title>JB/T 8810.3-1998 Multi-point lubrication pump 31.5MPa - JB/T 8810.3-1998 - Chinese standardNet - bzxz.net
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JB/T 8810.3-1998 Multi-point lubrication pump 31.5MPa

Basic Information

Standard ID: JB/T 8810.3-1998

Standard Name: Multi-point lubrication pump 31.5MPa

Chinese Name: 多点润滑泵 31.5MPa

Standard category:Machinery Industry Standard (JB)

state:in force

Date of Release1998-09-30

Date of Implementation:1998-12-01

standard classification number

Standard ICS number:Mechanical systems and general parts >> 21.260 Lubrication system

Standard Classification Number:Machinery>>General Parts>>J21 Lubrication and Lubrication Devices

associated standards

Publication information

other information

Focal point unit:Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Publishing department:Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery Industry

Introduction to standards:

JB/T 8801.3-1998 This standard specifies the model, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and markings, packaging, transportation and storage of multi-point lubrication pumps 31.5MPa. This standard applies to multi-point lubrication pumps with a nominal pressure of 31.5MPa for centralized lubrication grease and oil. (Note: From the date of implementation of this standard, JB/ZQ 4579-86 "Multi-point Lubrication Pump (20MPa)" will be invalid.) JB/T 8810.3-1998 Multi-point Lubrication Pump 31.5MPa JB/T8810.3-1998 Standard download decompression password: www.bzxz.net

Some standard content:

Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
JB,T 8810.3-1998
Multi-point Juhrication pumps 31.5MPa
Multiple-point Juhrication pumps 3l. 5 MPa19980930 Issued
National Machinery Industry Bureau
1998-12-01 Implementation
This standard is proposed and managed by the Metallurgical Equipment Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Machinery. The responsible drafting unit of this standard: Shanghai Runyou Equipment! . The main contributors to this standard are Li Lizhong.
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Hot-point Lubrication Pump 31.5Pabzxz.net
Multi-point Lubrication Pump K3i.SMPa.1BT8810.3-1998
This standard specifies the number, basic parameters and dimensions, technical requirements, test methods, inspection specifications, packaging, etc. of multi-point lubrication pumps with a lubrication capacity of 31.5MPa.
This standard is for the supply of lubricating grease to centralized lubrication systems, with a nominal pressure of 1.5MT (hereinafter referred to as multi-point lubrication).
2 Reference Standards
The underline indicates the text included in the standard. The provisions that constitute the standard are cited in the standard. When this standard was published, the versions shown are all valid at the time of publication. All standards will be revised. Customers using this standard should consider the possibility of using the latest version of the following standard (13384 General conditions for packaging of products 3 Model, number and overall dimensions
Standard barrel volume, L
Maximum pressure per 11 m/s, m[/mir
Pressure rating code: 31.5MP
Multi-point run Xie Zong
Give Diankou teaching
Note: Huidianjia original collection inch||tt ||Oil loss capacity
The maximum capacity of each oil supply port
Output superior code
Give academic efficiency
3.2 The basic technical parameters of the multi-point system should be the national filling machine industry high 199% 30 approved
1998-12-01 actual travel
Tentative test injection volume
3.3 Overall dimensions
Maintenance oil port
JB/r 810.3—1998
Strict oil range:
The appearance of the multi-point recording shall conform to the requirements of the drawing
3.4 ​​Marking example
Application quality
Maintenance degree 265 ~ 381:
(25c, 156a)6
mm grease or viscosity difference
not less than 61.2 mm
cat slip
Environmental temperature
-· 2C -
Nominal oil supply port is 31.5MP, the oil supply port is 0--5.sLmi. Oil capacity is 9
10L multi-point lubrication:
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Pressure resistance
DDRB-N5.9/10 multi-point JB/T8810.3199 multi-point pump is in the square 1. 15 times the nominal pressure, there should be no abnormal phenomenon such as damage to parts. 4.2 Sealing
When the multi-point pump is under 15 times the nominal pressure, there should be no abnormal phenomenon at the external connections. 4.3 Oil supply
When the back pressure of the multi-point oil supply port is the nominal pressure, the oil supply of each oil supply port should be able to be adjusted arbitrarily within the rated range, and the maximum oil supply should not be less than the specified maximum value.
4.4 Oil level control
The oil in the oil barrel of the multi-point pump is 4.5 The noise level of the deep
real point system when running under nominal pressure should not be more than 1080A) 4.6 The amount of washing out of the multi-point music should not be more than 950mg 4.7 The surface of the multi-point system should meet the requirements of the relevant standards. 4. Monthly life
Under the specified use, the credit life of the multi-point should be not less than 2) HII, when the rated oil supply under the nominal pressure is less than 0% or the transmission parts are damaged and cannot be repaired, it can be seen that the service life of multiple points is limited. 5 Test method
5.1 Test parts
The test material is a lubricating oil with a viscosity of 41.4--5℃.6mm+/g, and the service life test medium is a standard oil with a cone penetration of 26:~28 (25C.15G) 1/10mm. The test is carried out under the pressure, the test steady-state pressure is 10% of the test pressure, the pressure gauge range is C-40MP, and the precision is 2.5. 5.2 Test system principle
The service point test system principle is shown in Figure 2, 5.3 Endurance test
Start multiple points, adjust the oil supply pressure to 37MP. Run for 2min, and its positive performance should meet the requirements of 1.1. 5.4 Tightness test
After the test is completed, check the tightness of each external connection every day. The performance should meet the requirements of 4.2. 5.5 Filling volume test
Adjust the pressure of each oil supply port to 31.EMP, adjust the oil supply volume to the maximum, measure the oil volume of each oil supply port for 3 minutes, and the average value should meet the requirements of 3. Select each oil supply port to adjust the supply volume source and observe the supply tank to ensure that it can change freely within the rated range. 5.6 Lubrication control test
The second oil level limit switch and the alarm should be connected, and the lubricant should be added in the storage tank. When the oil level is lower than the minimum level, the low level alarm should be issued: when the monitoring signal is high, the low oil level should be higher than the maximum oil level, the high level alarm should be issued. 5.7 Call test
and other points in the bay = high place, when the pressure is high, record it at 1m away from the bearing point. Use a level meter to measure the panel rack 3
, and the control value should be in accordance with the provisions of 4.5. 5.8 Roller cleanliness inspection
JB/T BA10.3-1998
: Tested, 2 pressure gauge, 3-exit
Disassemble the multi-point system, rinse all parts with filtered petroleum ether except the oiled parts. The rinsed stone is passed through a 6mm and weighed paper in a temperature of 120℃, and then dried in an oven at 120℃ for 60 milliseconds. Take out the dried filter paper and weigh it again. The difference between the weight of the filter paper and the weight before filtration is mainly due to impurities. Its value should be less than 6. 5.9 Coating inspection
The surface of the multi-point system has been inspected and the quality of the parts is in compliance with the requirements. 5.10 Test purchase
Adjust the oil supply of each multi-point system to 31.5MPa, adjust the oil supply to the maximum, and measure the oil supply of each dynamic 11 after 2C00b. The value should meet the requirements of 48. (Specification inspection specification)
6.1 Factory inspection
The factory inspection of multi-point pumps shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of and 5.9. 6.2 Type inspection
6.2.1 Type inspection shall be carried out for the following cases: R) Direct trial production and monitoring:
b) When there are major changes in the structure, material and process, which may affect the performance of the product, c) When the product is in normal production for 5 years.
6.2.2 Type inspection The replacement products shall be selected from the finished products that have passed the inspection, and there shall be no less than two sets. 6.2.3 Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5. i.3 Type inspection shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5. If the product fails to meet the requirements again, it shall be judged as a defective product. The marking, equipment, delivery and storage of the customer point system shall comply with GB/T1238.
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