HG/T 2753-1996 Determination of the flow distance of phenolic resin on glass plate
Some standard content:
This standard is equivalent to the international standard ISO8619:1988 "Plastics - Phenolic resin powder - Determination of flow distance on glass plate". The main technical difference from ISO8619:1988 is: the particle size of phenolic resin powder is specified to be 280um. This standard is proposed by the Technical Supervision Department of the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the Plastic Tree Products Branch of the National Plastic Standardization Technical Committee (TC15/SC4). The drafting unit of this standard is Changshu Plastics.
The main drafters of this standard are Su Zhimin, Yu Zuren, Yang Leen, Zhu Chunzi, Jin Yunhua. Foreword
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of formulating international standards is carried out by ISO technical committees. Any member body interested in a project determined by a technical committee has the right to send representatives to participate in the technical committee. Governmental or non-governmental international organizations can also participate in this work by contacting ISO. ISO and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) work closely together on all subjects of electrotechnical standardization. Draft national standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to member bodies for voting before being accepted as international standards by the ISO Council. According to the ISO working procedures, at least 75% of the member bodies must vote in favor of the standards for them to be valid. International Standard ISO8619 was developed by ISO/TC61 Plastics Technical Committee. 1 Scope
Chemical Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Measurement of the flow distance of phenolic resin on a glass plate
cq4 1s0 8619: 1988
1.1 This standard specifies the method for determining the flow distance of thermosetting powdered phenolic resin for production and control purposes. Regarding the preparation of the ingot test temperature and the inclination angle of the glass plate, the determination of the flow distance, it contains self-defined conditions, 1.2 The flow distance is related to the reactivity and melt viscosity of the resin. Resins with fast curing speed and high melt viscosity have short flow distance.
First, prepare the ingot under the specified conditions, place it on a glass plate that has been heated to 125 ± 1°C in a naturally ventilated oven, keep the plate in a horizontal position in the oven for 3 minutes, and then keep it in an inclined position for 20 minutes to measure the flow distance. 3 Equipment
3.1 Natural ventilation oven, capable of maintaining a temperature of 125 ± 1.7, calibrated with an alcohol (bubble) level, and using a 0-150°C mercury thermometer to measure the temperature about 10 cm above the glass plate device closest to the test ingot, 3.2 Gold ingot mold, used to prepare a material chain with a diameter of 12.5 mm ± 0.3 mm and a thickness of 4.8 mm ± 0.2 mm, 3.3 Balance, sensitivity 10 mg,
3.4 Inclination device, made of metal. The operation outside the oven can make the glass plate in a horizontal or 60°±1° angle position (see Figure 1). Approved by the Ministry of Chemical Industry of the People's Republic of China on April 15, 1996 and implemented on January 1, 1997
HG/T 2753 —1996
1-Tilt plate; 2-pillar: 3-pad Figure 8; 4 medium mother M8: 5-support 6-washer 8: 7-explosion mother M8: 8-bottom plate; 9-pin Figure 1 Tilt device
3.5 Glass plate, size is suitable for the oven, for example: length 100~150mm, width 60~120mm, thickness 2.7~3mm The glass plate should be absolutely clean, smooth and without scratches. To confirm that the ingot has not moved during the test, a starting line can be drawn on the glass plate.
3 6 Laboratory porcelain mortar
37280μm (60 months) mesh sieve
4 Procedure
4.1 In case of objection, dry the sample to constant weight. For example: powdered resin should be placed in a desiccator containing phosphorus pentoxide for at least 48 h.
HG/T 27531996
4.2 Grind and sieve the sample in a mortar, and take a sieve with a 280μm mesh. 3,234.3 Weigh 0.50 mg of powdered resin accurately to 10 mg, and pour it into the ingot mold (see Figure 2). Close the mold and press the upper mold with a rubber head or by hand to compact the powdered resin. Then carefully remove the ingot from the mold to avoid damage. Use the same method to prepare two ingots.
1—Upper mold; 2—Cover: 3—Half mold: 4—Bottom mold Figure 2 Ingot pressing
Note: When the resin powder has a high apparent density (e.g. containing inorganic additives), more than 0.50% of the resin can be weighed to obtain an ingot of the required thickness (4.8mm±0.2mm).Www.bzxZ.net
4.4 Place the glass plate on a tiltable device in a horizontal position in the oven, maintain 1251℃, heat for 60min, do not remove the glass plate from the oven, and place two ingots flat on the glass plate within 5s, at least 1cm away from each other and at least 1cm away from the edge of the plate. cnl, on the side located above when the plate is tilted, keep the glass plate and the ingot in the water position for 180±3s, then quickly tilt the device without shaking the plate, and reach an angle of 60°±1° within 5s.
4.5 After 20 minutes in the tilted position, remove the glass plate from the oven and let it cool, then measure the flow distance of each ingot, including the ingot diameter, accurate to 1mm.
After the plate is tilted to 60. After the ingot may slide, measure the distance from the point where the ingot starts to slide, including the ingot diameter.
Calculate the arithmetic mean of the two distances. If the difference between the two measurements is greater than 5%, the test should be repeated. Notes:
1) This standard is also applicable to thermoplastic phenolic resin, but hexamethylenetetramine (industrial grade, hexamethylenetetramine) must be added to the test, and its amount is one-ninth of the amount of resin.
2] ISO 8619: 1988 does not specify the particle size. 3) In TSO8619: 1988, 0.500z powdered resin is weighed to the nearest 1mg, now it is accurate to 10mg. 5
Explanation of results
HG/T 2753-1996
The test result is expressed as the arithmetic mean of two flow distances, mm, for example: the flow distance is 43mm,
If the measured flow distance is 12.5mm (the diameter of the ingot), and the material has melted, the test result should be reported as \melt without flow
6 Test report
The test report should include the following items:
Indicate that it is in accordance with this industry standard;
Complete identification of the test sample;
Show the individual test results and the arithmetic mean according to Section 4.5; Explanation required for the amount of slippage of the ingot.
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