This standard specifies the size and position of the projectable picture of 16mm film copies. This standard applies to 16mm film projectors. GB/T 16893-1997 Size and position of the projectable picture of 16mm film copies GB/T16893-1997 Standard download decompression password:
This standard specifies the size and position of the projectable picture of 16mm film copies. This standard applies to 16mm film projectors.
Some standard content:
GB/T 16893—1997 This standard is equivalent to the international standard IS0359:1983 "Projectable screens of 16mm film copies—Sizes and positions". This standard is the basic standard. For international use and easy exchange, the determination of the projectable screen size and position of 16mm film copies is consistent with the ISO359 international standard, but there are some changes in the description of the standard clauses. Therefore, this standard is equivalent to the international standard 150359:1983 This standard is proposed by the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the China Film Science and Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television. This standard was drafted by the China Film Science and Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television. The drafter of this standard: Wu Shuzhi. This standard is interpreted by the China Film Science and Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of Radio, Film and Television. GB/T 16893-1997 ISO Foreword ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards institutes (ISO member bodies) of countries. The work of developing international standards for a particular item is completed by ISO technical committees. Any member body interested in a topic being discussed by an existing technical committee has the right to elect representatives to participate in the committee. Official and non-official international organizations associated with the International Organization for Standardization may also participate in this work. All draft international standards adopted by the technical committee shall be circulated to member bodies for approval before being approved as international standards by the International Organization for Standardization Council International Standard ISO359 was drafted by ISO/TC36 Film Technical Committee. This international standard has been modified in accordance with Part 1, 6.11.2 of the International Guidelines in terms of text and reference documents to replace International Standard ISO359:1977 and simultaneously abolish ISO359:1977. This standard has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries. Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Arab Republic, France, West Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Belarus, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States. The following national bodies disagreed with this document for technical reasons. Former Soviet Union. International Organization for Standardization 1983 In Switzerland 1 Scope National Standard of the People's Republic of China Projectable image aren't on 16 mm motion-picture prints-Dimensions and Jocation This standard specifies the dimensions and jocation of the projectable image on 16 mm motion-picture prints. This standard applies to 16 mm motion picture projectors. —1997 GB/T 16893 eqy ISo 359:1983 This standard is equivalent to the national standard IS0359.1983. Projectable screen of 16 mm film copy 2 Reference standards - Method for use of 16 IⅡm motion picture film for direct front projection IS() 26 Motion Picture— ISO69 Motion Picture:- Cutting and perforation dimensions of 16 mm motion picture stock ISO 466 Motion Picture— The screen formed by the film window of 16 mm motion picture camera - Sizes and positions". Technical Specifications Position and dimensions - Picture area of cinematographic films and slides for television - Position and dimensions ISO 1223 Cinema - ISO 4243 Cinema - 3 Dimensions and positions - Picture area of 16 mm cinematographic prints and optical soundtrack positions and dimensions The dimensions and positions are shown in Figure 1 and Table 1. Film surface pan Modifiable picture Film running direction Standard edge Effective axis center Figure 1 Size and position of projectable picture of 16mm film copy The projectable surface area seen when the film is facing the lens Approved by the State Bureau of Technical Supervision on June 28, 1997 and implemented on March 1, 1998 A Minimum value B Test value C Reference value D Maximum value H Maximum value J=K(standard value) ★B is the value calculated for reference. GB/T 16893—1997 The "reference angle" in the figure serves as a reference to the specified dimensions and is not necessarily the locating dimension of the film The dimensions of A, D, H define the maximum area of the film available for projection. These dimensions are not limits on the opening of the projector window or aperture, which determines its position in the light path. Actual projection area: In normal cases, the actual projection area of the film will be smaller than the projection area of the scene. In some cases, it may be non-rectangular. The actual projection area of the film should be the largest possible geometrically symmetrical image and should be within the specified dimensions. 4ISO 1223 talks about the area of the film available for projection on television systems. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. 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