Some standard content:
ICs 25.200
Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Salts for beat treatment
Published on 1999-06-24
National Bureau of Machinery Industry
Implementation on 2000-01-01
This standard is a revision of 2BJ3600788 "Salts for beat treatment". The original standard has been revised in accordance with relevant regulations. The content of the revision has not changed:
Standard shall be replaced by 7R from the date of implementation
In the standard, Appendix A and Appendix C are the appendices of the standard. This standard replaces 2BJ36007—88 from the date of implementation. This standard: The National Technical Committee for Heat Treatment of Salts was proposed and the responsible person for this standard is Chengdu Shengqi Co., Ltd. The responsible person for drafting this standard is Ping Chuanpeng. Instructions: This standard was first issued on July 12, 1988. Scope: Machinery Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
Salt for heat treatment
Salis for beat treatmeul
July J367-88
This standard specifies the technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules and packaging, marking, and transportation standards for hot-dip salt. It is applicable to the production of salt baths in Dingwei. The heating effect of some non-ferrous metals such as carbon monoxide and alloy steel will reduce the heat treatment process compared to cold medium: 2 Reference standards || tt || 1 The clauses contained in the standard are cited in this standard and constitute the provisions of the standard. When this standard was published, all the small texts were valid. All standards are subject to revision. The parties using this standard shall discuss the use of the new features of the subscript and reduce the length of the new features. (B/} 223.1-198E
GB/T 6221989
GB/T 6261989
GR.T G31—1989
GR/T 6421986
GB 648—1993
GB,T 652—1988
GBT 1279-1989
GBT 12921986
GBT 1298—1986
GB.T 1617—1989
GB/T 453
GR 6549—[986
3 Definition
Determination of carbon content in steel and titanium alloy
Beijing Wushu reagents hydrochloric acid
Chemical reagents sulfuric acid
Chemical reagents ammonia
Chemical reagents potassium dichromate
Chemical reagents potassium dichromate
Chemical reagents fluoride
Chemical reagents iron (II ammonium sulfate
Chemical fluidizers acid
Magnetic tools copper wave strip
Industrial digital lock|| tt||Industrial potassium nitrate
Industrial nitrite
Industrial sodium iodate
Industrial salt
Digital zinc
This standard uses the following definitions.
3.1 Weight change rate
The absolute weight change of the sample before and after heating is the percentage of the weight of the sample before heating. 3.2 Original carbon content
The carbon content of the sample before heating.
Approved by the National Machinery Industry Bureau on 1999-m6-24, 2000-01-01 Implementation
3.3 Residual carbon content
Carbon content of the sample after heating
3.4 Evaporation rate
The difference between the original carbon content of the sample and the carbon content of the sample in percentage 4 Technical requirements
4.1 The chemical composition and appearance of the heat treatment should comply with the requirements of the table, and the chemical composition and appearance of the salt used for heat treatment should be anhydrous ammonium chloride
Sodium aldehyde
|Non-sodium phosphate
Color-blocked powder
Finger powder
White household product powder
White head product
Self-color box rain powder
White general product
Semi-banana color
White product
Chemical composition
No secondary oxide (Bac)
Varum ion (in terms of S)
Barium fluoride (BaCI2H,O)
Chemicals (in terms of)
Xia ( Fe!
Water soluble
Oxidation (
Sulfur absorption (in terms of,
Iron Fe
Water soluble
Chemical chemistry [K]
Salt salt (in terms of SO,)
Iron (Fe)
Water soluble
Sodium sulfate NaNO,) (in terms of level)
K substance NaCl (in terms of T)
Surface active substances (in terms of dry basis)
Chemical chemistry (in terms of)
Water soluble
Nitrite: Sodium: NaNO: (in terms of +)||tt ||Sodium nitrate (,) (measured in grams)
Table content: dry basis)
Fully graded agent
4.2 The heating properties of group oxidizing salts shall comply with the provisions of Table 2 and JD/T9202-1999
Table 2 Heating properties of oxidizing salts
Anhydrous oxidizing salts
Point test
Sodium ammonia
Intense pure burial
5 Chemical composition of salts test method
Release in equal amounts
Positive change chamber,
a) Anhydrous oxidizing salts shall be graded according to Table A (standard appendix): 6) Chemical oxidizing salts (B 1617) shall be graded according to Table B (standard appendix): d) Potassium oxide shall be graded according to Appendix C (standard appendix): ! Sodium nitrate is tested according to CB/T4553: Nitric acid is tested according to GB/T1918: Nitrite is tested according to GB2367, 6 Oxidizing salt heating performance test method 6.1 Test sample (box sheet) 4th sheet peeling rate 6.1.1 Box sheet raw material is cold rolled T10 steel strip with thickness of 0.08mm±0.01mm and width of 30mm, The chemical composition of the material shall comply with the provisions of GB/T1298.
6.1.z The length of each piece of box cut from the steel strip is 120mm. 6.1.3 The piece should be flat, smooth, without burrs, burrs, rust or pollution. 6.1.4 Take two pieces of foil, make a small hole at one end of the length direction, clean it with anhydrous ethanol, dry it, and then weigh it on a balance with an accuracy of 000. 6.5 Use a wire to pass through the small hole on the box, bend it and make a factory shape parallel to it. To facilitate the film to float and move in the water, a weight can be added to the wire:
6.2 Equipment, salt bath preparation and thermal specifications
6.2.1 Equipment The heating section is a high temperature or wet bath furnace, and the size is generally not more than 350*45mm500mm (brightness × length × depth) It is made of 1Cr18Ni9Ti with a thickness of 5mm, and the total internal size is about 120mm>340mlc6.2.2 Salt bath preparation
Salt bath preparation The formula, preparation and heating equipment of the press shall comply with the requirements of Table 3 and Table 3 Salt preparation, preparation weight and steaming equipment shall comply with the requirements of Table 3. Salt name: Yuanshui Huayan Salt: Nihua Shu: Dunhua Liu: Yiyu Chuan Salt Formula: 190% anhydrous blood test salt: [00% ticket chemical frequency "stock parts"]: 5% oxidation salt "test salt" + 50% chemical steel (reagent) 50% oxidation teacher (reduced test item) + 5U% compound chemical (can be) Society: bottle chemical plan! The technical requirements of the "fast agent" shall comply with GB/T652. Preparation
Heating equipment
High temperature salt bath
Medium temperature salt bath Take a portion of the salt prepared according to Table 3 and put it into a mixing tank, then put the block into a high temperature salt bath or medium temperature salt bath, and raise the block to a temperature of 60°C. After the salt in the block is melted, add the salt prepared by the lamp until the prepared salt is completely used. The salt bath should be kept warm for 1h. The high temperature salt bath temperature is 1230% + 10, and the medium temperature salt bath temperature is 850 + 106.2.3 The foil should be heated in accordance with Table 4. Table 4 Foil heating specifications
Open the heating equipment
Commercial temperature pad furnace
Medium flow salt bath
6.3 Test frequency
1231 + 10
The salt bath should be calibrated with a hot pot in advance. After the heat preservation is completed, the two prepared foils are completely put into the bath to heat. The immersion depth is about mm above the foil. After the foil is heated according to Table 4, take a small amount of water. Carefully separate the foil, wash the foil with steamed water first, then wash it with anhydrous water, and store it in a container for use after drying for ten minutes. 6.4 Sample analysis 6.4.1 Weigh the two foils heated at the same time on a balance with an accuracy of 0.0001g. The weight is the difference in the total weight of the foil after heating: 6.4.2 Cut the two weighed foils into two pieces, mix them, and then add the gas volume in GB/T223.1 to separate the carbon content: This carbon content is the residual content of the foil. Take two unheated foils on the same strip and analyze them at the same time. This carbon content is the initial content of the foil. 6.5 Calculation results 6.5. [Foil weight change rate 4%] Calculate according to formula (1): AW:
武 中: G
The total weight of the two foils before heating: Gu - G
The total weight of one or two pieces of box sheets after heating is,
6.9.2 Decarburization rate AC, (%) is calculated by formula (2): AC
Where: 一一the original carbon content of box sheets, %; C 一一the residual carbon content of simple sheets, %.
Inspection rules
7.1 Both the production and user units shall comply with the technical requirements, test methods and inspection rules specified in this standard to inspect whether the product quality meets the requirements of this standard.
7.2 The sampling method shall comply with the corresponding provisions of the second competition! The user of the standard stipulates: When there are different production batches in the same batch, the samples shall be separated according to the production batch number.
7.3 When the whole inspection result shows that one index does not meet the standard requirements, the whole batch shall be strictly inspected. If it cannot be accepted, it is necessary to call, and the acceptance conditions can also be agreed upon by both parties of supply and demand.
7.4 When there is a dispute between the supply and demand parties, the arbitration unit shall arbitrate. 8 Marking, packaging, transportation and storage
8.1 The product is sealed, and the packaging method for storage and storage is reliable. 8.1 The net weight of each package of the product should generally be 25k, and should not exceed kg. 8.3 A product quality certificate is attached to each package, which includes: manufacturer name, product name, batch number, production net weight, proof that the product meets the requirements of this standard and the code of this standard. 8.4 The product is marked with a firm mark, including: manufacturer name, product name, net weight, batch number. 8.5 The product should be protected from rain, additives and contamination by other items during treatment and transportation. JR/T 0202-1999
Appendix A
(Appendix to the standard)
Test method for chemical composition of anhydrous Huihuaba
A1 Determination of anhydrous chromium chloride content A1.1 Reagents and solutions
A1.1.1 Potassium dichromate (GB/T612): 7% solution. A1.1.2 Hydrochloric acid (GB/T6221N solution.
A1.1.3 Hydrogen phosphate [GB2921 solution]
AI.1.4 Red water [GBT631]: 0.3N solution A1.1.5 Distilled water containing little water: pl17-8. A1.2 Determination number continued
Weigh 78% of the finely ground boron sample with an accuracy of 0.0001 μg, dissolve it in a 500mL sample bottle, dilute it with water to the mark: shake for about 15 minutes, " Filtration: Pipette 5mL of filtrate into a 250mL beaker, add 1% 1% acetic acid 5mL, dilute with water to 150ml, add 7% dichromate solution 10L, heat for 5min. Keep boiling, slowly add 10mL of acetic acid under continuous stirring, keep warm for 5min, add 15mL of 0.5N water-soluble paint while stirring halfway, keep warm at 80℃ for 0.5h, force cool to room temperature: change to constant weight G4 overnight high-purity filter at 130℃, wash the chromate precipitate with water containing a small amount of organic solvent until there is no chloride ion, and dry it in an oven at 120℃ to constant weight.
A1. 3 Result calculation
The content of anhydrous barium chloride (BaCl2) is calculated by formula (A): (C12-G12)× 0.82202
Sample weight, point:
Wu Baixin
(3.—Ningbo glass site weight and, official
G grid precipitation plus brain glass with glass weighing plate,
0.82202—The coefficient of conversion of chlorinated anhydride into anhydrous chlorinated anhydride. The difference between the parallel analysis results is not more than 0.03%
42 Determination of sulfide (by weight) content
According to GB/T[617.
A3 Determination of iron (Fe) content
According to GB/T[617
1 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
According to GB/T[617
45 Determination of water content
A5.1 Test continuation
JRT 9202-[999
Take low non-weighing weight and put it in a 150T±2 high potential box to the appropriate weight, then put in about 10g of anhydrous half-average sample, the weight of which is 0.001, and still put it in the 150± supply box.
A5.2 Calculate the percentage of the content according to the formula (A2:
: The sample before drying is weighed and reported, the formula is: G
The sample weight after drying is 1
The sample weight is g;
The difference between the results of the industry analysis is not more than 0.03%. 1(0
Appendix B
【Standard Resistant】
Test method for chemical composition of sodium chloride
B1 Sodium chloride [ NuCl] Determination of content
According to B5462
B2 Determination of magnetite (calculated as S) content
According to GB3462
B3 Determination of iron (Fe) content
B3.1 Reagents and solutions
B3.1.1 Hydrochloric acid (GT6222: 5% solution
B3.1.2 Nitric acid [GBT626]: 2% solution
B3.1.3 Potassium sulfate [GB6481]: 5% solution B3.1.4 Ammonium ferric sulfate [GB/T :279】CA2;
B3.1.5 Iron solution: Accurately weigh 0.64 ml of ammonium ferric sulfate and dissolve it in water, add 1 cm2 of 2N HCl, and transfer it into 1000 ml. Use the dilution chamber to select the scale. This solution contains 0.1 mg/mL of iron. Pipette the above solution into a 100 ml container, add 2 ml of HCl, and dilute it with water until it reaches the mark. This solution contains 1.005 mg/mL of iron. R3.2 Apparatus
7 B3.3 Preparation before work: Pipette 0.005mg/ml standard solution into 50mL bottle, add 5mL nitric acid, 2mL 5% sulfuric acid and 5mL raw water to dilute to full scale, add about 520m, 3 colorimetric reagent space as reference, and take the optical density of the measured point as the numerical standard, and the horizontal coordinate of the working table as the horizontal axis. .4 Determination procedure
Weigh or sample 2 in 100mL baking soda, add 20ml of water, 5ml of aldehyde, 2ml of nitric acid, boil until the sample is dissolved, cool and add 50ml of 5% potassium sulfide solution to dilute it with water, shake it, and plot the corresponding content on the curve of the optical density change point obtained by the package. B3.5 Calculation of the content of the cold section by formula (1):
The content of the cold section is obtained by plotting the line,
Parallel analysis shows that the content is not less than 0.03%:14 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
According to CB5462,
B5 Determination of moisture content
According to GB5462,
【Appendix to the standard】
Test method for chemical composition of potassium hydroxide
Determination of potassium hydroxide (KCL) content
According to GB549
2 Determination of alcohol salt (calculated as S)
According to B654
C3 Determination of iron (Fe) content
According to method B3 in Appendix B.
C4 Determination of water-insoluble matter content
According to B6549
C5 Determination of moisture content
According to GB6549
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