Equipment installation drawing HG 20519. 9-92 1Overview Equipment installation drawing HG 20519.9-92 The design model of the equipment installation drawing refers to some equipment installation details that need to be designed by the device layout professionals, except for the equipment brackets and operating tables designed by the civil engineering or equipment professionals, such as the retaining frame at the top of the tower, the pads under the cold insulation equipment support, and the installation drawings of the purchased equipment spring brackets. In order to count materials and facilitate construction, installation drawings must be drawn in accordance with this regulation. 2 Drawing format and scale The drawing format is generally A3 or A2. The scale is generally 1:20 or 1:10. 3Just above the title bar, a material table is listed, and its format and content are shown in the example figure. 4Instructions or notes Instructions or notes should be placed above the material table to write technical requirements or construction requirements and the adopted standards and specifications. See example drawing TXXX cooling tower retaining frame installation drawing 4-M16 anchor bolts, exposed 40 on the foundation surface, pre-buried by civil engineering professionals, with nuts and washers. Welding procedures are in accordance with JB/Z105-73GB985-786-80. The roughness of the fur surface is plate surface, and the rest. 【Drawing number or standard number T×××× cooling tower Retaining frame installation drawing (example drawing)wwW.bzxz.Net Weight (kg) Project name: Design project: Tip: This standard content only shows part of the intercepted content of the complete standard. If you need the complete standard, please go to the top to download the complete standard document for free.