Standard ICS number:Information technology, office machinery and equipment>>Information technology applications>>35.240.60 Information technology in transportation and trade
Standard Classification Number:General>>Economy, Culture>>A10 Commerce, Trade, Contract
associated standards
Publication information
publishing house:China Standards Press
Publication date:2021-05-01
other information
drafter:Liu Ying, Lin Ting, Liu Ming, Sun Xiaoli, Lü Yiliang, Pan Yao, Lin Peizhu, Zhang Yinfen, Chen Xiaohong, Ren Guanhua, Li Qihua, Lu Haiyuan, Zuo Denghua, Yang Chunping, Li Pengchao, Wang Zhibo, Wei Yongli, Chen Linlin, etc.
Drafting unit:Quanzhou Bainian Zhongke Science and Technology Research Institute (Limited Partnership), Shenzhen Gangtonglian Technology Co., Ltd., Mengbiao International Certification Co., Ltd., Wuhu Ocean Logistics Co., Ltd., Bozhou iFlytek Information Technolog
Focal point unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)
Proposing unit:National Electronic Business Standardization Technical Committee (SAC/TC 83)
Publishing department:State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration
GB/T 40292-2021.Cross-border electronic commerce-Specification for electronic waybill.
1 Scope
GB/T 40292 specifies the transmission process of electronic waybills in cross-border e-commerce, data element description methods, data structures, data element usage requirements and verification methods.
GB/T 40292 applies to data exchange, information sharing and related system design, development and application between relevant participants in cross-border e-commerce logistics and transportation.
2 Normative references
The contents of the following documents constitute the essential terms of this document through normative references in this text. Among them, for dated references, only the version corresponding to that date applies to this document; for undated references, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB/T 2659 Country and Region Codes
GB/T 6512 Mode of Transport Codes
GB/T 7408 Data Elements and Exchange Formats Date and Time Representation for Information Exchange
GB/T 18804 Transport Type Codes
GB 32100 Coding Rules for Unified Social Credit Codes for Legal Persons and Other Organizations
3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this document.
Cross-border electronic commerce
A commercial activity in which trading entities in different customs territories reach transactions and conduct payment settlements through e-commerce platforms, and deliver goods and complete transactions through cross-border logistics.
[Source: GB/T 37146-2018, 3.1]
A party who entrusts a carrier to transport goods to a designated place at the time agreed in the contract and pays the carrier corresponding remuneration.
[Source: GB/T 18354-2006, 3.1]
A party who personally or entrusts another person to sign a contract for the transportation of goods with the consignor on his or her behalf.
[Source: GB/T 18354-2006. 3.2]
This document specifies the transmission process, data element description method, data structure and data element usage requirements and verification method of electronic waybills in cross-border e-commerce. This document applies to data exchange, information sharing and related system design, development and application among relevant participants in cross-border e-commerce logistics and transportation.
Some standard content:
ICS 35.240.60 CCS A10 National Standard of the People's Republic of China GB/T40292—2021 Cross-border electronic commerce-Specification for electronic waybill2021-05-21Release State Administration for Market Regulation National Standardization Administration 2021-12-01Implementation GB/T 40292—2021 Normative references Terms and definitions Transmission process Data element description method Data structure Data element usage Verification method References -rrKaeerKa- GB/T 40292—2021 This document is drafted in accordance with the provisions of GB/T1.12020 Standardization Work Guidelines Factory Part 1: Structure and Drafting Rules for Standardization Documents. Please note that some contents of this document may involve patents. The issuing agency of this document does not assume the responsibility for identifying patents. This document is proposed and managed by the National Technical Committee for Electronic Business Standardization (SAC/TC83). This document is initiated by: Quanzhou Boyan Zhongke Science and Technology Research Institute (Limited Partnership), Shenzhen Port Link Technology Co., Ltd., Mengbiao International Certification Co., Ltd., Wuhu Ocean Logistics Co., Ltd., Bozhou iFLYTEK Information Technology Co., Ltd., China National Institute of Standardization, Zhejiang Tengya Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., Jiezhou Quality and Technical Supervision Inspection Center, Foshan Yiheng Lighting Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., Foshan Jinjulun Hardware Stationery Co., Ltd., Foshan Nanhai Weilong Textile Co., Ltd., Dumen Denghan Shipping Co., Ltd., Yiwu Meishe Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., Dongguan Jiuzhi E-commerce Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Xiangzhou District Cross-border E-commerce Association, Xuzhou Jiekesi Network Technology Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this document are: Liu Ying, Lin Ting, Liu Ming, Sun Xiaoli, Lv Yiliang, Pan Yao, Lin Peizhu, Zhang Yinfen, Chen Xiaohong, Ren Guanhua, Li Dianhua, Lu Haiyuan, Zuo Denghua, Yang Tunping, Li Pengchao, Wang Zhibo, Kuai Yongli, Chen Linlin, Chen Rongrui, Mai Weiji, Chen Xuchao, Yu Xiaojuan, Jiang Zhe, Zhang Su, Ding Xixi. -riKaeerKAca- 1 Scope Specification for electronic waybills in cross-border e-commerce GB/T 40292—2021 This document specifies the transmission process, data element description method, data structure and data element usage requirements and verification method of electronic waybills in cross-border e-commerce: This document is applicable to data exchange, information sharing and related system design, development and application between relevant participants in cross-border e-commerce logistics and transportation. 2 Normative references The contents of the following documents constitute the essential clauses of this document through normative references in the text. Among them, for referenced documents with a date, only the version corresponding to the date applies to this document; for referenced documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document: GB/-2639 GB/-6512 GB/**7408 World Country and Region Name Code Mode of Transport Code Data Element and Exchange Format Information Exchange Date and Time Representation Transport Means of Transport Type Code GB/7 18804 GB32100 Unified Social Credit Code Coding Rules for Legal Persons and Other Organizations 3 Terms and Definitions The following terms and definitions apply to this document: 3.1 Cross-border e-commerce Cross-border electronic commerce is a commercial activity in which trading entities that are not related to the border reach transactions and make payment settlements through e-commerce platforms, and deliver goods and complete transactions through cross-border logistics. [Source: GB/T37146—2018.3.1_3.2 Consigner The party who entrusts the carrier to transport the goods to the designated place according to the time agreed in the contract and asks the carrier to pay the corresponding remuneration. L Source: GB/T183542006.3.1 Carrier The person who signs a cargo transportation contract with the consignor in his own name or entrusts another person to do so. 1Source: GB/T183542006.3.2 waybill A document issued by the carrier to prove the transport contract and the goods are taken over by the carrier, and used to record the original transportation information and service agreement. -rrKaeerkAca- GB/T40292—2021 4Transmission Electronic waybill refers to an electronic document that transmits waybill information by electronic data exchange. The parties involved in the transmission process of cross-border e-commerce (hereinafter referred to as "cross-border e-commerce") include: shippers, logistics companies (i.e. carriers), cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platforms (i.e. waybill platforms) and customs business management systems. The cross-border e-commerce electronic waybill transmission process is shown in Figure 1. The details are as follows: a) The shipper can issue a transportation task to the logistics company, and the logistics company generates an electronic waybill; b) The logistics company also knows that the waybill generation system should be directly connected to the cross-border customs clearance service platform, and the waybill is transmitted in real time; the logistics company transmits the electronic waybill data to the cross-border e-commerce Tongmei service platform, the platform processes the electronic waybill data and transmits it to the customs business management system, the system feedbacks the receipt to the cross-border e-commerce customs clearance service platform, and the receipt is processed and transmitted to the logistics company, the logistics company receives the receipt and feeds back the transportation information to the shipper. Shipper (Issuing transportation tasks Transportation and marketing information 5Data element description method Basic attributes of data elements Logistics enterprise (carrier) Electronic waybill Receiving receipt Cross-border e-commerce remote customs service platform (Single window) Data processing (Receipt processing) Figure 1 Cross-border e-commerce electronic waybill transmission process Customs business management The system (receiving receipt ) The waybill information includes a series of interrelated data elements. Each data element is described by five attributes: data element English identifier, Chinese name, data type and format, constraints/conditions and instructions. The attributes and instructions are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Basic attributes of electronic waybill data elements Data element attributes English identifier Chinese name Data type and format Conditions Data type and format Data type and format are shown in Table 2. Unique identifier of the data element. The data element English identifier is in ICC format. That is, each English word except the first English word is capitalized, and these words are combined. The data element English identifier should not include any characters, dashes, underscores or separators. The Chinese name of the data element is shifted The data element data type and format are shown in 5.2. The conditions are mandatory or optional when describing the data element. , see, 3 for the data element reference national standards, industry standards, codes, value ranges, measurement units and other descriptions -rrKaeerKAca- Data type B3inary 5.3 Constraints/conditions Table 2 Data type and format Format description Xue Dan Xue Fu. The format is as follows: a+positive integer: indicates fixed-length format. Then: a6 indicates 6-bit fixed-length alphabetic characters: GB/T 40292—2021 "x..y: indicates the format from the shortest to the longest length + such as: a3..10 indicates the shortest 3 digits and the longest 10 digits of alphabetic characters. When x is 1, it can be omitted; a..ul: indicates the format of uncertain length: generally for large text content. The format is as follows: n" positive integer: indicates the character of a fixed length number. For example: n7 indicates a 7-digit fixed-length value; n+x..y; indicates the numerical format from the shortest to the longest length, such as: 12..8 indicates a 2-digit short and a 8-digit long value. When x is 1, it can be omitted: ..x·y: indicates that the value has decimal places. For example: n..17.2 indicates a value with a maximum of 17 digits and 2 decimal places. For example: (aamn) indicates a fixed-length character.The first two characters are the letter "Ning" and the last three characters are the numeric characters I. The format is YYYYMMDD, with the symbol GB/T 7408 requirements H periodic type, the format is YYYYMMLDDThhmms5, in line with the requirements of GB/T7408 audio, video and picture binary stream file format indicates that the data element is mandatory, conditionally mandatory or optional. The specific requirements include: a) M: indicates that the data element is mandatory: b) C: indicates that the data element is mandatory under certain conditions and should be selected when the conditions defined in the constraints are met. The specific conditions are described in the description: (: indicates that the data element is optional according to actual application. 6 Data structure The data structure of the electronic waybill is shown in Table 3. Table 3 Electronic waybill data structure English logo Basic information waybilNumher eodeOfMudesOrramsporl waybillGenerationDate:Tinr waybillDeliveryDate Time Chinese name Waybill number Transport mode code Waybill generation time Waybill sending time Data type And format -rrKaeerKAca- Constraints/conditions Unique number of the electronic waybill generated according to certain rules Complying with the provisions of GB/T3512 The date and time when the logistics enterprise generates the waybill The system generates the waybill The date and time when the logistics enterprise transmits the electronic waybill to the cross-border China Business Link America Service platform GB/T 40292—2021 English logo markoflmportandExport se:ndercode: recipientCode despatchGoodsDateTime cstinatdRwipiGoodsDnle: Logistics enterprise information logisticaFnierpriseName: ll logistiesEnterpriseCode 12TransporiPermitVumher Shipper information 13consigner 1 consignerD) 15 plar:O1Loading countrySubdivisiCodeoflaading16 Consignee information 17consignee Table 3 (continued) CCCC name Entrance sign Sending office code Consignee code Shipping date Expected date of receipt Logistics company name Logistics company code Logistics company transportation Business license||tt| |Consignor's name Consignor's ID Loading address Country (region) code of loading place Consignee's name Data type and format -rrKaeerkAca- Constraints/conditions cImport, 1Export Network system or platform code for sending electronic waybills Network system or platform code for receiving electronic waybills Departure time after cargo loading Expected time after cargo arrival The receipt date is the name of the logistics enterprise on the business license or the unified social security number of the logistics enterprise in the customs registration, which complies with the provisions of (B32100) The transport certificate number of the network freight operator. If the consignor is a natural person, the actual consignor’s specific name should be filled in as “Company × Consignor’s Specific Name”. If the consignor is an enterprise or institution, fill in the unified social security code. t||If the consignor is a natural person, fill in the ID number. Actual place of loading Comply with the provisions of GF/T2659 If the consignee is a natural person, fill in Actual consignee's name Fill in "X Company + actual consignee's specific name" consigmrr ID English logo place of Receipt Goods ccuntry subdivision to list of receipt goods oodlstotalMonetaryAmount TransportToolInformation cargoOrConveyanceRelerenceNumber driver conveyanceLicenuseNumber CargoInformation deliveryOFGonds identifierOfGoods grossWeight numberOrParkages ActualCarrierInformation carrierNamc carrierBusi nessLicense Table 3 (continued) Chinese name Consignee's certificate Delivery address Country (region) code of delivery place Freight amount Transportation type Transportation vehicle identification Driver's name Transportation license number Goods name Goods identification Gross weight of goods Number of goods Carrier name Carrier's transport business license number Data type and format -rrKaeerkAca- Constraints/conditions GB/T 40292—2021 If the consignee is an enterprise or institution, fill in the unified social credit code; if the consignee is a natural person, fill in the ID card number The actual address of the consignee Comply with the provisions of GB/T2659 The freight amount determined in the transport contract signed by the consignor and the logistics company. The currency unit is RMB (yuan) The type of transport vehicle used. Comply with the provisions of GB/T188CA The unique identification number obtained by the transporter in accordance with the law. For example: If the transport vehicle is a ship: then: Voyage number and ship name: If the transport vehicle is an airplane, then: Flight number: If the transport vehicle is a car.The following are: license plate number, etc. driver's name driver's license corresponding to the type of transporter name of the goods to be transported identifier of the goods item in grams (kg) in cubic meters (m) number of dispatched units of the goods item name of the operator who actually completes the transport by signing a transport contract with the logistics company transport license number of the actual carrier GB/T 40292—2021 33rrierllD) Insurance information English logo polieyNumber inauranccCompany renark Data element usage Table 3 (continued) CCCC name Carrier Daili Insurance policy number Insurance company name The requirements for the use of data elements in the electronic waybill are as follows: Data type And format Constraints/conditions Social credit of the actual carrier||t t||Use code, in accordance with (GB32100 regulations If not insured, fill in none If not insured, fill in “light” The data elements listed in Chapter 6 are basic core data elements, and data elements can be added according to actual needs; a) b) The added data elements should give priority to the relevant data elements specified in the current national standards and industry standards. 8 Verification method 8.1 All participants and regulatory agencies in cross-border commerce should check whether the waybill data structure formed by logistics companies meets the requirements of Chapter 6. For electronic waybills that do not meet the requirements, the logistics companies should make rectifications until they meet the requirements of Chapter 6. 8.2 All participants and regulatory agencies in cross-border e-commerce should check whether the data structure of the e-waybill is based on the basic core data elements specified in Chapter 6. If new data elements are added, check whether the new data elements belong to the relevant data elements specified in the existing national standards and industry standards. For the newly added data elements that do not meet the requirements, the logistics companies should make rectifications until they meet the requirements of this document. Sac -rKaeerKa- GB/18354 GB/37146—2018 JT/T1092—2016 Logistics Terms References Cross-border e-commerce manifest basic information description of multimodal transport of goods -rrKaeerkAca- GB/T 40292—2021 Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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