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SY/T 5993-1994 Gas Reservoir Engineering Information Code SY/T5993-1994 Standard Download Decompression Password:
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Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China SY/T 5993--94 Gas Reservoir Engineering Information Code 1995-01-18 Issued China National Petroleum Corporation 1995-07-01 Implementation Subject Content and Scope of Application Referenced Standards 3 Terms Classification Principles and Results Coding Method Subject Content and Scope of Application Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China Gas Reservoir Engineering Information Code This standard specifies the classification of gas reservoir engineering information and the data item code. This standard applies to the information storage, exchange, management and processing of gas reservoir engineering. 2 Reference standards GB7027-86 Guidelines for standardization work Basic principles and methods for information classification and coding SYT5785-93 Guidelines for information classification and coding for the right oil industry 3 Terms 3.1 Gas reservoir geological information Geological information related to natural gas development. 3.2 Gas reservoir dynamic information Information related to gas dynamics. 3.3 Scheme planning information Related contents of gas field development scheme design and planning compilation during gas field development 3.4 Analysis and testing information Information analyzed and tested during gas field development. 3.5 Gas reservoir monitoring information Information related to gas field monitoring. 4 Classification principles and results SY/ T 5993-94 Classify based on the identity of information in the gas engineering design process. According to the different sources of data items and the principle of ease of application, the data item codes are divided into five categories, including a. Gas reservoir geology: b Gas reservoir dynamics; c. Scheme planning; d. Analysis and testing; Gas reservoir monitoring. 5 Coding method 5.1 This standard coding method implements the relevant provisions of GH7027-86 and SY/T5785-93. 5.2 The Chinese phonetic abbreviation of the data item is selected as the code. If there are more than eight characters, the Chinese phonetic abbreviation of the main character is selected as the code. When the Chinese phonetic is a double-letter head, if the previous character appears to be repeated, a number is added to the end to distinguish it. The code length does not exceed eight characters. Approved by China National Petroleum Corporation on January 18, 1995 and implemented on July 1, 1995 The gas reservoir geology information code is shown in Table 1. The gas reservoir dynamic information code is shown in Table 2. Planning information codes are shown in Table 3. Analysis and testing information codes are shown in Table 4. The gas reservoir monitoring information codes are shown in Table 5. LFXTMC CLPFNY CLFHNY YSDWTD YSDCWE GZDYMC Gas field name Gas reservoir name Stratum name Geographic location Surface elevation Trap type Reservoir lithology Reservoir thickness Fracture system name Discovery date Geological era Gas reservoir Type Drive type Top depth of gas reservoir Gas-bearing height Reserves approval year and month Reserves review year and month Gas injection date Original saturation pressure Original geothermal gradient Original gas-water ratio Original formation temperature Gas production index Pressure coefficient Mining method Elastic yield Name of structural unit Structural location First-level structure SY/ T 5993-94 Gas reservoir geological information code Code ZYLFMD ZYDCZX ZYDCXZ DSDIFW Secondary structure Secondary structural belt Third-level structure Structural type Structural strike East wing dip South wing dip West wing dip North wing dip Structural major axis Structural minor axis||tt| |Lowest closure line High point of closure platform Degree of closure Number of fault blocks Number of gas-bearing fault blocks Crack strike Main fracture density Fracture surface ratio Main fault strike Main fault nature Drilling fault point Number of combined fault points Range of most fault throws Maximum fault throw Fault number Fault nature Fault throw of main producing layer Disconnected layer Discussion. Ming DCYSCD ZYCQCW ZYCQCHD ZCCDS1 ZCCDS2 ZCCYXSTL CCNJCS Fault extension length Fault angle Layer drop Fault sealing property Well number encountered Fault Formation period Number of wells encountered Formation thickness Top boundary depth Bottom boundary depth Number of erosion surfaces Name of erosion surface Number of holding layers Formation stability Number of reservoir layers Main gas-producing layers Thickness of main gas-producing layers Top depth of main producing layers Bottom depth of main producing layers||tt ||Effective permeability of main production layer Number of layers in reservoir CCNJCZDHMaximum thickness of interlayer in reservoir JCPJSTL CCGCICGX GCzYYX SSCJXH QCFBZK YXHDCS ZLQCCS Average permeability of interlayer|| tt| Contact relationship between reservoir and cap layer Cap layer thickness Electrical property of overflow layer Layer stability Main lithology of cap layer Critical pressure Saturation pressure Sedimentary cycle Distribution of gas layer Number of gas layers Number of effective thickness layers Number of main gas layers SY/ T 5993--94 Continued Table 1 Interlayer in the reservoir Maximum grass Beneficial layer of the reservoir Contact relationship ZDDCHD ZDDCYXHD Maximum single layer thickness Maximum single layer effective thickness HDPMBHXS Thickness plane variation coefficient NYGCXS NYFBXS ZXFJZXS-1 CCZDKXD CCZXKXD CCPJKXD CCZDSTL CCZXSTL CCPJSTL ccLFKxD| |tt||PIYXSTL1 SPKQSTLI CCCZSTL STLFBLXI STLBYXSI CCLDZZ ZXFJZxS2 QCZDKXD QCZXKXD QCPJKXD Q CZDSTL ||tt ||QCZXSTL ||tt || t||Yskxysxs Mudstone interlayer coefficient Mudstone distribution coefficient Reservoir longitudinal heterogeneity coefficient Reservoir maximum porosity Reservoir minimum porosity Reservoir average porosity Reservoir maximum permeability Reservoir minimum permeability Reservoir average permeability Reservoir fracture porosity Reservoir average effective permeability Reservoir horizontal air permeability Reservoir vertical permeability Reservoir permeability distribution type Reservoir permeability variation coefficient Reservoir granularity median Gas layer longitudinal heterogeneity coefficient Gas layer maximum porosity Gas layer minimum porosity|| tt||Average porosity of gas layer Maximum permeability of gas layer Minimum permeability of gas layer Average permeability of gas layer Porosity of gas layer Average effective permeability of gas layer Horizontal air permeability of gas layer Vertical permeability of gas layer Permeability distribution type of gas layer Permeability variation coefficient of gas layer Median particle size of gas layer Wettability Rock pore compression coefficient Longitudinal heterogeneity coefficient 1 Average effective permeability 1 Horizontal air permeability 1 Permeability distribution type Permeability variation coefficient Longitudinal heterogeneity coefficient 2 Average effective permeability 2 Horizontal air paint permeability 2 Permeability distribution type 2 Permeability variation coefficient2 YSZHYSXS QCDRXS YSRZXS QCRKSXS DGCDRL DGCRKSL JZYKSTL QCFQYL| |tt||QCZBSD CSKGRQ SGJSRO CSHRCYL|| tt||CSHRCQL CSHRCEL BDRCQSP ZPQJKJS ZPRCONL ZPRCSNL Rock comprehensive compression coefficient Gas layer Thermal conductivity Rock thermal expansion coefficient Gas layer thermal diffusion coefficient Gas layer heat capacity Bottom layer thermal conductivity||t t||Sand-mud thickness ratio Thermal diffusivity of bottom layer Permeability of matrix rock Fracture permeability Gas waste pressure Middle depth of gas layer Gas injection medium, Production date Production time Working system Production days MeasuresStart date Measure name Construction unit|| tt||Construction completion date Daily oil production after measures Daily gas production after measures Daily water production after measures Oil pressure after measures After measures Casing pressure Rated daily gas production level Number of self-jet wells Number of self-jet wells Average nozzle Self-jet daily gas production capacity|| tt||Self-spraying H water production capacity SY/ T 5993-94 Continued Table 1 DCTRQMD DCTROND DCQYSXS QTJHSXS TRQYSYZ DCSYSXS||tt ||DCSDZL Table 2 Gas reservoir dynamic information code ZPRCYNL CSJKJS C SJRCQNL CSJRCYNL CSJRCSNL HSYCQL HSYCYL HSYCSL JSOCCCL MQCCCD LJSCSJ| |tt||SCLJCQL LIZRQL Gas injection temperature Formation natural gas Density Viscosity of formation natural gas Compression coefficient of formation natural gas Conversion coefficient of natural gas volume Compression factor of natural gas Dew point pressure Compression of formation water Coefficient Water thermal expansion coefficient Formment water type Formment water resistivity Small Tan number Self-flowing daily oil production capacity Total number of measure wells measure Number of wells opened Daily gas production capacity of measure wells White oil production capacity of measure wells Daily water production capacity of measure wells Verified monthly gas production Verify monthly oil production Verify monthly water production Natural decline rate Comprehensive decline rate Water cut rise rate Flooding time||tt ||Output level before water appeared Current output level||t t||Recovery rate Production time Cumulative gas production volume Cumulative gas injection Formation gas compression coefficient Gas volume Conversion factor JKZQYL XJRCQL XJRCYL XIRCSL LJCSLB LJCSJC LICSYXI C LJCSZCQL NLJZQL NLJZYL XIYCQL XJYCYL XJYCSL XJNCQL SYMDYQ| |tt||FAPZRQ Wellhead gas injection pressure Old well gas production Old well oil production plate Old well production Water dispatch Daily gas production of new wells Daily oil production of new wells Daily water production of new wells Category of measures for old wells Measures for old wells| |tt||Effective wells of measures for old wells Gas production increase of measures for old wells Monthly gas increase Monthly oil increase Annual cumulative gas increase||tt| |Annual cumulative oil increase New merger category New wells put into production Number Number of new wells opened Monthly gas production of new wells Monthly oil production of new wells Monthly water production of new wells Annual gas production of new wells||tt ||Block name Unit name Experimental objectives and requirements Scheme approval date Implementation period Experimental area Well layout method Total number of wells designed SY/ T5993-94 Continued Table 2 XJNCYL ||QTTCJS YIWTCJS WJWJJS QCSKJD WCCCCD||t t||Table 3 Program planning information code SJCQJS SJDJRCQL SJSCYC SJBCYLSP SYISRQ SYILTY Annual oil production of new wells Annual water production of new wells Total number of gas wells Planned number of wells to be shut down Number of wells to be shut down in Shuitong Number of wells shut down due to sand production Number of wells shut down due to low pressure Number of wells shut down due to accidents Number of other wells shut down Number of wells to be scrapped Wells that have been built but not put into production Number of wells Number of completed but unbuilt wells Number of wells with water injection Gas layer perforation section Water-gas ratio Gas-oil ratio| |tt||Initial gas production disk Stable gas production Gas production speed||t t||Water breakthrough time Stable production rate Designed footage Designed number of gas production wells Designed daily gas production of a single well Designed production pressure Poor Designed to maintain pressure level Test end date Test conclusion summary Scheme name DYYXHD||tt| |JWKZCD||tt ||SQKZCD YCZZCSL YCJXHSL SJGCJS WCQNCQL WCQMHSL WCMCKCCL ZKFNXS JWKZCL MBQXJS JSYXHD SJNCQL SJRCQL SJRCSL SJCQZS SJCQSD SJCCCD Date of commissioning Effective thickness Well pattern type|| tt||Well pattern density Grid control degree Water drive control degree Predicted ultimate recovery Predicted ultimate water cut Set Observation and count Number of newly drilled gas wells Average well depth Annual gas production during stable production period Stable production years Water content at the end of stable production period||tt| |Production at the end of stable production period Recoverable reserves Total development years Grid-connected controlled reserves Number of closed coring wells Total layers drilled Apply See water friction See water effective thickness Flooded thickness Statistical thickness No gas thickness No water thickness Statistical well number Designed annual gas production| |tt||Design index Design name Design daily gas production Design daily water Design gas production index Design gas production speed||tt ||Designed recovery degree SY/ T 5993-94 Continued Table 3 End of stable production Recoverable reserves SJNDJL TZJSCHE TZJYXHD TZISTL JMQSTXT JMHSTXT TZODCS TZHDCS THDJKZC L PJDJRCQL YLBCSP YCFFMC JMHSYCHD JMHSYMJ QCDYZK EWDZCXCD Design Year Decline rate Plan name Adjustment well sand thickness Adjustment well effective thickness Adjustment and Permeability Sand body shape before densification Class 1 continuous Class 2 strip Class 3 scattered Sand body shape after densification|| tt||First category after encryption Second category after encryption Third category after encryption Number of faults before adjustment Number of faults after adjustment Perforation Well number Perforation layer Controlled storage capacity of single well after adjustment Volume Gas production intensity Average daily gas production per well Perforation principles Implementation requirements Number of gas injection wells Pressure maintenance level Forecast symbol Forecast method name Forecast value Gas layer group name Thickness of flooded layer after encryption Flooded area Water pickling area after encryption||t t||Gas layer production status Number of statistical layers Number of exploration wells Length of 2D seismic line SWDZMI KFJPJJS DNAPZILB DNAPZIJC DNAPQXIC DNJICQJ DNHIQTJ YYCLFS| |tt||QDSPHZ QDSKHD DCSPHZ DCSKHD YYBCFS YCLXHGZ BHQHZL Lanwei Di Nang Area Number of drilling and development wells Average depth of development wells Type of drilling wells arranged in the year Number of aluminum wells arranged||tt ||Drilling footage arranged for the year Coring and counting Coring footage arranged for the year, Gas wells constructed in the year Other wells constructed in the year Sampling Depth Rock sample treatment method Driving water density Driving water pH value Driving water mineralization Formation water density pH value of formation water formation Water mineralization Experimental temperature Wetting index Driving process Capillary pressure Mercury saturation Gas density|| tt||Water density Core diameter Rock sample storage method Experimental time Dry weight after one centrifugation Weight after saturation with gas||tt ||Saturated gas volume SY/ T599394 Continued Table 3 XSDQBJ Analysis and testing information code ECLXHGZ BHSHZL SFSQXSTL CYQSXSTL KXDCDFF KQSTLCDF CYLTCDFF New machine pumping well New electric submersible pump well Optimized tubing string well Frozen well Fracturing new well Acidizing old well Water plugging of gas well Gas well overhaul Other operations Volume of discharged gas||t t||Dry weight after secondary centrifugation Weight after saturation with water Volume of discharged water Percentage of water absorption Percentage of oil absorption Water drive displacement Gas drive displacement Immobilized water gas phase permeability Residual gas-water phase permeability Porosity determination method Air permeability determination method Residual fluid determination method Rock density Core color photo Specific area Cementation type Cement content Cementation occurrence Pore type Sorting coefficient Air permeability determination method KXFBF W STLFBFZ ZDKXBJ PJKXBJ KXBJZZ KXBYXS ZDFQYL ZDGBHD ZZSYGBHD YXFGYL JLXYSXS DZYSXS CCZBLY CCZBJY Pore distribution peak position Permeability distribution peak Number of homogeneous cases Maximum pore radius Average pore radius Median pore radius Pore variation coefficient Structural system Number Maximum displacement pressure Maximum mercury saturation Final residual mercury saturation Lithology coefficient Effective covering pressure Static compression coefficient Uniaxial compression coefficient Inlet and outlet pressure difference Stabilization time Rock sample number Rock sample depth Rock sample dry weight Saturated water weight Simulated gas density Simulated gas viscosity Injection water viscosity Injection water type Sand content Test date Monitoring code Flowing pressure in the middle of the production layer Static pressure in the middle of the production layer SY/ T 5993-94 Continued Table 4 ZRSPHZ ZRSKHD SFSYXSTL LJZRBS YXSTL2 RSISFSJL SYYQTMC SYYQTND SFSBHD HSFSSTL ZZHSBHD SQQHYPGZ WSQCQL Injection water density Injection water pH Value Injection water mineralization Oil phase permeability of Dongfu water Injection times of fruit Oil phase permeability Gas phase permeability Water phase permeability Wettability and bound water establishment method Core length Core volume Experimental gas name Experimental gas viscosity Core side pressure Pore volume Core permeability Dry sample porosity||t t||Immobile water saturation Dry sample permeability Immobile water permeability Final water saturation Saturated gas volume Dry weight of sample after water displacement Gas output in water-free period Sampling method Condensate viscosity Table 5 Gas reservoir monitoring information code LYTJIS JYTJIS Interpretation results Flow pressure after measures Static pressure after measures||tt| |Number of wells with flow pressure statistics Average flow pressure Static pressure statistics Wetting and bound water establishment ZHYSXS TXCNXS JTCJXS YQXRSD Average static pressure Recovery time Pressure after recovery Number of observation wells Excited well number Explanation date Explanation method Productivity coefficient Flow Coefficient Pressure conductivity Comprehensive compression coefficient Elastic energy storage system effect Elastic energy storage ratio Cross flow coefficient Well casing storage coefficient Enclosed area Fracture width Fracture half length Boundary distance Boundary nature Instrument number Instrument manned depth Excitation well number Excitation times Additional instructions: SY/ T 5993-94 Continued Table 5 JDOGZZT JDWCSJ SYQRHD RTHSBHD WYCDLNL Working status before excitation Excitation mode Excitation sequence number Excitation maintenance time Interval time Explanation sequence number Average water content Flooding level Measurement point depth Residual gas saturation||tt ||RT water saturation Abnormal well section Abnormal orientation Abnormal category Abnormal description Liquid name Wellhead temperature Wellhead pressure Instrument model Conductivity Conductivity without Intz Support fracture height Skin coefficient This standard is proposed and managed by the Petroleum Information and Computer Application Professional Standardization Committee, and this standard is drafted by the Langfang Branch of the Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Chunlian, Ding Guosheng, and Yang Xianmei.TWater saturation Abnormal well section Abnormal orientation Abnormal category Abnormal description Liquid name Wellhead temperature Wellhead pressure Instrument model Flow conductivity Flow conductivity without Intz Support fracture height Skin coefficient This standard is proposed and managed by the Petroleum Information and Computer Application Professional Standardization Committee, and this standard is drafted by the Langfang Branch of the Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Chunlian, Ding Guosheng, and Yang Xianmei.TWater saturation Abnormal well section Abnormal orientation Abnormal category Abnormal description Liquid name Wellhead temperature Wellhead pressure Instrument model Flow conductivity Flow conductivity without Intz Support fracture height Skin coefficient This standard is proposed and managed by the Petroleum Information and Computer Application Professional Standardization Committee, and this standard is drafted by the Langfang Branch of the Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Chunlian, Ding Guosheng, and Yang Xianmei.TWater saturation Abnormal well section Abnormal orientation Abnormal category Abnormal description Liquid name Wellhead temperature Wellhead pressure Instrument model Flow conductivity Flow conductivity without Intz Support fracture height Skin coefficient This standard is proposed and managed by the Petroleum Information and Computer Application Professional Standardization Committee, and this standard is drafted by the Langfang Branch of the Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Chunlian, Ding Guosheng, and Yang Xianmei.TWater saturation Abnormal well section Abnormal orientation Abnormal category Abnormal description Liquid name Wellhead temperature Wellhead pressure Instrument model Flow conductivity Flow conductivity without Intz Support fracture height Skin coefficient This standard is proposed and managed by the Petroleum Information and Computer Application Professional Standardization Committee, and this standard is drafted by the Langfang Branch of the Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute. The main drafters of this standard are Li Chunlian, Ding Guosheng, and Yang Xianmei. Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.