title>Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet - GB/T 13358-2008 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet

Basic Information

Standard ID: GB/T 13358-2008

Standard Name:Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet

Chinese Name: 稷米

Standard category:National Standard (GB)

state:in force

Date of Release1992-01-21

Date of Implementation:2009-01-20

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Food Technology>>67.060 Cereals, pulses and their products

Standard Classification Number:Agriculture & Forestry>>Food & Feed Crops>>B22 Cereal Crops & Products

associated standards

alternative situation:Replaces GB/T 13358-1992

Publication information

publishing house:China Standards Press


Plan number:20064419-T-449

Publication date:2009-02-01

other information

Release date:1992-01-21

drafter:Wei Ruixian, Zhang Xuemei, Dang Xianmin, Ren Zhengdong, Du Xing

Drafting unit:Shaanxi National Grain Quality Monitoring Center, Shaanxi Yulin National Grain Quality Monitoring Station

Focal point unit:National Technical Committee on Grain and Oil Standardization

Proposing unit:State Grain Administration

Publishing department:General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China

competent authority:State Grain Administration

Introduction to standards:

This standard replaces GB/T 13358-1992 "Jiu Mi". This standard specifies the relevant terms and definitions, quality requirements and hygiene requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation requirements of Jiu Mi. This standard applies to commercial Jiu Mi (Jiu Zi rice, Mi Zi rice) processed from Ji as raw material. The main technical differences between this standard and GB/T 13358-1992 are as follows: - Modified the relevant terms and definitions of moldy grains; - Added the provisions on the use of additives and nutritional enhancers; - Added inspection rules; - Added the relevant provisions on labeling; - Revised the packaging, storage and transportation requirements; - Added Appendix A Jiu Mi Processing Precision Test (EMB) Method. GB/T 13358-2008 Jiu Mi GB/T13358-2008 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net
This standard replaces GB/T 13358-1992 "Jiu Mi". This standard specifies the relevant terms and definitions, quality requirements and hygiene requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation requirements of millet. This standard applies to commercial millet (millet rice, foxtail millet) processed from millet as raw material. The main technical differences between this standard and GB/T 13358-1992 are as follows: ———Modified the relevant terms and definitions such as moldy grains; ———Added the provisions for the use of additives and nutritional enhancers; ———Added inspection rules; ———Added the provisions for labeling; ———Revised the packaging, storage and transportation requirements; ———Added Appendix A Millet Processing Precision Inspection (EMB) Method.

The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For any dated referenced document, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, parties that reach an agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For any undated referenced document, the latest version is applicable to this standard.
GB2715 Food Hygiene Standards
GB/T5490 General Rules for Inspection of Food, Oils and Vegetable Fats
GB5491 Sampling and Splitting Methods for Inspection of Food and Oilseeds
GB/T5492 Grain and Oil Inspection - Identification of Color, Odor and Taste of Food and Oilseeds
GB/T5493 Grain and Oil Inspection - Types of Inspection and Mutual Mixing Inspection
GB/T5494 Grain and Oil Inspection - Inspection of Impurities and Imperfect Grains of Food and Oilseeds
GB/T5497 Method for Determination of Moisture Content in Grain and Oilseeds
GB/T5503 Method for Inspection of Broken Rice in Grain and Oilseeds
GB/T6682 Specifications and test methods for water used in analytical laboratories (GB/T6682-2008, ISO3696:1987, MOD)
GB7718 General principles for labeling of prepackaged foods
GB/T17109 Packaging for grain sales

Some standard content:

ICS 67.060
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 13358—2008
Replaces GB/T133581992
Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet2008-11-04 Issued
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of the People's Republic of China
Implemented on 2009-01-20
People's Republic of China
National Standard
GB/T 13358—2008
Published and distributed by China Standard Publishing House
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 100015
Website spr. ne.cn
Tel: 68523946
Tel: 68517548
China Biaoya Publishing House, printed by Anhuangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Format: 80×1230bZxz.net
First edition in February 2009
Printing sheet: 0.5
Number of books: 0,000
First printing in February 2009
5Price 10.00 yuan
Book: 155066-135515
Replaced by the issuing center of this company
If there is any printing error
Infringement must be investigated
Report phone: (010)68533533
This standard replaces GB/T13358-1992 "Millet". The main technical differences between this standard and GB/T13358:1992 are as follows: - The relevant terms and definitions of raw and wrong grains have been revised; - The provisions for the use of additives and nutritional enhancers have been added; - The inspection rules have been added;
- The provisions on labeling have been added: The requirements for packaging, storage and transportation have been revised; Appendix A Millet Processing Precision Inspection (EMB) Method has been added. Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix.
Who proposed this standard? The State Grain Administration.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Grain and Oil Standardization. The drafting units of this standard are: Shaanxi National Grain Quality Monitoring Center, Shaanxi Yulin National Grain Quality Monitoring Station. The main drafters of this standard are: Wei Ruixian, Zhang Xuemei, Dang Xianmin, Ren Zhengdong, Du Xing. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: GB/T133581992.
GB/T 13358-2008
1 Scope
This standard specifies the relevant terms and definitions, quality requirements and hygiene requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, labeling, packaging, storage and transportation requirements for millet.
This standard applies to commercial millet (millet rice) processed from millet as raw material. 2 Normative references
The clauses in the following documents become the clauses of this standard through reference in this standard. For all dated references, all subsequent amendments (excluding errata) or revisions are not applicable to this standard. However, the parties to the agreement based on this standard are encouraged to study whether the latest versions of these documents can be used. For all undated references, the latest versions are applicable to this standard. GB2715 Food hygiene standard
GB/T549 General rules for inspection of grain, grains, oils and vegetable oils
GB5491 Sampling and sub-sampling methods for inspection of grain and oilseeds G B/T5492 Grain and oil inspection Grain and oil color, smell, taste identification GB/1'5493 Grain and oil inspection types and mutual mixing inspection GB/T5491 Grain and oil inspection Grain and oil impurities, imperfect grain inspection GB/T5497 Grain and oil inspection moisture determination method GB/T5503 Grain and oil inspection broken rice inspection method 2 Specification and test method for water used in analytical laboratories (G13/T6682-2008, 1SO3696:1987MOD) GB/T6682
GB7718 General rules for prepackaged food labeling
GB/T17109 Grain sales packaging
3 Terms and definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard. 3.1
Processing degree
The degree to which the cortex remains on the surface of millet grains after processing. It is expressed as the percentage of millet grains with the cortex basically removed among 100 millet grains.
Unsound kernel
Millet grains that are damaged but still have use value, including immature kernels, worm-eaten kernels, diseased kernels and moldy kernels. 3.2.1
Immature kerme!
Kernel grains that are not full and significantly different from normal kernels. 3.2, 2
Injured kernel
Kernel grains that have been damaged by insects and frogs.
Spotted kernel
Spotted kernel
Kernel grains with diseased spots on the surface.
Moldy kernel
Kernel grains with mold on the surface.
Material other than millet, sorghum and millet, including undersize, inorganic impurities and organic impurities. 3.3.1
Through a sieve with a diameter of 1.0 mm. 3.3.2
Inorganic impurities
Minerals such as sand, coal slag, bricks and tiles, and soil, and other inorganic substances. 3.3.3
Organic impurities
Organic impurities
Millet, sorghum and millet with no use value, grains of other species, and other organic substances. 3.4
Broken rice
Broken grains that pass through a sieve with a diameter of 1.5 mm and remain on a sieve with a diameter of 1.0 mm. 3.5
Colour and odour
The inherent comprehensive colour, luster and odour of a batch of millet. 4 Quality requirements and hygienic requirements
4.1 Quality requirements
4.1.1 The quality requirements of millet are shown in Table 1. Among them, the precision plus 1 is the grading index. Table 1 Quality requirements of mulched rice
Precision plus 1/
Imperfect grains/
Maximum impurities/%
4.1.2 The limit of millet and sorghum mixed in mulched rice shall not exceed 5% of the total sample volume. 4.2 Hygienic requirements
4. 2.1 Edible mulched rice shall comply with GB 2715 and relevant national regulations. 4.2.2 Mulched rice for other purposes shall comply with relevant national standards and regulations. 4.2.3 Plant quarantine shall comply with relevant national standards and regulations. 5 Inspection methods
5.1 Sampling and sub-sampling: in accordance with GB5491. 2
Broken rice/%
Color, smell
5.2 Color and smell inspection: in accordance with GB/T5492. 5.3 Type and intermixing inspection: in accordance with GB/T5493. 5.4 Impurities and imperfect grain inspection: in accordance with GB/T5494. 5.5 Moisture inspection: in accordance with CB/T5497. 5.6 Broken rice inspection: in accordance with GB/T5503. 5.7 Processing accuracy inspection: in accordance with Appendix A. 6 Inspection rules
Inspection: -General rules are in accordance with GB/T5490. 6.2 Inspection batches are the same products processed with the same raw materials, process, equipment and shift as one batch. 6.3 Factory inspection: Products shall be inspected before delivery according to the requirements of 1.1, and can be shipped after passing the inspection. GB/T13358—2008
6.4 Type inspection: When there are major changes in raw materials, processes, and equipment or when the quality supervision department requires it, type inspection shall be carried out according to the requirements of Chapter 4.
6.5 Judgment rules: If one of the quality indicators is unqualified, it shall be judged as an unqualified product; if the product does not have a quality grade marked, it shall be judged as an unqualified product. 7 Labeling
7.1 The label of pre-sale packaged millet shall comply with the provisions of GB7718. 7.2 For non-retail millet, the name of the product, standard number, raw materials, production date, shelf life, manufacturer name, address and phone number, etc. shall be indicated on the packaging or accompanying documents.
7.3 Genetically modified millet shall be labeled in accordance with relevant national regulations. 8 Packaging, storage and transportation
8.1 Packaging
8.1. It should comply with the requirements of CB/T17109. 8.1.2 The packaging environment should be clean and hygienic.
8.1.3 Materials should comply with packaging technical requirements and national food hygiene regulations. 8.1.4 The packaging seal should be tight and strong and should not leak. 8.2 Storage
It should be stored in a clean, dry, moisture-proof, insect-proof, rodent-proof, and odor-free warehouse and should not be mixed with toxic and harmful substances or substances with high water content.
8.3 Transportation
It should use transportation tools that meet hygienic requirements and should be protected from rain and pollution during transportation. GB/T13358—2008
A.1 Instruments and appliances
A. 1. 1 Balance: graduation value 0. 001 g. A, 1.2 Beaker: 500ml
A.1.3 Brown narrow-necked bottle: 500mlL.
A, 1, 4 Glass III,
A. 1.5 Tweezers.
A.2 Reagents
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Method for millet processing precision inspection (EMB)
Methylene blue, eosin Y, methanol and ethanol are analytical reagents, and the experimental water should at least meet the requirements of three-grade water in GB/T6682. A.2.1 Methylene blue in alcohol solution: dissolve 312 mg of methylene blue in a 500 mL beaker containing 250 mL of methanol, stir for about 10 minutes, and then let it stand for 20 minutes to 25 minutes to allow all insoluble particles to settle. A.2.2 Eosin methanol solution: dissolve 312 mg of eosin Y in a 500 mL beaker containing 250 mL of methanol, stir for about 10 minutes, and then let it stand for 20 minutes to 25 minutes to allow all insoluble particles to settle. A.2.3 Eosin-methylene blue methanol solution: Pour solutions A.2.1 and A.2.2 into a brown narrow-necked bottle and mix them thoroughly to form a purple dye. Store in a dark place for later use. A.3 Operation method
Take about 20g of millet rice from the average sample and count out 100 whole grains without selection. Place them in a glass dish and wash them with clean water 2 to 3 times. Then add eosin-methylene blue methanol solution (A, 2.3) to immerse the rice grains. Gently shake the glass dish. After soaking for 2 minutes, discard the solution, wash with clean water 2 to 3 times and drain. Then add ethanol and shake gently for 1 minute. Drain them all. Immediately wash with clean water 2 to 3 times. Finally, place the rice grains in clean water or use test paper to absorb the moisture. Observe the surface dyeing of rice grains. Grains with pink endosperm, green cortex and embryo, blue endosperm and pink grain surface of 2/3 or more are regarded as grains with basically clean cortex (α). Count the grains with basically clean cortex and calculate the processing accuracy. A.4 Result Expression
Processing accuracy is calculated according to formula (A.1):
Processing accuracy, %:
(\·Number of grains with basically clean cortex;
Number of grains released during dyeing test
The allowable difference between the values ​​measured in two parallel tests shall not exceed 3%. The average value shall be taken as the test result, and the test result shall be rounded to an integer.CA.1
Copyright exclusive. Infringement shall be investigated
Book number: 155066·135515
GB/T 13358-2008
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