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HG/T 2524-1993 4A molecular sieve

Basic Information

Standard ID: HG/T 2524-1993

Standard Name: 4A molecular sieve

Chinese Name: 4A分子筛

Standard category:Chemical industry standards (HG)

state:in force

Date of Implementation:1990-10-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Chemical Technology>>Chemical Products>>71.100.40 Surfactants and other additives

Standard Classification Number:Chemical Industry>>Chemical Additives, Surfactants, Catalysts, Water Treatment Agents>>G75 Catalyst

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HG/T 2524-1993 4A Molecular Sieve HG/T2524-1993 Standard Download Decompression Password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Published on September 8, 1993
Molecular SievebzxZ.net
Implementation on July 1, 1994
Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Question Content and Scope of Application
HG/T 2524 -
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and packaging, marking, storage and transportation of finished products of 4A molecular sieve
This standard applies to 4A molecular sieve, which is mainly used for drying various chemical gases and liquids, refrigerants, pharmaceuticals, electronic materials and volatile substances.
Its chemical group: Na,O·A1,O,·2SiO,·4Silicon-aluminum ratio:
Effective pore size: about 4A
2 Reference standards
GB191 Pictorial symbols for packaging, storage and transportation
GB1250 Display method and judgment method of limit values ​​GBT6286 Determination method of bulk density of molecular sieves GB/T6287 Determination method of static water adsorption of molecular sieves GB/T6288 Determination method of particle size of granular molecular sieves GB/T6678 General rules for sampling of chemical products
GB/Tt0505.1 Determination method of crushing strength of 3A molecular sieves GB/T10505.2 Determination method of abrasion rate of 3A molecular sieves GB/T10505.4 Determination method of water content of 3A molecular sieve packaging 3 Product classification
According to the appearance, 4A molecular sieves are divided into two categories: strip and spherical. Each type is divided into two specifications according to diameter. 3.1 Appearance
4A molecular sieve is off-white or earthy red strip or spherical particles. No obvious defects are observed by naked eyes. 3.2 Technical requirements
Strip 4A molecular sieve should meet the technical requirements in Table 1; spherical 4A molecular sieve should meet the technical requirements in Table 2. Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on September 8, 1993 and implemented on July 1, 1994
Abrasion leaching, %
Loose bulk density, g/mL
Static water adsorption. %
Static formazan adsorption, %
Crushing force per unit area, N/mm
Compressive strength
Crushing force variation coefficient
Rated length as a percentage of the total, %
Strip diameter variation coefficient
Moisture content of packaged products, %
HG / T 2524 -- 93
@1, 5~1. 7mm
Superior quality
First-class quality
Φ1.5~1.7mm strip molecular sieve rated length, strip length is 1~6mm sample, Φ3.0~3.3mm strip molecular sieve rated length, strip length is 3~9 mm sample. Table 2
Abrasion rate, %
Loose bulk density, g/mL
Static water adsorption, %
Static methyl saponin adsorption, %
Compressive strength
Particle size, %
Point contact crushing force, N/particle
Coefficient of variation of crushing force
Water content of packaged product, %
Test method
4.14A Determination of loose bulk density of molecular sieve 2
Qualified product
#2. 00~2. 80mm
Superior product
Qualified product
Superior product
Φ3, 0~3. 3 mm
First-class product
Qualified product
$2. 80-4. 75mm
Superior product
First-class product
Qualified product
Determined according to GB/T 6282,
Determination of static water adsorption of 4.24A molecular sieve
Determined according to GB/T 6287,
Determination of particle size of 4.34A molecular sieve
Determined according to GB/T6288
Determination of crushing strength of 4.44A molecular sieve
Determined according to GB/T10505.1.
Determination of abrasion rate of 4.54A molecular sieve
Determined according to GB/T10505.2
Determination of water content of 4.64A molecular sieve packaging products according to GB/T10505.4,
HG/T 2524 -- 93
4.74A molecular sieve methanol adsorption determination, vacuum weight method, 4.7.1. Principle of the method
Put the sample in a basket suspended on a quartz spring, heat the sample under vacuum conditions to regenerate it, and then adsorb the evenly diffused methanol under a certain pressure. The sample adsorption weight increase is proportional to the corresponding elongation of the spring. The corresponding elongation of the spring is measured by a vertical height meter, and the static methanol adsorption amount is calculated.
4.7.2 Instrument Vacuum adsorption only, as shown in the figure
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Schematic diagram of vacuum adsorption instrument
A—U-type mercury pressure gauge: B—adsorption tube: C—quartz spring: D—carrier blue; E—metal spring: F—vacuum rubber tube: G-vacuum pump; H—glass bottle for storing adsorbent; —constant temperature bath Quartz spring (hereinafter referred to as spring): sensitivity 0.6~0.8mm/mg- Vacuum pump: the pumping rate is not less than 0.5L/s, the ultimate vacuum is 1.33×10- 'Pa.HG/T2524—93 Vacuum gauge: can measure vacuum not less than 1.Pa4.7.2.5 Vertical height gauge: graduation value is 0.01~0.02mm4.7.2.6 Heating furnace (hereinafter referred to as electric furnace): can automatically control temperature, the temperature can reach 400, Test sieve: aperture is 0.85mm, 1.18mm (in accordance with GB6003R40/3 series),4.7.3 Reagents and materials
4. 7.3.1 Methanol (GB/T 338).
4.7.4 Sample preparation
Use the quartering method to reduce the sample of about 10g to 2~3g, crush the sample and sieve it to take the sample with a particle size of 0.85~1.18mm for use.
4.7.5. Determination steps
Remove the lower tube of the vacuum adsorption instrument adsorption tube, hang the carrier wire on the quartz spring, put it on the lower tube of the adsorption tube, fix it with a metal spring, and use a plumb gauge to read the height of the empty basket (accurate to 0.02mm). This height is Hg-. Remove the adsorption tube, put an appropriate amount of sample in the carrier basket, and put it on. The upper adsorption tube and the lower tube are fixed with a metal spring, and the vacuum piston (hereinafter referred to as piston) 2 is closed. Pistons 1, 3, 4 and rotating piston 5 are opened to cut off the system from the atmosphere and the vacuum pump. The vacuum pump is opened to evacuate the adsorption system. A small glass bottle with a ground mouth containing an appropriate amount of methanol is placed in the adsorption tube as shown in the figure, connected to the active cold 2, and fixed with a metal spring. An ice water bath is placed on the glass bottle, and piston 2 is slowly opened. The air above the methanol in the glass bottle is extracted for about 1 minute, and then piston 2 is closed. An electric furnace is placed on the adsorption tube, and the power is turned on to gradually raise the temperature to 300 ± 5°C. , heat and regenerate the sample under vacuum conditions for 0.5h. Use a vacuum gauge to measure the vacuum degree of the system. If the vacuum degree is less than 20Pa, close pistons 1, 3, and 4 in sequence, and open piston 5 to the three-way position; then stop the pump, stop heating, remove the electric furnace, and let the temperature of the lower tube of the adsorption tube drop to room temperature. Put the adsorption tube cover. l: ice water bath, use a vertical height gauge to measure the height of the basket after sample regeneration (accurate to 0.02mm), this height is Hf, slowly open piston 2, let the adsorbent methanol vapor diffuse into the adsorption system, control the adsorbent at 0C under the condition of saturated vapor pressure, so that the adsorption reaches Balance, that is, when the spring stops growing, measure the height of the carrier chain (accurate to 0.02mm): this height is Hz. Open the shoulder piston 1, slowly open the piston 5 to the three-way position, let the atmosphere gradually enter the adsorption system, remove the lower tube of the adsorption tube, remove the carrier basket hanging at the lower end of the spring, put on the lower tube of the adsorption tube, remove the glass bottle containing the adsorbate liquid, put on the bottle cap, and prepare for the next measurement. 4.7.6 Expression of analysis results Calculation of results
The static methanol adsorption amount X is expressed as mass percentage according to formula (1): X(%)
Where: H~no-load height, mm:
H,-—carrier height after sample regeneration, mm; Hz—carrier basket height when the sample is in adsorption equilibrium, mm. Expression of results
Take the arithmetic mean of the parallel determination values ​​as the measurement result. The absolute difference of the parallel determinations shall not exceed 0.8%. 5 Inspection rules
5.14A molecular sieve shall be inspected by the technical inspection department of the manufacturer, and the manufacturer shall ensure that all products shipped meet the requirements of this standard.
5.2 Each batch of 4A molecular sieve shipped shall have a quality certificate in a certain format, which shall include the following contents: manufacturer name, product name, specification grade, batch number, trademark, production date, product net weight and this standard number. 5.34A molecular sieve shall be inspected by batch, and the maximum batch shall not be greater than 2 tons. 4
5.4 According to Article 6.6 of GB/T6678, the number of sampling units shall be determined. When sampling, the sample shall be taken from the center of the white barrel of the sampler 1/4 of the barrel (the sampling of the moisture content of the packaged product shall be in accordance with the provisions of GB/T10505.4 standard), and the total amount of sampling shall not be less than 2kg. 5.5 The collected samples shall be divided into 1kg by quartering method and packed into two clean and dry containers (the sample packaging containers shall comply with the provisions of 9.1 of GB/T6678). Labels shall be pasted on the wall of the container, indicating the name of the manufacturer, the name of the sample, the specification, grade, product batch number and quantity, the sampling date and the sampler; one copy shall be used for inspection and the other copy shall be used as a reserved sample with a retention period of 6 months for inspection. 5.6 If one of the indicators in the inspection results does not meet the requirements of this standard, the samples shall be doubled for re-inspection according to the provisions of $.4. If only one indicator does not meet the requirements of this standard in the re-inspection results, the whole batch of 4A molecular sieve shall be regarded as unqualified products. 5.7 The user has the right to inspect whether the received 4A molecular sieve meets this standard within one month after receiving the goods in accordance with the provisions of this standard. If there are special circumstances, the inspection and correction time can be decided by both parties through negotiation. 5.8 When the supply and demand parties have objections to the product quality, the arbitration unit can be decided by both parties for arbitration. 5.9 Determine whether the test results meet the standards in accordance with the rounded value comparison method specified in GB1250. 6 Packaging, marking, storage and transportation
6.14A molecular sieve is packaged in iron drums (or the packaging method agreed by the supply and demand parties), with a net weight of 25±0.25kg, 40±0.40kg or 135±1kg per drum.
6.2 The packaging drum should be marked with: manufacturer name, product name, specification, grade, batch number, trademark, production date, weight, standard number, etc. and marked with the "wet-proof" mark specified in GB191. 6.3 It should not be exposed to moisture during storage and transportation. Additional remarks:
This standard was proposed by the Science and Technology Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the technical jurisdiction of the Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. This standard was drafted by the Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. The main drafters are Xue Meijun, Xu, and Yang Lili. People's Republic of China
Chemical Industry Standard
Molecular Sieve
Editor Chemical Industry Standard Reduction Department
(Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry)
Postal Code: 100013
Printer Standardization Research Institute of Ministry of Chemical Industry
Copyright is exclusive and may not be reproduced
Format 880×12301/16 Printing Sheet Word Count 10000 First Edition in February 1994
First Printing in February 1994
Print Quantity [—500
Original Fee 1.20 Yuan
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