Some standard content:
National Standard of the People's Republic of China
Low voltage tester
UDC 621.317
This standard applies to test pencils, test screwdrivers and tool combination testers composed of resistance and nitrogen argon indicator bulbs (referred to as building lamps), collectively referred to as low voltage testers (hereinafter referred to as testers). It is used to assist in detecting AC and DC voltages between 100 and [000V of a single pole to ground. Testers with other functions (such as ball tubes, etc.) and non-screwdriver knobs in tool combination testers are not included in this standard. When it is necessary to assess their functions, they shall be tested in accordance with their relevant technical standards. 1 Specifications, models, and dimensions
1.1 Specifications
The specifications of low voltage testers are divided into two types according to their test voltage range: 100~500V and 100~[000V. 1.2 Type
The type of electrical appliances is divided into pen type (including pointed and conical), screwdriver type (divided into straight and cross shape) and tool combination type according to the shape and purpose of the test electrode.
1.3 Model
The model of the test appliance is expressed by the following method and Chinese pinyin letters:
Specification code (expressed by one-tenth of the maximum voltage value in the test range) Factory design serial number (expressed by numbers. The number of digits is not limited) Model code (B represents pen type, Y represents straight shape, S represents cross shape, G represents tool combination type)
Product code (C represents test appliance)
Category code (D represents low voltage test appliance)
Example: DCY111-5 represents the factory design serial number 11!, the straight screwdriver is a low voltage test appliance with a specification of 100~500V. 1.4 Structural dimension parameters
[.4.1 Schematic diagram of basic structure of measuring instrument (Figure 1WA. Metal head at the end of the measuring instrument (Liu Jingfeng Yi)
1.4.2 Basic structure dimension parameters of measuring instrument are shown in Table 1: 1
Total length
Handle circumference (center axis)
Diameter ()
1.4.3 The length of measuring electrode (exposed gold, horse head) of measuring instrument is limited to 10-20mm. The rest of the metal rod and tool combination The fastening metal nut of the measuring instrument should have a non-slip insulating protective layer; the metal screws composed of different diameters or structures should also have a non-slip insulating protective layer within the same diameter range near the handle end. 1.4.4 The minimum parameters of the screw rod, end and increased size of the measuring device used as a screwdriver shall comply with the requirements of the national standards GB1432-78 "Slotted Screwdriver" and GB1433-78 "Cross Screwdriver". 2 Technical requirements
2.1 Ignition voltage
The ignition voltage of the measuring device shall not be less than 50V and not higher than 90V: after ignition, the glow shall be stable and not flickering. 2.2 Working current
The maximum current of the measuring device in the test voltage range shall not be less than 0.4mA in normal and tidal working conditions and less than (.1mA. 2.3 Abnormal operation
The tester is tested continuously for 15min under the non-positive working voltage specified in Table 2. The insulating material shall not have odor, deformation, softening and other abnormal phenomena; the glow is stable and does not flash; the current is not greater than 0.5mA: the surface temperature rise of the body does not exceed 15K under room temperature conditions, Table
Tester Chisa
2.4.7 Normal insulation voltage is not less than 20Mg. 2.4.2 Wet insulation voltage is not less than 2M2, 2.5 Electrical strength
GB 8218 87
The measuring device should be able to withstand the H sinusoidal AC voltage test in both slip and tidal states [min: no flashover or flashover should occur. The test voltage is specified in Table 3:
Measurement voltage reduction
Normal test voltage
Tidal test voltage
2.6 Torque
Measurement voltage used as a screwdriver. The torque is in accordance with national standards B 1432-78 and GB 1433-78 requirements. 2.7 Rust prevention
The surface of the steel parts of the tester should have an anti-corrosion layer, and the appearance should be uniform in color, without bubbling, roughness, peeling and bottom exposure; after the anti-rust test, there should be no signs of rust on the decayed surface, but the rust on the sharp edges and any yellow film that can be wiped off can be ignored. 2.8 Hardness
The hardness of the end of the metal screw rod of the tester, which is also used as a screwdriver, requires that at least two of the three test points must be no less than HRC18. Hardness tests are not performed on pointed, conical and metal screw rods with a diameter of less than 3mm. 2.9 External specifications
2.9.1 The appearance of the plastic parts of the tester should be smooth and transparent, and should be free of visible defects and cracks: No bubbles are allowed in the transparent window of the lamp. For other parts, bubbles with a true diameter of less than 0.5mm are only allowed to be 1 2.9.2 The luminous part of the atmosphere lamp must be completely inside the transparent plastic shell or in the center of the perspective window. The atmosphere lamp should not be installed at an angle and the luminous part should not be blocked.
2.10 Pen and handle ring screws
2.10. 1 The measuring tube requires a feeler gauge of 1mm thickness. Under the gravity of the 30g weight suspended in the gap between the pen and the tube sleeve, the feeler gauge should not slip off (sliding is allowed). 2.10. 2 The handle screw of the measuring tube should not loosen under the action of 0.6V,m torque, but the torque to loosen the screw should not exceed 2N.m.
2.11 Core strength
The measuring tube should not be cracked or damaged after being dropped vertically from a height of .5m onto the cement floor once. After the drop, the starter should meet the requirements of 2.1 2.12 Durability The tester is tested at the maximum working voltage (500V or 1000V) with a cycle of one power on and one power off per second for 10,000 times. The starting voltage meets the requirements of 2.1. 2.13 Quality Assurance The manufacturer shall ensure that the tester meets the technical requirements of this standard within 18 months of storage from the date of delivery from the factory.
3 Test method
3. 1 Test conditions
3.1.1 Normal test environment conditions (normal state)
Relative condensation: 45%~~75%
3.1.2 Wet test environment conditions (humid state) Temperature: 40±2°C
Relative humidity, 90%~95%
3.7.3 Test power supply voltage
Unless otherwise specified, the test power supply voltage used in this standard is 50Hz sinusoidal alternating current, and the voltage fluctuation shall not exceed 1% of the specified microsecond.
3.2 Test instrument requirements
The accuracy of AC voltmeter and safety meter shall not be less than 0.5 level. 3. 2. 1
The rated voltage of megohmmeter (megohmmeter) is 500V and 1000V. 3.2.3 The accuracy of the stopwatch is within 0.15.
3.2.4 The temperature of the semiconductor point thermometer is allowed to have an error of ±1°C. 3.2.5 The measuring tool accuracy is not less than 0.02mm. 3.3 Structural Dimension Parameters
The basic dimensional parameters of the tester are measured with a vernier caliper. Article 1.4.4 requires that the test be carried out in accordance with the inspection methods specified in GR1432-78 and CB 1133-78.
3.4 Starting Voltage Test
The test circuit is shown in Figure 2: Apply 30V AC voltage between the measuring electrode (exposed metal head) and the contact electrode (metal thin pen or ring screw) of the tester, and the tester should not start. Increase the voltage gradually and evenly. At the same time, observe the voltage when the lamp ignites (breaks down) and emits light, which is the starting voltage.
Measurement of electrical equipment
TV: Auto-voltage regulator
3. 5 Working current test
3. 5. 1 Normal working current test
Contact voltage
The test circuit is shown in Figure 3. When the test voltage is applied between the measuring electrode and the contact electrode of the tester and evenly increased to the maximum working voltage of 500V or 1000V of the tester, the indication value of the milliampere meter should meet the requirements of Article 2.2. The motor
more electrical test piece
connected to a separate
TV; Auto-voltage regulator
SB. Step-up transformer
GE 8218-87
According to the test procedure specified in the national standard GB2123.3-81 Basic Environmental Test Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Products Test Ca: Constant Condensation Heat Test Method, the tester shall be hung in a humid chamber with a relative humidity of 90% to 95% and an air temperature of 402, and the test shall last for 48 hours under non-condensing conditions, and then tested according to 3.5.1. The working current of the measuring device (i.e. the current under humid conditions) is measured in a humid mixing box, which shall meet the requirements of 2.2.
3.6 Abnormal working test
After the test in 3.5.1, the test voltage shall be uniformly increased to the abnormal working test voltage value specified in Table 2 of 2.3, and the recorded current data shall not be less than 0.5mA. After applying the voltage for 15 minutes, the temperature rise of the insulating plastic shell surface corresponding to the resistance of the measuring device shall not exceed 15K using a semiconductor point thermometer. The temperature rise calculation formula is as follows: AT -T -T
Where;↓—temperature rise, K;
T——actually measured temperature, C;
T. Room temperature, ℃.
3.7 Insulation resistance measurement
3.7.1 Normal insulation resistance measurement
Select a 500V or 1000V megohmmeter according to the tester specifications, and measure the insulation resistance between the exposed metal head and the plastic shell at the corresponding part of the copper increase at the lower end of the micro lamp. After the insulating plastic shell of the test part is wrapped with a 1mm wide gold foil tape, it is then wrapped with copper wire as a lead. The distance between the edge of the metal foil tape and the measuring electrode should be no less than 5tmm. The measurement result should meet the requirements of 2.4.1. 3.7.2 Wet insulation resistance measurement
After the test in 3.5.2, measure the wet insulation resistance value in the wet box according to the method in 3.7.1. The result should meet the requirements of 2.4.2. 3.8 Electrical strength test
3.8.1 Normal electrical strength test
After the test in 3.7.1. Apply the normal test voltage value specified in Table 3 of Article 2.5 to the same position where the insulation resistance is measured. Start from less than half: continuously and evenly increase to the specified value for 1 minute, and no breakdown or flashover should occur. 3.8.2 Wet electrical strength test
After the test in Article 3.7.2, apply the wet test voltage value specified in Table 3 of Article 2.5 according to the test method in Article 3.8.1: for 1 minute, and no breakdown or flashover should occur. 3.9 Torque test
Test according to the inspection method specified in GB1132-78 and GB1433-78, and the results should meet the requirements of Article 2.6. 3.10 Rust test
First test and check the surface corrosion protection layer: then test according to the method specified in Article 31 of the national standard GB1706.1-81 "Safety of household and similar electrical appliances, part 1, general requirements". The results should meet the requirements of Article 2. Note: Usually, the pot of the tester is tested without parts, and the whole tester can also be used for testing, but the deformation of the material caused in the heating box can be ignored.
3.11 Hardness test
Use Brinell optical hardness tester to test three points within the length range of 3 times the diameter of the metal head of the tester from the end according to the national standard GB230-83% Metal Rockwell hardness test method. The test results should meet the requirements of Article 2.8. 3.12 External inspection
Use self-test or vernier caliper to check the requirements specified in Articles 2.9.1 and 2.9.2. 3.13 Check the pen clip and ring screws
3.13.1 Check the pen clip
Use a 1mm thick feeler gauge, insert one end between the pen clip bead and the pen cover, hang a 30g weight between the pen clip and the pen cover, lift the other end of the cold gauge, and the clamped feeler gauge does not slip. It is judged that the pen clip meets the requirements. 7172 GE 8218 -87
Use a 0.5N·m torque screwdriver to turn the handle screw of the tester counterclockwise. It should not loosen. However, when the torque of the torque screwdriver is increased to 2Nm, the handle screw should be loosened. It is judged to be qualified. 3.14 Mechanical strength test
Hold the light end of the tester with your hand, let the heavy end point downward, and drop it vertically from a height of 1.5m to the cement floor once. The test result should meet the requirements of Article 2.11.
3.15 Durability test
Install the tester on a special equipment for durability test. Apply the maximum working voltage of 500V or 1000V between its two ends (test base electrode and contact electrode) according to the tester specifications. After 10,000 tests with the power on and off cycle once per second, test again according to the method in Article 3.1. The starting voltage should meet the requirements in Article 2.1. 4 Inspection rules
4.1 The inspection of the measuring device is divided into batch inspection and periodic inspection. 4.2 The measuring device must be inspected by the quality control department of the manufacturer and can only be shipped after passing the inspection. During the production process of the product, the quality inspection department of the manufacturer or the entrusted quality supervision and inspection department shall conduct periodic inspections according to the specified inspection cycle. 4.3 The ordering party has the right to inspect the supplier's products batch by batch in accordance with the provisions of this standard. The supplier shall provide all conditions required for the inspection. 4.4 Batch inspection means that each batch of products must be inspected in accordance with the provisions of the national standard GB2828-81 "Batch Inspection Count Sampling Procedure and Sampling Table". Generally, it starts with normal inspection. 4.4.1 The inspection level, quality level, sampling plan type, and products submitted for inspection shall be in accordance with Table 4. Table 4
Inspection level
General inspection
Classification of nonconforming products
Major nonconforming products
Total nonconforming products (minor nonconforming products +
major nonconforming products)
Fatal nonconforming products
Sampling plan
Secondary sampling
Submit for inspection
Random sampling of packaged products
Batch trays shall not be less than 501 pieces and not more than 150,000 pieces 4.4.2 According to the batch range, check the sample size code according to the comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan in Appendix A and determine the number of samples. 4.4.3 Inspection items, contents and defect classification shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 5. No.
Inspection Item
Starting Voltage
Mechanical Strength
GB 8278 87
Structural Dimensions
Non-starting Current
Normal Insulation Resistance
Normal Electrical Strength
Pen Clip and Screw
Crack after falling
Note, (i) When inspecting the packaging, spot check each package and three of the packaging boxes, and check them according to the requirements of Article 5.2. If the packaging box or individual packaging is found to be unqualified, the submitted batch must be fully inspected and reworked. ② For fatal defects, 100% inspection must be carried out during the production process, and then sampling inspection is provided. 4.4.4 Determination of unqualified batches
According to the sample inspection results and the defect classification in Table 5, if fatal defects are found, this inspection batch is judged as an unqualified batch. Unit products with only minor defects or major defects are judged as minor unqualified products or major unqualified products respectively, and unit products with both minor defects and major defects are judged as quantitative unqualified products. The number of major unqualified products and the total number of unqualified products (the sum of minor unqualified products and major unqualified products) are counted. First, the major unqualified products are judged according to the sampling plan determined by the specified AQL separately, and then the total unqualified products are judged according to the sampling plan determined by the specified AQL. The two AQL values must pass the specified sampling plan before this inspection batch is qualified, otherwise, it is judged as an unqualified batch.
4. 4.5 Handling of Inspection Result Handling of Qualified Batch
The batch of products that have passed the inspection shall be submitted. The unqualified products shall be separated from the sample or replaced with qualified products, and the quantity shall be supplemented and the packaging shall be complete before they can be released
The unqualified products in the qualified batch shall be subject to the three guarantees (repair, replacement, and accident) provided by the supplier. The three guarantees shall be negotiated and agreed by the supplier. Handling of Unqualified Batch
For the batch that is judged as unqualified due to fatal unqualified products, the supplier shall conduct a 100% re-inspection of the fatal defect items. If one or more fatal unqualified products are still found in the re-inspection, the inspection shall be suspended. For the batch that is judged as unqualified due to other defects (minor or major defects), it is allowed to remove the unqualified products and submit for inspection again. If it is still unqualified, it shall be reworked. After a comprehensive inspection, the inspection package is submitted again. If it still fails, the inspection should be suspended. After the inspection is suspended, the cause should be found and effective measures should be taken before the inspection can be resumed. Generally, it should start with strict inspection. 4.5 Periodic inspection
According to the national standard GB2829-81 Periodic inspection counting sampling procedure and throwing sampling length, the discrimination level is selected. The inspection items, content, grouping, defect classification, judgment array, and RQL value are grouped according to the provisions of Table 6
4.5.1 Sample size and sampling method Sample size
GB 8218-87
Energy performance
Electrical working voltage
Electrical insulation treatment
Electrical strength
Durable joint
The periodic inspection is carried out in three groups, with 5 samples in each group, and a total of 15 units of products. Sample collection method
First, randomly select 20 units of products from the qualified products in the batch inspection. Before the periodic inspection, the 15 units of products in the sample should be inspected according to the batch inspection items (the contents specified in Table 5). The remaining units of products are used as spare samples. If unqualified products are found, they can be replaced from spare samples: 4.5.2 Judgment of qualified and unqualified cycle inspection In the inspection grouped according to Table 6, the unit product with one or more defects in the sample is called a unqualified product. When the number of unqualified products does not exceed the qualified judgment number of the group, the group is judged to be qualified. Otherwise, it is judged to be unqualified. When the number of unqualified products found in the batch inspection items according to Article exceeds 5, the cycle inspection should be stopped and the cycle inspection should be judged to be unqualified.
4.5.3 Handling of unqualified cycle inspection
If the cycle inspection is unqualified, the product should be stopped from leaving the factory immediately. The supply and demand parties shall negotiate to solve the problem of products that have been shipped. Production and manufacturing! The products that have not been shipped should be analyzed, the reasons should be found out, the treatment methods should be proposed, and measures should be taken in production. The cycle inspection should be re-conducted, and the products can be shipped only after they are qualified.
4. 5. 4 Handling of samples for periodic inspection
Samples that have undergone periodic inspection shall not be shipped as qualified products. 4.5.5 Period and situation of periodic inspection
Periodic inspection is normally carried out every 6 months. Or one of the following situations occurs: A. Replacement of major raw materials and components; B. Trial of new product or modification; C. Resuming production after interruption or suspension for 3 months. Periodic inspection shall be carried out. According to the requirements of the ordering party. The manufacturer shall provide the ordering party with the test report of periodic inspection and the handling of unqualified periodic inspection. If necessary, the ordering party may conduct periodic inspection. 5 Marking, packaging, transportation, storage
5.1 Marking
Each tester shall have a durability mark, clearly marking the following contents. a
Manufacturer name or trademark:
b. Specifications, GB 8218: 87 5.2.1 The tester shall be packed in a non-contact and shockproof packaging. The tester of the tool combination shall be packed in sets and then packed into boxes. 5.2.2 The packaging box (bag) shall clearly indicate the following contents: a. Product name: the logo of each item in Article 1, the number of testers in the tray; the place of origin of the tester. The packaging box (bag) shall contain the factory inspection certificate and instruction manual. The packaging box (bag) shall be packed in a box with moisture-proof and shock-proof measures to prevent the tester from moving around in the packaging box. The weight of the packaging box containing the product (usually called weight) shall not exceed 25 kz. The packing box should have the following clear Lijiu logo: Product name:
5.1 The logo of each item;
Maximum number of products per box:
Mass (gross weight): ××k
Overall dimensions: length × width × height (mm); Packing box number:
Factory date:
Moisture-proof, earthquake-proof and other logos.
5.3 Transportation
Product packaging should be able to adapt to long-distance transportation by any means. Avoid falling and water splashing during transportation. 5.4 Storage
The tester should be stored in a well-ventilated warehouse without corrosive gas. GB 8218-87
Appendix A
Comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan
A, 1 wood table is a comprehensive table that lists the batch base range, sample size code, sample size and qualified and small individual judgment numbers according to the relaxation and tightening of GB2828-81. It is a supplementary content of the batch inspection of this standard for reference when conducting batch inspection.
Comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan
Batch inspection
Sample size code
Three times of sampling plan
"Strict inspection plan
Relaxed inspection plan
Sample too small
Number of samples
First sample
First sample
Piece size Code
Sample size
The first sample
The second sample
Book size code
Sample size
The first row
The second sample
The recommended inspection method for this standard is as follows:
GB 821887
Appendix B
Torque test tool
(reference number)
W is weight: C is the distance between the beam and the measuring point (i.e. the test point should be at)
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the technical unit of the Ministry of Electrical and Electronics Products Standards, and this standard library is drafted by Chongqing Electrical and Electronics Station||tt| | This standard was issued by [Youdian Electric Appliance Factory], Guangdong Yude Rongqi Electric Appliance Factory, Nanjing Ballpoint Pen Factory, Ningji Electronic Equipment Factory, Jinan Gold Tool Factory, Wuhan Kuiliao Pen Factory, Xi'an Chaomi Electric Factory, Qingdian Electric Pen Factory, Shanghai Electric Technology Institute, "Haiban Weipai Equipment Co., Ltd.", Zhou Hardware and Electrical Power Station, Nanjing Transportation Electrical Equipment Company, and Qingdian Transportation Information Product Quality Inspection Station. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Jiarui, Guan Qinghai, and Jian Huanrong1. Marks of each item;
Maximum number of products per box:
Mass (gross weight): ××k
Dimensions: length × width × height (mm); Box number:
Factory date:
Moisture-proof, earthquake-proof and other marks.
5.3 Transportation
Product packaging should be able to adapt to long-distance transportation by any means. Avoid falling and being soaked in water during transportation. 5.4 Storage
The tester should be stored in a well-ventilated warehouse without corrosive gas. GB 8218-87
Appendix A
Comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan
A, 1 wood table is a comprehensive table that lists the batch base range, sample size code, sample size and qualified and small individual judgment numbers according to the relaxation and tightening of GB2828-81. It is a supplementary content of the batch inspection of this standard for reference when conducting batch inspection.
Comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan
Batch inspection
Sample size code
Three times of sampling plan
"Strict inspection plan
Relaxed inspection plan
Sample too small
Number of samples
First sample
First sample
Piece size Code
Sample size
First sample
Second sample
Book size code
Sample size
First row
Second sample
The recommended inspection method for this standard is as follows:
GB 821887
Appendix B
Torque test tool
(reference number)
W is weight: C is the distance between the beam and the measuring point (i.e. the test point should be at)
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the technical unit of the Ministry of Electrical and Electronics Products Standards, and this standard library is drafted by Chongqing Electrical and Electronics Station||tt| | This standard was issued by [Youdian Electric Appliance Factory], Guangdong Yude Rongqi Electric Appliance Factory, Nanjing Ballpoint Pen Factory, Ningji Electronic Equipment Factory, Jinan Gold Tool Factory, Wuhan Kuiliao Pen Factory, Xi'an Chaomi Electric Factory, Qingdian Electric Pen Factory, Shanghai Electric Technology Institute, "Haiban Weipai Equipment Co., Ltd.", Zhou Hardware and Electrical Power Station, Nanjing Transportation Electrical Equipment Company, and Qingdian Transportation Information Product Quality Inspection Station. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Jiarui, Guan Qinghai, and Jian Huanrong1. Marks of each item;
Maximum number of products per box:
Mass (gross weight): ××k
Dimensions: length × width × height (mm); Box number:
Factory date:
Moisture-proof, earthquake-proof and other marks.
5.3 Transportation
Product packaging should be able to adapt to long-distance transportation by any means. Avoid falling and being soaked in water during transportation. 5.4 Storage
The tester should be stored in a well-ventilated warehouse without corrosive gas. GB 8218-87
Appendix A
Comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan
A, 1 wood table is a comprehensive table that lists the batch base range, sample size code, sample size and qualified and small individual judgment numbers according to the relaxation and tightening of GB2828-81. It is a supplementary content of the batch inspection of this standard for reference when conducting batch inspection.
Comprehensive table of sampling inspection plan
Batch inspection
Sample size code
Three times of sampling plan
"Strict inspection plan
Relaxed inspection plan
Sample too small
Number of samples
First sample
First sample
Piece size Code
Sample size
First sample
Second sample
Book size code
Sample size
First row
Second sample
The recommended inspection method for this standard is as follows:
GB 821887
Appendix B
Torque test tool
(reference number)
W is weight: C is the distance between the beam and the measuring point (i.e. the test point should be at)
Additional instructions:
This standard is proposed by the technical unit of the Ministry of Electrical and Electronics Products Standards, and this standard library is drafted by Chongqing Electrical and Electronics Station||tt| | This standard was issued by [Youdian Electric Appliance Factory], Guangdong Yude Rongqi Electric Appliance Factory, Nanjing Ballpoint Pen Factory, Ningji Electronic Equipment Factory, Jinan Gold Tool Factory, Wuhan Kuiliao Pen Factory, Xi'an Chaomi Electric Factory, Qingdian Electric Pen Factory, Shanghai Electric Technology Institute, "Haiban Weipai Equipment Co., Ltd.", Zhou Hardware and Electrical Power Station, Nanjing Transportation Electrical Equipment Company, and Qingdian Transportation Information Product Quality Inspection Station. The main drafters of this standard are Liu Jiarui, Guan Qinghai, and Jian Huanrong
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