Some standard content:
ICS 67.060
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 17320—2013
Replaces GB/T17320—1998
Quality classification of wheat varieties
Quality classification of wheat varietiesIssued on 2013-07-19
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of ChinaStandardization Administration of China
Implementation on 2013-12-06
This standard was compiled in accordance with the rules given in GB/T 1.1—2009. This standard replaces GB/T17320—1998 "Quality of special wheat varieties". Compared with GB/T17820-1998, the main changes of this standard are as follows: the classification of wheat has been revised, and medium-gluten wheat has been added; the quality index has been revised, and the requirements for hardness index have been added; the requirements for wheat variety quality evaluation reports have been added; the laboratory steamed bread production and evaluation methods have been revised, and the laboratory noodle production and evaluation methods have been added. This standard is proposed and managed by the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China. GB/T17320-2013
The units that initiated this standard are: Institute of Agricultural Product Quality and Safety of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Quality Supervision, Inspection and Testing Center of Grain and Products of the Ministry of Agriculture (Harbin).
The main drafters of this standard are: Wang Lekai, Cheng Aihua, Lin Zuoji, Zhao Naixin, Lan Jing, Dai Changjun. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: GB/T 17320~-1998.
1 Scope
Classification of wheat variety quality
This standard specifies the quality types, quality indicators, inspection methods and inspection rules of wheat varieties. GB/T 17320--2013
This standard applies to the breeding of wheat varieties, quality identification of varieties (lines), variety market determination and promotion, and also applies to the purchase, sale and processing of special wheat varieties for processing.
2 Normative references
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For any dated referenced document, only the dated version applies to this document. For any undated referenced document, its latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document. GB1351-2008 Wheat
GB5491 Grain and oilseed inspection - Sample splitting method GB/T5505 Grain and oil inspection - Determination of ash content
GB/T5506.2 Gluten content of wheat and wheat flour - Part 2: Instrumental method for determination of wet gluten - Determination of falling number of wheat, rye and its flour, durum wheat and its coarse meal - Hagberg-Perten method
GB/T 10361
Grain and oil inspectionWheat flour bread baking quality testDirect fermentation methodCB/T 14611
GB/T-14614-Wheat flour: Physical properties of dough. Determination of water absorption and rheological propertiesFarinograph methodGB/T14615Wheat flourDough physical propertiesDetermination of rheological propertiesExtensograph methodGB/T 21304Determination of wheat hardnessHardness index methodGB/T24303Oil inspectionWheat flour cake melting quality testSponge cake methodNY/T3Determination of crude protein in cereal and legume seeds (semi-micro Kjeldahl method)NY/T1094.2—2006Wheat experimental millingPart 2: Buller's method for soft wheatNY/T1094.4-2006, Wheat experimental milling, Part 4: Buller's method for soft wheat flourNY/T1095Determination of wheat sedimentation valueZeleny method3 quality categories Type
Wheat grains are divided into four categories according to their uses: a) Strong gluten wheat: hard endosperm, strong gluten wheat flour, suitable for making bread or for mixing wheat; b) Medium-strong gluten wheat: hard endosperm, strong gluten wheat flour, suitable for making instant noodles, dumplings, steamed buns, noodles and other foods; C) Medium-gluten wheat: hard endosperm, moderate gluten wheat flour, suitable for making noodles, dumplings, steamed buns and other foods; d) Weak gluten wheat: soft endosperm, weak gluten wheat flour, suitable for making steamed buns, cakes, biscuits and other foods. 4 Quality Index
The quality indicators of different types of wheat varieties should meet the requirements of Table 1. GB/T 17320--2013
Hardness index
Crude protein (dry basis)/%
Mixed gluten egg content (14% moisture basis)/%
Sedimentation value (2eleny method)/mL
Water tray/(mL/100g)
Stable time/min
Maximum tensile resistance/ET
5 Test method
5.1 Hardness index
It shall be implemented as specified in GB/T single 130 mm
.5..2 Crude protein,
It shall be implemented as specified in NY/T
5.3 Coagulated gluten
According to GB/T 55
5.4Zeleny sedimentation value
According to NY/T1095
5.5Water absorption, stability time
According to GB/T14614, 50°
5.6Maximum tensile resistance, energy
According to GB/T14615.
5.7Test milling
Quality index of wheat varieties
According to NY/T1094.2—2006 or NY/T1094.4--2006. 5.8Ash content
According to GB/T5505.
5.9Falling value
According to GB/T10361.
Medium-strength screening
5.10 Bread test
Perform according to the provisions of GB/T14611.
Steamed bread test
Perform according to the provisions of Appendix A
Noodle test
Perform according to the provisions of Appendix B.
5.13 Cake test
Perform according to the provisions of GB/I24303.
6 Inspection rules
6.1 Mixing
Perform according to the provisions of GB 5491. The sample quantity for full inspection shall not be less than 4kg. 6.2 Samples
GB/T 17320—2013
6.21 The inspection samples shall be pure varieties of the current year or the next year that are planted in the variety adaptation area, matured, harvested and stored normally. It is advisable to select varieties of the same region with determined quality types as quality control samples. 6.2.2 The quality of the test sample should comply with the quality index of wheat of grade 2 or above (including grade 2) in GB1351-2008. \6.2.3 The falling value of the whole wheat flour of the test product should be 250S6.3 Sample preparation
6.3.1 Wheat flour for strong gluten, medium strong gluten and medium wheat testing should be in accordance with NY/T 1094.2--2006 Regulations for preparing samples, weak gluten wheat test wheat flour samples shall be prepared in accordance with NY/T1094.4-2006. 6.3.2 The flour extraction rate of wheat flour for testing shall be 60% to 70%, and the ash content shall not be greater than 0.60% (on a dry basis). 6.3.3 After mixing, the wheat flour for testing shall be packed into polyethylene bags or other sealed containers and placed at room temperature for two weeks in summer and three weeks in winter. After the quality of the wheat flour tends to be stable, the dough rheological properties and food processing properties can be tested. 6.4 Testing
6.4.1 To reflect the quality characteristics of wheat varieties, it is advisable to use the average results of multi-point measurement data for two years or more to evaluate the quality of wheat varieties.
6.4.2 The inspection of regional trial varieties, approved varieties and varieties participating in the appraisal of achievements shall include all items of the corresponding types in Table 1. If necessary, GB/T14611, GB/T 24303, Appendix A and Appendix B food processing characteristics items shall be inspected 6.4.3 The inspection of high-quality special wheat varieties shall include all items of the corresponding types in Table 1. At the same time, the inspection of food processing characteristics items shall be carried out according to GB/T146I, GB7T24303, Appendix A or Appendix B according to the quality type of wheat varieties. 6.5 Judgment rules
6.5.1 For the inspection of regional trial varieties, approved varieties and varieties participating in the results appraisal, their hardness index, crude protein (or wet gluten) content and stability time shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding types in Table 1. 6.5.2 For the inspection of high-quality special wheat varieties, all indicators shall comply with the provisions of the corresponding types in Table 1, and the inspection and evaluation score of food processing characteristics shall be above 80 points.
6.6 Wheat variety quality evaluation report
The wheat variety quality evaluation report should give the basic information of the wheat variety, the identification results of the wheat variety quality and the evaluation results of the wheat variety quality. The contents are as follows:
a) The basic information of the wheat variety should include the variety name, suitable planting area, harvest time and place, sowing season and seed coat color.
b) The identification results of the wheat variety quality should include grain quality such as bulk density, hardness index, crude protein, wheat flour quality indicators such as wet gluten precipitation value, flour curve, tensile curve and other dough characteristic indicators and food evaluation results. Net wheat flour extraction rate, ash content and falling value are used as references for wheat variety evaluation. The evaluation results of wheat variety quality should give a comprehensive evaluation of the quality type of the variety, the milling characteristics of the wheat variety, and the processing characteristics of the wheat variety.
A.1 Materials
For yeast, low sugar type.
A.2 Equipment
(Normative Appendix)
Laboratory steamed bread production and evaluation method
A.2.1 Mixer: speed adjustment (1/min200 z/min), mixing bowl capacity 100g00g. GB/T17320-—2013
A, 2.2 Tablet press equipment. A.2.3 Constant temperature steaming box: keep the temperature at 37.0℃±1.0℃, relative humidity at 2%-0%. A.2.4 Steamer for steaming steamed bread
Jihanwu Instrument (Lai Flour
A.3 Preparation Method
Flour of Wheat Products
A.3.2 Pour in the calculated meal
Moisture content of the meal
Adjustment of the appropriate period of time.
Decomposition (1.
A3.3 Weigh the wheat flour Meipin 2008, accurate to 0.1g. Pour it into the dough, turn on the mixer, and stir until the gluten is just formed and the surface is smooth and does not stick to the hands. 6. 0 min. and the dough reaches
A 3.4 Take out the kneaded dough and put it into the sheeting, the distance between the rollers is 0. 6 cm, the number of sheets is 15 to 20. Roll into strips and evenly divide into two pieces. Knead by hand until the dough is smooth. After forming, the height of the steamed bun is about ?, put it on a steamer covered with a wet cloth, put it in a fermentation box, and ferment for 40 minutes.
A.3.5 Steam the fermented dough in boiling water for 15 minutes, take it out and cool it down. A3.6 Measure the volume, height and quality of the steamed buns. A.4 Sensory evaluation and tasting method
A.4. 1 Determination of wonton height
Use a caliper to measure the height between the bottom and the top of the wonton. Measure the same wonton twice from different sides. When the difference is less than or equal to 0.2cm, take the average value. If it is greater than 0.2cm, re-measure. A.4.2 Determination of wonton mass and volume
Weigh the wontons cooled to room temperature and wrap them tightly with plastic film. Measure the volume with a volume meter. Measure the same wonton twice. When the difference is less than or equal to 15mL, take the average value. If it is greater than 15mL, re-measure. 5
A.4.3 Appearance evaluation
Cut the wontons, observe the surface color, surface structure, shape, fineness and uniformity of the internal pore structure, and whether there are dead scald spots on the bottom, and score them item by item according to Table AI.
A.4.4 Tasting evaluation
Take half of the wonton and steam it in a boiling water pot for 6 min8 min, take it out and cool it for 3 min5 min, press with the index finger to evaluate the elasticity, pick a small piece to see if it is easy to fall off, put it in the mouth, chew it for 5s to 7s, feel whether it has a strong bite, whether it sticks to the teeth, whether it is hard, whether it can be completely chewed after chewing for a while, and how it smells, score each item according to Table A.1. A.5 Scoring method
Calculation of steamed bun specific volume
The specific volume of steamed buns is calculated according to formula (A.1):
Wu Zhong:
The specific volume of steamed buns is in milliliters per gram (mI/g); the volume of steamed buns is in milliliters (mL); the mass of steamed buns is in grams ().
A.5.2 Scoring items and score distribution of slow buns
See Table A. 1.
Specific volume/(mL/g)
Surface color
Surface structure
Appearance shape
Scoring items and score distribution
Scoring standard
Specific volume greater than or equal to 2.8 gets a full score of 15 points; specific volume less than or equal to 1.5 gets a minimum score of 2 points; for specific volume between 2.81.5, 1 point will be deducted for every 0.1 decrease; for height greater than or equal to 7.0cm, 5 points will be awarded; for height less than or equal to 5.0cm, 1 point will be deducted for every 0.5cm decrease; for milky white, 8 to 10 points!
Light, yellow 6 points to 8 points:
Gray 2 points to 6 points
Smooth 8 points to 10 points;
Shrinkage, collapse, bubbles, pits or burns 3 points to 8 points Symmetrical, spherical 7 points to 10 points:
Flat or asymmetrical 4 points to 7 points
Small pores, evenly spaced 12 points to 15 points
Pores are too fine but evenly spaced 8 points to 12 points; there are large pores with rough texture 5 points to 11 points;
The edge is separated from the epidermis 8 points to 12 points Fast rebound, can be restored, can be compressed by more than 1/2 7 points to 10 points; weak rebound when pressed by fingers or No rebound 3 points to 7 points; Difficult to press with fingers, feels broken 2 points to 6 points (A.1)
A.5.3 Result expression
The sum of the scores of each evaluation
Judgment is based on the order and is retained to the integer
Less than 7 points is judged as poor; 70
Note 1 Moss
Use fresh yeast
Note 2: Science
Can be reduced according to the small
Wu's carrying capacity,
Taste the steamed buns
Note 3 Should dig onions
Add adjustment
Actual product rebound
Table A (continued)
Strong bite 7 points 10 Scoring standard GB/T 17320—2013 Weak bite and falling or blocking Dry, hard, no elasticity or no rebound 4 points 7 points Refreshing and not sticky 8 points to 10 points Slightly sticky or sticky 3 points to 7 points With a mellow texture, no peculiar smell 4 points to 5 points Sugar, protein, 4 points 1 points to 3 points With peculiar smell Good shape More than 90 points. The first step is to promote, if you can continue to stir until the muscles are expanded, it is not easy to be evaluated as GB/T17320—2013 B.1 Materials Chlorinated sodium, food grade.
B.2 Equipment
(Normative Appendix)
Experimental dense noodle production and evaluation method
B,2.1 Mixer: adjustable speed (0 r/min~200x/min), mixing bowl capacity 100 g~500 g. B.2.2 Noodle rolling machine, roller diameter 120 mm, roller width 140 mm, speed range 0 r/min~100 r/min. B.2.3 Strip cutting machine: manual or machine-pressed strip cutting machine, with several specifications of strips (1,0 mm, 2.0 mm, 2.5 mm, 3.0 mm, 5.0 mm). Constant temperature and humidity dry explosion box: temperature range 2.0℃~48.0℃, mixing range 0%~100%. B.2,4
B.2.5 Speed regulator: speed range 0 r/rmin~100 r/min. B.2.6 Stainless steel pot with tie plate in the middle: diameter 35cm. B.2.7 Induction cooker: power 1 800W~2 000W. B.2.8 Plastic box with lid: diameter 16cm.
B.2.9 Table balance, 100g, sensitivity 0.1g. B..2..10 Beaker. 500_mL
B.2.11 Micrometer 100mL.
B.2.12 Stopwatch: 1 piece.
B.2. 13 Thickness gauge, thickness range 0 mm~15. 0 mm. B.3 Production method
B.3.1 Optimum water amount for noodles: Take the water content of the dough after mixing as the standard for the water adding plate, such as the optimal water adding amount for dried noodles is 28%~32%, and the optimal water adding amount for fresh noodles is 32%~35%. B.3.2 Preparation of 10% sodium chloride solution: Weigh 10.0g sodium chloride and dissolve it in 100mL steaming water for later use. B.3.3 Mixing dough: Weigh 200g ± 0.1g of wheat flour sample with a water content of 14% and pour it into a dough mixing bowl. Start the machine and stir at low speed at gear 1. Add 20mL of 10% sodium chloride solution and the remaining distilled water. Stop the machine after 1 minute and use a scraper to clean the dough cracks adhering to the cylinder and the stirrer. Stir quickly for 2 minutes.Then stir slowly for 2 minutes; the total dough kneading time is 5 minutes. B.3.4 Proofing: Take out the kneaded dough and put it into the fermentation basin, and let it rise at room temperature for 30 minutes. B.3.5 First rolling: Adjust the roller spacing of the noodle rolling machine to 3.5 mm, and the speed of the noodle rolling machine to 1.5 r/min±0.1 r/min. After the first rolling, the dough sheet is compounded, and the speed of the noodle rolling machine is adjusted to 2.5 r/min±0.1 r/min, and rolled again. B.3.6 Second rolling: Adjust the roller spacing of the noodle rolling machine to 2.5mm, 1.8mm, 1.8mm, 1.1mm, and the speed of the noodle rolling machine to 4.0r/min, 5.0/min, 6.0r/min, 5.0r/min±0.51/min respectively. Put the dough sheets into the noodle rolling machine in turn and roll them according to the same method. The roller spacing of the noodle rolling machine can be adjusted appropriately in the last process, and the final thickness of the dough sheet is controlled at 1.45 mm±0.05 mm. B.3.7 Cutting into strips: Cut the prepared noodles into wet noodles with a width of 2.0 mm ± 0.1 mm and a length of 25 cm for tasting evaluation. 9
B.4 Tasting evaluation
B. 4.1 Determination of cooking time: Boil 50 g of noodles in 500 mL boiling water for 8 min, keep it in a slightly boiling state, take out the noodles every 0.5 min and cut them with a glass slide, observe until there is no white core in the noodles and record the time, which is the cooking time of the noodles. B.4.2 Tasting evaluation: Weigh 100 g of freshly cut noodles, put them into a boiling water pot, and when the cooking time has been determined, take out the noodles, rinse them with cold water for 30 seconds, put them in a white porcelain basin, and 5 people taste them respectively, and evaluate the color and appearance with the control sample, and score them according to the standard. B.5 Scoring method
B.5.1 Color (20 points): white, milky white, creamy yellow, bright 18.5 points to 20 points; general brightness 16 points to 18.4 points; dark, charred, poor brightness 10 points to 16 points.
B.5.2 Appearance (10 points): fine and smooth 8.5 points to 10 points; middle 6.0 points to 8.4 points; coarse pulp, swollen or too soft 1.0 point to 6.0 points.
B.5.3 Hardness (20 points): moderate bite 17 points to 20 points; hard or 12 points to 17 points; too hard or too soft 1.0 point to 12 points. B.5.4 Viscoelasticity (30 points): chewy and elastic 25 points to 30 points: general 20 points to 25 points; poor bite, sticky taste, insufficient elasticity 10 points to 20 points.
B,5.5 Smoothness (15 points); Smoothness 10 points to 15 points; Intermediate 7.0 points to 10 points; Smoothness poor 1.0 points to 7.0 points. B.5.6 Taste (5 points): With wheat fragrance 4.3 points to 5.0 points; Basically no odor 3.0 points to 4.3 points; Odor 1.0 points to 3.0 points. B.6 Result expression
The scores of each evaluation are totaled and retained to the integer, and 5 people score separately, and the final result is the average. B.7 Judgment rules
Less than 70 points are judged as poor; 70 points to 79 points are fair; 80 points to 89 points are good; greater than or equal to 90 points are excellent.
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