Electrodeposited chromium coatings—Electrolytic corrosion testing(EC test)
Some standard content:
ICS 25. 220. 40
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 6466—2008/ISO 4539:1980 replaces GB/T6466—1986
Electrodeposited chromium coatings
Electrolytic corrosion testing (EC test)
Electrodeposited chromiumn coatings--Electrolytic corrosion testing(EC test)(ISO45391980,IDT)
Published on 2008-06-19
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China Standardization Administration of China
Digital Jinda
Implemented on 2009-01-01
GB/T 6466—2008/ISO 4539:1980 This standard is equivalent to 1S04539:1980 & Electrolytic corrosion test of electrodeposited chromium layer (EC test) (English version). For ease of use, this standard makes the following editorial changes: The foreword of the international standard is cancelled:
"This standard" is used instead of "this international standard". This standard replaces GB/T6466-1986 Electrolytic corrosion test of electrodeposited chromium layer (EC test)". Compared with GB/T6466-1986, the main changes are:
- Added the introduction of normative reference documents; The standard format was re-edited according to the standard format of my country. Appendix A of this standard is a normative appendix.
This standard is proposed by the China Machinery Industry Federation. This standard is under the jurisdiction of the National Technical Committee for Standardization of Metallic and Non-metallic Coverings (SAC/TC57). Drafting units of this standard: Wuhan Institute of Materials Protection, Zhenjiang COSCO Electric Co., Ltd. The main drafters of this standard are Huang Yerong, Yu Jing, Xu Yanfei, Bo Lin, Mao Jianxin, Pan Wenyu and Li Yin. The previous versions of the standards replaced by this standard are: -GB/T 6466-1986.
1 Scope
Electrodeposited chromium layer
GB/T 6466-2008/ES0 4539: 1980 Electrolytic corrosion test (EC test)
1.1 This standard specifies a method for quickly and accurately evaluating the outdoor corrosion resistance of copper-nickel-chromium and nickel-chromium electrodeposited layers on steel or zinc alloy castings. This standard does not describe or explain the duration and results of outdoor use of the product. 1.2 When using this test method for other deposit systems or materials other than those specified in 1.1, the corresponding relationship between this method and its outdoor use should be verified in advance.
1.3 Under the test conditions provided in this standard [1], the electrolysis of the nickel layer is carried out through the discontinuous area of the chromium layer (the chromium layer is not etched). The rate of the electrolytic corrosion test is that the degree of corrosion after 2 minutes of electrolysis is equivalent to the degree of use for 1 year [2E: When the exposed nickel layer area increases rapidly (such as the surface of the sample with high density of chromium discontinuous area>), the rate of the EC test will exceed the test rate corresponding to its outdoor corrosion. To ensure the same corrosion rate, when the sample surface reaches the predetermined current density, it should be changed from constant potential control to constant current control. 2 Reagents
Use analytical reagents, distilled water or water of equivalent purity to prepare. 2.1 Electrolyte
2.1.1 Electrolyte A, used as an indicator solution to identify the corrosion points of zinc matrix or steel matrix samples after electrolysis. Electrolyte components per liter:
Sodium nitrate (NaNOg)
Sodium chloride (NaCI)
Concentrated nitric acid (HNO,) (p=1.42g/mL) Distilled waterwwW.bzxz.Net
Bath life: 900 C/L,
make up to 1L
2.1.2 Electrolyte B, used to test steel substrate specimens, corrosion points are identified in the electrolyte (see Chapter 6). Electrolyte components per liter:
Sodium nitrate (NaNOs)
Sodium chloride (NaCI)
Concentrated nitric acid (HNO,) (μ=1. 4 g/mL)
1,10 diazepine
Distilled water
make up to 1L
Bath life: 200C/L or until the solution color covers the color produced by the corrosion point. 2.2 Indicator solution
2.2.1 Solution C is used to identify the corrosion points of zinc substrate specimens after electrolysis. Solution components per liter:
Glacial acetic acid (CH,COOH)
GB/T 6466-2008/IS0 4539:198C-HN (C.HN)
Distilled water
Make up to 1L
Solution life: Until the solution alone cannot identify the turbid liquid flow produced by the corrosion point. 2.2.2 Solution D, used to identify the corrosion point of the steel matrix sample after electrolysis. Components per liter of solution:
Glacial acetic acid (CH,COOH)
Potassium thiocyanate (KCNS)
Hydrogen peroxide (H.0) (30% m/m)
Distilled water
Make up to 1L
Solution life: Until the solution color covers the color produced by the corrosion point. 3 Instruments (See Figure 1 and Appendix A)
3.1 A potentiostat capable of adjusting the anode potential within ±0.002V and having a current capacity capable of ensuring that at least 3.3 mA/cm2 (i.e. 33 A/m2) is available on the test surface.
3.2 An electrolytic cell with a capacity to hold sufficient electrolyte to immerse the sample (anode), cathode, and reference electrode. If used to indicate electrolysis and corrosion of the coating on steel specimens, the electrolyte contains an indicator suitable for the steel substrate (see 2.1.2). The electrolytic cell should be equipped with a device for uniformly illuminating the bottom, and the bottom and sides should be flat and transparent. 3.3 A tank for indicator solution, with a flat and transparent bottom and sides. When testing steel substrate specimens, there should be a device for uniformly illuminating the bottom. When testing zinc substrate specimens, there should be a device for illuminating the sides and darkening the bottom. 3.4 For insoluble gold cathodes, such as platinum-plated buttons, the cathode area should be able to withstand the appropriate anode current density. 3.5 Saturated calomel electrode (ScE). As reference electrode, leakage rate is about 8 × 10-mm/s3mm/h). 3.6 Glass Luggin capillary i. The inner diameter of the capillary tip is about 1 mm, the outer diameter is about 2 mm, and the inner diameter of the upper glass tube is large enough to accommodate the saturated calomel electrode (see 3.5).
3.7 Electric timer, which can read 0.1 min (6 s) of current-on time. 3.8 C-clamp with hard pointed screws for good electrical contact with the specimen. 3.9 Shielding material (paint or tape) to shield surfaces immersed in electrolyte but not required for testing (such as the sides and back of the specimen). 4 Test conditions
4. 1 The maximum current density of the specimen is 3.3 mA/cm*. 4.2 The potential of the specimen with respect to the saturated calomel electrode is + 0.3 V. Note: If necessary, it can be slightly lower to maintain the current density of the specimen (see the note after 5.8). 4.3 The power-on cycle is 1 minute on and 2 minutes off. Note: For tests with low accuracy requirements, the power can be on for 2 minutes and off for about 2 minutes. 5 Method
5.1 Select a part of the test sample. If necessary, the part to be tested can be divided into meters. 5.2 Cover the back, edges and the front of the sample exposed to the electrolyte-air interface with insulating paint or tape. 5.3 Determine the surface area of the test and calculate the maximum current value at 3.3 mA/cm. 5.4 Gently rub the test surface with cotton yarn soaked in magnesium oxide ointment until the surface is completely soaked. 2
5.5 Rinse thoroughly with disinfectant running water,
GB/T6466-2008/ISO4539:19805.6 Place the sample in the electrolytic cell with a C-shaped clamp (see Figure 1), and inject electrolyte A (see 2.1.1) into the electrolytic cell until the liquid level reaches the required height. Adjust the tip of the calomel electrode to within 2mm of the test surface and make necessary connections. Adjust the potentiostat to control the potential of the sample to +0.3V relative to the saturated calomel electrode (SCE) (see 4.2). 5.7 Start electrolysis and time at the same time. Record the current density (see Table 1). 5.8 Continue electrolysis for 60s±2s (see 1.3).
Previous: The current density at the beginning of electrolysis depends on the original area of nickel displayed through the pores and cracks of the chromium layer. The relative density of the discontinuous area of the chromium layer can be obtained by comparing the initial current density of the sample with that of a known high-quality sample. Since the anode potential of the sample relative to the saturated calomel electrode is +0.3V, the chromium surface also conducts a small current (<0.001mA/cm). If the value of the discontinuous area is too low, obvious unforeseen errors may occur. If the current density of the sample is likely to exceed 3.3uA/cm, the potential should be lowered to maintain this value. If the anodic current density on the sample is too high, chromium will be oxidized to C+ (with a unique color), and the test will be invalid. The sample and the electrolyte should be reported. 5.9 Stop electrolysis and let time.
5.10 Take out the sample and rinse with clean running water. 5.11 Put the zinc matrix sample into indicator solution C (see 2.2.1) and the steel matrix sample into indicator solution D (see 2.2.2). 5.12 Observe the surface of the sample. If one or more red liquid flows are observed on the surface of the steel matrix sample and one or more white precipitate liquid flows are observed on the surface of the zinc matrix sample, it means that the coating is penetrated and the base metal has been corroded. Note: If a permanent visual record of the sample is to be made, an accelerated corrosion test is performed on the sample, such as CASS test 5:. The sample can reproduce the corrosion points of the base metal after exposure for 1h4h.
5.13 Remove the sample, rinse it with clean running water, and then immerse it in electrolyte A (see 2.1.1). 5.14 Repeat steps 5.6 to 5.13 until the required electrolysis time is reached. Note: The required electrolysis time is determined by simulating actual use conditions. Electrolysis for 2 minutes is roughly equivalent to exposure for 1 hour in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The degree of corrosion can be measured by one of the following methods: a) After the coating is removed, measure the density, radius and depth of the corrosion points in the nickel layer with an interference microscope: b) Use an appropriate indicator solution (see 2.2.1 or 2.2.2) to indicate that the coating has completely penetrated to the base metal. 5.15 Stop the electrolysis and timing, and record the total power-on time. 6 Another test method for steel substrate samples Note: Using electrolyte B containing an indicator (see 2.1.2) can save the sample from the electrolytic cell into the indicator solution. Although electrolyte B is more expensive than electrolyte A and has a shorter life, it is often selected, especially for testing small specimens. 6.1 Repeat steps 5.1 to 5.9
6.2 Briefly stir the electrolyte and place the specimen in the electrolyte for 2 minutes 6.3 Observe the surface of the specimen. If red liquid flow appears, it indicates that the base metal is corroded. 6.4 Repeat steps 5.8, 5.9, 6.2 and 6.3 until the required electrolysis time is reached (see the note after 5.14). 6.5 Stop the electrolysis and timing, and record the total power-on time. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
7.1 Type and symbol of the specimen.
7.2 This standard number GB/T 6466.
7.3 Test results.
7.4 Whether the method in Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 is used. 7.5 Some deviations that are the same or different in the test procedures. 7.6 Test date.
GB/T 6466—2008/ISO4539:1980 Ratio electrode
With sharp spikes
C-shaped clamp
Lukin wool pipe
Cut layer specimen
Anode potential relative to him and calomel electrode/VFigure 1 EC test apparatus diagram
Table 1 Table for recording data
Potentiometer||tt| |Electrolytic Cell
A.1 Constant Potentiostat
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Instrument Description Only
GB/T6466—2008/IS04539:1980 The constant potentiostat used for EC test shall be able to keep the applied potential within ±2mV, and shall have “working\” and “standby\” circuits so that when the electrolytic current is interrupted, there will be no danger of current shock and damage to the instrument. There shall also be a multi-range milliammeter so that the maximum current limit during the test can be controlled.
A.2 Reference Electrode
The reference electrode is a saturated calomel electrode of half-cell fine-wire tip type. This low-osmotic type is recommended to reduce the diffusion of Hg+ into the EC electrolyte.
A.3 Test Cell
The volume of the electrolytic cell depends on the shape and size of the sample and is made of non-conductive material. During the electrolysis process (indicator method), the test needs to be observed, so it is recommended to use transparent materials. A.4 Illumination device for electrolytic cell
Appropriate light is conducive to observing the penetration of the coating during or after electrolysis (indicator method). Mounting the electrolytic cell on a semi-transparent plate with uniform lighting is a more satisfactory lighting method. Use fluorescent lamps to minimize local heating. A.5 Stirring
It is advisable to use a chemically stable and electrically insulating stirring rod or paddle. A.6 Timing device
Although many experiments use stopwatches and other laboratory timers, it is best to use an adjustable electric timer, which should be connected to the half-circuit of the constant potential instrument, using a common switch to trigger both instruments simultaneously. A.7 Microscope
An interference objective is mounted on a general upright microscope. As an interference microscope, this microscope should also be equipped with a calibrated fine focus knob and a calibrated (bilinear) dividing mirror eyepiece. The light source is a tungsten lamp equipped with an intensity regulator. A.8 Shielding tape or paint
Insulate the test surface with insulating tape or paint to insulate the conductive non-test surface from the electrochemical reaction of the test surface. It is recommended to use chemically resistant tape and shielding varnish commonly used in electric hinges. A.9 Wires and clamps
All wires should be insulated and have appropriate dimensions to accommodate the current drawn through the anode. Copper wire (diameter 1.6mm) can meet the maximum current limit of the constant potential instrument (15A). The clamps and contacts should be firmly threaded to ensure a low-resistance connection. A.10 Cathode
It is recommended to use a platinum-plated button or a titanium sliding plate. The ratio of anode to cathode size is 1:1, and cathodes with various meshes are suitable. 5
GB/T6466—-2008/IS04539:1980 Text
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p.320(1966).[2]
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p. 981(1966) ).POTTER,EC,Electrochemistry,p.190-191(1956).(Published by Cleaver Hume PressLtd.,Londan,England).
[5] ISO 3770, Metallic coatings--Copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray test(CASS test).GB/T 6466-2008
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrodeposited Chromium Layer
Electrolytic Brain Etching Test (EC Test)
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 100045
Website: spe.net.cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
China Standards Press, printed by Huangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Printed Sheet (. 75
Character Teaching 12,000 characters
First edition in September 2008First printing in September 2008*
Book number: 155066-1-33090Price 14.00 yuanIf there is any printing error
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Copyright exclusive Infringement will be investigated
Report phone: (010)68533533
86800913 steps until the required electrolysis time is reached. Note: The required electrolysis time is determined by simulating actual use conditions. Electrolysis for 2 minutes is roughly equivalent to exposure for 1 hour in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The degree of corrosion can be measured by one of the following methods: a) After the coating is removed, measure the density, radius and depth of the corrosion points in the nickel layer with an interference microscope; b) Use an appropriate indicator solution (see 2.2.1 or 2.2.2) to indicate that the coating has completely penetrated to the base metal. 5.15 Stop the electrolysis and timing, and record the total power-on time. 6 Another test method for steel substrate specimens Note: Using electrolyte B containing an indicator (see 2.1.2) can save the sample from the electrolytic cell into the indicator solution. Although electrolyte B is more expensive than electrolyte A and has a shorter life, it is still often selected, especially for testing small specimens. 6.1 Repeat steps 5.1 to 5.9
6.2 Briefly stir the electrolyte and place the sample in the electrolyte for 2 minutes6.3 Observe the surface of the sample. If red liquid flow appears, it indicates that the base metal is corroded. 6.4 Repeat steps 5.8, 5.9, 6.2 and 6.3 until the required electrolysis time is reached (see the note after 5.14). 6.5 Stop electrolysis and timing, and record the total power-on time. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
7.1 Type and symbol of the sample.
7.2 This standard number GB/T 6466.
7.3 Test results.
7.4 Whether the method in Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 is used. 7.5 Some deviations that are the same or different in the test steps. 7.6 Test date.
GB/T 6466—2008/ISO4539:1980 Ratio electrode
With sharp spikes
C-shaped clamp
Lukin wool pipe
Cut layer specimen
Anode potential relative to him and calomel electrode/VFig. 1 EC test apparatus diagram
Table 1 Table for recording data
Potentiometer||tt| |Electrolytic Cell
A.1 Constant Potentiostat
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Instrument Description Only
GB/T6466—2008/IS04539:1980 The constant potentiostat used for EC test shall be able to keep the applied potential within ±2mV, and shall have “working\” and “standby\” circuits so that when the electrolytic current is interrupted, there will be no danger of current shock and damage to the instrument. There shall also be a multi-range milliammeter so that the maximum current limit during the test can be controlled.
A.2 Reference Electrode
The reference electrode is a saturated calomel electrode of half-cell fine-wire tip type. This low-osmotic type is recommended to reduce the diffusion of Hg+ into the EC electrolyte.
A.3 Test Cell
The volume of the electrolytic cell depends on the shape and size of the sample and is made of non-conductive material. During the electrolysis process (indicator method), the test needs to be observed, so it is recommended to use transparent materials. A.4 Illumination device for electrolytic cell
Appropriate light is conducive to observing the penetration of the coating during or after electrolysis (indicator method). Mounting the electrolytic cell on a semi-transparent plate with uniform lighting is a more satisfactory lighting method. Use fluorescent lamps to minimize local heating. A.5 Stirring
It is advisable to use a chemically stable and electrically insulating stirring rod or paddle. A.6 Timing device
Although many experiments use stopwatches and other laboratory timers, it is best to use an adjustable electric timer, which should be connected to the half-circuit of the constant potential instrument, using a common switch to trigger both instruments simultaneously. A.7 Microscope
An interference objective is mounted on a general upright microscope. As an interference microscope, this microscope should also be equipped with a calibrated fine focus knob and a calibrated (bilinear) dividing mirror eyepiece. The light source is a tungsten lamp equipped with an intensity regulator. A.8 Shielding tape or paint
Insulate the test surface with insulating tape or paint to insulate the conductive non-test surface from the electrochemical reaction of the test surface. It is recommended to use chemically resistant tape and shielding varnish commonly used in electric hinges. A.9 Wires and clamps
All wires should be insulated and have appropriate dimensions to accommodate the current drawn through the anode. Copper wire (diameter 1.6mm) can meet the maximum current limit of the constant potential instrument (15A). The clamps and contacts should be firmly threaded to ensure a low-resistance connection. A.10 Cathode
It is recommended to use a platinum-plated button or a titanium sliding plate. The ratio of anode to cathode size is 1:1, and cathodes with various meshes are suitable. 5
GB/T6466—-2008/IS04539:1980 Text
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p.320(1966).[2]
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p. 981(1966) ).POTTER,EC,Electrochemistry,p.190-191(1956).(Published by Cleaver Hume PressLtd.,Londan,England).
[5] ISO 3770, Metallic coatings--Copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray test(CASS test).GB/T 6466-2008
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrodeposited Chromium Layer
Electrolytic Brain Etching Test (EC Test)
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 100045
Website: spe.net.cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
China Standards Press, printed by Huangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Printed Sheet (. 75
Character Teaching 12,000 characters
First edition in September 2008First printing in September 2008*
Book number: 155066-1-33090Price 14.00 yuanIf there is any printing error
It will be replaced by our publishing center
Copyright exclusive Infringement will be investigated
Report phone: (010)68533533
86800913 steps until the required electrolysis time is reached. Note: The required electrolysis time is determined by simulating actual use conditions. Electrolysis for 2 minutes is roughly equivalent to exposure for 1 hour in Detroit, Michigan, USA. The degree of corrosion can be measured by one of the following methods: a) After the coating is removed, measure the density, radius and depth of the corrosion points in the nickel layer with an interference microscope; b) Use an appropriate indicator solution (see 2.2.1 or 2.2.2) to indicate that the coating has completely penetrated to the base metal. 5.15 Stop the electrolysis and timing, and record the total power-on time. 6 Another test method for steel substrate specimens Note: Using electrolyte B containing an indicator (see 2.1.2) can save the sample from the electrolytic cell into the indicator solution. Although electrolyte B is more expensive than electrolyte A and has a shorter life, it is still often selected, especially for testing small specimens. 6.1 Repeat steps 5.1 to 5.9
6.2 Briefly stir the electrolyte and place the sample in the electrolyte for 2 minutes6.3 Observe the surface of the sample. If red liquid flow appears, it indicates that the base metal is corroded. 6.4 Repeat steps 5.8, 5.9, 6.2 and 6.3 until the required electrolysis time is reached (see the note after 5.14). 6.5 Stop electrolysis and timing, and record the total power-on time. 7 Test report
The test report should include the following:
7.1 Type and symbol of the sample.
7.2 This standard number GB/T 6466.
7.3 Test results.
7.4 Whether the method in Chapter 5 or Chapter 6 is used. 7.5 Some deviations that are the same or different in the test steps. 7.6 Test date.
GB/T 6466—2008/ISO4539:1980 Ratio electrode
With sharp spikes
C-shaped clamp
Lukin wool pipe
Cut layer specimen
Anode potential relative to him and calomel electrode/VFig. 1 EC test apparatus diagram
Table 1 Table for recording data
Potentiometer||tt| |Electrolytic Cell
A.1 Constant Potentiostat
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Instrument Description Only
GB/T6466—2008/IS04539:1980 The constant potentiostat used for EC test shall be able to keep the applied potential within ±2mV, and shall have “working\” and “standby\” circuits so that when the electrolytic current is interrupted, there will be no danger of current shock and damage to the instrument. There shall also be a multi-range milliammeter so that the maximum current limit during the test can be controlled.
A.2 Reference Electrode
The reference electrode is a saturated calomel electrode of half-cell fine-wire tip type. This low-osmotic type is recommended to reduce the diffusion of Hg+ into the EC electrolyte.
A.3 Test Cell
The volume of the electrolytic cell depends on the shape and size of the sample and is made of non-conductive material. During the electrolysis process (indicator method), the test needs to be observed, so it is recommended to use transparent materials. A.4 Illumination device for electrolytic cell
Appropriate light is conducive to observing the penetration of the coating during or after electrolysis (indicator method). Mounting the electrolytic cell on a semi-transparent plate with uniform lighting is a more satisfactory lighting method. Use fluorescent lamps to minimize local heating. A.5 Stirring
It is advisable to use a chemically stable and electrically insulating stirring rod or paddle. A.6 Timing device
Although many experiments use stopwatches and other laboratory timers, it is best to use an adjustable electric timer, which should be connected to the half-circuit of the constant potential instrument, using a common switch to trigger both instruments simultaneously. A.7 Microscope
An interference objective is mounted on a general upright microscope. As an interference microscope, this microscope should also be equipped with a calibrated fine focus knob and a calibrated (bilinear) dividing mirror eyepiece. The light source is a tungsten lamp equipped with an intensity regulator. A.8 Shielding tape or paint
Insulate the test surface with insulating tape or paint to insulate the conductive non-test surface from the electrochemical reaction of the test surface. It is recommended to use chemically resistant tape and shielding varnish commonly used in electric hinges. A.9 Wires and clamps
All wires should be insulated and have appropriate dimensions to accommodate the current drawn through the anode. Copper wire (diameter 1.6mm) can meet the maximum current limit of the constant potential instrument (15A). The clamps and contacts should be firmly threaded to ensure a low-resistance connection. A.10 Cathode
It is recommended to use a platinum-plated button or a titanium sliding plate. The ratio of anode to cathode size is 1:1, and cathodes with various meshes are suitable. 5
GB/T6466—-2008/IS04539:1980 Text
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p.320(1966).[2]
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p. 981(1966) ).POTTER,EC,Electrochemistry,p.190-191(1956).(Published by Cleaver Hume PressLtd.,Londan,England).
[5] ISO 3770, Metallic coatings--Copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray test(CASS test).GB/T 6466-2008
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrodeposited Chromium Layer
Electrolytic Brain Etching Test (EC Test)
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 100045
Website: spe.net.cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
China Standards Press, printed by Huangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Printed Sheet (. 75
Character Teaching 12,000 characters
First edition in September 2008First printing in September 2008*
Book number: 155066-1-33090Price 14.00 yuanIf there is any printing error
It will be replaced by our publishing center
Copyright exclusive Infringement will be investigated
Report phone: (010)68533533
8680091 Potentiostat
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Instrument Description
GB/T6466—2008/IS04539:1980 The potentiostat used for EC test shall be able to keep the applied potential within ±2mV, and shall have “working\” and “standby\” circuits, so that when the electrolysis current is interrupted, there will be no danger of current shock and damage to the instrument. There shall also be a multi-range milliammeter to control the maximum current limit during the test.
A.2 Reference Electrode
The reference electrode is a saturated calomel electrode of half-cell filament tip type. This low-osmotic type is recommended to reduce the diffusion of Hg+ into the EC electrolyte.
A.3 Test Cell
The volume of the electrolytic cell depends on the shape and size of the sample, and it is made of non-conductive materials. During the electrolysis process (indicator method), the test needs to be observed, so it is recommended to use transparent materials. A.4 Illumination of the cell
Suitable lighting facilitates observation of the penetration of the coating during or after electrolysis (indicator method). A satisfactory method of illumination is to mount the cell on a semi-transparent plate illuminated by a uniform spoon. Use fluorescent lamps to minimize local heating. A.5 Stirring
A chemically stable and electrically insulating stirring rod or paddle is preferred. A.6 Timing device
Although many experiments use stopwatches and other laboratory timers, it is best to use an adjustable electric timer, which should be connected to the half circuit of the potentiostat, using a common switch to trigger both instruments simultaneously. A.7 Microscope
An interference objective is mounted on a conventional upright microscope. As an interference microscope, this microscope should also be equipped with a calibrated fine focus knob and a calibrated (bilinear) dividing mirror eyepiece. The light source is a tungsten lamp equipped with an intensity regulator. A.8 Shielding tape or paint
Insulate the test surface with insulating tape or paint to insulate the conductive non-test surface from the electrochemical reaction of the test surface. It is recommended to use chemically resistant tape and shielding varnish commonly used in electric hinges. A.9 Wires and clamps
All wires should be insulated and have appropriate dimensions to accommodate the current drawn through the anode. Copper wire (diameter 1.6mm) can meet the maximum current limit of the constant potential instrument (15A). The clamps and contacts should be firmly threaded to ensure a low-resistance connection. A.10 Cathode
It is recommended to use a platinum-plated button or a titanium sliding plate. The ratio of anode to cathode size is 1:1, and cathodes with various meshes are suitable. 5
GB/T6466—-2008/IS04539:1980 Text
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p.320(1966).[2]
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p. 981(1966) ).POTTER,EC,Electrochemistry,p.190-191(1956).(Published by Cleaver Hume PressLtd.,Londan,England).
[5] ISO 3770, Metallic coatings--Copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray test(CASS test).GB/T 6466-2008
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrodeposited Chromium Layer
Electrolytic Brain Etching Test (EC Test)
Published and distributed by China Standards Press
No. 16, Sanlihebei Street, Fuxingmenwai, Beijing
Postal Code: 100045
Website: spe.net.cn
Tel: 6852394668517548
China Standards Press, printed by Huangdao Printing Factory, distributed by Xinhua Bookstores in various places
Printed Sheet (. 75
Character Teaching 12,000 characters
First edition in September 2008First printing in September 2008*
Book number: 155066-1-33090Price 14.00 yuanIf there is any printing error
It will be replaced by our publishing center
Copyright exclusive Infringement will be investigated
Report phone: (010)68533533
8680091 Potentiostat
Appendix A
(Normative Appendix)
Instrument Description
GB/T6466—2008/IS04539:1980 The potentiostat used for EC test shall be able to keep the applied potential within ±2mV, and shall have “working\” and “standby\” circuits, so that when the electrolysis current is interrupted, there will be no danger of current shock and damage to the instrument. There shall also be a multi-range milliammeter to control the maximum current limit during the test.
A.2 Reference Electrode
The reference electrode is a saturated calomel electrode of half-cell filament tip type. This low-osmotic type is recommended to reduce the diffusion of Hg+ into the EC electrolyte.
A.3 Test Cell
The volume of the electrolytic cell depends on the shape and size of the sample, and it is made of non-conductive materials. During the electrolysis process (indicator method), the test needs to be observed, so it is recommended to use transparent materials. A.4 Illumination of the cell
Suitable lighting facilitates observation of the penetration of the coating during or after electrolysis (indicator method). A satisfactory method of illumination is to mount the cell on a semi-transparent plate illuminated by a uniform spoon. Use fluorescent lamps to minimize local heating. A.5 Stirring
A chemically stable and electrically insulating stirring rod or paddle is preferred. A.6 Timing device
Although many experiments use stopwatches and other laboratory timers, it is best to use an adjustable electric timer, which should be connected to the half circuit of the potentiostat, using a common switch to trigger both instruments simultaneously. A.7 Microscope
An interference objective is mounted on a conventional upright microscope. As an interference microscope, this microscope should also be equipped with a calibrated fine focus knob and a calibrated (bilinear) dividing mirror eyepiece. The light source is a tungsten lamp equipped with an intensity regulator. A.8 Shielding tape or paint
Insulate the test surface with insulating tape or paint to insulate the conductive non-test surface from the electrochemical reaction of the test surface. It is recommended to use chemically resistant tape and shielding varnish commonly used in electric hinges. A.9 Wires and clamps
All wires should be insulated and have appropriate dimensions to accommodate the current drawn through the anode. Copper wire (diameter 1.6mm) can meet the maximum current limit of the constant potential instrument (15A). The clamps and contacts should be firmly threaded to ensure a low-resistance connection. A.10 Cathode
It is recommended to use a platinum-plated button or a titanium sliding plate. The ratio of anode to cathode size is 1:1, and cathodes with various meshes are suitable. 5
GB/T6466—-2008/IS04539:1980 Text
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p.320(1966).[2]
SAUR,RL,Plating 53,p. 981(1966) ).POTTER,EC,Electrochemistry,p.190-191(1956).(Published by Cleaver Hume PressLtd.,Londan,England).
[5] ISO 3770, Metallic coatings--Copper-accelerated acetic acid-salt spray test(CASS test).GB/T 6466-2008
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Electrodeposited Chromium Layer
Electrolytic Brain Etching Test (EC Test)
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