard does not apply to the following equipment:
(1) Plastic equipment used for transportation (tank cars and train tank cars, etc.); (2) Mixing equipment whose shell is impacted by the medium; (3) Equipment with a steel shell lined with rigid polyvinyl chloride sheets and modified polypropylene sheets; (4) Concrete tanks (ponds) lined with plastic sheets. 1.4 Specifications
1.4.1 Pressure
Unless otherwise specified, pressure refers to gauge pressure. Working pressure: refers to the highest pressure that may occur at the top of the container during normal operation. Design pressure: refers to the pressure used to determine the shell thickness at the corresponding design temperature. For internal pressure vessels, take 1.05 times the maximum working pressure and take into account the static pressure of the liquid. The design pressure of external pressure vessels shall be not less than the maximum internal and external pressure difference that may occur under normal operation; vacuum vessels are designed according to external pressure. When equipped with a safety control device (such as a vacuum relief valve), the design pressure shall be 1.25 times the maximum internal and external pressure difference or 0.1MPa, whichever is smaller. When there is no safety control device, 0.1MPa shall be taken. Test pressure: refers to the pressure at the top of the vessel under pressure test. 1.4.2 Temperature Working temperature: refers to the highest or lowest temperature that may occur in the vessel shell during operation. Design temperature: refers to the plastic shell temperature set for the vessel under normal operation and the corresponding design pressure. Its value shall not be less than the highest temperature that the shell may reach. For temperatures below 0°C, its value shall not be higher than the lowest temperature that the shell may reach. Test temperature: refers to the temperature of the vessel shell during pressure test. 2
The following loads should be considered during design:
(1) Design pressure:
1.5 Load
(2) The dead weight of the container and the gravity load of the material inside under the operating state or pressure test state; (3) Liquid static pressure;
(4) The force exerted on the container during transportation and lifting; (5) The gravity load of accessories.
1.6 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards.
GB/T 13527.1
Additional thickness C
《Steel pressure vessels》
《Nominal outer diameter and nominal pressure of thermoplastic plastic pipes (metric series)》《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipes for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride sheets》
《General wall thickness table of thermoplastic plastic pipes》
《Modified polypropylene laminated sheets》
《Polypropylene (PP) pipes Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness"Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC--U) pipe""Soft polyvinyl chloride pipe"
"Rigid polyvinyl chloride welding rod"
"Construction and acceptance specifications for anti-corrosion engineering of industrial equipment and pipelines""Technical regulations for lining steel shell design"
"Soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheet"
"Polypropylene pipe"
Where Ci is the negative deviation of sheet or pipe thickness, mm; Ci is selected according to the corresponding sheet and pipe standards. C2-corrosion allowance, mm; The degree of corrosion of the medium to the plastic is different. Generally, when working under corrosion resistance conditions, the corrosion allowance C2 value is 0.
1.7.2 Minimum and maximum wall thickness
The minimum wall thickness of plastic welded containers shall not be less than 4mm, and the maximum wall thickness shall not exceed 25mm. 1.7.3 Calculated thickness
Calculated thickness refers to the thickness calculated according to the relevant formula, excluding the thickness addition. 1.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of the calculated thickness and the corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of the material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the material strength data divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be carried out according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard polyvinyl chloride plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.05 times the maximum working pressure, and the static pressure of the liquid is taken into account. The design pressure of the external pressure vessel shall not be less than the maximum internal and external pressure difference that may occur under normal operation; the vacuum vessel is designed according to the external pressure. When equipped with a safety control device (such as a vacuum relief valve), the design pressure shall be 1.25 times the maximum internal and external pressure difference or 0.1MPa, whichever is smaller. When there is no safety control device, 0.1MPa shall be taken. Test pressure: refers to the pressure at the top of the vessel under pressure test. 1.4.2 Temperature Working temperature: refers to the highest or lowest temperature that may occur in the vessel shell during operation. Design temperature: refers to the plastic shell temperature set under the corresponding design pressure of the container under normal operation. Its value shall not be less than the highest temperature that the shell may reach. For temperatures below 0℃, its value shall not be higher than the lowest temperature that the shell may reach. Test temperature: refers to the temperature of the vessel shell during pressure test. 2
The following loads should be considered during design:
(1) Design pressure:
1.5 Load
(2) The dead weight of the container and the gravity load of the material inside under the operating state or pressure test state; (3) Liquid static pressure;
(4) The force exerted on the container during transportation and lifting; (5) The gravity load of accessories.
1.6 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards.
GB/T 13527.1
Additional thickness C
《Steel pressure vessels》
《Nominal outer diameter and nominal pressure of thermoplastic plastic pipes (metric series)》《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipes for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride sheets》
《General wall thickness table of thermoplastic plastic pipes》
《Modified polypropylene laminated sheets》
《Polypropylene (PP) pipes Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness" Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC--U) pipes" "Soft polyvinyl chloride pipes"
"Rigid polyvinyl chloride welding rods"
"Construction and acceptance specifications for anti-corrosion projects of industrial equipment and pipelines" "Technical regulations for the design of lined steel shells"
"Soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheets"
"Polypropylene pipes"
Where Ci—negative deviation of sheet or pipe thickness, mm; Ci is selected according to the corresponding sheet and pipe standards. C2-a corrosion allowance, mm; The degree of corrosion of the medium to the plastic is different. Generally, when working under corrosion resistance conditions, the corrosion allowance C2 value is 0.
1.7.2 Minimum and maximum wall thickness
The minimum wall thickness of plastic welded containers shall not be less than 4mm, and the maximum wall thickness shall not exceed 25mm. 1.7.3 Calculated thickness
Calculated thickness refers to the thickness calculated according to the relevant formula, excluding the thickness addition. 1.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of the calculated thickness and the corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of the material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the material strength data divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be performed according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard polyvinyl chloride plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.05 times the maximum working pressure, and the static pressure of the liquid is taken into account. The design pressure of the external pressure vessel shall not be less than the maximum internal and external pressure difference that may occur under normal operation; the vacuum vessel is designed according to the external pressure. When equipped with a safety control device (such as a vacuum relief valve), the design pressure shall be 1.25 times the maximum internal and external pressure difference or 0.1MPa, whichever is smaller. When there is no safety control device, 0.1MPa shall be taken. Test pressure: refers to the pressure at the top of the vessel under pressure test. 1.4.2 Temperature Working temperature: refers to the highest or lowest temperature that may occur in the vessel shell during operation. Design temperature: refers to the plastic shell temperature set under the corresponding design pressure of the container under normal operation. Its value shall not be less than the highest temperature that the shell may reach. For temperatures below 0℃, its value shall not be higher than the lowest temperature that the shell may reach. Test temperature: refers to the temperature of the vessel shell during pressure test. 2
The following loads should be considered during design:
(1) Design pressure:
1.5 Load
(2) The dead weight of the container and the gravity load of the material inside under the operating state or pressure test state; (3) Liquid static pressure;
(4) The force exerted on the container during transportation and lifting; (5) The gravity load of accessories.
1.6 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest version of the following standards.
GB/T 13527.1
Additional thickness C
《Steel pressure vessels》
《Nominal outer diameter and nominal pressure of thermoplastic plastic pipes (metric series)》《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipes for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride sheets》
《General wall thickness table of thermoplastic plastic pipes》
《Modified polypropylene laminated sheets》
《Polypropylene (PP) pipes Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness" Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC--U) pipes" "Soft polyvinyl chloride pipes"
"Rigid polyvinyl chloride welding rods"
"Construction and acceptance specifications for anti-corrosion projects of industrial equipment and pipelines" "Technical regulations for the design of lined steel shells"
"Soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheets"
"Polypropylene pipes"
Where Ci—negative deviation of sheet or pipe thickness, mm; Ci is selected according to the corresponding sheet and pipe standards. C2-a corrosion allowance, mm; The degree of corrosion of the medium to the plastic is different. Generally, when working under corrosion resistance conditions, the corrosion allowance C2 value is 0.
1.7.2 Minimum and maximum wall thickness
The minimum wall thickness of plastic welded containers shall not be less than 4mm, and the maximum wall thickness shall not exceed 25mm. 1.7.3 Calculated thickness
Calculated thickness refers to the thickness calculated according to the relevant formula, excluding the thickness addition. 1.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of the calculated thickness and the corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of the material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the material strength data divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be carried out according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard polyvinyl chloride plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.5 Load
(2) The dead weight of the container and the gravity load of the material inside under the operating state or pressure test state; (3) The static pressure of the liquid;
(4) The force exerted on the container during transportation and lifting; (5) The gravity load of accessories.
1.6 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards.
GB/T 13527.1
Additional thickness C
《Steel pressure vessels》
《Nominal outer diameter and nominal pressure of thermoplastic plastic pipes (metric series)》《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipes for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride sheets》
《General wall thickness table of thermoplastic plastic pipes》
《Modified polypropylene laminated sheets》
《Polypropylene (PP) pipes Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness" Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC--U) pipes" "Soft polyvinyl chloride pipes"
"Rigid polyvinyl chloride welding rods"
"Construction and acceptance specifications for anti-corrosion projects of industrial equipment and pipelines" "Technical regulations for the design of lined steel shells"
"Soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheets"
"Polypropylene pipes"
Where Ci—negative deviation of sheet or pipe thickness, mm; Ci is selected according to the corresponding sheet and pipe standards. C2-a corrosion allowance, mm; The degree of corrosion of the medium to the plastic is different. Generally, when working under corrosion resistance conditions, the corrosion allowance C2 value is 0.
1.7.2 Minimum and maximum wall thickness
The minimum wall thickness of plastic welded containers shall not be less than 4mm, and the maximum wall thickness shall not exceed 25mm. 1.7.3 Calculated thickness
Calculated thickness refers to the thickness calculated according to the relevant formula, excluding the thickness addition. 1.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of the calculated thickness and the corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of the material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the material strength data divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be performed according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard polyvinyl chloride plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.5 Load
(2) The dead weight of the container and the gravity load of the material inside under the operating state or pressure test state; (3) The static pressure of the liquid;
(4) The force exerted on the container during transportation and lifting; (5) The gravity load of accessories.
1.6 Cited standards
The provisions contained in the following standards constitute the provisions of this standard through reference in this standard. When this standard is published, the versions shown are valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties using this standard should explore the possibility of using the latest versions of the following standards.
GB/T 13527.1
Additional thickness C
《Steel pressure vessels》
《Nominal outer diameter and nominal pressure of thermoplastic plastic pipes (metric series)》《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipes for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings for chemical industry》
《Hard polyvinyl chloride sheets》
《General wall thickness table of thermoplastic plastic pipes》
《Modified polypropylene laminated sheets》
《Polypropylene (PP) pipes Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness" Limit deviation of outer diameter and wall thickness of rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC--U) pipes" "Soft polyvinyl chloride pipes"
"Rigid polyvinyl chloride welding rods"
"Construction and acceptance specifications for anti-corrosion projects of industrial equipment and pipelines" "Technical regulations for the design of lined steel shells"
"Soft polyvinyl chloride extruded sheets"
"Polypropylene pipes"
Where Ci—negative deviation of sheet or pipe thickness, mm; Ci is selected according to the corresponding sheet and pipe standards. C2-a corrosion allowance, mm; The degree of corrosion of the medium to the plastic is different. Generally, when working under corrosion resistance conditions, the corrosion allowance C2 value is 0.
1.7.2 Minimum and maximum wall thickness
The minimum wall thickness of plastic welded containers shall not be less than 4mm, and the maximum wall thickness shall not exceed 25mm. 1.7.3 Calculated thickness
Calculated thickness refers to the thickness calculated according to the relevant formula, excluding the thickness addition. 1.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of the calculated thickness and the corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of the material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the material strength data divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be performed according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard Polyvinyl Chloride Plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of calculated thickness and corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the strength data of the material divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be performed according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard polyvinyl chloride plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.7.4 Design thickness
Design thickness refers to the sum of calculated thickness and corrosion allowance. 1.7.5 Nominal thickness
Nominal thickness is the design thickness plus the negative deviation of material thickness, rounded up to the standard thickness of the plate or pipe. 1.7.6 Effective thickness
Effective thickness is the nominal thickness minus the thickness addition. 1.8 Allowable stress
The allowable stress is the strength data of the material divided by the corresponding safety factor. The allowable stress of plastic plates and pipes shall be selected in accordance with Chapter 2 of these regulations.
1.9 Weld coefficient
Hot air welding is used for welding, and the weld coefficient is selected: when double-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.50; when single-sided butt welding is used, the weld coefficient is 0.40.
1.10 Pressure test
1.10.1 Water leak test
When the working pressure of the container is only the static pressure of the liquid, a water leak test can be performed. The height of the liquid column in the water leak test is the smaller value between the full tank and the design static pressure. When the design static pressure exceeds the design of the liquid column of the full tank, a hydraulic test should be performed according to
1.10.2 Hydraulic test Internal pressure vessel
The test pressure Pr of the internal pressure vessel is calculated according to (1.10.2-1) Pr=1. 25P Fl
Where P
Design pressure, MPa;
Material allowable stress at test temperature, MPa; Material allowable stress at design temperature, MPa. When t<0℃, the allowable stress is selected according to 0℃. 4
(1.10.2-1) External pressure vessels and vacuum vessels
(1) External pressure vessels are subjected to hydraulic pressure tests as internal pressure vessels. The test pressure is calculated according to formula (1.10.2-2): PT=1.25P
where P is the design external pressure, MPa.
(2) The pressure test of vacuum vessels is carried out in two steps: first, an internal pressure test is carried out according to the pressure of formula (1.10.2-2) (where P is the vacuum pressure, MPa); after passing the test, a vacuum test is carried out at the maximum working vacuum. Safety measures should be taken when conducting vacuum tests. When a vertical vessel is placed horizontally for hydraulic testing, the test pressure should be the test pressure when placed upright plus the static pressure of the liquid column. 1.10.3 Pressure test temperature
During the pressure test, the temperature of the container shell should be maintained at 15~~23℃. 2 Materials
2.1.1 The materials (including welding materials) used to manufacture plastic equipment must have a factory certificate of conformity, and all indicators should comply with the relevant standards. If necessary, the mechanical properties and dimensional deviations of the materials should be retested. 2.1.2 When there are special requirements for materials that exceed the standards, they should be noted on the drawings. 2.2 Plates
Plates include hard polyvinyl chloride plates, soft polyvinyl chloride plates and modified polypropylene plates. 2.2.1 Hard polyvinyl chloride plates The plate specifications and mechanical properties should meet the requirements of GB4454 "Hard polyvinyl chloride plates". The allowable stress of hard polyvinyl chloride plates is selected according to Table 2.2. 2.2.2 Modified polypropylene sheet The sheet specifications and mechanical properties shall comply with the provisions of GB12024 "Modified polypropylene laminated sheet". The allowable stress of polypropylene sheet shall be selected according to Table 2.2. Table 2.2 Allowable stress of plastic sheet
Hard polyvinyl chloride
Vinyl sheet
Soft polyvinyl chloride sheet
Allowable stress at the following temperatures (℃), MPa5
3.953.76|3. 663.60|3.513.493.483.222.972.73|2.201.901.503.633.463.373.313. The specifications and mechanical properties of soft polyvinyl chloride sheets shall comply with the requirements of the SG245 "Soft Polyvinyl Chloride Extruded Sheets" standard.
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