title>JB/T 5941-1991 General technical requirements for nonferrous alloy castings for engineering machinery - JB/T 5941-1991 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 5941-1991 General technical requirements for nonferrous alloy castings for engineering machinery

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 5941-1991

Standard Name: General technical requirements for nonferrous alloy castings for engineering machinery

Chinese Name: 工程机械 有色合金铸件通用技术条件

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1991-12-12

Date of Implementation:1992-07-01

standard classification number

Standard Classification Number:Engineering Construction>>Construction Machinery and Equipment>>P97 Construction Machinery for Building Engineering

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Publication information

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Focal point unit:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute

Publishing department:Tianjin Engineering Machinery Research Institute

Introduction to standards:

This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of nonferrous alloy castings in engineering machinery products. This standard is applicable to copper-based, aluminum-based and zinc-based alloy castings in sand molds, metal molds and investment castings. JB/T 5941-1991 General Technical Conditions for Nonferrous Alloy Castings for Engineering Machinery JB/T5941-1991 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB/T 5941-1991
Construction Machinery
General Technical Conditions for Nonferrous Alloy Castings
Published on December 12, 1991
Implementation by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry of the People's Republic of China on July 1, 1992
Subject Content and Scope of Application
Cited Standards
Technical Requirements
Test Methods
Inspection Rules
Marking, Packaging, Transportation, Storage
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Heat treatment of cast aluminum alloy (reference part)
Casting draft angle (reference part)
Machining allowance of casting (supplement)
Tolerance of casting weight (supplement)
Mechanical industry standard of the People's Republic of China
Engineering machinery
General technical conditions for non-ferrous alloy castings
1 Subject content and scope of application
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marking, packaging, transportation, storage, etc. of non-ferrous alloy castings in engineering machinery products.
This standard is applicable to copper-based, aluminum-based, and zinc-based alloy castings cast by sand molds, metal molds, and investment casting. 2 Reference standards
3 Technical requirements
Method for indicating grades of cast non-ferrous alloys
Method for chemical analysis of aluminum
Standard method for chemical analysis of aluminum bronze
Casting Aluminum alloy
Standard method for chemical analysis of tin bronze
Chemical analysis method for brass
Metal tensile test method
Metal Brinell hardness test method
Count sampling procedure and sampling table for batch inspection (applicable to inspection of continuous batches) 3.1 Classification of castings
3.1.1 Castings are divided into three categories according to working conditions, use and degree of harm caused by damage, and should be indicated in drawings and relevant technical documents. Castings without indication of category are deemed to be Class 3.
Class 1 castings: key castings that bear large dynamic loads, static loads, alternating loads and other working conditions or that endanger the safe operation of the host product after damage.
Class 2 castings: important castings that bear medium static loads and dynamic loads or important castings that endanger the normal operation of components after damage. Class 3 castings: light load parts for general use. 3.1.2 Casting marking examples
The casting drawing marking includes: alloy grade or code, casting method, supply status, casting category, and this standard code. Marking example:
3.2 Casting grade, chemical composition and mechanical properties3.2.1 The casting grade and chemical composition shall comply with the provisions of Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3. 3.2.2 The mechanical properties of the casting shall comply with the provisions of Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6. Approved by the Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry on December 12, 1991 and implemented on July 1, 1992
Note: Alloy name
5-5-5 Saw green
10-1 Tin bronze
10-3 Aluminum bronze
10-3-2 Aluminum bronze
17-4-4 Lead bronze
38 Brass
38-2-2 Manganese brass
JB/T59 411991
Alloy grade
Numbers with * are not included in the total impurities. Impurity elements not listed are included in the total impurities. 4.0~6.0
Main chemical composition
Copper-based alloy grade, name
Serial number 1 When centrifugal casting is used, the P content is allowed to increase to 1.5% and is not included in the total impurities. No. 2 When cast in a metal mold, the Fe content is allowed to be named in accordance with the provisions of GB8063. Table 2
Zinc-based alloy grade and name
Alloy grade
Alloy name
10-5 Cast zinc
9-1.5 Cast zinc
ZZnA1 9-1.5
Main chemical composition
Name and chemical composition
Impurity content (not more than)
is 1%~4%. When used as a sample connector, the Pb content is less than 0.02%. Weight and chemical composition
Impurity content (not more than)
Note: 1)
Alloy grade
ZAI Cu4 | | tt | | ZAIMg5Si1 | A
JB/T 59411991
Alloy code
Alloy code
Be may not be added provided that the mechanical properties are guaranteed. 0. 02
Aluminum alloy grades and codes
When casting with metal molds, the Si content is allowed to increase to 3.0%. In order to improve the mechanical properties, the Ti content is allowed to be 0.08%~0.20%, the Fe content is not large, the chemical composition is
impurity content (not more than)
more than 0. 3%,
0.10 ~0.35
0.15~0. 35
Be0. 04~0. 0711
0.05 for each, total 0.15
Alloy designation
JB/T 59411991
Casting method
The values ​​in brackets are reference values.
The unit of Brinell hardness test force is Newton,
Mechanical properties of copper-based alloys
Tensile strength
S-sand casting, J-metal casting, Li-centering casting. Table 5
Alloy grade
Alloy code
Mechanical properties
Waist strength
Mechanical properties of aluminum-based alloy
Alloy state
Casting method
S, JR||tt ||SB, RB
Tensile strength
not less than
Mechanical properties
not less than
Brinell hardness
Brinell hardness
Alloy grade
ZAISi12Cu2 Mgl
Note S-Sand casting
Alloy code
Continued Table 5
Alloy state
Casting method||t t||J, JB
S, J, R
Tensile strength
Mechanical properties
Not less than
Brinell hardness HB
Metal mold casting, R-investment casting T1 artificial aging; T4-solidification treatment plus natural aging: T5 solid solution treatment plus incomplete artificial aging, T6-solidification treatment plus complete artificial aging, F-cast; B-modified treatment. Table 6 Mechanical properties of zinc-based alloys
Alloy code
ZZnAI 9-1.5
Proofing method
Tensile strength
3.3 Heat treatment of cast aluminum alloys See Appendix A (reference). 3.4 Casting geometry and dimensional tolerances
Mechanical properties
Not less than
Brinell hardness
3.4.1 The geometry and dimensions of castings shall comply with the requirements specified in the drawings or order agreements. If the castings are produced according to the models provided by the purchaser, the geometry and dimensions of the castings shall not be used as the basis for acceptance. 3.4-2 The code for casting dimensional tolerances is CT, and its tolerance values ​​are shown in Table 7. The tolerance grade is selected according to the provisions of Table 8. The tolerance values ​​in Table 7 include the tolerance increments caused by the influence of the parting surface and the core. 7
Basic dimensions of parts
JB/T 59411991
Tolerance values ​​of casting dimensions
Note: ①The basic dimensions of castings refer to the dimensions given on the drawings, which should include machining allowance and draft angle. 11
②For grades CT13 to CT15 with basic dimensions less than or equal to 16mm, no tolerance values ​​are marked and the tolerance values ​​of CT12 are used. Table 8
Processing methods
Sand mold hand molding
Sand mold machine molding and shell mold
Metal mold
Investment casting
Dry and wet sand
Self-hardening sand
Tolerance grade of castings
Single piece, small batch production
Steel, zinc
Note: For castings produced in small batches and single pieces, when the basic size of the casting is less than 16mm, the tolerance grade of the casting can be increased by 1~2 grades; when the basic size of the casting is greater than 16~25mm, the tolerance grade can be increased by 1 grade.
The dimensional tolerance specified in this standard refers to the tolerance that should be achieved under normal production conditions. For the selection of tolerance grade, a casting can only have one accuracy grade, that is, the accuracy of the smaller basic size of the casting should be the same as the accuracy of the largest size.
When there are special requirements for tolerance grades, they shall be selected from Table 7 after consultation between the supply and demand parties. 3.4.5 The tolerance zone shall be symmetrical to the basic dimension configuration of the casting (as shown in Figure 1). If there are asymmetric configuration requirements, they shall be marked on the drawing. In the parts where the design requires inclined features, the dimension tolerance along the inclined surface shall be set symmetrically (as shown in Figure 2). 3.4.6
The wall thickness dimension tolerance can be reduced by one level compared to the general dimension tolerance. For example, if the tolerance is marked as CT10 on the drawing, the wall thickness tolerance shall be selected as CT11. 3.4.7
When a certain dimension of a casting can be measured by both dimension tolerance and wall thickness tolerance, the casting must meet both tolerance ranges at the same time.
Basic dimensions of equal parts
Minimum limit dimensions
Maximum limit dimensions
Tolerance zone of net part
3.4.8 The tolerances of the dimensions of the boss and the navel itself and the distance between the centerline reference plane of the boss and the navel shall all comply with the provisions of Table 7. 3.4.9 The tolerance of the inner and outer fillets of castings shall use the tolerance value in Table 7 as the upper limit and the lower limit is zero. 3.4.10 The misshape value of castings (Figure 3) shall generally be within the tolerance of Table 7. When the misshape value needs to be further restricted, it shall be indicated on the process drawing and its value shall be selected from Table 9.
Tolerance grade CT
Misshape value
Within the tolerance of Table 7
3.4.11 When special dimensional tolerances are required, they shall be marked directly after the basic dimensions of the casting. For example:
95±1.1 or 95
3.4.12 The dimensional deviation of the casting caused by demoulding, core setting, mold closing and core pulling should be within the basic dimensional tolerance of the casting for non-machined surfaces and within the machining allowance for machined surfaces. 3.4.13 The bending and warping deformation of the casting is allowed to be corrected, but the amount of deformation after correction should ensure a machining allowance of not less than 1mm on the machined surface, and should comply with the provisions of Table 10 on the non-machined surface, and no cracks are allowed. 3.5 The draft angle of the casting is specified in Appendix B (reference). 3.6 The machining allowance of the casting shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix C (supplement). 96 The machining allowance of castings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix C (Supplement).6 The machining allowance of castings shall be in accordance with the provisions of Appendix C (Supplement).6
The tolerance of wall thickness can be one level lower than the tolerance of general size. For example, if the tolerance is CT10 on the drawing, the wall thickness tolerance is CT11. When a certain dimension of a casting can be measured by both dimension tolerance and wall thickness tolerance, the casting must meet both tolerance ranges at the same time.
Basic dimensions of equal parts
Minimum limit dimensions
Maximum limit dimensions
Tolerance band of net part dimensions
3.4.8 The tolerance of the dimensions of the boss and umbilicus itself and the distance between the centerline reference plane of the boss and umbilicus shall all comply with the provisions of Table 7. 3.4.9 The tolerance of the inner and outer fillets of castings shall use the tolerance values ​​in Table 7 as the upper limit and the lower limit as zero. 3.4.10 Casting misalignment value (Fig. 3) must generally be within the tolerance of Table 7. When the misalignment value needs to be further limited, it should be indicated on the process drawing. Its value should be selected from Table 9.
Tolerance grade CT
Misalignment value
Within the tolerance of Table 7
3.4.11 For special requirements for dimensional tolerance, it should be directly marked after the basic size of the casting. For example:
95±1.1 or 95
3.4.12 The dimensional deviation of the casting caused by mold removal, core setting, mold closing and core extraction should be within the basic dimensional tolerance range of the casting for non-machined surfaces; for machined surfaces, it should be within the machining allowance range. 3.4.13 The bending and warping deformation of the casting is allowed to be corrected, but the deformation after correction should ensure a machining allowance of not less than 1mm on the machined surface, and should meet the requirements of Table 10 on the non-machined surface, and no cracks are allowed. 3.5 The draft angle of the castings shall refer to the provisions of Appendix B (reference). 3.6 The machining allowance of the castings shall refer to the provisions of Appendix C (supplement).6
The tolerance of wall thickness can be one level lower than the tolerance of general size. For example, if the tolerance is CT10 on the drawing, the wall thickness tolerance is CT11. When a certain dimension of a casting can be measured by both dimension tolerance and wall thickness tolerance, the casting must meet both tolerance ranges at the same time.
Basic dimensions of equal parts
Minimum limit dimensions
Maximum limit dimensions
Tolerance band of net part dimensions
3.4.8 The tolerance of the dimensions of the boss and umbilicus itself and the distance between the centerline reference plane of the boss and umbilicus shall all comply with the provisions of Table 7. 3.4.9 The tolerance of the inner and outer fillets of castings shall use the tolerance values ​​in Table 7 as the upper limit and the lower limit as zero. 3.4.10 Casting misalignment value (Fig. 3) must generally be within the tolerance of Table 7. When the misalignment value needs to be further limited, it should be indicated on the process drawing. Its value should be selected from Table 9.
Tolerance grade CT
Misalignment value
Within the tolerance of Table 7
3.4.11 For special requirements for dimensional tolerance, it should be directly marked after the basic size of the casting. For example:
95±1.1 or 95
3.4.12 The dimensional deviation of the casting caused by mold removal, core setting, mold closing and core extraction should be within the basic dimensional tolerance range of the casting for non-machined surfaces; for machined surfaces, it should be within the machining allowance range. 3.4.13 The bending and warping deformation of the casting is allowed to be corrected, but the deformation after correction should ensure a machining allowance of not less than 1mm on the machined surface, and should meet the requirements of Table 10 on the non-machined surface, and no cracks are allowed. 3.5 The draft angle of the castings shall refer to the provisions of Appendix B (reference). 3.6 The machining allowance of the castings shall refer to the provisions of Appendix C (supplement).
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